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/x/ - Paranormal

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How come some people are just naturally gifted at using computers? It feels like some people have a sixth sense for machines in the same vein some people are naturally better at understanding/reading people.

Is there something supernatural about this power and if so can it be learned?
The Crystal gene is not present in the entire hominid population.
signs that you have that gene?
>inb4 if you have to ask
The Crystal people are not emotionally very warm. And tend to be outspoken.
Yo lucifer stfu faggot
Stfu anon fag faggety
The truth always upsets fools. They're very angry lately.
Ive made lots of attempts to teach people coding and various other computer-related tasks and think the important trait here is a general desire to comprehend and fundamentally understand complex systems. People who learn by rote memorization, or who have lost the ability to learn at all will never be good with these. And yes, this means the absolute majority of women. I wasn't born with these abilities, I've acquired them over the years of being guided by curiosity.
Coding in what base?
coding as in a synonym for programming
Computers are a pain in the ass. Some people persevere and fix the problems, others give up. Its not paranormal.
I took summer nerd computer classes as a kid. Now I walk around with godlike abilities compared to pinks. A lot of it just problem solving and sticking with a problem long enough to solve it. The only thing I should have done was take typing classes. who knew how important that would be.
>how come
anyone using these words should be banned for being an underage low IQ redneck. you're probably from florida, right?
I think a lot of it is understanding how a computer will be able to work things out. A computer is a brain in a sense. It has a lot of raw power but it can be pretty stupid how it does things a lot of the time.

If you want to get better at using computers, I’d recommend learning how to use excel (I use libre office because it’s free). Try setting up data tables that will preform calculations for you, for example, change meters into feet or stuff like that.
Try picking up Colemak to teach yourself how to type. Good for neuroplasticity. You can do it as an adult, I did.
The 'male' mind eventually outgrows computers and moves beyond analytical reason as it grows.

It's more helpful to think in terms of Yang-mind and Yin-mind, as opposed to biological gender. Many of the women are too clever already to be 'successful' IT people, imho.
When you start talking to crystals, they tell you more interesting things than software ever could. Bad news for AI.
Get off real high real quick. Gotta stay low.
lucifer uses the colemak layout lol, i learn something new every day on this board
"Autism" is the word you're looking for.
>LUCIFER !!DuST03+8twr
Using a trip just for attention whoring is weak.
Good thing I'm not in that absolute majority

>t. been using computers since I was about 5 and loved them ever since
I do it because the frequency is too fast for certain people. My posts make them very upset. You can filter my posts out this way. You're welcome!
>Draws attention to herself so that others can ignore her.
rocket science
I just post what I want. It draws attention either way. At least now you can filter it. This is not my first year on 4chan or the internet influencing masses of people.

You're welcome for Trump. I thought you deserved it.
Some people are simply not morons.
To be honest, I don't know.

The first time I sat down at a *NIX based OS... For some reason... I intuitively knew all the CLI commands. I had never learned them or looked them up. I just... "knew it" and I never could explain to myself internally why that was the case, I just knew how to do stuff that I had never even attempted to learn before.
computers are just programmable machines. machines are logical systems and programs are logical instructions for that machine. program logic is just mathematics and syntax. Just as there are people who are naturally more gifted at math, these same people will be naturally more gifted at using computers. iq has a lot to do with it too, even if you were to complete level the playing field in other dimensions and just looked at iq, if you have an iq of 140, from a very crude interpretation of iq, you will learn 40% more than the average. plus, when you're good at something and continue to get better it creates a positive feedback loop where you enjoy learning about it more. and then you appear like a wizard to everyone who has not been on the same learning path as you because you're so far ahead. this is why people consider tech giants to be geniuses
alpha tango six top three 99 and 603~576. End transmission.
>he says as he posts 30 times in a row to himself.
I work in IT (ten years now. not a codemonkey, nor a helpdeskfag and not a jeet)
Shit is whack yo
Boomers AND Zoomers dont fucking get it how the machine works because both are drooling retards.
The sheer amount of believes IT workers (colleagues and myself included) have in regards to servers, storages or technology in general is very funny when encountering a problem or just working normally with it.
For example giving a NAS personality traits and berating it for encountering a problem until they fix it and then they pet the device.

IMO we just project on to them. I'm pretty sure people that work with (heavy) machinery do the same
indigo crystals are special, in other words
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Little something to try if a server, a program, machinery, etc. appears unfixable:
Pray to the God of All Machines that he might move the Machine Spirit to correct motion again, then light an incense stick in his honor and possibly another one to propitiate the Machine Spirit (ideally something associated with air or Mercury for the intellectual-logical nature of the thing).

Record results to guard against biased memory. This works more often than not.
The fagbase in my prettiest dress making out with my boyfriend
He will never be a woman
no they are just being douchebags/you're retarded

like i can hardly install a linux distro so to real nerds I'm an idiot but to people who are too dumb to connect to wifi, I'm a wizard. there is a general intelligence aspect to it as well as curiosity. computers at its most basic is just boolean physics and ad hoc data manipulation. to do something ten times for example, you don't say repeat ten times, you say create x and make it 1 then add 1 to x each time then terminate once x is 10. but higher up it is just familiarity like knowing a harddrive needs an os installed
Wait op i actually have a good story about this but didnt give a shit till i read the post
>Me gangsta white nigga works as mechanic arcade
>Gets call on radio to help woman at zombie snatcher game
>fsshoo ill be there soon
>walks over and see's chubby asian woman
>visibly pissed
>mad cuz no points from game
>notices shes on player 6 and we always have issues on that side
>tells chubby asian grape that ill get someone to give her points and she'll have to use a different side
>gets super pissed and throws lil baby fit about how the other players side dont work the same and she can get it every time on this one
>i tell the dumb blue mochi ball too bad its broken and walk away
>me, talking to religious autist savant head mechanic, legendary guy but looks a little bit primitive, doesnt ever pluck unibrow
>me and him always joke about dumb people in the arcade
>tell him about encounter with mad blueberry expecting a good laugh
>with a weird straight face he goes oh.. some people are weirdly intuned with the games or have some sort of sixth sense with certain games, and she was right that the arms in zombie game do move slightly different some slower some faster but unnoticeable to 99% of people
>me impressed with cubbs but also concerned that shell roll our arcade then fuck off
>game master Frida Kahlo says theres not enough of them to effect the biz
>go on with my day never thought about it till i saw the post, blue bitch knew some shit
I've given up trying to make my mom remember how to copy/paste
my answer: they don't care because I'm here to do it for them instead, it's lack of pressure
Computers are a safe space for autists who crave certainty. Coding is like masturbating to their own "genius". Except any monkey can be trained to code, and maybe even engineer large software systems. All the hardwork has already been done for you, the hardware, the software stack etc... Only few people on the planet are actual machine wizards. They are either turbo autists, or an average humble joe, the rarest breed. The only difference is that the turbo autist thinks he is god because he can type the correct strings on a keyboard while the average joe wizard is simply an actual person with a life who survived long enough within the circlejerking neckbeard communities without losing his soul to keyboard ego masturbation. There is nothing supetnatural about computer stuff, if your brain is capable of basic arithmatic you can be taught how machines work and how to build stuff out of them. My advice for you is to touch grass and forget about these "skills" because any occupation with a keyboard will eventually be replaced by AI. Nobody is punching tapes anymore, and nobody will be using keyboards in 20 years. Its better that you work out, get hands on skills, learn how to build a house and fix your car if you havent already, those are the real superpowers. I wasted my 20s on the keyboard jail treadmill and only now i am waking up from this trance, never been happier.
It wasn't a complete waste... congrats on making it to the other side.
Opposite for me, or so it feels.
Born able to catch on fast, which has taught me terrible habits of not practicing, which I'm trying to undo to this day.
My coding came out of necessity and the domain of my entertainment, being poor & needing a way out without money and pc games respectively.
Had to figure out how to get things to work.
Had to get repair manuals and repair my own things, e.g. cars, because I couldn't afford a mechanic. Higher education, have always had to "figure shit out".
Enough about my blog post, let's talk about others.
If you can't follow instructions enough to cook rice, or manage money, or organize enough thoughts to plan into the near-future, 3 months, 6 months, 2 years, if you can't _think_, you're doomed.
A computer can only do what you tell it. And it does Exactly what you tell it. So if you're a dunce, your computer prowess will never exceed your raw ability to learn, read the manual, learn from others, be objective, be scientific, and learn from & improve && iterate upon mistakes.
It even gets the best of Crystal People, we forget to read the logs, we need sanity checks, so if it gets the best of us sometimes, then your chances are slim to none.
And you know this:
Crystal Race is the Master Race
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Technomancy is real.
narcist fuck

dito lucifag
Only the insane willingly learn the language of computers. You have to be a special kind of touched in the head to be a natural at it.

Here's a freebie:

I grew up during the beige age of the 90's. My grandma let me on her Win95 and trusted me enough to let me play around on it. I was typing at 25-30 WPM and installing games at like 6 years old.

I've been pondering this a lot and essentially only young gen X and old millennials really care about computer literacy on a basic level. Most of us are gamers AND work IT or STEM. So not only is computer literacy just for work, but for pleasure as well (PC Master Race for life!).

The older generations simply didn't have the tech to know anything about computers and the younger generations grew up during a time of smartphones and fast internet and ipads. They don't essentially need to know more than for to move a mouse and keyboard around-if that. I find most of the younger gens can't type. They peck the keys. It's actually pretty sad the things that are being phased out but, hey, it'll get better. We have to believe that.

There's nothing supernatural about learning something new. My motto in life is that everything in learning is about following directions. If you don't get it, look at the directions. You don't know everything and never will but you can learn SOMETHING.
the boomers were the best at it though. Like Al Gore was a boomer and he invented the internet.
based as fuck post


Do you ...
1. recall where you learned about the Crystal gene?
2. know if it causes autism?
3. know if there's an agenda to target people with the Crystal gene? If so, do you know who's behind it?
Louise Cypher guys crack that shit this guy is so fucking annouing
Start with reading Murry Hope, pic related. As with all things, you will have to confirm the information presented for yourself.

The bearers of the Crystal gene could certainly be confused with the "autistic", as many are extremely high achieving scientists and mathematicians. I don't think we should pathologize neurodivergence. Autism is a complex spectrum, in any case.

There is no conspiracy against you. There is only ignorance, and those afraid of difference and the unknown. They are your persecutors.
And the internet is a series of tubes
Do you have a Pastebin of resources you've consulted over the years?
No, I haven't put one together as of yet I'm giving you some of the good stuff already. Your path will end up being your own in any case.
One can learn Harmonics for example with only a monochord - a single piece of string.

Actually reading Hans Kayser will of course help tremendously. The law of vibration will do the rest.
I've never heard of this but it sounds like me
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Do you like cats?
How'd you discover moldavite? Do you know if this video can enable visualization for people with aphantasia?
Exposure, interest, and role models play the biggest role. Like anything, learning in your youth pays dividends. I spent countless hours fixing computers and learning DOS as a child. It's easy to say I was naturally gifted, but I know better.
Moldavite came to me through my own investigations into Shambhala.

Developing strong mental visualization is a matter of focused effort by the individual. I can give you some assistance and encouragement telepathically, but still, you're the one doing it.
Do you know if it's possible for someone with aphantasia to have photographic memory?
>my own investigations into Shambhala
What'd you learn?
Without visuals it's eidetic memory.
>actual person with a life
>touch grass
You talk like a boomer NPC
Stop that
Maybe you're just stupid?
All memories are permanent. Forgetting is very often necessary, and full access is temporarily restricted for good reason.

I learned a lot of things from seeking Shambhala. If you want to know more for yourself, read all the works published by the Agni Yoga Society.

Taking a break for a bit to watch the hockey game. Have a good night!

This post kinda sums it up. There is absolutely nothing X related about being able to use computers, so really this whole thread is about the dumbest thing ever posted on here. But the real issue is that only your gen X and old millennials (I’m in my 40s) understand computers because they came up in a time where you had to really understand some fundamentals to be able to use a computer at all. Kids today (and super old people) have no idea how to install and operating system, how file storage systems work, the just don’t understand ANYTHING about the basics of how a computer functions and just act like it is something that came down from outer space. But it’s just a learnable skill, nobody is born knowing this stuff. So if you want to get good at it, just devote the time and effort to understanding the basics and everything else builds from there.
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cats are ok, here is my doggo though

if it helps he likes to walk along narrow, high platforms and try to catch birds heh. He also seems to respect cats a lot but, alas, he is a dog.
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ITT: people not realizing OP is shitposting
It's not even being a natural, it's practice. And to be insanely good, you have to have an autistic level of focus. Normies can do that, but it comes natural to aussies.
Case in point, friend of mine is kn the spectrum. Grew up Asian, so it was metaphorically beaten out of him, so he's high functioning, super nice, and will go ham coding for 12 hours straight- to the point he gets physically sick after going for 12 hours for a month straight.
So of course he has the practical hours put in, and he learns from mistakes, he just gets better. Absolute machine.
I do enough to get my job done + not get calls on weekends.
It's practice, experience, and if you have a natural aptitude, you'll be a standard deviation better, but at 10,000 hours, that deviation may not be as noticable.
Schizos have more credibility than governments and news media currently.
That's a cute dog you got there anon
>The Crystal gene
Wtf is that?
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a e s t h e t i c
I want more things to look like this
How to manifest this reality?

maybe not, it is possible to train computer to recognize user behaviour pattern and to perform very task user vishes to happen
True. But you're also a larping faggot who tends to spout nonsense, passing it off as wisdom.
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niggas smart bruh
It helps if you got your first computer in the 80s or 90s.

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