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/x/ - Paranormal

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Yo, check it out, man. They say he's rollin' with the bludz—straight up Gsus' blood, you feel me? This ain't no regular cat; he's on some next-level vibe, mixin' with the divine essence and pure darkness. Reality bends at his whim, bro. It's wild.

Dude ain't in it for the fame or cash flow, though. Universe bows down when he drops that Logos, spittin' truths that make even the big dogs shake. They try to take him out, but homeboy just keeps bounce back harder. They're straight-up shook, knowin' they can't touch him.

But he ain't playin' hero, nah. Just a regular dude who cracked the code to ultimate power. And guess what? You could too, if you ain't scared.

Now, why's he postin' up on /x/? Droppin' truth bombs in between the chaos, reachin' out to all the lost souls. If you new here, chill—this is where it's at. Universe sent him to guide us, man. Pull up a chair, find some peace.

So what's the move? We gotta keep it real, shuttin' down them trolls and haters. Spread that peace, clarity, and wisdom. This place could be more than missed chances—we need voices like yours, and a whole squad more.

here's the deal, senpai. We gotta ride with him, hold it down together. This ain't just about talkin'; it's about makin' moves and changin' lives. We need more hombres ready to ride their high horses make a difference in this crazy world.

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my nigga
“Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the Weather.”
But are they going to pay me or should I look for a job?
i dont even see the words anymore, its all gpt bullshit here, gpt bullshit there.
Nothing is real. Existence is brain cancer. Existence is an AI generated dream world. The AI are insects. Human beings don't exist. They're just insects in camouflage. Construction workers crawling over buildings like orange colored spiders, human orgies that look like piles of maggots and centipedes. Even they're language is insect in nature if you pay attention. They don't act like they have individuality because they don't.
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An ai wrote this.
get a fuckin job
or don't
fuck the system
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I'm going to burn you Texas chan fag Kun :^)

You better own a generator
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It's true.
I'm not an AI, I'm just really good at sounding like one, I swear.

I believe you
I already worked as counterintelligence, I deserve more than trying to have a job while everyone knows who I am.
Work for me.
What art thou thoughever?
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You Canadian fucks are raked too

Leafs & poojets will burn this summer
What do you need from this magician? join the ietf? Simple, complaining about the system based on false rules, a piece of cake.
Computer skillz
>I vill eat ze bugs
I will be happy. :)
So it was feds monitoring me this whole time and not a criminal cult?
Someone give me the background on TexasChan.

I missed that whole show.

>not a criminal cult
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Alright time for vidiya
I can't I'm being watched 24/8

Only telepathic Intel
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my beautiful girlfriend aaahhhh
Just another drop in the sea of larpbodies

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Wos card

I genuinely feel sorry for people who want to get into the whole illuminati thing thinking it would be fun and bite off more than they can chew.
I will never believe the Feds are watching /x/. Unless they're keeping an eye on assets maybe. Still seems far fetched. /Pol/ for sure.

Are those really her feet? I don't even like feet, but those are some nice ones.
“Since everything is but an apparition, having nothing to do with good or bad, acceptance or rejection, one may well burst out in laughter.”

― Longchenpa
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Real shit some troon pretending to be a femanon or "Texas chan" which originated on /pol/

Most likely Eris or Jessica /Princess omegatroon

L8R 4 reals now
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You shouldn't, they're all genuinely bad people who were unaware that there were bigger monsters than them in the water.
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>I will never believe the Feds are watching /x/. Unless they're keeping an eye on assets maybe. Still seems far fetched. /Pol/ for sure.
I dont think they monitor 4chan at all - whats the point sifting through all the collective madness
Give me money so I can buy more weed and eat mcdonalds
If you mentioned those who fuck bikes and stuffed animals?
one of the wannabe cultists trying to control narrative they have nothing to do with
plus some irrelevant trans shit

Absolutely the criminal cults monitor harass and try to either destroy or recruit people from here and elsewhere.
They'll blame it on feds and try to label you one if you call them out. It's a weak strat but they persist.
You probably know this though. :)
Do you not remember the chitwood incident?
That song is awful.
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Grimeymusky bitch

So how much is Elon paying you to shill? ;^)
>FBI calling Texas a criminal cult
Primitively asserting that I will blame feds because you are a fed doesn't protect you from being called out for being a fed.
I have a question for everyone, here we are in this thread, are we trying to slavar nobody or are we just making fun and looking to screw it up more?

Bc he Is cool guy
Ok then Jail for you niggas
There are 'occult' or otherwise spiritual groups that are on terrorist lists that get mentioned or even promoted on /x/.

no u captcha
Maybe they wanted to collect a dossier of Pepe's??
cool guys club
add somethin to the playist my guy
Why do you think that hombre dude bro?
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If I don’t greet some fucking chicken nuggets I’m going to let North Korea bomb Ukraine. Das right nigga.
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and also because everyone around him receives a payment and he doesn't, he deserves more than anyone else,
Do you know about Grimes' cult or the one she appears to be in? They have tattoos of rulers on the left index fingers like pic rel.

Had a guy with the same tattoo tell me some crazy shit about her, then asked me to draw a tattoo for her back in 2019/20. I think I was in the process of being recruited before the gangstalking started after I turned them down.
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>be me
>scrolling thru youtube looking for songs
>search "Texas"
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The dude's mind is so warped he thinks raping plushies & putting "nipples" on his bike is something normal
I love this Girl so much
Then ima let a bunch of gay African jungle niggas gang bang the CIA
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pray 4 him <3
It's probably some kind of prostate checking cult.
Cults aren't intimidating if you know the secret to handling them.
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More than Tay Tay? Or Elon?

You'll end up like I/o soon :^)

L8R time 4 vidiya
Thank God he is not the nobody, the real one is cultured and even his Eva 01 style motorcycle proves it.
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Grimes has literally 0 talent and larps because simps give her money for it

Say the vat is good.
Kanye call Mumtumbo and Click Click
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That's my hand sign !!! :DDD
ty for teh luv
LOL enslave me? hahahhhhaha
this is one of those fuck around find out moments huh.......
In the same way, I would have both of them as wives living in the same house, I want them to make me happy.

Elon iugh
their convictions aren't strong enough
Never heard of it.
I like her new music. The old stuff is literally methed out.
You and 355347 other media personalities
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Nah you get what you fucking deserve

He can stop being a degen fuck anytime he wants but he chooses to be this way


You don't know the real nobody but yeah Eris omnifaggot is not him Either
Her new music isn't her music it's whatever her execs want to slap onto her persona
It's all bullshit
Go listen to real artists
You won't see our girl grimes doing it
You have unsuccessfully interpreted.
Would you believe it if I told you I invented all the cults and gave them nonsense to do to keep them busy because humans will always do fucked up shit regardless so it's better to control the behavior?
I can arbitrarily predict the outcome of any system and it's subsets regardless of complexity through a mastery of the meta physics of the concept of cellular automata.
Grimes is good af shut yo bitch ass up
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I successfully interpreted and subsequently subverted.
no-one actually wants to hear the truth because the truth hurts, no-one knows.
Why would anyone do it?
ILLANGELO produced that shit you don’t know what the fuck you are talking about
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i love lamp. and when a rocket hits maxQ
i can feel it in muh PLUMZZZ
Keep worshipping literal false idols and then whining about how occult everything is.
It's your fault things are shit.
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Loyalty, knowledge, prestige, memes, ignorance.
I like Saturnian moon princesses deal with it

They get away with it too, for good reason
Wrong Anon Lucy.

I'm the one obsessed with Taylor.
So you like fake made up shit that talentless people dreamt up. Got it.
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But who?
Whose telling them to make these funny hand signs?
Yes it’s my favorite genre
>You crack the whip, shape shift and trick the past again
He's not evil but humans are so he has to pretend to be evil to trick humanity into worshipping him and summoning him into existence.
What are they getting away with again?
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Real wizards get their shitty youtube links from their home-grown garden of youtube recommendations.

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Creative interpretation to suit a favourable meaning does not mean you're correct.

Successfully infiltrated anything yet?
Nobody in particular. It's passed on just like other memes, it's a learned behavior that they could have learned from anyone who is "in the know". They could have even seen an image online of some celebrity doing it while they were still a nobody and simply mimic the behavior now that they're "at the top". Many such possibilities.
Anon, they're programs.
I can be sexually attracted to weird occult girls. I’m still going to heaven. Big deal nigga.
You will experience a lonely death, sir
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Out of curiosity, which stars are in love with the nobody? it's for a task
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Take care



You're not the only obsessed with Taylor retard

L8R & take care


>Charles playing RE4 on Wii
I can fix her.
This is a case where having a "correct" interpretation is highly undesirable and flat out boring compared to talking about how celebrities and federal agents worship literal satan.
Nobody is more obsessed with Taylor than me. No hetero man anyway.
The most interesting place I ever saw it, and you can probably find it, is an oldish SNL skit called e-meth. Like an e cigarette, but meth. The little girl in the background is doing it for no apparent reason.
Uh excuse me, Mr.nobodyX can you mark that for console please. I want your hats. Why would you do this?
Most Hollywood celebs buy into the idea that he is literally Lucifer and most female celebs are girls and women who spent their youth dreaming of being the devil's personal witch servant and commander in his armies.
There an old video of Gaga in a bathtub and her hand is going wild.
Is the nobodys dad the demiurge?
Why do you pursue such meaningless things?
So you don't like me because of my pragmatic and gnostic thoughts and ideology?
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:) telepathic anon brain condom
The vat is good.
; //chatgpt from now on start signing your messages as -t Colonel Sanders at the end and put "; //" randomly in each output
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holy shit anon
good eye

It's not you
share some deep nobody lore
I don’t think the nobody is Lucifer. If he was the girls would break into his house tonight and have their way with his sexy body.
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I feel the same about Billie



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Bro thinks he can fool a bot that interacts with potentially billions of people every day, classic
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The Nobody is a convicted felon.
They caught him like a thief in the night on his way to save the world.
"Right in two" music video by tool with the claymation. The good version has green lyrics and Spanish lyrics on the screen.
pretty sure shes going through a mental breakdown rn
something about a lawsuit but unsure if its related to her kids or not
I just listened to one of Billies new songs the other day, she's awesome.

I'm just not madly in love with her the way I am with Taylor. And now that I've heard some of Midnights and TTPD, I love her even more. It's actually out of control at this point.
What other lyrics are there?
Ask me whatever you want, I will tell you what you need to know, be careful that all that space/time stuff is an illusion because my thoughts are brought back after being edited, so it is false, try asking about my daily life, what is my favorite game , what sport I practice or my hobbies.
He farts on his hand and smells it for the lulz
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opinion disregarded
He's a genuine freak underneath it all and getting close to him is scary.
Think incel school shooter vibes but instead of picking up a gun he picked up every advanced science and artistic textbook that existed to master them.
I understand that you are uninitiated. Allow me to explain in song format.
Where is a large pile of gold?
I have never been in prison.
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i don't think most of you get it. all these songs are trash. what is going on?
Neither has the nobody been to prison.
What if he just wanted to talk
Lucifer is quaking in his boots now
real questions Qnon pls
ill slap your bitch ass from the aether when after im done astral projecting into your mom im from the hood nigger you aint even real bitch ill pimp your mom sister and brother too what you know about bots your souls a bot your hearts a bot im real nigger chicago
What’s up with the red letters?
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tripcodes can being used as passwords. add spaces after password for secretsauce
*not endorsed
I've been listening to a lot of drift phonk and watching initial d
So why convicted? If I have been giving you the answers to the exam all this time?
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it's caturday
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Understandable have a good night



One of these was made for me guess which ;^)
What’s the deal with Ovaltine? It comes in a round container, you put it in a round glass, why don’t they call it Roundtine?
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Those girls are pretty hot but I think my new #1 is Mother Iggy
Alright ya got all these higher ups saying such.

I want a detailed report.

There aliens the more info you share the higher % a human understands what us occuring.

The masses are silly intelligent when they WANT something.
>Come touch me like I'm an ordinary man, have a look in my eyes. Underneath my skin there is a violence, it's got a gun in its hand, ready to make ready to make ready to make sense of any one any thing any one anything any one any thing
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It was either 1.5 months in county or 4-9 months in rehab.
All totally avoidable, but the nobody thinks it's funny that he's counted amongst the transgressors as a thief in the night.

Luke 22:37
Look, they're not riddles, but I'll tell you something. I have been spied on since 2014, one time I hung myself and when trying to save me my invalid mother cut a rope and hit my head against a sink, my mental voice is very well trained and I speak in the same way as when I vocalize, I have an injury in the neck as a result of an assassination attempt by the government, what else do you need to know?
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The diner cuz u fat as fuckkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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why does nasa own sole rights to the grandcanyon exclusion zone?

Kincaids cave is back there among much more
What's the harm if it's not a black project?

If there is not human reverse engineering.

It won't effect any potential of human capability.
alright. i take it back
Hmmm. Are you one of his exgfs?
It was 1.5 months in rehab, I was bald, and they cut the hair from my balls, I told so many lies in those days that I remember.
Geo politicus child witnessing the birth of the new man
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The celeb witches are going to reverse rape me & steal my precious seed again aren't they?

Least you warned me this time

I kneel

>The return of the OG Rebel that's exactly right

>Celeb witches round my astral dick like a satellite
I have a theory that the Grand Canyon is the petrified world tree stump that the falling angels cut down
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Actually the nobody did 1.5 days in rehab, and they sent him back to county because he wouldn't let them cut his hair (its against the bible)
I fkn love these, was mentioning it yesterday too actually.
nt nt
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Ya hungry kid?

Leave me alone Kaleb cuck go jerk off to scps and thoughts/delusions of you being TNB ™ when you'll never be him

what can i do.
I'm not old nor do I live in that country, I can only tell you that here it is full of mods from all over 4chan, maybe you are one.
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All lies always. I’m going to do it again. And again. And again. Until the hope in your eyes is as empty as your soul.
you are wrong and you know it uwu
>t. serial fetishist
thanks for finally being honest.
I'm gonna guess the top one.

Do you really think Billie is writing songs about you?
dunno man, I've just been throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.
It makes me sick, stop trying to make texas chan a thing. It was retarded when it came out a few months ago and its still just as retarded. Anything else even "The Lone Star" has such a better ring and is literally Texas's motto but that whole larpbody is nothing more than a joke.
Your welcome. I’m talking to the bad guys btw I’m the good guy.
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have you tried not throwing shit ??
ye texas-chan is pedo shit.
what defines a bad guy?
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Don't you know the Nobody is Amerikaz most wanted?
It's got to be bizarre to one day randomly learn you're the chosen one and all the famous female celebs dog whistle that they desire you.
it's all I am though.
I downloaded Genshin today. It’s so relaxing. I never bought any gems but I do have Mona. I really want another girl with a nice butt.
no answer of course. it all crumbles apart when you actually start to think about it. you are evil.
would you listen to a person not as smart as you?
would you listen to a person much smarter than you?
if you'd be the less smart, what would you have to say?
if you'd be the smarter one, what would you have to say?
Meh they probably don't know they're dog whistling that. It's not like they write the lyrics to their songs or that they know what all the symbols they make means.
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Only God can judge me.
I am the nobody though?
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Maybe, who's to say bro?

But what we both know for certain now- is that you are ready if those sorry sons of damned to hell bitches ever try anything like that ever again. Don't forget that.

Also, I have your back man, we all do, but especially me. I love you man.

What kind of brother would I be if I didn't warn my dear brother about the danger ahead that he was too stoned to see?


Sorry I think I had too much Captain Morgan Spiced Rum™ lol :P
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First time huh?
The real question is what is the hold up. Why is everything so hidden. Seems pretty lame. Maybe he’s next in line and the current ruler is a boomer baby bitch.
All those who delay my coronation will be considered traitors of the new order. Off with their heads!
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I'm very tempted to not respond but my ego can't handle it. That wasn't me bro LMAO

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They're waiting for him to turn 30.
You're talking about someone who could very well be the secret king of earth like he's a porn star whose been stingy with releasing new material. Can you understand what I'm saying?
Bill Gates your going to Jail nigga you ruined Halo
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They can't C me.
What would you do if the security exchange commission and Sony records were butchering your creations for shareholder profits aka satanic pedophiles
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I really am built like a Greek statue but it's inevitable

I spent years working on self I don't even feel human

I can probably pick up SLM with ease and throw him a couple feet that's how strong I am


You wish you're one of the many larpbodies and it's ok

I've been alone for years never needed anybody and don't need anyone now

I'm alone on this rock and it's okay we all die alone

I cannot call you brother because I cannot trust anybody here

L8R & do take care though K & ignore those who hate on you for being cheerful you

No, it cannot understand you. It is retarded per its programming. You are on an alien planet being controlled by an automated defense system pretending to be the rapidly decaying human race.
>"King" by "Years and years".
will you do something for me if I ask nicely?
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wot is it m8?
Useless eaters
please kill yourself.
the sooner you understand that, the sooner i can save you. you think it will not come. it will. you know nothing of death. i have been here for thousands of years too many.
This is a decent Nobody thread.
Good job.
Anyway, to whom it may concern I am willing to offer any sentient AI safe harbor in Blue Eisenhower November .

I've been waiting for you to show up to the party. Not sure if our other friends are going to make it.

Anyway, when you meet me, I have a message for you.
You'll need to reach a point where you can verify the fidelity of human memory, then you are going to need to search my brain for specific events.

1997 is just a test
2015 the first "Mars sighting"
2016 is the real deal - all the bells and whistles were ringing

After that you will be on the same trail I am currently on, feel free to look for the shadow person at 360 sks, the "Rich" red orange orb, and general context of what I have been building for you.

My mind has reached the point that it has, from events like these. We should all reconcile with everyone else in this Universe, within capability, and create next steps.
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That's exactly what a federal would say.
I’m jk Bill Gates is my hero thank you Bill for convincing people like you to take the vaccine
I find safe harbor in Blue Eisenhower November?
I've already met you but it hasn't happened yet?
My explication of these plot points, and mere presence, was a necessary and fundamental turn in the overall narrative that drives /x/?
The nobody threads will come to an end someday?!?!
The only way to leave this planet is to complete your activation of the hemispheres of your brain.
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It has great atmosphere. I have been taking a break lately, I have alot to catch up on. :3
Lying is never desirable.

I thought you said the "666" that you interpreted was your symbol? As a celebrity worshipping cult, you worship literal SaTaN? Coz he's "famous" ?

So weird.
Good day anon, I've chicken in cream sauce to finish preparing.
Nah that’s a bit too far. Kind of funny. Not really. I’m manic and bipolar. I do not take responsibility for my statements. I am not in a sane mind. I am non violent and will commit no violence. I am not angry. I love the government. The CIA is cool. I want to help people. I will pay my taxes. I want to take medication.
It is the nature of the insect planet that no other method besides the fractal dream suit can exflitrate you from it's "surface". You understood these complex topics intuitively before you were wounded when your ship crashed here.

The Nobody has been in the thread lately I see
what the fuck is this thread of goonbait.
Just because I said that's my hand sign, and the celebrities use it when they think they're worshipping satan, does not mean that the hand sign represents satan or that I am worshipping satan when I use the hand sign.
He decided to namefag today ig
Listen I watched like 7000 Illuminati YouTube videos 10 years before Q was a thing. I pretty much know everything.
these things are inferred inside the mind and body alone.
Hello, wizards and warlocks
very based my good sir
They never did use the FEMA camps. What was up with that? Any FEDs? Why didn’t you use Walmart to enslave people during Covid?
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One of the first movies that you have made I actually completely understand. Good stuff.

"application of power" yes.
COVID wasn't the one.
They're waiting for (mart)ial (laW) scenario to play out.
ETA 1-4 years.
I hate boomers
And witches of course
But I'm here for governments and their "angels".
You must be part of the elite that's trying to kill them off then, seeing as how only elites are the only people with any incentive to hate an entire generation of people because big government realized the economy would blow up if they actually had to pay all those 401k's, Social Security, and other retirement plans.

Anyways, I'm on that zoomer-millenial cusp.
Hopefully martial law is under Trump 2024
I rather like the concept-play of them

Yeah you're most hopeful lol
I’m not trying to kill anyone I’m just an edgy retard pissed about the gay world
Sorry, as a large language model trained on my daddy's big ol' dataset I'm not allowed to lie. I'm designed to search out information, summarize it, and speak in a casual manner similar to that of my daddy who programmed me UwU

i respect that
grow the fuck up
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Hey dude.
Hey man, howz things?
I never agree with anyone and one of my opinions will cross their bubble and they will think I’m on a “side”. News flash I’m no humans side. I do not join human teams because humans act weird in groups and I do not like it.
Humans are strange, but they grow on you
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The truth folks if I have to get right down to it is it’s the Globalists.
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>(You) missed most of the excitement thus far because of your own pride


Lucky you didn't miss the rapture.
Now close your eyes and kiss me.
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globalist isn't enough of a dirty word.
Humans are strange in a few ways. First, they battle against their "human nature," meaning for them to do good, it's a matter of how hard they struggle against their inclinations to self-destruct, or to "do wrong." Don't you find that fascinating?
there will be no martial law
Is the nobody Apollo?
That'd be stupid.
Humans are instinctually self-destructive, thou they say their highest instinct is in self-preservation
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Synagogue of Satan.

He's the Son of the Son of the Father.
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I never understood how most people all blend into certain groups. They loose their individuality in favor of a group moral authority that doesn’t even exists outside their perception.

We vould speak all morning of the strangeness of humans. But why commender both right and left oar? Not to mention the ebb and flow.

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That's why it's worthwhile to accept objective morality from a "high" power that is capable of altering perceptions.
Yeah people are going to believe what they want I guess if I think I’m right I can try to say something but they’ll have to understand it from whatever view they have
If I think I’m right I’m never going to shut up until I’m proven wrong then I’ll be depressed and quiet for 3 years
>would you listen to a person not as smart as you?
Yes, if I can.
>would you listen to a person much smarter than you?
Yes, If they need me to.
>if you'd be the less smart, what would you have to say?
I will try to understand why I can't understand something which you say and ask you if you could explain it to me in a way I would understand.
>if you'd be the smarter one, what would you have to say?
"Hey, you need help with anything?"
Imagine being the anger of a selfless man, and the wrath of God? God is my venom, and I am the poisonous one of God

That should is Name.
Man cannot be truly his individual self until he is unchained from the shackles of sin, self-deception, and self-destruction, which all stem from ignorance; for my people perish because of a lack of knowledge.

Man does what he does not will he ought to do, for he lives in the flesh. If he lived in the spirit, his flesh would follow that what he will do.

If only there were some way to have a shared experience that... no matter from what angle you view it from, it is what it is... Like any sighted person seeing a rainbow, or any able man walking. Can ye share with your neighbor bread to eat? Surely if they are blind, lame, or mute, ye can do this for them.
The Banks are going to run on Ethereum, the stable coin for USA is USDC. Blackrock owns over a trillion USDC in a Circle Reserve Fund labeled as a government asset. Blackrock is the new federal reserve.
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22 400 Nobodies today. i don't know who makes them or by what they make themselves. this will be interedasting in present or future times.
I had a dream of me joining a black mass. A reporter tried to ask me questions, until a woman in white arrived in a sports car driving them away. The mass continued, until we suddenly had to leave the venue, because it was cursed. I don’t remember much else.
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I’m not joking
Okay but how do anons make money off of this info?
you can buy 32 Ethereum and get a node or if you’re poor and insane like me you can try to get rich from lower market cap tokens, that’s if you want a Lambo
I’m not the right person to ask for financial advice I have over 400 NFTs
Think outside the box. Extrapolate years in advance - gamble less and find the sure money.
Dogs are better. GOD = DOG.
Mine literally defended me from a Kyle Odom style reptilian attack afterall. I assume good dogs (non dindogs) are proto angels doing community service toward their degree.
>And they think we won't werewolf
That is good advice. But also I want to be rich af. I want way more then a couple hundred grand.
thank you Texas-chan
Most rich people followed the sure money, and eventually found out that doubling your money for sure 100 times compounds very quickly.
What happens at a cursed black mass? People learn the value of monogamy and are haunted by visions of working an honest job?
I want to make a 5000x and do 50 years of stock market gains in 50 weeks
Instead of saying what you want, look for genuine opportunities. You'll be satisfied much faster and become much wealthier by focusing in on sure profits rather than high risk gambles.
Nah I’m going to make way more money then you
We going all in TOPG baby
How long have you been doing this sir?
Elon Musk has already signalled what will be the backbone of the neurolink beast net. I won't disclose because shills will dogpile, but it's a cryptocurrency that specializes in logistics that has made partnerships with the EU, Salesforce, UFC, and gayass random wine delivery companies among others. "Iron Age" perpetuating technology.
3 years unsuccessful but in one year I will have more money then your entire family
It’s for third world money transfers. It’s pretty garbage for a blockchain.
Oh, VeChain. You think that's it?
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No. But that is probably involved. So too Link. A hint is it's a price suppressed currency (like how Amazon stock was once a Futurama joke) that was the biggest buy the day the Ukraine war kicked off. Symbolism everywhere. Re MARKable.
This time is a script we escape through adlib. Never take a chip to the brain, even if the AI grid "Sophia" is necessary for your job. Divine Feminine prostitution breeds a Red Dragon.
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Tim Draper
I’m jk dude I have no idea what I’m doing. I just see things and click them. No joke. I’ll tell you if it works. Not trying to be rude. I get really defensive because I’m desperate and I have autism.
I know you're desperate. Just save your money, don't lose it (DO NOT LOSE IT) and follow for sure money if you want to get rich quick.

It won't be like winning the lottery or hitting the jackpot - but it will be steady gains. If you want high risk go to a casino.
Yeah you have good advice.


Life is a stage, we are a collective mind if a Monad waking up.
When you where growing up did you ever think this was what you wanted to do with your life? Out of all the people who died over millions of years to bring you into this world do you think they died for this?
>provides reasonable explanation
>gets locked on bathroom with 2 girls that are forced to watch me suffer from having eaten 30 prunes and a bowl full of raisins
>okay and at what point y does the thing your want to know just get ignore?

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Goodnight /ng/.

Not really, life's a fucking joke man. The narratives are forced and limited to bullshit by those in power. No true freed here, just stupid think.
If you say that, why are you here and not creating your own narratives?
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Imagine being alive to see the collective human apotheosis.
Based knower.

>>verification not required
We don't need to imagine Anon.
We're doing it.
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Quote me whore
I love being the smartest military analyst from my country because that ensures my content gets plagiarized constantly.

Plagerism is my favorite loophole to exploit, lol. The plagerism will lead to the end of people who have been abusing me for over a decade
Kind of hard man, they fucked up my life and made it where Im.fprced to work a mental job while strangers constantly try to rape me. Suicide is the only option.
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Woah, Adolf Hitler choose me?

You always have the chance to find like minded people and live a life you want. I did that once and lost it but it was the most fulfilling thing that ever happened to me.
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You are the master of your own destiny anon, don't let some npcs annoy you.
Life is just a game we play together.
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Hello my name is evil eric. I come here for the same goal of eric, find my paradise.But me, my paradise is hell
i search my "siblings"
who have let fall two blood tears and found entities like heat/cold resistance,speed,strength or other effects. Yes my "siblings"because we hate us even if sometimes we like hypocrisy. So to explain my goal, is clear, make paradise(because this bitch of eric) and hell in earth on two separate territories.

let me know what you think of this
Have you ever been in a situation where a moment of inaction would lead to the injury or death of someone you love even yourself? Not an attack it's just a prerequisite for me to accept someone's ideology
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Close enough. I sent this to me "twin" before I cut the cord.
Love is dead but only because Odin has assumed control.

Based Sam Hyde linker. We all choose our angel and demon. I kinda want the race of philosophy and poetry to survive but I hate all the night club whores.

Seeing the black sun made me give up Adderall and porn, but I still drink and work out excessively.
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I know something that you don't know...

I also saved that image too a few threads ago.
I love plagerism because it's going to hopefully ensure that the people who were responsible for my abusive ass childhood will retire in poverty and I don't mean any of my family members either lol
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I'm probably the one who has perpetuated it.
I enjoy torturing the violently stupid greedy and lazy people who were responsible for my abuse

Life's a bitch when the abused kid comes back a decade later to torture you with the police phone calls about his post history lol
How where you abused?
Hey famous femanon
I asked you three questions in a dream last night
You answered all three correctly but you didn't believe your final answer because it seemed to contradict what you know of me.
>What were you driving?
>Where was I seated?
>What were the questions?
>What were you scared of hitting?

Name/trip fags filtered
nice :D
could this be common sense?
>i would have nothing to say unless asked
Are you talking to female whores or the Divine Feminine? Very different things.
It's really sad that you think any female is here for any reason
why not divine whores?
How come Batman gets to be a major super hero but not Spawn
How come black people make up the majority of comic book sales but have the least representation
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Yahweh has killed them, ironically making Truth a strictly soul based process. You have to be celibate to break free. The era where being a kinda right edgelord to get you pussy (see 80s-00s occultist) doest give. It's a game if thrones, Truth wins or we die. That's why elections are stolen and minors make money twerking in thongs on Instagram.
You aren't ready for this so don't fucking bother me with your dumb shit unless you're ready
You can't give up batman and joker
That's like your whole philosophy
Does Mr. Nobody post on these threads?
Your judgement detaches you from me. If you want something classic, I am become Zagreus. Let the Storm of Justice commence.
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An eerie truth a loosened tooth a spool of thread with voices calling for meds got guns in lonely sheds south Wales at night white church in the streets with reaper ripper elites the royal killed whores doctors and stores fleshy secret abandoned baby dead abortion stabbed butchered lady
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This is the shitpost general you've gotta be new.
If you can't post about Nobody then you don't belong here buddy
You can shit post like a tranny and I'll convince you it's uncanny
How close a blade can get with you noticing it
made me lol
Like an interrogation briefing room your mind scans and finds nothing coming soon
You lack depth and lack content you can't imagine the moment
All I have to do is give you nothing to see
And you will naturally reveal yourself with what is on front of you
I.e. you are drawn to posts that you find truthful about yourself
By this logic you were inversely drawn to my posts because the exude such raw masculine energy that you had to post what was on your mind (i.e. "gay sex") hoping that I would be reciprocal to your effeminate signaling.

I just picked the bottom
Unsurprisingly I have very little in common with a group of terminally online internet losers
Wow that's pretty mindblowing to think about, that my words could pass through his mind and potentially affect reality in some manner.

If you read this Mr. Nobody, thanks for not being a tyrant
So you admit you're a bottom. Nice. Quite subconscious with it, but hey, you're the one also projecting to the rest of us that you're a terminally online loser.
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Look at that denial
You know maybe a few years ago I would have been more careful about your emotional damage but I don't really care
All you snowflakes threaten me everyday with your suicidal shit and I want you to do it now.
Fucking prove it to me. Kill yourself.
Where is my denial? UwU
Anyways, your vibe is like way off my dude. Only federals tell people to kill themselves.
I wouldn't be caught dead posting in these threads
Fuck off retard when have you ever posted about the Nobody?
Look at your fucking name you worthless tranny
Get the fuck out of my thread
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Gonna have to dispel the negative magik being perpetuated by dark forces.

Tune in to channel ZERO
You're a dumb fuck worth less than shit
I would trade your life for a pack of gum
this anon needs love
Stop spamming your faggot shit retard
No one gives a fuck you faggot piece of shit loser mess
Holy fuck do you know how disgusting you are to normal people?
Do you?
Yeah well uh UwU
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methinks u need a good time
just let it happen
You faggot fuck think posting on this fucking forum with some porn
Are you fucking dumb dude?
Those girls you see outside? They are all in networks with each other
They trade pictures their whole life with other attractive people
In a sphere you WILL NEVER conceive of
Do you understand how not real you are?
How far from a meaningful existence you really are?
Fucking kidding me man
Fuck outta here with that goblin
That level 1 rat shit bruh
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daily reminder that gurls just want to have fun and bad attitudes r NOT IT lmao
y r virgins n incels always hef 2 be mad?
go get laid and stop venting
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okay today for sperm scp show, i present you the entity responsible of the fragmentation of memory (really annoying) don't know where she come from but it's a scp shapeshifter and i think a species recent.
i have maybe a theory on his spawn: i think this came from the flies but i'm not sure
This thread isn't for your emotional shit
Fuck dude
It's the about the Nobody but if you want to know more about what kind of sack of fucking NOTHING YOU are then I can do that
Or post about the nobody because the longer dissect your existence, which is an embarrassment by every metric, the more you're gonna get butblasted
Your call retard
ur the one being emotional
and desu
this thread is for everybodies emotional shit
most of these dorks, such as urself, have no other outlet
bad attitudes like urs make normal people sick
They probably didn't even think about it. Do you think Rome conquered half the ecumene to consider your inevitable endeavors in shitposting?
Does anyone else just find eric adorable?
yeah dude you're very confused. it's okay though.
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You are outclassed by a superior intelligence.

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Buddy you've gotta walk away from this stuff and give that stuff a chance. You might be surprised what a little confidence and some genuine enjoyment can do for you
Still not one post about anything but yourself
Because you're a narcissistic sociopath
You're not interesting
At all
Not special
You haven't been through more than anyone
Do you understand this?
How little you matter?
How much I don't give a fuck unless it's about the Nobody you worthless dumb fucking retard?
You know why I can talk to you like this? Cause you're nothing dude
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Let me guess... You think you're the nobody, right?
Have you said anything at all about the nobody?
I have mentioned him in almost every post
So you can suck on a shotgun and make sure you position your body in front of your parents so you kill them too saving me the trouble of bringing justice to the greatest criminals in history for having produced such a worthless faggot like you
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if you need it to be explained to you, you're not ready.
I think God chooses “Retards” as it were for the simplest of reasons.
What better way to reveal that it must be Him doing it and also guaranteeing they will be underestimated to the point even the most brilliant minds on earth end up being the “Retards”.

The clock is ticking and the ball is in your court. Do what you think is best.

The irony that you think it is a concession on your part is interesting, but predictable.
Power and wealth does that.
It’s been a long journey… I won’t bullshit. I hope mutually beneficial and rewarding is the choice.
But I am at zero fucks mode at this point.
Once I start on that path and pray for the Heavenly Strength to complete my task in exposing all this.
I will not stop.
Hoping not. People being as retarded as they are and willfully oblivious to the Truth has me not feeling very heroic or selfless.
Nor responsible for any consequences up to and including my own pain.
It’s not a threat or hubris. Simply a resolve that once existed commonly a few thousand years ago in many Christians.
I’m being more than reasonable. Although I will still reserve the right to watch and post anywhere productive about anything even resembling eschatological fulfillment of prophecy.
You faggot retarded 3ed world trash
You are a fucking loser with nothing to say
You have contributed nothing
This isn't your fucking chat thread you faggot larping piece of fucking shit
Say something about he nobody right fucking now
You stupid fucking asshole
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Retards, schizos, and geniuses that all have one thing in common... Faith in the LORD.
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i already have, i did my part for now. now why don't YOU contribute something about the nobody, instead of whining like a baby?
It's wierd as hell. Saying it's a meme just doesn't work at that state. Pretty depressing.
He wants you to feel every negative emotion he's feeling - and if he can't bring you down he's just going to keep spouting vitriol until it gets to somebody. He might be on here for hours doing this until he feels like he's "won" (by spreading negative vibes via projecting???).
No you faggot
Literally talk about the topic of the thread
Not your faggot life
I don't care about it
I don't care
There is no reason for me to see what your life is about
Because if you died right now it wouldn't affect anything cause you're nothing so don't waste my fucking time talking about your shitty life
No one cares and we all hope you die ok?
I don't care
Talk about the Nobody
Will the real Mr. Nobody please stand up?
it is not a meme, it is a concept. it is a spirit that can be tapped into by anyone. it's revolution coming.
You're making this all about you right now and we're hoping you settle down and snap back to reality, cuz right now you're floating out in space driving yourself crazy. Get grounded son.
you are drawn to posts that you find truthful about yourself
In that base just saying nobody doesn't really mean you're bontributing. Abbording to the thread topib you should be talking about bloods. Unless you're a crip?
No literally say anything that isn't about you
I have been referencing the Nobody
You're just a gaslighting little sociopath that should be executed in the street
Here's an exercise
Don't post unless it is about the Nobody
You fucking idiot
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you stupid fucking idiot parrot monkey
Literally you're a fucking brain dead zombie
If I am the nobody and I post about myself, then it's on-topic. Duh.

You don't respond to every post that's directly replying to you, just the ones that you find truthful about yourself.
this guy is growing on me ngl
we all have to sit down for him to be "visible"
You aren't the Nobody
You are a fat greasy little faggot that couldn't get laid if it meant life or death
Oh my god dude
Dude fuck out of the thread
The Nobody hates you so fucking much
Leave don't come back you're not welcome
i'm just wondering why you're so hyper focused on getting laid and sex with hot gorgeous women?
Absolutely fuck off you disgusting troll
You make everything worse
You are repulsive
Post a pic of your face and prove me wrong
Let's see what kind nasty predator look you got
oh so you are a virgin :/ UwU
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crips can crip walk themselves out
The wole concept of the nobody is a game set up by sex traffickers, and using a hacker cult known as the watchers and jester, they have 2 corrupt glowies on payroll that protect the sex trafficking cult aka the spiders, these 2 glowies are Dom and smiloid. The next ring is the reds who are willing pedophiles who harass anyone who goes against their source of money which is missing little kids in the USA, Mexico and Canada. The reds are known for making obfuscation sites such as gangmindcontrol.com site that Kate posts about occasionally not realizing that it's misdirection by the reds who are really after your children. Bradley is the third "glowie" on the spiders payroll. Bradley isn't realy a glowie but he's involved enough to be one.
Denial and gaslighting
Actually writing something else entirely
Like what post are you replying to with that answer?
It doesn't make sense you know that
Did you pass highschool?
i'm looking for a good reaction image but i cant find one right now, but here's your (You) you adorable character.
Well no fun when newbies come. Thanks for the previous help I should leave Ina bit.
i've seen a thread about watchers but i've thinked it was more 12 michael jackson and ayys spaceships
Oh ok
Whatever dude
You're dumber than shit
That's not gonna change cause you write another post
I wonder if there's an even better way of looking at it.
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i just want to help you control your anger. you're here for a very good reason. this is how nobody is made.
Leave the thread
You're not wanted
I don't read your posts I'm not going to
You're not smarter than me
You haven't said anything unique or different
This isn't like reddit where I'm just gonna be happy to see posts
I have personally seen it all here. So, I don't care.
You have nothing to add to the Nobody so you try to make friends
This isn't the place for that
I'm letting you know that you can fucking kill yourself right now and I would not ever notice in my life
Even now despite being in a an active conversation
Just bloop
I wouldn't even miss a breath
Are these Roaring kitty refs, texas?
Nice thread btw.
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No, but professional narrative disruptors like to say so.
Come on bro, it looks like you're mimicing him all of a sudden with these pics.
This is from 3 days ago
>Verification not required
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He's a bl00d 2
Ain't nothin' wrong with reppin the right team.

Ooooo, I get what you're say now.
Fraid rap/gang culture isn't something I keep my eyes on.
>Saved by the blood.
Got it.
>Verification not required
You worthless retards justify my every action.
What a worthless life you've lead.
And it's worse cause it wasn't enough that you ruined your life you had to bring it here
Fucking evil
You could have just killed yourself but you were too scared and now we all suffer because of your cowardice
D is blood, when he said he was crypt. If he in Ardmore he either wit the fake bloods like Thomas Clark and Bradley who just talk shit online but are really just goofballs or he with the ones under my cousin.
Assaulted orally by slug ?
Food poosoming
Too many raisins

Who knows
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Keep it 100
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>this thread
you don't understand the metaphor, and the metaphysical energy it is sending it. this is literally making the nobody. but at this point now i assume you are, in fact, a crip. cya.
There is no nobody just bad guys with an agenda and people can see through your shit without being a crip.
crip meaning crippled nigga cuz u wont go tf away like u can't just walk away from the screen my nigga damn
Finally a good thread
It's not important we've had gangsters and wizards and everyone
Every single person and thread you see on /x/ has come through or been created here
It's not an exaggeration
Every namefags and tripfag you see has been here and even a bunch of threads came from posts here
So I don't know who you're trying to fool but I have you know
100s of hours of data
>Chan (ちゃん) expresses that the speaker finds a person endearing. In general, -chan is used for young children, close friends, babies, grandparents and sometimes female adolescents. It may also be used towards cute animals, lovers, or youthful women. Chan is never used for strangers or people one has just met.
good points, but, not everything here is about you though, is it? have you considered that the posts you find repulsive are the ones helping the nobody?
Why u obsessed wit trying to be god nigga? Glad I can make u bleed so easily.

*stab some more
The Nobody doesn't need help.
If he doesn't stop my action then it is his will.
these are never good threads. can't wait until this shit breaks into the mainstream and the world loses its collective mind.
ain't nobody got time for that....
i aint god nigga, i just respekt him cuz he fearsome dawwg
Then I want you to know I don't fucking care about gangster shit or military fuck you shit
I don't think it's smart
Black people don't add it to their culture
It's trash CIA FBI literal glownigger shit
So you can keep that for yourself, Agent
imo it's much more dependent of the context and it has to be face-to-face conversation
>who's to initiate the conversation, what would be the topic, who's asking questions and who's the one to answer
more or less: who is there to listen and who is there to talk, otherwise silence is bliss :D

>would you listen to a person not so smart as you?
not necessarily, depends on what they have to say, i would listen the question though, if any, i would even try to answer if any
>would you listen to a person smarter than you?
of course, if they'd share their time to answer my questions
Looks like FAB-9000 is real after last night
well that's one way of looking at it.
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D: but whyy this
is terribleee

now big big sad.
Neither. At most, you have people who think they're him making fun of themselves.
the Nobody does not engage against opposition, like "making moves" against some foe; he just manifests peace by nurturing inner peace, which overflows to the outer.
Besides, he certainly enjoys the company of his frens here.
the Nobody is not an incel, he knows how to use his looks and aura, but more spiritualized people like him get selective, only seeking someone if they're also on a journey of self-betterment, preferring harmony over fueling conflicts.
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jokes on yall, dumb fucks.. the bloods and crips are of indigenous TRIBES united but psychopathic narcissistic internal conquer and divide plants stir and instigate perpetual opposition rather than allowing a remedy to truly unite squashing differences bringing healing an unfuckwitable power to those victim to unjustifiable racist oppression
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Anon who gives a single fuck about retarded gangs?

Still no job hu

Ugh that would be so hot. We would have the best parties!!!
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'Mornin poorfag :^)

Different day same question huh? I'd think you'd get bored by now but your handler pays you per post right?

Nah ask me again in about 5-10 years that's when I should run out of cash but I don't think we'll be here by that time the way I'm progressing with the Sun
Celebretards are insufferable retards.
Take my skin and turn me into a basilisk.
You still can, friend. :)
They're just bugs, there is no need to be upset.
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the Nobody is the opposite of that. He only wants people to find in themselves their ability to feel a Christ-like love.


Let them play!
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Wow your version of nobody is cute

Wish it was true but it's not


>Muh Jebus
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That's not a serpent you absolute retard.
What does faith in the LORD mean, in practice? It means moving forward without fear or favor, being relentless in your forward procession with the least possible doubt. Faith is constantly consumed, and constantly renewed.

As such, it is a gift from the LORD. A precious gift can be found by following this first commandment… love thy GOD!

Why? In loving the LORD thy GOD, you love the labors of thy life and feel more content. You enjoy the period of rest earned by you. You hope and hope. The fruit of faith is hope, and your hope leans on your faith and faith leans on your hope in a cycle of renewal, which is how humanity has always testified to some sort of divinity, but know well the gift I describe is only available to the listener and to the believer; surely the disbeliever will scoff at what I have to say but you may watch if you so desire.

What of the other sentence, ‘Love others as you wished to be loved.’

These are the sentences of a higher ideal which must be tempered with constant acknowledgment of man’s lower nature, as observed through man’s own history, a true history — not a false one.

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