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Welcome to Divination General!
Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
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>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:
•Hijinks' revised divination guide:
•A compiled Rider Waite card explanation

>Useful tips before posting:
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped. We do our best to maintain chill and good vibes.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.
how will j react if i text him?
Is our relationship as good as dead or is she still interested, and should I look for someone else?
AQ: Should I marry her? Will we both be happy together?
To the anon who does Vedic Astrology, thank you so much! I guess I’m gonna make money off of my art. I need to get my ego in check after you sent me that video lol.
Anyone here trading yet?
Should I ask her out in next week?
Did my own reading but got mixed messages from it and can't really make sense of it - should I return to studying the occult or did I make a mistake?
I can't read RN but as a rule of thumb you're always welcome into your lodge or mystical group even after years of no contact.

The only reason why you couldn't return to some place or get back to practice is because you tried to ripoff a spirit, you pissed of a deity or their priest or because you told everyone to go fuck themselves in a ragefit.
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Positively, selfishly.
She’s got options, not gone more like in the fence.
I might depending of the q
Going back to your studies is a personal decision that you need to feel.
If it feels right it’s the right choice
Trading occult
Q? Was gonna see in you'd interpret a spread I got instead of asking a q
I'll do my best. How did the spell go today?
Give me the cards and I'll interpret them for you.
So the q was how does she feel about me? And I got

>Queen of swords rx, knight of pentacles rx, 10 of cups, page of wands.

Starting yours

Would it be a good idea to send that text?
me me me?
>4 of cups rx, Knight of wands, 3 of pentacles

Well whatever you reached out to connect with to help you heard it and is moving to make the spell happen or come true. It might take some time but the wheel are definitely in motion for you to achieve whatever you set out to do.

Do a spell for me anon lol
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Phost a photo of a succulent Chinese meal and I’ll read it
honestly a strikingly accurate reading, thank you.
Might I ask if you could do a reading on whether to continue the relationship or maybe how it might end?
Heey I love theese.
The read aside be careful when making or doing spells. Don't want you getting hit by the "back blast" if something goes wrong
Ok so the queen of swords is a very stern and cold minded person with a reversed position in this feel spread that hint at us she is not in the best headspace to think about your relationship. Since I couldn't perform yhe reading myself it's hard to feel if her worries are caused by you oe external factors. You need to query about it specifically.
The knight doesn't mean she think bad of you quite on the contrary she think you're a really nice person that' hard to reach most of the time or she has a hard time feeling the beats of your hearts or more like synching with you.
So in short she' going through some stuff that keeps her mund busy and she hasn't made up her mind about you but so far she likes you.
Dubs of truth.
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Funny enough so I’ll take it
You’ll secure the bag if you are romantic enough she has the hots for you.
The thing is you don’t have The means to maintain her and she’s carefully bidding her time to see if you are worth waiting for, this shit sounds miserable for the both of you. You don’t actually want to marry her and it will end once she realises that.
Can I ask you about the art of doing spells p? I've been doing tarot for years now and have been getting more interested into deeper diving into the occult but I'm not sure where to begin.
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Maya, can you locate where my blue art supplies bag is in my house?
>she has the hots for you.
reaaly? thank you.
Faith moves mountains. It really depends on what you believe more than anything else if you have no faith in the spirits or the system it just won't work.
Read and look around then pick a system that you feel vibrate with you.
Start small and ask for things that are barely out of your reach first then build yourself up from there as you trust more in the spirit.
Also don't force your requests to fit somebody else criteria or even their morality. Ask and receive what will make YOU happy and fulfilled but be open to change if what you didn't like what yougot.
Will I get laid soon? Your query?
Aiq query
How will this situation with my landlord develope ? Hes trying to kick my roommate out and increase my rent while I'm trying to find somewhere new to live
Will I get to have sex with V on our weekend together?
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hi friend can u tell me how to make this trip fun
Hey anon for your Q, let me know if you’re still here and I’ll post it
Sorry I got distracted here I'm just starting so you can post after I deliver your reading.
Np here’s yours
King of Wands Rx 6 of Cups 4 of Wands
Answer is yes you will but you need to stop looking for it with strangers and look to your circle
aq does that black cat have owner
2 of pents, 2 of cups rx, fool rx, knight of swords
I would say you have a good chance to fuck her but you gotta be really smooth and a sweet talker. Let her mind go wild and she'll be all yours.
I'm not a member of any groups, it's more of a concern of should I be dabbling in this stuff at all.. I had stopped in the past thanks to obligations and was starting to return but something just feels wrong and I had a dream in which there was clearly something malicious watching/threatening me - sounds schizo typing it lol. Thanks anyway though :)

I felt like it was a good decision to go back but that dream has me questioning of whether inviting this stuff back into my life is a good idea or not. I'm sure the answer will come to me though thank you.
I was joking hehe I dont know if the cat has an owner
Will I have kids with him?
Trips checked there's your answer right there!
Not consensually haha jk idk

Is S autistic?
Gf when?
Gf why?
Gf who?
Gf where?
Gf what?
Can someone help me with interpreting these spreads? I'm not at a point where I understand the nuances of the cards well enough to feel confident in the interpretation.

First question: what am I not?
>3 wands, 3 pents reversed, wheel of fortune reversed, 8 wands reversed, 3 cups
I'm seeing both a tendency to think small and self-limit, but also be active and open to change?

Second question: what am I?
>5 pents, 4 swords reversed, magician, page swords, death reversed
Both 5 pents and death seem like self-limiting cards again, but 4 swords and magician contradict this?

I'd really appreciate any anon that can help me out here
Trading occult

Did that woman put a curse on me?
>3 wands, 3 pents reversed, wheel of fortune reversed, 8 wands reversed, 3 cups
You are impatient about waiting for the right opportunity. You make rash decisions going for opportunities that require little work. You don't care about reaching larger goals or other people (selfish).

>5 pents, 4 swords reversed, magician, page swords, death reversed
You are someone who is capable. You don't take breaks and are always looking for opportunities to succeed. You are worried about wealth and money but always find the good side of any bad situation.

This isn't necessarily saying it's bad or good but what you are currently.
Can I use HZ safely? Your query?
I had readings in the past, and they want me to make money. Why are the cards pointing to me to make money? Lol
Outcome of using my intent in R for sex/pleasure?
Thanks a lot! Do you mind going into a little more depth as to how you made your interpretation? I see where some of the images line up, but I'm curious about how you pulled out specifics
trading occult
Devil, 10 of cups, 9 of cups rx, ace of pentacles
It will definitely work as intended without issue but pay close attention to the people you're influencing with this as they may not be suitable for a longterm relationship or you'll be dissapointed with the kin of relationships you get from them.
Is there any hidden risk about HZ that I' not aware of? Your query?
How I read odd numbers of cards is I start with the central card as the main issue. Then the two cards around the middle are connected and I try to read them together and keep going outward with that pattern. This is my personal way of interpreting so it may or may not align with the answer you would have received.
did I contact the intended entities today?
Will he still like me if I shave my head?
This is very helpful anon, thanks again
3 of wands
7 of wands
hanged man
not immediately but in the future after further attachment and deeper understanding of each other, you may have to hold off communication because it'll lead to quarrel and needing of patience or severing ties.
Star, 7 of cups rx, devil rx, lovers rx, chariot
I think you did in fact contacted your intended spirits but there were other comunication barriers or some issues with the way they were messaging you.
Word of advice is to use incense and candle and pay closer attention to them there could be hints and messages in them you are not seeing in your cards.
I'd also like a second opinion on a spreads I just did. Both of them pertain to the summer class i'm in currently for uni. Essentially, it's been causing me immense grief and pain not only due to the professor being generally terrible, but also because my upcoming graduation might depend on it. I have not even truly started writing it, and I haven't been able to bring myself to do so for days. Now that the due date's here, I decided to turn to tarot for some guidance.

The first spread was a general question of "what is even happening".
>4 of swords, 10 of swords, 9 of swords, and queen of cups
When I first started drawing, I intended only to pull three cards, but when I was pulling the third I noticed that it was actually two cards stuck together. The card on top, the one I intended to pull, was the 9 of swords. The one underneath was the queen of cups. I'm not sure if it's meant to be connected to the 9 of swords specifically, or if it's meant to be a card that's overarching the spread.

For my second spread, I asked "what should I do"
>3 of cups, page of pentacles, 8 of wands, Temperance
For this spread, I decided to draw four, with the fourth being an overarching card; which ended up being Temperance.

I have my own feelings about these spreads, but i'd like to hear a second opinion as to their meaning if anyone's willing
I didn't use cards, I spoke to them.
You what? Nigga be more careful and use something else to shield your energy.
no need
>4 of swords, 10 of swords, 9 of swords, and queen of cups
It is the same as you have described it. It seems you understand what is going on. From this I would assume the professor is female.

>3 of cups, page of pentacles, 8 of wands, Temperance
Pretty much you have to put the work in and possibly reach out to others for help. You need to get started immediately. Temperance being the combining of fire and water would suggest to reach out to someone for help as soon as possible.
I definitely have faith it is real, it's a matter of find where to start or what to read is my problem. But I appreciate the response
>It is the same as you have described it. It seems you understand what is going on. From this I would assume the professor is female.
Yeah, it kinda plainly describes how terrible things have been these past few weeks. The professor isn't female, but they are the pretentious, philosophical, "grade based on how much I agree with it" type of professor that i've come to hate these past 6 years i've been enrolled
>Pretty much you have to put the work in and possibly reach out to others for help. You need to get started immediately. Temperance being the combining of fire and water would suggest to reach out to someone for help as soon as possible.
Getting help might be the only way I can pull it off.

I think i'm going to do one last spread, I need to figure out WHY I can't seem to bring myself to do this one thing I must do. Maybe then I can know what to do, or rather what kind of help I need exactly
Alright, here's my last spread focused on "why haven't I been able to do this"
>5 of pentacles, 5 of swords, The Star, 6 of pentacles
Again, I drew the 4th as an overarching card. This spread seems to be a bit more occluded than the previous, but I feel like there's insight here. I'm not entirely sure what it is, though.
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Doing scrying readings for next 30 minutes
>genders of everyone including yourself
>a picture of Q from Street Fighter 3
No occult queries regarding demons or entities, aura readings & spirit guides or guardians are valid
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Did that woman put a curse on me? Male.
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Can you see me with my next lover?
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Male. What does the future of my romantic life look like?
its possible however you thinking this or being paranoid makes it worse. don't dwell on it just focus on something else. it will go away over time if she did it
Self bumping!
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Next gf how we meet.
I had readings in the past that is focusing towards money. What is the cause of this, why do I need money?
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forgot to say I don't do next bf or bf unless its looking for a husband or wife, you could of asked smarter ways like this guy>>
you will date 2-3 women over the next several months and maybe even until next year's summer
sorry if this is occult can i ask who that shit energy came from yesterday?
Will i get any of my 2 wishes? Thx
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I forgot the photo
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aura please!


no pic, no reading
>>38201583 pic
also, i'm f, oops
I got the photo! Sorry lol
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Male asking about Female
What does A want with me? Is she just amused to flirt with me or she has genuine feelings?
Thank you anon
Thanks, do you mean 2-3 women at the same time? Or will the be sequential relationships?
5 of Cups Rx, 4 of Cups Rx, Knight of Wands
Looks like you striking out on your own
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Am i gonna become schizophrenic Female
>5 of pentacles, 5 of swords, The Star, 6 of pentacles
You think you can't. You feel like you've lost before you've even started. You also feel like if you tried you wouldn't get anything out of it. You are missing out on the potential to succeed and reaping the rewards from it.
opportunities will open up to you and you will need the $ otherwise you will be severely limited and will go down a hole of sadness and feeling like shit
Its purple and black. you are in negativity and perhaps arrogance. feeling like you are superiors to everyone or entitled and some sadness or hatred. also could be feeling down like you are worthless, change your mood. go laugh and enjoy life
you got send bad energy from someone who hates your religion or the fact that you somehow follow God or Jesus in some type of way. if you love life in a healthy way you automatically side with Jesus
ah a different picture!
she just wants attention. she might let it go unless you act on it. feeding the fire might lead to sex btw
sequential. ofc not at the same time. you couldn't pull that off
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F asking about F

Her feelings about me doing it?
a sword is about to drop on top of your head unless you act on evading it. yes you will unless you change things. stop doing drugs and drinking and looking at too much crap online. relax and eat healthy and drink plenty of water. also go see a doctor. unless you want one of the worst things to happen to you. as a schizo i wouldn't wish this on anyone. its not for the weak
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Male. Could you read what my aura looks like or what my outlook is for artistic projects?
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will the w audios give desired results?
Omg thank you
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Next work? Male. My bad,
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f18 am i going to get what i want?
C is female

How does C feel in regards to me? what sort of person does she perceive me as?
you a carpet muncher? she feels disappointed and sad. like ashamed more like it.
one query only. its green, you are focused on work? or making money? its feeling motivated but focused on work. i guess your artistic projects are in mind
shit like trips and having the proper clothes for the occasions. lots of fun times. better make $ and quick. otherwise it will pass
no they will open you up to possession or demonic influence. if you got those from youtube or some app it has shit hidden in it
awesome pic
things are hidden for you. you are manifesting the things you dont want. be careful what you believe and think of. you are either paranoid or worry too much
Skip on deez nuts

Ayy lmao

what do I need to know?
Thank you! Hope it works out
not a lesbian but thank you.
Oh okay can I ask the same about my romantic future?
Oh wow, I’ve been wanting those too. Thank you
you will meet 2 men and will have to choose between one or the other. you will like them both. you will pick...and will date them for quite some time
Thanks for reading! Yeah, I'm currently focused on both my work and artistic hobby. I got a solid boost of motivation and inspiration from a book I bought. Because of it, it's been the most productive week I've had in a while for my hobby. On top of that, I just finished a month long project in four days.
I had hopes that there was a genuine friendship. Thank you anon, wish you well.
I wonder who ?
Thank you :)
tell me about my spirits guides
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If I draw the symbol that I learned and put faith into it will i receive the help i want about that person?

why haven't I had any visions for some time now?
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forgot the pic, this was mine:
>Ace of cups, 4 of pentacles,4 of wands

You might need to lower your spiritual walls a little bit to achieve what you want. You seem very guarded so it is hard for anything to get through to you at the moment.

Meditation on these visions and thoughts will likely help.
LAST READINGS, I will leave after this so don't query me anymore

just doing these because its interesting...
you have two of them, one male one female, they are ancestors of yours from a generation or two ago
just doing yours because the pic is cool
C sees you're dedicated on something, your work or pass time. also sees you as a geek or nerd not necessarily smart just like a geek who studies or stares at shit for a long time. almost always on the pc or phone?
your influence is demonic and manipulative. no you won't get what you want because its not coming from the light. its coming from darkness and anything from darkness is not meant to last or work for very long if at all most times. stop being a deceiver
Is there anything I deserve "karmically" in this life?
Good or bad
Word, wasn't sure if it was. I didn't see it that way and won't use it if it is evil. Thank you for the clarification.
AAA!!! I missed my chance.
Would you trade with me?
Intention was something to help me repair a connection with someone but I may need to do more research. Any advice?
let it go, if its meant to come back it will come back stronger than before. if its not meant just let it pass. move on. 4.5 billion women in the world. pick another one
What would have happened if I had tried to have sex with F last dinner we went to?
Are you the scrier?
tell me what will be happening in my life by the time I have my first sale?
starting when you confirm
yes. q?
Oh ok :D
Then tell me about my next girlfriend.
Sorry for this boring question.
I will read for you in debth.
can you tell me if the next treatment will be fully effective?
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Nice and fattened up for you.
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Knight of Swords R
Queen of Cups
Seven of Cups R (advice for it) Eight of Swords R

Things will be slow and less dense you probably expect.
Comfy and bearable.
But while you see the positive effects of it, looks like something may make you walk away.
I don't know what your sickness but please do not walk away.
Eight of Swords R advices that you should trust the plan.
Maybe things go slow, maybe has ups and downs.
But like I said you should continue.
Hi darling are you doing read? If so can i ask did B send me that energy yesterday on purpose?
a brunette white woman who dyes her hair red. her hair is straight but slightly wavy or slightly curly. her hair reaches her middle back its long. she's pretty but kind of average, like a solid 7/10
has a nice body and works out sometimes, not too often though. she's skinny fat. about 5'6. weights around 150-160 lbs
Trading for a 3 day general
Yes, that's certainly the feeling I have. I've once again attempted to start it again, but still every time I think i've found a solid foothold it doesn't go anywhere, so to speak.
She is perfect. Thank you.
And good luck with your treatment.
I'll trade you for a seven day general
What will my future wife be like?
Trading. Query is, should I follow my heart and stay with him?
I'll trade for this >>38202236
starting yours
Just a love general for July. What about you?
Hi, Can we trade?
Sure! What's your query?
Bit mundane. I'm asking if someone I know has asked about me here recently (within 2 days). I ask cuz I saw my initial which is rare. If they have can I ask who?
On it.

Just some general advice for me would be fine
I'm male btw

I mean I wish I had more to say as it seems like a rather short reading but my deck is adamant that no one has asked about you in the thread in the last few days.

Both 5oP and 5oC show lack of perspective. 5oP the characters ignore a church that could offer shelter and in 5oC the character focuses on the spilled Cups ignoring the ones that still stand. I interpret this as a no, missing the point, basically it implies you have been ignored in this thread as a subject.
Wanna trade?
>fool, queen of wands
>strenght rev
>6 of swords
>8 of swords, Page of pentacles
If you wish to start something new or meet someone new you gotta get over your insecurities. There is little faith in your own worth here, tho I might be misreading. Practice getting out of your own head more and to speak your mind openly with conviction. Care less what others think of what you have to say and more about staying true to what you want. Be a little bit more selfish. People often see the ego as a negative trait but it allows you to project your internal will outwards. To shape the world and those within it to your liking. Don't be afraid of that, embrace it

Thanks for the trade.
Alright, starting
Will listening to it every night give me what i want?
I’ve fallen in love and have been infatuated with lust over an older mentor of mine, will we get to have sex?
Hey oldhelp after your done with those other trades could I get one in?
Which one should I buy, L, B or W
Just general advice for me. Starting.

Query? Not sure if I'll have the time but I'll try.
Can you tell me about my next gf or sex partner? whichever comes first ?
Ace of Cups L
5 of Coins
9 of Swords
Ace of Swords

There’s some L in your past that’s been casting a shadow over your present and bothering you, you need to brutally cut it off and let it go and focus on the now, Ace of cups Rx makes me think of a rejection? Let me know if it resonates
Why does she keep me around and talk with me if it's not going to work out?

Starting urs
>Hieroohant, 5oWrx, Hermit, KnoW, 8oSrx

I don't love giving yes or no answers to queries that are still up in the air but I'll give you my interpretation.

It seems that the mentor figure feels very much platonic towards you ad implied by Hierophant more over he considers you above such things by Hermit, maybe also someone thats not all that present/far away. However it's interesting that both are Major Arcana so it's likely that you are taken rather seriously by them. Interest represented by 5oWrx while it enforces the idea of them mostly being interested in you in a platonic matter or in accordance to what your relationship has been, it is at the end of the day a Wands card which is horny and KnoW mixed with it while being a combative card I'd say it's possible that you two will have sex but only after some major breakthrough possibly talking about a straightforward approach from your part that eases misconceptions or reservations (8oSrx)

So in short. I think it's possible but at the moment they consider it somewhat taboo, yet not due to disinterest and just the situation, perhaps they misread you. If the formalities are settled down I think they'll go for it for the fun of it if nothing else. I don't see it being emotional but I see them being interested in pushing boundaries as long as you are too. They feel protective over you on principle by the situation but they have a broad interest in you.
Sorry anon, gotta go. Maybe later tonight if you are still around.
Q? I just want a 3 day general saturday to monday
Mine is just a love gen for the rest of the month. Starting yours. I'm male single.
>Magician,tower,king of wands

I think you'll like w the most out of these 3 choices. B is just gonna be a catastrophie if you get that so steer clear of that one
Eight of Swords/Two of Swords R/King of Swords R
You'll be feeling rather confined this weekend for some reason. Not literally but mentally you won't feel great. You may find yourself getting into an argument with someone else due to the boredom or feelings you'll face. Watch out for that on Monday.
Hermit R, Ace of Cups, Seven of Swords, Queen of Pentacles

It seems like a dry period is ending for you but will be ill-gotten. You might sleep with the wrong person or attract the wrong kind of attention by leading someone on. However, if you put in the energy, you have a good shot at bagging someone who you currently have your eye on. If you don’t have your eye on anyone then you need to be careful and vigilant
This was very insightful and I’d love trading for more if you’re down
Maybe maybe not. I'm split about them desu. Perhaps someone new. Thanks.
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summoning cheswick
Not with that picture fella. That ain't hot enough
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summoning cheswick
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Will listening to it every night give me what i want?
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Can you tell me about my next girlfriend?
Yes absolutely need a dish of water though left out in your room or a fountain.

Ace of cups
YAY tysm
why is this spirit trying to help me?
What is her face like?
She is chubby and has almost purple tops with black hair in the top...
Weird intense coffe that isnt good for you...
Cause your super best frens. And he wants to save you from a car accident
U w U <3
Rev fool....
Dont go outside for a walk todai
its ok im a neet i never go out lmao, ty ty
>Weird intense coffe
This is not related right?
I am drinking that coffee everyday more than once.
Ok I am thinking the same. I should drink that way less.

>She is chubby and has almost purple tops with black hair in the top...
She tried her chance two times.
Then tried my chance.
We couldn't do it in three times.

Now university is over I was thinking I will not see her again.
If I can ask more
Am I right are you talking about F?

Thank you.
Should I listen to my gut about these new acquaintances?
There's no one particular person that I'd think is affecting my behavior. Sure there are exes and regrets, but I don't think I am interacting with them in any way let alon basing decisions out of them.

I do get sprouts of depression involving them but mostly when i am feeling lonely. Nothing I can really cut off, i mean if i dont think of them i would be thinking of my high-school ex or whatever fling i have had in the past, part of the course lol. Thanks for the trade though.

Sorry I gotta finish some work but I'll probably do, some readings later tonight, feel free to hit me up then if you are still around.
hiii do u do soulmate readings
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are the w audios detrimental?
I mean are you with them or stalking them rn?
No why would they be
is she going to be at the thing tonight?
Omg I see what you see in Cheswick. I get it now
You need try again with her
query? mine is will I successfully achieve my dream physique in the future?
Incel what are you talking about.
What's this guys name again?
what will happen between me and CF this summer, if anything at all? starting
Nobody knows probably keith moon or something
lol I am not with anyone
I would be very surprise if I see her again.
I can't just text her right now.

Thank you very much.
who tf is Keith moon
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Was the other reader talking about d and f?
Sooo stalking got it
You need to text her and see her on the weekend and get laid
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I think it's this guy right?
>You need to text her and see her on the weekend and get laid
Ok I will see what I can do tomorrow.
Thank you.
If you dont text her today you wont get laid
What uhh were you talking about
7 of wands devil death rx 2 of cups rx page of sword

kinda feel like people are going to act in their own self interests and resist the work or setting ego aside to make things work, however things won't die, things might not change from what they are. very light stalking or communication.
Its 1:27 am here right now.
Writing her would be a total out of place move.

No it wouldn't obviously you dont love her
Yeah, I fell for her once, now I don't know.
But seeing her would be good, thats the extend I can go right now.

I am not writing her then. I hope she finds love.
They said I have to choose between 2 people
i'll do a few iching reads for the next hour or so. i'll skip next gf
Next baby momma?
will they ask from me to go to that city, live there?
or will I stay here?
hiii how will Thursday's job interview go
Who sent me that energy yesterday? was it S?
will that spell work?
advice that I need to know the most right now or advice that would help me the most right now or what should I focus on right now? I don't feel focused. Thank you, I'm a female
Is S lying to me?
Will I get a flat stomache eating only meat?
Will anything meaningful happen on my trip?
Will I marry f or g?
Next wife?
I see what you’re talking about
Next work? Wondering what comes up. Thank you.
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Who sent me this awful energy?
this one please i got tradecucked
Starting. I just want a love general for the rest of June
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Can I get an aura reading?
The Magician, Four of Cups, Ace of Wands, Ten of Swords

You are walking an unsteady path in trying to pursue it. You can definitely achieve it if you apply enough willpower but if you end up unbalanced it will go poorly and result in serious health problems. Be careful and consult experts and the people who love you before going forward. And you can always manifest a more preferable outcome, don’t forget
Why do they remove certain people from even entering my life and say it's for my benefit/security?
26.12 > 52
that's a bad one but it's weird, it tells you you shouldn't go to the interview. maybe something will come up and it won't happen, worst case scenario is you get the job and it's shit but you're stuck there.
keep applying anon

6.34 you expect it will, but it won't give you what you want. you should do it anyway for learning purposes

64.12 > 21
first, your perception of your own life is too narrow. you need to gain some detachment.
i see you're desperate for a change, but now's not the time. don't make actual life altering or dramatic decisions and persevere with things that are already set in motion, projects, routines.

39.5 yeah, at the lowest point you'll meet new friends or friendly people will step in to help
high priestess rx 6 of pent queen of wands 9 of cups

You'll finally come out of your room or shell or the shadows or your mind or whatever intuitive space you occupy away from others in secrecy and will go on many dates. You'll feel happy and confident and charismatic and seductive and people will spend time with you and spend money on you and wine and dine you if you are a woman or vice versa you'll whine and dine a queen of wands type woman.
What’s up with my sleep?
What’s a queen of wands kind of woman? I’m a dude with a girl on my mind
thank you, can you give any other advice on what you mean by perception of my own life is too narrow? I don't understand
Anyone up for a trade? I was cucked earlier
Why do I feel so tired by these days?
gonna try my best and see what comes of it, if i end up going... thank you!
Please help :( in any way I'd be most grateful even if iching just gives advice.

How much longer do I have to suffer this dreaded infection for still?
Doctors know about it and they just keep spending me elsewhere
Am I going to have sex this summer and will it be with someone already know
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**sending, sorry auto correct
you're not objective. you probably have issues you're making a bigger deal of than they actually are

your life situation i'm guessing. the changing lines are almost opposite of each other which makes me think you're either in turmoil or pulled in different directions or you have your fingers in too many pots. there's something you'll fail at and something you'll succeed at,

yw anon. i wish you good luck

35 unchanging. a while. sorry anon. you'll be taken seriously when/if it gets worse
I am just reminding you in case you didn't see it.
Will it be good with d?
Thank you, even still this is a big help
i saw it, ignored it because i'm not big on yes/no qs
who is they and why should you move?

yw anons
What actiona will N take towards me?
Can you do a feelings reading?
Please, tell me my coworker (woman) just see me as a friend. We both have things to do and a relationship would be problematic.
What will suprise me next?
are the w audios detrimental to me?
Will I get money soon?
>who is they and why should you move?
a global corparation. they are most likely hiring me.
they have a smaller office in this city.
I asked if staying here would be possible but they gave a round about answer.
Is b going to give in?
Will I awaken spiritually
Q? Mine is why does she send me things and keep me around if all this bad stuff is supposed to happen?
Will post after you as I was just trade cucked from a trade just a heads up.
General read on my romantic future, next year or two.
For you: Hanged Man, the Moon, VI of Swords. The current state is illusory. You are kidding yourselves and each other. She'll leave soon, but it's good for both of you.
5.3 > 60 limitations and boundaries.might ghost you

she likes you and she's about to make a bad decision, ie try her shot. if you give in you'll have a fried moment of pleasure and then it'll end badly

what are w audios?

33 unchanging
it's an already made decision so i guess they either won't ask you to move or they won't hire you. someone thinks you're inflexible and doesn't like it, try to pretend you are next time you talk to them

everyone has the potential
>you're inflexible and doesn't like it,
Maybe I stress it little more than needed.
Thank you.
When will my current relationship end?
I'm the first one
What if he already did that? Just a continuation?
Thanks also
Should I sleep with g?
Thanks starting now
yw. good luck anon

if you want to break up just do it

damn. sorry anon. yeah, he thinks he is setting boundaries
I set the boundaries with him. It makes sense :D

Am I on the right path currently? Will the dreams I am focused on come to me soon?
>Page of cups, 6 of cups, knight of cups rx

Well it seems like someone from your past will come up and reintroduce themselves to your life once again. I think relatively soon but it might fall through because of and it not as emotionally fulfilling as you would've expected or hoped.

You will be able to save it but it will take patience.

And damn yea that's the vibe I got as well. Pretty heart breaking but if its for the better than so be it
What is on it's way to me soon?
>she likes you and she's about to make a bad decision, ie try her shot. if you give in you'll have a fried moment of pleasure and then it'll end badly
I do like her but Idk if I should go ahead.
Q? mine is should I go work out today or rest?
Does M still like me?
4.5 > 24 some sort of difficulty that'll help you in the long run. something related to a bad decision you made and someone giving you a second chance? or maybe you giving someone a second chance and the return to a previous state.

i wouldn't. there's only one good line in all that negativity, you won't make anything out of it
3 of pent rx devil lovers rx

no, feels like the relationship ran its course and there's bad blood
Wheel of fortune, emperor, nine of pentacles
Do the thing you don't usually do, or a secret third option. Seems like serendipity could be on your side by going outside your routine.
interesting, thank you!
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Thank you so much, I think I know exactly what this is and I'm expecting it.
I Ching fascinates me a lot, I wish I understood it
May I ask what NR feels about me currently? I'm female asking about a male
Will I stay friends with J on the long run?
WHat does n think of me ? ( he is male i'm female )
Gook magic? It's not fascinating its just parables from some fat gook on a mountain top
How will things go with my landlord.
>i wouldn't. there's only one good line in all that negativity, you won't make anything out of it
Should i send him a pic of my pics?
General for the rest of the month?
What does S think of me?
pet shop of horrors, nice
it's not hard. i use dekorne's book mostly

were you asking about nr a year or two ago?

12.4 > 20 you'll do something and they'll want to cool it with you. this probably happened before, so you can observe the patterns and avoid them.
don't take this the wrong way, but are you autistic?

4.14 he ain't the one

give me the context of your q

yw anon
King of pentacles, five of pentacles, page of wands
The next four weeks will start out with you feeling financially secure....which will lead to a splurge. But this looks like whatever you spent money on brings new life into your dayto day.
World, six of swords, queen of eands
It seems like you do manage to unload some baggage. It seems perhaps like you make a new friend.
Seven of cups, empress, knight ofcups
The month will end with you in your feelings. Seems like you will be popular and have many things going on, many choices to make. But one choice will stand out.
Is there something with my money that she wants me to do with it? (vs. do nothing)
Will he be with me longterm?
Maybe...but haven't been diagnosed.
I think they like me, but I...want to be friends ;_;
would going to see the play in town by myself this evening be a good or bad overall experience? should I go? You?
Probably lol (I need all the help I can get)
How is my general health looking
Please do
Was that her?
Will j love me?
King of swords reversed, sun, page of cups
It may feel weird to go alone. But it seems like just mustering up the courage and going will work out. It will be a good play amd you may run into some people to talk to.
Cheswick you need to step up the trolling this is pathetic
high priestess 2 of wands rx 7 of swords rx lovers rx

I'm getting that they're seeing you as someone that is going deep within themselves in secrecy and isolations, reassessing themselves, their relationships, their choices, how they approach obstacles, their strategies, someone trying to obtain mystical wisdom about these things and it currently hibernating in the darkness brooding.
If I don’t reach out to O am I going to lose my chance? Don’t know what they want
What is a thing that will happen soon in my life?
i remember you. did you end up talking to him?
Wanted to know if SZ has sexual feelings for me?
What will be the thing that brings K back?
Was he too tired to talk to me today?
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What is something I need to know?
funny cat meme i like it
are you still here?
Do I currently know my next lover? who? yours?
Can I get one card?
>knight of pentacles
there u go
Thanks, love you
query? ok if mines occult?
Yeah I do occult. My Q is if I should try calling again tomorrow or not
mine is, what will he do for me? will he do the things I asked or something else?
>10 of wands, 8 of pents, king of pents
>overarching: 5 of pents

He will do as he is asked but due to your poor wording and lack of clarity of mind he will lead you to ruin, which will feed him your energy. This will have good effects in the short term and disastrous effects in the long term, sapping away whatever progress you had made. Sorry anon, but this looks like something you don't want to negotiate with
I only have him a little portion
knight of pentacles, hermit, 2 of swords, lovers
you're told to try a different approach that is more real, because the phone tomorrow would either not get picked up or will leave you dissatisfied.
Trade again? What approach to take? Or should I let her approach me first?

Day 28 of June, will i finally gonna called up?
yeah, but I'll need you to repull the cards and not interpret for my first q, just focus on the intent "Pull the cards for anon's query to be interpreted by anon" for my first query.

And my second that is to be interpreted by you is: is there a significance to these repeating numbers I'm seeing? especially 2255
If O is a male. Yes you will. Better say something or he'll find someone else.

If O is a girl it doesn't matter
>queen of wands, 3 of pents, 7 of wands, page of pents

>10 of swords, king of swords, queen of wands, 3 of cups

It’s a big sign of something falling to the side to make way for a new mastery of yours. Lots of good signs here, seems like these signs are pointing you in the direction to seize social and networking opportunities primarily. By doing so you will move out of your current lot in life and into a more meaningful one
man all your reads are so off. But no worries I will still do your query
queen of cups, 7 of cups rx, 2 of pentacles rx, 3 of wands
cards say you're way foo focused with your intent on her, a lot more than she is, she doesn't even care as much. You're being dreamy thinking something good would come from letting her approach first.

4 of wands rx, 9 of cups rx
with her there isn't really a chance for you to feel safisfied with the results. You'll probably just think fuck this bitch after a while and move on.
Hey, trade?
are you good?
Trading Real quick.
need to know something
I receive positive feedback for my rune readings and it’s the method I plan to perform with. Drop a Q if you’re interested.
Trading currently.
got a couple q's

Can do Biblomancy and tarot
sounds good, what will this entity give me now that I've done the offering. Will do the things I asked? wbu?
next thread
As a birthday present, my husband wants to take me to a store where you can consult to have a custom perfume made. Would I have a successful end product if we decide to do this?

can I get biblomancy general? what's urs?
havent done that in a while but lets see

Did MS ever do that art or did i get fucked?

Starting,Link your post if thread is kill in new thread
hermit, king of wands, 9 of pentacles, ace of cups
it seems as though your husband will notice that you're very unsure of what to pick and will keep looking, he then will take command and just keep convincing you that a bunch of his choices will make something good. Finally you will have something that you enjoy because your husband has convinced you that they'd smell good on you and that will make you very joyful and emotional.

did MS ever do that art or is MS doing that art/will do it or did i get fucked*

im being retarded tonight
Q? I want to know if I should text T today or tomorrow
5 of wands, 3 of wands, star rx, knight of cups rx
hahahaha you're cooked. He will give you something very shit and tell you that that's what was agreed upon and would charge you if you wanted something changed, so he either will do fuck all effort-wise or basically not do it at all. I'm thinking the former.
"after the event:that was counted--concrete,unmistakeable evidence of an act of falsafacation"

"in the end the party would announce that two and two made five,and you would have to beleive it."

Doesnt look good for your freedom/persons Like someone in your life is going to drag you down with them.
but this is a general for the rest of the year as you didnt set a time frame.
it looks grim sorta,Someone or something will pull your stings to make the puppet dance.
there is a possible out but it will take great will.

But could also be the world crushing in and expecting X or Y of you but i don't get that if much,More a motherly or female figure fucking you over.

But mostly down in the dumps and semi-content energyis whats dug up here,a uneasy peace
Am I on the right track with my project?
Figured,She MS went completley quiet
i already lost the money so who cares
they also have another name if you can check that or if it's the same deal "DY" Same person btw
I can do a trade for the second name/allais if you care or clarifyer on your side
Jera, Nauthiz (inverted), Ingwaz

You’re starting off very positive with Jera because it’s literally about reaping rewards. Whatever you’re getting in return from the entity isn’t a necessity for your survival, it confronts a deeper issue, something you’re longing for and your reasoning has a lot of backing. I can’t quite tell if what you’ve requested from the entity is self development or monetarily related.. I’m getting the sense that it’s intertwined. One will affect the other while the main focus of your dealings was probably spiritual and/or mental enhancement. I see you reaching your goal, just a waiting game from this point forward. Let me know what you think.
I need to know when I should take action regarding my desire. Starting
Aww thank you! I’m a scatterbrain that goes back and forth like mad. Kinda worried about going in there and the employees thinking I’m crazy. As for my husband, he’s very decisive and relaxed so he’ll probably take the lead at some point.
Ten of swords reversed, eight of wands, seven of wands reversed
I would say in the coming couple of weeks. Spend some time researching the best course. But don't convince yourself to do nothing! There is a danger here that you wait too long.
Lovers, 9 of cups, queen of swords, ace of pents

You’re mostly on the right track yes. I recommend you keep going with what you’re doing now even if doesnt’t look super certain. Just stay committed to what you’re doing and the result you want will happen, you really can’t mess up with where you are right now
Wow, weeks? I was thinking days at most, like no later than Monday…
I think the best time window is after a few days and into a couple of weeks. As if doing something right now might be too hasty.
Wanting to check something from a different name on something

Biblomancy or tarot
How about you do the clarifier? and I decide based on that?
I think you are correct and have done a very good job interpreting it as it is mental and spiritual but that will affect me greatly monetarily too!
Anything specific you want calarfied,helps as generals are vague and i hate vague shit.

Same Q but with "DY" for me on the art

Shot me the Q on what specific to be clarafied
Phew you made me nervous with the “are you a good reader” lol. One more trade?
same q but DY instead of MS on the art
for my Q*

ffs i can english at fucking all today
well it's just that the last guy was so noticably off that I couldn't be bothered with him but because I'm nice I gave him another chance...
what's your query?
ok, how about a read on my sex life until the end of the year?
Yes, I figured :)

There’s 2 different general directions that I want the perfume to go in. Out of those choices, would option EG or S better?

Is the female entitys' deal still going? will she get me the things I asked her?

well fuck it,lewd query.
"but today,Supposing that it could be somehow resurrected from it's ashes, the photograph might not even be evidence."

You'll smash but not as much as you think i get at least three women,one chubby (or fat) and a burnette or blonde,nothing much more at all or that noteworthy seems it's all.
i dont feel any hiv or aids but you could have a scare but be good.
Basiclly less passionate sex and more self destruction type sex/sex life.
Wise men would say seek help but that young colt like energy wants to fuck wants to run,be wild again.

overall good but not that good or not as good as you think.

"Rash" was chapt...careful bro
man fuck your reads. you're delusional to think I'd only fuck 3 woman in the span of 6 months.

hermit, 7 of wands, 5 of wands
literally the same fucking outcome, what do you expect from these "artists" ? why pay for art if you can just draw a few lines ane tell AI to do the rest
Berkana (inverted), Laguz (inverted), Jera

It seems that the deal isn’t ongoing at this stage because she feels as if you haven’t done enough for her. This is an entity that has a lot of needs and expectations, similar to a high maintenance girlfriend except she wants you to really get creative with the ways in which you give back to her. Whether she’s open to future negotiations with you seems a little futile honestly because this failure to initiate on her part is just something she’s going to likely be prone to continuing. She doesn’t know how to get what she wants so she’ll continue to get frustrated. There’s a bit of manipulation from her, but it seems like mostly a communication error here, a bit of ego on her part and you lacking in some capacity.
Those were the most noteworthy if more come and the only ones i was able to pick up on
but be careful with sex man

thanks for the read wanted to double check that shit
Yep I am checking in now
EG and S are both terrible choices, your husband will have a much better mixture, trust in him and weigh in on his opinions
I just contacted them and I don't believe they were under the impression you mentioned. You must've picked on a different entity or something...
Thank you, will do.

Gotcha. I just got into a disagreement with my mother in law right in between readings and I feel like it might be affected things. Sorry about that!
I already know, she told me that.
Will he like my hair?
"only" lol bro why u lyin here it's anonymous just admit you dont fuck at all
Oh wtf. Are you serious? What was said exactly?
where exactly is this projection coming from, anon? You're right what's the point of lying to anons that can divine?

One thing that will happen soon?
So I noticed people are making bowls out of crystals other than selenite such as carnelian. What are these used for since they aren't cleansing and charging like selenite?

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