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What are you guys doing for it???
Eating fast food and watching someone else play the new Elden Ring dlc that I can't afford because I'm a neet
Did some sglhrooms earlier, prayed to the universe, and watched some wwe with gf
>elden ring dlc
Just bootleg it
>watched some wwe with gf
Based nigga. Excited to see Jacob Fatu out there finally?
I am a consolepleb
Videos on the spiritual aspects of the Moon, Water and the Void:

>jerking off
just the usual - suffering
Awoo intensifies
Probably take a shower and go for a walk
I'm Lycan what you're doing over there *ba-dum-tsss*
I c wut u did dere
Smoking cannabis and watching Ayycraft fly across the sky. So, typical Arizona night
Got any pics to show?
i don't care I'm really not afraid anymore
Boo hiss
My dad often told me that if he had a wound, something that did not heal well, and it was full moon, if he would like hold his arm where the wound was for a few minutes to the full moon and after that night it started healing properly.
Heard that from others too.
Get you a steam deck
What does that scar look like?
Does that work for a broken heart?
On the full moon, having lunar light illuminate inside of your heart and other bodies, yes.
◯full moon was the 21◯
Smoking cigarettes and sipping whiskey under the moonlight while wishing the next three days would pass a little faster
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Okay see you July 21
>06/23/24(Sun)21:11:11 No.38217361
What did he mean by this?
that's the time he posted it you fucking retard
howl at the moon for testosterone boost
Would it be possible to use it to summon otherworldly creatures? Maybe some wolf-related stuff?
Commit werewolfery
being actively anti-social, getting drunk, smoking weed, playing video games, as usual
Nothing. I don't celebrate holidays.
Are full moons holidays?
thats so pretty
It could be for schizophrenic shriners
Not enough, probably. Praise the Moon!

They are if you're Wiccan (esbat ceremonies)
As in the Masonic-adjacent group that does the charities and little cars and funny hats?
They do a lot more, and it isn't all fun and games.
drugs, porn, sex magic and hypnosis
Another day, another dollar. Give Caesar what is his.
Paying tithes is a metaphor about sacrificing 10% of the accessible brain power to unlock the remaining 90%. Look up Bill Donahue about the real meaning of that practice which was originally put in the Bible as an allegory.
Giving it the middle finger because I don't worship a giant structure that's been hiding behind a hologram for the past 12,000 years while also being the very thing that projects the false light after our physical vessel expires so they can trick us into erasing ourselves over and over again. I wish full destruction and obliteration of that giant piece of shit scrap metal.
a bit late but i cut while looking at the moon
>jerking off
You gooned to the moon?
The pocket rocket took off
Slept like I do every night
You don't?
Do you mean hollow moon?
No he's talking about hollow purple
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smoking moon weed
I did a two-hour-long ritual to unite with the Divine Feminine
Hologram I meant.

Also penis.
And it's a projection of our earth. Dark part is the other large continent over the wall we can't get too.
That's a new one
>Also penis
>I did a two-hour-long ritual to unite with the Divine Feminine
How did that go?
I felt and saw and heard the words of many powerful goddesses and energies, such that at moments I stumbled and almost fell over. It felt as if hundreds of women's minds were plugged directly into mine and I felt every possible archetype of femininity at once, in every possible combination.

At the end I felt all women unified in a single Goddess and I was accepted as a Daughter of the Divine. And I cried and I cried. It was not just an spiritual experience, but a first step into new mysteries that I am now being guided into.
Laying down naked on the lawn bathing in moonlight is what I did
>moon weed
Wuz dat????
Flat earth is a major psyop

Albert Einstein invented space.
Moon manifestations are powerful stuff
What is your technique?
praying for this room to come into my life
Poking Death Grips with a stick
Oh no, I missed it. I wanted to fast but forgot it was tonight and had some pizza.
Down here, the old folks had a tradition of standing out under the full moon and holding an empty wallet over their heads, and chanting "Moon, moon, beautiful moon! Fill it up, fill it up, full it up!"

Don't know how well it works, hasn't done much for me yet, but I keep trying...
It was a week ago, homie.
For the next one, telling her how I feel
>Did some sglhrooms earlier, prayed to the universe, and watched some wwe with gf
What was your experience like?
I'm going to be be edgy and cool and pretend I am really occult and know secret hidden knowledge that no one else knows which I got from really cool books from Amazon, I might also give Alister Crowley a rim job and tell everyone how excited I am for Halloween because I am so edgy and cool :)
>What is your technique?
Don't bother, most dipshits here will say that they coom to manufest things
And how do you feel about luna?
>Does that work for a broken heart?
Yes. But not being a pussy is probably a better remedy.
Truly based response.
I feel rather misguided, but it might just be a matter of faith and fear while I wait for this cycle to progress
>I feel rather misguided, but it might just be a matter of faith and fear while I wait for this cycle to progress
Ask Archangel Gabriel, who governs over the sphere of the Moon on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, to help guide you to what and where it is best for you to be.

Picrelated is a sigil to assist you when praying to Gabriel. Look at it for a short duration before your prayer begins.
Anon i love you despite not knowing you. Dont suffer or ill suffer
Does it count as fasting even if I ate a couple of nuggets of earwax?
That fucking thing is crawling with greys. It's not some perfect anomaly of coincidence.

They say it looks like it's made of cheese or that a mans on it, but when I look at it I see a fucking giant round beehive.
>I feel rather misguided
that is an essential feeling to focus on in your meditations and introspection.
>it might just be a matter of faith and fear while I wait for this cycle to progress
That is precisely what's keeping you from progressing. You should not wait for the horse to do what you want idly. Take the reigns and progresss and advance in spite of indirection and a sense of being misguided. If you're lost without a map then you were caught unprepared and have to rely on your intuition and wits. Sharpen those and test yourself in the physical and nonphysical progress will bloom from every step outside your comfort zone.
I wouldn't recommend starting with random sigils or symbols like >>38263447 mentions. Any archangel can manifest itself with simple prayer and will show and indicate their signs and symbols in their own time.
Put that faith in yourself first and dilligently question why your inner senses and intuition are not guiding you correctly. Identify where you might have misplaced trust or externalized guidance and reclaim it into your center.
let this man cook another meal
Who or what are those?
modern wannabe witches
>Albert Einstein invented space.
Meds now
It's hilarious that people are like we wouldn't have satellites without Einstein and blah blah
But really his contribution amounted to setting the clocks slightly ahead on the satellite trackers
I got sucked off on a tarp while camping.
Staring at it during the act was weird to be honest.
I've seen this posted in several thread before. Has anyone actually ever used it?
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I'm listening.
f tier bait
Perhaps I'm just second-guessing myself. Everything is lined up as it should be and real time constraints and obstacles are the only thing actually standing in my way. Things that quite literally can only be waited out. I have things to do in the meantime and I'm doing them, and my fears seem to be borne from old baggage which I should have dropped ages ago.
My intuition feels right and true, underneath it all. I think I'll be okay.
>I got sucked off on a tarp while camping.
>Staring at it during the act was weird to be honest.
Weird how?

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