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Welcome to the Semen Retention General! Stay sober my friends, grab a cigarette and ONLY a cigarette, if you must. Stay away from weed and alcohol and hard drugs.

>What is Semen Retention?

Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder...

Previous thread: >>38214301
>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
Keep in mind that the efferent nerves attached to your testes necessarily means that any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to your junk to produce sexual fluids and this is the reason why celibacy is first and foremost of the mind
The root of this entire matter is the mind - without conquering the mind, celibacy is a futile effort
The signals from the brain happen on the subconscious autonomic level
This is why any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to the sexual organs to produce sexual fluids (the more intently you look, the higher amplitude of a signal gets sent: body > afferent nerves > brain > efferent nerves > body)
Therefore "Conversion of sexual energy to something" is necessarily a HORRIBLY inefficient process (Not to confuse with Sexual Transmutation)
Fluids will be reabsorbed, but the energy and materials cost to make it vs how much is "taken back" via reabsorption is SEVERELY unbalanced and super net negative
Sexual fluids are made from the cream of the crop of the body's resources - constantly generating them means that you are constantly draining away the cream of the crop of your resources.
Taoist writings said that the sexual organs will even take primacy over nourishing your other internal organs at some point. (Thus, doing a spiritual practice as a coomer is a surefire way to die faster).

>/SRG/ interesting reads
Scientific evidence:

Periodic changes in serum testosterone levels after ejaculation in men

Influence of abstinence and ejaculation-to-analysis delay on semen analysis parameters of suspected infertile men

Improved sperm kinematics in semen samples collected after 2 h versus 4-7 days of ejaculation abstinence

Influence of a short or long abstinence period on semen parameters in the ejaculate of patients with nonobstructive azoospermia

Seasonal changes in breeding activity, testicular size, testosterone concentration and seminal characteristics in rams with long or short breeding season

Shorter abstinence decreases sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation in ejaculate

Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence

Relationship between sexual satiety and brain androgen receptors

A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men

Starve the shillery.
No attention for them.
No replies.

(Pro tip > Hide shill posts: Click on the arrow next to the post number, click 'Hide', Comfy.)
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A way to transmute SR energy.
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They turn themselves into sex objects, trying to emulate women who, from their point of view, have become living versions of male fantasies and female beauty, enjoying seemingly luxurious lives full of pleasure and money, but find themselves instead, spiritually destroyed, plagued by disrespect, surrounded by men who are bestial, who are depressed, who hate women because they redirect self-loathing to the objects which prompt loss of self-control, and because they are completely entirely fried to the core from their sexual excesses.

Neither men, nor women seem to often realize that women are a receptacle and amplifier for male power, or that they have the ability to either purify and raise this power or else to taint and corrode it, and yes, most Godly, even to form another life from it at God's blessing. This ability is meant to be a perfect closed loop of two opposing poles around a central point increasing in psycho-spiritual harmony over a long period of time, this being one man and one woman whose lives are rooted in fellowship with God, and whose very bodies are synchronizing during the holy union of spiritual sex, permitting the husband to literally store excess energy within the wife, the wife to be invigorated, and the two to refresh one another whilst simultaneously synchronizing superphysically. Moreover, this union is ought to be entirely pure—wholly free from evil feelings and done as an act of love which grounded in the knowledge it is a gift from God, that your partner is representative of that same All-Powerful Deity, being made in His image, and a manifestation of His Love towards you, and as a prophetic symbol of the total union which is to take place between each of the two participants and God Himself one day. We are meant to associate all these extremes of pleasure with a single human and to let that association deepen and strengthen the loving bonds of marriage. Sex is a holy gift, an allegory, and a profound tool in the human life, but for every form of ""sex"" which exists outside of this ideal ecosystem, some of the deep mystery and power is lost and what becomes substituted for it is mere sensuality which can never satisfy or attain to majesty.
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I would love to marry a Jewish woman, and I would fast and pray that God reveal Christ to her, His genetic relative. I would kiss her tender breasts with joy, and kiss our children's heads in fatherly affection, and be quite well pleased to hear them read the Torah in Hebrew and the New Testament in Greek. May the Lord redeem His people Israel. And may He strengthen each of us in love and patient endurance against our temptations, and may the enemy and his legions be put to shame in the name of Jesus Christ.
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Based and ignore the shills.
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Ignore all namefags. Stay on topic and share your current streak time, if you’d like.
This is on topic. Why are you so desperate for control? Why are you afraid of points of view outside of your own? I don't tell you all not to talk about your yoga and your 8 brocades, though I consider it nonsense. So why are you so bigoted?

As for my streak. It's day 26 or so. Full of power and focus, if a little tossled by temptation.
Fine. Don't answer. It won't stop me from retaining, posting, or being right.

I'm suggesting a new rule: Ignore people who tell you what to do and who to talk to. Like (You).
After a misfire 4-5 days in, I restarted my streak and am entering day 6. Despite the restart, I'm still feeling better than i have in a very long time.

Best of luck to all you SR anons, fuck the shills and stay focused. Amazing support on this thread.

And huge thanks to the anon who keeps this thread going day after day, and opened my eyes to SR. Wish I had known this years back, but never too late!

>Best thread on /x/.

>This thread is /x/.

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semen retention is not magic
sement retention is literally an NPC transformation method because it literally forces to focus and use willpower non stop that makes you much aware.....

awareness = you start to notice things.....

focus and attention is something special for some reason and quantum related
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Good stuff, keep talking.
What's with the cigarette and "pack of smokes edition"?
>Stay sober my friends, grab a cigarette and ONLY a cigarette, if you must.
This is so wrong. Either smoke or don't, either retain or don't. Get a fucking grip, you're losing it.

Also, if anything, you don't smoke cigarettes. The amount of additives inside those is not to be underestimated. I feel a slippery slope incoming on this thread when OP starts posting retarded ideas.
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There is not much else to talk about since what you notice by this effect is enteriely up to you as a person and also as a being.

Some people are true NPC's who would never possibly be able to hold up or consider really holding up such a concentration for a longer period.

It is a natural way of a meditation since by focusing to yourself you can figure out how you work. Which is the basic quest to complete for anyone...

Sudden impulses and thought processes....the hidden processes we are controlled by....the subconscious plans and its controlling. When someone decides something it is easy to trick themselves but there must be a goal.

If your goal in semen retention is to hold your semen back then psychologically you can stop after a minute since logically you have done it completely even after being able to hold it for a minute.

Some would declare a win after winning over one impulse and some would declate a win after 7 days of impulses.

Some dont have a definite goal and decided subconsciously to crumble when the pressure is too much.

Some might experience great pressures as the whole world would be against this will.

Naturally it is unnatural to hold in the seeds because in a perfect world you could just do it naturally anytime you want as the alpha. But nature is not natural at all and all this procedure is planned out.
Survival of the fittest and those who pact with the evil have a better chance to alleviate these pressures since nature itself is evil and unnatural.

By rebeling against the system with this choice
one might create interesting effects and come to interesting realisations.

The pressure and concentration itself might be able to boost your ability to realise more. Realisations themselves are the true rewards and the act of holding back itself would not be meaningful in themselves if they were done just to see how much you can hold back to see your limits.

The quantum stuff would come because you open up a lot of possibilitiy
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>coomer bait

Go to jail
For the most part based baker, but what does smoking has to do with SR?
Nothing, OP is retarded and clearly has a nicotine addiction.
ESL babel.
"Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the LORD, and turn away from evil."

And stop posting Satanic coom-bait in an /srg/ thread.
there would be no thread if it was easy and you are not forced to click on the picture :3
I wanna add to this a practise made by Dr. Joe Dispenza in Becoming Supernatural. The summery is:
>Clench your perineum (prostate) softly
>Slowly breath in through your nose
>Then softly flex your lower abdomen
>Keep breathing in
>Flex your upper abdomen
>Do this while imagining the energy going from your balls to your brain
>Once your lunges and diaphragm are full flex your prostate and abdomen harder, hold for a few seconds then release.

This practise is to push the energies in your lower 3 chakras (the survival chakras) upward. It relates a lot to the image but with more physical effort (flexing your prostate and abdomen) rather then just using your imagination.
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Any semenbros who smoke tobacco/nicotine here? The nicotine buzz is insane on SR. Coomers are missing out.
I'm using those nicotine pouches which zoomers use and they hit hard. Need only one or two and I'm done for whole day
almost fucked it up, on day 4.
Week in
Your face is far far more attractive. It's more sharp and more handsome. It's very noticeable difference. Also my dick got handsome too, if I could describe it as such
I did not click on it, but you are still an asshole for posting it. In order to be successful in this you must guard your eyes, and this is one of the few places that is supposed to have 0 dirty content.
>doesn't roll his own tobacco
Keep going strong anon. The first 5-6 days were the hardest for me personally. Then I flatlined for a couple of days, then had urges come back though they were weaker and more controllable, and now I'm flatling again which is nice. Day 15 for me, looking forward to seeing what 30 days feels like.
bros if you're counting the days you're doing it wrong
Indeed. I stopped smoking after 3 or 4 months of SR. Funny how that works, right?
For some reason after sex of any kind I feel a huge urge to rrelapse to porn and goon. Does anyone have any advice for this? I just wanna have sex and be done with it until my gf wants to have sex again. How do I just stop, this is my biggest issue.. I will be fine for like 1-2 weeks and then sex ( I dont cum during sex ) and its been since the 7th that i havent cummed but i still edge/goon.. please help anons
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>sex of any kind
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Does the penis continually get more sensitive the longer the streak? My penis is already pretty sensitive but not like it used to be.
Your problem is really obvious and so is the solution. You should have read my post. >>38229106
>>38228222 #
Hour 9. On my way! To work now so should be easy to not goon throughout work. Took lots of supplements and had profound dreams which i will expound upon later. WAGMI
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>im doing nofap
>my streak is x or y
these are thoughts that set us up for failure, doing something implies we can stop doing it, counting days implies we'll stop counting
instead, make the conscious decision to be a man that just does not masturbate and accept it as part of your identity, because that and what comes with it is who we are meant to be
So true and based. I’m going to be counting days on here to keep accountable and log what happens as the days go by but you’re statement still rings very tru le
How do I stop having porn dreams? Not wet dreams, mind you, but dreams about watching porn. The more I try to avoid thinking about it I just end up thinking about it in a meta sense. Invasive thoughts and whatnot.
Do you watch porn?
Please help, ive sadly masturbated since i was 13 to 27, been retaining over 2 years, still have wet dreams from time. Am i fucked, or can i still heal and reach .y highest potential. Goal is to conquer my mind and activate my heart, god bless
Not in the past week I've been nofapping
I just woke up to a bust but it wasn't even pleasurable or wanted so I don't think it counts as a streak break and I'm still 4 weeks in.

> Sound wisdom, anon.

Will be contemplating this today :)

Yes wet dreams don’t count. Still must be watched though
My intuition suggests it may have been a toxin release because I also quit smoking a little before and am still releasing toxins from it.
Wheres a good place to start an anti technology cult? Somewhere in rural America with nice outdoors of course. I know you fags want a simple life style like me
arizona desert
Been reading in past threads that WDs can happen occasionally.

recall one anon said it happened if he accidentally rolled onto his back during the night. His sounded far more frequent than yours, believe he solved it by trying to ensure he stayed on his side at least.

Sleeping on one's side or facing the mattress slightly may help?

If it happens ever so occasionally as you describe without any pronounced after effects (such as POIS), probably not an issue.

If you're still actively not masturbating or lusting after anything, that's the far greater goal than trying to curb passive WDs.

>True "heart" > mind > body

Sounds like you're doing just fine, anon. =)

The region indicated by the line is referred to as "the new valley of the sun," and will be the best place in America to be during and after the upcoming pole shift, maybe the world. Anywhere in this region would be great.
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Do this if you're on 4chan x to disable images
>it happened if he accidentally rolled onto his back during the night
>he solved it by trying to ensure he stayed on his side
anon is getting so powerful he has to guard his erection from the succs
>captcha 8nyph
>Ignore all namefags.
As for SR, I'm on day 4 and I already feel more assertive and confident. I also feel like I'm more in tune with my emotions, and less tolerant of other people overstepping my boundaries.

My longest streak is 1 month, so I'm hoping to make it fo at least 2 this time.
The other bakefag here, Hey thanks for taking the bake, bakes! You are appreciated! <3
You just forgot this one
It’s always good to remember why /x/ is the most accurate place for this topic: semen retention is one of the clearest paranormal inducing thing of all the other topics discussed on /x/. It’s a sacred practice that has been the one of the main focuses in every major religion or spiritual practices. The mystical side of it is what we try to focus on in here.

Semen retention can be political issue too and it would then belong to /pol/. The porn industry is a tool made by the jews to deterioate the societies and corrupt the people. The porn works in ways that program new sets of behaviour in its audience and the audience is hooked to it because of its strong addictive qualities. The most important goal for porn’s male audience was and is the releasing of their semen. As we now know, the disadvantages of cooming are heavy: a man becomes less of a man, he gets sick and weak, his mind numbed, he will have impotence issues etc. Also his spirit almost dies.

Semen retention is beneficial to make one healthier and stronger, more fit, if you will. So the topic could be discussed on /fit/. Anyone looking for more ways to get fitness gains would benefit hugely from the SR.

Also the SR has so many other benefits that it could be discussed in the /adv/ board. These would be topics how it improves one’s social life, mental state, makes more time to be more productive etc.

But I think the biggest benefits of SR are something mystical in nature and the whole practice is fundamentally something very close to spiritual side of things. All the other topics in here /x/ are left far behind and SR actually makes this board of any relevancy. This is also known by the enemy and they make strong efforts to suppress, hijack, twist and end this discussion.
NTA, but I was on a 54 days retention streak and it was ruined by a wet dream even though I wasn't watching porn for weeks and had no lustful thoughts nor romantic interests. I had a dream about kissing an ex of mine and coomed instantly, am I just doomed to never reach 90 days? I don't even find her attractive anymore but maybe the memories are too deeply engraved on my subconscious to let go.

Does anybody know how I can become conscious in my sleep so I never lose again to a wet dream?
You're not actually shilling nor proselytizing that's why you're the only shill I like. Never change, namefag.
Your own room, just don't turn devices on. I've done it for months in a row several times.
Yeah that was odd
Not really. I've found after years of study that tobacco is a earthly substance, it brings you down to the material world. That's why ayahuaskeros use it to calm down a freaked out faggot and literally "bring him back". I don't like that, I like to be in the heights of the subtle. Tobacco takes all that away.
Secondly, tobacco is a relaxing substance. I don't need that. I'm pretty chill by SR alone. I used to roll my own. My body rejects tobacco on its own now.
"The chaser effect"
Do you meditate?
The premature splurging can be avoided if you learn to tame your energy, wilfully avoiding that it goes out your johnson and instead goes up your belly and more skillfully redistributed around your body.
This is super intertwined with taming lust, it's almost the same thing but not quite.
If you learn to do this it won't matter how far into your strake you are, you'll always be in control of your splurges/have the means to completely avoid them.
Day 5 or something, feeling GREAT lads, having more vivid dreams, more energy and confidence. Not being a coomer feels so good frens, an instant of damned pleasure from cooming can never compare to it
Do you notice a pattern in the WDs? Have they increased/decreased over the course of these 2 years? Have you experimented with your behavior (food/sleep/etc) or not at all?
My fellow 4channers, you need to give the battle over to God. Repent and follow Him and he will not let you endure more temptation than you can bear.
>Have you experimented with your behavior
Honestly this is key to figuring out wet dreams/urges/flatline/[insert unwanted symptom here] or anything. There are so many factors to take into account, it's never a monofactorial thing and therefore hard to address via imageboard. One has to take heed of it personally and figure out what is messing one up.
thanks for asking, the pattern is hard to predict, because sometimes i live sinfully (stealing, glutony and lustful thoughts with no wds for 100 days) and the i live with virtue, still some lustful thoughts but i am doing my best to be the one in control, but then i can have like 4 wds in 5 weeks. but i noticed these 2 years, most wds happen in the summer, but i think its all a battle within, but summer triggers some sinful acts i might not be aware of. Also i do not steal anymore, and my glutony is much better than it used to be, and when i say glutony what is mean is not that i overeat, but rather eat fastfood and milk chocolate, mind you i am very very fit, and i think my ego/pride gets the best of me cuz i try to do my best to be as physical fit as possible, which should be my lowest concern, but i guess that is the ego taking control. But i do believe one need to master, mind/spirit, heart/soul and body/animal and vessel in this life

sorry if i am incoherent, hope you understand.

I do my best in all aspects i intuitively feel is the path towards my spiritual journey, like living with virtue, working on the ego. But i workout too much i reckon, so my pride and ego might be overtaking in that department
how long does it take for kundalini to ascend?
>it take for kundalini to ascend?
Kundalini isn't sexual energy, it's a self-directed Universal evolutionary force, it's not your personal Qi or Prana. Don't mess with it, you shouldn't be trying to make it ascend. Rather you shall learn to work with it when Kundalini messes with you instead.
This isn't related to SR.
Sounds gay. I already deep fake a female filtered version of myself. World said: >fuck you.
I said bet.
Zoomers love to throw the term Kundalini around and they don't seem to understand what it means.
I don't blame them for not knowing, veritable information about Kundalini is rather scarce and very gatekept.
Though I do blame them for spreading careless and retardfucked literal disinfo.
I think we're all looking for that right perspective, but I'm almost 100% sure we haven't found it yet (or it has been lost in history).
Very interesting that you mention ego. Usually when I fail to counter a WD it's because I am overconfident in the dream (for example, when it's a dream about interacting with an attractive female I think: "I won't reach an orgasm if I just touch her with my hand, right?") and suddenly it's too late. It almost feels like a test of how good are you at controlling your ego. That's why I often feel bad after a WD. My ego takes a great hit to the face. I remember the last time I countered a WD I felt really good and felt pride overflowing.
>because sometimes i live sinfully (stealing, glutony and lustful thoughts with no wds for 100 days
During this specific moment, have you felt bad about the sins you mentioned. I ask this, because I'm curious on the state of your pride/ego. Was it overflowing or were you reflecting on your actions before falling asleep and thus a bit damaged?

Aside from the pride/ego matter, I'm not sure where I read it, but consuming too much of something (protein/carbs/fats, maybe even minerals/vitamins) could be a possibility. I have thought about the fact that our seed is like a starterpack for the eggcell (think about procreation, as that's the sole reason for semen). I'm not aware how this works, so I thought maybe, if someone else reading this with more intel, would add in on this.

As for your coherency, I think I understood correctly, so don't worry about it.
>consuming too much of something (protein/carbs/fats, maybe even minerals/vitamins) could be a possibility. I have thought about the fact that our seed is like a starterpack for the eggcell (think about procreation, as that's the sole reason for semen). I'm not aware how this works, so I thought maybe, if someone else reading this with more intel, would add in on this.

Previous baker here, check out the OP for moar considerations:
I will be adding a couple moar things if I happen to take next bake:
>>What causes wet dreams?
>>The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder...

>exposure to hormonal disruptors via food (pesticides...) or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...

Will also tell you one extra thing out of personal experience: When you're seriously committed to this, your Will/intention will 'leak into' your dream experience too (like when you do reality checks for lucid dreaming like pinching yourself or looking at the clock and then when it becomes a habit you start pinching and looking at clock in your dreams also).
That is, when you're really mentalized into not releasing and not partaking in lust, you will start to have that same mentality in your dreams, and you will also not release and not partake in lust when you're having them.
You will literally have an erotic dream but you won't succumb and will act the same as when you're awake, a complete retainer attitude, and you will have managed to have dominion of yourself even in dreams!
Therefore to some degree, it's a matter of time as well.
I don't want to get used to erotic dreams. I mean, of course I do now, but my prize is beyond that. I want to know the direct cause, aside from the indirect ones, dissect it, analyze and beat. Just like how there are many ways to die, but death always need a specific checklist to happen, same can be said about erotic dreams. All these things mentioned above each thread are speculations, none of them are certain. Take out someone's heart and put it back, chances are they live. Do it with the brain and the chance is 0.

Another example, as far as I can tell there are regular dreams, nightmares and erotic dreams. The latter doesn't fit among the other 2 as it does something to the body and mind that's destructive. There's no way in hell that nature/God or whatever you want to call it intended this to happen. As our seed is crucial to all steps of procreation and obviously, as we've come to the conclusion, the amount stored, it's detrimental to release any unintentionally through erotic dreams.

Shit doesn't make sense, because we aren't there yet. Nobody knows "the way" yet. Just like many things in this world people claim "the way" has been found.
>to get used to erotic dreams.
It's alright, I didn't mean you're supposed to. Didn't mention but they will also decrease with time, up until they are nonexistent.
>The latter doesn't fit among the other 2
That's completely correct.
>All these things mentioned above each thread are speculations, none of them are certain.
That's completely wrong, no, not at all. I can confirm many of them by personal experience.
What I meant is no two bodies are the same, and no two people have the same habits or are exposed to the same things.
Try any of that, as they pertain to your specific case.
>All these things mentioned above each thread are speculations, none of them are certain.
I think you misunderstood here. My point being with this is that even though the things mentioned do in fact help, they are not the direct approach. I have tried them, some work, some don’t. As you mentioned: “no two bodies are the same”

Yet I have encountered others experiencing the same type of erotic dreams, so detailed it’s shocking. (Here’s a specific example: dreaming you released, convinced that you’ve broken your streak, which results into you thinking: “might as well just release all the way” as the real WD is about to begin). Which is why I believe there is more than just making sure we don’t release during the erotic dreams. I’d almost say they’re inhumane.
And for some reason, whenever I find myself in an erotic dream, I wake up with a new mosquito bite.
>they are not the direct approach.
Alright, point taken in that I might be misunderstanding, fren.
I'm still digging deep into many things here too, depleting dreams being one of them.
I'll share more if and when I arrive to new realizations.
No worries fren. As I said before I don’t think anyone has found the way yet. We’re all in this journey to find wisdom/knowledge together, each with their own set of perspectives, until we find the right one and share this ultimate wisdom with eachother. I wish you luck on your road and we find what we’re looking for.
Thank you! Wishes of luck and success to you too.
Every time i jerk off I feel weak and unmotivated afterward. maybe it's just me, maybe it's something that others experience. dunno. your life, your risk.
i have relapsed
i am new to semen retention and i am interested in knowing the theory and history of semen retention as a historical tradition

is there any esoteric tradition or esoteric current that has the practice of semen retention as a central and fundamental teaching of the doctrine?

I mean books, texts or religious traditions, things like that
i'm literally JO'ing right now as i browse this thread as well as /gif/
the asian tranny thread?
Yee. I think I'm done.
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yeah..how'd you know...?!!! are you CIA?
I think I've been retaining 2-3 weeks, not sure. just taking it day by day. but its strange. back when I was fappin, I was in a dry-spell for the ages, like six months, maybe more. no chicks would reach out to me. cut to the last few days. I'm fighting through the temptations to wank. and over a 2 day span, an old fwb of mine gets in touch with me, my most recent ex-gf texts me out of the blue for the first time in months, and my ex-gf from before her Facetimes me and she's fully nude coming out of the shower, despite her being in a relationship. of course these could all be coincidences. but this type of stuff always seems to happen when I've abstained in the past. I'm not suggesting that its some ironclad mechanism of the universe, but it is rather strange and hard to ignore.
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Actually, there is. Famous proponents of semen retention include Isaac Newton, Friedrich Nietzsche, Nikola Tesla, and Adolf Hitler. If you are specifically interested in the religious aspects, then I would advocate taking a look into The Newton Project, specifically their preservation of Newton's personal works, such as investigating semen retention, alchemy, and its interaction with Christianity. It is quite deep dive, one that I have only begun to scratch the surface of his findings.
As in tradition, check tantra yoga.

Anyone experiencing less need of sleep? I just can't get any rest because tiredness doesn't come while doing SR.
I wish I were a NPC
Living in the pod peacefully
I don't feel like life is painful or any of that gay stuff
It is just tiresome, since I know we're fucked I feel forced to work hard in anything I do
I wish I was able to just sit down and chill doomscrolling on tiktok or something
is Kratom ok?
>check tantra yoga.
i was researching this and a question arose, are "tantra yoga" and "tantric sex" the same thing? If they are two different concepts, how are they different?
you reach yoga by doing sex in a spiritual way that is teached in the tantra doctrines, check Yoga of Power by Julius Evola.
I relapsed BAD today bros. Couldn’t even make it past day 4 without falling into a dark void of self hate. I don’t even want to try again because I hate myself that much. But to make matters worse I feel like someone has placed a genuine curse on me and just wants me to kms. I don’t know how to proceed. I fucking hate all this technology that society pushes on us. I don’t want a fucking “smart” phone. It’s nothing but degen filth and propaganda coming through the screen but it’s addictive because of the convenience it provides. Should I just throw this damn thing away and get a flip phone? Already tried porn blockers but it’s too easy to turn them off.
Dial in on meditation and exercise. Take a break from work or whatever and completely focus on yourself and making it past the rut
Anything that you can handle is ok but why make SR more difficult?
Kratom messes with hormones like a motherfucker, or so I've heard.
No one here will judge you if you drink smoke toke or poke but you're only making things harder for yourself.
Just keep trying bro don’t give up. We’re gonna make it

it isn't technology's fault. If it's, congrats, an inanimated thing is more powerful than you.
I don't think that's the case, and you should not neither. And even if you are cursed, you have to defeat the curse. Stop believing you are a victim.

Try again, you got this, anon.
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People that rule over you are willing to mutilate their sons just to encourage SR.
It is a very solid and striking informative video, i will watch it in full

the video seems very isolated and has few views, how did you discover the video? are you the creator of the video?
i meant the energy that goes from spine to brain. how many days?
unless you absolutely need a smartphone for work, then you should definitely try getting a flip phone. and then get out of the house. get away from computers, video games, social media, porn, all of that shit. its all fake and retarded. get out of the house with your flip phone for 8 hours a day minimum and de-couple your mind from the digital matrix. the digital matrix has its tentacles latched onto you. get a few books and sit in coffeeshops or bookstores or the park, with a book to read and a journal to write and draw in. stop allowing the digital matrix to infect your mind. there is beauty in this world. the sublime exists. you can go and find it for yourself. you will find it out there. in the quiet rumbling of an overpass. in the chittering of a sprinklerhead. in the wagging of a dogs tail. go find your sublime. it will shake your soul
they get their way on everything and its really affecting our lives
Thanks, man. I come here because being around other guys who are also working towards greater self control and focus helps me stay motivated. I admire you all. You're working hard to better yourselves.
Forgive yourself. Keep pushing. You can do it. Just keep reminding yourself of what you really want, and keep reminding yourself of the true reality that you can do it.
I've been experimenting with mindful masturbation as part of my magic ceremonies. During the week between ceremonies I don't masturbate, building up my energy. Then as part of the ceremony initiation I will masturbate with an intent and focus on the things I am trying to accomplish. I find the release allows me to focus much more and provides a clarity of thought afterwards that opens me up to new ideas. Trying to perform a ceremony without the release ends up with me fighting with the sexual urges and makes them less productive overall. I am not a /srg/ regular or adherent or anything. Just curious what you guys think.
>Should I just throw this damn thing away and get a flip phone?
16 days in
i don't think i can hold it anymore
It varies from anon to anon, some can work with it since day 3, some a week, some a month.
Also very important remember pic related.
Imagine that you send a perturbed, dirty energy upwards to your brain, it will amplify the dirty and you're gonna get all anxious probably anger, uncomfortable stuff.
Now imagine you send up clean energy, you will be able to focus, clearheaded, crisp, sharp mind able to perceive cleanly, you get the idea.
Wish you succeed with your energy work fren, don't do dumb shit and get your theory right if you're gonna partake into messing with your energy field. All the best.
But also anon, to be honest, I don't think you should be sending up anything to anywhere, you would be safer if you embark into a true and tested tradition if doing Energy Work is what you want. Cheers.
I'm not very much into rituals, but I'm very much into the ritual of SR.
>Just curious what you guys think.
Honestly, get closer to what really serves you, anon.
If something does serve you, then keep on it and don't let anyone's judgement tell you otherwise, unless they are truly trying to give you an amount of value with their opinion.
But if it doesn't serve you, maybe try the opposite or something different.
That's my take.
It's pride month you silly little perverts... the whores are always going to win.
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I feel like it serves me, but I was just throwing it out there as maybe a bit of push back against the 'never masturbate ever' idea I see online, people going hundreds of days without masturbating. I just wanted to put the idea out there that really jerking off itself isn't the problem, it's how you use it and your mindset about it. Porn is obviously not good for you and neither is masturbating to fulfill lustful desires, but channeling that into something else and getting that release are possible without indulging lust.
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>the 'never masturbate ever' idea I see online
I'm very much of that idea, to be quite honest, but I'm not the type that goes around pushing it upon others.
Also I don't deny that there might be a practical application of a ritual release, but as well I've never delved into those topics so I can't give an informed opinion on that either.
I respect your stance, anon, primarily because you're being civil about it I appreciate that. I don't encourage it, but I respect it.
As I said above, if something is serving you, well it's rational to keep doing it.
But in the end I just leave you with my open invitation to the other side (SR) and see for yourself how you feel about it, first hand experience. Friendly invitation, no pushing.
And how am I supposed to know if I have perturbed or clean energy?
>I'm very much of that idea, to be quite honest
What do you feel like you get out of it?

I feel like I see so frequently guys like this anon >>38234986 who have moralized it to such an extent that they feel extreme amounts of guilt and self-contempt when they fail and I feel bad for them. They don't need to put so much pressure on themselves. So I wanted to maybe give people an alternative way of thinking about abstinence.

>I respect your stance, anon, primarily because you're being civil about it I appreciate that
Of course, we are all trying to better ourselves, and I think that's great. I encourage people to do whatever makes them better, and we fundamentally agree that it's not free and there are lots of negative aspects when done for lust and especially with pornography.

>But in the end I just leave you with my open invitation to the other side (SR) and see for yourself how you feel about it, first hand experience. Friendly invitation, no pushing.
Thanks, I think it would be good to maybe have longer periods just to experiment with it and see if I can't push past that initial fogginess and temptation I feel around the 7th day. It would also be a good exercise in self control, mental discipline and mindfulness which are all good things.
>mental habits
>How's your mood and intellectual functioning most of the time? Calm? Serene? Do you get easily upset? Focus? Are you undressing girls in your mind all the time? Can you control your thought process at will to make it serve you instead of bother you?
>physical habits
>How's your diet? what places you frequent? What type of people do you associate with? Do you feel good about that? Mostly good? Not so good? Great about that?
Make an assessment with questions along those lines.
It all boils down to how you really feel and how you really perform.
>What do you feel like you get out of it?
I have, actually, a lot of times in the past and also recent past, but in the end I keep coming back to it. I think it's really not for me (getting out of it), personally. And also as I said, I don't push it on others because I know others may have different goals in this Earth Life. I had to learn to embrace the differences at some point, I think I've made some progress with that too.
>guys like this anon
I've been there too, I understand perfectly what you mean about that and actually agree with you. Self-punishment is just another energy drainer.
Cheers, anon, your outlook is good in my opinion.
>push past that initial fogginess and temptation I feel around the 7th day.
I truly believe you can do it, fren.
Do what serves you and your environment the most, whatever that is. That's my philosophy as of today.
Wishes of luck and success to you.
Thats black magic 101(by sacrificing yourself), you are trading your life force, mental and physical faculties for your goal(you are literally shortening your life too). Gifts recieved in such way are only half enjoyable because you are depleted and not sensitive anymore to the fullfillment of achieving.
SR is "white magic" and is better because in this you conserve that essence and energy and through heightened life force and those faculties you accomplish your goals easier and attract fortune as a reward for willpower.
Your way is basically a feminine way of magic while SR is inherently masculine.
It is men's mental health month actually. Perfec month to reflect on how Porn affects men's mind.
It absolutely is the problem. Only animals in captivity masturbate. Such actions are beneath A free man. Weakness has been rampant so long in the society that weakness has become celebrated and a right thing.
>Only animals in captivity masturbate.
May I ask how you’re so sure about this? I feel like this can be a good argument in discussions and would like to know more.
4 days is really good, you're doing way better than not trying at all. Don't get demoralized, and imo just focus on quitting porn first. If you get crazy urges to yank your pud and you give in, at least do so without porn. You will find that it's easier to maintain higher streaks afterwards, baby steps. Next step later on down the line is focusing on other things, prayer, being conscious of your own lustful thinking. You're trying to do the equivalent of lifting really heavy weights day one at the gym and you're kicking your own ass for not benching 2 plates day 1 for example. Stay away from porn and other boards/media that have porn, pol for example is riddled with coombait. Don't worry about going full on nofap or SR, just noporn for a month or 2, then if you feel that it's within reason try nofap.

I denounce the Talmud
I'm on step 4, almost done with it, from doing the 12 steps regarding sex addiction. It seems to have a really positive effect.
I had a wet dream last night but my cum smelled very sweet instead of salty. What is going on?
Been eating pineapples?
No. The only thing I changed recently is that I started SR.
>semen retention
>Adolf Hitler

if only you knew
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you do realize that after a white magic ritual you do spend that energy which you have gathered by not masturbating. that's why some traditions demand you stay celibate for 7 or 9 days before the ritual so you have more energy to spare. the only difference is that you don't get messy while the chaos "magician" gets cum everywhere. i prefer my carpet clean and smelling of burned incense thank you.
Lust is such a fake thing and it's not really pleasurable it's like a poisoned apple
Good shit. Going to be doing that too
This summer will be most brutal. I see half naked girls literally offering their ass and pussy
This won't end up good
I lost after 2 weeks.
Came home and literally came
Not even talking about the girls who stared at me

This shit is impossible
Got one girls whatsapp, she showed her ass
Came again

I'm dying
Fucking succubuses let me keep my energy holy fuck
I'm tired
its simple bros...
just never touch ur willy
if u touch ur willy u are literally gay
dont touch your willy no matter what
Finished my first day of 100pushups&squats/day. I would never have the motivation or energy if not for SR. Nobody cares but these threads help keep me accountable.
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>been putting off unfinished project for 2+ months
>start sr
>2 days in
>instantly get back to it, barely had to force myself
>Got one girls whatsapp, she showed her ass
the right move here was to reply I'm going to kill myself and then delete it off your media
its alright anon we live we learn
How can lust be real if our penises aren't even real?
>willy not washed since x days
wat do, should I hire a willy washer lady???
Already deleted it
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powerwash your member
Retention making me feel lovesick for the first time in over a decade. I'm still trying to figure out these emotions and get a grip. I miss her warm feminine soft touch just want her in my arms again bros wtf is going on. She is pure feminine energy I can't get enough of it.

Usually I can meditate or transmute doing something but this time it's different. It's like the magnet is stuck the bond is so strong.
>Retention making me feel lovesick for the first time in over a decade
>bros wtf is going on
For me it's because before I had lost hope, and now there is new hope
Thats actually good, when I jack off i have zero interests in women. I do not even look at them. Men should look and touch women at any given chance. I just feel it's right. Those feminists who say men are creeps actually talk only about niggers and pajeets. They can't differentiate desirable race due the propaganda.
they are the same feminists that are now entering an existential crisis because "chivalry is dead and men don't approach anymore"
but i digress

so what did yall do today instead of jorking it
It's exhausting when the desire isn't reciprocated. Prob 95+% of interactions. This is part of the pain of retention. Finding a receiver for your signal.
Day 6, never cooming again, cheers lads
How do I turn dirty energy into positive energy?
Also day 6, we are day buddies
Someone here posted it a week ago I think. I don't know where it originates from.
Perhaps the first sin is letting your thoughts become degenerate. The second is to act up such depravity and touch your pp
>>38237831 Kekked.
>>38237833 Checked, based.
>>38237875 Cheers.
Means cooming was masking a subconscious feeling of loneliness, probably abandonment, or something else you're now trying to solve with company. Nothing wrong with company.
A journal helps being aware of one's thoughts. Watch them and see what's healthy, what's not. Change what's not. May be a long process but it's worth it.
Clean diet helps clean body, free of nasty chemicals/vibes. Meat is good. When eating meat, just thank God or the Universe for this meat you're about to eat, ask for the animal's soul to be blessed, ask for it to be in peace, and thank the animal. You can be very brief, important thing is the heart/feeling you put into it.
Meditation helps calm the mind (calmer vibration).
Physical exercise.
Being around Nature, underrated.
Metta meditation, also underrated.
An artistic habit (painting, singing, et cetera)
Being a clean dude overall, shower often, basic stuff.
Good deeds as in be polite, patient, compassionate, honest, don't steal... stuff like that.
Many more things like those.
In my opinion the first one is the most important one. And many of the mentioned are extremely helpful with that one.
There are some breathing, ChiKung and Yoga styles for cleaning energy too, you can look them up.
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Semen in the brain causes your brain to think logically. Its crazy how simple yet suppressed this information is
>just snort cum, bro
Actually articulate the chemical processes that makes this true rather than saying something as vague as it is stupid. There is no semen in your brain from SR.
Yes, I am aware. Up until he met Eva Braun, he practiced chastity and showed disdain for the sexually promiscuous/masturbatory practices of Weimar-era cities. Still, for many, many years, both during his service in WW1 and during his involvement in politics he practiced control over sexual impulses. Also, vril is very likely real (or at least some version of it).
>Eva Braun
Bros... was she a plant to make him cum?
I mean, is it not somewhat odd how circumcision is encouraged by Jewish-controlled medical field, and yet it is that same group that also produces and controls much of the pornography that gets shilled? Almost like circumcision (as it was Biblically intended) was for the Old Covenant, but due to the implementation of the New Covenant and the sacrifice of Christ upon the cross, it is no longer necessary. The reason why Jews encourage others to get circumcised (comparing Brit Milahh, which dates back to 2000 BC and Brit Peri'ah, which dates only to 140 AD) and then push sexually suggestive material is to make them focus on sex (since an exposed glans is constantly being stimulated due to the lack of foreskin) and makes them easier to rule over.
>Semen in the brain
bruh you really are a faggot
explains why that pic is so gay
>may I ask how you're so sure about this
The only examples that get recorded of animals masturbating are in captivity (look to mammals held in zoos for extended periods of time, they tend to become mentally ill, as much as an animal can be mentally ill when compared to humans). Out in the wild, they just have sex and reproduce to fulfill their urges. For humans, we are in such a culture where the act of raising children is becoming more and more frowned upon and as such, people have sterile sex without love for their partner and are far more coomer-brained than the husband/wife who have 6 kids.
>>38239099 Le Checkerino
>>38239145 Le true and basederino
I mean, he probably could have made better tactical decisions during the war if he did not fall in love and have sex with her. Generals (when separated when their wives for many months) usually made better wartime strategy than the defending army is because they were not having sex as often. Saints take oaths of chastity to devote themselves to God (because the attention one can give things in live are zero-sum, limited). Inventors (if they even got married) would seclude themselves in laboratories or universities for months, working and thinking. It's pretty funny that the less you invest in women (thinking about them/lusting after them/interacting with them), the more successful you are, but the more successful you are, the more women want you.
Just edged for the second time in my current streak. Damn bros, I'm ashamed of my monkey behavior, the fight is now further uphill and I have no one but myself to blame.
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fren, even in your darkest moment, know that there are people who wish for you to succeed and reach greater heights. admit your failure but make a resolution to push harder next time. if needed, look to God or reach out to those close to you for assistance. never give up
Thanks fren, I always find encouragement here, these threads are some of the most wholesome on this entire ASMR clay sculpting forum.
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Try to plan ahead. How do you usually "edge"?.

Think of that situation ond plan to avoid the situation all together.
Pretty autistically, I've cut off porn but I slip back to writing smut if I'm not careful what I'm reading. I've figured you gotta cut it off entirely, the best boundary of control you have is before you do anything. But sometimes I do fuck up.
I didn't finish so streak is not ruined I guess but I feel all this energy condensed in my bawllz and its frustrating, where in the morning I was feeling great. What do you guys do to alleviate that if you fuck up? Showering, working out?
Does mediation work?
is this visualization exercise meant to be in first person?
>working out
This one for me, working out and then jogging or walking does the trick.
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2 weeks into nofap, thinking about killing myself 24/7
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I'll work out rn thanks anon
Im 4 days deep, i keep waking up with morning wood so strong it feels like a dagger trying to lunge out my pants

Its hard battling the urges
failed some days ago, 4 hours lustful temptation. Read the bible, prayed the rosary, distracted with tv...still lost. Prayer for him to get me to sleep too and couldnt sleep. Whats the deal
Ok so I'm gonna stop then, your fault
You know, framing it as "current streak" and counting days is setting yourself up to fail. You're framing it to your mind as something you know from the outset is going to end when you do this thereby setting yourself up for failure.

Instead just look at it as "something I don't do any more" not counting days since the last time you failed.
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Dont edge. it heavily damages you. Just dont do it. Cold showers seems to speed up the healing process.

it helps, but not as much as idk.. always leaving your phone outside your room or installing p*rn bloquers.
There is no,way you go up to month without being bothered by women.
it can happen if you dont leave your house or intercat with them.
Can take that one step further and do away with streaks altogether. Streaks seem to make some people believe that relapsing on a 30 day streak is worse than relapsing on a 3 day streak, leading to very hard relapses
This, I don't leave my house, so I'm not bothered by women.
There is no way you can't ignore them. Sure they might just put themselves in your field of vision, but that's it. What you do with your eyes is up to you.
I am doing SR to be more attractive to women too. Sorry anon, that i dont live like a monk like you, meditate for hours like you. I will do better
Your testosterone and semen just make you strong, it doesn't make your life easier. Just because you are several factors above the ant in every way, due to your biology. Doesn't mean the ant doesn't exist. If you were to the size of ant, the ant can now do you harm. But because you are stronger than the ant, it is only a prey to you.
>Means cooming was masking a subconscious feeling of loneliness, probably abandonment, or something else you're now trying to solve with company. Nothing wrong with company.

Feel like I'm going into some kind of personal hell to find it though. Of all places a stripper where I find the most explosive electric chemistry. I just came back from seeing her and we both said we like talking to each other. Sharing personal intimate details with each other. She didn't really want me to spend money on her. I was only there for a short time on lunch just to talk to her. I don't want to waste any more time but deep down I know this won't work. Does it even matter though? Reality is just a short illusion. The heart wants what it wants and I think this what has been suppressed all this time. It's like I'm squeezing it out after ever battle that leads to a relapse. Eventually the final boss fight arrives. I'm going to ask her out soon via DM.
I mean literally touching you and hitting on you
>stripper where I find the most explosive electric chemistry
This isnt a surprise, promiscuous women can connect with men easier because they have so much male dna swimming in them. Also possible she's BPD and can create the illusion of "love at first sight" through mindfucking ability
I know this is a bit cynical, and you should trust your own instincts, but also be pragmatic.
>>38240222 Checked
Start a journal, fren. The road is slow but worth it.
Don't ever pay for company, YOU are the one who has value and don't need to pay for company in the first place.
You are more valuable than you can even imagine.
Magnetism I can almost say it is intelligent, it will work on your behalf, just keep going forward.
You're doing good. A toast for that.
And you can do even better. A toast for that too.
Crazy desu
Has anyone ever taken Vyvanse or adhd meds? I started taking them again because everything is collapsing around me and I need to develop a skill fast or risk working with pajeets for life.
Anyway I am on like 60+ days of nofap or something and after taking Vyvanse I noticed today while pooping I ejaculated slightly or involuntarily released some semen. It didn't feel good it just came out like pee.
Is this some kind of normal side effect for this medication? I looked it up online and others have mentioned this. I don't want to take medication if it is causing me to waste my precious mana.
Shit pushed onto your prostate and you came little.
So it is normal? Why did I only notice this after taking the meds?
I will just quit if it is wasting my lifeforce. It is not my fault they put fluoride in the water that causes ADHD. Still, I would rather be less productive and have magic/mana than waste my vril.
I fucking hate women. I’m not an incel or anything its just. Everything seems so surface level with them, at the end of the day. They’re brilliant at making it seem it’s not that way but it is
Do I know you? Are you the one that hailed me yesterday and the day before?
If so why don't you guys help me out... I want to do the right thing okay.
Was your stool solid and hard to push out? If yes, observe your eating pattern (needs more fiber)
Med might caused something but what really happened was your shit was too thick and pushed onto your prostate and came a little. Also you are supposed to have sex to clear your mind.
Every male who has dealt with women hates them, enev gurdijeff wrote back in 1930s that you shouldn't mistake sex with love and that marriage and relationships are currently only for sex and pleasure. And that shit was back in 30s before war.
Industrial revolution truly changed whole genome and brain structure of humanity. He took women as simply beings who you can fuck. He never married yet tons of women who he had kids with stayed close to him and loved him. Dude had massive dick balls and was first person in modern philoshopic history who was strongly against masturbation to the point where he claimed to circumscize both males and females. I bet he would go so far to make his followers to wear chastity belt.
Ask them politely to leave you alone or tell them you’re not interested. If you really care about retaining, you will take the necessary actions/precautions
Poop was not rock hard but it was solid I guess. So does that mean I wasted vril or not?
I read somewhere else that if you don't ejaculate then it happens involuntarily through pee and whatnot but it is normal. I am just uncomfortable with the fact that other people on the same medication report the same thing. Maybe the meds enlarge the prostate and that causes more frequent emissions. I guess I will wait and see a few days. If this keeps happening then I am not taking this gay medication.
I do not really care lol. However I understand the absolute power. I have never been so charismatic, clear minded and attractive in my whole life. I have also understood there is someone malicious behind porn industry who also understands how powerful humanity can get if they simply do not touch their genitalia for prolonged time
Jews are the biggest coomers. They have the highest percentage of trannies because they fell for their own psyop.
You might be gay if poopoo made you came. Imagine if it was solid hard dick. Mmmm mmmm
I’m gonna join this anon >>38240396
You’re a fucking retard. It’s like I’m talking to a fatty who believes he’s big-boned
Well I didn't exactly cum because it didn't feel good just fell out my dickhole while shitting.
Doing SR and taking supplements of rhodiola rosea and vitamin B complex, also started growing a beard recently, let's just say, I notice a difference in how the bitches look at me, and I swing Big Dick Energy everywhere I go, it's like climbing to higher vibrations where you're in a starship and you can do anything now. I don't get OP's point about tobacco, it's rather save it all for the big ones like shrooms.
Yeah cuz I live in Canada and they put fluoride in the water to make everyone retarded. Not my fault everything is poisoned and trying to make you retarded/kill you. Hitler took amphetamines and he was the chosen one. Take it up with him if you got a problem with it.
It's pretty cool that I figured out black magic intuitively though. I certainly do not feel depleted after it. I feel good. I transformed the chaotic sexual into directed will. There is nothing intrinsically bad about sex magic, it's another tool
>This summer will be most brutal. I see half naked girls literally offering their ass and pussy
How about this:
You spend time outside only in the early morning & late at night before bed. Less individuals to see, less half-naked women to see.
Although I know that's near impossible to do if you have a schedule that works against that so I suggest as an alternative to frequent locations that feature modest folk so you're less tempted to engage in lust.
I want you to go and google "Erik Jan Hanussen", warning, your little loser chud brain might explode.
Wow you must've bought the lie that the Nazis hated anyone but reds and banksters who shouldn't even be classified as humans, so what if Uncle Adolf was magnanimous enough to reach across the aisle and befriend a Jewish magician.
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That is cool but I got something better.
I'm on day 30 and work in a mall. See literally hundreds of hot women all day and interact with them. Fucking hard mode not to coom after my shift.
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>acktually hitlerz like some jewz
>nooo the occultist jew who taught Hitler tricks to appear greater than man is DEFINITELY not a psyop, they just friendz
Everyone knows about this, try again
If its so much of a struggle then you're better off just talking and flirting with them. Flirting is a good outlet
>Everyone knows about this, try again
Everyone knows about the time traveling breakaway civilization of Aryan Martians from the future-past that secretly took over the entire solar system and built the moon as an artificial megastructure in some kind of ouroboros time loop where a future version of themselves created the necessary conditions for their and our existence?
average neet moment
yeah it was trending on tiktok like 7 months ago? Where you been dog?
First off, drinking those low amounts of fluoride aren’t as bad as calling yourself/accepting you’re retarded. 2nd, ever heard of bottled water? Over here there’s also Fluoride in tapwater, but I refuse to drink it and buy bottled water without it. I have drank Fluoridated water, hell, even ate some Fluoridated toothpaste when I was young and stupid, but still made the decision to buy non-Fluoridated bottles water after realizing what Fluoride is and does. Stop making me call you retarded and do something about it.
This sounds similar to the kinds of stuff I've been reading in pic rel, maybe you should check it out. It might interest you.
Arabs believe that women can rape too but it's not physical but based on energy/spirit. You get entangled in their feminine energy which tries to seduce you as hard as possible. If you were alone in woods you would never masturbate but put woman there and youll go crazy. Enkidu gambit is about last wild man who had supernatural powers, had super strength and could talk to animals. King gilgamesh couldn't defeat him with his entire army so instead he took concubine into woods in order to seduce him. She succeed and he had sex with her for 7 nights and days. He lost all his supernatural powers, became normal man and had no other choice but to join society. If man is paired with woman she will always try to seduce him. This is also why some societies have trains for women or schools only for women or whatever. There is cope from women that they want their own gyms or whatever shit because men stare at them. They are very well aware what are they doing, what are they wearing what perfume to spray or what make up to put on their succubi face to hide thirs for cock.

You my man
You are getting raped every single fucking day, your energy is compromised, their spirit will follow you to home and still will try to seduce you. This is why you think about some women you met. They are still with you trying to suck you off
>You are getting raped every single fucking day, your energy is compromised, their spirit will follow you to home and still will try to seduce you.
Fuck off shill. This is a projection of your own powerlessness, brokenness and a lack of an internal locus of control.
Note to readers, this "man" is in essence a modern feminist.
I know of Nick Land. I read some Fanged Noumena years ago. You are right it is very similar stuff to Jason Reza Jorjani's philosophy. The concept of hyperstitions with Land and phenomenal authorization with Jorjani essentially describe the same thing.
Check out the book Closer Encounters by Jason Reza Jorjani if you want some ontological shock. That book legitimately made me schizophrenic for 6 or so months after reading it.
I'll add it to my list, thanks!
Not an argument, you are in fact projecting your own insecurities onto me.
The "no u" argument doesnt work here, sperg.
Think about, I wrote explanation why is it so hard to not cum interacting with women and you gave me insults about being powerless. I know my post is not entirely logical but you can feel how much energy do you posses if you do not jack off. So there has to be being who wants this energy desperately
NTA. Yet you are here wasting your energy on someone who doesn’t want help. You tried, don’t push it. You deserve better than his ignorant insults.
Have you considered that the being is you? Or that, you have created beings with your mind, and can destroy it?

Your post is incredibly disempowering and reeks of shill behaviour. You've given mystical explanations for basic biology; the sex instinct is strong because nature demands babies. This is not profound, you just added some gay story about gilgamesh as fluff.

You're giving your energy away and you dont even know it. Look up "external locus of control", it is not even paranormal even psychologists have diagnosed this.

Fundamentally, the belief that simply thinking about a female means shes succing your energy, is retarded and a display of your own weakness more than anything.
shut up faggot
I do not mind, it wouldn't be conversation if someone didn't got angry. I hate the sterilized Internet full of love and gay shit where you are looked at by big corporation so you won't insult their leftist subhumans
Seethe and dilate. You will never retain like this, might as well snip your tubes.
And it's all a proxy for glowniggers to psyop you with tranny shit.
Is that what you think? that im not on SR? God you're fucking stupid.
Then by all means, proceed and enjoy your time. I hope you reach what you’re aiming for.
Guys, make some fucking room, this guy has reached monkmode on 30 days!!! Stfu nerd and learn to behave. Boohoohoo women around me make it hard to retain.
Your view point on life is that it's not deteministic and you have full control over what are you doing however mine is we are not really fully in control and even nofap was predetermined because of war which is about kill lots of people so in order to offset this, this reality gave us knowledge, energy and so on to procreate. Nofap in the end is just sex game. All that mind wants is being happy and not cumming for prolonged time into woman is just another form of torture.
Do not ever reply to me again you schizo freak
Does that ever work? Also, you’re in a schizo neighborhood
>All that mind wants is being happy and not cumming for prolonged time into woman is just another form of torture.
I wouldn’t call it torture, otherwise fasting is torture as well.
For example, every time I see a "pibble mommy" I hope her nigger dog rips her face off!
I dont think you are entirely wrong, there does exist for example the BPD female which is fundamentally by her nature vampiric. Other cluster b personalities too, exhibit this vampiric thing you speak of. Can they succ energy with mere eye contact? possibly.

My view of life is yes, the real deep down truth is we are in full control but we are flawed, bound by the laws of the material, and karma, and we work to transcend that, of which SR is one small part of that journey.

Procreation is just nature getting her way. I dont understand what you're saying there, i believe the instinct for self preservation is the lowest of instincts, yet necessary.

Circling back to my first point though, fundamentally, i believe we create the beliefs, and subsequently entities, and feed it our thoughts. We believe, female is a succubus, and we believe its sucking energy, but it is fundamentally, all you in the first place. I believe as humans, we have natural protection against all this stuff too. We experience what some call "awakening", we become aware of whats beyond the material, but at same time, it is aware of us. But, that natural protection is always there. Is it your gut, and instinct, telling you a female is vampirically attacking you, or is it just a belief structure that you created?
You are probably speaking of notion there is journey which we need to take in order become enlightened or awaken to transcend material realm. I think this notion is, stupid. If soul is really immortal and perpetual then we already underwent this journey numerous of times, attained enlightenment billion of times and transcended basically anything. Yet here we are on earth with no memories of the pasts all we have is human insctincts and teaching of our predecessors. There is either someone who is memory wiping us, we do it ourselves or simply there is nothing to transcend as this reality is perpetually torturing us with same existence and experience with different sparkles of shit. Also even if you transcend and get into better material or immaterial realm do you think the torture will stop? I personally think there is no escape and the only transcended thing we can do is simply accept circumstances of our eternal torture. As dark as it sounds it's not really dark. For me accepting how things are cease this mental turmoil however the physical one is not really possible to accept fully
Some enlightened souls do purposefully reincarnate and are on divine missions. Others are baby souls growing, others have been here for a long time. I dont believe in prison planet stuff, i think that is just an extension of black pill stuff applied to the paranormal, and fundamentally has a worldview that doesnt make sense. For example, the memory wipe thing, if we remembered our past lives, we will take on those karmas. It is possible to remember past lives, but its not recommended, as you'll have to accept the negative karmas from them too. It's all perspective. It's important to be skeptical and rebellious. Do you know, in your heart, this is true? Or did you just take on beliefs of some schizo on the internet?
Prison planet, malovent god, reality is indifferent to torture and so on are not blackpill. It's white pill as you now know what are you dealing with and have this power to not be fooled anymore. Karma is another form of torture, if I'm born in shithole I'm forced to kill, deal drugs and eat ass for living. There is never realization of bad actions thus perpetuating suffering. Or perhaps do I get chance to realise what I'm doing wrong if I get to born in Uzbekistan? If my past karma influences my current one then the current on will make it, perpetually fucking worse
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Fucking without cooming is literally the best way to transmute. But it is damn near impossible to be honest
>Prison planet, malovent god, reality is indifferent to torture and so on are not blackpill. It's white pill as you now know what are you dealing with and have this power to not be fooled anymore.
Holy shit what a cop out. Thats not how this works. Cant just say "its truth therefore its white pill", whitepill is, the nature of God is eternal goodness, as dictated in the metaphysics of so many religions, and consciousness is evolving towards perfection

You can spout all the edgy emo pessimist crap you want, at least have the balls to own what it fundamentally is. You're going out your way to put a negative spin on everything then have the audacity to call it whitepill. kek.

also this is energy vampirism 101 but thats too much for /srg/
Almost to 48 hours. It’s amazing how much better i feel already. I literally felt like everything was pointless and i should die not more than 48 hours ago
As I said, it's not pessimistic, you are making it pessimistic because you live in cope. How can you ignore all that torture up till this point and say God is good? Reality isn't always torture but it's not good, if God is truly good then he is unaware puppy without power or has power but no awareness. I lliked living my life in cope and that this reality is benevolent but it's much easier if I understand its not. Thus I can make better decisions. Do I torture the torturer? Of course not that would perpetuate this torture, cycle being a new. I can now focus what's truly important. If understand that every human is evil or has possibility to not do good then I can throw out all philoshpical bullshit and get straight to point.
I asked her out and she said she would but she has no free time. She works, sleep, parent. She's not wrong I guess I saw this coming. Idk if I should still try to spend time with her or just call it quits.

Kind of exhausted after this.
does anyone use website blockers or anything similar? I always end up finding ways to disable them and access the websites anyway but willpower alone is also not helping me out. My curiosity gets the best of me and I want to make it as difficult as possible for me to visit the websites I visit regularly. I have decent willpower and when I'm at least a week into a streak, even looking at the stuff doesn't affect me but I would rather not see it at all.
Relapsed at day 77 with alcohol and nicotine. I was getting back from the gas station and the urges literally went away at a red light. It was a sign and for a second I wanted to go back and return the crap.
I feel sick right now. I hate porn.
ugh I had the perfect porn blocker which was free and basically read my mind about which sites I needed to not see, and now I can't find it. it was dead simple to use and free. should have just kept it running
That's impressive, keep at it. SR made me think a lot about alcohol and made me end up quitting it completely as I'd rather keep my eye on the prize. I realized every time I drank that I lost my ability to control urges and that getting intoxicated doesn't feel that great because my mind feels polluted. And it honestly even created artificial urges that aren't that strong normally. I feel as if alcohol opens you up to entities or energy we don't fully understand somehow.

I think the best thing to do is get away from technology for the most part. I only turn on my computer for an hour or so before bed. I fill my day with doing things, or waking up early and going for a run/walk and meditating in nature. I feel like it fills any void that would of been there.
gayest image ive ever seen, never post this again
>he counts the days he hasn't coomed for
your hearts not in it, do you count the days you haven't pissed the bed or cried?
you just like motherly vibes, single moms are easy to find
Don't fall for the binge-after-relapse trap
Good day fellow schizo, tis a fine summer day out here. How fares the stock? Plenty in supplies I may hope.
I don't get morning wood, I get midnight wood. Dunno why
I realized what was causing me to relapse every time. The pride cycle
>do a streak better than previous streak
>I start to be proud and cocky
>excuse demons get louder and tempt me
>"reward yourself for your hard work"
>rinse and repeat
This time I'm going the opposite route and let shame propel me forward, shame because I can do so much better. I gotta push and berate myself.
You need to be okay with feeling really horny. Have you ever been really hungry but don’t eat? It’s like that. Learn to just ignore the cravings and they get weaker and eventually go away.

Self-discipline is key but trust me fren it is worth it.
i love when i feel compelled to say something and someone else already said it for me
you need to fuckin relax and find faith in God.
Shit happens, just get up and try one not time.
>>"reward yourself for your hard work"
>by destroying it
you see what it's doing there? do not falter

remember that after such streak, just once does not reset you completely, you're not back to 0, you still have progress to lose
i don't know the exact day i started, but beginning of february, so let's say it's going to be 5 months any day now.
i was still watching porn and edging at the start. big miracle i didn't cum and fucked up the whole thing.
effects? more energy that's for sure, but spent on the wrong things. i wouldn't say i was a better man. still felt guilty inside.
it's over 3 months now without any porn apart from few glimpses which you just cant avoid browsing 4chan.
i don't think it counts if you're just scrolling past and not really engaging with them. it's like seeing scantly dressed whore outside what you gonna do, cover your eyes like some fag?

i truly believe there's something about this whole thing, even if i was skeptical before. it's hard for me to describe the state i'm in. inner peace would come closest.
it's reflected on your everyday life, others will pick up on it and adjust their behavior towards you.

if you're failing hard (which i did many times before) focus on getting some shit done. whatever bullshit hobby, making wood figurines, learning to develop a game, sports, ... it doesn't fucking matter. just focus your attention and energy somewhere. as soon as you get bored you'll start thinking about jerking off and eventually fail.

that's pretty much it, superpowers may or may not come later, but be sure you'll be happier with yourself.
On day 2 and 9 hours. I feel exponentially better. Clearer mind, more dreams etc.
>others will pick up on it and adjust their behavior towards you.
>superpowers may or may not come later, but be sure you'll be happier with yourself.
True and based.
Also true and based.
Different stages, same intention. Good job both of you!
Get on it, it is absolutly amazing. All sexual shame has been lifted from my mind and soul as far as I can tell. I used to feel like a creep, now I dont do that anymore. Sexual secrets leads to shame and is posion for your soul.
What is step 4?
Yeah , not all progress is lost keep going it isn't that big of a deal
I mean, step 4 of what?
What happens if I ignore them?
There are some girls who work a store across that I can't keep my mind off.
>I realized what was causing me to relapse every time. The pride cycle
Good realization anon.
Remember humility next time you feel like that, even just repeat the word "humility" to yourself when you notice you're going that way to remind.
yeah getting away from it is ideal but I need it for my work unfortunately. At the very least I try to delay the instant gratification stuff as much as possible until the evening. but it can be difficult at times
superpowers in my experience aren't automatic. they're more like this hibernating force you can tap into.

i can be on day 30 and feeling frustrated that nothing feels different, then i make one tiny decision (like saying hi to a stranger) and suddenly it's like this cascade of charisma and positive attention from strangers...none of which would have happened without the retention

the superpowers are always there, lurking, ready to be called upon. it's a mistake to assume they'll manifest without a little nudge once in a while. but they're there. some of my most amazing semenretention experiences happened because of one tiny decision SR helped me make
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my gf is my worst enemy lmfao it's like she knows
Can confirm.
>from doing the 12 steps regarding sex addiction.
Ohhh. okay.
She does
You dont have any superpowers retard
Failed today. Won't fail again.
super is relative
and relative to porn addicts? yeah i'd call sr powers pretty super...
yeah i guess but not exactly consciously...
still surprises me how sharp her senses are, literally meowing at me through text as of writing, not even two weeks ago i thought she'd break up with me any second
>super is relative
No it's not. It's pretty well defined in mysticism, with clear instructions, and not one of them says "just stop fucking your hand"
>and relative to porn addicts? yeah i'd call sr powers pretty super...
Yes, because your life is mundane and you have to trick yourself into creating fanciful narratives about it.
yeah i agree, had actually the same situation as you described. said hi to some chick i was briefly meeting in the mornings, now she's acting all chummy.
probably need to go to /loa/ and try to figure something out.
show me a video of you flying and deadlifting trailers then you almighty fucking kike
Fuck off you swine, you really think you're special because you dont fuck your hand? profane rat.
I never knew how fucking hard it was to do semen retention for longer periods of time, even when in dreams it is difficult. But, It helps me to get away from the internet and technology for a while, in solitude, and go into nature, it soothes and calms my soul.
Anons, is it true humanity would become a spare-faring species if we all practiced semen retention? As in complete abstinence from pornography
who knows
a lot of shit would be done if millions of men are forced to do something else
5 tibetan rites along with trauma release exercise(s) are criminally underrated. I relapsed 4 days ago and I don't feel the lethargy that usually comes with the prolactin surge that lasts for 2 weeks.
Another thing that I will suggest is boron if you want to expedite the drop in prolactin.
Don't fall for the doomer mindset. This is an experiment.
Glory to God and Christ is King.
Do you reproduce through pornography?
>>38246311 Ch-Ch-pss-Chh-kts-pshh-Ch-Checked!
>Verification not even bothered to get out of bed.
Most people are just closeted coomers, for example me; when I jerk off, it tends to haunt me by giving me acne outbreaks. Which hurt, like a fucking flesh wound. Rain drops literally make them hurt
Oh you meant space-faring. I don't know yeah maybe but certainly at least a new golden age.
>Verification still not even daring to fuck with me.
>Stay away from weed
Glowie post confirmed good bye
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any astrology bros know what aspects can cause one to get overwhelmed with arousal?
Squares/oppositions to Black Moon Lilith or what?
The last few days I've been unable to focus on anything but orgasming, I was up to two weeks without issue then it hit me like a train out of nowhere right at the full moon in Capricorn.
Weed makes you into lazy faggot. Even your reaction against weed will be aggressive like rest of those fag who smoke it
And shilling tobacco, no less. This board is nothing but glowies and bots these days
Bold of you to assume what it does to me, not being me, but surem sounds like you have an anger problem. Maybe you should have sex or smoke some weed
No thanks I do not want to be passive aggressive hippie who "chills" while smoking bong. Everyone who used weed in my life turned into biggest fags ever.
Ok? Thats nice
There's truth to it, the development of the outside world far exceeds the inner spiritual development of humans, if we catch up and surpass it, divine providence will allow all sorts of new revelations to happen.
Now go smoke bong to chill bro. Nothing can bother you
>id rather poison myself with cancer chemicals pushed by the kike, instead of the most versatile herbal medicine known to man, and angrily type at ppl who slightly annoy me in /SRG/ Semen Retention General on 4chan
Wow man, real nice, sounds like a win. You really dunked on those stoners, really showed them how its done.
Just did, thanks. First im going out to jog, but then afterwards, im going to come back in to smoke some more!
Weird baker got this bread. I don't think anyone here promotes tardbacco.
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Next castle, retainfags!
>Verificushen no need.
Hope you will smoke more. Weed fuck ups your rem sleep slowly making your brain getting permanent damage. That's why all weed smokers are nearly at point of mental retardation
>permanent damage.
Shut the fuck up, Dr. Fauci.
>most versatile herbal medicine known to man
kek, fucking retard. Weed strains are now selectively bred to contain as high THC as possible, designed to induce schizophrenia. Next time you're doing dabs and getting so fried you cant stand straight, really look at yourself u fucking fiend.

You'd think the basedlenial "its good for you man cures cancer" man breed of retard would be too ashamed to speak but no, fags like you are still around. fuck off.
Grow your own like a real man with testicles, normie retard.
Get high all you want, but accept that you're a drug addict. At least alcoholics are honest, you lazy losers just cope
I don't smoke you fucking retard. I'm 100% sober I don't even drink coffee.
Shut the fuck up and think next time you come here to "argue" on how you're concerned and worried about what others do. Get a fucking life and shut the fuck up.
Man you're a fucking babbling idiot what a waste of human life.
Coomer glownigger.
stoner trash are samefagging kek
Good read
So I need to 180 day it
I swear to god it's fucking demons feasting on our energy. I used to be able to retain no problem, but this month has had me extra horny to the point where if I don't give into my urges I get punished in some other fashion.
Would alcohol kill my gains? Obviously I'll not be drinking haphazardly.
Alcohol is absolute poison for the soul. Kills jing like a motherfucker.
Also fucks with hormones, dehydrates you and fucks with tissue of digestive organs and liver.
Do the math.
wine mixed with water is safe(in moderation)
I just edged anally and leaked a decent ammount of semen which i ate. Should i restart? Sorta didn’t even really wdge cuz i didn’t really come that close to orgasm
Shills are getting super creative. Now they're posting the new general and trying to convince people to smoke? Some anons will sadly fall for this.
>b-buhhhh it increase testost-
Imagine falling for shitty spaghetti string western propaganda. Even if there was a tiny hint of truth to this, you can increase test way more through eating nutritionally, taking zinc, no PMO, being hydrated, etc.

The absolute state of things. Guess I'll go through the thread now. I predict 100 "HOW DO I STOP WET DREAM?!?!?!" demoralization posts.
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Alcohol is a shit drug, and almost every person who drinks it is a piece of shit. Go for it though.
>NTA, but I was on a 54 days retention streak and it was ruined by a wet dream
No it wasn't, you're just fucking retarded. If you actually spent time experimenting with nofap in a way where you are objectively judging what is happening with your body, and not outsourcing your judgement to shills, retards, and "experts", you would realize a wet dream is a boon. You would realize you feel much more vitality/all other benefits discussed after one. This of course does not apply to a purposely induced wet dream. If you are fiending and watching porn before bed while on a streak, in hopes of triggering a wet dream, yes you are cucking yourself. I know the wet dream demoralization posters are going to shid and piss their pants at this post though like they always do. You can't help stupid people, but I still do try sometimes.
You can help yourself by not being retarded and reading >>38248746
You won't listen though and you'll make the same gay retarded post in the next thread.

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