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/x/ - Paranormal

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Hit me baby one more time

Share what you got

>xopha terrestrial

>Project Unity

>The Black Vault Originals
Cult of the lamb


Jannies banned him due to exposing the truth. This isn't a joke
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Rightoid faggot virgin
Dead Rabbit Radio
Sky Fire News is the fucking best.
>The Open Resourcery
Go away
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The Seven Gifts: Steps to take to make yourself feel better, and do something for yourself.
Fuck off retard
Do you even dare to look and read, before you speak?
You don't know what you are missing out.
Are you lazy to much for that?

Did you just claimed you don't have anything better to offer, and you are living in fear?
Nothing says that you are any better then what you where before.

Whats is bothering you. Can you even contribute something positive to the thread?
I'm sorry you are having a bad day. But is you who is responsible for your own self to feel good.
Qrd on that?
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CrAkHeaD SpiRitUaLiTy isn't PaRaNoRmaL
You don't know, what you don't know. Are your views so narrow. How have this served you? Stuck in a box? Reality is more then what you know. Paranormal is just something you don't understand.
Physics of Consciousness is something we can to learn to understand our self.
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SpiRitUaLiTy isn't PaRaNoRmaL GeT OveR YouRseLf
No that's not what paranormal is no one makes anything about the paranormal and has it be about whatever this is >>38199162 u fucking dork
> Case File X

My new favorite, pic related. Good stories, good pacing, doesn't dumb down complex "high strangeness" topics just to appeal to the dummies. Each video has gotten better too in terms of "how to make a video", so it's not stagnant without a sense of improvement like the channels I'm going to list below that I also like:

Mr. Mythos
Why Files
HISTORY (not kidding)

These are the big ones. There's tons of small ones I'll click on too but I don't remember their names.
Came here to say this. best in the game right now.
Between Monsters and Men has a very cute autistic voice. She makes videos about cryptids, urban legends, and mythology.
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What /x/ think about Sam Tripoli.
He is a legend among mere mortals.
I checked it out in case it was so cute I'd become enamored, but honestly she sounds like a fat 12 year old boy with a swollen tongue.

Come on anon, say the line!
Through The Portals
>A schizo who's proud of being a schizo
>Dead Rabbit Radio
Jason is awesome!!!
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If I wanted to have a simulated one sided conversation with a tweaker at 4am in someone’s kitchen I would definitely watch his material but I dont want to so I never have.

The guy is completely insufferable. It’s not surprising he claims hes a “comedian”

Hes also an irl full blown loser who leeches off his geriatric girlfriend.
30 years in comedy, yeah howd that work out homeboy. Only funny thing hes ever said is that he’s sober. You can tell from a mile away the guy is a full blown tweaker
>Billy Carson
tl;dw? Its a fuckin 5hr video
Yawn. We know it’s you.
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>going deep
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Hi,my name is BOXXY!
Yawn, not /x/, just a basic woman.

lol no
oh god not again
LOLFIELDANDLOVE covers what seems to be a large conspiracy where various killers are in fact part of a larger group or cult that enables their crimes and uses these programmed killers as gophers for victims to use as sacrifices in cultic activity
You mean the people who draw the smiley faces?
My Favs:
And /x/ doesn't know shit about my niggas cyrax and flyraxx who were doing this shit decades ago:
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He is the best around, nothing's ever gonna bring you down
I was gonna put my channel here, but then I realized this is glowie honey trap, look what happened to Xanden after he posted here, his channel gets 10 strikes in one day, insta-kill.
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Logposter youtube. the andy sixx poop joke is a cover for a grooming ring
>you didnt hear this from me
He was live but I'll link u to his story.
He was harrased by the cia and weird entities, he has some real occult knowledge on what the fuck is going on like the war of Gog and magog and cern. Dude seems very genuine and he's said he used to be a physicist, judge for urself regardless

It's not but why do you hate him? Genuinely never seen anyone on x overly hate on one person so much other than jesus
Qrd on his life?
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Revelations of Jesus Christ

He has a video about almost anything, even about sounds in the media being occultist rituals.
>Bill Still
The ruling elits wish to coverup that humans where created by aliens. they fear your panic, your response to this. There is whole history before Earth was created and humans who later where created by Aliens who visited earth.

We are made in Image of "god" mean, we are made from DNA of Aliens who come to earth and, we look like them. God is just a word for creator, who made up.


Global event that have changed ancient past, when humanity forgot there history, and where only living for survival.

Blue blood explained

Sound create form, and can change the form.

Bill Still, nigga, can't you read?
This is stupid.
We are red because the planet is red, full of iron.
They are blue because their environment is of copper.
Our colors are warm and their colors are cold.
>Jordan Maxwell
Check out anything where Terence McKenna is featured. He's groovy dude.
internet investigator
night mind (arg shit but whatever)
dylan the knight owl
lazy masquerade
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Anyone into ghosts of carmel maine?
give me recommendations bro cmon :(
Muy delicioso.
regurgitated sopa de mocaco
Anyone into hard tumescent cocks?
Got to look that word up to expand my diction.
Diction is how you pronounce words. The word you're looking for is vocabulary.
Diction is the proper and intended word that I was looking to say and, in fact, followed through in doing so.
Love that channel
Lazy FUCKEDUP with that idaho video
the paranormies
>Mind and Magick aka Frater Xavier


What about a species whose environment is full of gold, or beryllium, or uranium, etc.?
>Bill Donahue
You are blind.
>You are blind.
That's every anon on /x/
Is this a Alex Jones operation?
That question has the same answer as if you asked "Is this the truth?", which is yes.
Tupacabra is a worthless faggot, and Keem fired him from his own shit because of how big a worthless faggot he is.

The "UFO Hate Group" sends its regards, fag.
damn even the youtube paranormal world has idiot drama in it
Just another means of shilling. Nothing to see here.
The way he presents the ghosts and audio is pretty boring as nothing is really happening but the ongoing narrative and the implied backstories are disturbing enough to keep me engaged.
I wonder what happened to him, he hasn't posted anything for months.
PFUNK THINKING WRIGHT: https://youtube.com/@pfunkthinkingwright8679
How did I forget about BVO?!
You have spouted so much venom its clear the only loser is you. Find a mission in life.
Wendigoon :3
A new one dropped a few days ago, pic related. It's gonna piss some religious people off big time, but it's a pretty water tight argument with endless amounts of evidence. Once youtube pushes it to the "wrong" people, that comment section is gonna pop the fuck off
I think he’s doing fine work anon. I believe him.
The true queen of 4chan
This channel was pretty cool man. Thanks for sharing
Where's Negi Springfield at?
No problem. Gotta reward these high effort channels with real info. Too many shitters up in here
Been listening for awhile. I especially like when they have that one icelandic guy on, he sounds pretty chill.
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I'll probably pay for another round of Ads on 4chan next month.
>dude video essays lmao
So gay. What happened to the old yt threads, where people would find interesting low view count videos?
You can still find them, either by randomly typing characters into Google, DuckDuckGo, etc., or you can use this site which finds those low-count videos in a RNG sort of manner:
Not who you replied to but I like what I've been shown so far
Nah these are retarded.
Who keeps on making these YouTube threads?
it's anon
Nexpo is a fucking idiot. I've watched videos where he asks people suspected of crimes or cult activity if they're involved, and when they inevitably say "no," his response is - unironically - "tHiS hAs BeEn DeBoOnKeD nOw 'CuZ tHe SuSpEcT dEnIeD iT." Based on some of his commentary he is apparently pro-censorship, as well. I can't stand him. I actually watched most of his catalog to give him a fair shake, and I just ended up disappointed.
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Don't you mean the WWE Champion Vacant?
gotta be queen lena noir
>Wayward Renegade Witches Blog
> i might pay for ads in the future, therefore I can advertise for free now
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its a russian rogue ai... lol
Weird narcissist faggot who makes cringe videos with obnoxious editing.
>internet investigator
Literally just reads reddit posts with an accent that can either be funny or ear grating.
>night mind
Generic 'fuck boy' YTber (i.e only popular because women masturbate to his voice)
Insufferable feminist. 'illuminaughty' vibes
>dylan the knight owl
no opinion
>lazy masquerade
Just covers creepypastas. Honestly the best out of everyone you posted but still shit if you are over 15 years old.

Every single /x/tuber is GARBAGE.
this channel hasn't uploaded anything in a while, did the demons do him in?
>internet investigator
shut up
her accent is hot
I agree about the others tho
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lol I can tell you actually haven't even watched any of the channels you complain about. For you popular = bad. Grow up anon. And the Lazy Masguerade doesn't even read creepypastas. At least not anymore, didn't know he used to.
I literally have. It is true that Lazy Masguerade doesn't seem to be into creepypasta slop now, but he was when I knew about him.
Care to point out anything I have said that is false? You can remove youtuber cock or labia from your mouth at any time.
Alright, fine.

Don't know where you're getting that he is a narcissist, so thats seems to be just your opinion because you dislike him. His editing is subjective, so I suppose I can understand why someone would dislike it. Though personally I do. Lot longer videos than cut and short content which is so common now.

>Internet Investigator
No opinion, don't think I've watched them.

Don't know em.

>Dylan the knight owl
Don't know them either.

>Lazy masuerade
you already corrected yourself, but he doesn't post creepy pastas anymore.

Take away: I was a piss baby because you disliked two YouTubers I like and got defensive.
Oh well, at least you are self aware lol. As for nexpo I used to actually like his content, but his new stuff, like I have implied, gives me the vibe that he is a weirdo. The worst of it was when he made that super cringe hotline miami cosplay video thing against a mentally ill woman.
Then his friend mamamax got outed for being a bit of a hypocrite (which was also very expected based on his content). As you dig into these youtubers you begin to realize they are all grifters and opportunists.

Remember that you can like someone's content without liking the person themselves. But the only person you should support is yourself
You talking about the rando stalker who was stalking everyone who mentioned her on the internet? Amanda, I think. Who cares what he did in his video about that, she was following him around the internet, bothering everyone. Being annoying, who cares how he made a video on it.

And Nexpo already said fuck Mamamax, he had a whole podcast about it with SomeOrdinaryGamers. Just because someones work acquaintance is a douchbag, doesn't mean they are also.

>Remember that you can like someone's content without liking the person themselves. But the only person you should support is yourself

that's very true man.
> making money is bad, I want everyone to work for free for my entertainment
Not that anon, but it's not about services being given for free or not, it's about how it is presented and done. Is it in a tasteful and genuine way, or is it done in a gimmicky way or in a way that takes away from the main topic?
Also, is something important enough to tell if you need monetary compensation?
if you want to keep telling people, then yes. I bet those videos take 100+ man hours each. None of that is free
Are you guys fucking serious with this shit? Just looked through that video now, it's a Mexican spouting off unrelated crap and out of context Bible quotes without any details, sources or explanations with AI slop in the background while bringing up fucking
>durr sun = son
>sin/nanna (mesopotamian god of the moon) = peccatus/péché/гpeх/חטא/αμαρτία
like it's still 2008.

Until proven otherwise, Bob Gymlan and a few other Bigfoot researcher schizos are the only /x/ Youtube channels that aren't retarded or con-men. I get that /x/ is supposedly one of the lowest IQ boards on this website but come on. You'll get more spiritual wisdom from a Black Sabbath song.
Actually, there's this guy who isn't very well known. His delivery isn't as good as Bob Gymlan's, but he doesn't strike me as completely retarded either and I liked his series on Canadian Indian folklore.
>everything sucks but what I like
tell me without telling me you're a piss baby millenial

Psst... Any of you'll schizos remember Seattle 3/11? A German youtuber discovered (through subliminal messages) that our dear leaders were planning to nuke/firebomb Seattle, somehow involving a blimp. But it appears that the event was scrapped because it was getting too much attention, especially over on /pol/. Welp, looks like Seattle is back on the menu boys! And as an added bonus, ya main man Trump aka Zion Don is gonna be getting a new haircut on August 4th. Yay numerology!
Thanks for the links, will check some out.
>Don't you mean the WWE Champion Vacant?
The greatest of all time.
Why do you retards always post so many spiritualistic channels that are boring as shit and completely nonsensical? I'm just looking for people talking about fun or creepy conspiracies, but instead it's always a bunch of schizos talking about biblical drivel
>It’s not surprising he claims hes a “comedian”
He's actually a good comedian regardless of how you feel about his /x/ related views. Of course you wouldn't know this because you've never seen him do stand-up or could even quote a single joke of his and would rather trash his entire character based on the context of this particular topic. Maybe take 10 minutes out of your day to watch one of his bits before you go full retard.
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>no mention of UAP Gerb
Just Formscapes.
The only non-shit x-tier channel remaining.
Out of all the channels that are posted in this thread, here's the ones I actually subbed to after watching a vid or two:

>xopha terrestrial

>Dead Rabbit Radio

>The Open Resourcery

>Sam Tripoli

>Bill Donahue
Want to learn kabbalah and magick?
My normal go-to is Beyond Creepy, any recommendations for straightforward channels like that?
Sirius Times - Bobby Hemmitt videos

If you can ignore his black ass racist remarks towards white people, there are many nuggets of gold in there.

Dude was mega enlightened but confused the black dot / subconscious with "melanin" - real we wuz kangz energy, but overall a great teacher.
>Bobby Hemmitt
Absolutely based.
Thanks, based anon!
Why? What’s good about each of them?
lore lodge, the why files, bright insight
I'll check these out bruh bruh

Just found these guys and it's comfy spooky. Humorous when it needs to be but they take everything seriously.
Him and Brother Panic are great. Plus there's Dr. Delbert Blair and Dr. Phil Valentine.
Nice, yea I just got into Bobby's videos about 1 month ago. I'll check out more from Panic and those others! thanks
If you want some guys who are relatively younger that have interesting info, you can check out Nu Lyfe Tools (whose moniker is Brother Yosef) and Epiphany Lectures.
Enjoy, my fellow /x/tard
I remember him. Heard he disappeared because he "retired." There were rumors he was dead. He does say some neat things sometimes.
A lot of older esoteric teachers are staying out of the public spotlight or are passing away. Rest in peace to Jordan Maxwell and many others who exited before bearing witness to the shift ramping up.
>A lot of older esoteric teachers are passing away.
Speaking of, Brother Panic passed away recently, right?

>real landing
fuckin normie board I swear to god
yeah, obviously we can't get past the firmament, even if space was real. And if the moon is inside the firmament, how the fuck does it stay in the sky since gravity is fake. People need to wake up to the real predicament we're in here, and not this globetard fantasy they've been told. glad to see you're awake, brother
Right here. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs7ta1CDcZrmrFhkoSUHXdw
Cristina Gomez


































He's been doing all nighter streams lately. Even if people don't believe in him I find it odd anyone would do it.
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Anybody happen to have any good media that has to do with kashmir shaivism, advaita vedanta, gnosticism, kabbalah, qlippothic qabbalah/sabbateanism, or anything LHP?
great collection of channels
I think you (and other anons) would like The Missing Enigma

Ngl I found and subbed to them all and saw a few vids from channels on that list. I like the open resourcery and bill donahue a lot for the metaphysical shit. Deadrabbitradio was goofy but entertaining. Still got to watch xopha and sam tripoli.
Jason is down to earth and chill
Tripoli is annoying but there is a clip of him on Rogan calling the immigrant shit a military operation, which since then has been proven right
Broken sim?
He's ok, but doesn't put out any info on the videos. He'll just link peoples insta profiles, or say look at his website for info (where I didn't find info, but did find shilling of all his other things).
I kind of feel similar about the why files. It's good to get these things out there, but I'm suspicious of it.
any1 n dere mama culd hav guessed dat cuh
I hope terrence howard makes a channel after his rogan talks
Wendigoon is the king of /x/
No he ain’t he’s a hack and a faggot

The real king of X is
He's ok, but he's not the king of /x/. He's too mid.
The CIA probably knowing how much of a complete faggot he is.
>Wendigoon is
And an absolute dreamboat <3
ya he is good. He is really focused on Atlantean 'hot zone'...UFO mystery...really changed my perspective on 'aliens'...
he downplays Tavistock (esp the beatles) and the controlled music industry though...just something to take note of...not his area I know...
Gigi Young (Steiner esoteric with good Q&A's)
Foolish Fish (occult book reviews)
Quantum of Conscience (broken reality)
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so...when the aliens come...you gonna suck their dicks?
good cymatics video
>Foolish Fish
Denis is uber nice and based
It's funny because that is all any one has to say about him. It's never about the quality of his videos or a critique on his style. It's always superficial compliments.
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>i checked it out so you dont have to, and theres really nothing to see hehe :)
fuck that guy and the feds that made him famous
pepe's choice is a goldmine
So this is the state of /x/ nowadays?
Why files fans are almost like swifties

The channel exploded overnight and now it's a bunch of weird obsessed fans with a parasocial thing going on

Another good thing ruined by npc normies
Greentext videos suck
there's a lot more on that channel than greentexts and his selection is pristine. go suck nexpo and wendiglow cock
I don't watch those either shithead
Nexpo is the best.
maker is a better version of wendigoon
there was a xroommod channel by a poster here, he kicked the bucket I think the channel has been dead for years
>pepe's choice is a goldmine
So is midnight broadcast
we'll take your "lofty i'm smarter than u" bullshit seriously when you don't confuse a japanese guy with japanese decor behind him with a mexican
yea midnight broadcast is on another level with its video quality, consistency, and finds some really cool threads. what i like about pepe's choice is it's got some stuff that could probably get it shadowbanned and the music is kino. if his TTS was a little easier to follow his skinwalker video would blow the fuck up but remaining obscure is probably a good thing
Is there any decent channel that delves into astrology or metaphysics or some hermetic stuff
Okay does anyone else remember Mouthy Buddha from before youtube nuked him for producing a pizzagate documentary? So, I was trying to find if he's posting new stuff anymore, and I'm kind of disturbed. His old bitchute, which was for sure his channel, links to his patreon and subscribestar, which point to his rumble. The only recent video on his channel is totally out of character nonsense and it sounds like someone is trying to impersonate his voice or something. I think they genuinely got him. Go watch all of his videos on bitchute if you missed them. He did UFO docs, politcal ones, spiritual ones, all really well made. I hope he's okay.
No way this is him
This has a lot of different videos/channels https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxZoTZ_KEtxjQTEe7bmZ2W0RcycNB7Yrb&
Fuck he's delicious
>Rune Soup
>Magick Me
>Glitch Bottle
Go slow little wizard.
Glitch Bottle really is the shit
New video should be ready by tonight, thanks for sharing!
- xt
the GOAT
Night Terrors is kinda cool, not sure about his newer videos but if you look up popular, he's pretty straight to the point

Oh boy, another channel that just regurgitates the same old wives tales every other low-effort paranormal channel does and expects money for it.
This has always been the state of /x/, even in 2009.
/X/ is way different now than it used to be. There used to be a lot more creepypasta ARG and spooky pics on this board.
Everyone is too low energy to cook up ARGs or just post decent stories/larps. The most creative shit we get is the AI copy pasted drivel larpers that don't even respond to people that engage with them. If you try to actually discuss an interesting topic you just get no substantive replies.
>/x/ is way to low energy to make args
>makes the fucking backrooms
There are people in this world bringing people back from the dead, just like Jesus did, and you're not aware of it.

not an arg
Symbolic Studies:

seems to be /ourguy
He's obsessed with Jung. Nothing wrong with Carl Gustav Jung's works or being inspired by him, yet it's more regurgitation by Uberboyo instead of innovation.
Listened to some of sam tripoli and hes honestly not that off the wall and explains conapiracy topics with a sound minded approach
sar sar yes i saw it in the street while i was going to the bathroom
He was obviously a nice guy who was really friendly and outgoing
I was wondering what happened to him. The video is not even close to the type of content he used to make. It just sound like a tired and demoralized version of his old self.
I'm taking your recommendation and subscribing to all 5 of these.
This channel open my mind
Hes the only person on the entire internet I can listen to for over an hour without wanting to scroll or go dick about on the other screen
That doesn't negate the previous statements made regarding Uberboyo.
I cant argue, I never read jung and he does go on about it a lot but its never boring
Xopha, dude
>apologies for the delay
It's been 2 years.


Also your audio volume is kind of low, I had to triple my speakers volume.
>Kayla detected
He fixed the audio issue
sounds fine to me
>he’s back
Welcome back my friend!
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Thoughts on Flesh Simulator?
Pretty Reddity, but he does cover topics pretty well.
But how popular he's gotten so fast makes me suspicious.
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Nigga who?
maybe it's just because he has charisma and isn't a loser who has a 30 min monotonous monologue with no editing.
Me too cause theres some sort of it factor with him and his geometric findings
Esoterica :3
Say the line anon
Do people hate him here?
The guy's a bit condescending, but his info is pretty great and grounded.
He's not all that great
Good choice
just found out about this dude old world florida, he presents some very interesting information and insights about the hidden history of florida.

Veneco hpta.
newfags like you are the reason this board is fucking dead
he's been semi popular on tiktok for a couple years
I'll say the line because it should be said
he's a jewish-wannabe school shooter
Krystle Alfarero:
Lifting the Lamp
Jordan Peterson is more /x/ than he's given credit for.
No, he's a total materialist and consequentialist poser. He likes the aesthetics of the metaphysical but never actually discusses the metaphysical beyond psychology (which he views in a materialist way).
Clearly you don't realize yet that he and his family have opened their hearts up to God. Their personal trials since JP came into the public spotlight were catalysts for them to know that there is something higher. Peterson had a sense of it before, yet fear held him back. Now he's more accepting of the divine into his heart.
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Hammerson Peters.
These two videos are wonderful.

Sounds sexy.
Don't make me feel old with that screenshot
Fucking obsessed loser lmao
there's one guy who obsessively rants every thread about him being a school shooter, which isnt true, then shit himself, cries about jews and leaves until the next thread.
Was gonna make a thread for this but I'll just post here.

This is a random Russian guy that apparently has a weird goblin/demon thing living in his barn. He calls it Chepysh. It harasses him and throws things at him when he tries to communicate and it's rarely physically seen. Really weird, and he has a lot of footage of it.

siempre le está lamiendo las bolas a los judíos
Thx for this anon really intresting
I love this guy's art style, even though I'm pretty sure he uses MS Paint
Searched and saved these

This one is a hidden gem
>MS Paint
So? It's the best exe for graphics around
>mass replying
holy shit kill yourself you massive twat tard faggot
nta but no u
not him but only newfags condone mass replying or say things like "nta"
you need to go back to lurking or get the fuck out
nta but u need to get laid lol
bedtime stories
wartime stories

greentext compilation vids:
midnight broadcast
It's not 'TheirTube' but this channel is great.
This video is about the end of the managerial state and what may come next.
there are many videos on this channel about philosophy, Mankind and the esoteric. Wonderful channel in my honest opinion.
Another about ciphers and scions
Another about the perception of existence
Another about the mysteries of our existence
you need to adapt to the culture, newanon
True facts

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