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I remember seeing a scene from a movie (or possibly a TV show), the gist of it was this:

There was a group reminiscing on a family (neighbors?), that were so stupid that they fucked up everything they did. Because they were so stupid, they ended up trying to end their own lives, but they were so stupid they fucked that up. It cuts to an enactment of the suicide, where the father(?) tried to hang himself in the barn, but instead of putting the rope around his neck, he had put it around his torso and under his armpits. His son(?) (who wasn't suicidal) rescues his father, but then accidentally hangs himself properly.

I might be forgetting some details, or have gotten things wrong, but the punchline was essentially the hanging by the torso.

I could've sworn it was letterkenny but i dont think it was
I've seen a screenshot of the opposite, the son tries to kill himself and the father is like YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG LET ME SHOW YO-ACK!
yeah this might have been it. do you remember any details?

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