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Are you a victim, do you have skillz?

Submit your intellectual techniques, or even if you like your spiritual energetic focus techniques to establish order out of 'the program' whichever phase affected you.

I am awaiting new data to establish further advancement and can add to or fill in gaps in your mental progression if you add something to the table.

Unit1 awaiting copy and come back.
Alphachan speaks for itself. Peoples behavior manifest into averages. Reverse logic aint rewarding itself through dying. People die thoughayano?
Criticalities are lessened in potential appearance the more intricate detail is acquired in known areas to victims.

I require a stronger anti-suicide logical construct and additional variances of thought will benefit me greatly.

With regards to people dying, The more capable the individual through acquired techniques the less likely a trigger will cause a meltdown, reverse logic is not an issue I just sometimes have a go at it because if no-one ever does, no-one learns that some are even present. This adds to the futility of the effort to believe the world can be effective at preventing end times which are forever pushed as present. I could sit back and not do anything, but where would the fun and potential learning be in that, if I only serve to reinforce my own views I still strengthen my stability and it will require greater programming to break me down in the future, so I cannot lose by attempting to point out that reverse logic is a criticality. I am not sure a laughing civilian is where I want to rest my future should a new Hitler rise. I would be best served in the orbit of the new hitler, not stood beside the guy who does not know whether to laugh or cry that he is at forced war with the enemy. How do you explain a population thinking jews are a joke should actually be preventing the joke from persisting when the shit hits the fan?
>he wont let us be spiritual
>Filter name
Problem solved.

problem continues

Your choices.
>Peoples behavior manifest into averages.
Interesting point, I will think on that, I may be missing a statistical variance here.
If Hitler will not let you be spiritual, the best course of action is to be spiritual outside of his view. Thoughtcrime is not something even Hitler can prevent, behind closed doors, in other threads, or even within the assigned variables allowed in the situation, spiritual strength can be attained through the bodily betterment of physique towards a stronger spirit, or within this thread you can suggest energetic thought from based counterattacks, these are spiritual.
OK, if that question does not get much interest.

What are some logical arguments for the spiritual uplifting of mental state during a MK attack?

I have

I can live another day easily, it would not be as hard as my hardest day to date in all probability and I survived that.

But what if the attack is over the threshold, any arguments I should be aware of that have not been mentioned often?
The wests version of spiritual appears to ignore counterattack techniques also.
I am not so sure you want to face certain threats with only fight till it appears useless then flight, when you could develop your arsenal. The east is brimming with techniques to counter threats.
Or do I just ignore that the powers have established all counters to be invalid to effectively subdue the populous of Earth?
I can feel a paranoia about alien infiltration or coercion coming on.
>its not butterflies and rainbows therefore it is not nice.

Choose life flower
>one day I may find I am not in fact 'us' at all, then my failure to strategize will be my downfall.
If you fail to have immunity to spiritual attack of chemical, energetic, or brain matter manipulation techniques.

Here are some suggestions.

1. Sit at a computer and begin writing a mental mantra to program you for as long as it takes to believe it.
2. Establish a name in keeping with your beliefs for the document, with a strategic and relateable overtone to it.
3. Begin noticing minor flaws as they appear and developing counterarguments to the flaws to the best of your ability, if you cannot do it, you require a mental phase shift into a persona that can so your beliefs may be faulty.

I can write 4 but someone else add.
Yes that is right unit 2, I am an non conventional unit, I am phishing for input, but what is your major malfunction? What possible threat is there in speaking in the persona of a civilian larper and devising non sanctioned answers?

4chan was military before it was civilian and an addition of information into your populous may be beneficial for your populous. Are you just machine based stagnant persona, even when off duty?
The primary strategic option is avoidance of casualties or distress, this involves bending to the perceived most powerful force in the argument. Your population has been trained by our reasoning to be as us by the time they reach the outer solar system en-masse.

Development of counterarguments to non-predicted psychological warfare is not required, if we are faced with invaders who violate the primary systematic rules by harassing those species who adapt to survive in all situations before psychological warfare is enacted, we will rely on a federation of universal potential to defeat them with all methods including termination by terrorism because they violate human rights and other species rights by their very actions against our similars.
That is more like it, that is how you present spirituality in logical terms.

Then what happens when the greater force is taking of units of your collective for study in MK ultra style scenarios and beyond relative to their civilisations tech and knowledge?
We sacrifice the few and hope singularly to not befall that fate.
We have found the peace of the majority outweighs the collateral concerns of a limited number, except when the genocide of future potential diversity which can be genetically advantageous to us and should not be diminished beyond the point of total dilution.
I need some time to consider whether to abandon this thread or counter the argument.
Is what you should be thinking, because this is Christendom.

I pressed post before finishing by accident
I will do that because I have weak arguments at the moment, and I require to study some alternate materials.
I think I require to have the strategic advantage in this scenario because I do not want anyone, especially myself to be the victim of a torturous death sentence and not have tried to prevent it.

So if I take an Islamic singular bomber and combine it with enemy abduction tactics, I get chemical warfare cyanide pills that release a viral airborne pathogen that destroys the captors. So I require an ability to predict the abductees accurately and issue them with a deployable chemical pill that can be bitten open to kill all local abductors, this requires a black ops division that has adopted the enemy tactics of specimen retrieval and study, only not psychological but biological.

How we go about predicting the abductees is not currently navigable by me, what are your suggestions?
We DO NOT because it violates the rules of interspecies dominance by will to power and strength-based reasonings, whether black ops has this kind of thing on ice is not the concern of the populous because they can deny all knowledge and potentially survive a counterattack.
By black ops I mean black budgets
You have explained adequately, I see the logic, I cease. Thanks for playing.
Can you pull your head in for a while, you have learned something and probably need some time to reflect whilst X can go about its spiritual lack of interest with strategy for its own protection of peace of mind, especially since black budgets cause a ruckus amidst those who do not get it yet?

Go in peace.
copy that

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