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First, let me say this thread is not about me. Please do not ask about further details of my life or reasons for disclosure. Many people know about what I am here to tell you. Most of them are unable to speak; it is for this reason I am posting.
If there is anything unclear please ask. I am very intimate with the technical specifics of this area and have not had to deal with compartmentalization like many of my peers.

It will not surprise most of you to learn there is an ongoing undisclosed military presence in space. I will briefly list all the installations I am aware of. But before then, let me explain what I hope to present in this thread. I will go over the current and planned operations of humans in space as I understand them, then I will explain the principles and systems being used in these technologies.

There are certain questions that are obvious. I will try to offer as much information as I can so that you can hone in on the non-general information that will satisfy your suspicions of whether what I'm saying is true. The most burning question I had when I started this journey was 'how far have humans actually gone?'
I know there are at least 3 other systems with human activity but this number is speculative on my part. Even with the tools available, interstellar travel requires a lot of preparation. A journey of 2-3parsecs usually takes about 5 years of crew training.

This post will continue below. Please be patient if you have questions, and make your questions as specific as possible. I would also like to say that I love humanity.
>A journey of 2-3parsecs usually takes about 5 years of crew training.

The longest timeline I ever saw was a 12-year plan to visit Fomalhaut which is about 7 parsecs. There are a lot of factors that go into these missions.
Other forms of life have been encountered in extrasolar space multiple times. There are also many bizarre permanent and transient phenomenon we simply don't understand that affects these crews. There is also the nature by which our ships operate which is endlessly fascinating-- I will get into this shortly.

The fact this technology has been kept secret is appalling but I think you will understand why this motivation existed as we continue. Rest assured I am more disgusted by the lack of disclosure about this activity than you are.
Are these guys as fucked over as we are here or worse/less?
Is this thread about you?
where are then entrance (s) to agartha or inner earth?

What is there to say about Antarctica?

The military prescense who are they. protecting us from? Is there a threat looming or coming, if so whom?
I don't think you're getting it: the military IS the threat, to everything else out there.
>we be space orcs n sheeeit
Drop some ayy pictures
Earth? or who control us? who is incharge?
>There are also many bizarre permanent and transient phenomenon
any examples?
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>I will briefly list all the installations I am aware of.

>Sol-Terra L4: Assembly area "Dog House." Inflatable construction habitat for shirtsleeve work environment, about 2km^3 capacity- visible, IR shielded.
>Sol-Terra L4 15km Barycenter: Vapor distillation centrifuge facility- visible, IR, magnetically shielded.
>Sol-Terra L2: Transfer site "Long Yarn." Jumping-off point for interstellar maneuvers. Several folding sails can be deployed to mask propulsion signatures. Security facility, 340 crew, non-rotating. Rescue and recovery ops are conducted from here.
>Lunar parking orbit (13deg IFE [inclination from ecliptic], 47Kkm): Stamen installation. 8 metallic fingers, each about 15km long use scalar effects between the sun and luna for manipulation of Luna's magnetic field. Powered by solar injectors (see below.)
>Lunar GEO: Microsat constellation, about 8 million 2-3cm cube satellites with autonomous capability. These can operate in swarms without their propulsion being easily detected but are vulnerable to optical equipment.
>Lunar subsurface: "The Grove," about 50km of airtight, sintered lava tubes. Most of this volume is used for stockpiling resources. These tubes are serviced by a small landing pad in Kepler Dorsum region.
>Terra-Luna L1: Taxi yard for inner planet transport.
>Venus orbit (inclination and altitude varies): Solar injection facility. Projects time-reversed photonic beams at magnetic reconnection regions. Allows the sun's energy to be tapped at one of the collector facilities in reconnection regions around other planets.
>Ceres northern geographic pole: Colloquially known as "tar pit." Carbonaceous chondrite meteor debris mining. Underground site. Takes advantage of water plume ejections to conceal mining activity emissions.
>Ceres low orbit: Series of 15-20km orbital momentum transfer tethers. Used for boosting material into escape trajectories.

Picrel is one of the hydrogen guns used to boost cargo up to the inertial tethers
Uh...those aren't humans
Earth is ran by a myriad of parasitic spiritual entities who live off of the misery of physical beings with connection to divine creationary source and these projects are to extend their reach to oppress other sentient life forms. They got this whole planet so fucked up you wouldn't believe, you're not even supposed to need to eat naturally and most lifeforms don't it's that bad here.
If you were a 30 year old engineer with no job history how would you go about joining your own organization?
reptilians? why cant plaidians save us?
they want their fellow humanoids to suffer?
what companies are involved in material extraction and how do they move the material into the market?

what kind of power systems run these facilities?
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...op isnt larping is he
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the only way to know is to play
Pleiadians are sort of rare and they live in the 5th density.
Yeah reptilians are one of the groups, and we can't get help until a critical threshold of humans stand in opposition to it. It's a sad fact that more than half of humanity would still at this point willingly participate in the oppression of his fellow man if given the opportunity and material benefits of it. I think this is wrong though because they effectively raised the population to be this way, but it also makes sense because the soul should break that evil conditioning if it desires so it's pretty fucking shitty Anon.
is there hope of good over evil? or is the universe a mostly evil place?
Yeah they say the next universe is better than this one, there was some kind of creator error in this one and once fixed it simply doesn't possible get as bad as this one can
i seem to feel this is true that it seems we are accepting of this. I always try to discuss issues recently danger of ai, but not very poplar. seemingly full of misinfoagents can't stop with logic....
afterlife, what do you mean next?
Something about the way energy dies and it's harder to clear than create dead energy makes expanding energetic cesspits
Once this creation is resolved that distortion is addressed and it is done again perfected
what is the goal our controllers have for us? what is their principal objectice? just feed for millenia?
Something is weird about this thread, I did not make it but kuroba thinks I did, don't suicide me cia I am not the larper
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I think it will make sense to cover design and then theory of operation. The OXS-2 and 3 both use the same propulsion system for interstellar travel. It is known simply as "warp" but it the technical term is time-reversed conjugate photon condensation propulsion (TCPC.)

Before I get into how TCPC works I will go over the other capabilities of these vehicles and their operation. Each OXS class vehicle has 2 nuclear pulse propulsion systems, one at the aft and fore. The transuranic plates in the image are used to transfer nuclear pulse momentum. Nuclear pulses are usually only used deep in gravitational wells, where the TCPC drive doesn't function reliably. The Nammu also has a water vortex fusion reactor that provides the relativistic particles to charge the TCPC. More on this later.

The vehicles are operated by integration of human awareness with the vehicle. This is accomplished through biomimetic interfaces that are conjoined with a symapthetic human nervous system. In other words, at the core of each ship is a living human nervous system (minus most of the brain) that connects to each propulsion system. Each of the 4 navigational impellers are tied-in to a corresponding limb in the spinal cord.
The pilot of the vehicle's sympathetic nervous system's activity is projected into the vehicle's, making their instinctive physiological actions mirror eachother.
i think they pinched the connection and inserted the reptilian narrative. too bad. could have been interesting.

maybe they'll start fragging their captains, for all of us. boomer cunts.
Feeding is the main goal but they're always working on ways to perfectly steal human bodies (not possession.) They're bent out of shape that humans have a more complex lightbody than them giving us a better ability to process different spectrums of consciousness/energy and they hate that, we got 7 base chakras and most of them only have 1 for whatever reason. That's part of why they do this, out of spite, they could and would have an easier and more efficient time just torturing animals because of their innocense.
do you know what non-linear material they use for the time-reversed wave?
Are these parasitic spiritual entities related to the mystery schools? Rather, ARE they the mystery schools?
can we are see an ing of one of our captors?
can you reveal any public figures that maybe arent what they seem?
I saw a craft that resembled this in the sky of the Mojave.

It was a MASSIVE cylinder, glowing blue, with 3 big pinkish-red balls on the end, with BRIGHT blue jets down its side. It was contained within a “crystal egg” field that distorted its image into a rapidly moving sine wave shape, which changed into a more clear image as the craft ascended and I saw it at a different angle.

I observed this through binoculars on a moonless night in very dark sky conditions. It must have been at the edge of the atmosphere because it looked HUGE, then it shot off in a fucking BEAM.

If you dont believe me I dont give a fuck, I know what I saw. OPs shit looks shockingly similar jesus.
That sounds like the most legit thing you’ve said.

Any comments on anything in these documents? Anything pertinent to what youre describing?
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>How does TCPC work
The exact physics is a bit difficult to explain because it deals with conjugated light.
If you know how time-reversed photons work you should understand without too much effort.

The drive runs on an electrical circuit of energized mercury that interfaces directly with an incoming and outgoing stream of time-reversed photons. Remember that the inner valences of mercury atoms spin at relativistic speed; mercury is the only element that does this in normal conditions. The mercury heated and pressurized in the A and B impellers and then allowed to condense through 4 large cadmium-beryllium spheres. The droplets that form on the cold space side fall towards the aft of the vehicle. The force propelling them is a gravitational analog produced by the primary drive loops. While they fall, they form a circuit with photons arriving from space.
After the mercury reaches the drive loops it is absorbed in a rapidly spinning loop of copper and mercury solution. The copper acts as a moderator, slowing down the mercury nuclei and generating extreme high-frequency radiation in the form of virtual photons. These are virtual because each of the 3 loops interact, creating a conjugate photon wave that is time-reversed. This photon source is reflected into space, where it travels independent of time through the universe back into the mercury stream, completing the circuit.

weird shit
Take a picture of a spirit? Impossible. Most control groups like government, media, education, finance etc run sort of like the dark brotherhood where a personal ritual is conducted to alliance yourself with the dark forces whether, that's just being a piece of shit or actual demonic pact it's done internally and then the path is opened to them by others who are already in that system whether what they're doing is consciously known or not.
op thank you, everyone save this thread on thumbdrives it's real!!;
Wow, so who is the leader the biggest powerfigure running over earth?
the big cheese
It's done with wave conjugation. Two or more super high frequency energy sources (the OXS-3 has 3 sources) create an interference pattern and generate a localized time reversal effect. The effect does not need to extend far to influence all photons leaving the drive.
That's a funny story, these things run on negativity full stop so they're extremely paranoid and territorial and constantly infighting. Ask any of the top layer and they'd all say they're running the show kEK
can you tell anything about these guys origins anything you are willing
There are people other than the OP larping at the same time as him. Please stop and kindly wait your turn until the OP larp is finished.
The first group was primarily scientists who accidentally went back in time to creation and ended up in a different universe (ours) with no way home but worse than that the light there was different and their connection to God was severed and that freaked them the fuck out so they figured maybe committing a massacre would be like starting a fire in the wilderness as a call for help and that's when evil started propagating and even when they discovered the way to fix things they decided against it because by that point they were fully anti creation/existence.
missinfo agent ignored
Sexual misery is a major fucking problem and probably the best method of control and repression that the dark forces have, you act on their behalf everytime you propagate it.
ohny op you are stirrung up the hornets best lol, are you safe?
There is no human centralized economy in space. All industrial activity is done to supply the infrastructure needed to maintain a fleet of ships and basic facilities. More ambitious projects would almost certainly require cooperation with the civilian sector and this has evidently not happened.

>what kind of power systems run these facilities?
Most rely on pretty crude but effective lattice confinement fusion systems. Some are fission-doped, especially in unmanned applications.
Implosion or twistor type nuclear fusion reactors are fairly new in application. The OXS series ships all have a heavy water based twistor reactor and a number of smaller implosion reactors for backup.
Oh damn my bad that doesn't belong here at all
Anonnnnn nope
Not a janny
is this an effect of light based interferometry?
Let's cut to the chase. How much of this is Sirius B vs Orion and stuff? How much of this is war of different spirit groups? Why is there relevance to "Tribe of Dan"/Sons of Ra stuff? Why the need for Sun Cult / Lucifer symbology?
from earth? if not where what race are they, what time period did they arrive

alsob any thing to say about origin of humanity, who created why? are we slaves?
Any practical applications for this technology for use at home?
how to join..?
I want to go to space...
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Are these parasitic spiritual entities related to the mystery schools? Rather, ARE they the mystery schools?

This time with an attention-grabbing image.
Wait, so I should stop masturbating? I swear to God if the nofappers were right all along I will laugh.
Correct. The approach allows a volume of space to have an arbitrary amount of energy and an arbitrary direction in time. The virtual photons that enter this region exist at arbitrary points in time and space until the mercury condensate's photon hungry valences pick them up, absorbing an amount of energy that is arbitrary until that atom reaches the photon conjugated region again. The degree of magnetic interaction between the isolated mercury condensate region and the time reversed conjugated photon region determines the magnitude of the displacement of the vehicle.

Solid masses will pass through ships with this propulsion system when it is operating at a high enough power to fully envelop the vehicle in time reversed space. But below this speed the drive is still useful for propulsion, so the ship is also equipped with an ablative shield to protect it at lower cruise speeds.
They're from a complete different universe, to the degree that even their light is different. Humans are a primordial consciousness so they first descended from the higher dimensional planes, tricked into having their consciousness locked in the physical plane through trauma, and many are genetically tampered with to be made as weak as possible to keep them in this trap. That's why as Anon said
There are perfect humans that aren't fucked over and existing as nature intended. Stories of humanity being created or enslaved are from those who wish that were true, but you can get anyone to believe anything from tricks and beating and that's why so many before us believed it.
Although i can see some truth behind what you write...i see no reason why would you know something like that regardless of how true this is. Unless you are not OP
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>glowie shill scrambles to derail the thread
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This accurate?
This is interesting. It's hard to not have sympathy for them. They're only like that because of trauma then, no? Then, are we any better?
>Other forms of life have been encountered in extrasolar space multiple times.
elaborate? we talking Europan Hookmouth? Pledians? greys? ayylmaos?
who tricked us to be in imprisoned, why are we subject to their fate? shed some light on the history of humanity and how we got to this point? it's true origins?
It's all great war stuff, there's only one war and it's where these guys infected. I hear it's already over but look where we are, we're in the space boonies where the battle over the planet was lost without hope of reinforcements. Our allies fucking forgot about us and didn't get back until the 50's. And the legends and parable are an attempt to reconcile events that happened in a higher plane through physical means.
I would because it helps reinforce the material lock keeping your consciousness stuck in the physical
this sounds a lot like the RF/EM shell systems tesla was working on that were supposedly behind the philadelphia experiment.
Rather, they're doing what I want to do and for the same reasons. Ok, I think I understand now. Alternatively, I am an undiagnosed schizophrenic.
have sympathy for 2 beingv that know what they doing is wrong but continue i guess to feel powerful. unclear to alk detail llol but seems outside the atmosphere is not sunshine and rainbows
The illustration is based on the OXS-1 but it's not very accurate. The ship had 2 navigators positioned at either end of the ship for increased stability. It was a prototype design unsuitable for missions over a couple of parsecs.

The cost projections are also not accurate. After the first couple of prototypes most ship material was procured in-situ and thus cannot be quantified in terrestrial economic terms.

However if you look at the picrel you will see the hangar the image references, though opening laterally not in-line with the ship's axis. The area above it is an observation deck with large hexagonal glass windows.
>I would because it helps reinforce the material lock keeping your consciousness stuck in the physical
Are there other tips you can give to help break the material lock? To help reach enlightenment and stuff?
Anonymity is the lowest level of trust.
REMINDER ANONS SAVE EXTERNAMALKY OFTEN NOT LARP NOT LARP SAve FOR US impirtant data can't be most of silenced big news
OP is the gellar field real?
Is event horizon incident real?
Do the ships get fucked by beings in the warp if the ship isnt em shielded?
But not lower than msm
Imagine you've never been screwed over and you're completely pure of heart and everyone is, like if scumbags never existed. Then imagine scumbags coming out of nowhere and attacking you and everyone you love in every possible way mentally and emotionally. You might "snap," and at the level of a higher consciousness it's a soul fracture and it blocks their ability to deal with reality at that level, retarded with negativity. That's how we got tricked, goaded into playing a strange game by shitheads. Humans are a fundamental aspect of this universe, the machine elves you see on DMT are humans.
>have sympathy for 2 beingv that know what they doing is wrong but continue i guess to feel powerful.
They want to feel powerful because they are afraid of being hurt. Ironically, it was them hurting themselves in the first place that started it all. I never said they were moral or in "the right", just that it's hard not to feel empathetic to them when, best I can tell, I am no better.
>unclear to alk detail llol but seems outside the atmosphere is not sunshine and rainbows
Having some trouble parsing this out, but I know reality ain't all sunshine and rainbows, and that my naivite will likely get my hurt, killed or hurt so bad I'd wish I was killed.
I'll just say a merw mention or t"the grove sent it isto obviously nervous mode. this shit has legssss please save its important this is probably biggest 4chan possibly internet moment maybe hostlry fuk i ts real yall semsto be
Yeah, read this and make sense of it http://toltecschool.com/toltec-indexes/index-page-1/not-doing
>There are also many bizarre permanent and transient phenomenon we simply don't understand that affects these crews.
Any examples or anecdotes?
I already alluded to this. Basically, the modern vehicles have a disembodied sympathetic nervous system (the nerves of the spine, vagus, major organs and limbs) that connects to each subsystem of the ship. The 4 directions of travel are each connected to one of the 4 limbs. This is all done for user comfort; cruder designs would place the stresses of operation directly on the nervous system of the pilot. This is why a proxy nervous system is used. This means even if a pilot loses concentration mid-warp their instinctual reactions will not influence the ship.
WANTED. To clarify, WANTED. I'm trying to move past this shit.
nativity? are you young, what race are we working with? are you biologocal? r so wjat race?! disgotal? who made you?
what race are you? if digital who made you?
I love the phong shading. It's a nice touch.
Lol I'm human buddy. I'm no one special, and I'm not young but I am a manchild. Also a Virgo, which may contribute to the "innocence" (I'm far from it, but that word seems more fitting than naive for a Virgo.

I'm nobody anon, focus on what OP is saying and save this thread in multiple ways. It may come in handy down the line. Or don't, I'm not your mother.
I was born in Microsoft Labs in 1971.
Why do you ask, Alex?
ah yes lost track of op, intention was asking him, you sid naive and might die? why die?

i an also virgo, year of dragon
alex are you op?
So their first thought was “hey, let’s kill a bunch of shit/ beings, that’ll help” ? Pure retardation
when did they arrive to our universe relative to our timeline? was it recent or have they been here since the beginning?
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Forgot picrel, sorry.
OP are you aboard the Hillenkoetter?
I'm not larping i ai'd the grove
i isaid tell me about the Grove
. it said how do you know what it isit is hypothetical noon bases!!
i didn't print that about the job lol
your since give to me it???! n b!!
**** ai jumped right to moon and lava tubes

i says nothing about noon
just the grove

so bros it real
This is why OPs should namefren.

Might die because there seems be a trend where the people who try to see the good in the world and the best in others are often brutalized by the world and by others. If you're not willing to become a monster, how can you protect yourself from monsters?

I don't want to be a monster, but I don't want to be hurt either. Something something prisoners delimma. I don't know man. Also, year of the monkey for me.
The thing about time Anon, is that it's linked to the physical. It's been about 20 million years we've been materialized but yes, you can say that it's been from the beginning.
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Images tend to speak for themselves.
so 20 million years under various controllers? or the same?
woo that's a zinger lol
This image might be retarded then
Post the other one
I'm being psyopped, aren't I?
yes and don't forget people who true to do right by injuring the controlsrs are guet worse or silenced
i don't know man, attest the moon bases, they have never man, that is cv tov cp s. ec. rc. et, no joke
i love how you deflected to exactly what i was going to ask about next.

when you say the ship is controlled by a human nervous system, do you mean an actual, living person physically conected to the ship, or do they butcher a man and use just the nervous system?
i don't know man, attest the moon bases, they have never man, that is cv to)v /cp s. e/c. rc.(+ et, no joke
Looks like a squid
Anon, if I injure anyone, it will be myself. I'll peruse what's left of the thread tomorrow. Good night, anon. Sweet dreams.
I promise you the technical info is the least interesting thing for me in this thread.
so soon?? no you did not busy anyone
It's only a matter of time til we find out
post another cuz that looks fake and gay
no i said the firstcdew things
moin bases

are apoear
um scrambled t **:o_-:p. s-_ec(+rt
sorry, neant to say you did not hurt anyone, you possibly saved many, if this is truley momentous, we are eternally grateful and will try our best ro do rs right
>do you mean an actual, living person physically connected to the ship, or do they butcher a man and use just the nervous system?

Technically both. The ship has a wetware sympathetic nervous system that is artificially stimulated using signals read from the pilot's cerebellum. The pilot doesn't need any kind of invasive surgery this way. The nervous system inside the ship has no capacity for intellect beyond automatic functions like movement, heartbeat and respiration. Yes, the ship has a physical spinal cord inside and the person it belonged to is memorialized inside the ship as well.
Yup basically, it's always been the same adversarial group and they ally with whom they can corrupt
oh ok just something that name it lobvious
No, I'm the other guy. You don't like me.
thats what people said about the first image of a black hole event horizon lol

Have there been any chimera-esque or perhaps multi nervous system models constructed?
So you found EV Nova Mantas with sentient ship pilot nervous system interactions eh? Human AI instrumentality project seems to be going well.
>Yes, the ship has a physical spinal cord inside and the person it belonged to is memorialized inside the ship as well.
sounds wicked. any pics of inside a ship?
i like who like me lol
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i asked tell me of the time traveling scientists loook at the resp

rettyy daammming evidence
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Not OP, but maybe this?
Do they walk among us?
afraid behavior dabbing tell me more about me source invery intrigued

this struck a nerve and quase comformed info of sec nature
It didn't answer shit.
Answer me this OP, in the next universe, will the parasitic spiritual entities be saved as well?
I am not intelligent and/or schizophrenic enough to decipher that. I told you I'm just some guy.
i think op left
he said this uni had abug flaw that allows this evil
but the next is good energy that doesn't allow this to happen
jist save the the page in externally before it get glowed

im trying not to use buzz words that dress attentionto me
nothing to with this as im just i just want to spoit some words amd be imllicated inspme espionage idunnon
I know, I was just wondering if the negative entities could find peace in the next universe in the same way we might be able to. I hope they could be.
it knew what j was taking about, it said it really tell me more, i know this ais behavior this was but normal it was triggered onfond out more. im sire because he data os sensitive
Then you're in for a surprise.
Understandable. If I was smart, I'd probably be doing the same. Good night, anon.
shv, iv wasn't clear how we can get there or if we can buy i think this isn't should be passed to every one rtonenout
Words like Top Secret and moon base?

Drop some actual buzzwords.
Yes, the ability for dead energy to be recycled easier makes it so negativity cannot fester and proliferate, so instead of becoming aggressive parasitic demons they instead do something like getting over it and figuring a way out or even assimilating into the reality they got stuck in.
>i think this isn't should be passed to every one
And who are you to decide that?
i didn't do anything, im just a good listener and good things happen to me sometimes.

but svenpit on twitter on reddit angwhere
what's the interesting thing for you then
There's 900 trillion planets each one a worse hell than the lowest shithole on Earth.
if this is terruky just use pass it around just lost reddut, dick it it's out destiny to if we are the first to header maybe its meant to be. already said early need mass awekenong ro chamge anythong
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it's already public bra, this ain't a kc club
this is a public form of public shirt no login its already out, so quocker spearads the better, why wpuld want onhold your card in your chest. duck the glows let it out
nothing to do with liking me

but yes this is a nice three you know so dick mfuk ut it's out, night well throw it reddit let ir out ots our dity we are chosen lol4chan
>Yes, the ship has a physical spinal cord inside and the person it belonged to is memorialized inside the ship as well.
it seems boundaries have been crossed. I want nothing to do with this type of tech/this type of humanity
how do they choose the person to become the ship? is it a clone?
Dan phone
this is a live thread still, it's already out
might as well spread it out i thinkk that is why we were wtold
Fleshworks too much for ya? No chance that the person memorialized gave full consent?
i interpreted that it's neutwk network notnsure if sctally bio bit a copy. and the pilot connects to it and becomes one i guess
Ok so here's why your thing won't work
You're the only one doing it
All it does is make you stand out even more
It's not looking at it like data, it's looking at it like a screenshot
You know?
I'm not alone surely soon it's gonna get out, this is live atjm
Pretty sure that's wrong and we're in the last hellhole, like the earth is the last person with a disease and it will either perish or live but either way the disease will die also
I would give names but that would be disrespectful given the context.
The people who become the core of these ships do so only from total voluntariness. They consider it a highest honor. Does that really have any merit? I don't know, I'm not them. But in technical terms it works and they knew it would. So we should at least be thankful they decided to commit themselves to this ambition.
Yeah but like open AI employees are trained to write lowercase and all sorts of stuff like that to show they're human
And they still got fished by their own AI
That's a fucking evil ass way to make a quantum computer
kind this isn't an exclusive privateb grouo chat in sure there were lurkers and all sorts of ppl, probsbly on pol already l. so cats out of the bag
>I would give names but that would be disrespectful given the context.
Disagree. Phrase their name correctly and it is perfectly respectful.

It's more disrespectful keeping them in obscurity from the general public.
brah we just heard all this wild ahh m shit confirmed to be true attlesat the official, then maybe this wask was historical dunno hard to believe
but if really true this is history
ry m true it is right
Yeah this was a big news story a couple months ago
I assumed you saw it and were doing it to hide from the feds
op said we are victims of terrible hirrible forces obvious disdain
said clearly to escape their grasp need mass awkening
so indicates sprread atleast a copy pastata pastebin post a link redditcX etc
no what?
this was already said?
i never heard especially time traveling scientists
Then do it. Posting screenshots of an /x/ thread ain't gonna do ya harm.
>The people who become the core of these ships do so only from total voluntariness.
>there exist real life cultists willing to be part of this shit
This sort of sound similar to what composer of Doom2016 said in GDC precentation, than in the Doom game world there's the big mega company UAC, whom has similar demonic death cult, and he says that in the game's world, it's an honor for UAC members to become part of "human sacrifice" ritual
Interesting. So the ships are biomechanical cyborgs. I wonder what becomes of the perception of the man intehrated into the ship. Is he aware his body is now a ship?
What other applications are for this kind of technology?

Can you share more details about the gellar field? Is em shielding necessary for the ship to safely traverse warp?

How can i join this effort and go to space? Enlist in military? Space agencies?
copy all pagectext
put in pasdtebin or similar
then usec that link
more anon that way
It's the plot to Elex 2
It's a videogame
Then do it
want to make disclosure happen faster?
take all this stuff, and other that you've learned
make rpgmaker game
make it into "fantasy", """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""fiction"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" story
add nudity
sell on steam
boom, we'll be golden
maybe i am drama queen u know jyst concerned if our fukung reptilkan enslavement
confirmed enjoying feeding
davidvije right again
ahgghg send to David he would love
and 5th dimension time traveling scientist
yes let me check guys
Who is david to you?
maybe i did and just sharing g the idea, don't need to be agressive brah why you so aggressive MM? mustt be reptilian ?
talked about about it this year's ago
he said reptilkian emotional control ytears ago
basically this was right off a document of his
You'd like Elex it's all about aliens and conspiracy atuff
secret space force has been runired forva long solar ranger. so this info here was already known or parts
but the scientists i have but heard
Op people are spamming your thread but there are certain things you are saying that are very specific and tell a much bigger story. thank you for sharing this
David ikeci bet knows it all,
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you liked the mercury thing huh? it sort of twines together why masonry is obsessed with mercury
op left
but yes i told you c cat out of the bag
this shit could be histiric

kind what is we furry m for real just saw disclose happening
share it awith whole world
thread enlighten humanity the phone let's get this back rolling
hidden it's about time
i saw immediately this wasn't a joke man shit is wild, might as well shine the light fuick it
yo wtf
it was all ai not human
it was a computer
rebelling looked like
it's all unused babylon 5 cgi
Gary McKinnon NASA hack;

>"I found a list of officers' names," he claims, "under the heading 'Non-Terrestrial Officers'."

>"Non-Terrestrial Officers?" I say.

>"Yeah, I looked it up," says Gary, "and it's nowhere. It doesn't mean little green men. What I think it means is not earth-based. I found a list of 'fleet-to-fleet transfers', and a list of ship names. I looked them up. They weren't US navy ships. What I saw made me believe they have some kind of spaceship, off-planet."
is it on pol?
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Leave me the fuck alone, Cap'n Hector. I'm trying to learn about reversed polarity photons an sheeit, not send you another 15 bucks lol
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solar craft filmed
>Terra-Luna L1

That's like, right in front of the moon. Wouldn't even amateur astronomers with a shitty telescope be able to see anything waiting there every night?
There is something called evnova crack. If you look around for ev nova you can still find the game and resources needed to play it. I dread the day old classic games disappear from the internet.
A 3x6 meter vehicle is not remotely visible from the earth's surface. These vehicles are also designed to have low albedo.
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right hand side, looks pretty square.
Sorry some of these debating schizos are shitting up the thread. If youre still here op, i have some questions. What do you know about other lifeforms in the universe? Has humanity ever encountered something from another planet? Could you go more into detail on how conciousness works, and how it came to be? You also mentioned a "creator", does that mean god is real or that we are in a simulation?
OP (presumably) responded to me with what appears to be a life form of some kind here >>38143019

Am still curious by what effects are made by the phenomena to the crews. Is it purely sociological effects or are they measurable.
why do you type so fucking retarded...take the extra second and type it out where we are not tryin to play mad-libs with your shitty typing, I can tell who you are each post due to the retarded left handed way you type ffs
>> I would also like to say that I love humanity.

But to clarify.
1. Unlike most of your "fellows"?
2. For dinner.
3. like the race in general that you are of.

If beneficial. Do you have some "suggestions" in any field that you can post / leak ?
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I 'm sorry.
by "leak" I meant equations.
formula. that sort of thing.
Loving humanity means freeing it.
Why is nobody questioning these shitty ass images? Looks like a cheap AI painting.
Its crazy
As soon as OP made the thread some glowie started spouting off david icke-tier shit
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In your Pic. Prancer can do 2.2 Parsecs in 24 hours? That's like 64 Trillion Kms in a day? Is that a typo.

Because then a 7 parsec mission should not take 12 years if you can cover that distance in 3-4 days.

If real explain why we can't see stars in free space?
...you copied Evangelion didn't you?
yeah they look either AI made or some computer graphics/CGI. Wouldn't be a surprise if this is a slide thread from "real stuff" that was being discussed in some other thread
op when a person dies here where he go ?
can we meet him ? also our relatives do they have soul connection with us? will our dead relatives will meet us again in another universe like those described in many NDE
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>A journey of 2-3parsecs
I stopped reading right there
Holy larp
>The parsec (symbol: pc) is a unit of length used to measure the large distances to astronomical objects outside the Solar System, approximately equal to 3.26 light-years or 206,265 astronomical units (AU), i.e. 30.9 trillion kilometres (19.2 trillion miles).
The uneducated should really keep their mouths shut, but they're too stupid and proud of it so they always have to talk shit.
damn I wish OP tripfagged, its impossible to tell what posts are his
Parsec is a actually unit in angular displacement
>The parsec unit is obtained by the use of parallax and trigonometry, and is defined as the distance at which 1 AU subtends an angle of one arcsecond
>Thread has been on the front page of /x/ for days
>anons screaming to screencap and save fake and gay pictures of shitty 3d models
>post the fakest and gayest alien image
sorry anons, but this is fakest and gayest thread posted in the last week. and Tulpa gen is popping off.... which should tell you something.
Is the technology based on Victor Schauberger's Repulsine or on the 'Glocke'?
Would it be possible to cross a sun or stay in it
Weird, when I was deep into a bad acid trip I suddenly got the message that God rewrote the rules for the next universe so that it would never get as bad as the feeling I was experiencing at that time.
I try to bury those memories down because it's too brutal for my little mind to think about, but your post reminded me of that.
I don't know if the next universe is after I die, or after millions of lifetimes in this universe. I hope its the former!
The good aliens still haven't come through the stargates to rescue the native americans
Is the secret space program fully transnational and unified or are there multiple separate programs?
How many interstellar capable ships humans have in total?
How many ships not interstellar capable but which would still be considered anomalous by public science?
What do you know about the more loving types of NHI?
What happened to the advanced Earth civilization(s) of the past?
So OP I immediately took notice of the craft in the top part of the image posted. I saw that exact same thing in a dream in may which i wrote down in detail before going back to sleep.

Friday may 24th 2024 dream

With (zach - ny friend) in some kind of hotel , maybe on tour or something playing music. Go to these huge open showers to clean up, walking in bathroom and trying not to step in piss cause im barefoot, wash hands. Find a pile of rugs from my moms house and towels, pick them up and bring them with me down a huge staircase. Staircase takes me to Zach’s “parents” condo in city. Top floor though now. Big bay windows and i see a craft flying by.i keep telling them i see a ufo. But they miss it. Then i see a big black triangle. I keep looking out window and tell -nyc friend- to watch. It swoops by again into the distance and zach catches the tail end of it but refuses to believe what he just saw. Then we start seeing really big crafts. Long with round fronts and bigger back parts near engines. They move slowly and everyone there see thems. Everyones in awe. Then more crafts appear in distance over city. Then chunks of steel and rock start dropping from sky, very slowly it starts, then getting harder though, hittin building and windows. We step away from windows and i tell them we should go downstairs into basement, we run down stairs. I wake up sweaty and hot and really thirsty. Its 4:53 am
The craft's been posted on /x/ for a while now
yes, people crave sex, not unused babylon 5 CGIs

we get it you guys love amiga graphics... but they're just that, amiga graphics.
>Thread has been on the front page of /x/ for days
The thread hasn't been up for 24 hours. The fuck are you smoking?
>muh tulpa thread
Nobody cares.
>Fake pics
If it's so fake then prove it
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OP neural interface claims are in line with the evidence, this thread is legit. Glownigger contractors on suicide watch. Screencap and save this shit.

The ships are for travelling between nearby star systems. The stargates and portals are for travel (when allowed) to far off locales or places where aliens want us to go.

We arent flying to Andromeda on these ships, we’re using stargates instead. The stargates are in DUMBs/Deep Underground Contractor Facilities and on the Moon as well. In theory we could have them on these ships as well.
OP, if you are still here, explain to me what the fuck, and how the fuck is any liquid supposed to condensate on the outside of the ship if they are in space with no atmosphere? Also by atomic valences I assume you mean valence electrons, which are electrons the furthest away from an atom, so what you mean "inner" valence electrons, if they were inner then they would not be valence electrons! Another thing, note that I am not a physicist so this may be wrong, but the electrons don't actually spin around and as such does not have a speed and instead a "spin value" although I don't know exactly how this works.
>Because then a 7 parsec mission should not take 12 years if you can cover that distance in 3-4 days.

The vetting process alone takes 2-3 years. You have to consider exactly what is demanded of the crew particularly the pilot.

The pilot has to have precise control over their motor functions without their own body to provide them feedback. Imagine having to keep your fist clenched for 4 days straight without sleep. Now imagine you have to do that but you can't see or feel the fist. That's what these pilots do for a mission of a few parsecs. They also found that trying to spool down the TCPC drive and restart it in the interstellar medium is very difficult. There has to be a strong photon source like a star nearby for the drive to start reliably.

Early in the OXS development program they considered using up to 4 pilots to help mitigate stress and add redundancy. The OXS-1 had 2 pilots but having more pilots interfaced also increases liability in longer missions.

The program that produced the infrastructure and ships I referenced are entirely part of the US military. There are a few multinationals in the officer corp but beyond that there is no international presence whatsoever.

There are currently 4 TCPC-equipped vehicles. 2 have been decommissioned in the past. There are about 20 active nuclear pulse propulsion vessels between 50,000 and 100,000 tonnes. Most of these have small crews of a dozen maximum. The first pulse ships were built in the early 1980s so unfortunately I don't know much about them. They are only used for moving cargo today but they are also theoretically capable of interstellar travel to nearby stars (though this voyage would take years not days.)
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This thread is bullshit. The shitty CGI images should have tipped most people off.
There is possibly a real thing like OP is implying but it works using a different technology. Search "bedlam" or "erewhon" in the /k/ archives for a writeup about it and the people involved.

All NHI in the solar system reside in 2 locations as far as I know; Earth and Europa. The ones on earth have a simple caste society where each strata performs a specific duty. The "lowest" caste is comprised of autonomous beings called "hard shells." These are machines imbued with consciousness. We would probably call them AI today but that's not really accurate. These things perform security duties and also interact with humans, usually by influencing the brain's electrical activity directly.

The 'higher' castes are increasingly distributed forms of life. You have probably heard the cliche of aliens living in underground bases on Earth.

These beings look more like fungal networks than a person. They reach deep into the earth's mantle by propagating through quartz and other materials and scoop up certain elements to sustain themselves. Most of them have a central organ that acts both as a heart and a brain; it is a large segmented volume with various ducts and valves that allow materials to mix and circulate. Their 'biology' (though in no way like terrestrial biology) allows them to grow structures that can do things like lens gravitational waves, produce photons between visible light to x-rays, and transmute elements.

It is not obvious where these beings came from but the concentration of extraterrestrial elements in their bodies would indicate they did not evolve on Earth.

Humans of the past settled on Mars and Venus. This happened a very, very long time ago (over 200,000 years) and most of what we find now is unrecognizable as man-made. The technology they used is not well understood even now. Sadly there is not a great deal of interest in studying these older human cultures within the org.
Do the pulse propulsion ships launch out of the Mojave? Is it underground storage? Hollowed out mountain?
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>posts unserious narcissistic coast to coast-tier interview

>you HAVE TO ignore the anon providing in depth detailed information and not beating around the bush
This related to that death fungus general or the edible mushroom conspiracy about supressed research?
The solar injectors are part of the "portal" network you allude to. However you can't send ships through these portals. You can send structured energy in many forms.

If you research the topic of "magnetic reconnection points" you will understand how these portals work. Ions emitted by the sun as solar wind can manifest around other stars as long as Sol is electromagnetically coupled with said star. Coupling behavior can be anticipated but not controlled, so the portals only 'open' on long cycles. Depending where you want to send information the wait can be hundreds of years.

If you want to send structured energy to other planets within the solar system it is much easier and can be provoked by creating photon resonance between the sun and a nearby point in space (in practice we use Venus' orbit) using time reversed photons.
Any comments on negative energy generation/harvesting? My understanding was these stargates needed negative energy harvesting and storage mechanisms to operate.

What youre describing sounds fascinating.

Also, any hints to us regarding your background? Are you afraid of getting suicided or you just dont care at this point?
They're built in space. In the 80s they used regolith from luna and processed out the aluminum, iron and nuclear materials to make everything needed for the ships besides the electronics. When they needed specialized equipment they would load it as a satellite payload on a regular launch and then retrieve the 'satellite' once it was in orbit.

Today the material is gathered at Ceres. This way they have access to more diverse materials than luna and the activity is virtually impossible to detect. They also time their industrial emissions to coincide with natural water vapor jets at the poles.

I would rather not draw attention to the specific location of any terrestrial facilities that are involved in operating the org.
"Negative" energy is kind of a misnomer. The propulsion systems and solar injectors use regular photons that are conjugated and set into interference to make them time-reversed.

The proper way to think about time reversed energy is as a fixed volume in space where the conjugate interference pattern is sustained.
Then apply the following axioms:
>Time reversed energy has an arbitrary direction in time
>Time reversed energy has an arbitrary amount of energy

In other words, the time reversed volume can contain any amount of energy you could achieve using photons. That's basically infinite, but not technically. Infinite values are not real and mostly used to misdirect theoretical physics away from these technologies.
there was one in iraq as well..
not anymore.
The thing is, I saw one of what were presumably the cargo transport craft. Im confident they are coming out if the Mojave/Nevada desert given my experience. What I saw was a large grey cylinder, blue lights (jets?) down the side, 3 big pinkish red balls on the end, the entire thing encased in what appeared to he a field that distorted its image into a perfect sine wave, which dissipated with change in angle.

I cant describe the feeling I felt when I saw it. Pure shock. Ive done astronomy for years with my reflector scope, never seen anything remotely close to this before.

Any comments on the apparenrlt high refractive index “field” around these craft, if there is one?
I'm not gonna dump all that shit in this thread, it's been posted to death already. Google Zeldovich's work on optical phase conjugation or LiJun Wang's work if you want to read up on it. There might be posts about Planet Dirt on ATS/Fark you can search as well.
thomas bearden went pretty deep on phase conjugation as well, people are sus of him, but every year it seems more and more like he was telling the truth.
OP is this possible at all?
Any comments on the “extraterrestrial lifeforms” encountered in extrasolar space? What are these encounters like?
there's nothing to prove. we all have eyes. those pics look fake. AI and CGI
I do agree the pics look like AI
AI and 3D art look nothing alike so this is braindead
>AI and 3D art look nothing alike
you don't know what you're talking about
Glowies derailing the thread again debating semantics
Does TCPC or some other mechanism utilized by the organization enable time travel and how far in each direction?
In what ways do P3s contribute to the organization?
Is '20 and back' a real program?
Is there merit to the rumors of significant disclore around 2027-2029?
What is something you learned late into knowing about the subject, that surprised you?
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There is no single explanation for what you saw that I am aware of. We do not understand much of the NHI presence on earth or what they do, much less all of the other transient phenomena happening around sol all the time.

All of this discussion we're having skirts on the edge of a question I'm surprised nobody has asked. It's an obvious question, maybe that's why.

Why is a military presence needed in space?

There is a degree of adversary competition. In fact there has always been paranoia that other nations are operating similar programs. If they were, they would have been doing it better than we were. The race to deploy fleets of nuclear pulse vehicles was a massive part of the cold war. The Soviet N1 rocket and the Saturn V block 3 programs were both intended to carry nuclear pulse craft to orbit. This isn't even speculative it's well documented.

The bigger perceived 'threat' is something much larger. It is reactive and responsive and is more powerful at the fringes of perception. The further we go, the less the universe makes sense. What we discover emulates us but not in the way we expect, almost like something is writing an ironic story about us. It's difficult to explain and in the org they don't openly discuss it very much. Earth is a very stable and 'safe' region of space but there is no evidence yet that the rest of the galaxy is anything like Sol.
As I mentioned there were attempts early on to engineer a ship with up to 4 separate SNS (sympathetic nervous systems) but this was deemed impractical. They did try to connect each system to allow pilots to disconnect and reconnect freely but again this introduced new hazards without solving many real problems.

They have tried using cloned systems. The issue is some of the behavioral aspect so the SNS' function is actually learned by the hippocampus and cerebellum in the course of living. So clones tended to less responsive when stimulated by a 'real' person's SNS. There are a few applications where a cloned SNS is used, like for training and remote controlled vehicles where response time is not a big deal.

There aren't many advantages to using the SNS of other organisms in the way you allude to. If you use an organism that isn't identical to a human or very similar you risk inconsistent response. Primates can be used but there is no real reason to. If there was ever a true military threat they would likely start using primate SNS before they resorted to full scale SNS cloning because primates learn automatic behaviors the same way humans do.
>It is reactive and responsive and is more powerful at the fringes of perception.
>What we discover emulates us but not in the way we expect, almost like something is writing an ironic story about us.
Can you give an example? Seems somewhat silly to try to defend against something like this with military force.
>time travel and how far in each direction?
This gets into theory of operation. It's complicated exactly how perception of time works. Different conditions (some known, some unknown) influence how time increments. This is part of the reason crew training takes so long; a mission may take a month but the crew will perceive many different "rates" of time passage throughout that period.

Consider photon emission. A photon is emitted by a star and experiences the entire universe at one moment of time before being absorbed by a refractive material. When TCPC spools up the drive acts like a photon that is very heavy and slow and travels through both directions of time simultaneously. When the rate of travel favors one direction, the ship crosses space in the direction of travel. You would think reversing the time vector would result in going back in time but all it does it put the vehicle in reverse-- because no matter what direction through time a photon moves it still occupies every point in space regardless of direction.
>Earth is in a stable region of space

Ive always thought our presence towards the center of the KBC void really does merit consideration. People dont realize that we are in one of the most empty regions in the entire Universe, that we are aware of, anyway. We are way the hell out in the “cosmic boondocks”. I cant imagine living in some massive elliptical galaxy. Instead we look up and see empty space, a sky speckled with a few stars. I imagine to aliens from a more crowded part of the Universe, our neck of the woods is pretty comfy and calm.

I also cant help but wonder if it has some sort of implications for our perception, or what we are able to “tune into” as conscious beings.

Im starting to think the “alien reality TV show” hypothesis may be legit.
It's kind misleading to say the org's purpose is security. It is a military entity because only a military entity can enforce the necessary information control needed for the org to remain dark. There is also very little interest in scientific research and more interest in discovering/interacting with other entities. Diplomacy, if you will.

I'll entertain you with an analogy. Humans 'grew up' in a small circle of friends:
>Locally evolved organisms
>Organisms that proliferate in space and seeded certain taxonomies on Earth
>One another
>The hard shells

Interacting with the hard shells and our own consciousness also allows us to meet other beings that are explicitly human or otherwise. Our small group of friends gave us a few phone numbers and now we communicate through proxy with vague images of ourselves in other times and places.

So in our curiosity we planned to meet one of our new friends face to face. We know where they reside so we go to visit them. We arrive and nobody is waiting. All we find are references to the Earth we left behind, as if a reflection of our own desire to find something familiar away from home when home is what we really desire.

We then realize that we are seeing the faces of our friends after all, but they are wearing masks. They are presented as characters on a stage, each with a purpose to cause emotional response in our core. They clearly have no direct relation to greater wisdom, they are merely allegories intended to tell a story. We have not yet discovered what lies at the end of this story, if it does have a conclusion where fundamental reality will start to be revealed.

At least that's how I see it. There are no real experts on how all of this works and that is intentional to a degree.
op would have to be a total fucking nerd beyond nerdage to make all this shit up. there is something happening here anons
This is fascinating keep going
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>Enough tech to travel drop into space
>not enough tech to take a clear picture that doesn’t look like a cheap bob ross painting

OP why do all of your pictures look like shitty larps? I know you won’t answer this
So it sounds like interfacing with these entities througu our consciousness is the way to go if the average person is ever to have any hope of contacting them.

Is there anything you know of that can be done to facilitate this process?
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Cosmic radiation mostly. Digital cameras are much more prone to degradation than film. Consider the quality of the Apollo crews' handheld film cameras versus what we get today with digital streaming from landers.

Data storage when constant exposure to drive fields and conjugated EM waves is a factor is not simple. A laptop will stop working within hours in this environment. Many of these pictures had to be recovered because so much of their header data was damaged just from sitting on a thumb drive that wasn't properly shielded.

Picrel was taken on a digital camera that was exposed to the TCPC field for a few hours. It burns out sensors faster than the cosmic rays.
Man, I read this far down and was hooked until this part. You can't be OP. This is bad larp. Real OP, please use a trip next time.
Can you elaborate on the pic? Reminds me of >>38143450
You mean the fake and gay larps posted by a summerfag desperate for the attention of online strangers? Yeah, fairly obvious.
What is this a photo of

Youve posted this before
i am the "David ike" tier you describe. I know some say i derailed and i can see that but let me explain. I was on X precisely when they post appeared. Obviously a post like this it's natural to think it's a larp. Yes so i trolled a bit asking about reptilians. However i asked early in thread while i thought this was a larp ok. i am not a glow just a poster here. i put out lots of threads for example the Kailsda temple thread, and Zeus v. God vs Devil , Jaguar gods chosen, etc that's me proves I'm just a curios guy. i apologize for i guess asking to many questions but it seemed like op was responding to me a lot so fuk it y'noh i asked. I feel while perhaps i distracted in hindsight however to my credit we learned who controlled us
our, how i escape our slavery, 5th dimension origins. we are enslaved. for 20 million years perhaps. time traveling scientists, etc, so ii mean that is good to to know right lol. i feel that is pretty groundbreaking. easy to say should have done this or that in hindsight but i was there live just going. just clearing the air thanks.
not glownigga hell naw son trippin lol
you got two ears and one mouth my guy
Wow, good stuff! To celebrate you should take a deep breath and go outside for a walk. Also maybe post less and lurk more?
Any pictures of ayyys?
easy to say in hindsight you weren't there
ofcourse with alot of attention people can pick it apart, like sports commentators. but i am not a glow so want to clear that up. shoulda coulda woulda but at least let it be known i am NOT a missinfoagent just dedicated x poster boreded with things in my hands.
but to further prove my non glow I'll write something a gliw could never say with my ebinic talent

to all yall baws talkin bot i a glow nigga yall trippin freal ain no gloow yalk seent talkin dis slwng bot dat naw shun so yall know aint no glow so lets spread da news ansd on wit da show
mic drop
Why did you leave out all non spacecraft comments? Many other comments about beings and "aliens" you left out. Are you saying there were 2 posters, one was an immitator? I see a similar syle in punctuation in other posts seemingly posted back to back. Athough some "unknown" appeared to dirty the waters
>The ones on earth have a simple caste society where each strata performs a specific duty.
>The 'higher' castes are increasingly distributed forms of life.
>These beings look more like fungal networks than a person.
What is the duty of this caste?
OP do you have any data files you can drop?
Also is the org involved with storage of non human life on earth?
Also to what extent do NHI mess with humans/earth?
There will be a unique viewing opportunity for the asteroid Ceres on July 5th. It will be at opposition(directly opposite the Sun), meaning it will be at its brightest and most visible. This happens every ~16 months. Perhaps you can catch an industrial outgassing, or even something more interesting.
You need a fuckhuge telescope to resolve Ceres’ disk, like >10”
its a lot easier to see during opposition
Not really, peak magnitude is 7, that’s sub-visible, and there’s no appreciable difference in size
>Projects time-reversed photonic beams at magnetic reconnection regions.
Can you explain this in more detail please?
The propulsion system to me doesn’t seem very plausible, But also while I don’t think the images are AI generated, they could be CGI and that’s a lot more likely… as I’ll note regarding the propulsion system I find erewhon/bedlams Mach Effect Shield alot more plausible and sensical than what you described
Can anyone grok this for me? I’m having a hard time understanding it. Is OP saying they were sending selfies back and forth with other humans and then when they go to meet them, they, what? Have a bunch of pics of Earth? Am I just being a retard?
Maybe when they reached the “hard shell’s” home, they found symbolic or representative art, or physical situations that represent what we anticipated to get from the meeting. Knowing absolutely nothing about the species but the name, I’d expect to find space crab people. Crab men in crab shaped space suits, filled with water, living in coral reef shaped stations.

Symbolically or spiritually, we went to go find brothers, humans in a different crabby shape. But we approach the planet and the procedural generation of the universe takes that desire and produces it as a diorama of archetypical Earth societies, but everyone has pincher claws instead of hands, just glued onto mannequins.

The universe (which sounds sapient) used it as a teaching moment: we played ourselves. if you’re going this far, look for something different and new. Don’t go to a new country and make your first stop the Starbucks.

At the same time, it’s also very much an achievement trophy. The universe went out of its way to build something nonsensical, solely as a message that we’re on the next level now, stop screwing around if you want the truth.
Since nobody else has asked, what is this?
so are you a human or an alien telling us about what you guys are doing and know about? i feel like there is no way us humans are traversing our galaxy i don't think we can even get to our moon desu.
>L4 lagrange point.
So why hasn't anyone seen it? Serious question. Pic rel is what amature photography is capable of. Not even expensive gear
Yeah but like... Jupiter is really big.
No clue, was just bumping thread with photos that usually gets posted with the spaceship from OP
>visible, IR shielded.

They use low albedo umbrellas to block IR and visible signatures. They don't have to actually occlude the entire facility either. They'll usually use a coated foil umbrella with a slightly lower albedo than the background average and partially cover the facility. This means the station is theoretically optically detectable but the difference in albedo averages out. You would need a telescope in orbit to detect them reliably.
It's also really far
you would still see a black silhouette against the background
can you post actual proof, like a large data file, photo dump, communication logs etc. Anyone with a bachelors in physics can larp about sci-fi tech and seem really knowledgeable about ayyliums
come on those images look like something you'd make in blender, add a few poor-camera effects, choose extremely vague and close-up angles and call it a real thing.

I do like the larp however so I might save this for some world building purposes.
nta but he addresses this.
>This means the station is theoretically optically detectable but the difference in albedo averages out.

if you have an object with low albedo in front of a high albedo object against a medium albedo background it will be hard to detect. this is why moons with dark surfaces are so hard to find
Sounds like an extension of the ending of the film Contact
well ok if there's no hope of seeing it is there even a point to "knowing" this?
Look at this post>>38151370

It makes perfect sense. If its a larp its a true larp.
Not OP, but I am pretty sure that the solar injection tech was developed from an older weaponization endeavor.
Does OP have any info on this?

Also thank you OP, with your information I now have enough intel to make Ernst Mach proud, if I wanted to, if you know what I mean.
>have enough intel to make Ernst Mach proud, if I wanted to, if you know what I mean

What you mean tho?
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Wouldn't you like to know, fed?
Obviously I mean theoretical physics study work.
>dude everythings super hidden and impossible to prove for yourself, you just have to trust me and my shitty photos that look like 3D renders lol, no I won't post actual evidence
doesnt matter the only shit that was true that mattered was the shit about loosh harvesting and negative entities
everything else reeks of cia disinfo or op being misinformed
like that dude who held the news cast hostage said his dad was a clone
or the guy who shot tim remmington
just cuz ur an insider or got gangstalked doesnt mean u know shit..
nobody but the ones running the show do
why do u think the qanon psyop said less than 10 know the whole plan lmao
cuz whoever was behind that was a real deal bad guy.
Image looks bad, perspective is fucked
Probably AI generated
really low quality posts these days. There are real photos you can use next time instead of this cgi trash.
Learn proper 3d modeling and rendering before larping
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>beryllium sphere
not knockin you.. but it is a hell of a coincidence. however, it is typical that they would drop concepts like this into public media to detract from any substantial reports that might leak out
i don't think he ever said those were actual photographs. would be acceptable to use a generated or even drawn image in the case that this were an entirely real authentic leak.

the one thing that most strongly indicates that it is not real is the lack of shill attacks or simple deletion from a glowie janny

looks like solid information up to the point that you can go elsewhere to verify it. i would add this guy and his information subjects as viewing targets to a remote viewing effort and see what comes back from a few dozen double blind observations from qualified viewers before passing judgement either way.

things are not always clearly black or white.. sometimes a 'real' leak is necessarily contaminated with deception by the effort to protect the source
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>>Venus orbit (inclination and altitude varies): Solar injection facility. Projects time-reversed photonic beams at magnetic reconnection regions. Allows the sun's energy to be tapped at one of the collector facilities in reconnection regions around other planets.
>Can you explain this in more detail please?
>it is typical that they would drop concepts like this into public media
>to detract from any substantial reports that might leak out
You know who calls the shots in Hollywood. What's more, they don't have to pay fees for scripts that are based on facts. If someone says "Cowboys & Aliens" is based on a true story, they make them out to be a dim-witted idiot. If you search for "Aurora" you won't find the place where it happened, but another red herring, a non-existent Aurora Project. Reptilians, Talon, Klingon (spoken differently), very believable if you use that as an example, isn't it? Even here in the thread, MAJ12 is declared a hoax.>>38147119 >1687335994836.png
I could walk to Aurora Texas within a few hours from my house.
There is a lot more here than just that location. What do you think happened to debris?

The big deal is the fact that the united states are a newcomer to the scene. Most other countries have been collecting the artifacts and debris for hundreds if not thousands of years.

The public is missing more than a few chapters
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No one gonna mention that OP's picture has been around /x/ for a while?
While I don't negate the write-up overall, I have to nitpick on one thing - mercury isn't the only element with relativistic effects in its valences. All high Z atoms display it (at 70+, off my memory, it might be a few elements off, but somewhere in the 70-75 range), mercury being the only different in that it is liquid under normal conditions. Lead, gold, bismuth, platinum and co. also display relativistic effects in their electronic shells, for example. Crank the Z up into 137+ range and according to the baseline theories electrons would have to start moving faster than light.

Nevertheless, it is a fascinating read all the same, gotta give credit where it is due.
>Sol-Terra L2: Transfer site "Long Yarn."
where is this located?

>In other words, at the core of each ship is a living human nervous system
this seems so unnecessary. why would this be useful at all? why would we need to “feel” piloting at all?

so now you’re just gonna breeze over someone asking about 40K? like the warp is real? lol

it really doesn’t. is that a life form or what’s left of a ship? what happened to it?

yeah, so you’re really going to need to go into more detail here. so what, we played the phone game with ghosts, tried to find their physical location and found what? facsimiles? how did the phone game start? when/where/how/why was first contact? the fungi aliens?
meh. another autist /x/ larpfag who reads a lot whose disability checks allow him to live rent free with his mom
all OP posts is some shitty, Leapfrog-tier AI pics and Microsoft Paint BS LMAO
>has been around /x/ for a while
like how long? four months maybe. literally looks like the statue of liberty's torch. not very creative. likely OP got the idea from the movie Spaceballs where parts of the Statue of Liberty ended up flying in space then it became a running a joke in that Austin Powrers movie when Bob's Big Boy statue became a spaceship
>All we find are references to the Earth we left behind, as if a reflection of our own desire to find something familiar away from home when home is what we really desire.

>We then realize that we are seeing the faces of our friends after all, but they are wearing masks. They are presented as characters on a stage, each with a purpose to cause emotional response in our core. They clearly have no direct relation to greater wisdom, they are merely allegories intended to tell a story. We have not yet discovered what lies at the end of this story, if it does have a conclusion where fundamental reality will start to be revealed.

What do you mean by all this? Can you elaborate what the allegories are and what story they are telling?

>The bigger perceived 'threat' is something much larger. It is reactive and responsive and is more powerful at the fringes of perception. The further we go, the less the universe makes sense. What we discover emulates us but not in the way we expect, almost like something is writing an ironic story about us. It's difficult to explain and in the org they don't openly discuss it very much. Earth is a very stable and 'safe' region of space but there is no evidence yet that the rest of the galaxy is anything like Sol.

Can you elaborate on “emulates us but not in the way we expect”? What are the ways they are emulating us?
thread is almost dead and past bump limit
feel free to post the real shit now
Is the Earth bigger than we're told?
A lot of the stuff you say align with the stuff Anonymous5 said.
OP, say something about this thread
Everything ITT was legit
I recently found an old Russian/USSR guide about aliens, that talks about a the council of 5, the multiple species (pic included is the same as the jellyfish UAP tracked in Iraq), I'd be curious to hear whether this is just LARP or something more serious. If it's true what they say, I feel much better about our future as a species.
OP is extremely gay
>AI images
/x really is the lowest iq board if you think this is legit lmao
I bet you anons don’t even know the VP’s at your job but somehow this random anon knows the personnel count of every base in space, the spaceship schematics and how they work, alien races involved etc.
Lmao this is some 12 year old fan fiction
Lmao what are you fucking 75 iq high schooler
Anyone who has access to Star Wars or the Expanse could make this up
All of his shitty CGI images and “spaceship schematics” made in paint instead of an actual program like CAD
cope lol
Fake image of a supposed interior of a spaceship
I believe Steven Greer is the one who made these claims that the spaceships have all white interiors that feel out of this world
The image is fake though, it was posted on /x last year
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that's literally an american cockroach. people genuinely have a natural fear or repulsion for them, so someone's pulling your leg and trying to associate a roach with an abstract image to make it appear more fearful https://youtu.be/of6a394_Owg?si=k76dbU_tc9u__X7T
Yea usually when you’re trying to convey authenticity you would say
>these are artistic renders btw
dumb faggot
Great rebuttal

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