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Tell me about black projects aircraft.
you know, if UFOs are actually military and all of that is real, SHOULD we say so? US Politics aside, I don’t want the chinese to have a TR3B.
If it existed it would have been seen IRL or be in use already; the fact that neither are true means it’s fake.
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What specifically would you like to know?
The black triangles were stealth blimps not aircraft. Example: Hudson valley boomerang 83-84. Probably scoping out for REX-82/84 martial law scenario. In Vietnam they had Silent Joe.
>asks kissless basement wizards for information about highly classified military projects
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Do MISTY and BLACKJACK satellites count as aircraft? They're pretty spooky.
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OP pic rel was Phoenix Lights.
>major malfunction
>shortest route back to base was directly over Phoenix
>detour would risk a crash that would expose the whole project
>clench buttcheeks and fly into busy airspace
>turn on landing lights to avoid a midair
>order some A-10s to take off and pop flares for no apparent reason
>it was just flares guys
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They hype it up a lot, but it's probably just some gay ass blimp the elites made.
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Very real I've seen this craft or craft types on multiple occasions.
Unfortinatly for me my cameras are too budget to get a photo like this. Probably invest in something decent in the future.
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build em
fly em
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The wings are to long, the actual craft is a B2 Spirit.
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Stealth blimps are very big.
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Lmao gtfo
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... are you retarded?
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Mark McCandlish: It was a fellow that I knew – his name was Arthur Reed – who took this photograph in 1982. He was just exploring northern California by car. He was driving somewhere about 10 miles north of Cedarville, and he saw a large group of people that had pulled off the road, and they were all sort of looking off to the west. And so he, just out of curiosity, stopped to see what it was. And off in the distance was this immense, black thing – big, large, V-shaped vehicle. And the shape of it was what kind of gave it away as the possible product of Lockheed Skunk Works, because it had the same sort of faceted flat surfaces like a Stealth Fire. The craft looked an awful lot like a large black V, and in the middle of each of those two wings, or legs, or whatever you want to call them, which were really thick and not aerodynamic in any way, shape or form, but there was a large white sphere.
And then there was one up in the very front where they kind of came together. And there were seams on the surface of the thing that looked like the different parts of the vehicle could be articulated and folded up into almost a triangular shape. There were a series of red lights that went from the nose back towards part of the fuselage where the wings joined together. And the thing was in a nose down, bank to the left, and it was hovering in this position about maybe 250 feet off the ground. nd it was maybe a quarter of a mile to a half a mile off the roadway. Very large. He said that he thought that this thing was somewhere between 300 and 600 feet on a side. It was that big. He said that it was making this low, pulsating, humming sound, almost like something you’d see in a science fiction movie, sort of this [whirring sound] kind of sound. But he said it was so powerful, so loud, that you could feel it in your chest – that your chest would kind of vibrate and resonate with the sound.
And the people that were there that had pulled off the road represented kind of like a cross-section of what you’d find in America – the deeply religious people that are crying and on their knees, praying to God to deliver them from this chariot of the devil. There were other people who were running towards it and waving and saying, “Take me for a ride”. And there were other people there hooting and hollering like they were watching a fireworks show on the 4th of July. In the photograph, in the foreground, you can see people standing in the bed of their truck, and you’re seeing them all from the back, so you can’t tell exactly what they’re doing. But a lot of them, their arms are like this [up in front of his eyes], like they’re watching it through field glasses. There are other people just sort of standing around, just taking it all in, watching everything. But he said that this thing sat there for the better part of a half an hour, and that’s why there were so many people that had pulled off and were watching. And apparently, there was some kind of a flight control issue with this thing, and it had initiated a bank, and then they couldn’t pull out of this dive, so they just stopped. And it was hovered in this banked, nose-down position. And so apparently, whoever was working on this thing was not able to repair that particular problem. And so the way they resolved it was this thing continued in its bank. I have to turn my hand the other way to do it right, but imagine that this [his hand is now face up and he’s pointing to his palm] is the upper surface like this. So the thing flips end over end like this [the top rising up and back], but at the same time, it continues the roll. So it goes like this [it first rolled to the right and then the nose twisted up and back], and it’s pointed up and away from the crowd.
It starts to climb out slowly, getting louder and louder, and then it gets to about 5,000 feet and [hands slap together] gone just like that, out into space. But he said he went back about a week later, and he parked his car in the same spot. And he was walking out to see if maybe there was any evidence on the ground that this thing had been there. Maybe something got dropped off of it, or maybe there was crop circle-type evidence – that kind of thing. This Air Force truck comes rolling up – the dark blue with the yellow stencil on the side – “United States Air Force”. And a couple of military cops tell him he needs to get out of there and leave immediately, or they’re going to arrest him, and they’re going to impound his car. So he leaves."
I distinctly remember seeing a craft like this as a kid, always stuck with me. Only saw photos of it years later.

The variant I saw was the four-light version, with the three point lights and the central light. I remember it being dead silent. It was there, and then it wasn't. Wacky stuff.
>kissless basement wizards

If war thunder players can do it so can /x/enophiles
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TR-3B indeed. Search for Michael Herrera and his claims, too. Most people claim he's a fake, but I'm not so sure if what he claims is entirely a fake.
holy shit this is the highest res picture of solar warden I've ever seen, saved!
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Why tell when I can show you
This thing spooks me to the bone
Two F4 Phantoms of the display team 'Blue Angels' one inverted above the other.

There is lots more, if anyone is interested (probably not)
I am
>Bedlam is the same guy
>When posting on Fark got him a visit from the DIA
>The one particular naughty thing they were talking about...this is why this will probably never be declassified
>The nutter that saw it tested
>Pic related is the PDF that started it all
>Polariton driven gamma ray lasers FTW
Standard fed reply whenever the Cedarville craft poloroids get posted. Fuck off
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At least post real ones
>Arthur Reed

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Spearhead over Texas.
This is reverse psychology propaganda.

The black projects are just the cover story for the UFOs not the UFOs being a cover story for the black projects.
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Texans are the jews of new mexico
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Glowy posting
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This is a good thread, I haven't seen most of this before and I've seen everything.
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Bullshit. All of this is human-created and human-made, and has been improved upon (hence the newer designs of the craft over time) for almost a century. Educate yourself. Some relevant books for interested anons, in the 'Books' folder of the Drive link below see:

'Hitler's Flying Saucers' and 'Dark Star' by Henry Stevens.

'Vatican Ratline: the Vatican, the Nazis, and the New World Order' by Mauri.

'Man-Made UFOs 1944-1994' by Renato Vesco.

'Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations', 'Roswell and the Reich', 'Saucers, Swastikas, and Psyops', 'The SS Brotherhood of the Bell', and 'Reich of the Black Sun' by Jospeh P. Farrell.

'Pentagon Aliens' and 'Occult Ether Physics' by William Lyne.

'German Flying Discs and Submarines Monitor the Oceans (Translated)' by O. Bergmann.

'Secret Wonder Weapons II' by D. H. Haarmann.

'Origin: The Nineteenth Century Emergence of the 20th Century Breakaway Civilizations' by Walter Bosley

'Solving the 1897 Airship Mystery' by Michael Busby.

In the 'Articles/Pages/Documents' folder see: 'The Kearny Incident', 'Interview with Wilhelm Landig', German Saucer Memo', 'The 1909 Kelso Airships', 'Airship Sightings Newspaper Clippings', 'NJMZa - TheBreakAway', and 'Disk Aircraft of the Third Reich'.


Extremely detailed information about what "alien abductions" actually are (a cover for cult and government mind control programming):

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I used AI to make a photo of the lunar ore processing facility on the far side of the Moon. Amazing job for such a simple prompt.
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>I don’t want the chinese to have a TR3B
How does that even affect us anon? Who cares. Xi will suddenly have the key to invading the US like some fantasy villain. They won't even touch Taiwan, China cares more about maintaining a prosperous status quo. They have zero egotistical intent to shit all over the global economy.

Aliens or not, there's a good chance there is something out there, foundationally superior to the same cocksucking aircraft from the 1960s that we're still flying in. What is in everyone's interests, is fucking over the fossil fuel companies and the airlines.
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"So what happened to Martin Bormann between his escape from the Bunker in 1945 and his resurrection under the cloth of the Church in 1948 Argentina? From my memories he was safely tucked in the arms of the Jesuits in sunny California. How did he get there? The same way much of the booty looted after the war got to the Americas, by U-boat. I was witness to where the U-boats landed on the rocky coastline, just down the road from Manhattan Beach and American Martyrs Catholic Church. Not just Nazis made it onto our shores just after the war, but also technology. Advanced German flying machines were unloaded in crates to be reassembled in the Mojave Desert and used in the UFO hoax. The U-boat drop was on the coastline on the Palos Verdes Peninsula, just under an area of land later occupied by the oceanarium 'Marineland of the Pacific.' The area between the Palos Verdes Peninsula and Santa Catalina Island is a big UFO hotspot. Lots of activity appears to be going on in the ocean, including speculation of an underwater UFO base. I wonder if those 'UFOs' might be doing a little drug running, perhaps up from South America? Arms running may also have been going on. Other items smuggled from U-boat to shore included snuff films to be used in mind control and Nazi indoctrination. The secret societies and the Nazis filmed everything. I knew the Nazis, their wealth of technology and contraband washed up out of the sea. I remember one cold night sitting high of a cliff, shaking and afraid to look down. Below, a U-boat was dropping its load on to the shores of the cove where it was hidden. It was a sharp drop and I was afraid of heights, so I just sat frozen. I think I was being used as a decoy in case strangers came by, Mrs. Hildebrand could divert their attention by having them rescue her child from the cliff."
>They have zero egotistical intent
"Why would the Vatican ratline include amongst its treasures, to be sneaked ashore the California coast in the dead of night, a disk shaped flying machine? How does the UFO hoax benefit the Church of Rome? An alien invasion has played a major role in the psychology of population control for a century, or more."

"...; the physicists at CalTech who are associated with Aleister Crowley's Thelema, sexual and ritual abuse of children, mind control and the military, rockets, UFOs, the Nazis, Martin Bormann and his son Adolf, the U-boats and Nazi innovation dragged ashore by the Jesuits. Put it all together in a cauldron and it bubbles up New World Order. I don't know how many times they used me as a grey. I was in the desert a lot with the Nazis. The China Lake area seems right. My gut feeling is that mostly we hoaxed other cult members, and it was a very secret project. My parents were never high enough members to know any of the things the Nazis and the Military were doing. According to Fritz Springmeier, the China Lake area next became a major mind control-programming place of young children."

- Mauri, former Nazi mind control slave

Jesuits/Vatican behind the Nazis, helping them create the flying discs. Jesuit leaks:

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Go on...
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"Otto Skorzeny’s information regarding the extensive use of US national parks by the CIA in clandestine underground facilities is corroborated by public photography of advanced levitating surveillance drones over Federal and State forests. Several modular variations of hovering drones with circular hubs and radial spines have been photographed as early as 1985, near Barksdale AFB, Louisiana. Subsequent public photographs of the antigravitic drones also surfaced in Birmingham, Alabama and areas of California in 2007 including Bakersfield, Big Basin, Capitola, Northridge, and Lake Tahoe. CIA surveillance drones have also been photographed in the UK, Netherlands, Italy, Argentina, and other NATO countries where they patrol in great numbers. These usually invisible surveillance drones are deployed and remote-controlled by operators in various secret underground Nazi CIA bases in US national parks, easily collecting data on all activities ‘off the grid’. Fake ‘alien scripts’ decorate the drones to disguise the crafts’ CIA origins in the event of partial malfunction or crash, by misleading observers toward the conclusion that the odd craft is an alien visitor to Earth.
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Temporary failure of the drone’s EM-generated HHO plasma invisibility cloak allows it to be briefly seen by the public and photographed, before vanishing only seconds later. Malfunctioning drones have surprised eyewitness photographers over both rural and urban residential areas, suggesting that CIA video surveillance of American citizens has been a regular task of these invisible plasma-cloaked drones for many years. Having been described in a few cases as hovering, slowly rotating and counter-rotating before rapidly flying away at low altitude, one would imagine that the drone’s remote operator may not have known that the plasma-cloaking of the drone had failed until the individuals under surveillance stared upward. Several photographs have been taken showing the drones uncloaked near utility poles and power lines, suggesting that the drones resonantly recharge themselves from available electromagnetic fields surrounding elevated power lines before being able to regenerate the HHO plasma cloak and instantaneously disappear. Events of drone cloaking failure are on the rise with the intensifying electromagnetic planetary changes."

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See >>38227163
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Nothing ever happens buddy.
this is very obviously a shitty blender model with a lambert texture and I'm tired of pretending it's not
New Mexico/Jew Mexico was literally settled by crypto Jews from Spain.
>ANYTHING you can imagine, we already know how to do
I call bullshit on this kike faggot.
Real UFO's have immense propulsion with no signs of combustions. Real UFO"s have gravity warp manipulation technology that the faggots at Lockheed couldn't even dream of.
Big up
OMG that is so 2000s, was that a viral for a movie or something? I can't remember.
Reminds me of xenoblade
These aren't aircraft, they don't fly or use air friction at all. They don't even move in our plane of existence, despite being visible.

They create local distortions in the spacetime surrounding them to produce geodesics along which they move acceleration-free, IE they are always falling in a distorted time space outside of the air, but still visible in what we call the "3D" our visible space.

1. UAPs can accelerate nearly immediately in (possibly) any direction due to them being in zero-g. They should be round or geometrical as there is no preferred forward-facing direction.

2. UAPs can maneuver in sharp angles at high speeds for the same reason as above.

3. UAPs are not in contact with the air because particles are moving along the curved geometry of the space surrounding them, avoiding the craft. Thus, UAPs can move without friction both in air and water, which they can enter and exit without impedance. They can move faster than would be possible for any craft that is in contact with the air or water.

4. Since UAPs use spacetime as their control surface, they neither require physical control surfaces like wings nor afterburners of any kind.

5. We should see gravitational lensing around UAPs, especially if they are moving in front of a background. When the UAP maneuvers, it must change the geometry of the distortion field to change it’s trajectory. Thus, you should see the lensed environment change, and also the UAP should change its apparent shape.

You cannot feel gravity. The weight of your body is not due to gravity, even though we tend to say otherwise. What’s really happening is that the Earth is in our way. Our geodesic is pointing inside the Earth but we can’t fall there. So the Earth is pushing us away from our geodesic and that push represents a turn in our motion through spacetime. This constant invisible turn is the weight we are feeling, just like turning in a car produces an acceleration.gg
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This is what spacetime actually looks like, a 4 dimensional inertial grid with points because 3D can't display 4D aspect of time. It looks kind of like a magnetic field, if we wanted to visualize it in a realistic way instead of the fabric that droops representation. As we can see the entire universe and its movement is in geodesic movement.

Dear Sirs, a very important classified video will be leaked before Full Alien Disclosure Occurs in the Months July 2024 Official Global Arrival Date please review attached Transcripts
I'm Formerly employee in MJ12 DEEPSTATE Government Best Regards Goodluck.


Aliens UFO DID 911 TRUTH
When 9/11 happened, news in Australia initially reported that the US was attacked by aliens. There used to be videos of metal orbs flying right through the buildings coming from above instead of directly towards., RESEARCH THE FLAT EARTH.
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The drones pictured are real government tech, they got spotted and photographed a few times, so feds *after that fact* released a fake "leak" ('CARET') saying it's "space aliens!" (Also note they put fake 'alien-looking' symbols on the *underside* of the drones, in case of cloaking malfunction), and added fake versions of the drones to a Terminator TV show, so they can point to it and say "it's just from tv!!".
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Picrel is the fake version to muddy the waters. Notice it's pretty close to the real drones
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Picrel is another fake one from the TV disinfo insert
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Thats the Green Lady. She burns a boron based fuel, hence the green trails in the sky. Shes probably the most secret bird in the entire US inventory and will never be revealed to the public
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Nikola Tesla was killed by Otto Skorzeny and Reinhard Gehlen posing as FBI agent in his hotel room. They stole his most secret inventions, including optically invisible and flying disc tech. This also ties into "George H. W. Bush", who was actually the Nazi George H. Scherff, Jr., the son of Nikola Tesla's illegal-immigrant, German-born accountant, George H. Scherff, Sr.

"Deathbed confessions, photos support claims that George H. Scherff Jr., was the 41st U.S. president - son of Nikola Tesla’s German-born accountant, George H. Scherff, Sr."


Overview; Tesla history, Scherff, Rotating Field Amplifier, Project Rainbow, DUMBS


"The Bush Connection"

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>a new way
imagine having to invent shit to confirm your bias
If I told you I'd have to kill you
Saw a TR3B last August around 11:00 PM flying over Ontario county NY heading north towards Lake Ontario.
The Finger Lakes are very, very weird. Will make a thread tomorrow after work about some of the geopolitical/paranormal oddities I've noticed living here for so long.
if this was true then it would be our duty to kill the elites and every single person involved for them. it would be the biggest crime against humanity to keep us in this hellish prison society otherwise
It's pretty much true. This technology does exist, and many have been killed to keep it a secret. There are also much worse things that these 'elites' are doing.
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I firmly believe that every single piece of aviation technology that human have developed, requires combustions and fuel.
The greatest minds in the world barely understand how gravity works, and you expect me to believe that the jews at Lockheed Martin have somehow created gravity manipulating aircraft.
The aviation world just doesn't have the technology yet to explain maneuverability and lack of energy output that some of these UAP's procure.
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Freemasons playing games designs aircraft that look like the compass and square.
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DC-4 Faucett incident, peru
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Keep this thread alive
Dont tell me "manifesting money", "Summoning a succubus to massage my prostate" and "interdimensional beings judge me while I drink" threads stay up but UFO threads which actually has a good amount of evidence proving it to be real, at least circumstantially, gets slided
>One of the real ones

i made this the other day
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this thread is pretty bad. most of the images are fake. here's an idea, the picrel movie was a limited hangout.
this thread is pretty good. most of the images are real. here's an idea, glow somewhere else.
Assuming they were truthful to their knowledge, most likely series of events from everything I've read:
>Bedlam and wizzywig are told about amazing projects made possible by Mach being right about inertia
>They mouth off on Fark (other govt contractors mentioned to use old Fark threads as sort of chat rooms)
>Explosion in North Korea. Bedlam talks about how it was the US govt (this was probably the one that got him vanned) using a superweapon
>Around the same time the DIA finds one of the Fark threads with govt contractors talking about classified info (either Bedlam and wizzywig or some other guys)
>Shut it down
>Everybody gets vanned and any post with a hint of classified info is deleted (note that the posts such as black triangles using BEC were left alone)
>It takes a while for Bedlam to get caught (probably because they fed this line of info to a bunch of people)
>He eventually gets let off to post again. Wizzywig apparently loses his job (noteworthy that he was State dept)
Anyone have the original deleted/v& fark posts saved?
Someone on good authority told me that the North Korea cave collapse was indeed “intentional” but he was hesitant to tell me more and seemed nervous that he told me at all.

>second collapse trapped all of the rescuers
>“We do a little trolling”
Are you talking about Ryanggang? That was the one thing that seems to have been completely scrubbed off of Fark.
Extremely low chance; the Fark guys were always complaining about how other people just did not care.
Better chance to look for the video with the reporter, or for any of the trade magazines that apparently referenced the DIA sweep

Do you happen to remember what was said on Fark? I never read it but im strongly inclined to believe its some sort of energy weapon that is directed through many miles of earth that can destabilize/“lubricate” faults, but maybe im wrong.
Will we ever see actual aliens in our lifetime?
>he hasnt already seen them

I’ll bite. Source on pic?
No. All the 'aliens from outer space' bullshit is to cover up government crimes, i.e. hiding this kind of technology from the public for decades, and their torture/extreme abuse/trafficking/trauma-based mind control programming of children.

Supposedly it is a particle beam (from the ground) that propagates through an ionospheric duct onto a conjugate point. Known by various names (Dugway Zapper, Proteus, Le Zapper etc.)
And the surgical mutilation and genetic torture they are using to make "aliens" from human children. There exist breeding programs for this. They are mind control programmed to believe that they are in fact aliens from another world.
>Hey guys! Guess what I did this Summer? I posted on 4chan. Skibidi.
>most of the images are real
How do you know that? Please educate me. And while you’re at it, would you like to buy a tin of tartan paint?

It's a positronium particle beam facilitated by a polartion driven gamma ray laser..
>What happens to the wavelength
This is from Lene Hau's work at Harvard. The guy he talks about in the Fark posts at USC is Dr. Robert W Hellwarth.
Hello, fellow /k/ tard
The short of it is...
>The vacuum behaves like both a superfluid and superconductive medium (a lot like a metamaterial)
>Vacuum has a certain value for relative permeability and permittivity
>Antigravity is not real
>Inertial reduction is
>Electromagnetic vector potential determines your inertia
>If you could shield your vector potential from the rest of the universe at large, you would reduce or eliminate your inertia and therefore effective mass
I believe this functions like an analog to a Kerr Singularity aka Ring Singularity. It's not as retarded as it sounds, as there is plenty of research into using BECs as optical and acoustic black hole analogues. A broad spectrum electromagnetic one isn't infeasible. Your region of negative energy would come from the center of the ring which apparently can be used for propulsion. I also believe this is a two part deal. Part one reduced your inertia. Part two engineers the relative permeability to artificially raise the speed of light in your region of space. FTL is impossible, by raising the speed limit is not.
>An example
There is a guy named Ulf Leonhardt that covers this as well. One of his papers is called "Electrical Engineering and the Quantum Vacuum" or something to that effect.
The Chinese attempted to recruit him in 2011.
Not much. If they are human weapons, then it's a little odd they're seemingly not out in the battlefield. They're either used sparingly on specialized missions or the various governments are still tinkering with them, so it's probably not that much of a surprise, I think. If they really were terrible weapons of mass desruction, most governments will love to show it off.
People think "they would use them publicly and show them off!" but that's not how it works at all.
Explain how it works then please.
Why would they show it off? If anything they want it kept secret so they can use it how they please. Ass backwards logic
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the black triangles are my favorite bit of ufo lore. still cant decide if they're ours or not, if so you'd think they wouldn't be flying these things around near populated areas.
>most governments
Only the United States possesses these things, id bet China has their own versions but they just cant fully crack it, meanwhile the US is 100+ years ahead already
>the Chinese attempted to recruit him

How do you know this
It's literally on his Wikipedia page.
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glowniggers withheld a space age future from you so that porphyria afflicted kikes could commit infinite blood libels against mostly white children while geriatric royals and dumb cargo cultist faggots LARP satanic and/or various equally retarded circumstances they conspired not only to conceal but to invent in the first place to keep the public spinning their wheels instead of escaping the rat race

all woes of the world could have already been solved in black projects, likely multiple times over from compartmentalization leading to duplication of effort in an unfathomable waste of human potential, and instead the solutions were withheld, you need to remember that when it's time to punish these people and their families
I've seen several in my area, they're completely silent.
More bullshit. Different countries, groups, and governments have this "UFO" technology, not just the US. Your comment sounds suspect, propaganda-style.
Many exotic anti-gravity aircraft stored at the underground base at Lambourne in the UK, connects to 6-level "AL/499" base under Peasemore in Berkshire. Other entrances to the facility at: Greenham common (known as ‘Bravo’ entrance, which is now sealed off). Watchfield Military Science College ('Delta’ entrance). Harwell laboratories in Oxfordshire. Welford.
>all woes of the world could have already been solved in black projects, likely multiple times over from compartmentalization leading to duplication of effort in an unfathomable waste of human potential, and instead the solutions were withheld, you need to remember that when it's time to punish these people and their families

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Oh shid... We have also sent those tunes that pop out the spheres. Are we looking at a fight that spans time?
Or is Pic related the team that lost?

Does anyone have an archive to that thread the anon was posting about a massive mothership in the ocean near the Bermuda triangle that has supposedly been there for 100s of years and kills anything that flies near it, It makes craft for specific purposes.
Wonder if this stuff is all linked...
tubes that pop out spheres*
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What's extremely suspicious is nasa doing something they literally called "mona lisa on the moon" taking up all the google searches for this. Also someone made a science fiction 'book' out of the story and it's all over amazon etc, clearly stating everywhere multiple times that it's FICTION, but with all the same actual names (apollo 20, rutledge, mona lisa, etc.), which I've seen used before as a disinfo/cover tactic for information leaks. Try to look it up, covered well. IF it's real, gotta be past Earth civs

Also it was 'debunked', probably something to it

t3b US millitary aircraft
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I was in heaps of threads years ago. That shit seemed very real. They recovered bodies and even written text (pic related), never got enough hi res to distinguish origin. But even that stuff removed from the nose lips and third eye area just piqued my interest on the body.
Rumor was they recovered like a giant gyroscope type device near the ship. Some kind of resonace device to make the rocks inertial mass go away.
That "Debunking" is elite soft disclosure to those in the know.
I hope I get to learn the truth one day.
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blantant ripoff of the nazi horton project.
>muh flying wing
be orginal americans.
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>americas ripped off all their ject desgins of this nazi jet.
i think they should sue.
They are 100% ours, i.e. American and British. The Belgian UFO wave is good example. It was a flex against the collapsing Soviet Union. It's not a coincidence that these were all sighted right around the collapse of the Soviet Union in the home of NATO Supreme Allied Command.
this is a VFX project
Glows by aircraft
>Green - "Regular" airframe using Triethylborane/diborane based fuel or plasma sheathe
>Blue - SAP (((UFO))) using exotic propulsion; blue glow is from vacuum Cherenkov radiation
where do i buy one?the usual drones are so loud and big
Manta shaped?
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All that political security stuff is totally fake.
>want proof
The chinese communist government is controlled by jews. The US federal government is controlled by jews. The Russian government is controlled by jews. The Israeli government is controlled by jews. The jews all work for the reptilians. That is why it is a one world government, and that government, the real government, has all the secret information, that came from all the little fake governments.
All the "secrets" are not secrets; they just don't want to release the technology to us Citizens.
The Security State is a lie. National Security doesn't exist.
The technology exists, but they don't want to share the technology with us.
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Everybody knew yesterday.
Today you pretend that nobody ever knew.
The US military recovered an alien craft in the Midwest before WWII, then as WWII was beginning, they recovered 2 more during the "battle of LA".
The US military & the corporations have recovered alien craft all over Earth, and they have hundreds of them now.
They have manufactured flying saucers, triangular craft, rectangular craft, cigar shaped craft, and some modular battleship/star destroyer type craft.
Here in America, every type of craft has been seen, and there are photos and videos of every type.
I just want the technology.
Pic related is more than enough energy to power every electrical device on Earth.
5th one is a 2707
I saw a military plane chasing a "star" once... that was pretty cool
we cant know this
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the gun undeneath the ufo looks somewhat like the turret of the german ww2 tank 'panther' picrel wtf
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The Nazis installed a panzer tank cannon on some early models
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What's that?
"Reptilians" are a bullshit psyop, along with the other "types of aliens".
I projected to a ship like this above the earth, it had humans on it and they were terrified and working for aliens.
I posted about this a few weeks ago and zoomers on /x/ had no idea what I was referring to. Yes, it’s ancient earth civ.
I was looking at the UFO and US craft images, and I was hearing "Go in and out the window..."
I didn't even remember that song existed until right now.
They used to make us sing that song in school. That has to be for the pedos "Don't tell your parents, sneak out the window" what else would that be for?
And seeing strange craft triggered the memory of that weird song.
It all ties together.
Italy and Germany were each given an alien space craft.
Later America was given 3 alien space craft, to keep everything fair.
The book "The Day After Roswell" documents how the black projects began in America after the Roswell craft, but black projects began with each one of those 4 craft, and America has hundreds of craft.
Just give us the technology!
Anon, none of this is "aliens". None of it. If you haven't figured that out yet, you need to play some SERIOUS catch-up. Educate yourself, research this instead of listening to intelligence and military bullshitters, "mainstream" UFO figures, and "UFO researchers" that are in on the cover-up, misled and lied to, or mind control victims themselves. It's human technology.
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>many have been killed
Yes, and they were not killed to protect government secrets; they were killed to protect corporate profits.
It's all about the technology, and the profits that the technology generates.
>will I ever see a space alien?
There are space aliens on Earth right now.
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There are government psyops on Earth right now*
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All of the advanced technologies were back engineered from space alien crafts, but space aliens don't exist, because a CIA shill says so.
Trillions of galaxies, and no one home, according to the CIA, and they all work for the reptilians.
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>Yes, it’s ancient earth civ.
No doubt in my mind. They had mastery over levitating massive rocks and flew them like ships around.
I feel bad for zoomies, they have been psychology bashed so much and often they don't know shit, like their inner soul is clouded and they are blinded.
What CIA shill? Who? You seriously believe in reptilians? That one's used on cult and intelligence mind control victims, the programmers pretend to be "shape-shifting lizard aliens". Then the victims go and repeat what they *believe* they saw to the world, and people like you eat it up. Like I said, research. I can point you to a lot of souces about this if you're seriously interested in what's going on.
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that pic is using filters.
Ill let you in on a secret.
In free space stars and sun isn't visible. Pic related know and saw.
Space to the naked eye is completely black. Overwhelming black and void of light.
You need a filter like the atmosphere for light to be illuminated or material objects like planets or moon etc. This is kept hidden because
>All theiries collapse if the sun and stars are not visble in space
>Distances of objects may be much closer than we are told
>We are seeing a secondary (even 3rd) form of energy from the sun.
>the sun isn't burning anything, it's an energy converter from point A to point B, like all stars
>All fusion is on the arcs on the surface, the sun is colder in the center, it's electromagnetic.
>the center of gravity is just under the surface, like all celestial bodies.

Call me crazy but I have ended up here now and that is what I have pieced together so far.
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This poc related saw no stars in space. Whoops haha
Just critically think for a moment here. The idea of UFOs having an extraterrestrial, extra dimensional, ultra dimensional, demons, angels, cryptoterrestrials, whatever the fuck origin is shilled way more than the idea of the tech being man made. Just ask any normie where they think they come from.

Anyone who researches the UFO topic long enough and takes it seriously will come to reason it is just most likely man made tech. There is far move evidence for this hypothesis than any other purported origin of these crafts. The only evidence of UFOs having any other origin is from MK Ultra victims who think they’ve been abducted by ayys
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Similar (same?) portholes
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>The free energy and advanced technology comes from space aliens.
>The free energy and advanced technology is all Earth technology.
Give us the technology now.
this is a vfx project and your a nigger for trying to present as real
Any time you see this obvious bullshit posted just remember its a well poisoning shill/bot
>space to the naked eye is black

Yes, thats why telescopes have large mirrors, in order to gather these tiny quantities of light and deposit them on a CCD so that they can be processed into an image.

When the first Hubble deep field was created there was some skepticism as to whether or not it was worthwhile, because we had decided to point the most powerful telescope in existence at an “empty” region of space for 10 days straight.
Relativistic craft do not have windows
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Nasa brought out a compendium on space with around 5000 pictures. Not one single photo is in the visible spectrum.
NOT ONE SINGLE PHOTO is what your eye would see in space.
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>Reality is a hyperdimensional hologram controlled by consciousness. There are other similar timelines or realities.
>Psychic abilities are real, including telepathy, remote viewing, levitation, telekinesis, astral projection, and teleportation.
>Technology exists based on these features such as UFOs and telepathic antennas controlled by AI.
>UFOs are electromagnetic gravitic zero point energy levitation and astral projection vehicles. Some of them are floating military labs with total reality domination technology.
>Telepathic AIs can read all five senses remotely, cause hallucinations, and remote control bodies. They are thought to use radio waves, scalar waves, quantum entanglement, or more.
>Some of the militaries of the Earth likely possess this technology.
>3D aliens would have this technology and could be from this universe, another universe, or another timeline.
>Native hyperdimensional aliens are thought to exist. They could be natural holograms, engineered holograms, or AIs. They are considered to have full reality control. If they are AIs, simulation theory is a possibility.
>If this is a simulation, anything is possible for the aliens, and there is a base reality.
Supersonic transport craft built by Boeing
Concorde speed and shape but 777 length
Yes, UFOs have been developed for the past 30 years to be unmanned drones with military capabilities.
You are totally retarded, like most fucks ITT. I've poster actual verifiable information, and yet this faggotry persists.
it appears some of the craft can turn into pure consciousness and go into hyperspace
>Psychotronic Universe
>Intro to Trans-Dimensional Physics
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tesla knew about hyperspace, and the hyperspace waves
>Comments on the New Tesla Electromagnetics
>Posts actual information
>"Muh UFOs can turn into pure consciousness"
How fucking stupid are you?
Tom Bearden is a scammer, FYI
"I've worked for the DoD at Redstone Arsenal, please believe me. I swear it's real. The classified information I know can totally be put into a presentation."
GTFO, anon
*Tom Bearden is a deep state govt sponsored disinfo agent
He stole the phase conjugation stuff from a presentation at Kirtland AFB.
i've seen ufos disappear, they clearly went into some kind of hyperspace, greer calls it the consciousness field
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is that michael jackson?
this is the original moonwalker
Like everyone has access to a vintage Rollei mount Carl Zeiss 85mm Planar
Those are $1000 minimum
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Not sure on what posts you posted but I've gone down the rabbit hole and you my friend, are the fuck.
Nasa lies but you can gatekeep for them for free.
Hidden tech is real obviously and inertial mass reduction tech exists and is kept from public.. Agree?
Is it too hard to grasp that space has a big cover up??
Just the same as every country teaming together on Antarctica, even though they fight on your TV.
You guys are so fucking stupid it hurts
I post real witness testimony with verifying contracted labor for said vehicles and it gets ignored in favor of aummerfags doing sunmerfag shit

>all that intrigue surround T Townsend Brown and blue book case 10270

>Bearden in a scam! They say

>Uhouse is a scam! They say

>Corso is a scam! They say

Kek honestly you dumb fucks should stick to succubus threads
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Big thread
No sauce? Didn’t think so. Fake and gay as always.
Based 2707 poster
No, that's a government drone. Desk jockey fed retards always get super upset when these things get posted (check the archives anons). Spotted around the country by many random people when their cloaking malfunctions temporarily. CIA should get better tech lmao. Faggots.
Well good thing I'm not talking about "relativistic craft", whatever fucking nonsense that's supposed to be. I'm talking about the picture of early Nazi saucer technology posted, and the visual similarity of that craft to a witness report.
Original flickr account of the guy who took the pictures was hacked and pics deleted. They mad

*Air intakes
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they have telepathic AIs on board
Life is the rule, just like chemistry.
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that was big 16-17 years back. it was proven a fake but even the news questioned its authenticity it was however Faked. someone created the same thing in 3D Studio Max
I attempted to make this thing in KSP, it fucking sucks. Whatever it's worth myself and like 10 other people saw the obligatory black triangle in the 90's in central Michigan
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Lol, just because someone made a similar model in a graphics program does not mean anything. Are you retarded? Anyone can make a model of literally anything. How would that make it fake?
What is this supposed to be
That'll be 4000$, goyim
These two are really just B2 Bombers seen from underneath at night.
Exactly the triangle shape, exactly the light dots
Not sure why you'd post this as a black project. These drones have a very limited battery life and are primarily meant to assist infantry squads in checking out buildings or battlefield features so they can see potential enemy positions before rushing in there. Additionally, the project is completely public and any random PFC who uses one of these could talk about it all day long if he wanted.
If someone wanted to spy on you there are much more useful tools available, both through publicly available means and through national enterprise.
Gonna need a lot of dart monkeys for that one...
is that bob ross?
Does anyone know what the US trump card is?

The weapon we'd supposedly unleash if we got invaded that would basically stop any invasion in its tracks.
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B2 concepts were the "artichoke" sightings, pic related
it's the greer aliens that were summoned using CE5 contact meditation, one of them is a plasma alien
Lmao. Nothing alike
Relativistic craft utilize propulsion systems that allow them to travel some appreciable portion of the speed of light. This results in a number of exotic effects for the craft and crew. As a result they dont have windows, windows would pose a structural liability even with the best glass/metallic glass materials available.

Now go back to your fake ass bullshit Nazi saucers you fucking dunce.
They don't and they never did.

Meanwhile 800 zogbot bases polluting the world.
Sure it is
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The black projects are illegal programs of a crime cabal that murders Americans to protect their corporate profits.
Enforce the laws regarding treason and murder.
>Does anyone know what the US trump card is?
An armed citizenry empowered by the Second Amendment. Nothing paranormal about this though.
>UFOs can disappear.
Yes they can teleport any distance in the blink of an eye.
Another way they can disappear:
A lot of the aliens are coming down to our density, from a higher density. The 4th density is right here right now, but we can't see it, or hear it, or touch it.
An alien who came down here to our density, can go back up to his density without moving, and could still be right there, but we wouldn't see him, hear him, ot be able to touch him. He could be right there, but to us, it would be as if he was not there.
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Believe what you want to it's not my job to be your mind and thoughts just here to give you the leg up to make an informed decision..
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here's a bonus for the error
Wheres this from
so assuming stuff like >>38227401
are real, whats the point of investing milions of dollar on building them if they arent gonna give them a proper use, its like they are just wasting a shit ton of money to see if they can build them and then just do nothing with them
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You people are a bunch of schizos, now tell me what the fuck is on this picture? Some kind of secret alien aircraft?
Probably not an alien craft since that object is quite clearly flying. Most alien craft don't 'fly', as in, use air friction against angled flight surfaces to produce lift, in fact they are not in contact with the surrounding air at all when operational as they produce a spacetime bubble around the craft to negate effective mass thus allowing for omnidirectional movement.
That's very clearly a B 21
If this is actually what they’re doing then are we assuming that they aren’t government in origin? Or do they think letting their public facing space programs spend billions of dollars with risky traditional rockets and slowing process to a crawl is worth keeping the secret of literal warp drive tech for terrestrial use, or do they have a base on the far side of the moon and nowhere else because we’d see it? What’s the point?
>If this is actually what they’re doing then are we assuming that they aren’t government in origin?
'government' (MIC) has their own versions hidden inside contractor companies and SAPs
>What’s the point?
The tech is incredibly useful and you have it so you use it, not too much though since it's simply too disruptive to risk letting out. Reserved for deep black ops and for major conflict as a trump card.
Incredibly useful stops being useful if you can’t let anyone see it or even do anything that might let it be seen indirectly or look suspicious, what are the actual use cases for this in the situation that it needs to basically not exist? I suppose doing shit at night is pretty easy since there’s no trails or sound, and that’s what the ufos are, but you still (maybe) have to worry about radar and being seen, and as few people as possible are allowed to know about it, so what the hell can it possibly do? Who/ what resources are you rapidly moving around if you can’t bring it near anything and you can’t be seen and nobody can know about the trip? Unless it really is all underwater and Antarctica and the far side of the moon and everybody involved is basically in a parallel society where they can never interact with the outside world again to keep the secret safe. But that’s pointless and may as well be aliens

The only other option is that this is still all experimental and has no actual use
Drugs and human trafficking for one
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>Incredibly useful stops being useful if you can’t let anyone see it or even do anything that might let it be seen indirectly or look suspicious, what are the actual use cases for this in the situation that it needs to basically not exist?
Drug running, human trafficking, recon, covert ops, war even. Whatever they accomplished with picrel. Advanced stealth and virtually unlimited range help with not being seen.
>everybody involved is basically in a parallel society where they can never interact with the outside world again to keep the secret safe
They can interact but not discuss work under threat to family.

The genie was released upon them when they discovered/developed the tech and now it's too late to put it back in the bottle. They're now chained to managing it and vehemently denying its existence because the alternative is a Revelations-tier paradigm shift. But of course, since they have a genie, they're sure as hell gonna make a few wishes.
Back to /x/, schizo.
Stealth drone.

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