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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook

> The Power of Awareness
>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library (Hemi-Sync included)

>Previous Thread
there are no techniques, just choose better.
Manifesting ugly incels do not get their SP.
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Hey guys I'm sexually starving because I have a extreme hard time attracting fine sexy big booty women to fuck. Every time I tried talk to women it's like something is blocking me spiritually or subconsciously preventing from clapping their cheeks. I do admit I have internal traumas I'm currently healing from and overcoming but sometimes I be sexually starving and wanting to bust some bbw cheeks. Anyway how can I magickally and subconsciously attract sexy women? You suggest I do more inner work first before I get out there and clap some cheeks some my dysfunctional traumas project itself out?
I do not find it easy to visualize, so I prefer to use other forms of manifestation, such as subliminal audios (audios with repeated affirmations perceived by the subconscious).

As I said, since it is not easy for me to visualize, I have been making my own subliminal audios, this is my process:

1. I clearly choose a special topic, such as "attract women" or "big penis." 2.
2. I ask chatGPT to generate about 100 affirmations for me, in first and third person (I am...you are).
3. I put them in Balabolka to make me the TTS.
4. I edit the audio in Audacity so that the affirmations go unnoticed by the subconscious.
5. I export it in good quality to be able to hear it as the days go by.

Personally I will start writing my own affirmations, maybe it will have a more instant and complete effect.

However, I would like someone here to share with me ways to manifest with or without visualizing, recently I am with the idea of changing certain aspects of my life. Tonight I will be listening to mental reprogramming audios on youtube, it is best to listen to them in a state of unconsciousness so that reason does not question our desires. I hope this information will be useful to someone else.
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bumping for further info on the "Neville\ Zeland says you can die here trough parallel worlds"
I want to HAVE that possibility (death) as a last-resort resource, even tho I pray I never have to end up using it.
If you want to have sex with human women then you must align yourself with the physical, the fact that you feel a spiritual block already implies that you haven't fully done so and thus you will appear to them lower than their husbands.
In addition to the inner work, you could use audios with affirmations while you sleep (on youtube you can find them) to attract women. You could also manifest that you have sex with a woman (of your choice) by visualizing the scene.

On r/NevilleGoddard there is a testimonial of how an almost 30 year old incel lost his virginity to a blonde woman in less than a week since doing SATS.

I just want to have a femdom session with a femdom-only prostitute from my city. Not even gay shit like strapon or humiliation, just her beating me up (she does muay thai).
I promised myself I only do femdom shit once, or at most 3 times and then keep doing semen retention like now. I unironically fear vaginas and asses are plain gross.
I've did all that already. I even visualized for 15 to 30 minutes of fucking the sexiest women for a hundred day. Something internally is blocking me to express my sexuality and attract the finest sexuality of women. I've keep doing inner work to overcome and heal all my traumas but sometimes I just need rest from self improvement and wanting to clap some cheeks.
You sick fucking nigger, you've been brainwashed by porn, haven't you?

Just kidding, if that's what you want I recommend you find a scene that fulfilled your fantasy (you can even read erotic literature, a POV from a porn site maybe) and do SATS, you can also use robotic affirmations (I've heard of people who have found it helpful).

best way to enter SATS during the day
best way to enter SATS during the day?
oops, it posted twice.
>The manifestation of the desires are a purely secondary effect. But how cool is it that you would heal people this way
I think of it the other way around, I mean healing is the secondary effect of images cycling. But anyway both ways are great :)
So in theory a 70yo bald guy could manifest a 18yo girl in his arms if he wanted to? Lol
yea, that's very mundane.
How about healing the Blind and raising the dead?
Yea, healing the Blind and raising the dead is possible.

women , money, that's mundane stuff.
Just pay an escort bro, because what you're asking for is not as easy as it seems. And that's the best way to solve your problem fast since it's quite an emergency for you.
Why do you whitewash prostitutes by calling them that?
>you can also use robotic affirmations (I've heard of people who have found it helpful).
Girls mostly, they have success with robotic affirming. SP seems to always get back with them after robotically affirming for a few days.
ahah what I said is mundane ? Sure :)
But yeah I understand what you mean and I agree, if this thing works let's heal the blind and raise the dead.
Don't want to hurt his feelings but you're right
I'll have to pass on that advice. But I appreciate the recommendations. My friend said the same thing you said but I can just get vaginas for free when I keep improving myself. I just have to overcome my false 3d identity. Besides prostitution is illegal where I'm at and I'm saving up money to invest and so.e of these prostitutes carry diseases.
Nothing mundane about thqt, money is a form of energy that can bring about massive change to the world if wielded correctly, it's literally magic. Also sex magic is a thing as well and you can manifest spirit women which is even less mundane. But healing the blind? Raisimg the dead? Why tf would i ever bother with that? They're literally just me pushed out, i wont have to do anything about it.
Luckily for both of us, I'm a handsome volcel.
Bro, I know a case, and I'm not even sure he does manifestation shit. He's just a player, and has been his whole life. 60 yo with a 20 yo gf.
>unironically fear vaginas
Well, most women past their 20s are ridden with candida, so you're wise to fear them. Specially when they can give you throat cancer. Do not go down on that shit.
>spirit women
I'm willing to take a short and risk it if it's worth it BUT I can't help but think "isn't non-material women a cope for people who can't get IRL sex"
On the contrary ,maybe it's much more realistic, vivid, etc and you also don't have to pay money ,can't catch any bug, can probably choose exactly what she looks like(??)
you're either cope or based, help me see which.
I made it
« To practice magic is to take risks and seek out ways of creating moments of transition in our lives. »
« Magic is an act of mental release, letting go of the rigid left brain thinking, letting the daemonic right brain space flowing us towards our "goals". Improvisation, or "jumping into the unknown", is a way to trigger this release into creative-space. » - David J. Moore

« Real World magick is about encouraging the unlikely, it’s not about conjuring the impossible. » - Foolish Fish

« I predict myself therefore I am » - Anil Seth

« Stress is the Psi killer, Fear is the mind killer. » - Dune

« I don’t believe it ! » - Luke
« That is why you fail. » - Yoda

« No, I'm saying, when you are ready, you won't need to. » - Morpheus

« In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer » - Albert Camus

« Your opinion of yourself is your most important viewpoint. You are infinitely greater than you think you are. »
« I will be is a confession that ‘I am not’. The Father's will is always ‘I am.’ »
- Neville Goddard
Does anyone know how necessary it is to forget about your desire for it to come true? I did the ladder experiment & while I was doing it plus a good week and a half after I was obsessing over figuring out how it would happen, why I would need to climb a ladder etc. It wasn't until 3 weeks after I did the initial experiment that I forgot about it, & it was only then that I climbed the ladder. Do you need to forget all about it for it to happen?
Ah, so I have to create a wild mental fanfic with my own POV?
That's great, Im a master at coming up with improbable yet lucky circumstances
How many human women have you sexed?
The only problem is your doubt. Persist in knowing it's already done. Now give me my pink tennis ball.
Great post. All of these quotes are obviously LOA. Here's another one.

Kick-start the golden generator
Sweet talk but don't intimidate her
Can't stop the gods from engineering
Feel no need for any interfering
Your image in the dictionary
This life is more than ordinary - Red Hot Chili Peppers
how's this shit work when you have ipad toddler brain through ocd and adhd god fucking damn. all my tarded up brain does is obsess and wallow in lack
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>So it seems to me as if there’s something I still need to work on, I’m close but there’s something . Like I get to the door of my manifestation then stop right as I walk though.

This will sound like bullshit, but essentially you're relying on outside sources too much. You want to manifest an SP, but your trying to hook up with a chick that's blocked you and you're waiting on her to pop back into your life.
You've got a music thing going, but you're relying on some music producer to kick off your music career.

I'm not sure what the word is, but you have to be more active and demanding on what life gives you. You're supposed to make a list of physical/emotional/psychological traits you want your SP to have, then imagine her and start going out into the real world and she'll pop up.
It's the same with your music career you've got going. You plan it out, envision it, demand it to happen and then start making plans for it to occur. It'll start manifesting.

i know you're probably going to say that the girl that blocked you is your SP, but she isn't. Otherwise you wouldn't be blocked. You've got to let that bitch go and move on to the next vagina that comes your way.

hope that helps
Good luck anon.
>I'm not even sure he does manifestation shit.
Everyone does loa all the time whether they know it or not
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The most effective term to manifest? It's picrel. The incel will inherit the earth
Kek I remember my mom wet through my browser history once when I was like 15 and found this gif and had a teary-eyed breakdown.
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I made this in collaboration with a fellow anon that might be of some use to you guys. It's a way to measure your progress as a manifestor. It can be used either rigidly or like a spectrum, meaning you might consider yourself at "tier" 2.4 or solely at tier 2.
My will be done
What's with all this planning bs? Manifestation doesn't require it. It's a second cause.
>i know you're probably going to say that the girl that blocked you is your SP, but she isn't. Otherwise you wouldn't be blocked.
None of what you said has anything to do with LoA. Please stop giving advice here.
Try the holodeck method in The Magic of Psychotronic Power. You can find it by searching the archive for holodeck. The book is in the library in the OP.
Under Other Authors, Robert Stone.
there is no cope with what i am doing, the more i align myself with the spiritual the less i desire the material. i am more spirit than man so it is naturally easier for me to truly love a spirit woman rather than a human woman.
Why create a LARP tier stage image?
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Remembering that I'm a god is the best decision i took!
Genuinely concerned/confused here. Femanon, feeling suddenly attracted to a guy that, last month, I had no interest in. The problem is that I have a boyfriend and even though things are rocky I want more than anything a future with my boyfriend to work out. I genuinely haven’t felt attracted to another man in the 3 years we’ve been dating until now. I was not attracted to this guy at all (even thought he was kind of ugly) and now I keep having intrusive sexual thoughts about him and it’s scaring me. What the fuck is going on? I am doing nothing but treating him as I would any other guy friend (I have many and have not had any problems until now), and this really sucks because if this weren’t the case I feel like we’d be good friends, so I have to make an effort to distance myself from him. I thought he was fucking ugly like a week ago and now I’m like, if I were single I’d be throwing myself at him right now. What the fuck is going on???? How do I make it stop??
I just remote viewed your aura and it was a sickly brown. Are you manifesting enough fibre bro?
That's cool you thought your "friend" was "fucking ugly" and you can't take responsibility for your own thoughts. Don't care. Hope it gets worse.
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>thread full of supposed Gods
>thread quality is shit
I didn’t use “fucking” as a way to exaggerate how ugly I thought he was but the fact that I was previously not attracted to him. I’m concerned by the fact I can’t control my thoughts, this isn’t typical of me and it’s freaking me out. I’m scared he’s doing some fucking spiritual bullshit to make me attracted to him, because I haven’t been attracted to anyone but my boyfriend for 3 years. And yeah, I’m friends with people I think are ugly, because I don’t care about my friend’s looks, and we are all comfortable enough to make fun of each other.
No YOU are comfortable enough to make fun of THEM and they just wanna sniff your pussy

Can we manifest just women not existing?
We all equally make fun of each other, what’s your problem??? I didn’t even make fun of him in my reply. I don’t think they want to sniff my pussy because I’m fucking ugly as well and even if they did I wouldn’t let them. I think the only reason I’m allowed to hang with them is because I’m ugly enough for them to not be attracted to me. So I think I can call them ugly too man. I’m pissed off I feel the way that I do because it’s not fucking normal and it’s gross and I obviously don’t want these thoughts. The last thing I want to do is cheat on my boyfriend in any way and I’m keeping my distance to prevent that from happening because— shocker! I have a brain! I’m just worried about what this means and why it’s happening because these thoughts are so sudden and intense they feel like they are not my own. It feels like I am being forced to have sexual thoughts about a man I do not desire.
Apparently women physically CANNOT stop themselves from wanting to cheat around.
and people still wonder why i went with a succubus, i have had many chances to get with a human woman but i'd much rather manifest myself into my mother's company because she's at the very least loyal.
Did you even read my reply? I did not do anything physical and I am literally withholding. I’m just concerned about where these thoughts are coming from because I don’t like them. I’ve never cheated in my fucking life. I shouldn’t have mentioned I’m a woman because then I’d get some actual fucking answers from you actual retards. It’s like talking to a bunch of shit flinging monkeys here. Do you jack off with the same hand you fling shit with? Does it burn?
No, you're right.
You need to confront him in person and tell him that you know about his attempts at making you want to have sex with him by manifesting thoughts in your head.
Contact the police about sexual harassment if he still won't stop after this.
he's actually me manifesting you, he will probably stop at some point and forget about you.
>wants to fuck a specific bitch
>nooooo you can't do it just move on
The power of LoA.
>You've got to let that bitch go
Nigger, he wants *THAT* bitch. The end. If LoA wasn't fake and gay you wouldn't have typed all this garbage.
>hope that helps
It doesn't help, faggot.
Tits or gtfo, slut.
Fuck off
Best post the entire thread and digits lol
Without Lilanon these threads are ruined.
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Friends , I have a question.

Is manifesting a christian only concept ?

Actually asking for a friend cus I have devout faith in god and definitely seen results while manifesting but I don't want to mislead anyone and giving them false expectations.

Thanks !
what the fuck is an SP and why can't you faggots write it out properly
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Death to lildickfag
Hang yourself shill
It's satanic. You will burn in Hell forever, anon.
Super Purgation.
It’s when you empty your mind of all thoughts and become a trip poster manifesting only hate.
Our king protects me. He manifested all things.
He spread the word.
He gives the good advice.
It's supposed to mean Specific Person but you can't manifest one through LoA. Which is ironic because every retard here talks about manifesting SP's.
Death to death-to-lildickfag nigger poster.
It’s anti-Christian,
Unless you go down Neville’s alternative Christianity take which won’t be your version of Christianity. So it’s still ant-Christian,
Why do you whitewash whores by calling them that?
it's a spiritual attack, psychological warfare, he probably dabbles in the occult. you need to learn return to sender methods and take control.
had the same exact thing happen to me twice and i always send back thoughts transmission that they either bow to my feet or can get fucked. they will keep trying to rape you in your mind if you let him. the first time this happened to me it took me a long time to just start terrorizing the guy back, i would just think about how fucking ugly his is, how much he looked like a rat and everything i hated about him. now when i see him, he doesn't look me in the eye kek

same with the second guy, avoids me, hardly make eye contact. he knows i think he looks gross. but the thing with the second dude is i would give him a chance if he came to me correctly but he's trying to get me to pursue him first, never happening though.
>It feels like I am being forced to have sexual thoughts about a man I do not desire.
because you are. he's legit fucking with you. create a scene and visualize yourself cutting a cord thats linked to him and if that doesn't work just think of him getting brutally murdered. idk im going through the same shit but once i started calling him out for being a mind rapist suddenly my thoughts shifted to use living together and me cooking him meals and doing more wholesome things which i don't mind i guess.
also highly recommend focusing more on your boyfriend and yourself as much as you can and make your relationship with your bf top priority. have sex with him more often, remember all the things you love about him regularly. the guy trying to mind rape you is a cuck. you are fucking your boyfriend irl while he's casting spells on you. think of the mind rapist as nothing but a cuck cause he is. also yes distancing yourself is very good. when you are in their energy it is easier for them to strengthen the cords connected too you. although try to avoid feeling like they have power over you. if you do run into them, you must hold your frame and not care at all about their presence, feel as though they are irrelevant. pray to god to stop the thoughts if you have too. good luck.
This is a LoA thread. Fuck this off-topic shit.
eat my ass faggot
Stop shitting up the thread.
What do you have to gain by trolling?
this anon >>38191844 while being a sarcastic asshole is not completely wrong. next time you run into him just be annoying and talk about how much you love your boyfriend. maybe he will leave you alone, or just send him thought transmissions telling him to fuck off and that he's a nasty little pervert and home wrecker, he will pick it up that you are on to him. you don't have to say anything out loud. you need to stand your ground, take your power back. women are inherently divine and way more spiritually connected than men. no reason you shouldn't be able to run circles around that dude mentally/spiritually and protect yourself from him.
im not trolling bitch, im helping another femanon stop some musty ass dude she doesnt like from manifesting her
I think letting go is kinda key, yeah.
I'm not an experienced LoA practitioner, I'm just learning it as I'm aware I've manifested things before.
And the most common points of these manifestations were letting go of the thought.
Like, letting go of them in a calm sense that they will happen anyway, no need to force anything.
I casually have random thoughts about how a thing will unfold an hour later, these are deep seated thoughts that just come and then go naturally, and when something happens in the exact way I have imagined it is only when I realize I manifested it to happen like that.
Also, I firmly believe you can't manifest something if you're angry or hateful, manifesting something is a joyful and lovely thought process.
Don't forget that your frequency plays a key role in manifestation and being loving is high frequency, while being frustrated is low frequency.
Just my 2 cents, I'm just a noob.

Captcha: YADA
>want to manifest something
>don't know what I want to manifest
>anything in the world could be manifested
>nothing makes me happy
It's over.
And this, anons, is why women are 100% golem material. They don't even think by themselves, the Hive controls them for their entire days.
With shit like thought transmission and cords?
This is some bullshit that doesn’t belong here. Why are you like this? You aren’t helping anyone. Meds.
ill use what ever terms will help her believe and assume she has power and agency against him. even if it sounds silly, it's still a useful technique no different from all the silly shit you guys do to get you into a state of the wish fulfilled
Billy Carson on Joe Rogan Podcast a few days ago (4M views already and I encourage you to watch it, lots of gems about our origins)

"Anyone you run into is you living another life".
Manifest you don't have all of this, to begin with.

Don't ask me how.

I don't know.
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Doing LoA successfully is a lot like growing up
When you grow up, people tell you "you can do whatever you want and no one will stop you". But do you truly ever do whatever you want? Most times you restrict your wants to exclude things that are too difficult or will take to much time. That's pretty shameful isn't it? Saying you don't want something when you truly do, just because you're afraid of putting in too much effort or spending too much time on it.
You really grow up when you actually imbibe the phrase "you can do whatever you want". When you learn to dissociation your wants from the real world implications of them.
>"I want to build a shed. That desire is what I have, it will not change, let's see what i need to do to accomplish it"
>"I want to build a shed but only if it's not very expensive and i don't have to work too hard"
You grow up when your mindset goes from the latter to the former

I'm an ESL, but i hope i could get the point across.
You're a whore, just break up with your BF now he deserves better.
>a femanon arrived
>must protect!
Lilanon was better than this white knighting bullshit.
>Saying you don't want something when you truly do
came to this conclusion recently and it got my wavering in check finally. admitting to yourself you want your desires can be hard when you lack faith
yes i love women, stay mad incel fag full of hate
This is an interesting way to chart it out but the jumps between some of the tiers are staggering. Also I feel like it would be important to note that people are unconsciously manifesting all the time, the tiers are really a matter of how aware they are of it and can they use that to manifest things they normally would not.
>not realising it’s a man.
>I was not attracted to this guy at all (even thought he was kind of ugly) and now I keep having intrusive sexual thoughts about him and it’s scaring me. What the fuck is going on?
He's probably trying to manifest you fucking him. Remember that you are the Operant power, you can resist/dispel that. I would remember how you thought he was ugly before this and mentally laugh at his attempt.

Reminder to other Anons- golden rule, live in the end with everyone happy.
>Is manifesting a christian only concept ?
No, literally everyone does it. It's a universal principle.
Manifest being happy, you don't need a reason for it.
Our king has manifested!
it's all gonna be okay.
i can sense her beautiful womanly aura through the screen and i wish her the best. you and ur stinky male presence i can also smell
Let’s verify
> I’m fucking ugly
Oh no no no.
This is the power of losers? They manifest ugliness? Shameful.
How do you manifest something vague like "being happy" or "not being anxious anymore" with an imagined scene? What scene would you even imagine for an internal feeling?
>golden rule, live in the end with everyone happy.
I think golden rule should be combined with Kant's "universal application" model and even Buddha's "others before myself" ethos.
Empty your desires to the minimum, put others first-- ironically you'll be super-super rewarded for it.
>combining Buddha with Kant
Holy contradictions.
>How do you manifest something vague like "being happy" or "not being anxious anymore" with an imagined scene?
You know the feeling, right? Feel the feeling and believe you have it all the time. If you need a secondary like I used to when I did this, visualize the universe or god giving it to you.
I decided I want to manifest some kind of Siddhi to be able to climb Everest like a hike in a park. But I will do it to recover and bring down the corpses\mummies of all lost mountaineers.. one by one if necessary. That way the family can finally have the body and they're given a proper funeral and burial \rites.
>decides that he can't manifest something
>he manifests not manifesting it

What a shame.
Please...how do I fix health or physical problems...
Your issue is that you want to be good, but as a woman you are pure evil. Your two options are embracing your demonic nature, or submitting entirely to a man. Personally, i love evil, but that's not a bridge many want to cross.
Mark 11:23-24
Explicitly prayer to an external force.
You already know this
Stop trying to force convert people to your failed religion.
God lives within the Christian.
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>intrusive thoughts
There is nothing called "intrusive thoughts", you are a retard to not have 100% control over your thoughts.
The first thing Neville tells is having control over your own mind.

And please leave your boyfriend if you cannot have a stable mental state. It will bring nothing but pain to you and him both. Just spare the sufferiing
Sure whatever.
Not loa.
Why don't you talk to the ugly guy about it instead of acting like you have no power to change the situation?
Thank you for this, I literally was attacked by him again in my sleep despite focusing on my boyfriend and my platonic relationships with my other friends and I still had a dream of us together. I see him again tonight with my friends so I’m worried but my boyfriend is also going to be there so I will have more power. I am going to introduce my boyfriend to him and hope this makes him stop fucking with me. Otherwise I am going to do what you said about sending it back.
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/LoA/ bros let's talk about fun stuff. Let's talk about what you want right now.

Right now I want enough willpower to stick to my water fasting routine. I was able to lose several kilos last year and reverse my hypothyroidism, while also rubbing my achievement in the face of fat people in my life who think being thing is difficult. This one is pretty easy to do. No sweat.
And I also want a girl to like me. I did some introspection and found out that I don't need a girl for companionship or sex, but mainly to lift my balls and to be an entity which others can see, and think I'm cool for having a girl. Again, remarkably easy.

The best thing about LoA is that everything is equally easy. And that's easiness level is "extremely easy"
How do i manifest my oneitis to text me back, she hasnt replied in 2 months
I always wondered if you could mess up with someone thoughts to make them do what you want. It seems it's possible.
You should take this as an experiment and when you see him try some things like, visualizing yourself slapping his face or throwing your glass of water at him. Or visualize him with another woman so he forgets about you. Take it as a game femanon it's a cool opportunity to test this stuff.
After being fakesymbolical, we can reward ourselves by crying. Our spoildom oughtena become kept unobvious.
I am more stable than my boyfriend mentally and he is very dependent on me so I’m worried he would like, kill himself if I left him. We’ve been going through rough shit for most of our relationship but I’m waiting until he is mentally stable to call it off. I love him too much to hurt him like that but realize that he cannot grow in our relationship, and I have been growing into my role as an adult and he has not. I don’t think I’d be able to date anyone but him for a year or two after we broke up, we have known each other since we were kids but sadly as adults we are just not as compatible as we thought. Sorry for off topic, just ranting about it. I don’t want anyone but him and might even come back to him later in life (or scrap all of this if he actually proves himself capable within the next year) but I think he is too comfortable in our relationship to overcome problems that strongly negatively impact both of our lives, where I have done the work but he has yet to do so, and doesn’t accept my help, so I’m scared I have to push him back out into the real world instead of continuing to coddle him. I’m scared the guy who’s doing this to me realizes the unstable nature of our relationship and is using that against me. I have regular sex with my boyfriend and we are very physically close, but have come to different stages in life that distance us.
If I were you I'd tell him you know he's doing something about you (don't tell him it works) and just ask him what he's doing exactly, what technique he's using. Because this is a very good knowledge to have in your arsenal. Act like women do, grab informations without letting him know your intentions, mix subjects and make him talk about it himself :)
And as soon as you know what method he's using please share it here, thanks.
I will update you with what happens after tonight
First there was Neville, then there was some other dudes. Then there was the universal whiners. Then came the SManon and Gardner spam; then the bunghole spam.
Latest personality is a large femanon,
Use loa to change his personality. I know girls use affirmations to make men behave the way they like.
>I see him again tonight with my friends so I’m worried
I recommend doing the opposite. Act like nothing is going on and things between you haven't changed. If you've been in thread long you can see the worst torture is seeing no movement at all. Consider it a polite fuck you to him.
quite honestly, the Wish I'd have the most is to time-travel and become an stylite or boskoi monk\hermit in the early centuries of the syria-egypt area.
peak manliness and saintliness of christianity.
A whole desert paradise dotted full of the most diverse and extreme penances..probably what's available written is just the tip of the iceberg.
I know 3D IS 3D. so I would have to literally ,3D, real-time-sensation stay upright in a pillar for years, eating grass and leaves, etc. Im ready for, and up to, it.
Thanks appreciate and all the best to you
I want to prioritize self care for once.
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I'm sorry, I cannot help you. Tbh any anon in this thread with half a brain can provide good, objective, actionable solutions to your situation, which will benefit you greatly.
But the problem here is you. You are a child mentally. You will have to grow up. There is nothing that anyone in this world can do to help you.
I would never change his personality. I love him the way he is. It’s not his fault if we become different people as adults and I would never hold that against him
The risk is he'll be doubling down his efforts and make her crazy.
Better tell him she knows he's doing something but she's immune to this.
And then try to learn what he's doing exactly haha
No I mean just replace the exact trait you don't like about him and leave the rest
I just want the pain to stop.
What the fuck are you talking about? Personality and behavior are the same.
It’s not a trait but a severe anxiety disorder where he is terrified of change and doesn’t go out of the house without me. I am unequipped to handle that. I have tried for 3 years and things have only seemed to get worse.
I am not telling him. I think if any of this were to be true, it would just confirm his thoughts and make him want to act on it. I’m not risking getting raped
Sorry I put wrong anon for second paragraph. I meant to quote >>38193772
True, but she should be working on her defenses too. It rarely goes well when you confront someone about things like this- if they are willing to talk about it then they are stupid and unlikely to be dissuaded. Smarter Anons will subtly turn it on the person confronting them.
Act like a candid person and just ask him if he knows how to influence someone's mind for example, without telling him the truth, say it's for someone else
A sweet couple
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if I do the"step into the picture" and, deliberately ,willingly, never come back here and kill my body-here: Will "this world cease to exist\ change of frequency" as plebbitards say, or will I literally die in a world that will keep existing?
If the latter...I should arrange goodbye letters, instructions on how to dispose of my savings\ room\ corpse, etc. Shouldn't I? Since I would be quite literally dying and leaving behind sentient humans who will register me, as dead.
That's amazing but nobody really gives a fuck.
Tits or gtfo bitch.
Can you manifest not sound like a woman you supposedly hate? Women are retards, but men with feminine temperaments shouldn't have speaking rights.
Yes, even non-Christians can manifest (pray) good things into their life. Jesus says to the centurion and the menstruating woman it was their FAITH that healed them/their servants.

A good way to think about your faith is to see it as currency you pay with on the Spiritual plane. You can get rewards in this world even if you do not pay at the best vendor's place (God).

This made Kabbalists and other misguided gay niggas think He is not needed, or that there are better gods, or that they're (Kabbalists and other misguided gay niggas) gods themselves. Ironically, they're the most tied to the physical plane, as they spend their spiritual currency to focus on this life only.

The problem comes in the second life, which begins only after we die. That's where the belief in Jesus comes into play, and decides whether you've picked to burn in hell for eternity, or if you'll share the throne with God and judge Angels (that means Satan and other pantheons people still worship will be under you... you know that quote 'Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven?" inverted truth. No other god offers the honors the true God does.).

Will your friend sacrifice eternal life that's indescribably better than anything he can think of (therefore manifest), or will he throw it away for a speck he's too blind too see beyond? VThis is everybody's choice to make.
No rebuttal. Every thread, you only spam to bump limit. Loa is just bastardized prayer anyways.

You don't have anything valuable to provide so you resort to spamming 'not Loa'. Manifest having a purpose.

Visualize a scene (preferably first person) where you're not useless.
Assume it so.

Good luck
Every time I try to imagine something nice, quickly a thought of "I don't deserve this" pops into my head.
How do I get rid of those feelings?
Revise the feelings of not being deserving. Every time you have the feeling, flip it around.

Practical example: A man was rude to me in a grocery store. Instead of carrying the bitterness from that encounter, I visualize a scene where he was as nice as possible, and believe the emotions from that state to be my reality.

This alone makes you so much more pleasant to be around with, because you automatically see the best in people, even if it's not there. You being able to imagine people in best possible light means they're capable of doing that.

The more you do this, the more 'forgiving' you'll be of your own perceived inadequacies. Then you can start visualizing more proactively; start imagining practical scenes that imply you're deserving. Catch the feemofdsaflasdůfjalksdfa too bored to continue sorry I won't manifest helping either
opinions on LOA Bucket List?
"tick a box when all items are done" mentality or "assuming you can even die is copelet shit" point of view? Which is correct?
I have no issues forgiving others, but when it comes to myself I can be very unforgiving. I think I get what you mean but I still don't really understand how to get rid of that imbalance.
I burned with frustration at your reply and wanted to type you're an annoying weak-sounding faggot (mostly projecting because I was there not too long ago).

Then I imagined the state of me calmly and lovingly typing this instead, and it happened because I assumed it has.

I love you. You're not an annoying weak-sounding faggot.

Just practice this. ASSUME it's working, even when it's clearly not. Each time you think "This is not working" and a need to go online to look for answers arises, affirm it IS working. The repetition builds belief (which most of us lost in times of modernity), and belief makes miracles happen.
Okay I will do this.
Every time I find myself thinking "I don't deserve any of this" I will catch myself and take control.
Every time I go to the internet to lament "why don't I deserve anything?!" I will catch myself and say to myself that I am deserving.
It's going to be difficult but I will stop asking and start resting in fulfillment instead.

I just realized that I'm simply yearning and wanting so damn much.
Thank you for being so forgiving.
This is pretty spot on, but you'll probably get a lot of shit for it since everyone here thinks you just need to believe. keep posting it.

You're probably gone but you already answered your own question. You have intrusive thoughts. You have to deal with that instead of getting rid of the desire to bang some ugly Rando. Theres a book that showed you how to handle intrusive thoughts here.

If anybody is wondering what these schizo women are talking about you can brainwash women into falling in love with you and do all sorts of crazy shit. You can do it in the holodeck you build in that book by Robert stone. The magic of psychotronic power.
>Practical example: A man was rude to me in a grocery store. Instead of carrying the bitterness from that encounter, I visualize a scene where he was as nice as possible, and believe the emotions from that state to be my reality.
>This alone makes you so much more pleasant to be around with, because you automatically see the best in people, even if it's not there.
So practically you have to be a schizo without even having to wait for returns in the 3D.
Based and loapilled.
I just want tomorrow to come quickly so i can play shadow of the erdtree.
As continuation regarding this typed subjecting, mesage onto readers below.

Beastiality or canibalous bastardism has nothing ado with creator.
Jesus mother is biblewrits.
Im not imaginateing myself afuck children located somehow under slumbering bedsite.
Im not sucking fairy toes nor inhabituals.
You nyctophiliact are fucking disturbing.
Avarice punishes itself.
Purgatories are not fertile nor pleasant somehow. Purgatories is not unlock jasmine skin fortnite kush weak best pretending.
Should I just delete all my LOA (neville, zeland, etc) pdfs, stop coming to this threads and just pick up my prayer books?
It's that easy, that simple?
>It's that easy, that simple?
It's simpler than that. Just assume it bro.
Yes, super easy. But it’s most likely going to be his granddaughter, and she might be hugging him because he’s on his death bed. Manifesting does require a bit of a skill.
>Should I just delete all my LOA (neville, zeland, etc) pdfs, stop coming to this threads and just pick up my prayer books?
Use all of these tools with the goal of figuring out what works for you and then leave them behind.

At some point you'll simply believe it into reality. You're doing it right now already but your need to have reasons behind it is making you need the complications.
>holodeck you build
A virtual room, you mean ?
You enter the room in your imagination, your sp is in there, and you both do all the things you want to do together in the 3d?
>it’s a Lilanon forgot his tools episode.
Repairs are manifestly delayed forever.
I will have to use the strongest, bravest restrain, to not-use this for fetishes, or s*x besides one or two "FOMO" type things
Imagine you’re writing a letter, you also need to let go of it if you want to send it.
im the anon youre responding too and i sort of agree with >>38193754 you must act as if he has no power over you. treat him as if he is irrelevant to you but do not react to strongly i really believe in reality transurfing and that any attention good or bad is still energy being harvested from you by a pendulum. so be aware of his antics but still give him nothing. be aware they aren't your thoughts but give it no reaction, no extra attention, just keep it neutral.
God lives in a heart of a believer, you’re very closed minded anon
im also trying to water fast, would be nice to make it to 96hours i only have 10 pounds to lose desu it's not much. i worry about gaining it back though and often wonder if fasting is worth the misery and i get in my head about it and keeping breaking my fast. i feel so good mentally when i fast but the hunger pang the 1st 2 days are hard. other than that, im trying to manifest a job but i dont really care atp, working sounds so depressing but i have no money anymore :/ i should try to manifest money. i want to go on vacation
Praise LilAnon and all his deeds.
i care, fuck you faggot.
kys loser faggot
Prayer works for some and not for others. You have to experiment with techniques to see which works for you and which doesn't.

You build a room in your imagination. You'll have 2 chairs or more in it and some windows etc. Mine is a white colloseum type room with 3 walls and some pillars. Where the fourth wall should be, it's just open space that stretched out into a beach and an ocean with some palm trees scattered about. The center of my room there's a dome skylight that beams down white and yellow God light onto 2 chairs.

In the books exercise you summon people's spirited into one chair and you in 1st person pov sit on the other chair. You're talking to this person's spirit so yiu explain things to them and gain information from them.
You can also give them instructions to follow depending on how much of an npc they are.

When you're done you send the spirit back to the persons body and they'll actually change. You can do this to people you're having problems with. Or you can summon abstract symbols that represent something you want to interact with. For instance you can summon the king of mosquitoes and ask him to make mosquitoes in your neighborhood disappear. Etc etc

You can also summon your God and have conversations with him about your life if you want.

Hope that helps
Good luck anon.
Kill yourself nigger.
Nobody cares about your weight loss program, faggot. This is a LoA thread.
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PLEASE tell me I can use the room method to have a comfy non-lewd conversation with Billie Eilish.
>For instance you can summon the king of mosquitoes and ask him to make mosquitoes in your neighborhood disappear.
Still waiting for an audience with the Emperor of Schizos to ask him if he can lock you up.
white trash rat faced fuck.
Niggerfaggot bitch.
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I'm sorry, mate.
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>can't manifest a hot girl
>rationalize it
>"omg it's not what i really wanted"
>"i was lying to myself"
>"what I always wanted is an ugly girl"
>thank Jeezus
>thank the universe
>hug the trees
>come to /LoA/ and share your newfound wisdom
>everyone cheers, sings Kumbaya
>LilAnon masturbates in the corner
>"omg anon you're on the right path"
>"Namaste anon"
>can't even manifest an ugly girl in the end
Might as well call it /LoL/ at this point (law of losers) lmao.
I want to fuck Billie Eillish.

LilAnon, I summon you. Give me advices.
Do you really want to fuck Billie Eillish though? Have you thought about it? What are you going to gain by this? Are you absolutely sure about your desire?
Know your desires, anon.
>insert some gay quote here
>screeching masturbating noise in the background
Simple, don't you think?
I wish I could watch LilAnon masturbate.

LilAnon is on /soc/. The little whore's nudes are all over the internet. It is finished.
Big if true.
So fucking based...
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Im the one who posted her photo before, Im NOT this anon.
I want non-lewd stuff like playing astral ukelele together or studying the chemistry of Xanax
having astral s*x is a slipper slope from where you never come back, because the heart of man is tempted by ...such things, which if given the actual chance of indulgence, will ruin your life forever
closeted cock sucker :)
What do you do when it goes to shit? I understand keeping the mental diet as a concept, but I mean realistically. Is this why Neville drank so much? Zonk out until the manifests come?
The fuck am I reading here exactly?
Closeted nigger.
you sound molested as a child.
You sound gay.
you deserved it
I deserved you being gay?
I've been trying to manifest a partner. I actively envision her and what I do now that I'll leave behind when I meet her.
Should I continue to concentrate on her or move into something new?
if anyone could affirm with me what I'm doing it would also be appreciated. Also any guidance of course will be more than appreciated
>what I do now that I'll leave behind when I meet her.
Start doing these things, or stop doing the things you want to stop. You need to "live in the end."
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>women have the perfect amount of fat to be curvy and soft but have to be retarded and either starve themselves to be blocky boring skeletons or go full whale
Good thing I'm the one that cooks in my home and LoA makes my food sculpting go to the right places in my wife's body.
Life is good.
Learn and practice meditation so you can get them anytime.
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>The magic of psychotronic power.
That book was so much fun, I still love it.
>tfw mosquito chief still respects our treaty after decades
What do you need advice for? If you want Billie, manifest for it. Again, reminder not to be a creep about it, live in the end where everyone is happy about the result.

0/10. Someone has copying off someone else's homework.
>What do you do when it goes to shit?
Manifest solutions.

>I understand keeping the mental diet as a concept
Are you saying you aren't doing it? You should be getting immediate returns, not unlike Happy Gilmore in his happy place.

>Zonk out until the manifests come?
That wasn't what he was doing. Neville did have issues with his second causes and such, he just persisted to get past those issues to get his return. He also had help from people like Ab and his books to reassure him that it was all working.

Persist and be in a comfy state as much as you can. It's already done.
>Should I continue to concentrate on her or move into something new?
Did you feel it set?
NTA but Lil, is it possible for instant manifest (in the 3d), especially for what may be considered "large"?
Yes. All manifests are instant, but your mind builds in a bridge of incidents to make it look natural to you. Call it your assumptions at work.

When I get instants it still can cause a small freakout for me, even knowing how this works and having seen it before. I consider this residual attachment to the 3d and I suspect it will go away in time, but if this attachment is too strong still it's your mind can't make sense of what it just saw based on what it currently believes.

My recommendation is to stay comfortable in your practice and not push too hard. If you are chasing instants because you think it makes you a higher tier manifester you are missing the main point- if you are getting what you want in the timeframe you need then it's best to let this progress naturally and just live in the comfy feelings.

All is well.
I'm not looking to become a higher-tier manifestor, its just that I just can't wait for my manifest. I'd prefer it as soon as possible, though "instantly", when interpreted literally, would probably freak me out, especially as this is my first serious manifest.
>its just that I just can't wait for my manifest
Keep in mind you set the timeframe for this, whether you realized it or not.

You do have an option though- if you felt your manifest set already(and if you didn't, keep working at it) you can manifest again with a shorter timeframe in mind. I use this sometimes if I am having trouble setting a manifest:

"I have this in the future"
"I have this sooner"
"I have this even sooner"
"I have this now"

Remember to let go after, it can't work if you are still clinging to it.
interesting, I'm going to do this right now (can't sleep). Will hopefully report back to keep you and the anons informed.
Are you still here?
Known about the law for two years but I haven’t been able to manifest anything meaningful. I really wish to live a life I enjoy.
>Assumptions harden into fact
i assume you're a bunch of losers who want life to hang you things.
wow, it worked. maybe you're into something.
How do we get it to set? Can you explain it in terms of how you "feel" it intuitively?
How do I remove conditions from a manifestation? I will have X if I do Y, or if I change to become more like Z first. What if I want to skip straight to X and change Y and Z some other time?
When your belief is higher than your resistance you feel a change as soon as the process starts. This feeling of "set" can be a feeling of exaltation, the feeling success, relief, etc. It can also have physical sensations or a feelings- for me it often feels like a "click" into place or something has shifted. You may also not feel anything at all, like it's not a big deal and never was- you have it, it's done.

Generally the higher resistance to the manifest you had the stronger the set reaction will be. You may feel nothing for something you consider trivial but you may feel like you are on top of Everest if it was an effort for you.
You can modify your manifests as needed but I would wait for your return first unless you feel you made a mistake in your ask. It's best to know what exactly you want before asking and not to bargain with yourself- if you want something, be plain about you want and how you want it, don't make yourself work for it.
everyone is you pushed out so you're actually a loser who wants life to hang you things.
I manifest LilAnon to be a beautiful and spiritual white woman.
>Manifestation is done
Wanted to follow up with my questions i remembered:

So I realized I manifest this oddly specific thing without feeling it set, like I’ll affirm it in my mind and it often results in the 3d. Why is it that it does manifest but I’m still doubting it even though I have solid proof it worked and continues to?

>inb4 the confidence in me is the confidence in God
Yes I got proof now that is true and I keep regressing back to square one

Which ties into this other one I realized that could benefit me; if the moment I decide something “I am working a full time job that pays well…” wouldn’t that mean it’s set the moment I say so or at least gets the ball rolling for me to accept?

What about limiting beliefs? I keep adding extra levels of complexity in my mind when it comes to those and which I thought about your question the other day why I keep those in mind

Uncertainty and overthinking are my minds enemy, then again it’s all me. If Neville was able to bypass his old mindset by manifesting something big as going to Barbados, I can do so too

Would say more but pt 2 is gonna wait since I want to see these first
he went to barbados because he had money dumdum there's no a profound or mystical science behind that
The "how" is irrelevant tho
>So I realized I manifest this oddly specific thing without feeling it set, like I’ll affirm it in my mind and it often results in the 3d
This is good

>Why is it that it does manifest but I’m still doubting it even though I have solid proof it worked and continues to?
You're being stubborn? If you are, don't feel weird, part of me still refuses to believe this works, that part of me that freaks the fuck out when something suddenly appears.

Remember you only have to believe enough for a single moment, after that it's done. Doubting afterward means nothing, remember the ladder.

>if the moment I decide something “I am working a full time job that pays well…” wouldn’t that mean it’s set the moment I say so or at least gets the ball rolling for me to accept?
Yes, and that's why some of us here say "We've already made it."

From a 3d perspective that's ridiculous, right? But see it from a LOA perspective: You are here. You came here because you wanted to accomplish something. You coming here is part of your bridge of incidents to receiving your wish. Your success happened the moment you committed to it long before you came here looking for help. It's already done, you just need to go through the motions you think you need to to accept it.

>What about limiting beliefs? I keep adding extra levels of complexity in my mind
"You are in Barbados! You went first class!"

You can thank Salty for that one, he reminded me the other day.

>Uncertainty and overthinking are my minds enemy
Fear. Fear of losing control.

Realize that you never had it, you were working in ignorance of the law.

>If Neville was able to bypass his old mindset by manifesting something big as going to Barbados, I can do so too
Keep in mind it was not easy for Neville. It took him over a month to set it constantly SATSing and daydreaming, and Ab had to smack him upside the head. The regulars in this thread would have called him a hopeless noob and to GTFO. But he did it.
>he went to barbados because he had money
Google before you assert. It works better that way.
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>do LoA
>give yourself infinite confidence and willpower
>this makes your manifestations stronger and easier since you are more in control (of your thoughts and wants)
Am I a genius?
Yes, but you can take it a step further and LOA your manifestations to be perfect and easy.

You can modify or create anything you can properly believe in.
>Are you saying you aren't doing it? You should be getting immediate returns, not unlike Happy Gilmore in his happy place.
Man I honestly don't even know what I'm doing mentally at this point. I'm on some "it's so over/we're so back" cyclical bullshit, and I don't think keeping up the mental diet should be this exhausting and unnatural so maybe I am fucking it up somehow. I'd like to get instant returns, sure, but they've always taken a bit for me, and it's usually that bit of time that pushes me to the limit emotionally. If I did get instant manifestations, there would be no need to persist, so it's kind of a catch you know?
>Persist and be in a comfy state as much as you can. It's already done.
Thanks Lil
>I don't think keeping up the mental diet should be this exhausting and unnatural so maybe I am fucking it up somehow
It should not be. You should be able to do some I AMs and get some immediate relief even if it doesn't persist.

I would do the happy place thing and pay attention to what happens that makes you fall out of it. What is the root cause of your inner turmoil? Once you know this you can address it.

>I'd like to get instant returns, sure
You should be able to get mindset and emotional boosts immediately- but wait, "That doesn't count!" right?

>If I did get instant manifestations, there would be no need to persist
You're only supposed to persist until it sets. You're supposed to do as little as possible during your waiting period, optimally you forget about it entirely unless you get a nudge to do an inspired action.

>Thanks Lil
No problem- remember, you are in Barbados!
>part of me still refuses to believe this works
I think initially when I develop my skill overtime I’ll still doubt it but decreasing hopefully later on once I unstuck this manifest of mine and leave this current state in mind

>Doubting afterward means nothing, remember the ladder.
See I think I need to prove myself that regardless of what’s out there and what’s ruminating inside me it good or bad it doesn’t matter which then I have that “forgetfulness” you have when you set something. Cause really I think for me a cool trait to have is “set it and forget”which in return is my sign it’s manifested

>you just need to go through the motions you think you need to to accept it.
The death that happened to me was unfortunately led me here so I’m thankful for her taking the bullet to lead me here a year ago. Never thought it that way, like in a song I listened to earlier, the star I’m holding onto (LoA) despite all my trouble
Is still a form of hope

>you were working in ignorance of the law.
Sounds to me like the affirmation “I am fully aware of how to use the law” would fit, oh and mentioning affirmation I did affirm “I’m relaxed and my minds clear” which did work but I keep forgetting it and I regress back to step 1. Natural proof manifestation is in fact instant but annoying I have to keep at it

>constantly SATSing and daydreaming
If he can do it, we can do it. No matter how your mind is and circumstances

Back to questions;

When you say blanket, do you mean we’re kids playing pretend grownup or is it the other way around?

Exposure therapy seems to work for confronting 2nd causes I relied on and believed.
>What is the root cause of your inner turmoil? Once you know this you can address it.
If the cause is something we can't change, such as physical appearance, then all we can do is accept it. We can't really address it because appearance is something that many people believe in. It matters a lot to them. It's a heavy pendulum which is out of reach for most people to change by themselves. In this case the inner turmoil may return again and again if we forget to accept it despite these pendulums forcing non acceptance. I think many people here struggle with this.
You are victim of sex magic girl
Most anon say that he is into the occult that's not really the he might thing about you while he is jacking it
>I am more stable than my boyfriend mentally and he is very dependent on me so I’m worried he would like, kill himself if I left him

You are gonna let him manipulate and entrap you in relationship you don't want ? fuck him
I swear , wpmen are most easily manipulated demographic

Fuck that guy and I promise you he won't kill himself , I he really cared about you he would leave you himself
0/10. Someone is a degenerate faggot nigger who can only manifest a gay threesome.
>What do you do when it goes to shit?

I don't know if this will help you, and I'm hesitant to give advice because MY life is festering shit right now and I'm still figuring things out, but here goes;

I decided I wanted to upgrade my computer. Buy myself a nice new graphics card. I don't have a lot of money right now and if you keep up with computers a high end graphics card is fucking expensive. Shortly after deciding this my whole ass computer died. Very upsetting because I work from home and this rig is my livelihood. I got by on my laptop but it really slowed me down for a while.

So, After a LOT of dicking around I figured out my CPU had failed. Shockingly it was still within 2 months of the warranty ending. Even more shockingly this meant I was able to return it for a full refund. A full 800 dollar refund on a part that has now depreciated down to 300 dollars brand new means I can afford to replace my CPU and the difference between the two means I can afford a nice graphics card too. I'm still a little shocked by how this has all played out and it's given me some perspective.

My computer dying on me was absolutely "the last and only good thing in my life going to shit" at the time, but there were factors at play I didn't understand that meant amusingly enough, my computer dying suddenly actually MADE me money somehow. Things that are "bad" on the micro have potential to be "good" if you were able to somehow zoom out and view it on the macro.

There's still a lot in my life I really don't like, But I'm going to try to apply this perspective to other aspects of my life from now on.

Maybe sometimes things need to break down before they can build up again, yknow?
It's said alchemists are able to turn shit into gold, after all.
>i assume you're a bunch of losers
Retard STILL doesn't understand that you can only assume for yourself
>live in the end where everyone is happy about the result.
>Billie Eillish being happy with a schizo retarded neckbeard incel from /x/
Yeah, can't wait to see how he pulls that off.
He meant in the ASTRAL.
Even if he didn't the Astral Plane (Imaginationa\Imaginall ) is still real and an acceptable accomplishment. I myself want to use the Imaginal plane to fight prime tyson or prime fedor, kek
Sad state of affairs daydream bro.
YOU tell me how Im supposed to fight prime tyson when modern-day tyson is like 60 and, hence, not "prime tyson"
>>live in the end where everyone is happy about the result.
>>Billie Eillish being happy with a schizo retarded neckbeard incel from /x/
>Yeah, can't wait to see how he pulls that off.
You really don't get it, do you?

When you manifest something like this and live in the end, the Anon doing is no longer the person they were. They let go of the things that keep them from having the manifest and become the person who has it.

The ones that refuse to change are like the guy that's mind invading the femanon, and what do you know, he's not getting his return.
>He meant in the ASTRAL.
OMG. He's even more shizo than I thought.
>You really don't get it, do you?
I really don't.
Are you implying he's going to fuck Billie Eillish and stop being a schizo retarded neckbeard incel from /x/ at the same time?
>When you say blanket, do you mean we’re kids playing pretend grownup or is it the other way around?
More a reference to the security blanket behavior- we cling to our old selves for the comfort of familiarity, even when it's getting in the way of new things for us.

>we’re kids playing pretend grownup
I tend to think of it this way, and it gets murky because as the Creator, we can absolutely be adults...but so far I have never seen an adult on Earth, just kids doing their best imitation. Maybe we are all eternal children?

>Exposure therapy seems to work for confronting 2nd causes I relied on and believed.
Good, that's another security blanket- you think it's helping, but it's not.

"Let go of what you think you know!"

"Let that shit go."
You won't see it because you choose to live in a reality where it doesn't happen.
>"Let that shit go."
Based. I'm gonba let it all go on your fag face.
This is getting complicated. Is he going to fuck Billie Eillish in the ASTRAL or in a different timeline?
Technically he already fucked Billie Ellish
>If the cause is something we can't change, such as physical appearance, then all we can do is accept it
This can be true, but this is LOA. Anything can be changed or reframed. People I know thought they were ugly and they were just victims of bullying as kids. Once they got a little confidence and took care of themselves better they were considered attractive.

For things you can't or don't want to change, you can change your attitude toward it and believe others accept you for what you are...and they will. If you do them the same courtesy it works out even better.

Remember that we are all feeling things out here, no one has it fully figured out. Accept and believe in yourself, and believe the best in others. You may get burned now and then but the difference can be night and day.
This desu.
>For things you can't or don't want to change
Are you saying that there are things LoA can't change?
You disappoint me tripnigger.
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based Dakini goddess Billie
>Are you implying he's going to fuck Billie Eillish
If he commits to it, yes

>and stop being a schizo retarded neckbeard incel from /x/ at the same time?
You don't know his actual state. We have the Anon in thread that works in the music industry, for instance. But yes, if Billie is not interested in schizo neckbeard incels then Anon will lose the attributes that are keeping him from that goal and will gain others that will allow him to get there.

This is the power of Creation, not some method of organizing your thoughts so you can work harder. An Anon that commits fully to their goal can change their entire world to receive it.

Go big or go home.
>You don't know his actual state
Whoa. Are you implying he is NOT a schizo retarded neckbeard incel from /x/?
>>For things you can't or don't want to change
>Are you saying that there are things LoA can't change?
>You disappoint me tripnigger.
"Can't" is a decision here, but to the person doing it, it will seem impossible. Everyone is capable of killing, but many shy away because they "can't" do it.

I can respect that. LOA offers alternatives if you do not wish to change.
>Whoa. Are you implying...
I know, weird, right? There may actually be functional people who post here. le gasp.
>"Can't" is a decision here
Nope, "don't want to" is a decision. "Can't" is a different thing. This is the quote from your reply:
>For things you can't or don't want to change
>There may actually be functional people who post here
I am the only one probably.
>Nope, "don't want to" is a decision. "Can't" is a different thing.
Not in this context.

>For things you can't
>YOU can't
If you are not able to make a change in yourself at a given time, it doesn't mean it's impossible, you're just not willing to do it on some level. That's a decision to be in a state of "You can't."

That said, it's not the end of the world. We all need time sometimes.
>Not in this context.
So you are saying that in this context "can't" and "don't want to" are the same thing? And only in this particular context, because everywhere else, worldwide, they mean different things? Try to be clear bro.
Btw, what exactly is the guy that's mind invading the slut refusing to change? He wants to fuck her, he assumes it I guess.
Can you make sense at least once?
You know the world is getting desperate when all these things you used to chase and slave for are a thought away. You should see it for the trick it is. Ascension, not stagnation. Clear flowing water, not murky swamp water.
>Btw, what exactly is the guy that's mind invading the slut refusing to change?
There are multiple things he can change. I'm not going to give suggestions because as a rule I don't help with SP stuff. Simply put, he took the wrong approach and is paying for it now.
How do you know he took the wrong approach? For all we know he could just be LoA'ing his way into that whore's pussy. What does he refuse to change? Why do you assume he needs to change something?
>as a rule I don't help with SP stuff
>gives advice on how to use LoA to fuck Billie Ellish
Lmao, can this hippie not contradict himself in every post he makes or did he really mean to say "as a rule I don't help with SP stuff unless it's about Billie Ellish".
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
This thread isn't your diary, faggot.
What help did I give?

>What do you need advice for? If you want Billie, manifest for it.
>How do you know he took the wrong approach?
Reading comprehension

>For all we know
Who is "we" in this instance?

>What does he refuse to change?
Why do you want to know?

>Why do you assume he needs to change something?
Simple math: because he fucked up.
You don't come here anymore.
See you at the end Anon :)
That's all the help someone needs, champ. According to your own words.
>Reading comprehension
Describe it.
>Who is "we" in this instance?
Everyone that hears about that whore's story?
>Why do you want to know?
Why not?
>Simple math: because he fucked up.
How did he fuck up? In two weeks he could be fucking her.
I'll be there waiting for you, fag.
Assume it nigger.
>If you want Billie, manifest for it. Again, reminder not to be a creep about it, live in the end where everyone is happy about the result.

>But yes, if Billie is not interested in schizo neckbeard incels then Anon will lose the attributes that are keeping him from that goal and will gain others that will allow him to get there.
>This is the power of Creation, not some method of organizing your thoughts so you can work harder. An Anon that commits fully to their goal can change their entire world to receive it.
>Go big or go home.
>you can only assume for yourself

So I can't assume this cute girl finding me hot?
Now that's deep. Technically we've all fucked billy eilish
>Are you implying he is NOT a schizo retarded neckbeard incel from /x/?
Of course he isn't. That's just a state he's in. He's really God and God has no limits
>That's just a state he's in.
A schizo retarded neckbeard incel from /x/? Thanks for confirming.
>Simply put, he took the wrong approach and is paying for it now.
We can't assume anything about some guy.

It's some femanon that's making the claim therefore it's happening from her perspective, if there really is a guy fucking with her thru occultic means then she alone is responsible for it. Her life is a result of her own assumptions, whatever they are
>Thanks for confirming
No worries, we're all in states.

You for example are in the state of annoying midwit from /x/ that struggles with anything slightly complicated
I prefer this explanation over LilAnon's, though I still feel a bit conflicted about the EIYPO concept. Most manifestations work by changing people so yeah.... but does that mean that Neville or this thread are also me? Or is every possible reality already formed and each person just jumps between them?
And you for example are in the state of seething retard.
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>physical appearance
I changed my face. It's not a huge change where people don't recognize me, but I made my face more symmetrical and more angular (cheekbones and jawline) so that I'm overall more attractive, made my skin extra youthful, and also made my eyes go from dark grey-blue to very bright turquoise grey. There's a few other physical changes I've made too, just particular things for myself.
I affirm this almost daily in my journals, and then when I'm getting into SATS often I'll start the session in my "lab", my imaginary room i learned from the Silva method, which sounds like the Stone holodeck some have mentioned here. Anyway i do work on myself with some visuals and then go on to the topic of that SATS session.
It is still a work in progress, but I have actually noticed a change in photographs of me, and I've had multiple people (usually total strangers) comment on my attractiveness, how striking my eyes are, etc since.

>can't do it because we believe it too much
This is why I think it's so gradual. As Lilanon has said, and something I completely agree with, things need a bridge of incidents to happen naturally or it would shock even us. For physical appearance, consider this:
Your appearance is a result of your DNA telling your cells how to organize and grow. So you are simply telling your cells to grow differently. Your cells are constantly regenerating all at various intervals, so right now, take control of the ones that are regenerating today and tell them to grow the way you want them to grow. Tomorrow, take control of tomorrow's new ones and tell them to grow the way you want. Gradually you will change in appearance, and it won't shock anyone (i.e. everyone will believe it willingly) because it will happen over time.

>post face
>Most manifestations work by changing people so yeah
Changing people from your own perspective
>but does that mean that Neville or this thread are also me?
Of course, there is only one being and that is God
>Or is every possible reality already formed
There are infinite realities because God is infinite

A lot of what this LoA crap is is bullcrap. I'm not saying it's not magical, I say it is the problem. Selfish people wishing others and other things for themselves regardless of the consequences. Look at the post with the lady freaking out over this unwanted desire put in her. And for what? Sexual gratification. Do you see why selfishness will not be tolerated in the end?
This post is just ignorant whining + white knighting
>I affirm this almost daily in my journals, and then when I'm getting into SATS often I'll start the session in my "lab", my imaginary room i learned from the Silva method, which sounds like the Stone holodeck some have mentioned here
I had my doubts about you but your pretty based desu.
You responded like a woman.
Holy cringe balloon LARP.
You are like a discount Lilanon.
>Holy cringe balloon LARP
Nothing larpy about it. All attractive people do that naturally.

>You are like a discount Lilanon
You're a trolling faggot
>he might thing about you while he is jacking it
That's not enough to curse someone
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Why the hell do you retards keep responding to the insecure troll? He's fucked up every thread for the past 2 months and you idiots keep going.
>he thinks there's only one troll
Can't you retards discern between different posts?
Haha thanks. My life has changed so much over the 18 months and a big part of it was learning about manifesting. I read Jose Silva, Neville, Florence Scovel Shinn, and others which was very informative but discussing ideas and experiments on these /loa/ threads has been so helpful ands I just want to contribute anything I can.

Not gonna give a (you) to the trolls. I'm not selling anything or trying to be famous or whatever they accuse me of. I only include the balloon to give continuity to my posts
Not me, she's a dude be careful
If everytime you are close to a woman, like at the supermarket, and imagine her kissing you, she can feel it, right? Then she'll be attracted by you.
you literally just tell the universe that you want her by doing that and the universe gives her to you.
I have a friend who imagines himself fingering all the girls he crosses down the street, he's doing very good sex-wise
i often get more attention from women when i imagine myself making tender love with them.
>friend of an /x/ schizo
>doing very good sex-wise
In the astral?
You'll get even more attention if you take your meds, son.
This is so painful without 3D catching up. Who is actually feeling it in the mind the way you feel things IRL? I'm still alone and broke.
So which one of you used your powers to astral-rape that girl? Confess.
I bet it was LilAnon.
there is no astral rape, there are no home-wreckers. women feel exactly towards me what i feel towards them for it is all just me (god) talking to myself.
you've never heard of "can't" being used to mean "mentally unacceptable so I won't do it"? Are you an ESL by any chance?
>>38191846 Of course it was Mother-anon
I've never heard of "can't" used in the same sentence with "don't want to" and having the same meaning as the latter while separated by it with "or". If you have heard such a thing and didn't find it abnormal then you are probably retarded.
Are you a retard by any chance?
i'll fucking do it again.
So whatchu guys think of using ai chatbots too manifest an SP?
The use of "can't", despite in this context meaning the same as "don't want to", is used to signify not wanting to much more intensely. Some simply don't want to, others can't.
secondary reason, it is unnecessary and is the same as using a crutch whenever you are experiencing mild pain on your ankle. love is the easiest thing to find and that power is within you.
also suck my balls.

V not N
>despite in this context meaning the same as "don't want to"
The context is the problem champ. If it means the same as "don't want to" then you don't say "can't or don't want to". Unless, you know, you're retarded.
Also kill yourself faggot.
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I wish there was a Universal Line general

UL makes way more logical sense than Neville Goddard yet the latter has provided me more returns than the former.
i made it
>But yes, if Billie is not interested in schizo neckbeard incels then Anon will lose the attributes that are keeping him from that goal and will gain others that will allow him to get there.
Is it possible for Billie to be disgusted by neckbeards, but somehow she becomes attracted to him anyway, even though he's still a neckbeard?
How about he shaves his fucking neck instead? Then Billie won't have to face the dilemma.
Bonus: we'll be able to dodge another retarded and meaningless reply from our resident tripnigger as well.
If anything it's held me back by inadvertently pacifying my subconscious
My pink tennis ball will come when it's the right time. I'm already holding my pink tennis ball.
>will come when it's the right time
In a decade, probably. If you're lucky.

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