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/x/ - Paranormal

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As I asked for in the title, please give me your book recommendations, but only the books that fall under the specifications below.

1. Esoteric books only
2. Only books that you believe hold some great secret that if decoded would lead to method(s) to attain occult abilities
3. State the name and the author (obviously)
4. If it's not a common book that can be found online (rare and hard to find - not on libgen or archive), and you have a download, share the download link IF you are willing.

Thank you.
The book of revelation from the bible
OP here, gonna add something to my post because of this guy >>38218733

Not talking about the bible, the quran or any religious type text (if that was not already obvious), when I made my request.

I'm looking for occult type texts.

Thanks for the bump anyways, but I thought what I was asking for would be obvious, seeing as religious texts don't encourage you to attain occult abilities.
The Upanishads
The Bhagavad Gita
The Vedas
Tao Te Ching by Laozi
I Ching
Dhammapada by Gautama Buddha
Heart Sutra
Mulamadhyamakakarika by Nagarjuna
Shobogenzo by Dogen
>New Age
Contact: Countdown to Transformation by Dr. Steven Greer
The Ra Materials
The Urantia Book
>Not talking about the bible, the quran or any religious type text
Then you are an ignorant fool and there is no use in helping you
>Then you are an ignorant fool and there is no use in helping you
Looks like I'm missing out......... now back to the thread.

Thanks a lot, decent list to go through

Would have preferred a text post but thanks anyways, the end result is the same.
>Would have preferred a text post but thanks anyways, the end result is the same
There's a lot of shit behind this book.
Frist off "Etidorhpa" is a palindrome for "Aphrodite". It's the name of a being in this book that the protagonist follows throughout.
The book's author, John Uri Lloyd, insists that the story is not about him, it was told to him from a bearded man who called himself "I am the man who did it".
It talks about how "I am the man" became a Free mason, and worked up the ranks to become a 33rd degree mason. Then he was abducted in Kentucky and taken into a cave where he met "Etidorhpa". A multidimensional being who brings him on a tour of inner earth. He gets the name "I am the man who did it" because he supposedly received instructions from God to infiltrate the freemasons, learn about their secrets, then get a writer to publish his story after. Since he did all this, he became known as "I am the man who did it"

It all sounds like psychedelic nonsense, until you realize the backstory of this "I am the man" character all perfectly lines up with a man named, William Morgan, who went missing in Kentucky, was a 33rd degree mason, There's more behind the rabbit hole of this book that I won't spoil for you.
Now this is interesting.
the bible is an occult text, idiot
Occult text with scripture that tells you that you'll go to hell for practicing magic........ gotcha.

Moving on......
literally no contradiction.
you want power? abandon all hope.
>literally no contradiction
Yes there is because the book does not teach you how to engage in an occult practice. If it did that + said you are going to hell you'd maybe have an argument. It's just a basic religious text, nothing occult about it.

Now this is my last response to you lol.
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What do you think you deserve if you practice witchcraft?
You become a ghost
Though the ones really versed in black magic know and want this. For them it is ascending to the next level
You'll probably cry like a bitch when its your time to die, saying you repent and want to go to heaven after all
Devī Māhātmyam from the Mārkaṇḍeya Purāṇa
The Books of Jeu and the Untitled Text from the Bruce Codex, translated by Violet MacDermot
The Magdalen Manuscript: The Alchemies of Horus and the Sex Magic of Isis by Tom Kenyon and Judy Sion
The Sophia Code: A Living Transmission by the Sophia Dragon Tribe by Kaia Ra
The Tao of Sexology: The Book of Infinite Wisdom by Stephen T. Chang
The Book of Internal Exercises by Stephen T. Chang
Śūraṅgama Sūtra
Kāraṇḍavyūha Sūtra
Cancer and the Philosophy of the Far-East by George Ohsawa
You are All Sanpaku by George Ohsawa
The Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena by Arthur E. Powell
The Story of Sanat Kumara: Training a Planetary Logos by Janet McClure and Vywamus
>New Age
Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak
What Does WoMan Want? by Timothy Leary
>Freezone/Independent Scientology
Excalibur Revisited: The Akashic Book of Truth by Geoffrey C. Filbert
Super Scio: The Book of the Pilot by Ken Ogger
Self-Analysis by L. Ron Hubbard
say Blue Eisenhower November or Namo Amitabha Buddha (two options of perhaps many) as loud as you can during the tunnel experience or life review and the Abrahamic archons can't touch you.
this anon just doesn't know. read the bible with Neville Goddard and you'll see it was an occult text the whole time ("some great secret that if decoded...").
it does tell you how, if you know how to read it properly. but i am not going to help you with that
Not sure if someone mentioned it, but the bible is great
Jungianism is arguably occult, certainly esoteric by normie stanards


Aion by Carl Jung

this book made me borderline insane and felt like I was losing it for awhile. its like once you start seeing these patterns and symbols they will not go away and the reality/potentiality of it will just fuck you up. You start seeing it everywhere and it clicks and you realize this stuff is all real and the consequences of it. this is assuming you are the type to get Jung though, most would just think its nonsensical gibberish (which is what it seems like i agree, but if you know you know)
What's the difference between having an understanding of jungian concepts from unstructured reading vs reading this?
The book of clouds by alawiteanon is fascinating and he writes new sections weekly.

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Le Mystère des Cathédrales -Fulcanelli

Better start taking French lessons and learning nuances x1000 or your not gonna get that immortality pill.
>The book of clouds by alawiteanon is fascinating and he writes new sections weekly.
Yeah, I asked for real esoteric texts, old texts obviously, not the writings of some modern day schizo.

Now I half think you are the guy whose book you are sending me too, what a random and obviously unrelated response.

You are reminding me of that bible poster lol, you know full well what I'm looking for but you are trying to squeeze in the stuff you want to spread around.
its called jungishung not jungianism
dude stop being pathetic
bible poster here. im partly fucking with you because you dont even know the word for the thing youre asking about. but i am also telling the truth. the english transliteration of the right word is "grammar" as in "how to read." any anon can tell you what the word is but i wont.

if you were really serious about your query then you wouldnt have asked on this board in the way that you did :)
>im partly fucking with you
1. You aren't fucking with anybody here, you are an amusement. Don't overestimate your significance. A mosquito can fuck with people by flying past their ears, you are just some guy posting online whose posts I can ignore so long as they aren't entertaining.

2. It's wholly because you are bored and have no life lol, not partly for anything you mentioned or are thinking to mention. If you had something fun to do, you'd be doing that instead.

>if you were really serious about your query then you wouldnt have asked on this board
So you spend your time browsing and posting on a board that you "look down on", ok.....

I already know I can make a thread on /lit/, I'll do that when this thread dies, no need to rush. I doubt anyone there is going to recommend the bible after reading my post though lol. Actually the best place to ask would be reddit, not here, but I want to start here first.

This is sad honestly, I know there's a show you can rewatch or something lol. Let me help you out, go rewatch The Mentalist, I'm doing that right now, one of the best Tv Series ever made.
i dont look down on /x/, but its a message board, not a library or university. why dont you take your own advice, forget about occultism, and binge watch a nice tv drama on netflix? i might read the vita coelitus comparanda just for shits
no u
Thanks for your suggestions. I decided to clip the last section out because ancient astronaut truthers are the occultist equivalent of flat earthers.

You *should* know by now that that whole movement exists for the sole purpose of pouring poison into the well of occultism, with the goal of making normies associate it with schizo headcanon instead of ancient wisdom.
Not op but he's gonna need more greek than french. And latin. And reading books which he, op, has previously ruled out because "muh gwimoiwes, weliwiogns are le baaaad" fucking faggot
Also currently reading les demeures philosophales
Yeah man, fucking hate faggots like erich von daniken. Its always avoiding the simple answer that, the ancients were telling the truth with their faggot alien spin
>"muh gwimoiwes, weliwiogns are le baaaad"
I said nothing about grimoires lol. Learn to read properly, thanks for the bump anyways. I swear some of you guys masturbate to the bible, this level of obsession is crazy lol.

I really hope you are a new poster and not the last guy I was talking to, or else this is really sad lol. There's no way he's still here lol.

the history of Mu, the lost continent
The Republic
>I swear some of you guys masturbate to the bible, this level of obsession is crazy lol.
I cant fucking beleive it when these people brag to me that theyve read the bible all the way through 3 or 4 times over or some shit. It bends my mind, its an actual joke, that just because the kikes told them its THE mcgoodbook(TM) so they truly think it means something to other people, to tell you about how much they read the bible. Its an actual joke man

This board is nearly unusable by now because of these faggots.
>This board is nearly unusable by now because of these faggots.
It was just weird to me how much he was trying to force the bible into this request despite it having nothing to do with what I wanted, like a "how dare you not want to read the bible" lol.

So weird and random, didn't expect that. I'm probably going to remake this thread on /lit/ soon, and when I do I'm going to make sure and be even more specific and add in that I'm not talking about religious texts lol.

Just to avoid this nonsense. I'll be even more specific and say the "Abrahamic Religions".
I feel like there has to be somewhere on the internet thats better for discussion of these things than 4chan these days. The influx of political tourists brought in a lot of christkikes McMasculinity(TM) infkuencers and other undesireables. They have really ruined every board to some degree
>McMasculinity(TM) infkuencers
Oh, i mean the followers. The cultists who see these incel internet influencers basically as father figures
Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff’s three-volume series “All and Everything”, respectively entitled:

>Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson
>Meetings with Remarkable Men
>Life is real only then, when ‘I am’
/omg/ used to be for this reason. Anyways, Picatrix, Occult Philosophy by Agrippa, Damien Echol's books Ritual and High Magick might also be of use for your endeavors.
No. It's just another set of knowledge and beliefs. Magick and the Paranormal are beliefs and experiences. **Magick is any rite, ritual, experiment, ceremony, practice, prayer, blessing, curse, request, or contemplation that is used to ask a Higher power to grant you something you want; it's also using your Will to effect a psychic, paranormal, supernatural change or wish fulfillment!**. Yes, that means Christians are definitely included. They've guarded their near monopoly on it in the West for nearly 1700 years! That's why all the old grimoires and occult groups use Christian symbolism. It's why the Golden Dawn and other "occult" groups heavily used it in their writings. Now everyone is on the same page!
most of western tradition is based on Abrahamic trappings for cultural reasons, other than that you got variety of traditional witchcraft practitioners that are basically folk magicians/cunning men, there's books about that as well most likely even cunning men used christian/hebrew based magic for their ritual, they often evoke the arch angels for their services and protection.

There's always greco-roman egyptian things that got passed on.
>The influx of political tourists brought in a lot of christkikes McMasculinity(TM) infkuencers
Nonsense like Semen Retention is a direct result of this shit. It's sad how most people really can't think for themselves and they need some "idol" or "group" in order to have a path in life or find meaning in life. Most people are just not independent thinkers, in fact they don't want to think for themselves, it's an undesired burden for them.

They want to be told what to do, and they want to be told that it's the "right thing" to do, and that it's what everyone else "ought to" do. So that everything is simple and outlined for them so that they can be free of the burden of true choice.

In the past I always used to be confused about how cults even exist and how men do extreme shit like let the cult leader fuck their wives, drink poisoned punch, etc. But as time went on and I interacted with more people IRL and online, I started to realize that most people are not that far off from animals, the whole "NPC" meme thing is kinda real. A lot of people barely have self awareness, they are lemmings, they crave being led and controlled, they don't want think and they likely can't truly think for themselves.

>No. It's just another set of knowledge and beliefs
Not interested, too many mixed signals, I think I'll stick with the occult writings that don't say you get tortured for eternity for practicing the occult.

You will say the "true writings" were bastardized and changed and my response to that is you've just made my argument even stronger because why should I bother with corrupted text when there are already existing texts that haven't been corrupted to such an extent.

Let's keep things simple.
The Kybalion but most of you retards wont understand it
I just read a summary of it and even though ive never studied hermeticism that book already comprises the basis of my own ideas
Ill check it out thx for the rec
>I just read a summary of it and even though ive never studied hermeticism that book already comprises the basis of my own ideas
>Ill check it out thx for the rec
Lol, why the hell are you responding as if you are me?, I'm OP, not you. That's a really misleading way to post.

I'll look into it.
>Lol, why the hell are you responding as if you are me?, I'm OP, not you
This thread became my thread sorry
deutschland der deutsch und auslander raus
The Language Crystal by Lawrence William Lyons
Did you even put an author name in there?

>The Language Crystal by Lawrence William Lyons
Sounds interesting.
My Big TOE by Tom Campbell
Might you happen to know the companion book?
Dont say im based in the same breath as someone who beleives the quran and bible are the only valid """esoteric""" texts. Literal retard shit.
Im liking the kybalion man thanks for saving my thread
>companion book
didnt know there was one?
Here's a full link to the book -
Etidorhpa; or, The end of earth. The strange history of a mysterious being and the account of a remarkable journey as communicated in manuscript to Llewellyn Drury who promised to print the same, but finally evaded the responsibility which was assumed
by Lloyd, John Uri, 1849-1936

The Dayspring of Youth by M.

Paul Foster Case - The Early Writings Volume 1 Occult Fundamentals and Spiritual Unfoldment
I'll check out the other volumes too if the 1st one looks good.
Music theory, especially Harmonics.

Hans Kayser.

Musaios' body of work, especially.
The only reason I'm considering this is because of Teslas whole thing about the power of 3, 6 and 9, and that a lot of special frequencies are divisible by those numbers.

I really wish Tesla had occult writings that were available, like they get leaked or something. I'm pretty sure if we had those this whole "is magic real" thing would be done and over with, he just seemed like the type to crack the whole thing open and solve all of the problems.

A true genius. I don't really idolize anyone, I'm just not that kind of person, don't care about any celebrities or anything like that. But if I could meet Nikola Tesla face to face I think I might actually fanboy (or atleast be in awe).

I think the secret to "awakening" is rooted in sound. There is probably a sequence of tones that if you listened to would instantly "open your third eye".
Look up bija mantras
If you do them long enough you find the tone that corresponds to each chakra
Good stuff, more when?
Naos: A Practical Guide
>Teslas whole thing about the power of 3, 6 and 9
what a gullible tool
tesla hated new agers and the occult in general
he wrote about it EXPLICITLY

con men use his name to give their brain farts some weight among the retards
Tesla was a engineer, not a some woohoo new aging faggot

source your shit, dumbfuck
>tesla hated new agers and the occult in general
And yet, he'd probably be the person to actually discover it.
I don't understand something, is this one guy writing his own opinions? or are these the beliefs of people? is this fiction?
i recommend the book "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" (1928) by Manly Palmer Hall

i have never read this book but it is a book that appears very often in book recommendations on esotericism, apparently it is a book that gives a theoretical and historical introduction to esoteric knowledge and the concept of esotericism

i also want to request books with the same specifications that the OP gave:

i request names of esoteric books focused on the idea and practice of semen retention, can anyone give me names?
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I’ve heard the bible is very good for semen retention purposes.
>the bible is very good for semen retention purposes

It is something that i have thought and reflected a lot about, but the Bible does not promote or seek to give an esoteric and fundamental meaning to semen retention

The Bible and Christian teachings encourage men to have sex and procreate and that goes against the intention and purpose of semen retention

Semen retention has a purpose and reasons why a man seeks it, there is nothing of this in the Bible
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book wisdom which applies to daily life.
Why do you think that is? Is it because there is nothing wrong with having sex with your wife, who you bind with as one flesh? And that the sole purpose of semen retention is actually to just beat your porn addiction. Which probably didn't exist in the past ... Since when men ejaculated, even if they cheated, they always ejaculated in other women's vaginas. Our society tries to shame us for this, which is so backwards and twisted... women have a womb and they seek a man to dump a load in it. You don't need to practice semen retention for that, just have healthy sperm.
If anything, semen retention is just a by product of celibacy; Refraining from overall ejaculation, to focus on your spirituality and oneness with god himself.
Care to extrapolate?
Bible teaches that we should aspire to heights relative to the talents that have been given to us. And only for a few, celibacy is required. For many it would be too high and a form of self glory.

Those should get a wife and stick to one partner mainly. Not being able to have sex with everyone is already a restriction on the sex function.
>Apocryphon of John
what happened to omg and ape?
It takes time and effort to find, but there are other places more suitable to discuss truly esoteric matters. 4chan is a website full of anons and bots that can come here freely. It is not a place to discuss secrets in depth. You will find a place to discuss such things if you have enough willpower.
>Why do you think that is? Is it because there is nothing wrong with having sex with your wife, who you bind with as one flesh?

i am not saying that it is wrong to have a wife, i am just saying that the Bible and Christianity does not seek as its final objective the enlightenment of semen retention or giving an esoteric meaning to semen retention

It's not the kind of book i'm asking for because the Bible is not esoteric about semen retention, as simple as that
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Ape is in court-ordered inpatient rehab as a condition of his release
>there are other places more suitable to discuss truly esoteric matters
what websites do you suggest?
you need to learn to use humor to attack people. your posts are just pathetic
You will need to find them on your own. Only seekers are worthy to reside in the garden.
Weakness naturally attracts parasites, scavengers, disintegrators from nature. With more intensity when the weakness is allowed to persist (through so called medications, so called sterile environments)
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This book woke me the fuck up. D.T. Susuki didn't fuck around. He explains that the whole goal of buddhism is for you to reach a state called Satori that you can activate it via meditation, koans and other zen practices. All that other buddhist bullshit is just garbage for the masses. You have one goal which is to achieve the satori state which can take a lifetime to get.
Once you get the satori state you can start your spirital journey, until then you're just wasting time.
Perhaps not exactly what youre looking for, but The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is a damn accurate depiction of my journey in story form. The wisdom of these books is captured in the nature of reality itself if you can quiet your mind to listen to them. Amassing knowledge without application is just another place to get stuck. I have schizo groups I talk to with way more academic knowledge than I have but are still trapped in themselves often out of fear. To walk the path is a deliberation of the spirit and will show you that its all the same in the end; the path is always through you.
One that really helped me was Mysticism and Hypnotism of India by Ormond McGill. Lined up perfectly with my path to illustrate what reality is even though I'm still working through it within myself. No tricks or coded words tho. Just simple, direct info.
Do you shun working with demons?
Where can I find the author?
>Khalwat Shahar
the fuck is this luciferan shit
>you need to learn to use humor to attack people
I don't play by your rules.

>Do you shun working with demons?
Yes, because nobody "works with" their superiors, they "work for" their superiors either knowingly or unknowingly. I am not interested in making pacts with invisible beings who are vastly more intelligent and powerful than I am, that sounds like a bad deal waiting to happen.
I don't think you know what that word actually means. A palindrome is a word that is spelled the same backward or forward. For example "poop" is a palindrome. Where as the title of that book is "Aphrodite" spelled backwards which is reffered to as an "anadrome".

Just in case anyone didn't know. As for books. I have enjoyed the following.
>The secreat teachings of all ages by Manly P. Hall
>Initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon
>The philosophers stone by Joseph P. Farrell
>The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot
>A Brief Tour of Higher Conciousness by Itzhak Bentov
>Itzhak's other book Stalking the Wild Pendulum
>Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Swami Muktibodhanada (Think this is one of Manly's pen names like three initiates)
>Mental influence and Telepathy by William Walker atkinson
>The divine pymander of Hermes Trismegistus
>Last, but not least the Kybalion by three initiates
Those are all good, if not great books as far as expanding your conciousness, magical/occult thinking goes.

Open to discussing why some on my list are bad or good, and learning about other books too.
Courage please.
I noticed that mistake too but I didn't see any point in pointing it out when he's giving me recommendations lol.
No big deal. Not meant to insult them. Just an opportunity to learn potentially. When we look closer at the origin, meaning, and evolution of words it can really blow your mind. Last thing I want is for anyone to run on incorrect/mistaken knowledge.
tell him i miss him and hope he gets better.
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All occult.esoteric throught is just a fanfic of Hermetism
its literally THE book, everything else is a derivative work from someone trying to SELL their book lmfao, you literally only need the bible
>everything else is a derivative work
1. Christianity is not the oldest religion on the planet, so if anything it is a derivative of a much older belief system.

2. Mithra's story is hundreds of years older than Jesus's story, and look at how similar it is (somebody copied someone):

>Miraculous Birth:
Jesus: Born of the Virgin Mary.
Mithra: Born from a rock, sometimes interpreted as a virgin birth.

>Twelve Companions/Disciples:
Jesus: Had twelve disciples.
Mithra: Had twelve companions or followers.

>Performing Miracles:
Jesus: Performed numerous miracles, such as healing the sick, walking on water, and turning water into wine.
Mithra: Performed miracles, though specific examples are less documented.

>Sacrifice for Peace/Salvation:
Jesus: Sacrificed himself for the salvation of humanity.
Mithra: Sacrificed a sacred bull, an act believed to bring peace and fertility to the world.

>Burial and Resurrection:
Jesus: Buried in a tomb and resurrected on the third day.
Mithra: Sometimes depicted as being buried and rising again, though specifics on the third day resurrection are less clear.

>Celebration of Birth:
Jesus: Birth celebrated on December 25th (Christmas).
Mithra: Birth also celebrated on December 25th, aligning with the winter solstice and the rebirth of the sun.

>Titles and Roles:
Jesus: Known as the Good Shepherd, the Lamb of God, and the Light of the World.
Mithra: Known as the Good Shepherd and often associated with light, sometimes called the "Light of the World."

>Last Supper:
Jesus: Had a Last Supper with his disciples, instituting the Eucharist.
Mithra: Had a sacred meal with his companions, involving bread and wine.

>Promise of Immortality:
Jesus: Promised eternal life to his followers.
Mithra: Promised immortality to his followers.

>Final Judgment:
Jesus: Will preside over the final judgment.
Mithra: Associated with the final judgment, determining the fate of souls.

Let's not even get into the Egyptian tales like Osiris or Horus.
I don't really disagree. Most works derived from, or inspired by Hermetism like some of the ones I mentioned are golden. Nothing new under the sun as they say. I think it's important to read actual hermetic texts, and then their inspired works. Whether more occult related, or more science/new age related.
Don't take the bait anon. The bible should be read, but anyone claiming it's the only book one should read, and is derivative of all other esoteric works is ridiculous. Christianity is a box that limits your perception like all other religions no exceptions. Tools for controlling the masses. Religion is not the same as spirtuality, but there are truths in those books that should be understood, and meditated upon. Half truths as they say. (Not half as in only half correct, but truths that are surrounded by lies, embellishments, and other less than absolute things that one must wade through.)
>Don't take the bait anon.
Not taking bait, just correcting stupidity. As a lot of people don't even know about Mithra and the significant number of similarities Jesus's story has to his story (which indicates that the Bible was a work of plagiarism). So this is just something good to post so that more people know about it.

I only heard about this a few years ago and was surprised because you'd think something this extreme would be common knowledge, but of course most people are religious and religious people will never spread information about details that lend doubt to their beliefs.
ok so I just bought this book on your recommendation and are you fucking trolling me or am I being filtered? this is the most long winded impenetrable bullshit I've ever read
>ok so I just bought this book on your recommendation and are you fucking trolling me or am I being filtered?
Why would you immediately buy it before checking the pdf online for free?

You trolled yourself, somebody literally posted a link to archive.org for the book in this thread, you just sound stupid honestly. If you get to sample the product before buying it and you choose to just buy it on a whim and hope for the best, that's your fault.

Also don't post without context and make it seem like you are me (OP). This is an anonymous forum, post with some sense.

The book of five rings - Musashi
Ok, so no demons, what about puncturing your skin, talking out your Blood and/or the bodily fluids of others?
I just figured out who the three initiates are
yes,occult=capitalist byproduct,you're right bestie
Your attitude towards religious texts makes it seem like you're one to guard important knowledge from. Stop being so arrogant. Read the Book of Isaiah.
This post exemplifies it. Very callous and dismissive. Maybe no one should be teaching you anything.
Yeah, William, Walker and Atkinson
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>Ok, so no demons, what about puncturing your skin, talking out your Blood and/or the bodily fluids of others?
No, if it involved killing demons and harnessing their power I'd be up for it. Very tiny and weak lesser demons at first, whatever an imp equivalent would be lol.

>Your attitude towards religious texts
Stops reading, go find somewhere else you preach, don't care. It's simply not what I'm interested in practicing. No means no, you guys have the attitude of a rapist.

>Maybe no one should be teaching you anything
Yes, no one like you, good bye. Go do something else with your time instead of trying to force things down peoples throats.
Spiritual spearchucker post
The Twelve Keys, Basil Valentine
>where to find it: muh hard drive
It's on archive.org

The entirety of the Western Occult tradition requires at least a passing knowledge of the Bible, dude. You don't need to go to church or send money to Joel Osteen, but ignoring 2000 years of spiritual philosophy, symbolism and analogy is going to create a huge blind spot.

Anyway, read pic related if you want a good overview of texts to read.
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Did Ape ever come back, or can we add /OMG/ to the list of things ruined by psychotic trannies?
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He did a rhyming crime and is now in a halfway house
>Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Swami Muktibodhanada (Think this is one of Manly's pen names like three initiates)
nope, it's a girl
she translated it and wrote the commentary, the original text is by Yogi Swātmarāma 500+ years ago
her other book, Swara Yoga: The Tantric Science of Brain Breathing, is pretty cool too, contains stuff I haven't seen anywhere else

Holy shit, really? fuckin loser. Where'd that info come from?
>if decoded would lead to method(s) to attain occult abilities
There are plenty of methods you just need to practice, no need to decode.
The materialist worldview have locked man inside himself, he no longer believe, or even know, that his thoughts and imagination have an effect outside of him or hold any power, "it's just the figment of your imagination" they say. The secret is to become aware and believe in the power of your own mind and know that the hidden spiritual realm is real.
Living Time and the Integration of the Life - Maurice Nicoll
>There are plenty of methods you just need to practice, no need to decode.
Already know about this book, have you gotten past the first difficult exercise. You know, the one where you concentrate on a single thought for 10 minutes without any mental interruptions.
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I know this sounds like a joke but I'm not kidding. This man saw what Miyamoto Musashi saw, and the difference is that he's still alive.
Alternatively, yoshiharu habu's works, like thinking beyond set patterns, but those are in japanese exclusively. He has seen it as well, and is alive as the greatest shogi player in history.
I want to start my magical journey by restoring my foreskin, making my self be taller, and making my dick bigger
Can I do that with this book?
I just see no reason to pursue anything else first
Thinking beyond set patterns is available in japanese in the internet archive, but none of habu's other works are. Umehara's book shouldn't be too hard to find. There is an audiobook read by some nigger on YouTube and you can also find some lectures he's held in universities and schools subtitled in English.
I don't care about having shogi playing abilities. You are going to have to be a lot more specific about how this would relate in any way to what I asked for.

Also, everyone, please ignore trolls like this - >>38258883
If you can understand what books like the book of five rings and these I shared are trying to tell you, you can become the number one in the world at literally anything you do, I believe. They also have some insane parallel with my interpretation of the Tao te Ching and the art of war, and their philosophical logical conclusion usually leads to this warrior society that is completely unafraid and accepting of death. Not only of its own, but of their friends and enemies at their own hand. In summary, genocide accelerationism with samurai characteristics is the secret to eternal life.
>If you can understand what books like the book of five rings and these I shared are trying to tell you, you can become the number one in the world at literally anything you do, I believe.
I'm not trying to become the number 1 at mundane human things, I'm trying to defy human limitations itself and do the impossible. This seems more like some self help "male improvement" stuff rather than some occult stuff.

Interesting, but it's not really what I'm looking for, thanks anyways.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

Doesnt get much moer esoteric, than that!
>dopamine slavery: the book
I am not a troll. I don't see why I should care about levitating, astral projection, shooting fireballs, visibly seeing life energy, etc unless I am happy with my body
teleportation magic sounds pretty good though
That's the book that NSDAP used for themselves then used a second time to trick its citizens into antisemitism
>I am not a troll.
You are, because if magic is real and you can learn how to use charm magic, all of the things you want to use magic to do to alter your body would be pointless. If women are just magically attracted to you, you won't care about being taller, having a bigger dick or getting a foreskin.

It's retard logic. It's like asking if you can learn magic that gets you hired at any job you want, if you have real magic why the fuck would you even work, you don't need to work.
Pfft, entry level.
Try out The Jewish Method of Marketing (rough translation of ユダヤの商法) by Den Fujita. The japanese are more Jewish than Israel, specifically Osakans.
no no I want that stuff for me
I don't want a girl at all and if I did I wouldn't want to use magic to control her
Women should make their own choices
a very important point both umehara and habu make is to stop desiring and expecting victory and to stop fearing defeat, which i think is the antithesis of dopamine as dopamine is released when expecting a reward. to win once is very different to keep winning consistently for a very long time, impervious to adaptations and counter strategies. victory itself probably loses value and impact anyways when in such abundance. it requires, I believe, a spiritual enlightenment that reflects in zen buddhist teachings and manifested by knowing 10000 things by knowing one thing, which was stated by miyamoto and realized by umehara in exceeling not only in multiple different fighting games, but also in mahjong and elderly caretaking.
>I want that stuff for me
Yeah sure, and women wear makeup for themselves, and if you were alone on an island by yourself you'd definitely care about those things.

End of discussion.
Women do wear makeup for themselves.
I wear makeup for myself, not women.
Women still wear makeup at all female boarding schools.
If by themselves you mean other women, then I guess. But an individual woman wearing makeup exclusively for herself is an insane outlier that I don't think exists. Man, English sucks.
Women don't wake up, spend hours putting on makeup, and then stay home alone and watch netflix in their pajamas. Also talked to a lot of married men, the wife at home looks nothing like the wife when they are out and other people can see.

>Women still wear makeup at all female boarding schools.
That's still not "for themselves", it's about public perception, other people seeing them. Also you don't think they are meeting guys after school?

When women are home alone and they know that nobody is going to see them for the day, they don't spend hours prettying themselves up, and that's the point. All that stuff is for other people, it's about how you want to judged by others, it's not really for you.

If instead of makeup, women could use magic that just made them look beautiful to everyone that sees them, they'd just use the magic instead and skip all of the hours of effort.

>But an individual woman wearing makeup exclusively for herself is an insane outlier that I don't think exists
My point exactly.

>Man, English sucks.
No, they know exactly what I was saying and what you were saying, they are just being disingenuous and playing word games.

"for yourself" means "for yourself", not "for other individuals that have the same sex as me".
Hey Rabbi
So this explains why Japanese are mysteriously in all top administration positions in government, media and education around the world, imposing their agenda and subverting generations. Finally, it's so clear
I didnt say the jews were good
The nazis 100% were an oppressive govt that misled its citizens and betrayed mebers of their own group
I'm glad you realized who truly rules over you, gaijin. Now look up how old Hikaru Genji's lover is and kneel.
correct. and the most important thing- the [[nazis]] were not at all who we thought
*does one mini-bow per 5th syllable
>hitler was an agent of the Weimar Repub govt sent into the DAP
>hitler was in fact a rothschild
>but too distant to be considered a real one
>eventually after throwing so many people under the bus, his own relatives threw him under the bus

>it was all orchestrated
he and his inner circle were so ok with suicide and death because they understood reincarnation and how to retain past live consciousness
>but too distant to be considered a real one
Yeah, those families are pretty loose and free-wheeling. Just what a cohencidence that he became leader of a country the family wanted to ruin, and did exactly that, plus a world war, while 100years later, being remembered by some as a 'hero'.
zoomers these days actually do all have foot fets because of this guy

how poorly taught ww2, hitler, occult, and nazis are exemplifies how bad the laziness of the public school system is. we are taught at school how to be controlled. the punishment systems exist to make us compliant (bathroom permissions as a kid and you grow up to be an amazon warehouse worker who asks permission to go potty), you get graded based on how well you regurgitate propaganda, teachers are lazy and want to indoctrinate their political religion on you... and guess where the waldorf system came from? An occult pre nazi german who was part of hitler's (a rothschilds) inner circle

If you want occult books, follow the nazi party and all the books and tactics they were using to take over the country
Are there any good books on hypersigils other than the Invisibles comics?
I'm noticing them everywhere. Its in Valorant map and character design, its in the porn I watch, its in the logos that are present on every damn product I am suurounded by (look at your desk, how many logos (hypersigils) are in view of you right now?), its in tv and anime. It is everywhere. More people need to start learning about hypersigils
This thread is sick, definitely lurk 10% of what you read at the most. All these retards that post about how they're God and fucking "succubuses" have never read a book in their lives
>and guess where the waldorf system came from?
Rudolf Steiner
>An occult pre nazi german who was part of hitler's (a rothschilds) inner circle
Lol, lmao even. Still believing British propaganda...
>Lol, lmao even. Still believing British propaganda...
well present something else
>Anthroposophists belonged to the many groups of people who were persecuted under the Nazi regime. Hitler's own disdaining remarks regarding Rudolf Steiner and the Anthroposophists appeared as early as 1921.(1) By spring of 1933, articles criticizing the movement began appearing more frequently in National Socialist newspapers. By the summer of that year, Steiner's books were banned from public libraries in Bavaria, and study groups and branches of the General Anthroposophical Society, along with other cultural organizations, were ordered to submit to National Socialistic leadership.

>During the years leading up to the 1935 prohibition of the German Anthroposophical Society and the closing of Waldorf Schools in the years thereafter, the society Executive Council was faced with the question of whether to submit to pressure to dissolve the Society of their own accord, or whether to attempt to preserve the Society and to continue working as long as and as effectively as possible.

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>"According to its historical development, the Anthroposophical Society is internationally oriented and even today continues to maintain close contacts with foreign freemasons, Jews and pacifists. The methods of teaching developed by its founder, Steiner, and followed in the anthroposophical schools still existing today follow an individualistic and human-oriented education, which has nothing in common with principles of National Socialistic education.

>"As a result of this opposition to the National Socialistic idea of Volk (Voelkische Gedanke), the continued activity of the Anthroposophical Society imposes the danger of injuring the National Socialistic State. The organization is therefore to be dissolved on account of its subversive character and the danger it poses to the public."
>continues to maintain close contacts with foreign freemasons, Jews and pacifists
yikes. so the american school system is part of the system
Hey Hitler, you're the bastard grandson of a Rothschild. Sorry we let you live in poverty and that, but maybe you want to join our masterplan and fuck shit up now that you got nothing better to do.
Yes, sure you can join the war and risk your life.

Oh, good, you survived the war and the mustard gas attack. Now join this small insignificant political party of 8 people and go against the whole communist infested Bavaria and stage a coup d'état.

15 men killed, gotta make it look legit you know. Sorry about that guy right next to you, that was a close one! Alright, you just have to serve some time in prison and then our masterplan will continue.
>Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give
>Hey Hitler, you're the bastard grandson of a Rothschild. Sorry we let you live in poverty and that, but maybe you want to join our masterplan and fuck shit up now that you got nothing better to do.
>Yes, sure you can join the war and risk your life.
>Oh, good, you survived the war and the mustard gas attack. Now join this small insignificant political party of 8 people and go against the whole communist infested Bavaria and stage a coup d'état.
>15 men killed, gotta make it look legit you know. Sorry about that guy right next to you, that was a close one! Alright, you just have to serve some time in prison and then our masterplan will continue.
unironically this
>Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give
>Son of God, born of a virgin, not even really human, likely didn't train to do any of these things and could just do it innately, not using "magic" is literally just able to manipulate reality by virtue of being a God
It's not the same thing.
I'll take his word for it.
>I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
>I'll take his word for it.
>I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
Yet you have no abilities or else you wouldn't be browsing this site.

Either way, abilities that come with moral clauses in a contract and requirements for obedience aren't really yours, it's "power by proxy", in other words, you are just somebody else bitch.

I wouldn't pray to a God for power just like I wouldn't sell my soul to a Devil for power either, it's just another form of being enslaved, another form of servitude.

So I'm good.

I think you've missed the entire point. If there are moral stipulations to the power you wield, it's not really YOUR power, you are just begging for scraps and enslaving yourself to some entity's rules in order to keep access to those scraps.

And again, you ironically don't even get the scraps because you wouldn't be posting here if you had any real power.

You are likely doing all of the begging and praying, and getting nothing in return.
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You are free to believe what you will, do not be surprised that it is so.
>All these belief systems that copied aspects of much older belief systems are saying the same thing
Yes, this isn't surprising at all. Do we need to refer back to the amazing number of parallels between Jesus and Mithra - >>38247795

Everybody is copying from some source and there was likely so many changes and alterations over time that were all reading some bastardized version that couldn't be even further from the truth.
>Rudolf Steiner
The guy that said vaccines were being used to destroy the soul? He was right about that
>and guess where the waldorf system came from? An occult pre nazi german who was part of hitler's (a rothschilds) inner circle

top lel
waldorf system schooling was ordered to shut down by NSDAP government

I'm so sorry, but not everyone who was germanic in the 30s was a nazi (Carl Jung isn't exactly NSDAP material either)
>yikes. so the american school system is part of the system

always was, and every western nation school system in general too, save for a few exceptions.

it's not by chance that it's so hard to un-program yourself from things that you consciously know to be bullshit. you've been programmed to act in a certain way since young age.
Jung wasn't german
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very wise
This was actually pretty good
Hey OP. Here’s a link to an esoteric and occult repository. Enjoy.

can an anon help me remember the name of a site that hosted bunch of links on various topics, it was something encyclopedia something
Enochian Grimoire - Liber Occultis
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after public schooling you enter the propaganda machine of politics that you were primed to be susceptible to in your schooling.
They've done this to reshape human existence to make us as little of a burden and nuisance for them as possible. Its like recycling. you should be against recycling because it only helps the rich who have longer lifespans and are guaranteed posterity through children
>This weekend, dozens of food guides will be deployed at a summer music festival to mingle with concertgoers...
They straight up write the tactics they use to coerce minds. Its all the same occult mind control they've been using forever
no its more a repository for a ton of links on atlantis, illuminati, NWO etc its in spanish and english
im such an ass here it is
The politics start early in school, even worse now. I still recall some of the UN propaganda (when they were still a thing, I guess they keep working in the shadows now), holocaust tales etc. from elementary/middle school in the 90s.
1 John 3:9

“Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.”
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>6 million people's appetite for meat and dairy
really makes you think
I heard he actually took off for India, or maybe it was Nepal of Bhutan maybe, never heard from again for like a year now.
woot woot

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