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How the fuck am I supposed to believe we're in the same genus as these things? You're really telling me humans aren't a fucking inserted species?
pretty sure actual scientists admit darwinian evolution isn't complete, there are many things such as our rapid brain growth that makes no sense under that model.
The mushrooms showed me we have a monkey inside us and I trust them, but it was clear we weren't monkeys, just built on top/around a monkey.
>Mushrooms showed me
Ok that a new cool "i saw it in a dream" kek
I dont know mane. But i still like monke anyway
if we are just xenu aliens or some shit i dont give a shit. Im still straight human.
Peace and god bless you.
Humans are pig and rhesus monkey. Humans were built to break rocks, be bred and obey. Not much else but some dipshit let you have the wheel and here we are. How do you think you've done so far?
A lot of the higher-order "special" human tendencies and behaviors are actually covered by chimpanzees and bonobos. What was built on monkeys, and by whom?
Rh- not human
Rh+ human...rhesus monkey present, just like labs use for testing
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google "stoned ape theory"
Great apes aren't real. They're humans in fursuits.

That's four different genera right there, retard. Humans belong to the genus Homo and are the only extant species of Homo not extinct. We all belong to the same Superfamily hence why we're called Great Apes.
Those numbers don't lie
That’s also by population dude, you realize there were several other species that looked more like us and blended between them, but they are all dead now.

The only reason we stand out as unique in that picture is because everything similar was wiped off the face of this planet when we started becoming dominant by such a huge margin

You cam only put the different races in that chart now for a similar effect
similarities vastly exceed differences
problem with that is that pretty much all mammals eat psychotropic mushrooms
I hate that the other hominins went extinct. Why did we do it
Natural reasons.
We kicked their ass.

But definitely NHI have done things here.
Pascagoula sounds so convincing if you listen to the cleaned up audio of the secret interview tape of the two men talking between themselves. (The police were trying to figure out if they were lying, so the men didn't know they were being recorded or anything at this point.)
The way they speak sounds like what I would expect two Louisiana bumpkins who actually got picked up by an NHI to sound like.
Go give it a listen, it's interesting...
Monkey brain is one lower than human brain, one higher than mammal brain and two higher than lizard brain
I am king of the monkeys, you are all welcome to prosper in my jungle of abundance
We have been selectively breeding dogs for thousands of years. Purposefully allowing any and every mutation and variation within the species to flourish and reproduce if possible.
And yet, we have not once created anything OTHER than different forms of canine for thousands of years. We have never been able to produce any animal that isn't a dog from dogs. We can't even produce rideable dogs. You'd think a giant combat dog would be much more advantageous to ride into battle than a horse. Dog breeders of ancient times would've surely looked to make such a breed.
But no. Genes have their cap. We can't make dogs bigger than a Mastiff or wider than a Bulldog or smaller than a Chihuahua. These are the genetic caps on the Canine species. No amount of mutation or selective breeding or 'evolution' will ever create another species from canine or new canine breeds outside of the genetic caps. This is the case for every living being on Earth.
obama's an /x/ faggot i knew it
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You antisemite bigot, you ist ite er phobe.
we are disgusting aids monkeys who spread virulent plagues wherever we go
>spotted the kike.
>We can't even produce rideable dogs.

we could but dogs are not herbivores so keep those around would be very impractical
not a lie its what happened to the rest of the homo species, we gave them aids and they all died
Anon we have no idea what happened to them EXCEPT that they're dead and we bred with them at some point
same thing that happened to the natives
You have that backwards.
Rh+ means they have the rhesus gene
Rh- is human - it is the lack of the rhesus gene
I mean I guess lmao

but they are the direct descendants of anatomically modern humans
we are 98% genetically similar to all animals, and 99% with all apes, and 99.999% with all humans
>oh large rideable dogs have never shown up in human history because its too expensive to feed them
that's the most retarded response I've ever heard
>we are 98% genetically similar to all animals
No anon, that 98-99 is specifically chimps, we're 90% related to other mammals such as dogs, mice and pigs, and much less too non mammals
And bananas
thats only 40% relation sadly
You forgot gibbons, and Sasquatch
96% relation
>How the fuck am I supposed to believe we're in the same genus as these things? You're really telling me humans aren't a fucking inserted species?
Look at them and then look at all the other things.

Does a fucking pitbull look like a wolf?
No but it's still closer to one than a barnacle.

Just use your eyes. We're still different species.
Man invaded the kingdom of God and raped them thus creating the image of the Ape. Apes are the bastardized image of Man sprouting from God and their delusions. The first men live inside our soul and can't conceive their guilt and so have been fooling themselves and all of us into believing that we derive from them. Science is truly perverse!
It's because Lamarck was never wrong. Darwin isn't wrong neither, but lamarckism was the missing ingredient. Turns out, scientists continually cope until too much evidence gets stacked against them like with epigenetics (surprise, it can get passed down) regenerative abilities from telemeres to teeth to cancer, dietary preferences (we're carnivores, if you go herbivore you wither away), etc. How it went down is either tampering with a hominid by some external force, or a tribe with really strong willpower and desire to learn and master their environment exists across generations.

Even right now, with enough willpower it is within your possibilities to exert numerous changes to your own body, and it can be passed down. Why do you thing you have seen generations look different and weaker and lazier and uglier, it isn't actually chemicals in the water it is psychological and material actions successively manifesting across generations. Lamarck is right, and where Darwinism no longer exists in humans due to guaranteed survival lamarckism is still causing enormous change.
link to audio?
There’s something very demonic about apes and biological classification in general.
Swap the human with an african... or australian abbo... or indian and it'll make sense.
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>or indian
Damn, if anyone is too ugly to be raped it would be a 14 billion year old man

Evolution is a false doctrine and the human being is not an animal, it has an animal nature.
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A whale's pelvis is not vestigial you fucking kikeloving nigger. They use it for thrusting when mating.
And the Fossil record shows millions of ancient animals existing, not evolving, then going extinct. The very definition of a Fossil is stasis. The opposite of evolution. Fossil records cannot explain anything outside of bone structure either.
Explain the difference between an amphibian and a reptile, an evolutionist will tell you about the bone structure of the jaw and the shoulder bones. They wont tell you about the massive metamorphosis process that amphibians go through during their adolescence that reptiles dont go through.
See >>38234051 for more evidence of your godless kikefilled religion of shapeshifting monkeys
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As they also did when legs attached to it. The bones for which are still in there, but detached. What are those bones for now?

>"Explain the difference between an amphibian and a reptile, an evolutionist will tell you about the bone structure of the jaw and the shoulder bones. They wont tell you about the massive metamorphosis process that amphibians go through during their adolescence that reptiles dont go through."

Reptiles don't lay their eggs in water. Now, address the other evidences listed, you've mentioned only the whale pelvis.
Evolution was a necessary creation myth for communism. Communism cannot exist without it as a way to explain the world in it's history of progress. Without it, it must concede man is created by God and in doing so it destroys communism because it's no longer the story of the liberation of man by his own will.

God cannot enter material reality because he is more than purely material, if you will allow a mathematical example, god is a 4d object and trying to place him in a 3d space is impossible. Without compressing and losing that divine perfection. Man is the result of God becoming material, the material our 3d reality has to work with is animals, so in God descending, man is created because man IS both God and Matter
>Now, address the other evidences listed
lol no nigger. You wont address clear evidence against evolution
Evolution is so clearly a religious cult filled so called 'scientists' making faith based assumptions and labelling it as 'fact' for the masses. While performing rigorous mental gymnastics to try and justify the very basic philosophical fallacies that show up with Evolution and Natural Selection.
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post ending in alien species is what you are.


So you concede. Very well, have a good evening
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>hmm you don't want to be berated with bias bullshit takes from godless jews, while I ignore every counter point you make....
>guess that makes me the winner of this argument. Check mate creationists

Please just return to Reddit, nigger. You're not welcome here.
This is a mischaracterisation of how genes matter.
Yes we share lots of DNA with pigs, we also share lots of DNA with bananas. What matters, is the DNA sequence. In which case, Chimpanzees is the closest at around 95% similarity.

Sharing the same DNA means nothing, if it's a mammal we share most of our DNA for cell, gut, digestive, reproductive, healing, sensory, skeletal, fetal and so on. But change the sequencing of 5% and swap 3% of that DNA around and you can turn the DNA of a dolphin into DNA to produce a viable elephant no different than a born elephants DNA.

This is missing all the other species of human of who's women we fucked and who we out hunted and slaughtered.
Put in all the archaic humans and it doesn't look so out of place.

You also need to specify that there's a different between Africans and the rest of the world. Africans are pure homo sapien, the rest of the world mixed with the archaic humans, Africa had none to mix with.
Friendly reminder that rh- and rh+ can not even safely breed with one another without modern medicine gymnastics
what clear evidence?
Then explain coccyx bone/ monkey tail please
What do you mean? its a left over from when our distant ancestor had tails and slowly over time lost it as we didn't need them for balance due to general improvements in our physiology to stand upright. Some people still get a wird tail remnant occasionally
They mean, if we aren't apes that are loosely related to tailed ancestors, why do we have a tail bone?
It's just a simple question that deflates the retarded OP
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I have to imagine it's where we get the uncanny valley feeling from. Looking at a still rendition of other hominids is kind of neat, but imagine how differently they'd move, behave, or even smell. If we evolved racism for a reason, it's probably because mixing with other hominids led to degradation of the genome and earlier death. It does kind of suck though
Because we had ancestors that did?
the uncanny valley stuff is mostly there to get you to freak out over diseases and malformities
>Humans were built to break rocks, be bred and obey.
if this is true why is no one breeding me :'(
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I earnestly believe that all of the monkeys/apes were created by the watchers. Hence why they appear as such a poor imitation of the human form, often completely berserk and animalistic, purely sinful by nature.

Interesting- but disgusting creatures.
Evolution is a lie. Man is created in the image of God, but atheists want to bring man down to live like a beast of the field.

Remove your tail bone if you think it's vestigial. It's always amazing how FAR BEHIND you evolutionist retards are on the science, but you still have blind faith your ancestors were nonhuman and all life came from a common ancestor which came from soup which came from a rock which came from nothing.

In order to be an evolutionist, you basically have to be deliberately ignorant and refuse to study anything.

You won't watch that though, you guys don't want to learn or find the truth, you're only interested in defending your false worldview with lies and outdated information and old flat-earth tier concepts.
huh thats a thing? redpill me on bloodtypes I dunno shit
this was all a mushroom plot
digits confirm
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>And the Fossil record shows millions of ancient animals existing, not evolving, then going extinct.
And then millions more appearing that were not there before. Hmmm....

>The very definition of a Fossil is stasis.
No, it isn't. The actual literal meaning of "fossil" is "dug out of the ground," as in "fossil fuels." The current meaning in science is generally restricted to remains of extinct organisms. The concept of "stasis" is not part of either definition.

>Fossil records cannot explain anything outside of bone structure either.
Just totally wrong. We have fossil plants, fossil jellyfish, fossil arthropods, fossil worms, fossil footprints, fossil burrows, fossil poop, fossil skin impressions, fossil plant sap (with and without mosquitos in it so that Michael Crichton could write Jurassic Park), fossil molluscs, fossil feathers and hair, fossil eggs, etc.

Maybe learn something about what you are talking about before talking about it.
Humans are ape/dolphin/pig/dog hybrids.
We are definitely a hybrid of something. You guys know how your first memory is sort of like you were just plopped in at a certain place and that's where you started? I feel like humanity is that way too. Yeah the similarities are there between us and gorillas but then again look at our lungs and tree branches, there's patterns in everything.
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I ask myself the same thing when someone says "one race, the human race..."
That makes no sense. Listening to Rogan for science is the most ignorant thing one could do.
The same can be said about niggers, asians and conformists in general.
I actually think dreams are a valid source of knowledge about yourself, even if they might be unreliable about the external world. If my subconscious feels like monke maybe I am monke.
The moron posted a picture of Roan with that statement because that's probably where they first heard it. Not realizing that it's a theory from Terrance McKenna. And Rogan is too much of a douchebag to cite sources.
>these dumb fucking neithers
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Why the fuck does it even matter to you?
>If we evolved racism
We didn’t
I don’t think you understand the expectations, nobody thought at any point that from dogs we would ever get anything that miraculously isn’t a dog anymore, if it came from a dog it will always be descended from dogs, it would take WAY WAY WAY LONGER for their children to turn into something different enough that we would look at it and no longer consider it “a dog”, all the dog breeds can still interbreed, they’re not speciated, but look at foxes and wolves, and then look further at bears and sea lions

Or similarly compare a hyena to a cat or a civet, all of those were one species in the distant past

They don’t have a cap around “dog” beyond that anything from a dog will be related to a dog, but they can still very much split into new separate things that we would recognize as different

I would like to point out a rather unique and extreme example: canine transmissible venereal tumor

This is literally a cell, from a dog, that had a mutation that allowed it to stop being a dog in every meaningful human sense of the concept, and jump directly into being a unicellular asexually reproducing parasitic species, it went from a puppy to a damn contagion, and the original dog that it came from is now extinct. But this is still phylogenetically a type of dog yes, you’d be a retard to expect anything else

Evolution isn’t even limited by traditional descent with modification in cases like this, or when chloroplasts and mitochondria went from individual organisms to an organelle as part of a different fucking organism entirely suddenly, that kind of thing only happens with single cells and very rarely, but individual cells have the widest potential for future modifications and led to everything we have today
Limited resource pool competition leads to extinction
> we have not once created anything OTHER than different forms of canine
Mate, if you think chihuahuas and bri'ish bulldogs should be in the same category as german shepherds, you're huffing copium in industrial quantities and that's bad for your health.
>I have to imagine it's where we get the uncanny valley feeling from.
I've also thought this. It seems like we were on okay terms with Neanderthals at some point but every other hominid was probably at war with us at some point.
2001 got it pretty close, we are related to monkeys, but we were sculpted/accelerated by outside forces.
>chihuahuas and bri'ish bulldogs should be in the same category as german shepherds
yes, they can mate together.
>How the fuck am I supposed to believe we're in the same genus as these things?
You read and study the evidence
>You're really telling me humans aren't a fucking inserted species?
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I've been trying
You're looking at the results of billions of years of evolution. Look at all the things that came before us in our evolution and it won't seem like we stick out so much.
Young Earthers blasted in this thread. You idiots are dinosaurs on Noah's Ark level stupid.
That's horrible. The poor goat.
We should compile a list of weird human physiology that is distinct from other primates. It is the sort of thing that only happens after a series of bottlenecks. Just like when we selectively breed animals.

Sweat glands are rarely used for cooling. Even in other primates.

We lack a baculum. The dick bone. Other primates have it including chimpanzee and gorilla.

Menstruation is unique to humans. The result of an evolutionary arms race and the sort of thing that would normally be maladaptive unless there were stronger overriding selective criteria.

Child birth itself is suspicious. Long gestation, long childhood, and yet incredibly high mortality rare. Because we are at the limit of head size. Again almost like we were selectively breed to increase intellect at the expense of all else.

extremely low genetic diversity. Chimpanzees have relatively low diversity and it is a hundred times more variation than we have. Again indicative of a bottleneck like intense selective breeding.

What else am I forgetting that makes humans unique? Keep in mind this is a relatively recent development and humans have only been anatomically modern for a hundred thousand years. Hominid remains are also incredibly scarce and only found at a handful of isolated sites.
It actually really does. Even compared with our closest relatives. Humanity is incongruous.
Pascagoula? What happened there?
All other apes have 24 chromosomes. Humans have 23. Chromosome 2 was formed by joining two previous ones. This is rare in nature. Which is why it hasn't occurred for any other species of ape. Yet it did for humans.

Another way to add selective pressure would be to modify some individuals and release them to mate.
Taken from wikipedia:
>Human evolution was not a simple linear or branched progression but involved interbreeding between related species.[34][35][36] Genomic research has shown that hybridization between substantially diverged lineages was common in human evolution.[37] DNA evidence suggests that several genes of Neanderthal origin are present among all non sub-Saharan-African populations, and Neanderthals and other hominins, such as Denisovans, may have contributed up to 6% of their genome to present-day non sub-Saharan-African humans

This is precisely what we do with animals. Cross specific breeds to encourage desirable traits.
What significant differences do we have from all the extinct hominids that make no sense? Some of them had 6 fingers, which seems weirder to me than anything we have.
Still happens sometimes. Seems fairly safe to assume sometimes it'd be useful and some portion of that could be inherited. Worked for those six toed cats well enough.
>differences do we have from all the extinct hominids
Well the general trend was for hairlessness, obligate bipedalism, increased brain size and decreased sexual dimorphism. I'd wager both the rapid pace of growth and the sudden leaps in the fossil record are the most unusual parts.
Humans have proportionately shorter palates and much smaller teeth than other primates. They are the only primates to have short, relatively flush canine teeth.

humans also have a more barrel-shaped chests in contrast to the funnel shape of other apes, an adaptation for bipedal respiration

Apart from bipedalism and brain size, humans differ from chimpanzees mostly in smelling, hearing and digesting proteins

Humans have about 2 million sweat glands spread over their entire bodies, many more than chimpanzees, whose sweat glands are scarce and are mainly located on the palm of the hand and on the soles of the feet.

Compared to other apes, the human heart produces greater stroke volume and cardiac output and the aorta is proportionately larger

It is unique enough that you would expect it to be a living fossil with no similar relatives. Not a species that only split from chimps 2-4 million years ago. It is an enormously accelerated pace.
Whether there was some sort of external force at work or pure chance. The face remains that humans did experience several evolutionary bottlenecks with a small but rapidly advancing population.


On 31 August 2023, researchers reported, based on genetic studies, that a human ancestor population bottleneck (from a possible 100,000 to 1000 individuals) occurred "around 930,000 and 813,000 years ago ... lasted for about 117,000 years and brought human ancestors close to extinction.

According to a 1999 model, a severe population bottleneck, or more specifically a full-fledged speciation, occurred among a group of Australopithecina as they transitioned into the species known as Homo erectus two million years ago.

The Neolithic Y-chromosome bottleneck refers to a period around 5000 BC where the diversity in the male y-chromosome dropped precipitously, to a level equivalent to reproduction occurring with a ratio between men and women of 1:17. Discovered in 2015 the research suggests that the reason for the bottleneck was not a reduction in the number of males, but a drastic decrease in the percentage of males with reproductive success.

This last one in particular seems like selective breeding.
>Well the general trend was for hairlessness, obligate bipedalism, increased brain size and decreased sexual dimorphism.
Don't Neanderthals check all those boxes? They may have had a little less sexual dimorphism but their brains were even bigger than ours.
>Bottlenecks also exist among pure-bred animals (e.g., dogs and cats: pugs, Persian) because breeders limit their gene pools by a few (show-winning) individuals for their looks and behaviors. The extensive use of desirable individual animals at the exclusion of others can result in a popular sire effect.

>Selective breeding to produce high-yielding crops has caused genetic bottlenecks in these crops and has led to genetic homogeneity
>glorifying the ugly human form
>thinking trash humans are somehow better than other animals even tho all evidence points against that
also why can't you talk like a normal person and be anonymous like everybody else you pretentious faggot?
Yes but keep in mine neanderthals come in at the very tail end of this process. Not only did they split from the same homo erectus subspecies as us but they both coexisted and interbred with modern humans. There arguably isn't a closer human species to us than neanderthal so yes they check all the boxes but only because the changes happened prior.
If we're not monkeys then why do I like big bums so much? I feel like a baboon with the kind of girls bums that make a guy go ape
Zeitgeist lately sure has been to shit all over humanity. Like some macabre jewish guilt people carry just for existing.
We suck. Face it. We're the niggers of the universe. We're destroying our habitat and our way of life is comically unsustainable. We're a joke, a bunch of cartoon characters
It it slowly occurred to me in my late adult life, that we just allow the 'electric menace' to pump out copious amounts of curated and oft fabricated human degeneracy and atrocities directly into our living spaces, like it's normal. It's only ever vice and degeneracy, what a thing to become expectant of in our daily lives, en masse
go back

We lost the ability to synthesize vitamin c. Quite a ways back though, probably unrelated.
mushrooms showed me that our entire solar system has been encased in some kind of nano-plastique technology i cannot describe, the ever prevelance of microplastics in our genitals is proof.
some advanced alien race has deemed us a threat or has taken over and we are all encased in some kind of plastic that has suspended our reality, we are all currently dreaming inside of a simulation inside of this nano particulate microplastic soup and thats why everyones struggling to grip at the future and why our technology seems to be stunted despite supposedly making massive leaps in artificial intelligence.
it all depends on which mushroom you ask i guess
Furthermore, recent studies have found that populations in sub-Saharan Africa, and particularly West Africa, have ancestral genetic variation which predates modern humans and has been lost in most non-African populations. Some of this ancestry is thought to originate from admixture with an unknown archaic hominin that diverged before the split of Neanderthals and modern humans
>recent studies have found that populations in sub-Saharan Africa, and particularly West Africa, have ancestral genetic variation
everything else you posted is applied imagination
What we know so far. Going through it now for any suspicious or interesting bits
Might as well chop off your cock and join the communist party.
It is all pretty solid

this article is much more provable
Well, you have a good point.
If you include all human races in that picture it becomes more believable. The reason why people think humans are unqie among apes is because of the 'all ethnicities are the same' brainwashing such that they subconsciously lump all humans together. But if you saw the variation in the human species alone you'd realize it's roughly the same variation you see among orangutans, gorillas, chimps etc.

nordics/germanics/britons/blacks/middle eastern/different kinds of african/indian/east asian/native american/abos/pacific islanders/pygmys etc.

We don't look inserted at all in that context.
I'm afraid we still do
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Yet you won't apply the same scientific reasoning when it comes to your beliefs
This music video is unironically the truth of the matter


Replace human with Irish-Italian. It's a family get together.
I'm not exactly sure on this but aren't dogs the descendants of wolves that got tamed long ago? And to my knowledge wolves are much bigger than dogs so even while dealing with the same species we couldn't put them back to the size they already were
It looks strange when you put only one hominid in there but there used to be many
We absolutely could breed dogs as large as horses, especially with modern day science. It's mainly impractical though. Size isn't hard capped on the individual gene level, but on the resultant organisms functional phenotype, specifically respiration and energy accumulation.
All you can really say is that dog genes favour a size that ranges within existing dog breeds in our current conditions (atmosphere of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen, other as of yet unknown factors). If oxygen concentration of our air gradually increased over millennia, a lot of modern day organisms would slowly evolve to grow much much larger.
Wolves vary in size heavily, like some are dog sized and others are nearly horse sized.
That said there are a handful of dog breeds about as large(sometimes larger) than the largest wolves, but they only exist in certain environments and most people don't want them as pets so you don't see them a lot.
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you know how we bred dog breeds over just a few hundred years? What do you think happens when self-aware apes fuck the prettiest of the species for a few hundred thousand years?
Can different species of monkeys communicate with each other?
I wish we'd erase all chimps.
I'm surprised they split the Orangutans in two and the gorillas in two, but humans are all the same race, the human race.
Yeah this. Blow up the world except for me of course! For it's own good and to make it better etc etc
You can quite easily see similarities between us and other apes, you however are most like them. Do you not see the opposable thumbs? the intelligence? they can almost speak and "understand" language. You are just a weirdo who thinks that " THE REPTILIOIDS INSERTED US BROOO" I HAVE SEEN EVOLUTION IN ACTION BEFORE
What the fuck are you blithering on about
maybe it was a little bit of that divine intervention that made our evolutionary path so much more advanced than other branches of the primates.
it's about the angst of your post
an english mastiff is about twice the size of the largest wolf. No one really knows where domestic dogs came from but I think african wild dogs are a popular guess. A lot of canids can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. Like dogs and coyotes or wolves and coyotes.
Genetically humans have less diversity than nearly any wild species. What diversity we do have is almost exclusively in africa. Which is still an order of magnitude less than other primates, which themselves don't have a lot compared to most mammals.
It could be done but it might take thousands of years. A lot has to change to get dogs the size of horses. Keep in mind your average horse weighs 1000 lbs. With large draught horses significantly more. The largest tigers weigh half of this as do most brown bears. The only land predator that approaches this are bears in the extreme north. It'd take countless adaptations simply to not be crushed under its own weight.
They can't speak. Coco was a scam. Same with helen Keller.
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I'd be more inclined to think aliens. Probably not personally. More likely they launched a von neumann probe with the goal of directing life in their preferred intelligent direction. It went to nearby systems, replicated, one found its way here, observed and grabbed resources from the asteroid belt to gradually guide the most promising species at the time. Might still be watching.

But it could just as easily be jesus or extra dimensional demons or whatever. We can scarcely speculate on a cause all we can say for sure is human evolution is suspicious as hell to have naturally occurred.
These people are too stupid to understand this. It's not worth the effort of explaining to them.
Regardless of intervention the bottlenecks are a fact. They happened. Could be chance or selective breeding.
They can, but only once. After the first baby comes the problems.
Basically, the issue only occurs if the mother is negative. If the mother is positive, there are no issues
negative mother, positive father, however...
>negative baby=no problems ever
>positive baby=first one is OK, subsequent positive babies will get attacked by the mother's immune system IF the mother and baby's blood mixed during birth, otherwise the next one is OK too
Anon we literally see evolution in historical times with dogs, horses and even wild creatures adapting to man-made conditions.
>B-but is not natural if man-made
The catalyst doesnt matter, only that the event occurs, incidentally if, ultimately natural phenomena is the result of divinely dictated laws then by your own logic you are distorting God's actions to your own ends by pretending these things don't happen in order to pretend an incomplete and sketchy intepretation of God's creation, you are lying to God, to yourself and to others.
You will never convince him. He probably doesn't believe it anyway and just wrote it to troll. In any event you are wasting your effort rehashing the same thing for no result when we could get on with a discussion. Do you have anything that seems peculiar or unique about humanity? Humans are manipulated as fuck.
>We lack a baculum. The dick bone. Other primates have it including chimpanzee and gorilla.


This is a weird one. Nothing else bleeds the way we do. It implies an expensive investment of resources and an evolutionary arms race between the fetus and the mother. The sort of thing usually selected against in nature unless there is an over riding concern such as intelligence and language.

Also worth pointing out that the last common ancestor between humans and chimps was basically not that different from a chimp. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sahelanthropus

Same with the last common ancestor between us and gorillas or orangutans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierolapithecus

Yet we have diverged so much. Not just in mind but in body. In a very short period of time in terms of evolutionary scales. Which is why I think it was aliens.
I'm still waiting for my Windows XP to become WIndows 11 by way of cumulative CRC errors and file corruption
trust the science bro
unironically this is how my unbuntu laptop has been running for 10 years. Seriously though go troll somewhere else you must have something better to do. It hampers higher discussion having to rehash the same basic shit that you don't even believe in the first place.
>Africans broke off and fucked an unclassified extant species, then came back into the collective diaspora later on.
For more information see these studies:
Africans seriously did exactly that they even have genes from the unknown hominid more or less listed out.

Also why all other groups have neanderthal dna.
I'd like to rule out intelligent design. Not because it is or isn't true but because it doesn't matter. God is omnipotent. He could have guided the evolution of man from any point and time scales would mean nothing to him. But he also could have created the entire world, complete with its history, geology, and ecosystem around man after adam was banished from paradise. Or any combination thereof. Because that is what omnipotence means. We couldn't draw any logical conclusions from it since it would fit perfectly inside whatever historical narrative god constructed. In fact it wouldn't be a narrative it would be real history and always had been from the moment he willed it. Which renders it pointless to talk about. Same goes for a simulation that had the power to set any arbitrary criteria with the crucial difference that we might be able to spot flaws in that case.

That leaves two options
1) It was all a perfectly natural series of coincidences. This is entirely possible but I mean to show it is unlikely. Because of the compressed time frame and ways that humanity uniquely diverged from other primates as well as the small isolated population that rapidly increased key features.

2) It was guided intentionally by an outside force. Extra terrestrial or extra dimensional intelligence. A self replicating robotic probe could easily do it and timescale would be meaningless for it.

But to what extinct is it mere breeding and hybridization of different breeds like we have ourselves done with livestock for millennia? Some amount of direct editing could be involved. Where would we begin to look for evidence of this?
Huh, I wonder why that post was deleted?
Guess somebody can't handle facts.
Couldn't be the N word, as ctrl+f finds numerous others in the thread. Maybe it was the "I" word that relates to a country?
The world may never know.
They don't mind when you say nigger jokingly it is when you back it up with facts that bothers them. Anything else they can dismiss, consider you ignorant, and leave it at that. But facts make them reconsider core assumptions which is a painful and dangerous process.
Well I'm not that Anon, but what they put before it was axed is the truth, regardless of what anyone says. We share DNA with a banana, but that doesn't mean we're ALL fruity.
On the subject of bottlenecks barely any remains of hominids have ever been found. What has been found has been incomplete and in terrible shape. Entire species known only from a fragment of jaw or skull. This in itself is rare for the climate compared to many other mammals including apes.

However what we do find is also largely isolated to a small handful of sites. This same sites being used for hundreds of thousands of years. This could be the result of a species hanging on by a thread in isolated areas. But more likely it is the result of a captive population being selectively bred.

Especially odd for creatures that evolved to run marathons. Why would an extremely isolated population be adapted to distance running?

Then suddenly we get to homo erectus and homo habilis and they spread throughout africa, europe, and asia. A massive diaspora after almost a million years of isolation. It all seems terribly unlikely without an intelligence at work.
I'd take it with a grain of salt. While I agree with the sentiment I don't think there is any basis in reality to saying the percentage of similarity comes from order. After all genes themselves come from their sequence it is the defining characteristic.

That being said I have no idea what people refer to when they say x shared a percentage of genes with y. This came decades before any of it was sequenced so how could they even tell? It wasn't a mathematical science like when we compare genes in a population today.
Also worth noting that while those populations escaped and spread the next evolutionary steps still somehow occurred in the same place.
I've heard a theory that the early hominids were basically hunted and forced into small areas by larger primates, but once their intelligence increased enough after a few 100k years they started fighting back and spread all over.
Would a hypothetical North African with no Sub-Saharan admixture be genetically closer to East Asians or to blacks?
east asian would be my guess. Didn't the muslims mostly slaughter the original population there? Keep in mind they always had a lot of mixture from greeks, egyptians, persians, and so forth. But when islam came it came hard. The barbary coast slave trade was probably the third largest in human history. After the ottoman and the atlantic. It was also the most brutal in which slaves where generally castrated and worked to death. When they ran out of locals they started raiding europe. Once the ottoman empire took control of the region they tried to outlaw some of the cruelty and institute laws to govern treatment but this never really caught on. But enslaving and castrating people does effectively end a bloodline pretty well.
Sub 100 IQ
More likely a troll at around 105-110 territory.
We aren't in the same genus, and it should be absolutely no surprise that humans (genus Homo) and chimps (genus Pan) are so closely related if you take a look at how similar our appearances and behaviors are. Orangutans (genus Pongo) and gorillas (genus Gorilla) are more distantly related to us.
Fun fact the modern american alligator already existed at the same time as the last common ancestor between orangutans and humans.

The american crow diverged from the carrion and hooded crow 5 million years ago. Keep in mind they produce several offspring at once and have a much shorter generation time.
how did humans and their close relatives evolve the gray square
>The mushrooms showed me
They showed you a demon, who lied to you. Don't be easily deceived
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Has anyone else here heard the theory that apes and monkeys are "cursed" humans that were forced into a beast-like state a long time ago and then just continued on like their own population?

It might explain why theyre so similar to us despite humans not being animals and "evolution" being unable to explain why there's a huge DNA gap between ape and man without there being a middle-ground species anywhere on earth. Also could explain the worldwide hatred for macaque monkeys...
You can't say that word anon! But you can say neitha, that's okay
It's the opposite. Monkeys and apes are regressed humans
>"stoned ape theory"
Nah, that dumb theory is just a "dude, weeD!" cope, so drugtards feel important.
that's a bit racist
We are clearly omnivores, not carnivores. But you're right, our bodies need protein to function.
the internet seems to be a multiplyer of bad aspects of media ten fold desu.

people eat it up cause its a worsening habit.
This, give a monkey mushrooms and it'll still be a monkey, except now things look funny to it for the next few hours
>with enough willpower it is within your possibilities to exert numerous changes to your own body, and it can be passed down.
how to willfully biomance my dick to be bigger?
Neural fungal infection, 70% ape 30% fungus
>We are Monkees dude weeeed
No. You are the monkey.

The Man To Be Sees You Exactly Like You See Apes
As long as he's not a crab man, I'm ok with that.
Inserting krebalans nependeth.
>unable to explain why there's a huge DNA gap between ape and man without there being a middle-ground species anywhere on earth
Considering the amount of physiological change there is actually a tiny dna gap. Which makes sense considering each ancestor we have had enough tissue to sequence has had less variation than the one that preceded it. Up until us who have least of all. It again indicates some sort of selective process.

What it doesn't explain is how it happened so fast. Compared to nearly every other species in existence. In primates with a long generation time and litter size of one. Both factors that slow change.
you ever interact with them? We have em her ein florida. The are dicks. Dumb violent dicks. It is easy to understand why people would hate them.
>how to willfully biomance my dick to be bigger
think about lewd boys and it will grow
Evolution is just a naturalist/humanist creation myth. We only observe variations within a kind.

No good mutation has ever been observed, no good mutation that then spread through and took-over a species has ever been observed, no mutation has ever been observed to introduce new information to the genome, and mutations only affect information which is already present (like corrupting data on a hard disk, you're not introducing anything new and you're just going to give yourself BSODs -- you won't be writing any new complex programs/software and a single cell is more complex than a space shuttle, and DNA is so much more complex than all of the source code in the world combined), and natural selection as well can only select from the information already present. It's just a belief you have to take on faith, and it's just falsely represented to most people as a settled science fact but it's really just a theory and it has already failed most scientific and all mathematical tests. The probability of a good mutation happening, and the number of good mutations happening required for the number of changes isn't possible, this isn't even accounting for the types of changes required, and this isn't even accounting for irreducible complexity or genetic decay or the laws of thermodynamics or the law of biogenesis or the laws of information or all the many co-dependent creatures which couldn't have evolved on their own.

It's funny that according to evolutionists, the earth ages at a rate of about 21 million years for every year because they need to keep adding more time to their theory for it to sound sensible. They also change what was at the beginning of the universe, it used to be some "cosmic egg", but then reduced it in size until it was "literally nothing". It's really absurd, it's clearly not science; but it's fitting to have this thread here as it would be explicitly paranormal as none of what I just criticized ever happens in nature.
I am going to give it to you straight, I am not going to rebut you with scientific claims, just on pure faith, the universe has a divine order behind it.... That's it. That divine order might not be Christian, but it is real, think about that!
When I do this it is limited to an unsatisfactory size
It's very simple, humans are primarily adapted to wide open plains, shrub lands, open forests, etc not to dense jungles, there we have somewhat of a disadvantage, our height does now allow us to see much farther in a jungle and we aren't good climbers, so the evolution of early pre-humans, mostly happened outside of jungles, in area's where our height gave us an advantage, thats the reason the three lineages of great apes survived , their ability to climb better (in their youth) and the hulking physique works better in dense jungles.
Never said they can speak, they can understand it slightly.
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>I am going to give it to you straight, I am not going to rebut you with scientific claims,
It's not possible to do so. I was just stating straight facts.

Even the top evolutionist thinkers can't give an example of one mutation that introduced new information or one mutation that was beneficial, some of these guys are biologists who even wrote books containing most of the world's recorded mutations (all in the book were harmful and someone wrote to them asking why no good mutations were included, and he responded that he did not know of any but would've included them if he did). That's just one example. I believe Dawkins was the one who was asked about mutations introducing new information, but I could be wrong on that. Or some evolutionary botanist will tell you whales are the best evidence for evolution, he studies plants for a living and wrongly thinks whales have vestigial bones from legs but they're not vestigial they're required for procreation, just another example from their experts.

>just on pure faith, the universe has a divine order behind it.... That's it. That divine order might not be Christian, but it is real, think about that!
I know it's the God of the Bible. I know God, personally. And you could too. You could know, not just believe, but personally know.

There are millions of other born-again Christians who will give identical testimony to this and the gospel and many of them were willing to die for this testimony. You're free to make this sort of "it is ordered, but there's no proof it's *that one*" to keep yourself from genuinely looking or give yourself an excuse from checking it out, but it'll be your ignorance not to look as you'll never know for yourself and it will be your loss. Don't harden your heart, tomorrow is not promised, today is the day of salvation.
I am going to give it straight again, I am not welcome in a church that thinks Jews and refugees are more important then strong European males.
Well said anon, it's so obvious DNA itself had to have been made by a creator. It's a language, and languages have to have creators after all. And DNA is so perfectly constructed that it could have only been God who made it. Such an obvious conclusion yet so many deny it for fear of being "un-scientific".
Interesting fact about dogs is they have doubled in intelligence in the last 100 years...theory i read was they are slowly adopting a human diet.
you havent googled it have you
I dunno it seems pretty speculative. Just a generation ago people favored the aquatic ape hypothesis that said our ancestors mostly evolved to swim along coastlines and dive for food. Which has fallen out of favor and been replaced with open plains. It might be right but bipedalism could also be for the sake of stamina or to free hands for tool use. Height might simply be the result of competition between peers with taller males mating more and nothing to do with sight at all.
Just as well christianity is fake and gay. Just judaism but worse.
>It's a language, and languages have to have creators after all
I am not sure this is true even for literal languages.
>Just a generation ago people favored the aquatic ape hypothesis that said our ancestors mostly evolved to swim along coastlines and dive for food
I don't think that was ever popular among mainstream academia, from what I've seen that was primarily pop science communities promoting that theory.
Is this true? Can you link me to where you read this? It seems counter intuitive. What with working breeds falling out of favor and dogs being given fewer tasks that would use their intellect. I mean look at the rise of the pug or the chihuahua. Aside from that their diet became more standardized like human fast food with years of near identical pellets at a time.

Maybe if they were all half starved before and the nutritional gaps stunted development.
Cool, how do they compare to wolves now?
Languages need speakers and interpreters, at least.
Nothing says 'natural neccessary evolutionary adaptation' like reduced physical strength + capability for antinatalist existentialism.
Basically those times where similar to lord of the rings with ancient civilizations in the mix. Some escaped earth, other went underground and so on.
Language is symbology. It's a good example because languages are created, but by consensual understanding. It's a good example because our reality is literally created by all of us through consensual understanding. We're the apes with the dramatically 'divergent' ability to symbolize through consciousness. Isn't that wild?
So then we are the crrators of everything. We are the creators of us. We are the creator of god.
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I think we are human ape hybrids.
RH- = humans
RH+ = humans with some ape genes to make stronger workers
They were raping our women
>google "stoned ape theory"
midwit nonsense theory.
the Anunnaki created mankind artificially
>we are 98% genetically similar to all animals, and 99% with all apes, and 99.999% with all humans
Not if you remove the "97% junk dna" (which isnt actually junk btw, its the genetic code of your full 4D form not perceivable by our 3D senses
All of us collectively, yes. Including the conscous power of ever single grub and centipede, and rock.... even the consciousness of wood and rocks contributes.

God is everything, and everything is God. ALL-ah, i fyou will
Supposedly there's more evidence of us raping their women from what I've read.
>all evidence points to rape/.murder
sounds about right.
How can rape be real if women's rights aren't real?
It's "junk" DNA because it's the shadow of that 4th spatial dimensional structure.
Have you noticed that people who look more like apes and seemingly have a more primitive facial structure all are Rh+?

That's why I'm fairly convinced there was a fuckup at the hospital.
Dad's Rh+, my mother's Rh-, and I'm Rh- and there were no shenanigans at birth.
My mom insists the test is wrong but it's not, I made sure of it.
Either I'm not her son, or my dad's not my dad.
I'm confident it wasn't homo sapiens that did that.
We're cordial with every species of creature, even the dangerous ones.
There's a respect for nature.
Neanderthals however attacked and raped every living thing they saw. The general understanding of how they went extinct (and they didn't go extinct btw) is that homo sapiens had friendly relations with them and found out the Neanderthals were raping their children and eating their children after raping them. The retaliation was most lethal.
So far, there appears to be no indication of this behaviour from the other hominids.
I've never heard this theory and the idea that we killed an entire species because or moral objections seems kinda bogus, but if you've got some literature on it I'd be down to check it out.
when you steal a bike someone still owns it. The offense isn't against the bike.
Then why does the bike have voting rights?
> Neanderthals however attacked and raped every living thing they saw.
No they didn’t
he’s obviously making shit up for his rape/cannibal fetish
How to communicate with the lizard brain?
listen to the mushrooms
All observational science and testable hypotheses directly disprove the notion that speciation can occur within nature. There isn't one case of selective breeding leading to anything outside of the genetic caps. And your science disagrees with you, based off the tests provided.

If intelligent design can't even create new species (humans selectively breeding dogs for hundreds and thousands of years), what makes you think random chances in nature could?
>thinks speciation would likely occur within 30,000 years
You clearly don't have the standing to be talking about "all observational science."
lol yes, speciation SHOULD occur in 30,000 when you having an intelligent guiding hand helping to produce speciation. In the case of dogs, its never happened.
The science disagrees. Changes take about a million years to take hold in a population.

Given that the changes humans are guiding are not to create a new species, why do you think it would make a difference?
>Given that the changes humans are guiding are not to create a new species
you're misinterpreting the goals of selectively breeding dogs.
We breed ANY and ALL dogs with variation. Any and all mutations that pass through a line of canine is heavily propagated and bred by puppy mills and breeders. This has been the case for thousands of years.
If any kind of mutation occurred that could render the babies of a dog as a *new* species, it would've been found and documented by now.
Hans is that you?

also again, *millions of years* for evolution, can and should be easily thwarted by intelligent design. Humans can manipulate the very genetic coding of dogs, and still cant make anything new.
>you're misinterpreting the goals of selectively breeding dogs.
Am I? I work with dogs professionally. We breed for traits that already exist and that we want to always exist in a breed. It's called a standard and has been the case for thousands of years, look it up. Puppy mills and things like that on the other hand usually don't follow a standard, undoing the selection that took place by intelligent design.

>*millions of years* for evolution, can and should be easily thwarted by intelligent design.
We'd have to test that to know. What's clear though is that if you are right, then an intelligent designer like God is not able to explain speciation. That's a pretty novel position.
>Am I? I work with dogs professionally
ok bud
>What's clear though is that if you are right, then an intelligent designer like God is not able to explain speciation.
no retard, HUMANS cant explain or produce speciation. GOD is clearly more powerful than us.
That really depends on your definition of God. For Hindus for instance, God dwells within each of us in spirit. Our awareness is His awareness, and that is what guides evolution and explains speciation. It is the power of each individual to guide the course of their own growth as a part of God.

More to the point though, you were talking big about "all of science" and now that someone calls you out all you want to talk about is God? Proof must really get in your way.
We didnt have to do shit, they were simply more specialized and thus were absolutely screwed by the ecological shift caused by the Toba Explosion/Eruption, because while we could adapt to new conditions they depended on specific ones to thrive, they couldn't shift their habits quickly enough to adapt properly. In early history we coexisted with them, which shaped some early culture mythologies like the Hindu who interacted with proto-Aborigenes during their migration across northern India, aka the Rakshaka, but they were all wiped out or assimilated if genetically compatible, with some exceptions here and there.

Then why am I weak and a bad worker
Idk nigga maybe your blood type shit aint real
>anything outside of the genetic caps
Been good about not responding to the low effort trolls up until now but I'll allow this one indulgence. I'd like to point out genetic caps are not a real term. It was invented by butthurt religious zealots to move the goalpost after positive adaptation was conclusively proven. Before then they made the same exact argument save for saying no positive mutation had ever been observed. Then it was shown a moth in england turned black to cope with the pollution of the victorian era. Keep in mind all this was a century ago and even predates the snopes monkey trial. Also keep in mind this is a uniquely american conflict, christians from the rest of the world see absolutely no conflict here.
>beginning of the universe
Also worth pointing out that the big bang theory was invented and fleshed out by a catholic priest. Not some atheist scientist looking to disprove religion. But a devout man looking to understand 'let there be light'
Again this is a uniquely american conflict that a few dumbfucks got hung up on. And this guy doesn't believe it himself and just wants a reaction.
I missed the digits and am actually forced to admit I have very little evidence that apes are real.
This is another term that doesn't exist save for being invented for this argument. What defines a species is absolutely arbitrary. Which is why they will divide bush and plains elephants from african elephants based on a few genetic markers but niggers are somehow the same human species. Of course a pug is further from a mastiff than a white rhino from a black rhino. But the distinction is arbitrary so they are lumped together as dogs.

Also notice how one persistent evolution shitposter derailed the thread. Instead of talking about the history of man or guided evolution be it the will of god or ayys we instead rehashed the same topic twenty different times. It is what holds the board back and I hope this guy in particular dies a painful death. Hope you get cancer and one of the slow kinds.
>genetic caps
there is a reason why chihuahua's are always shaking cold. there's a reason why mastiff's always get hip problems when theyre older....
> positive adaptation was conclusively proven
positive adaptation still cannot prove speciation, zealous evolutionist always make this leap of faith then claim it as fact.
>Then it was shown a moth in england turned black
you're referring to Kettlewell's Experiment. Another vastly misconceived experiment by evolutionists. No moth turned black. Nocturnal Predators were killing and eating the lighter colored moths and the darker colored moths were reproducing more. That's all the experiment showed was favorability towards adaptation.

Please try harder if you're to chime in...
> What defines a species is absolutely arbitrary
Now i can tell you're actually retarded.
Speciation is created when two animals can't reproduce together.
Fertile offspring is the meme and even thats untrue. Wolfdogs exist and can produce offspring themselves.
this has never been the case. Not now nor in the time of darwin. Are you saying a wolf and a coyote are the same species? Or a fox and a wolf for that matter? Or a horse and a donkey? This is how I know you are a troll because someone who actually wanted to refute evolution would have bothered to learn about it.
>Wolfdogs exist
again youre like an actual retard or something. Dogs and Wolves are both part of the Canine species.
You have middle school in the morning, ask your biology teacher how animal kingdom classifications work.
You seem to be defining species on your own regardless of what society does. Easy to move the goal posts if it defends your point aint it? Or are all classifications 'species' now?
holy fuck the first google result. Please, off to bed with you.
>Nocturnal Predators were killing and eating the lighter colored moths and the darker colored moths were reproducing more. That's all the experiment showed was favorability towards adaptation.
God damn, if you got the point that surviving darker moths would also leave darker offspring you might be on to something. Glad you came around.
2 moths are the same species.
Try again
So close! That's a genus.
Remember: Please Come Over For Gay Sex
Yes because genus is species where convenient, kingdom is species where convenient. I've seen how your logic works. All canids are one species so long as it is convenient. I feel like I have thoroughly won this argument and am beating a dead horse at this point so I'll stop.
For the hundredth fucking time. You do not beat trolls by arguing with them. They only want a response. This is how the board went to shit.
Yeah but this is how I cultivate my false sense of superiority
The peppered moth, is a single species with variations of black and white colorings inside of it.
wolves and dogs can still breed, therefore same animal, just variations within the species.
Noah didn't bring a Grey wolf, a husky, a pug, and a poodle onto the ark. he brought a wolf, and the species diversified and spread, but still remained the same as they can still interbreed.
>"went" to shit
the woo woo garbage board? It's always been shit
Are coyotes a breed of wolf
most likely.
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Species isn't the right term, kind is more accurate and it's what God used in Scripture. We only see creatures bringing forth after their kind as God said they would (he made them after all), only variations within a kind.

The dog kind makes more dogs. They won't ever make a cat or bird or walrus. The birds make birds. Those finches of Darwin's were finches before he found them and remain finches still today, they'll claim that proves man came from apes.

Evolutionists can never prove their blind-faith religion. See the reply in pic related to the second-linked post.
They sure made a shitload of different kinds for a single kind though
Did you know that if plants undergo genome doubling, they can become a whole new "kind" in one generation?
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Here, /x/ should like this:
are dinos fake and gay
Dog breeds aren't a new or different kind, they're still dogs.
Variation of a kind. Did you know not one single kind has been observed and there isn't just one missing link, but the entire chain is missing? When a form appears in the fossils, it doesn't change.

Nope, cant interbreed with the same the last generation or their other offspring. New kind. Sorry.
>no good mutation has ever been observed
this takes a 5 second google search to debunk, what the fuck are you on about
>give me one
>no that doesnt count
>give me one
Retarded video
it's called a phylogenetic tree, guy
oh. no wonder. kind is actually fucking arbitrary.
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Most were killed in the flood. The flood narrative perfectly explains geology and fossils.
I doubt any evolutionist can address any arguments in these videos, they typically shut off their minds, cry "troll" or "science-denier", especially if they see it's Christians talking. It gets so boring dealing with your ignorance. And the evolutionist proved me right before I even submitted the post. Every time: >>38237517
>In order to be an evolutionist, you basically have to be deliberately ignorant and refuse to study anything.

Also, there were living dinosaurs found in Africa some time ago, some biologist (iirc) wrote a book about it. And the term "dinosaur" was coined in 1841. I wish you guys would study things instead of just defending what government school told you to believe. And don't try a "no you", I used to believe in that lie of evolution too.

Trannies can't interbreed, they're not a new kind of creature. They're just delusional humans who've poisoned and mutilated their bodies.

Evolutionists claim stuff like sickle-cell anemia is a good mutation because then you can no longer get malaria. Or they'll claim bacteria being damaged and no longer responding to antibacterial is a good mutation, but return it to the bacteria population and it gets selected out of the gene pool because it's damaged and inferior.

It's still a dog.

This is the cope reply when they can't prove there's ever been a change of kinds. Never been one single change of kinds, each creature will and only ever does bring forth after their kind. They start arguing semantics like a bunch of nerds because they want you to use "species", then they'll claim some scientist coming up with a new name for a bird that's barely different is proof of evolution.

I don't blame you, it's the only move you have to make.
This video shattered my faith in scripture
>i cant see it it cant hurt me
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They have no answers, just extremely-low-effort troll replies.

Ironic they were crying troll, now they're trolling since they can't prove their blind faith religion.
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They will tell you these layers of rock are millions of years apart, never mind the petrified fossilized trees standing vertical through several layers (they leave that out of the textbooks!). But what they do include in the textbooks are known frauds and lies proven to be lies years and even centuries before the textbook was written.
>like sickle-cell anemia is a good mutation because then you can no longer get malaria. Or they'll claim bacteria being damaged and no longer responding to antibacterial is a good mutation, but return it to the bacteria population and it gets selected out of the gene pool because

not really what i was thinking of


there are bad mutations, mutations that don't matter because they don't change the protein your DNA codes for, and mutations that are straight up good

this isn't rocket science mate
>It's "junk" DNA because it's the shadow of that 4th spatial dimensional structure.
yea that. science is omega retarded and this is just one reason. they know that certain genes create certain proteins, but did they ever think how those proteins magically know how to form a skeleton with arms and legs etc in the right place and all the other complex shapes of the human body? they dont know what "force" causes us to grow into the proper form rather than being a puddle of proteins.
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>bacteria no longer responding to an antibacterial is a good mutation


hard to claim it isn't, i don't get your point
Because youre just ignoring the change of kinds from miacids to cats and dogs lmao
Fossils are fake faggots
Giant footprints though? Those are real
was a 19th-century scientific controversy about the anatomy of ape and human uniqueness. The dispute between Thomas Henry Huxley and Richard Owen became central to the scientific debate on human evolution that followed Charles Darwin's publication of On the Origin of Species.
Sorry to go full circle here but you guys are mostly rehashing basic evolution at the whim of a single troll rather than the topic at hand. It takes a lot to change the number of chromosomes. It happens rarely. I'd like to point out that humans have one fewer than every other primate in existence because two combined owing to an astronomically unlikely mutation. Another drop in the bucket of evidence that humanity exists thanks to intelligent design.
>God used in Scripture
Don't think for a moment scripture was written by anything other than man. It is the key failing in religion. Being interpreted through some greedy fucking monkey.
>They sure made a shitload of different kinds for a single kind though
Everything is. If you guy back far enough it all diverged from a single kind.
>Dog breeds aren't a new or different kind, they're still dogs.
Just moving the goal post. A generation ago creationist tards said there were no new breeds. When that was disproven they moved the goal post to escape facing the prospect of being wrong.
>what the fuck are you on about
Tards gotta tard brother. Meanwhile no one is discussing human uniqueness or the actual topic of the thread. I guess we made some kikes uncomfortable to assign a shill of this magnitude.
you seem to live in a mystical world in which people need to actually understand a claim in order to debunk it. No need for that. Will simply say the same thing over and over until people agree to it.
>It gets so boring dealing with your ignorance
This hits the nail on the head. especially when you literally believe in the flood. Something historical Christians before you did not. A new American phenomenon. Yes geology of the past 80 years contradicts it. No it does not somehow disprove christianity, only the insane interpretation you in particular have chosen. The billion or so catholics are not bothered in the least.
>change of kinds.
already cope, when your predecessors moved the goal post. Fun fact, no difference will ever justify a change in kind to them. Even if a bengal and siberian tiger are already far less different than a yorkie and dalmation.
Simple answer is: we aren't.

Humans are in the genus Homo
Orangutans, in the genus Pongo
Chimpanzees, in the genus Pan
Gorillas, in the genus Gorilla
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It's scientifically proven, you guys haven't answered any of the arguments.

The headline of that article literally says "loss of function". That's losing, not gaining. Evolution needs gain.

>look at this bacteria
>it "evolved" into bacteria
Your dishonest use of the term evolution to call that evolution then claim that proves man came from apes was already covered in one of the videos you cowards all refused to watch.

Blind faith you just assert happened.

Fossils are real, formed in the flood.

Preservation despite extreme persecution and fulfilled prophecies through history prove its divine inspiration.

This is why you're forced to object to the term "kind", because you can't refute it, there have never been a change of kinds because God created creatures to bring forth after their kind.
>Genesis 1:11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
>Genesis 1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
>Genesis 1:24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
>Genesis 1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Evolutionists would argue computer programs would write themselves if you wait long enough. Or that a honda evolved from a toyota because they have similar design.

Who put them in those groups? Something to think about.
>especially when you literally believe in the flood.
Two of the videos specifically covered this, you are literally willingly ignorant. You refuse to learn anything new.

Since daddy government and mommy media didn't tell you about it or show you any evidence, and they only mock people who believe history in the Bible, you won't even look any of it up. You're afraid of being mocked as you mock me, yet you're the one who's willingly ignorant.

Again, it's been scientifically proven.
Homo Sapiens, Sapeins.
>Evolutionists would argue computer programs would write themselves if you wait long enough.
And DNA is practically infinitely more complex than all the source code in the world combined.

There's a section in the "Is Genesis History" video about it.
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Here's one fossil not formed in the flood, proving it doesn't take millions of years to form a fossil. Fossils need to be rapidly buried in sediment to be preserved as they are. There's even one fossil of a fish that was fossilized while eating another fish, that doesn't happen over millions of years. And if something dies on the beach or in the woods or in the sea, it's quickly devoured by scavengers, it doesn't turn into a fossil over the next million years.
The fact that humans are the only extant member of their genus goes to show what an unintelligent design we are. We're basically a fluke.
Humans are pig rat monkey hybrids created by an extraterrestrial species. The closet thing you all have is a god is a green mist watching over you all it’s an abomination.
You're the only homo here.
Jews are more rat than pig and monkey. Each sub race has a closer mammalian they are connected too
why anybody chooses to believe nihilist shit like this instead of a benevolent creator is absolutely beyond me. Y'all are just fucked up in the head.
What part of any of this made you come to the conclusion that the creator is benevolent, you complete psychopath.
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Aliens made us.
Go read Enuma Elish

so obvious I can't believe noobs still bringing this up in 2024
>hulking physique works better in dense jungles.
there's no room in dense jungle for big guys

Would you consider that apes are devolved humans?
>Humans are pig and rhesus monkey
we also have goat genes according to bock saga and theres stories of us being made from mud in multiple mythologies
from dust to dust
im really convinced that "aliens" are a psyop, all those ufos are most likely manned by humans and whistleblowers have reported seeing them manned by humans
They are technically exctinct but really humans are like a backcrossbred mix of most if not all of the different hominins that existed.
it happens in hot water floods
look up mudflood university in youtube
didn't jews create your religion
and didn't polytheistic pagans create judaism
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We evolved faster and more extremely because we were successful. Just like the shape of the earth, you people don't understand some complex facet of the universe so you believe you're able to challenge it. Ironically, the fact that we evolved to self awareness is what got us to this level where we can't even handle the brains we have. That's why dunderheads like yourself openly question things like physics and evolution; you're too smart to ignore it, yet too dull to understand it. You're not qualified to be skeptical. Yet you think we who trust scientists are sheep. You don't have the tools to take them on. You embarrass yourself.
>there's no room in dense jungle for big guys
wow, like wow, do you honestly belief that when all the ape lineages life in jungles? I mean wow, who are you kidding yourself.
This place is a sewer. A spectacle of stupidity I visit only to marvel at the dumbest, most schizo people I can find online. None of the views expressed here have ever been witnessed in the real world by anyone I know. I need to visit the south.
Gurdjieff wrote that monkeys evolved from humans due to homosexuality although I suspect he was trolling.

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