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How does routinely taking and breaking fast improve one's spiritual fitness? Do I get a boost or increase in magical stats?
It doesn't. It is just abrahamic cope.
If done correctly it is a practice that purifies your consciousness.
It improves your willpower and sense of commitment to whatever your goal is. Also, fasting cleans your body, especially 72 hours+. If you have less waste and toxins in your body you will be clearer physically, mentally and spiritually. There's a reason most religions promote fasting.

I'd say your prayers will be enhanced during fasting. Give a 20 hour fast a go and see how you feel.
Greeks believed your body is reflection of your soul so losing few pounds won't hurt
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8 hours is the minimum for spiritual benefits (leveling up).
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Just look into autophagy and ketosis.
If you're wondering about what long term fasting does for you(7days+) i wouldn't know.
A video on the benefits of Fasting:

>8 hours
That isn't fasting really though. That's a sleep period where you wouldn't be eating anyways.
>Fasting can cause dizziness, fatigue, nausea, feeling lightheaded and even fainting.
I would be stuck in bed if had an extended fast. I don't want to starve myself. I am curious about the benefits though. I guess I'm just afraid of feeling so weak.
>I am curious about the benefits
Fruit and/or fruit juice fasting is a gentle way to start.
Drink plenty of water and you'll feel full, or do what >>38189388 said.
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Fasting would be akin to a dietary reboot. Help you ground yourself in what it is you truly need.

Ask yourself what you and others associate with the food you eat. You eat a steak, who eats steak? Cowboys? Weight lifters? Rich people? Boomers? What about a bowl of cereal? Kids? Someone just wanting a quick breakfast?

What feelings do these foods invoke? How do you personally feel about them?

You do that and the goyslop will take care of itself
>how does intentionally starving yourself benefit you?
It doesn't.
t. actual non-retard
I feel extremely connected and sharp when I fast
my record is 8 days
they say it calls god attention to you and increases the power of your mind over matter,
its a great test of will and puts you on superhuman leagues, just do some research about what happens to your body when you stop eating, its a nice rabbithole to go down
i can literally make silver coins tremble when im deep in fast so it definetly increases your psykick power
>be me
>go to sleep
>not eat 8 hours
>wake up
>eat "break fast"
its almost as though a good nights sleep is spiritually beneficial
>good nights sleep
Who sleeps during the nighttime? Actual intellectuals are awake at those hours.
Based rebellion of the natural circadian rhythm
>Alex Jones looking mighty sexy
Just gaze 5 min/day sun it's enough to sleep well.
Fasting does not work. It is just judeo-christian coping. In fact it is even worse than eating, because you not going to think clearly. Much better to be a fat basement dweller.
Fasting has no effect on mental acuity for the strong-minded.
Yes it helps you absorb information way easier, the lighter your meals the better.
food naturally requires energy, taking a toll on the body, even the freshest also being natural. however processed food disrupts natural subtle body energy flow, which in turn also affects biology. processed food should not be consumed at all, it goes against bioelectricity. fasting helps for more natural electricity movement as does fresh food. almost noone eats fresh so fasting does sustain the more natural energy movement.
I'm on day 11 of SR. I think I'll try a 5 day fast once I get to 30 days. What would you say are the combined benefits of SR and fasting when practiced simultaneously?
IKR, he looks delicious ;)
>It is just judeo-christian coping
Fasting is practiced in literally every serious spiritual discipline. Just admit that you have no self-control.
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If you liked that, this is even better.
T.Lardass who never went more then 4 hours without shoving food down his throat
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All fasting is meant to deprive you in order to regain appreciation and reset the hunger. It also trains willpower by exercising it. This is all compounded when you deprive yourself materially, usually food, and you the drive to focus on spiritual goals like prayer and meditation.
Nothing is worse than the first cigarette after not smoking for a week. Nothing is better than the second.
Hunger is the best spice for food.
Fasting has never been more important in this civilization where every drive can be satiated immediately and endlessly. There is unlimited cheap and empty food, learning, and entertainment. Most people spend there entire lives without want, but also without fulfillment.
Fast in any regard. Picrel obviously, but you don't have to be this extreme unless you are like many and drowning in your misery.
I've done everything from one meal a day for a summer to long rolling(broken by one meal and reset) 5 day fasts, and even a 10 day.
I think I way overdid it and ate up a lot of muscle, but I did cure a few bad allergies and soothed severe anxiety symptoms I was having.
I did notice after 3 days it was extremely peaceful, and did feel like I was able to focus more deeply on spiritual thoughts.
I'm still a fat fuck so it's not a magic bullet for health.
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I'm not sure if Alex Jones fasts because a lot of the images I see him in are of eating meat.
He's a real man unlike you cucks
It’s not that bad but don’t expect to do any real exercise

That’s not at all fasting it will spike your insulin. One you regularly are doing 13-15 hour breaks from eating a full two day fast is pretty easy to do, it’s surprising
>sees steak
Tempting me to ruin my fast
As someone who went half a year without ejaculating, and ate very little. You become super "lively" so to speak. You require less sleep. You can walk for way longer without a worry. Remember that this added willpower doesnt automatically make you an iron man. It is simply just, more willpower. This means you have the ability to channel this will( vrill) whether subconsciously or unconsciously, into whatever you want.
>That's not [...] fasting, it will spike your insulin
Do you know if vegetables and/or vegetable juice would work?
Yes, veggies are good for you fren
I’ve literally fasted 12 hours a day for over 20 years
Started doing it before I even knew what fasting was, what are my spiritual levels looking like?
If I stopped fasting would I become a NPC golem?
most people fast 12 hours a day, dipshit.
Faggot I’m not talking about 8 hours of sleep
I mean 12 hours of fasting while I’m awake
>If I stopped fasting would I become an NPC golem?
Probably not. As long as you don't sell your soul. But there are alternatives to fasting.
Here is the number 69 repeated 69 times:

Learn 369 and you'll know the secrets to the universe -tesla
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Fasting is denying yourself the one earthly thing people desire most: to eat food. By abstaining from this, it allows one to grow closer to the Lord, being less attached to the earthly and more spiritually attuned. Abstaining from other earthly things counts as fasting too.

It also kills parasites and prevents and cures cancer. Fasting is just awesome, I highly recommend it.
man, youre so right...
i have a friend who has major eating problems... i mean she is MASSIVE and i feel so bad for her spiritual fitness and her outer fitness as well... but there is nothing i can do for her she just loves mcdonalds too much
Dam she fine
Skeet skeet skeet
If I drink coffee by morning, but don't eat anything for hours, is that considered fasting?
coffee is very toxic and processed.
Depends. If you're going for autophagy, BDNF, growth hormone release, weight loss and suchlike, then the answer is yes. Black coffee doesn't break a fast like that.
The answer is no if you're doing it for religious reasons.
alex jones is controlled opposition
ain't he?
I think he's more of an example to be made. He seems dog with tail between legs right now.
They tried to make an example of him, but he's going as strong as he always has in term of audience.
>coffee is very toxic and processed.
That's what I tried to tell my girlfriend for awhile until she finally got off the shit.
convincing even your closest of anything sensible becomes pain after initial period of relaying true knowledge to them and them denying it. although we want to at times especially at the beginning reactively help which is the best way to do it and then we feel self if it's worth continuing as it would become a struggle due to not having a fixation to the problem at hand internally. knowing when to stop at least saves the self if those we try to help still decide to stay ignorant.
Eh, she eventually realizes that for a lot of suggestions I have that she should go with them. It's about seeing how planting seeds that bloom later is a nore realistic outcome than outright change at a moment's notice of a different perspective being introduced.
STOP posting pictures of Alex Jones with his shirt off
He is the exact kind of muscle chub I am attracted to as a gay male
does he have nudes?
can the stem cells that form specifically form on my dick? I'd like bull balls, longer thicker shaft, and a foreskin restoration stem cell package
Fuck off nigger kike
That’s easy. Most don’t even eat breakfast.

I dry fast. No food or water. Shit is so easy now. I also live on a mountain away from society. My first fast was in 2008, 7 day wet.
No, but a hot british reporter with the same name does
They are correct

Before you say hur durr homelander
He looks aggressive and not mentally stable many such non-fiction cases
I’d suck the queefs out of her taffy arse, and masturbate furiously as she hot plated my chest.
fasting doesn't really do much spiritually for normal healthy people, just for the sake of fasting. if you go on extremely long fasts you will lose a lot of weight. thats about it.
I mostly fast for economic reasons. Not eating for two days easily saves you almost 600 dollars.
You must be a lardass to eat 600 dollars worth of food on the regular.
it trains your will. it proves you are in control.
it can be used as a form of sacrifice to aid in magical workings.
it is also good for your liver and body.
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Alex is obese therefore wrong. knowing secrets n shiet while he cannot even mantain human form.
largely correct.
fasting might be good for shrinking excess skin but should not be used long term as regular thing as it causes insulin resistance and atherosclerosis due to elevated free fatty acids. like obesity causes same thing because fatty acids leak out of fat tissue and high fat diet causes it too. ocasional fast is ok but shit like one meal a day is simply bad for health not to mention being unpleasant.
to lose fat and remain lean you need to stop eating fat. fat you eat is fat you wear. wild animals aten by hunter gatherers are lean as fuck and bulk of calories for them comes from roots and tubers.
he has estrogen higher than skinny wokan and most likely limp dick from atherosclerosis too. hair loss is clear indication of vascular dysfunction.
>How does routinely taking and breaking fast improve one's spiritual fitness? Do I get a boost or increase in magical stats?
Yeah, a +5 boost in INT and +10 to CHA
parasites = demons
that is why jesus recommended fasting to cleanse oneself of demons (parasites)
Energetic parasites, yes
Fuarkkkkkk hes hot
i would sleep 8 hours, then work 8 hours, and eat 2-3 hours after getting home from work and i lost 75lbs in a year, natural law of thermodynamics is real
its insane how many fitfluencers are out there selling people on dreams and bragging out their progress of losing 5lbs in a month.
even if you just skipped breakfast and lunch 3 days per week and still ate like a hog you would lose 20lbs in a month simply by having a block of 16 hours (sleep+work) where you dont eat 12 days out of 30
any spiritual benefits are whatever, you made an improvement
>likely limp dick
I'd suck it to make it hard
I've intuitively fasted at random and find its easier to move heavy energy. Especailly since I eat whatver the fuck I want. Over time tho, certain foods dont hit the same. Especially garbage.
>move heavy energy
Please explain further or provide examples.
Fat you eat is fat you wear, sounds wise on paper. Actually completely retarded though. You need fats for testosterone, lemme guess you think cholesterol should be avoided like the plague too? You’re a moron
fasting for 72 hours is a requirement to effectively do evocation (only after 100 days of strict celibacy as base)
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Our age treats the body so much like garbage that giving your system a break is considered a spiritual experience. You have just stopped putting all the garbage in for a while and for the first time in your life feel like a human being. This is then confused with having to deprive your body to reach enlightenment. Being able to go a few days without food is a human requirement. Everyone should be able to do it and people treating it like a massive undertaking speaks more about the sad state of us modern people than individual attainment.
Eat nothing but red meat for a while and you can start feeling like a human too. Fasting also becomes super easy, even accidental. But that might beat the purpose if you're looking for an experience to overcome. As a carb head what gives you mental gains is just pulling through the first 3 days. It's hard and might feel like a spiritual battle but ultimately what you're fighting is your fucked up metabolism, not some inner demons.
You should do it but coming from love for your body. Not some fucked up "boohoo I must torture my meat prison to stick it to the demiurge" kind of thinking.
I've been doing 5 hour eating window intemittent fasting for a long time and from my experience it helps my digestion system
One thing I should warn people here though if I remember correct igf-1 production stops completely after 3 days of wasting, so if you care about growing don't go that long
Yes, it makes meditation easier, less turbulence in the mind so it's easier to get it to do whatever you want. On the other hand, you might feel kind of sluggish if you're used to being motivated by having a low-level sugar high+caffeine at all times (this is honestly most normal working people)
My schizo friend said that he doesn't have to take his anti-psychotics if he's 3+ days into a fast so it clearly does do something pretty big to the brain.
i am fasting my legs in a running motion in the mornings on my exercise travelling
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After about 40 hours of fasting your mind becomes a lot clearer because there's no inflammation in your body. Right around when you reach peak autophagy.
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what about slowing?
Tesla is mogged by Edison foh

Lol...that Alex Jonestown being a FAGGOT
I wanna lick his balls so bad bros
Do it then chud
Just do water fasting for a couple days to begin
>If done correctly it is a practice that purifies your consciousness.
Tell me more plz
This is accurate. You can lose weight eating only ice cream, and could get fat eating only chicken breast. It’s volume and frequency.

Either way though this anon is right about fats. I’d you mostly eat processed foods and feel like shit try buying yourself some cashews, and buy nicer olive oil and just dip some bread in that olive oil with some cracked black pepper. You will likely start to feel a lot better because now you have good fats. You can also potentate marajuana edible with fats as fats start a digestive process that makes you uptake thc more effectively.
Agreed. Use Fasting as a tool and mechanism to help detoxify your system, yet when not having periods of fasting, eat from better sources, do better with portion control and look to exercise more.
>fasting doesn't really do much spiritually for normal healthy people, just for the sake of fasting. if you go on extremely long fasts you will lose a lot of weight. thats about it.
You must not be a woke nigga
I am sexually attracted to him too
Such a manly man, yum
Fast on bread and water like those in the days of old.
Tons of religions utilize fasting. I'm a Shingon Buddhist. You have to fast before abhisheka.
What's that?
Fuck no those are carbs

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