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Previous: >>38220224

This thread is for general discussion of the afterlife, motivated by curiosity and fascination of the afterlife itself, rather than the fear of death.
Forgot the title, this is thread #5
Been having more brushes with death since I started participating in these. Do you anons think someone on the other side wants me to join them?
Funny I'm just coming across these threads when I'm knee deep in afterlife research. It's insane how much literature there is on this. I thought NDEs were the only form of evidence, but there's so much more. Good idea for a thread, keep it up until it catches on.
Blue Eisenhower November , my brother.
Remember that, and we'll do what we can to make it a rip roarin' tootin' good time.
Fascinating stuff, isn't it?
Found anything of note?
Here's good channels with NDE interviews

Say a mind disembodies itself to another incarnable being, even upon the lack of a physical form, the self can be fully imagined by thought alone. And so be it that what is physical changes, the imagined self observe itself at a distance. So be it maybe the shell is flaw, or the circumstance that is time, but what conserves the mind which depreciates itself in age? Pain and harm can too exist. Maybe it is to be forgotten which allows us to wake up to a being without parents or identity in a world where youth is eternal, where a person would not be able to even remember their parents.
ive always been of the mentality that the afterlife is pretty freeform in that places like heaven and hell exist because people believe in them, and those that do gravitate to them and are maybe even pulled to them, due to such strong collective belief. but there exists infinite possibility in that we can also create our own afterlife, a small bubble within the ocean. that is why i also believe meditation and lucid dreaming is important, take control of the little death, control the big death, or get swept up in the dream and end up somewhere you dont want to be.
I'm currently reading about Instrumental Transcommunication and physical mediumship. There's so much literature on mediumship though that it'd take me 2 lifetimes to study it all.
New on this website, what's your general stance on what happens after death. There's as aspect of near death experiences you may not have thought about. The unreported ones, where they only experienced blackness yet were conscious. A blackness that's the only way to describe. It's like awareness without sense. This is what I experienced.
If humans reach a state of amortality, we are gonna see everyone talk about the what if about the after life, since no one will die a natural death. It will be speculated about. Just prepare against the AntiChrist. This war against the internet has been largely useless. The amount of liberties you gain from being famous on the internet is disgusting. Even the negative parts are largely outscaled by the sheer amount of being famous. Most of these famous internet people and famous people in general are the very definition of elite. They have more money, more drugs, more bitches, more power, and more influence than any normal person.
Hey all, I'm the anon from the first thread who had that experience with the life-or-death surgery.
I'll be happy to take questions.
qrd of your case?
This happened a few years back:
>Got surgery, not sure if I'd survive
>During surgery, while I was under, spoke with some entity
>May have been given a choice as to whether or not I wanted to cross over
>Suddenly was much more calm, and woke up from the surgery just fine
Again, not entirely sure if I was given the choice to pass on, but sometimes I wonder how things would be going for me and my loved ones if I had chosen to.
Why’d the last thread archive so quickly?
Not enough people were awake to bump it when I posted it I guess.
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It's strange to see this kind of post on /x/ considering it's well known that there is nothing before or after anything else. Everything just, "is." You are in a simulation to gain experience in a heavy density. When your body dies, you return and transition into your multi dimensional self. You will get a third party perspective of the experience and decide to do something else.

"Science" is slow to report this because it would change everything. Whomever is in charge of education and information on a larger scale doesn't give a shit about you or anyone else but there are some things that are avoidable. Ascension for one. They'll try to control it by leaking information to make themselves the secular source but the effort will be futile. This fucking dimension is getting an upgrade.
Yes, there is life (of a sort) after death. No, you won't like it. There's no hell, but there's no heaven either.

See, our universe is a simulation. As part of the simulation the data of your life is retained after you die. No data is lost, otherwise there wouldn't be a point; every component is valuable to the whole. When you die "you", or rather the data of your life, get compressed into a Read Only file. The beginning of this process can be experienced by those undergoing a Near Death Experience. The so-called "life flashes before your eyes" which is really the information of your existence beginning compression.

It is true that sometimes data leaks out. We call this a ghost, but it's fragmented, mostly "you" on repeat. Moments out of time influencing the rest of the sim, even though it shouldn't. It's a complex system so these kinds of glitches are, sadly, unavoidable. Very, VERY rarely, a "ghost" can appear to be self-aware, able to communicate, but this isn't really life. Nothing you do or experience in this state can be saved to your file once it's set to Read Only. It's just a shitty copy of yourself that can't remember anything.
There is no afterlife.
There is only afterdeath.
And after death the unitiated reincarnates and have their memories wiped out. He will restart his life all over again, same time and space, with some modifications.
Whereas the schizos have a choice to access the library, by rejecting the light. There he will find his other memories stored.
This is partially accurate. Frankly we don't know if the system is so complicated that data leaks. There do seem to be a number of glitches in the matrix (search for videos of birds frozen mid-flight, for instance) but whether your "save file" can leak can't be known. That's because data about you is also stored in relation to different objects.

For instance, have you ever heard of hauntings associated with items or locations with deep significance to the departed? I'm sure you have. To maintain a proper accounting, the simulated universe needs to retain the who, what, where, and whys in order to maintain continuity. So shit like, "Anon moved this letter from Point A to Point B on Sunday, March 21, 2018." The more you are associated with an item or location the more of this data accumulates. THIS is the data that leaks, not your save file. So if a person sees an apparition of you, or senses something you did, or if the item tries to revert back to an old location but only manages a tiny bit of seemingly telekinetic motion, that's not really you, the you stored with all your other personal information.

Technically it is a ghost of you, but it is generated not by yourself but by the information stored about the item or location. Whether that is comforting or disturbing depends on you.

I've seen people suggest that your data isn't just archived after you die, but there is a kind of virtual heaven where everyone who has died is allowed to mingle, like a giant party, in an area partitioned off from the rest of the simulated universe. The only evidence I've come across is people who undergo an NBE and claim that they don't just see their life flash before their eyes but are able to access this partitioned space and communicate with deceased loved ones. Whether that's true or not I can't say.
Damn I'm getting sick & tired of all these bot / NPC posts that pretend to know how the whole ass universe functions but they don't even bring up a single piece of evidence.

I was having a conversation with my stylist today about /x/ shit. She's heavily into esoteric womens topics & is pretty much constantly getting tutored to learn a new discipline.

Long story short I asked her about the afterlife & she told me she has personally seen multiple of her past lives while in meditation, the furthest one going back to medieval times. Also she apparently knows how to communicate with the dead and she told me stories of how one customer of her had a child that at the age of 5 suddenly started swearing like a drunken sailor, right after his uncle that would constantly swear like that passed away. She does her communicating with the dead things & finds out that the deceased uncle was using the kid to speak. After which she helped "lead the uncle into the light" (not sure what this means or implies exactly) and the kid started talking like a kid again.

Not sure what all of this implies honestly. It's the first time I've ever heard of the deceased using a living person to speak, maybe even possessing them. Does anyone know if there is a proper term for this?? And are there any papers / books where they have researched this phenomenon?
It's the afterlife, son. If you want first hand knowledge it's easy: kill yourself. You just won't be in any condition to tell anyone about what you learn, but at least YOU will know, right? Riiiight.
>I'm getting sick & tired of all these bot / NPC posts that pretend to know how the whole ass universe functions but they don't even bring up a single piece of evidence

That one anon offered to answer questions about his near death experience, did you take him up on that? Other posts have vids about NDEs, which are the best data you can hope for without dying yourself though >>38225053 >>38225559 offers literature. Simulation theory is well researched too, and there's plenty of threads about it on /x/ you could look up, but if you take issue with any specifics you could try directly responding to that poster.

I feel like you're complaining without cause, but thank you for sharing your hair dresser story.
I find this intriguing, but I have some questions. The save file business makes sense, but would you really story a person's interactions with an object in such detail within the data for the object itself? Wouldn't it be easier to just note the link to cross-reference the save file? I realize redundancy isn't a bad thing in context, it would help provide data security, but how much information would you really need to save?

I'm asking this because -IF- an object significant to the deceased has a link to the save file itself, then seances to commune with the dead make sense to me. If there is a link, and we can figure out a way to trick the simulation into accessing the file, it should actually be possible to commune with the dead. If no new information can be written onto the save file the dead won't retain a memory of the interaction, but I have a doubt because there's instances where people summon the dead multiple times and earlier conversations can be revisited.

I know some people hate simulation theory but I find it more comforting if this is true. I don't trust the universe to be kind to wandering spirits. A simulation though will retain its previous data by default because it has to know how everything fits together, and any deleted data is just a waste. Why simulate a person at all if they're just going to trash the results? It's in their best interest to maintain data integrity and even backups.
Have you ever heard of ghosts weakening over time and becoming less pronounced? I don't mean the activity becoming more sporadic, I mean ghostly apparitions become less clear over time. It's almost like data becoming fragmented. I find that pretty scary, though if the universe isn't a sim it still means ghosts, like the bodies they inhabited, decay over time. Maybe that's remnants and echos and the soul really is immortal.

Also if we're a sim won't the simulation eventually end and the data get wiped, probably before the simulator is donated to an inner city middle school? That might happen at the end of the simulated universe's life, so from our perspective still an eternity. I still don't like it.
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>muh evidence
Are you sure you aren't the npc here?
Has anyone used this phrase in an NDE yet?

If we definitely knew this to be true, we would have to go around preaching to save everyone from hell the same way those same hell-believers go around preaching that we turn to Jesus before it's too late.
I sure hope this isn't the case. Think of all the generations of true believers who were told we're all sinners and are going to the fire.
A fear of mine is that there is an afterlife, but that the physical body needs to properly "release" I guess you'd say your soul/consciousness. Say your lying on your deathbed and you go slowly and naturally, your body does the DMT dump and that releases your soul from your body. The fear I have is quick deaths: headshot, electrocution, submersible implosion, etc. What if *that* results in the typical atheistic view of eternal oblivion because you weren't properly released? Have any of you ever had this thought? Is this an already established concept that I'm just not aware of?
I'll try it I ever have one
I haven’t seen anything from physical mediumship that couldn’t have been easily faked.
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Hope it's endlessly perceived nothing. No sensations/senses or thought. Just barest minimum of conscience in an unending black void.
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All evidence is, is a name.
>Youtube NDE videos
What a shitshow. Nearly nothing but grifters and obvious religious freaks lying.
They aren't lying. Your expectations were wrong.
Well actually I didn't mean the posts that you mentioned or NDE related stuff. More like >>38228857 >>38232098 >>38228682.
I can also come in and state that after you die as a human you are faced with the choice of reincarnating as either a giraffe or an elephant in heaven & every other known possibility of the afterlife is false but why would anyone believe that. How is spreading unfalsifiable theories supposed to help the discussion in this thread in any way.

Are you sure you aren't believing in fairy tales here?
Oh yeah & also (I am the anon that made this >>38236463 post) I forgot to recommend the book "The seventh sense: secrets of remote viewing" by Lyn Buchanan. This guy was in the CIA remote viewing program & at one time he remote viewed a bunch of people into the afterlife, which is in one of the chapters of the book. It's really interesting to read
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Fun to think about, isn't it?

>unfalsifiable theories
We're talking about life after death. NOBODY has any tangible proof, my dude. Nobody. You know why? Because they're dead. NDEs might provide insight but given how that state leaves the brain malfunctioning it's not like they're reliable. It's literally relying on faulty equipment to provide data.

You can take what they say at faith, but at that point you've exited falsifiable and moved on to religion.
I honestly don't trust a platform where 80~90% of the guests are plugging a book or a course. Some might not be lying, maybe even the majority, but if they're selling something i'm inclined to think they're manipulating information one way or the other for better marketing.
>one time he remote viewed
Ah right, the ultimate in falsifiable data.
World's Largest NDE Study Revealed

Yeah, nobody has absolute proof but you can still try to get as close 2 the truth as possible.

For example there are kids who have reincarnated with knowledge they could not have known otherwise & birthmarks which relate to their alleged past life & personality traits which relate to their alleged past life & they allegedly have memories of being in the afterlife between their lifetimes. Atleast you can study this phenomenon and assess it's likeliness & its implications & how it relates to other reports of the afterlife. You cannot do anything with these gay theories about "after you die your soul's save file is finalized & you get transported out of the simulation" & shit like that.

Well if you actually knew something about remote viewing you'd know that a certain degree of accuracy can be achieved & also assess how likely it is that someone is telling the truth about their rv session.
i look forward ot the afterlife, there is nothing here that interests me, all material possesions and wealth are worthless dross since your lifespan is pathetically small and you loose all of it, humans are retarded shit species that should go extinct, cant wait till my soul leaves this stupid human flesh prison vessel and i can be my true self
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Remember lads, when you finally find yourselves there, let go. Do not cling to memories or things you once enjoyed.
Just let go. Do not come back, it isn't worth it.
I'd rather my loved ones know I'm okay
The loves ones were an illusion, you were never really real.
Reincarnated...kids. Yeah, used to be all the craze back when Fox had shit like Sightings airing. Kids are horribly unreliable, though. Just consider during the whole satanic panic when teachers were supposedly ferrying kids into space on hot air balloons to sacrifice them. You could also try adults who have undergone past life hypnotic regression though hypnosis is horribly unreliable because the brain is perfectly capable of imagining any details you want. If you're able to remember your dreams or can lucid dream you'd know that.

But then you can't handle save file shit, as if the simulation theory people don't have THEIR own evidence, and would probably point out that your quaint views of reincarnation isn't incompatible with reality still being a simulator. Don't even get me started on that remove viewing shit. IF it works, and I'd stress the if, it's so hit and miss it's hardly reliable enough to falsify with any reliability, let alone rely on it for real life shit. And don't bother bringing links to gateway into this. People here go on about the CIA running glow ops on us, but then when the CIA says something they like it's all, "The CIA published this so you know it's real!"
What can we say? Children are awful.

>We examined the effect of photographs on children's memories for events that did and did not happen. Over three interviews, 10-year olds saw three true photos and one false photo. Half the children saw a doctored photo of themselves and other family members in a hot air balloon, while the remaining half saw only the hot air balloon. At each interview, children reported what they could remember about each event, rated their confidence that the events really happened and rated how much they could remember. Children who saw the photo showing themselves in the balloon developed more false memories than those who saw only the balloon, but when children in either condition developed false memories, they were equally confident that the event was real. These data highlight a potential problem with the use of photographs as tools in therapy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)
There's a lot of cases for children detailing past lives, including psychological studies. Some of it is compelling, but I often find myself wondering what the odds are the kid was coached by the parents. Munchausen by Proxy can be a lot nastier than this, a lot nastier, but it can still get you in the news. Then there's the question of why the memories tend to fade around six.

I hate my inner skeptic but it's always nagging at me. There's so much I want to believe. CE5 sounds awesome, but why haven't they repeated it in front of major news studios or manifested UFOs over very public places? DMT vision quests? You're literally on a hallucinogen, how can you possibly sort out the real from the fantasy? The CIA published Project Gateway files but also said it was a failure. If it's real, why would they publish something so potentially dangerous to national security?

Anyway here's a university link people can make up their own minds.

Unironically this. I am extremely scared of the idea of reincarnation even into heaven. Living forever I am not a big fan of
I stumbled upon Quantum Archaeology which is the thought that one day we will be able to resurrect people from the past from the quantum state of their brain and teleport them back. Pretty fascinating stuff but got me thinking that instead of maybe waiting for that tech to hit maybe we are already living in it now. Maybe when you die you go to the bliss and are offered a chance for another go around in the physical. Same thing would happen with Quantum Archaeology where you don’t just want to bring back souls against their will but maybe you give them an option. I’d really like to know how my life would be different if I made other choices and maybe one day I can live out those forks in the road
I often times wish there were an afterlife filled with all my loved ones and my soul mate who was taken away from me. Don't want to reincarnate or loop, per se. Don't wanna become some angry ghost stuck in purgatory here on Earth. Don't wanna go to hell. I just want to dwell in the house of the Lord forever, guys
You said that the last few times, but here you are again.
The McMartin case is still so crazy. So much money wasted, no convictions, the poor guy involved was in jail for years with bail denied before the prosecutors finally gave up, and people are still convinced there are evil satanic tunnels hidden under the ground where the school was located.


Worth noting because we see again, especially on 4chan, talk of evil satanic cannibal pedophile cults around the US if not the world and people aren't noticing. You get a lot of talk and speculation, especially from people who love to blame the opposite end of the political spectrum, but what comes to light is the usual sick shit that's not really linked together with hard evidence.
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Thanks for the links.
Here's a few I enjoy that are worth checkin' out...
Next Level Soul:
The Other Side NDE:

NDE Accounts After Life Stories:
>You cannot do anything with these gay theories about "after you die your soul's save file is finalized & you get transported out of the simulation" & shit like that.
Seemed easy enough to understand what was said. If we're in a simulation there has to be a point. It makes no sense to wipe all the data about a person just because they die in the sim. That's just wasting the time and resources to generate that data in the first place.

There's plenty of info on the web about whether we're living in a simulation, and events people say prove the simulation has glitches. You don't have to like it. You don't have to believe it. Nevertheless these ideas have been gaining traction, and are being given serious study. The funny thing is none of this is incompatible with studies into the paranormal, in fact quite the opposite. Are ghosts glitches? Is remembering a previous life a memory buffer issue bleeding memories from one person to another? When people report there is a heaven they've witnessed through NDEs is that an experiment to see how we react or is the afterlife simulated as well? And if so, why?

The thing you need to remember is if we are simulated that still means this is our reality, so all the observations about reality in this thread are still relevant. If you can't make anything out of simulation theory regarding the afterlife you're basically admitting you can't make anything of the afterlife if this ISN'T a sim. I refuse to accept that narrow view.


Explain why they are able to recall things which they could never have known about otherwise & later turned out to be true? & also all of the other supporting evidence about reincarnation I gave.

& also notice that I never said reincarnation is the absolute truth & that it is something to study & compare to other reports of the afterlife like NDEs 4 example.

& also notice that I never said the simulation theory is false or even bashed the concept. I am bashing people who spout a bunch of shit without evidence behind them & if they have proof of us living in a simulation I would still love to see it & consider it. But I can't know how valid a theory is if they don't even mention any evidence / phenomena in support of it.

>IF it works, and I'd stress the if, it's so hit and miss it's hardly reliable enough to falsify with any reliability
IF it works, meaning you don't even know whether it works or not. You are talking about things that you don't even know about faggot.

>People here go on about the CIA running glow ops on us, but then when the CIA says something they like it's all, "The CIA published this so you know it's real!"
Yes actually I am not one of those people. I shared that book because I found it interesting & I think other people here might find it interesting 2. MAYBE it has some truths in it but it is mostly something to consider & think about instead of accepting or rejecting the whole text.
See, dude, mixed messages don't do you any credit. You play up reincarnation, then claim you aren't really saying it's true. Not helping that you again ignore that the kids could have very well been coached by attention seeking parents, especially if they claim to be someone with a war record which can be looked up. I remember a case from a decades ago (wish I could remember enough details to look it up quickly) where a kid dropped all these details of a past life. Problem, though. The guy he claimed to be was still alive. The solution from the true believers? "Well nobody said reincarnation had to be temporally linear!" You can't win in a game where every flaw in the story just requires a goalpost adjustment.

And if you're so worried about sim theory, /x/ has tons of threads about it. Nobody is hiding this shit from you. As for "shit without evidence" you even admit we can't know for certain a lot of this stuff, only get close, so you're bitching people are using logical assumptions to how it would work? If you don't agree about a record of a person's simulated life being retained, at least try to provide some counter argument instead of getting all huffy.

>You are talking about things that you don't even know about faggot.
Again, this from the guy who admits we have no absolute proof about any of this. Also talks about assessing the correctness about rv. Yeah, you can do that for a real world event or target, not about goddamn heaven, you horse's rectal discharge.

>might find it interesting
>MAYBE it has some truths in it
So you're providing as much proof as anyone else in the thread but still acting like the lord and arbiter of the thread.

>mostly something to consider & think about instead of accepting or rejecting the whole text.
Which is the same excuse anyone else in the thread can make, even the sim junky. In conclusion, go fuck yourself.
>Tibetan book of the dead
>Holographic Universe by Micheal Talbot
>Multiple NDE accounts all match up
>Tunnel with light at the end
>Meet beings of radiant light
>We love you. You are part of us, and we are part of you. Universe is all, and interconnected etc etc.
>Feel like ecstasy, and love is overwhelming.
>Talks about how cities of these beings exist, and make hyperborea look like downtown Detroit.
>Buildings so amazing you'd think art itself was generated here. (Newsflash probably was)
>We as humans are living our lives as a sort of observer/experiencer, and report back to "base" upon death. Sharing our new found knowledge
>While in this state seemingly have infinite, and immediate access to all knowledge at once.
>People having gone through NDE's often have complete personality switches. Cold, aloof people become loving, and sweet. Etc.

Okay so we're all a part of some brite lite hivemind. Now what? Do we pay attention to syncronicities the universe throws at us now that we are aware to confirm we're on the right path? Should we live in such a way to maximize our knowledge gained? How does suicide factor into all of this? Why is it we all get "factory reset" before coming back to the physical realm of this reality?
Consciousness being a product of quantum effects is looking more and more likely to be true too. They recently determined that tryptophan can produce quantum effects when arranged in the same tube structures that it appears in our neurons.
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Anons is there an afterlife for suicide victims? I tried to kms a few years back and I don’t remember seeing an anything I just immediately knew I was in a hospital and my only thoughts were ‘aw crap I lived.’ It got me worried about heaven and hell but I never became an atheist for anything like that. It did cause some brain damage and I started to think the reason I didn’t see anything was because of my suicide.
From what I've heard, people who commit suicide immediately regret it when they realize that death isn't the end. They usually bring a lot of their problems with them.
Can’t speak for anyone else my attempt did cause problems just because it shook how I felt about if I had a soul for a while and the brain damage feels like it caused anger issues I’m still trying to come to terms with.
Fun fact, scientists were able to encode malware into human DNA. The intent was to show that harmful coding can be slipped into gene sequencing software via the DNA it is analyzing, but there has been suggestion that this proves we ourselves are merely computer coding. I don't know about that, but it could mean that if we are in a simulation and we can somehow figure out the programming language we can use similar methods to inject our own code into the sim. We could potentially rewrite reality itself.

Or crash the entire simulation effectively killing all of us. Here's the sauce: https://www.wired.com/story/malware-dna-hack/
Nothing but delusions on this board.

There are no supernatural forces, souls, magick, life after death, undead beings or giant conspiracies hiding things we cannot imagine right under the surface of what we can see. Reality is cold and driven purely by power, intelligence, determination and manipulation. There is no hidden meaning, no destiny, no reason to live. Reality is both a giant playground for us to explore and progress in, but also an arena for us to fight in for our false ideologies. If you fail at life, you will never find anything to hold on to. No aliens, no haunted houses, no spirits, no demons to fight. You're only fighting with your own delusions, and desperately trying not to hit the absolute bottom. Now try to prove me wrong, if there really is anyone still treating this paranormal shit seriously.
I've been watching many of the videos from the channels ITT and one similarity I have noticed is that our thoughts alone affect others. So try not to think negatively about anyone or you may actually affect them negatively even if you think you're not interacting with them.

I can't wait to die. I've got bad depression, the afterlife sounds so awesome.
Case closed, we can officially shut own /x/ now.
Hey anons, it's me again. Still willing to answer questions about this.
Bump. Again, still taking questions.
newfag >>>/out/
Mate, the term you're looking for is incorporation. And it IS like possession, but clearly that's not what was happening with the kid, because if it were, it'd go beyond just talking like the uncle, it would BE the uncle, with all the memories and whatnot. Spirits can influence your thoughts, it's actually how spirits communicate, most people are oblivious to it and so are some non living ones. Basically just by being close to you, an unconscious form of telepathy can happen, and it's not just one way either, you do the same to them.
There are nde cases with physical verifiable data, you'd know this if you weren't just a larping faggot and actually did research on the subject. For example a woman who was clinically dead saw a red shoe on the roof of the hospital, and later it was found that there was a red shoe on the roof.
>You're literally on a hallucinogen, how can you possibly sort out the real from the fantasy?
Because some times different people tripping together see the specific same shit.
>but there exists infinite possibility in that we can also create our own afterlife, a small bubble within the ocean. that is why i also believe meditation and lucid dreaming is important
I've always assumed this to be the case, with powerful people creating their own dreamworlds in which other can inhabit between incarnations like pureland buddhism
And there's no possible way a red shoe could have been left there to fake the incident, oh no sir, you aren't larping at all.
I'd be inclined to find that compelling if shared hallucinations weren't a thing, and that there hasn't been so much evidence of eyewitnesses latching on to the story told with the most force and/or confidence. Human memory is shit even before you apply psychedelics to it.
Bumpity bump bump
I think there’s a connection between dreams and the afterlife but animals dream too so this means animals have a soul perhaps every living thing has a soul and not just humans
>See, dude, mixed messages don't do you any credit.
You are 2 low IQ 2 understand my point

>Not helping that you again ignore that the kids could have very well been coached by attention seeking parents,
Not helping that you again ignore that kids also have birthmarks that relate 2 their alleged past life

& also if you stopped being low IQ 4 a second you could consider the possibility of measuring how valid someones anecdotal evidence might be & that reincarnation researchers also do so & even include statements about it in their works. Not saying that faked reincarnation reports never happens but 2 say all of them are fake is an extremely stupid & retarded long stretch.

>The solution from the true believers? "Well nobody said reincarnation had to be temporally linear!"
A guy on 4chan gets confronted with the possibility of reincarnation reports having truth 2 them. His solution? "oh memories in kids were bad in 1 study & also they can be faked so it's all 100% fake"

>using logical assumptions to how it would work?
Yes & the problem with that is that you can logically asume 1 million + different theories of the afterlife & none of them would have any weight behind them until some supporting evidence exists

>Also talks about assessing the correctness about rv. Yeah, you can do that for a real world event or target, not about goddamn heaven
You misunderstood my posts once again

>So you're providing as much proof as anyone else in the thread
Not true

>In conclusion, go fuck yourself.
Nope & maybe you should raise your IQ or atleast know what you are talking about be4 engaging in discussion

>I don't like this story so I will immediately assume it is false

Do you also disregard all reviews a vendor has on ebay be4 you buy from them? Because human memory is offcourse so shit that none of them should be considered
Not sure if it's worth reading to you shitting your pants, let alone responding, but what the hell.

>You are 2 low IQ 2 understand my point
Not an argument. Projection, perhaps, but certainly no argument.

>Not helping that you again ignore that kids also have birthmarks that relate 2 their alleged past life
Now you can excuse, perhaps, memories carrying over if the soul is reincarnated but birthmarks? Surgical scars? Why? For what purpose? Especially since, if you'd checked some of the links provided to you, the vast majority of these previous life memories fade around the ages 5-6. So birthmarks are carried over by your soul, and some surgical marks. Why not more? Why not the actual mangled wreck of a body left from that kid who claims he was a WWII fighter pilot who was shot down?

>A guy on 4chan gets confronted with the possibility of reincarnation reports having truth 2 them. His solution? "oh memories in kids were bad in 1 study & also they can be faked so it's all 100% fake"
Oh it gets better than that, friendo. There's over 8 billion humans today, so where are all these extra souls coming from? Is the soul factory backed up on orders so they just jam an old soul in and hope nobody notices the used goods sold as new?

>Yes & the problem with that is that you can logically asume 1 million + different theories of the afterlife & none of them would have any weight behind them until some supporting evidence exists
If birthmarks somehow carrying over with the soul is the best you've got for evidence, it's really shitty evidence. Especially when it's not even true across all supposed past life cases. That's not logical, and it's certainly not scientific.

>You misunderstood my posts once again
Perhaps the problem is your post, since you don't seem to understand it and you wrote the damn thing.

>Not true
I wish.

>Nope & maybe you should raise your IQ or atleast know what you are talking about be4 engaging in discussion
So definitely projection then.
Could be that animal souls are bumped up, but then they'd have to have souls first. I think they do, but not everyone agrees. There could also be recycled souls. I find the idea horrifying. Can you imagine several lifetimes of trauma built up and they put you back in the game? Anons on /x/ are already asking for reality cheat codes and how to jump this timeline/universe. Maybe that's why the memories tend to fade at 6?

The idea of recycling is also wild if you it's true you can be reincarnated at any point in the timeline, and can include your soul being in multiple different people at the same time! Or maybe we get some alien souls swapped in. That Pleiadian twin stuff. That would be beyond wild!
>Do you also disregard all reviews a vendor has on ebay be4 you buy from them? Because human memory is offcourse so shit that none of them should be considered
This makes no sense to me. An eyewitness report isn't the same thing as a review. Maybe if you can show the reviewer only had fleeting contact with the item, but then the product image and information is right there on the same page as the reviews. It ironically feels like you don't like the counter example so you're just disingenuously attacking it.

Maybe that explains why the Nordics look so human, or vice versa!
>taking internet fights seriously
Projecting projection.
What in that first sentence suggests to you anon is taking this seriously?
He gave out (you)s. That's always serious.

This is a 2021 study on reincarnation studies themselves, and found birthmarks/defects were only around 37%. I was surprised only 41% included interviews with the previous family of the reincarnated person. I realize that would be hard if someone was previously from over a hundred years ago, but I thought those were a minority of cases. Most studies are also asian-centric, so there might be some cultural bias at play. When I google it a lot of cases end up being in India, which didn't surprise me. They also pushed back the age saying most PLM fades by 9 years old. One of the 78 cases evaluated is even considered solved, because the child's statements were written before compared to the facts of the previous life, greatly reducing the odds that someone was coaching the child.

Birthmarks can be more common, they simply weren't factored in to the majority of studies. If it's true it would be amazing because birthmarks are either hereditary or genetic mutations, so the soul would have to be altering the person's DNA. I still have a lot of personal doubts about this, due to some of the points previously brought up but also it should be easier to prove. It reminds me of those ghost reality tv shows you see on discovery or travel channel where if there were houses where the moment you walk in spooks start chucking shit at you we'd have undeniable proof. Anyone who walks into the house would quickly have to accept it.
incredibly based
*tips fedora*
Do you hate fun

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