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Say it isn’t so… :’-(
Lmao at our evil culture of death
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proof he was freemason? also here is your arch of baal, reaching a bit?
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I don't know what's worse, this lazy AI slop bait, or that two idiots immediately swallowed it.
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He wasn’t the founder he just bought the rites and expanded the business into what we know today
The logo comes from George Dexter one of the two founders his partner being Richard McDonald

Man people are fucking stupid and will believe anything if it affirms there own bullshit black pills
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(That’s mcfucking crazy.)
This fuck masonic shitheads.
>Church of Satan that didn't exist when McDonalds was founded is the source of McDonalds
at least say it's the Freemasons instead...
Just burn it already.
I didn't fall for shit faggot, in fact I called it out. Total zoomer death.
>itt boomer mason faggots trying to protect their global pedocracy again
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Cope faggot
>Franklin D. Roosevelt, two Harry Houdinis, a tall Bradley Cooper, and of course, skinny Jonah Hill
Which one is Kroc?
“McDonald’s logo is the symbol of a demon” was a gag in that shitty 2012 Dark Shadows reboot film with Johnny Depp. Only there it made sense since it was Mephistopheles.
Raymond kroc did not found mcdonald's.... Richard and Maurice Mcdonald founded it and Raymond took over the business from them because he was in love with the name since it sounded wholesome and American.
This is well known anon. People just want confirmation they’re right. There was a huge and extensive study on religious people a few years ago that showed people’s opinion of God and what he wanted from followers was just their own opinions.
first mcdonalds arch was a single arch not an M so it could be. Also could just be an arch. Would like to see proof as well.
None of them. Walt Disney already died before Ray Kroc was even known.
They served on the same ambulance in World War I.

The ambulance never actually saw service but it was the same one in training and they would have been in the same team.
I suspect that this symbol is secretly an evil pentagram ? Any theories?
it's an Irish foreigner name, America is an English country
its not english either. the people who were from there were killed. its muttland
As an Englishman, don't claim this ever again.
my wife got one of these tattoos
does that mean shes trad pol?
pfft, you think bots are posting for human replies?
(slang, neologism) A non-black woman with a sexual preference for black men.

Also at least one tranny uses it, somehow I think they believe it legitimizes their trannery.
It does not, they will never be a woman even if fucked by black men.
Black men are at their best when they are getting bleached. /hm/ has great threads on it
Just learning that the 'jew' uses the babylonian talmud?
McSatan, it's wuts for lunch.
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inb4 the brigade starts posting homoerotic lustful images
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You should ask them why they helped invent an ai that would defame them.
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If this is tattooed on a woman, it symbolises that she’ll take it up the Gary.
its McOver youtube.com/watch?v=mLRy_5U7rF8
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It means she's jewish
America is satanist and controlled by the synagogue of satan
>Mcdonalds was 15ç
>now it's 39.99 plus tip, plus tax, plus obligatory donation to transgender surgeries, plus restaurant fee
America is as English as 4chan is Japanese anymore.

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