Could someone explain in layman's terms how good or bad diet soda is for you? Specifically Pepsi Max? If I drank 1 can a day for example, what would that do to me?
Unless you have an allergy to something in there, there's nothing wrong with it. Think about how many people drink over a GALLON of diet soda a day. If there was something harmful, you'd hear about it. Now think about the people who drink lots of sugar/HFCS soda a day. What do they look like?
>When measuring the results of soda with sugar versus sugar-free soda, they found acids in both caused dental enamel to erode. Sweetener type was less of a factor, as it was the acid in the beverage that eroded the enamel.
>>1512185>there's nothing wrong with it.Oh, my. Aspartame is not harmless and it's ignorant to assume so. Somebody is going to post studies, but it causes weight gain despite the lack of calories, it causes cancer. It's terrible shit, it's arguable if it's any better than HFCS, and you've noticed what that poison is doing
>>1512195Where are the bodies?
>>1512195>studies say,,,Studies don't typically say what you think they do.
a twin of yours never tasted a cola and you consumed one for life, if we compare them at the end of their days we will find several anomalies in your body that are not present in your brother, which are quite obvious even for npcs, obesity, insulin resistance, corroded teeth, weakened bones, altered intestinal flora, etc. do what you want my friend, but when your body fails because of your stupidity do not blame others>>1512196in the cemeteries
>>1512199Talk is cheap. Show me.
>>1512192Yes, so have a glass of water afterwards and continue to brush and floss thrice daily as usual. Enjoy your soda!
say goodbye to you're teeth