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/x/ - Paranormal

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I am in the mood to hear glitch in the simulation stories.

Please share true incidents that as far as you know can only be explained by this world being a dream, simulation, illusion, drug trip, or some other form of false reality.

I am talking like people and animals mysteriously appearing and/or disappearing in places that are illogical, planes hovering in the sky for no good reason, items vanishing and reappearing in bizarre locations, time acting wonky, sky oddities, stuff like this.

Thanks in advance as always!
Psychosis I had made my phone send me message notifications one right after the other, I was tapping on them and replying. They were unread messages and already sent me notifications before so I have no clue how my brain would've done this
More stories please.
one time I was walking past a middle aged woman and she smiled at me. Her teeth were extremely long and sharp. I walked past her and felt a little b it scared, so I told my father. He listened to me, but nothing came of it.
Clogging phones: You can call your worst enemy by a "land phone" (not a cellphone), and after they answer don't hang the phone. And now they can't make more calls with it, it is clogged. It won't be fixed until you hang up the call.
And apparently it's always been like that, but I just found out, which is bizarre, I call it a glitch that affected retroactively my timeline.
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Japanese mangaka of the 70's knew everything.

Did you sense harming intent?

Did you sense harming intent? Also, were you a young child or teen or older?

That is odd. I thought as long as someone hangs up, a call can be made again. I mean when they hangup the phone, that should end the call for both parties. Is this just certain countries and landlines?
Mandella effect. Caused by imbalance so extreme ot causes rift in space time.
If you take your phone off the hook, it has to be a "land phone" (not a cellphone), when someone calls you they will just hear "beep, beep, beep" until you hang up. It'll do that until you hang up, which is bizarre.
Here’s one. Watching fireworks with a friend and his girlfriend sitting on the roof of my 4Runner. People start to leave, I say the grand finale hasn’t happened, we stay and watch the end. I remember jumping down off the roof, next thing I know it’s like I wake up, I’m at the wheel driving, heading home on the same road in the same spot we parked to watch fireworks, friend and his girlfriend are gone. I call him confused, he says I drove them home, and seemed perfectly normal. Approximately 20-30 minutes of my life are missing. Is that weird enough?
From a New York Post post on YouTube. IDK if you guys can see it, but Justin Timberlake's is hekka slited up, I even zoomed in to confirm, still slited and not just lighting. The other dude is off too in the face. Noone I saw on there called it out but me.

WTF bros!?!
( ͠° ͟ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Better pic, you can see the other dude's off face fully now. I will make a post on this only right now.
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Smoked dmt 30+ times in one night, guy drives down my block honking 100+ times.
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Sorry, but please learn to differ your drug induced hallucinations from reality fool.
DMT doesn't work that many times in one sitting, you get barred from hyperspace after a few times.
Even worse, it's a LARP
One time me, and my buddy were hanging out smoking blunts in 08. We were 18 at the time, and the first blunt we smoked we were chillin in a cul de sac of a friend when we saw 3 white shooting stars go downwards towards the earth.

That same night we saw a street lamp light evaporate into a liquid flame, and drop towards the ground.

I've never witnessed anything in my life like that since then, and we still can't explain it.
Why didn't you take a picture of it?
We were driving in a car when the light from the street lamp dropped into a liquid flame, and Idk if you have ever witnessed a comet, or a shooting star, but these are the kinds of things that happen so fast that you would have had to have had your phone out recording to get evidence of it.

Liquid flame? Can you elaborate on this ?
That's pretty cool. Thanks for sharing.
It's a streetlight, it would leave evidence of it having existed and being gone at the very least. I get why you couldn't get a pic of the fire, but you should have tried to at least get a better look at the aftermath.
zoomer discovers phone lines
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Hillside lights.
you are a fucking retard, all they have to do is hang up and then redial. you probably have never used a landline in your entire life. God I hate zoomers
Any more glitch in the simulation stories?
i was walking down the street in Twilight and there used to be a stump where i found a cigarette once. i said to myself, "maybe i can find a cigarette again in the tree stump!" but i thought i remembered passing by and the stump being gone. i figured i had simply walked past it. so i looked up real quickly and saw the stump in the evening moonlight. i saw it very quickly like a flash of lightning. but when i got to the location where the stump was supposed to be, it was just a hole in the ground filled with woodchips. i thought this may have been a real time mandela effect, or in your words a glitch in the Matrix. it was really weird, happened just the other day believe it or not
Who cares mother fucker, Jesus wants the smoke
First I can recall was waalking around a lake near my house. A cute girl passed by me followed by two couples. I was working through old energy and didnt talk to her even tho she was interested. Bout five minutes later, she and the two couples appeared again and this time she was cut off and grumpy looking - fractured timelines of intention.

Another time I went to a park I go to regularly where theres thiss nice lil meadow. People always sat on the grass because there were no benches. One day I thought how nice it would be to have them there. I went out of town for a bit and when I came back there were picnic tables there. When I asked, everyone said theyve always been there.

In that same forest Ive had a lot of spiritual experiences merging with the simulation/demiurge/whatever. Its difficult to put into words what its like to experience because its felt and perceived, but its like connecting chains of your bondage in physical form to all of reality as you discover its all you.

Last November on the full moon my third eye got turned inside out. Ive done that to many of my chakras, but third eye was like 4 tabs of acid. Most I did around then was smoke weed which has caused hallucinations in the past and become a bit part of my mindfullness practice because it sharpens the distance between consciousness as an experience, to an observation. Anyway, I began to see myself in everything. Symbolism is huge for me and can be very personal, so noticing reoccurring themes and synchronicity can be really intense as your emotions contend with the idea of the self, and the truth of the self.

This is a bit different than a glitch, but fairies, spirit creatures and all that shit are just archetypes. I've met them mainly through people instead of elves or gnomes and shit, but the messages are always clear even if I dont realize until years later. The oracle isn't like in The Matrix as one person- it can show up in someone you meet for a moment
I havent beenn to 4chann in years. Weird to see all these rules enforced.

Another thing is tech malfunctioninng when upsest. Before I started shadow work I noticed my phone gave me greif when I was upset and it was a lot because of depression. The body is electromagnetic and influences the energy field around you. breaking old bonds with people can result in a power outage. A change of mood can bring the ssun through the clous=ds to shine on you. You are everything in existence and create the reality you live in.

Kundalini, Goetia, the Bible and beyond is all the same. The path to seeing reality without a filter is within yourself and interpretations are often archaic, rigid, and dogmatic. If you dont contend with your ego self your forced to replay events over and over to feel your desires inn the simulation youre passing through. In the end, purity or intention is more meaningful than following a rigid plan because the knowledge is found within and literature is a vessel to illustrate it, but means nothing without the work. Likely feeding your shadow as you seek knowledge of whats hidden from you; yourself.

My path may be more dramatic than some because of my chart, but when you discover youre just in a giant computer simulation, theres no going back. Agent Smith is everywhere and you just gotta make peace with it and enjoy being.

Bit off topic, but a much broader stroke of what the glitch in the matrix entails from my experience
In a fit of rage, I know I saw the batteries fly out of my keyboard the other day next to my couch when I slammed the keyboard on top of it, but I couldn't find them for a whole day until I saw them under a pile of mail on the opposite side of the room
When I was in psychosis I had three phones that all served a different, yet necessary function. One was my old phone, one was the phone I was currently using, the third was meant to be my new one. All three displayed a different time, so the old phone would show 12:03, the current 12:06 and the new phone would show 12:09, yet all three were hooked to the internet so they should have all displayed the same time. I got other people not in psychosis to verify what I was seeing. I had telegram on all three phones and the phone with the time ahead would always recieve messages before the other two, it was like all three phones were picking up different points in time, but only by a few minutes.
In 2021 that youruber Connor Murphy killed himself, he jumped off a bridge, before he did it he made a video explaining that he wouldn't really die and that it was all part of God's plan. He died though, /x/ was going wild about it, the whole internet was talking about it. Not long after I got ordered by God to do something similar, I thought about how close it was to Connor Murphy and it was pretty surreal. I went on my perilous journey, almost died (who knows, maybe I did) and when I finally got back online I saw that Connor Murphy was still alive. We'd been talking about his death for months on /x/, but in this version of reality he just went a bit schizo, he didn't kill himself. It's so weird, it was a massive thing, everyone was talking about it. I always wonder if anyone else remembers this.
Imagine basing your worldview on a movie from 20 years ago made by 2 trannies.

Although the real "glitch" is the fact that the powers that be unleashed a dominatrix on the writers to mind break them and create the shitties possible sequels to the Matrix lore.

basically, the next parts wre going to reveal some sort of secret that the elites didn't want us to know so they orchestrated a humiliation ritual for the Wachowski's.

That's the real question you should be asking, what was in the Matrix sequels that was so dangerous to the cabal?
This happens with everything. My theory is it's part of the psyop, to psychologically keep us in a state of atrophy. As in everything is deteriorating, quality is getting worse with everything. Humanity is getting worse. Big psyop to take our hope away. We know deep down that there won't be a better sequel to a great movie, we know deep down that life won't be better soon.

Scariest thing I've ever read! Roflmao based Vidya rager!

3,6,9 are magical numbers, according to Tesla.
I fairly regularly manipulate RNG in video games with my mind.
Does that count?
Since i dont leave the house much, or far when I do, I don't see a lot of the simulation.
We were too high, and freaked out to turn around to try to figure it out. We spent the rest of the night discussing it.

Idk how else to explain it other than this. It's like it was a kerosene lamp, but it wasn't.

i have three

>around 10 years ago when i was 20
basically i opened my can of fish and ate a bit, i noticed the bottle had an oily spot on the side. i go to bed. next day i wake up the bottle is sealed again and complete full. i check if someone changed it. its the same bottle with oily spot on the side. it was also weekend and shops closed + nobody in my family had the same fish around
this weirds me out to this day, i asked my mom and bro when they were drunk if they pranked me they always denied it to this day

>around 24 years ago when i was 6
i went to bed in my room it was like 9 pm, as i laid down and closed my eyes i realized
i wanted to drink some water so i opened my eyes again and get up, all of a sudden its
6 am and bright daylight, i closed my eyes only for a second and was even mid thought
its impossible that i fell asleep, i dont remember a dream or anything either from that day.

>around 22 years ago when i was 8
i dreamt of a rapist chasing me in a forest and the next day i saw the exact same guy
cross path with me and my mom, it was him down to the detail and it freaked me out like shit
King Crimson! Time shall be eliminated for everyone but myself.

Either that or it is an extreme example of going on autopilot mode. Having no memory at all is bizarre though. Could be psychosis.
>Does that count?
Randomness is randomness, so you should try doing that in real life to improve odds in your favor, and not just in video games.
Spooky stuff Anon!
Nope, in this timeline you both have to hang up or neither can make a new call. It surprised me too.
should have used that telegram delay/advanced message and splurged in crypto margin trade pump and dumping

sorry for pump and dumping - lmfao.mp4

What if they cut power from it then plug it back up?

How did you know he was a rapist?
cause it was a dream you just know things in your dream like some kinda unwritten law and in the dream i just knew he was a child rapist and came for me now and i had to run
Once I left a bumbag (or fanny-pack for you muricans) on the tram on my way home from high school (This was a number of years ago now)

I remember getting inside, realising I didn't have it, frantically running back outside but the tram had left, calling the public transport company to try and retrieve it... Nothing. I even searched my entire room to see if I had misplaced it.

One week later, it was sitting on the shoerack by my door - right in the open where I couldn't have missed it. I asked my mother but she hadn't touched it. I was so astounded, I couldn't believe it. To this day, I've chalked it up to something supernatural.
>me and friends all on acid camping at a campsite in a state park
>all kinda nervous because park ranger is a sick and snoops around
>all start to trip hard
>see rangers jeep driving down the middle road through the camp and checking on people
>our site is at the end and there’s a big gap between us and the rest of the people
>his headlights flood our camp
>as he drives towards us, it’s about 11pm, an RV comes barreling though the entrance at Mach speed, whips two very dangerous turns, and parks in an RV spot
>RV turns off and guy gets out yelling loudly
>women behind him screaming at him
>RV car alarm starts to go off
>park ranger whips his car around and goes over to fuck their night up more for the next 4 hours
>never checks our camp (we were underage drinking and would have got kicked out (we did get caught and kicked out a few weeks later))
We were all laughing so hard, couldn’t believe it, and were very thankful to ye loud distracting RV guy. Lots of weird happened in that park, an orb of light hypnotized one friend and we had to physically hold him back from following it (he died later), we found a brand new hot pizza in a box sitting in the middle of the woods 1 hour+ away from the nearest pizza joint, missing one slice. Me and friends had rocks thrown at us by a pukeudgie, and that night, a girl who wasn’t on acid started freaking out and saying she was seeing all sorts of creatures, she was the only one not on acid, and none of us were really hallucinating that hard, she got some sort of contact high we guessed. Weird shit.
I have another one I just remembered. When I was a kid, mum and I were driving at night in a state I'd never been to before. The street lights were a bright green. I said to my mum:

"Whoa, they even have green street lights in other states!"

She thought I was joking, said they were normal orange lights, but to me they looked green. I've never thought of a good explanation to this, it's always weirded me out. Was about 6 so I wasn't on drugs or anything.

Did the IRL version vibe like a pedo or rapist?
No memory whatsoever from jumping off the roof to snapping back to reality at the wheel of my truck. Everything else before and after was as clear as can be. The snap back was just that, a quick snap where suddenly I was driving, left hand on the wheel, right hand on the stick shift. Not psychotic afaik… Also saw several very obvious flying metallic orbs from a plane on the way to Disneyland last year but they fucked off before I could get my phone out, unlocked and recording, but this isn’t really a ufo story thread
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Once, SWIM and a few friends of theirs were walking along on acid past the under-construction gym at their university when they saw a gala going on inside. The gym had been under construction for the past year, and wouldn't be open for a few months. The outside was mostly completed, but the inside was bare and construction equipment and materials were laying about (they'd walked past it daily as it stood between their dorms and the university itself.)

On this night though, as they walked past the building was lit up and filled with people wearing suits and ballroom dresses, dancing and having a party. The windows radiated with light, and while their were no cars in the parking lot there were a surprising number of people inside, but no one was at the door, and it appeared to be locked per usual. When they walked back that way roughly 40 minutes later the building was just as it typically was, entirely vacant and filled with construction materials. No sign of the party, or the well dressed attendees remained. It was very strange, and swim thinks about it often, who were the people? Where has they gone? All three of the group had seen the exact same thing.
Oops replied to the wrong post. Fkn phone posters
One added note, the area where the ball was being held was where a pool existed. There was no way that a level floor suitable for dancing was present there, as the construction on the pool was already done, and not only was the attendees dress very formal, but Victorian in style. It by every standard resembled a Victorian ball/gala inside - this picture looks almost identical to what SWIM saw. This wasn't in England or any old city, mind you. This was at a Midwest college, previously a tuberculosis hospital had existed nearby - but no building had ever stood on that site previously.

That is fine. Do you feel different after that memory lapse? Like something was done to you? Or maybe the world feels off?
well i only saw him walk by me and my mom and crossed us i looked up to his face and got intense fear causei realized its the guy from the dream, he didnt react and kept on walking but thats all i can say and remember really its been over 22 years
That was the year I left my coke head gf, started college, met my now wife, and smoked salvia a few times, so my entire life changed dramatically that year but not specifically in relation to the missing time incident as far as I can tell
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Do you get it from acacia bark?
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I lived in a parallel universe for about 30 days.
This happened within the past year. Was driving my kids into downtown Chicago on the I-90 Expressway (the Kennedy to the locals), which goes right by O’Hare. There are usually tons of planes flying low in the sky around there and that day was no exception. Because there’s always gawdawful traffic, I was concentrating on the road but my kids were saying things like “Dad, the airplanes look fake” and “The planes look like they’re standing still up there.” At first I dismiss it as an optical illusion caused by us going in the opposite direction of some of the planes in a fast-moving car, but when I start to glimpse up, I realize they’re right. The planes look odd. They have a kind of unreal quality to them. They look almost like large, planelike balloons that are just floating up there. Driven down that stretch of Interstate literally hundreds of times and never seen the planes look like that. Couldn’t stare at them for more than a few seconds at a time without risking an accident, so it’s hard to truly know what I saw. But it didn’t look at all normal.
it's really easy to glitch the matrix. you just have to quantum suicide yourself.

don't actually kill yourself, but put yourself in a position where you might die. you'll keep living in the universe where you don't die, but the potential of you dying ripples out across the multiverses creating new timelines for you to move into.

I sat on the edge of a high bridge one night. Then a moth got in my face and i jumped back on the sidewalk. The very next day at work there was a big butterfly that just happened to land on our front window where I could stare at it just before it flew away.

Also i was pulling some items from the rack for a customer and i pulled two mediums and a large. i put them back on the rack and then pulled them back out again because they were indecisive. one of the mediums became a small. the customer noticed which is how I know it wasn't just me being crazy.

small glitches but they can happen.
I have this feeling my soul left my body and my body is running on autopilot
I work a night shift, so I wake up mid day. I wake up, sunny bright day, blinds are closed, but the room is lit up. Something is sitting at the foot of my bed next to my feet, I can sense it being there. Look down at it. It's a dark shadowy figure, can't make out what it is. It notices that I've noticed it. It jumps over my to the right side of my bed and disappears behind my nightstand. The bed rocked as it leapt off as if a full size human had jumped off the bed. Adrenaline shoots through me and I roll off to the left side of the bed standing up completely bewildered how a creature of that size completely disappeared behind my nightstand. There is only about a 2 inch gap (if that) behind the nightstand and my wall. Get my bearings after a couple of seconds, and look behind the nightstand. Nothing.

>What the fuck was that thing?
In the summer of 2011 in france, we were at my secondary house, a few miles east of mont saint michel. the beaches there are flat for hundred of meters, so we have to go to the base of the cliff further east to have a good swim. When we arrived at the parking near the coastguard building, one of my friends tells me to look at the sky. There was a rift in the sky, like a skin wound freshly pink after the crust went of, but a darker blue than the rest of the sky. The strange thing is, it continued strait on the clouds, with the same darker white than the clouds. It started a bit south of us, and went north along the cliff, and we couldn't see the end of it, as opposed as the south side. Stranger thing is, only me and that friend could see it, the two other guys didn't see anything particular. still boggles me to this day, I looked for similar stories online, but never found anything.

We never took any drug at that point in life, and didn't drink prior to that since it was the first day of the holiday, and we arrived the same morning
They would still be unable to call, because the problem is that you need to hang up for it to detect that the call is over, see here for more info:
sleep paralysis
This was only true for certain types of lines and was no longer a thing after the 1980's.
In most countries like Mexico or South America it remains true because people didn't bother updating them or whatever.
And yet, I had not idea about any of this until recently, because from the universe I came from this never happened, you would hang up and can make a new call regardless of what the other guy does.
Sit like that happens all the time. So much so there's a phrase for it "hidden in plain sight".
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>had a dream that was split into three acts
>act 1: I'm going down a country road on a bright summer day. Something is following me, and it feels evil.
>act 2: I'm wandering around a massive, high-tech shopping mall with an open floor plan. I'm only there because I was told to be there.
>act 3: I'm wandering around a dimly-lit restaurant looking for someone I know. I'm unable to find her so I go home.
>the next day, I take a taxi to the airport
>we drive down some country roads
>the sun is shining brightly and there's woodlands and mountains all around
>I go to the airport, get on my plane, and an hour later, it gets struck by lightning
>we land in a foreign airport I've never been to and I spend 8 hours wandering around looking for stuff to do
>it looks more like an open-air shopping mall than an airport
>I get a flight back home, take a taxi back to my house, and go on a walk through the dimly-lit streets
>I try to contact my weedman but he's not awake
>I go home
I wonder if the dream was a premonition, because I was so sleep-deprived that I couldn't possibly have acted out the stuff I saw in the dream on purpose. In fact, I forgot what I had dreamt an hour after I woke up but I wrote it down in my notebook for future reference, as I normally do.
>open-air shopping mall
Meant to say "open floor plan"
I was always a size 10.5 shoe, and now I'm a size 9. The receipt in an old email even says 10.5, but the shoes I have are 9.
Wtf happened???? At least my dick didn't shrink in the last shift.

Another major shift I noticed was March 11, 2020. I woke up without any anxiety at all. I suddenly just didn't have any fear and didn't give a fuck about anything. It was a great shift for me, especially that stupid year. In Jan 2021, I suddenly lost my interest and craving for alcohol. It just completely went away, and I felt like I got off easy.

Also, I came across two normies that I knew in the past, and both of them have completely different ethnic identities, memories, and jobs. It's like they were reset. A third one even had a shitload of tattoos on his arms that I had never seen before after seeing him shirtless for years.
stop reposting this
This one happened to me recently.

>going out to buy groceries
>put airpods in left pocket, wallet with housekey etc in right pocket
>put airpods in my ears after i leave the house
>feel airpod case distinctly in left pocket as i pat it down, it's also weighing down the pocket
>can also feel the case brushing against my leg while im walking
>before paying for groceries at self checkout i reach into my pocket to put airpods back in case
>case gone
>come home
>airpod case on table
>lol ok
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>I quit my job so I could spend time with you guys
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>so you quit the job at Wendy's?
Work for the United Nations (allegedly)
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Never. Deal with it.

Sim is pranking you.

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