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Welcome to the Creepypasta General. Feel free to discuss Creepypastas (video game-based and non-video game-based creepypastas are all welcome!). And most importantly, h̷̰̰̋̈́̆a̴̦͘v̸̧̳̦̔͐e̷̞̜̟̕͝ ̶͇͘f̶̨̓͘ú̴̦̰̓͐ñ̴̜̠̦

THREAD #012 - A Shattered Life Edition

>Official 4chan-Approved Creepypasta List

>Creepypastas (Non and Video Game-Based) & Gaming Urban Legends

>Creepypasta Games, Web Series/ARGs, SlenderARGs and Fearvlogs

>Pastas written.
>Thread Template
>Previous Thread
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pull my badly burned knickers off and humiliate me
Posting one of the old ones I dug up, c.2014. I have a lot more if anyone is interested


Have you ever noticed that the voice in your head that you hear while reading isn't your own? That's because writers have the ability to create voices for their characters. Writers as early as Ernest Hemingway and even as modern as Dean Koontz all use this technique. Even right now, your mind has created a voice for this very narration, a type of persona, if you will.

Now, most people would think that character's and narrator's voices are subjective; that is, different depending upon the interpretation of the reader, and in most cases that's true. But there are many pieces of text that include very "distinctive" voices. Voices that an ordinary human being could never produce. I'd attempt to go into more detail, but it'd be like trying to describe the color "red" to a blind man.

The creators of these voices did so with the intention of creating a powerful form of torture, an ever present earth-shattering fear. The few aware of the voice's existence disagree on its origin. Some say its creation had something to do with the occult, while others believe it to be an extremely powerful psychological technique engineered by the most intelligent social scientists.

The truth is, these voices are a manifestation of otherworldly power. More specifically, the arcane art of hideous monstrosities incapable of entering our plane of existence. In order to combat this, their voices are bound to the written word in hopes that the link between the two worlds will allow them to speak to their victim, and drive them to the depths of insanity.

Vaon za zyndom, vyn iy' ona zi ryrdyz ry'. Ryd arar iy'n koryyn gra' yv o dynd'na k'rr ok dryk

If you're anything like Albert or Charles we'll get along just fine.
don't die while I sleep
The Cosmic Horror language looks like Polish
it's gonna learn to like it
Written in Mongolian script for some damn reason.
I kinda see it, too many consonants. Anyway, here's another old pasta since at least one anon read the previous.

> The Church
>Be 14.
>Be in Canada, southern Ontario.
>Move up North, podunk town in the middle of nowhere.
>Notice a church.
>Church is in middle of nowhere, even moreso than the town itself.
>Hike to church. Notice that no animals or plants in area, not even grass. Mild NOPE at this point, but press on.
>Reach the church-proper. Holy shit, it's like people haven't been here 100 years. The gargoyles are falling apart, the roof is crumbling. Curiously, no graffiti, no signs of ANYONE visiting this place since it stopped being used. NOPE continues.
>Try door. Locked. This holds true for all the doors.
>Fuck it, break a window, climb in. Nothing in church that is out of the ordinary. Moudly pews, crumbling wooden altar. Curiously, no crosses nor sign of any having been here.
>Climb to the top of large steeple. The NOPE is strong with this one, but against my better judgement, I press further.
>Staircase feels like it takes an hour to ascend. Must have been no more than one hundred, maybe one-fifty, feet high. Oh well, was scared shitless, so it probably DID take that long.
>Reach the top. No bells. Again, weird. Find a chest or jewel box or some shit. Dunno what the term is.
>Box is completely unique in design. Opens like any other, but the actual designs were messed up and quite hard to describe.
>Open the box. Inside is a small jewel. I look into the jewel, as one imagines a scryer does her crystal ball.
>Look up. To this day I wish I hadn't.
Part II:

>Shadows are writhing (a phenomena I've seen many times; you know those occasions in which you look a shadow in the dark, and it is TOO dark, and it moves about in ways that can't be explained? That). I see a set of eight holes in the shadow that were constant, like eyes.

>It SPOKE in a language I've never heard. Ever. And I'm an amateur linguist (among other hobbies). I shit my pants and left.

>I NOPEd the whole way home (I had left to the church at around 11:00AM or so and by the time I left it was approaching 7:00PM, just getting dark. Ever since, I've been seeing those damnable shadow-eyes ever since.

>Ever since, I've been haunted by unexplainable beings. This sounds made up, but I've seen everything from bandaged men made of blood, to lizards striped as a zebra, to outright god-like beings.

>Yeah, it's unbelievable. Sue me, it happened.

This one's curious, since the bloke's name was prolly Robert Blake - it's basically a rewrite of a classic: Lovecraft's Haunter in the Dark into greentext format and modern times.
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Comooooon body horror
Anything but SCP
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Some more OC.
You're a good writer, but I don't get the ending. Am I just stupid? How did his being become split in the first place?
It's a metaphor of some sort
metaphor of what
kay, let's see
please don't die overnight
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Hey guys. Carl here again with one that I don't think I've posted before. Thoughts?
good night
(don't die)
I'll be checkin' this out when I wake up since I'm too tired to read this.
Hey that was pretty good, specially the ending.
You want to know something creepy?

Well too bad faggot
>You want to know something creepy?
no I'm scared :(
don't die on me while I sleep
k thanks
Nice, the image of mannequin people on a desolate beach is pretty creepy
Thanks friendos
gnight, don't die
creepypastas died when youtubers started covering everything on the internet and adding their own bullshit
Yeah, now there's a lot of audio OC which doesn't lend itself well to posting on imageboards
I'm hoping to lead a creepypasta revival to be honest.
Interesting read but I don't get it. What was everyone looking at on the beach and why did so much time pass for the guy?
That is the eternal question
I'd love to see more like this!
Fuck you carl
fun. roll.
Deep into the rolling hills of southeastern Ohio is a little man-made lake called Lake Vesuvius. Situated a country mile or two off of State Route 93, Lake Vesuvius is a peaceful place; the lack of motor boats on the waters creates a lane for canoers and kayakers to coexist with nature.

Surrounded by trees and a summer breeze, our family had many picnics at the shelter houses of Lake Vesuvius. I’ve often used Lake Vesuvius as a place to concentrate and meditate.

A sucker for Sunday drives, I went to Lake Vesuvius one weekend with my wife to sit along the boardwalk and listen to the relaxing sounds of nature. We enjoyed being there, just the two of us.

The sun was rapidly setting, and we were just about to head back home in our 1999 Honda. I stood up from the wooden table which we had watched the birds from, and I looked across the lake. What I saw shook me to my core.

Among the emptiness of the state park’s darkness, a group of hooded figures emerged and made their way up a hilly hiking trail. Covered in black cloaks, they walked in lockstep. Unified in their gait, the strange group disappeared into the darkness of the woods.

I grabbed a baseball bat from the car, and told my wife to get in the vehicle and lock the doors. I was going to investigate this.
I walked up the hill, clutching the wooden bat and surveying the land. With the sun setting, my vision was getting shaky, and an unfamiliar fear swept over me; I feared for my life, subconsciously knowing that I was stepping into the domain of evil.

I walked and walked, while a chatter of whispers entered my eardrums. I couldn’t make out what the whispers were saying, but they were human-like in timbre.

Into the distance, I could see a structure. I wasn’t wearing my glasses, so I ventured further into the forest to find out what the structure was, and when I arrived at it I found that it was the foundation of an old house. It had to have been from the 19th century, and there were remnants of two fireplaces on each end of the hollowed-out home.

I heard a leaf crackle, and whipped my head around faster than a galloping greyhound. They had found me, and I had found them, a group of hooded figures standing in complete darkness.

That was, until a hoove emerged from the cloak, converging with another hoove from the opposing arm, and lit a match before fumbling the fire stick onto the ground. Flames broiled into a circle, an unusual emblem etched into the ground. In the newfound light I noticed a gas can, and I determined that these people must have been performing some sort of ritual.
Intently staring at me, the entire group raised their strangely-shaped heads into the air, still covered, and let out a unified screech. It was an otherworldly sound; the closest comparison I can find is that of a recording of a newborn baby’s crying, pitched down by six semitones.

One by one, the figures jumped into the fiery circle, setting themselves ablaze. Before the last one hopped in, it removed its cloak and revealed itself.

A doe standing on its hind legs, it looked at me and said “You will never understand this process, but we are doing this to protect you.”

It jumped into the fire and joined in on the chorus of screeching, the fur and flesh melting like cheese on a pie. As soon as the last body had dissipated, the flames faltered, and darkness returned to the forest.

I retraced my steps to find my way back to my wife, and despite her concerns, I made it safely back to her.

“What happened,” she asked as a tear streamed down her face.

I didn’t answer, but directed her to get in the car. We had to go.

We got in the car and I booked it out of the parking lot. Driving 65 in a 35, I knew that it was risky, but I had to get out of that forest, and so we did. We went home and I did some research into what I saw, but found nothing.

I’ve never seen anything like that in my life, and I never want to again.
Damn, I'm all out of ideas
Fuck, as am I.
don't die in my sleep
I'm gonna try not to.
You know that I’m not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I’m not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I’m not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano’o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu.
I’m also not talking about Kono Yo no Kyūseishu Futarime no Rikudō Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (which is capable of Enton Amaterasu, Izanagi, Izanami and the Tsyukuyomi Genjutsu), his two original Rinnegan (which grant him Chikushōdō, Shuradō, Tendō, Ningendō, Jigokudō, Gakidō, Gedō, Banshō Ten’in, Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and Banbutsu Sōzō) and a third Tomoe Rinnegan on his forehead, capable of using Katon, Fūton, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Ranton, Inton, Yōton and even Onmyōton Jutsu, equipped with his Gunbai(capable of using Uchihagaeshi) and a Shakujō because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Susano’o (that can use Yasaka no Magatama ), control of both the Juubi and the Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, his four Rinbo Hengoku Clones guarding him and nine Gudōdama floating behind him AFTER he absorbed Senjutsu from the First Hokage, entered Rikudō Senjutsu Mode, cast Mugen Tsukuyomi on everybody and used Shin: Jukai Kōtan so he can use their Chakra while they are under Genjutsu. I’m definitely NOT Talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after Alucard, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu and having eaten Popeye’s spinach.
I’m talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Legendary Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with his Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Alucard as well as a God Hand, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit, with Kryptonian DNA implanted in him and having eaten Popeye’s spinach while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan and having mastered Hokuto Shinken.
Carl here. I'm working on a banger of a story right now and I hope to post it in the near future.
I'll be waiting
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do not die in my sleep please i beg
based, rolling
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rollin kumbaya
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Rolling again
oh nice, a creepypasta general.. aside from that.
Roll and shit pants.
Rolling and trolling.
Rollan even tho I'm too tistic to make OC
Does anyone have that creepypasta where the narrator is a badass operative who swears a lot and the style of writing and dialogue is cynical noir?
I started writing this as a campy creepypasta story but I'll have to get up and leave soon, if the thread is still up by the time I get back home I'll consider writing more.

April 17th, 2009.
I’m writing this blog down to document my experiences with the Heaven’s Metal Facebook group. For those who aren’t aware, about three months ago a lot of users began receiving invites and private messages from a public page recruiting for their “Metallurgy and Worship group.”

“For those who want to denounce the lies of the flesh, we welcome all who realize they are Father’s favorite tools.”

Off-putting, right? I wasn’t one of the many users unlucky enough to receive the invitation in my inbox, it was actually one of my friends – Nathan – who frequents different robotics group that got caught in their crosshairs. When he put it off as “Weird and esoteric bullshit” not worth his time, he sent them my way instead.

Thanks, Nathan. I thought I learned my lesson after you sent me that smiling dog chain-letter shit, but it turns out human curiosity had the last laugh.
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April 19th, 2009.
It’s been two days since I’ve been inducted into their little Facebook group, and what do I find?
Well, it’s mostly nonsense. Reposts of other robotics pages with nonsense captions. Enthusiastic robotics engineers would ask for tips on how to get started with their hobby, and the replies would range from actually helpful, trolling, and downright cryptic.

> 10:52PM
Linda Moore: “Hi! Beginner here looking to get started :P Anyone know where I can buy the parts to build this?”
> 10:54PM
Nathan Harvey: “the freaks here aren’t actually building shit, don’t waste your time.”
Adam: “We are glad to have you join our fold, Linda. Please look into the resources I have sent your way.”
> 10:55PM
Adam: “That’s your third indiscretion, Nathan. Your membership and right to ascension have now been revoked.”

This ‘Adam’ is the head administrator of the Heaven’s Metal page, and as I’ve come to learn, the one behind the whole cult.
I still don’t know what the aforementioned ascension exactly entails, but that is what I’m here to find out. I’m sure Nathan is not too bothered about missing out on it, though.
It's not just you. The ending makes absolutely zero fucking sense. Although I agree the writing style is enjoyable,
I love these threads so much. Glad to see people are still somewhat interested in this creeypasta stuff. So many of the creepypastas out there are utter dogshit but I think thats what makes it so fun.

I hope you guys are all doing well. Cheers.
Fact: When you die the world ceases.
You may have mourned when someone you knew died. May have seen others mourn others. When you die, your reality dies. No one mourns you because there is no one to mourn you.
Hello /x/,

I'm looking for a creepy pasta from somewhere between 2006-2012 but I'm not sure of the name. It focuses on a small/young boy and a friend of his. Weird things begin happening and he hears a strange 'robot noise' when the strange things happen.
It's later revealed at the end that it wasn't paranormal at all, but an adult taking pictures with a polaroid camera with implied child molester/murderer vibes.
It's a long (10+ pages/images) pasta. I believe the child interacts with the man without realizing that's whats happening, and the man has some way of sneaking into the house/apartment where he lives.
It is not "Mr Widemouth" though they are similar.
Thanks in advance anon if you know it.
It's called penpal. Originally on nosleep I believe but was later released as a book.
Holy fuck, thank you!
Where is the Smallwood creepypasta?
t6 has a really good narration of the whole thing if you prefer to listen
Thread is now 11 days old you’re dedicated to this shit
NTA, but I see it as a metaphor of bumping your head against the (digital) message board to keep a dream alive (in this instance, a creepypasta general).

That reminds me, [spoiler]bump.[/spoiler]
Writer’s block is very cruel. The words are just not coming to me, folks.
Posting an encounter I had when I was a kid, in Quebec:
>School outing for like a week at a winter camp
>Don't remember the town
>One night we go out in the clearing and make a big fire to eat marshmallows and shit
>As we're about to go back to the camp, adults are checking to make sure every kid is here
>I look around to make sure no one is left behind
>one kid is way out by the tree line
>wave with emphasis at him so he sees me, not sure if i yelled for him
>try to see who it is and about to tell an adult
>realize he got no face
>no eyes, no eye brows, possibly no mouth, just skin
>otherwise he looks like a normal kid, wearing a coat, snow pants, winter hat.
>freak out and only tell my friends later on when they're telling spooky stories.
Sorry for the lack of details, this happened like 20 something years ago
What the fuck did I see?
When I realized it got no face, I knew it was something dangerous, but I also knew it wasn't "evil". Like a cat stalking a bird, there's no malice, just nature playing its role.
gonna sleep keep the thread bumped
Zoomie and mil npcs coping hard over not having inner dialog
Best I could find was this:
but that's a japanese yokai
goodnight /cpg/
Have ya guys heard of drb0sch?
good night don't die.

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