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How many influencers literally sold their soul for fame and wealth? Just think how many of these people are famous for being famous or they came out of nowhere and achieved fame and wealth spontaneously and ask yourself how that happened?
All of them did.

By becoming an influencer, you are putting yourself on display, you are manipulating and conforming to an algorithm. You may be rich but you're a slave to a system and you will do as is said.

MrBeast is a great example. He got his first fame giving money to the homeless, this was before anyone was doing this shit online, he had a genuine soul. Now he spends millions for a 5 second clip in a 20 minutes slop of a video.
He knows the value of money, he has his philanthropy channel too and yet he's still content with wasting money for something he can CGI in but he doesn't because the system he exists within, is soulless and doesn't concern itself with such matters.
why does the internet keep picking on this guy
Entitlement and he's not an awful famous person. He does philanthropy and gave out money on video for fun, he did it before it was heard of. He's a good person but I think it's how he got so popular that annoys people somehow.

He really got big with the counting to 100,000 style streams be did. Completely stupid, anyone could do it but it was him who did it. So jealousy. And he's not aggressive, he's not hostile and because so much of the world is fake and acts nice, seeing someone being seriously nice they think they can see through him.

Imagine Blues Clues Steve if it was modern, he'd be called all kind of names and bullied for being nice.
I. Timothy 6:10
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Probably because everyone sees his obnoxious thumbnails most of the time they use YouTube and his videos are just mind-numbingly retarded nonsense.
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Look at his facial expression.
Total fag. They should have made Satan/evil legitimately grand, scary, and elite.

This dude just looks like a giant power bottom (hence the tranny colors on his brand). I do not fear him/it. He evokes no terror in me. There is not even a modicum of interest produced with his gay flopping dead-expression face plastered for gullible kids to consume.
>giant power bottom
best words i've read in a while
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This painting is called Satan Summoning his Legions. Despite there being two actual naked male figures in the scene, it's somehow more straight than the image of Mr. Beast. His pose signifies action, strength, dominance, leading charge. Look at his eyes, he means business, he looks straight into your soul and wants to claim it.

Look at the sheer fear in the eyes of his accomplice (presumably, a high ranking power himself).

Now look at Mr. Beasts pathetic frail weak expression as he gives a thumbs up with his puny little frail pale sickly wrists.

When did we all collectively decide to become weak, frail, dumb, and gay? How do I swap back to the cool timeline lol.
I like his curiosity in human behavior. I also like the affect he has on people when they think it's one of his "games". It's enjoyable to watch because he does have a positive impact overall.
it was the Jews anon. Its ALWAYS the Jews
anyone who "gives" things and does it by being filmed is not a real philanthropist. they are doing it for clout. if you want to truly do well you won't do it with a camera on. its even written in all the holy texts
Anyone can act tough over a screen, asshole. That cold ass look in mr beasts eyes would make you shit bricks in person

You can blame capitalism if you want to blame it on anything but philanthropist videos have a market in capitalism. By not recording it, you're directly limiting what you can give to the needy to your own resource pool.
You are saying that you're better than getting extra money to help the needy because your ego won't let you.
You obviously have some form of autism hence the faceblindness. Pic related is a "cold look".

Mr. Beast looks like he's constipated and trying not to shit his pants after having to test his crappy tranny-themed chocolate.

If their goal is to bore/cringe me to death, they're doing a pretty damn good job.
You're a faggot and the fact you derive this much analysis from a stupid internet person is levels of complacent pussyfooting I can't even begin to comprehend. Post your arms bitch, I'd bet everything that you're a limpy dipshit redditor who think they've ascended the npc masses because they take cheap potshots at a youtuber.
Family of glowies. If anything, the entire family sold their souls a long time ago. He's just another cog in the machine
He was in with this company called Night Management until recently. You can tell they're a total glow op. They manage quite a few "e-celebs"
You seem particularly aggrieved, almost like I personally attacked your entire existence. I doubt he actually lurks here, so the only obvious explanation to your seething rage and malding, is that, in fact, you are a sad pale twig like creature.
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selling your soul is creepy and can't actually be worth it
Night hasn't updated their AI to stop defending Mr Beast yet
you don't sell your soul by selling snake oil the people who fall for it sold theirs before they did
The answer is: They are all algorithms and none of them are real people. They did start out as real people in the 90's but as soon as China gained SenseTime She has been cloning everyone and nobody is not cloned now. When you die, you are replaced with your clone and you don't even know the difference.
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This is what a husk possed by an archon look like
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The best way to to "sell" your soul if you are interest: (I've worked for the elites):
Take QUICK AND EASY "short cuts" to spiritual power:
>Don't take years mastering practices to keep your prana/chi/orgone flowing well, instead sexually torture someone, )particularly a child) to to enhance your prana/chi/orgone flow (btw THIS is why the elites have boundless energy and motivation).
>trying to manifest? Don't spend months visualizing, just do a human/anima sacrifice ritual.
>Can't motivate yourself or focus? TAKE DRUGS. Do drugs while doing your practice. Have all your divine accomplishments be due to drugs.
>Don't help others/make the world better(gets rid of negative thinking/emotions), instead ruin an innocent persons life (really make them suffer) so you can FEED the archons who will then leave you alone for a while (also makes negative emotions/thoughts go away temporarily, but when they come back they're stronger then before)
>if you see ANYONE trying to uplift themselves, make sure to utterly demoralize them. Dash their hopes, make them cynical nihilists, this will feed the internal negativity giving you temporary relief.
Also elites actually think won't go to a hell realm, via: collapsing space time into a simulation in the future, thus they enter the future simulation at death, as it works itself backwards through time (they're wrong lol)
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>beast philanthropy
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>"cold look"
What the fuck is wrong with his penis were they afraid to paint a real penis?
Keep acting tough on the internet, asshole. Real brave of you. We're all impressed and scared
>makes money by giving it away on camera
>is a millionaire "philanthropist" for every photoshoot
>It's afraid
>to death
Kill yourself then
Poorfag cope
repulsive digits. the only person who need know of your good deeds of philanthropy are the receiver and the one bestowing the aid, which is also why donations can be under different names or even anonymous. factiously acting as if you need a capitalist system in order to be kind to your neighbor
There's just something instinctually repulsive about the guy.
>those digits and post
Holy shit.
I've heard this a lot. The first shift I noticed was back in 2020.

I'm unvaxxed but i still feel soulless and godless. Am in hell?
Can't speak for the man, but his videos are definitely soulless. He also comes off as incredibly fake to anyone with a brain age of over 20.
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I have a video going viral right now on tiktok and it's not even my content. Kek

It is changing the direction of my channel which I created to promote my shitty AI books.

I actually care about the sincere minority of people reaching out to me and I don't want to exploit them nor have them see the real fucked up shut I had planned to upload.

It's strange seeing thousands of people watch that one video and keep asking stupid questions that I answered in the description, as well as them not bothering to look at the better videos I uploaded on the same topic.

Then there's all the mediocre onlyfans shit on twitter, reddit, and insta.

I'm really convinced a lot of these people that are so successful aren't fully human and neither are their followers.

I fucked a few OF whores before they made one and they had zero intelligence and knowledge of spirituality so I doubt they did anything occult for their fame and riches. It's far more sinister than that.
....they don't have to sell their souls since we are already in a hell realm. Perhaps YOU do.
You are a gigantic faggot Satan
Actually he looks like he is in the middle of getting excited about his summoning spell
>I fucked a few OF whores before they made one and they had zero intelligence and knowledge of spirituality so I doubt they did anything occult for their fame and riches. It's far more sinister than that
Yeah, sinister and easy, as it (the soul selling part) comes directly to you to your doorstep so to speak, you don't even need to do, say or chant anything, none of that human sacrifice bullcrap (although that does happen sometimes). All you need to do it do more and more stuff that you wouldn't otherwise do, and money gets instantly generated in your direction. It's a non-human intelligence acting through other humans. It may even come as something inane such as "I really like your daughter's new toy that you brought for her, can you take it from her and sell it to me for 1000000000 gazillion dollars?"
You'd be inclined to say yeah, you'll take the toy and sell it to the guy for a bazillion $$$ because even though your daughter might be sad for a day or so, you'll have so much money to buy her MORE TOYS
But you don't see the corruption that goes behind the scenes, and some things can not be brought back with cash, and these things slowly and very surely destroy you and everyone around you in the most subtle, perverse manner
>if you see ANYONE trying to uplift themselves, make sure to utterly demoralize them. Dash their hopes, make them cynical nihilists, this will feed the internal negativity giving you temporary relief.

oh you mean like middle school in the USA
Never forget that this is a required practice of those who swear oaths in Luciferian fraternities. They balance their evil acts with good. Such is the dualistic nature of their god, the god of this world.
Because its easy when you see a guy smiling like he just got told his dog got run over, but knows he will get shot if he actually expresses himself.

Also anyone that sells something as stupid sounding as "Feastibles" or "Beast Burgers" should be mocked for it.
Filming yourself giving money to poor people is messup. It is messup because we can't know if you are doing genuinely or just to look good. It's never a good sign if you film yourself doing charity.

Evil people do charity in order to manufacfure a good public image. They can then brag about how much of a good person they are, look how much money I gave to charity kind of thing.
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That's an interesting take on it, and I understand and somewhat agree.

I'm more interested in learning about these non-human forces. It's like the same forces work through people in different industries.
Mrmarkofthebeast is a psyop
Zero chance his rise was organic
I would imagine 0 as it appears this experience doesn't actually include separate other humans, just you and I and it seems apparent you are not human, nor do you behave as a human, but do collectively behave.
You're retarded. He rode Pewdiepie's coattail
LOL for all the reasons this fucking brilliant anon pointed out - no, the archons would never.

He looks obviously vacant, there ain't an archon puppetting that thing. Just Soros' money pushing him everywhere in desperate attempt to rally Gen Z around an idol (because (((they're))) feaking out over the rampantly growing anti-Zionism sentiment among what they thought was their SJW cancel-legions.)
>He got his first fame giving money to the homeless
>he had a genuine soul
One does not do outspoken charity since it is to garner views an opinions. it's antithetical to selflessness and the principle of charity itself.
You don't give to receive from anyone. it's called hypocrisy or false devotion.
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Just a very fake smile.
Lolk at that face. That is s cartoon, not a human.
His face when smiling creeps me out I wouldn't let this fag hold my used toilet paper while I turned around even
The face he makes for his thumbnails screams fake there is no way what you se that pedo enabler do on video is the real him
Kek and defending celebs and mega corps online is the true sigma way
>Will they build monuments to your servitude
This randoms making it big on kiketube has become to mutch of a liability I guess so now they bring up their own talent that they know will tow the line
Some of you people are honestly going to get this man killed for no reason one day.
Demons are probably Jews that have acended to join their lord Satan hench why it sems so universal
If you check some information about him you'll notice that he has made himself the perfect tool for his brand and producers. And by "tool" I mean it in the most literal sense of becoming an object devoid of personality, ideological positions, taste on anything and also willing to overwork himself to the poitn of even risking his heatth. I think the content on the channel of his producers indirectly reflect his lack of "indivituality".
>were they afraid to paint a real penis?
Both wings of politics are sides of same coin.
I have never watched any of his videos and the only thing I dislike about him is that extremely fake smile he has on.
>I fucked a few OF whores
U don't have to lie, this isn't reddit
What company is he in now?
He wanted fame so bad he sold himself
After he left he kicked out the tranny and overtook T-Series
big if true
The youtube golden age will never be forgotten. I wonder if pewds made the kill all jews post to purposely cut his tie to disney.
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ASPD, makes sense his “friend” became a tranny now
Disneyland motherfucker
Every pic of him smiling and staring down the barrel of the camera gives me the jim jams.
man i wish i could just make a deal with the devil for wealth, health and eternal youth
You're not mrbeast6000
Say what you will, the burgers were pretty good.
I heard he's racist, never helps white people
he makes money off ad revenue, marketing and his merch. He then gives back the money he's made from his videos, in his videos. Maybe not 100% of it , but he's still giving his money away to people. I think his current business model is completely reputable.

The question you should be asking yourself is this -
How did some kid with an inheritance, walk onto the Youtube scene and somehow know how to perfectly market his videos to become instant viral sensations? His first videos, he even said himself "I knew they'd go viral"
I mean he checked ALL the boxes of brain rot from day 1.
>Bright Colors
>High Energy
>Memorable logo
>memorable name
>Short videos with quick cuts and edits
>even the basedface thumbnail ffs

Mr. Beast gained forbidden demonic knowledge when he sold his soul. Fame and Fortune came with it
Always felt something off about this guy, certainly not an organic success story.
You gotta respect the grift my fren.
Nickelodeon fucks kids tho

I hope his tranny accomplice kills itself. That'd be sweeeet
Mr. beast himself is only moderately rich, His agency owns him and most of that money. All the money in his vids come from his agency. He did not sell anything he was always just an actor and a face.
bet he gives goob blowjobs to execs with smile like that

are you retarded?

because what you just wrote is retarded, its so retarded I can't even comprehend why someone would say it (retarded zoomed)
>His agency

I'm 99% sure he works directly for Google/YouTube somehow
Not all influencers have "sold their soul". That's something that only jealous retards believe.
However I do think some may have... I have no hard evidence ofc but I think i can read between the lines well... there are subtle hints here and there. mostly visual symbolism and soft disclosure through song lyrics and stuff.

My intuition says that these influencers may have sold their souls (to demons or whatever in exchange for the manifestation of their goals). I see them as basically undercover "witches":

-Mr. Beast (btw chris tyson, now "Ava", is probably like a living tranny human sacrifice of sorts, also meant to propagandize the youth ofc)
-Corpse Husband (listen to his music, lot of hidden-in-plain sight hints. especially listen to the song "Poltergeist".)
-NakeyJakey (listen to his music with discernment. He says that he "knows magic". He has a song called "medium". He mocks christianity through his catchphrase "dog bless". He refers to himself as "Jakey Christ" in his song "saintlike".)
-Pokimane (look at the image related to her podcast "Don't Tell Anyone"... very suspicious... she throws up the devil horns in a subtle way while doing the shhh sign over her mouth. This is something David Bowie has done before, for example. She also has one eye closed. Angel and demon symbolism)
-Night Lovell (very obv listen to his music. has connections with GREY 59 and Suicide boys. suicide boys occult connections are so obv you'd be a fool not to see it.)
-Speed (idk maybe)
-Pewdiepie (idk maybe)
-Kai Cenat (Kanye called him out. Also has leopard print carpet which i find sus. other than that idk i just have a feeling.)
-Bella Poarch (this one is the most obv to me. I think Vigilant Citizen has even done an article on her before.)

Now here are influencers which I DO NOT believe have sold their souls to demons:
-like 99% of them
-Caseoh (i like this guy)
-etc. etc.

i have nothing against anyone just felt like sharing my schizo thoughts
>Name is Mr.Beast
>Promotes trannies
>Came out of nowhere, and magically has millions of dollars
>Promotes some of the most mind numbing, non-thought provoking "content"
>Extremly punchable face, and hammerable skull
>When you rightfully question about his motives bots/shills come out of the woodwork to rationalize/do damage control
>"Philantropist" like Bill Gates
Get fucking real. If someone genuinely righteous had that kind of money they wouldn't be doing what he does. When you know, you know. He is not good. Simple as.
Thing is, I don't even think he wanted to promote trannies... he seems kinda uncomfortable about it. Like he's embarrassed or he knows its bad publicity or bad for business.
i think he was forced to do so by either his handlers or his demons that he made a contract with
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you are feeding hte egregores your vril by complaining about them. just forget they exist
and you are feeding him your sexual energy by fantasizing about him
> I don't even think he wanted to promote trannies...
Baseless claim, and wrong. He has come out specifically mentioning how he looks at his trans buddy as just a "friend" a "person" and doesn't consider the obvious , and dangerous mental illness right in front of him. This is perhaps even more of a damaging take then those who push for this minority in media/general representation as it generates more backlash. Where his take tries to nornalize young men being addicted to porn. Being sexually traumatized. Resorting to hormone therapy, and potentially lopping off their manhood versus just being a healthy, happy young man.

> think he was forced to do so by either his handlers
He has free will like all humans. He can choose to say no. He is diliberatly behaving in the way he chooses to do so. You are acting like one of the aforementioned damage control individuals I mentioned above. >>38248290
Do not point ur autistic rage at me sir. I am not defending Mr beast. And yes it was a baseless claim i was just thinking out loud.
Then don't ask stupid questions, and say stupid things. If you cease such actions you will find I am agreeable, and down right charming. As well as not promoting the act of men actively turning themselves infertile, and products of sexual trauma.
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You are a strange fellow. What is your mbti type, if I may ask?
Don't know, don't care. Neither should you. Solaire is too based for someone like you to post. Follow the sage advice given here >>38248344
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Meyers Briggs is bullshit, it's basically just secular astrology at this point.
The questions are poorly worded and don't lend themselves to multiple choice format and anyone who isn't a human caricature will usually get different results every time they take the test.

You'll get more effective results taking a facebook quiz to determine your Harry Potter house.
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Aye but it be a useful tool for knowledge of self and others arrgh
for everyone who doesn't like him there are 10 who do and 10 more who never heard of him. the hateful minority always shout the loudest
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Arrgh I disagree I think its valid and useful argh. Though the online test is unreliable yes. Better to type yourself or others through other methods like knowledge of cognitive functions etc. You seem like an NPC argh.
>Better to type yourself or others through other methods like knowledge of cognitive functions etc.
Care to expand on that?
>You seem like an NPC argh.
And you seem like shitposter.
Souls cannot be sold. It's a Hollywood trope that for some reason sells well, nothing more.
Jesus talked about selling one's soul, he warned about how this is one of the stupidest decision one can make. Jesus was lying now? Give me a break.
THIS. Thank you for mentioning this anon. Also remember that the Bible says to do good works in secret so that God only gets the glory, yet so many of these types let their works be known for the admiration. Oh, also his name is Mr. BEAST. that one is kinda obvious though
>magically has millions of dollars
The funny thing is, he claims he made the money from "taking advantage of YouTube's algorithm" to push his videos and make ad revenue easily, but... How come nobody else has done this? I mean they have, but not NEARLY as fast, and they usually have a sponsor to help them gain money as well. It seems fishy, I agree
Mr Beast came up from scratch, I saw it

fuck you OP, and you assholes would not deserve Jimmy as your ruler, he would be a freaking God
instead of Jimmy, you will get me as your Messiah

you would have been better off with Jimmy
Mr Beast literally got famous for counting to 100,000 in one video almost 10 years ago, something no one ever did before.. there's nothing to do with paranormal stuff
According to OP this is some satanic shit

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Jimmy sold his booty to Ezra Cooperstein.

If you sing you can sell your booty to Clive Davis.

Their masters sell themselves and their families to me or the devil.
>literally the beast of revelation
hylic please i’m not taking the mark
Not this one. He's not even rich, he just pretends.
Correct a non-answer. The truth is he is backed by nu-Disney, and other "philanthropists". I don't think he is the actual anti-christ, but he is absolutetly a puppet/talking piece. He gets his funding through these avenues, and youtube's "algorithm" is of course designed in mind to push agendas/certain subjects like any other media outlet.

You don't stay popular on youtube by not towing the line. (See Foundring)
He's not, but it's already revealed what is the beast by prophecy (and he doesn't fulfill the checklist).
Why is it that I can't think of a single actress who makes it big in Hollywood who doesn't also end up doing some kind of porn. I think there's probably nude or near nude photos/videos of every actress imaginable. Hollywood perverted bruh
Chris didn't sell his soul
Listen to interviews, he sold his MIND instead which is arguably worse
I agree. I have absolutely no problems with him and the hatred just seems like jealousy. The guy seems genuine and fun and maybe he's a piece of shit control freak behind the scenes who knows but he has risen to the top through giving and wholesome fun which is pretty awesome.
>He does philanthropy and gave out money on video for fun, he did it before it was heard of.
I hate you zoomers so much, people used to do this on local TV. I've never seen a "mrbeast" video in my life. Everything tied to marketing and algorithms is pure aids and cancer.
>this was before anyone was doing this shit online, he had a genuine soul

This guy used to bully children over their Minecraft video intros before he started giving away money for views.
>taking the b8
His chocolate bars are fucking good.
Some guy proved over half the big youtubers are owned by the same company. They are merely employees of a mega company. I forgot all details.
He has a punch able face
MBTI is based on cognitive functions

not arbitrary questions, like the 16personalities test
How does an actual MBTI test work then?
Does it just require in depth psychoanalysis?
Zoomers love these homoerotic romantic paintings. Get a life.
I personally think almost none of them have sold their soul in the literal way. With MrBeast it's just clear as day that he wanted to become a successful Youtuber more than anything else in the world, to the point of him going homeless as a teen, putting life in danger for content, and taking on a completely fake personality so he appeals to a larger audience. If you study his story and what he did it lines up with where he is now.

The only large creator that I am actually suspicious about is Logan Paul. He was confirmed to have hung around some satanic occult club which big Vine influencers were involved with and shortly after he suddenly has the money to travel to 20 different countries at once to film a single Vine which goes viral and puts him on the map. Jake Paul then gets invited to the White House and supposedly sneaks out which puts him on the map too. And soon after his whole family is doing occult hand gestures in pictures. Both him and Jake Paul literally came out of nowhere and I still don't trust it.

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