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I had a dream last night that I was a goat-man. Not like a Saytr, but my form would change in the dream between a upright goat and a man. I remember there were crowds of women around me kind of like pic rel, but instead they were encircling me in a large circle running in a clockwise direction and shouting and chanting. I woke up and immediately thought of this painting. I think I should buy a print to hang on my wall.

What does it mean /x/?
I really wish I was a part of that Alexandrian coven right now, so I could relay this to them and ask what they think it might mean. My intuition tells me that they might think it’s very meaningful and important.
All I can think of is that, for some reason, you were the horned god in this dream. I don’t really know what it means myself, but maybe if you looked into Wicca, particularly how they think of their god, you might find something that resonates with you. Maybe your high priest material?
Maybe it was a dream about rutting for breeding.
I wish I could remember more of it, but after I woke up I kept falling back asleep and I lost most of the dream.

>you were the horned god in this dream
From wikipedia:
>The Horned God represents the male part of the religion's duotheistic theological system, the consort of the female Triple goddess
To me the goat is a clearly masculine symbol, I hate equated it to the centaurs and saytrs of greek myth, which are incubi, related to suppression of sexual desire and unrealized connection and balance with their own masculine aspect, but somehow in the dream I am this incubi?

>often depicted as being theriocephalic (having a beast's head), in this way emphasizing "the union of the divine and the animal"
It's interesting that this also lines up with the beast's head. I have struggled with masculine-feminine unionization. But the dream to me now seems to suggest a struggle for me to reconcile the union of divine-man or divine-animal as the article puts it, as exemplified between the instability of my form switching between man and animal. It suggests to me that I have reconciled the masculine-feminine and I am currently working on this new reconciliation.

Thanks for all the links, I will dig into them and let you know if I find anything that jumps out at me.
>I hate equated
*I had equated
Im starting to think that many people in this world are actually anthropomorphic animmals on the inside. Its been an important research topic for me cuise it would explain a lot.
I had two ideas.
Yes your interpretations of what the dream might have meant within the interpretive framework of Wicca might be true, but consider these:
As the Horned God is a divine being, do you think this dream could be a sign that you should recognize your inner divinity, as you are the Horned God in this dream?
Or else it could be that you’re way too grandiose if you’re being worshiped.
>As the Horned God is a divine being, do you think this dream could be a sign that you should recognize your inner divinity
I think this is most likely. Like I said here >>38233765 I think the dream is probably about the reunification of the divine aspect and the human aspect now that I have sufficiency integrated my disassociated masculine and feminine aspects.

>Or else it could be that you’re way too grandiose if you’re being worshiped.
It didn't feel like I was being worshiped so much as a key part of the ritual being performed. I think the circle of women is representing feminine chaos which I am now in mastery of rather than consumed by or threatened by. There was a sense of being in tune with the chaos and that it responded to me rather than being defeated in obedience, if that distinction makes sense. Perhaps to be more clear; worshiping has a strict one-way relationship. The worshipers are in strict obedience to the deified. Whereas this felt like balance and a fluid back and forth, a sense of harmony and alignment, like a flowstate, not worship.
In looking for another artwork I had been reminded of in my dream. I stumbled across this piece, also by Goya which bears a really uncanny resemblance to the dream and unlike the other one, I have never seen this one.
After the flood, the unclean animals from Noah's ark set up shop in Egypt. They were actually hybrids - human bodies with animal heads who communicated psychically with members of their original species. Hence the engraved depictions of animal-headed rulers and demigods in all the tombs.
> It didn't feel like I was being worshiped so much as a key part of the ritual being performed…Whereas this felt like balance and a fluid back and forth, a sense of harmony and alignment, like a flowstate, not worship.
Eh I suppose that makes sense.
I’m thinking of getting a print of that myself now. It could go on my wall near where my altar is being built. I wonder what it would feel like to pray to the Horned God in its presence?
Are you a Capricorn
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Taurus. Why?

>I’m thinking of getting a print of that myself now. It could go on my wall near where my altar is being built. I wonder what it would feel like to pray to the Horned God in its presence?
I just ordered mine. Looking at the image reminds me so much of the feeling I had during the dream and a reminder of my potential. I will hang it next to my print of "Accolade" by Edmund Blair Leighton. I feel like they are inverted images of the same concept.

Also I found the exact pic I was looking for. Picrel is exactly the vibe of the dream.
Why were they hybrids?
>Taurus. Why?
Significantly both of those are horned animals.
True they are. But I'm not sure what that means astrology-wise I don't know anything about astrology. Can you give me a horoscope? Or talk about the possible meanings it may have in relation to the dream?
Also significantly Taurus is your sun sign and the horned god is a sun god primarily.
I don’t know astrology very well, but here’s what it says from alabe.com
>Taurus, first of the earth signs, deals with the form-giving ability of nature in its beginnings and the fertility of the soil and the creatures of the earth. It symbolizes the value we place on material possessions and objects and its quality is endurance. It deals with sound and substance, shape and construction, the senses and survival. It is things that last. It is the strength and beauty of the body.
Here’s what would have applied if you were a capricorn:
>Capricorn, third of the earth signs, rules fatherhood and is responsible for security and the stability of society in which the individual lives. It deals with the shared duties and obligations of the individual to society and society to the individual. It rules the concept of social order and the role the individual fulfills in that order as part of its description. It is the long legacy of mankind’s efforts to become greater than before and to reach goals together. It is history and heritage, justice and judgement.
Input some information here and maybe others could help you more too.
>>Taurus, first of the earth signs, deals with the form-giving ability of nature in its beginnings and the fertility of the soil and the creatures of the earth. It symbolizes the value we place on material possessions and objects and its quality is endurance. It deals with sound and substance, shape and construction, the senses and survival. It is things that last. It is the strength and beauty of the body.

hmm... nothing about this really draws any strong feelings about the dream, the bit about fertility and form-giving gave some minor resonance, but the dreams feels almost opposed to this. It felt spiritual and formless. in fact my own from was unstable. It was also very dark, which implies both formlessness and chaos. To me the dream feels anti-taurus based on that description, so I'm not sure what to make of it.
Consult the fire gods.
Then I don’t know how else to help you. Anything else you could tell us that might help?
At the risk of giving a wrong astrological reading, did anything about Capricorn resonate with you?
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You’re being possessed by a demon. Have you engaged in any homosexual acts recently?
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>Then I don’t know how else to help you. Anything else you could tell us that might help?
No I didn't recall anything else over today.

>At the risk of giving a wrong astrological reading, did anything about Capricorn resonate with you?
Nothing resonated there either. Thanks for trying though.

Except this dream occurred on the 24th >25th, why would I have been a day late?

Have you engaged in any homosexual acts recently?

I would like to see more of this. Another anon much earlier also mentioned the horned god of Wicca and that had a lot of resonance for me.
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Please tell me the name of this book. I think I understand what's happening now. I need to have this book.
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Thanks very much. I just ordered this and the Witch Cult in Western Europe, which I've always meant to read, but never had.
Op Weird you say you want to hang it on your wall... What are the odds?
So what I think is that the dream was a spiritual voyage to the Horned God. In the few pages you posted, it talked about how mothers would bring their child to him to be baptized. I've been going through a lot of changes lately, making noteworthy shifts in my behavior, outlook, and just taking actions like quitting my job and starting using psychedelics on a regular basis.

I think I've reached a point of spiritual growth where I have been called into the presence of the horned god? That would seem to explain a lot of the dream, I'm very curious to get my hands on the book and see what else it says

Wait wtf? What are the odds indeed. How long have you had it and why did you do it? What is the painting on the left?
>Wait wtf? What are the odds indeed. How long have you had it and why did you do it? What is the painting on the left?

I think that the one on the left is called witches. I've had it on my wall for at least 5 years. Since I moved into this apartment. I had a book of Goya paintings and I just cut them out and I thought they were interesting so I hung them on the wall. But it's weird cuz like the other week I had my landlord in that apartment and I was kind of like I wonder if she'll think these are weird if I have them hanging on my wall. I live in a funeral home by the way. Sort of paranormal I guess.
I also had a moment of pause, considering what other people might think, but then I was decided fuck it. I think the reminder of what it represents is worth putting people off. I mentioned it earlier but I also have "Accolade" by Edmund Blair Leighton on my wall and occasionally people think that's weird too.

>I live in a funeral home by the way. Sort of paranormal I guess.
What do you mean you live in a funeral home? Like you live above one? That would be comfy, no neighbors to bother you.

>I had a book of Goya paintings and I just cut them out and I thought they were interesting so I hung them on the wall
I think they're really good too. I also like almost all of Dore's work, I'd like to get some professional prints done of this stuff.
I used to frame accolade all the time when I used to work at a frame shop in college. That's a nice one. As for Goya I always found his work unsettling, but In a good way. I think that he legit tapped into a darker occult energy when painting. He isn't a perfect artist but there is an emotion to it that gives it a raw power. That's probably the same occult energy your dream was tapping into. You may have touched the same world that inspired Goya

As for living in a funeral home, yes I rent an apartment above it. It is very cozy and quiet. Highly recommend it. Rent is cheaper too
>As for living in a funeral home, yes I rent an apartment above it. It is very cozy and quiet. Highly recommend it. Rent is cheaper too
I would do that in a second, I hate how intrusive my neighbors can be with their TVs and cigarette smoke. I worked briefly in a crematorium, so the idea of being around the dead doesn't particularly bother me.

>As for Goya I always found his work unsettling, but In a good way. I think that he legit tapped into a darker occult energy when painting
I also feel like there is certain amounts of occultism in the work or maybe he was just academically interested, but either way, I definitely agree there is something to them which capture those feelings.
I just read these, and I have another interpretation.
Without denying your interpretation, I’d like you to consider what it meant that you were a goat that stood like a human as in your painting, and also a human doing the baptism at the same time. This tells me you were in the role of a high priest, as he is a representation of the horned god, doing the initiating of the children into the witch cult. I really do think you should look into Wicca, because this dream is screaming to me that were are a high priest in it, and that might mean something for your prospects in the religion, should you so choose to follow it.
That is a reasonable interpretation, I will look into Wicca and see if I find anything there. Do you have any recommendations for books?
>Wicca for Beginners: Fundamentals of Philosophy & Practice by Thea Sabin
This is a good place to start for an introduction. However since I’m still convinced that there’s high priest vibes going on, and since doing that is impossible without a coven, you might want to check out either or both
> Traditional Wicca: A Seekers Guide by Thorn Mooney
The Heart of Wicca: Wise Words from a Crone on the Path by Ellen Cannon Reed
Also since you clearly haven’t relationship to the God, I’d recommend:
>The Witches’ God by Janet Farrar
These are the most relevant books I have for you at this time.
Dreamt Jupiter crashed into earth and that was gg
I lucid dreamed of a beautiful green haired Lamia. I tried meeting her again in a different lucid dream but I woke up when I found her. Probably got too excited.
Interesting theory, as I’ve gotten strange downloads about this. I’ll post more later.
Thanks! I will check them out and see if any of them feel useful to me. But a problem I have with existing traditions is that I don't like being told what and how to think or practice. I am capable of creating my own systems and so I don't feel the need to just adopt someone else's. I tend to treat them as experiences and ideas to consider rather than authorities.
*have a relationship
>what you said about tradition
Understood. Incidentally, you could start your own coven. If you want to do that. You’ll need this:
>CovenCraft: The Essential Guide for Covens, Groves, Circles and other Pagan groups
I constantly dream of having hooves and running through the moonlit woods. There's a wreath on my head, stuck onto short pointy goat horns. It probably comes out of my recent obsession with the woods. I hike all the time, mostly barefoot, so probably my brain turns that lil factoid into hooves. I sometimes see women in those dreams, mainly coming down from the moon, kind of descending slowly in the moonlight, wearing white and gold. They seem very friendly, almost charmed by me. Those are really nice dreams. I think I'm doing something right in my life for a change. Everytime I wake up from a dream like that, I feel very good, energetic, hungry for simple foods like meat and potatoes, and I begin planning my next hike. Maybe you're being given a sign also? Are you a hiker? Try going into the woods sometime.
I dreamed I was a mantis-man and I made my own twitter and my followers were in the 10K and rising. I got invited to all these cool parties and dinners and it was awesome. Perhaps a glimpse of my afterlife, I sure hope, because being mantis man was awesome!
I knew what you mean. Thanks for the additional recommendation. I did get Wicca for Beginners: Fundamentals of Philosophy & Practice by Thea Sabin, as it seemed like a good general overview and from there I can see if anything seem interesting to dig further into.

The woods is a similar symbol to the ocean. That the represent the vast possibility and potential of life. But unlike the ocean, in which it's secrets are hidden in it's depths and humans ride on the surface in a conscious/unconscious dynamic. In the forest we are immersed in that unconscious.
Yeah, that's pretty true. Whenever I'm in the woods, I don't feel like I'm a separate living organism travelling through non-living terrain like I do in the city. I feel like I'm a cell travelling through a living body. The smells, the colors, the sounds drive me nuts, make me feel drunk even though I stopped drinking even a little bit some years ago. I get giddy with excitement and sometimes even laugh out loud unless I'm around friends, cuz I don't wanna appear like a schizo. When alone, it's almost like I get to hear a language of sorts, telling or thinking things, even though it's actually the white noice of combined birds, insects, wind, my own footsteps, maybe some flowing water nearby, and such. I feel like every hike is changing me and I welcome that change.
Since we’re talking about an initiatory tradition, would anyone like to give their opinion on what being “initiated into a tradition” means in light of the etymology of the words?

>from initiate
>from a Latin word for induct
>to put in formal possession of (as of a benefice or office)

>from tradere
>meaning to turn over, betray
To me, based on the etymologies, we are betrayed to the gods and handed over to them as their possessions. What about us is being betrayed? I don’t know. Perhaps it is our fragile nature as humans. More likely it’s our egoism and selfishness that get us betrayed and turned over to them.
The gods take possession of us because we, in our selfishness, are revealed as inferior beings to them, and thus deserve to be ruled by our betters. Maybe this way they can do something that works towards civilizing us.
Truly without gods man is nothing.
I know Chaos Magick views the Horned God in a more pantheistic sense, he’s not the divine masculine but he is the collective of all the Life Force on this planet. He’s also the chief archon/ruler of our world. Semi identifiable with Baphomet, Abraxas, Dionysus, Pan, Saturn, and Odin.

Look into stuff like the Clan of Tubal-Cain as well and the archetype of the Witch Father.

From my personal schiz anecdotal evidence I feel as though he’s re-emerging in magical and mainstream consciousness.
>I know Chaos Magick views the Horned God in a more pantheistic sense, he’s not the divine masculine but he is the collective of all the Life Force on this planet
The dream definitely had a masculine vibe.

>From my personal schiz anecdotal evidence I feel as though he’s re-emerging in magical and mainstream consciousness.
Why is that, what else have you been seeing?
OP here, I was talking to my therapist today about the dream. He and I do a lot of dream work together and he said something that really resonated. He said that the interaction between the women and myself reminded him of an 'engine' of sorts.

He was very correct, that is exactly how it felt in the dream. It was like a rhythmic pulsing. Chaos in action but chaos guided and balanced as to be maintainable, right on the edge of the razor of chaos and order and the whole thing radiated immense power as a result.

I mediated on the scene today and almost could feel it again. The images I saved and printed helped keep the feelings fresh. I also ordered a copy of "Witchcraft, Magic & Alchemy" by Frillot De Givry, which arrived today and I have been reading. Still waiting on and very excited for "The God of the Witches" to arrive.
it's about the horrible prayers women have for a partner.
I had contact with a Horned Deity looking like Baphomet while tripping quite awhile ago, specifically had the realization that he’s the God of Ecstasy (ie any altered state of mind induced by meditation, ritual, magick, entheogens, etc), ever since then I’ve been noticing him in media and occult circles more and more, though that may be unconscious confirmation bias.
>talking to "professionals"
Agreed. Don’t talk to shrinks.
That makes sense, wasn't Baphomet the god of Magic or something for the Templars? I vaguely recall something like that from a book I read once.

I do find it interesting though that he appears in the near-east in essentially the same configuration, but as a representation of unified self. A god which transcends duality.
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So "The God of the Witches" arrived today and it says referring to the earliest know depiction of the Horned God that:
>"The horned man is drawn on the upper wall of the cave, below and around him are the representations of animals...the man is dominant and that he is in the act of performing some ceremony in which the animals are concerned. The ceremony appears to consist of a dance..."
Which I am amazed by the nearly exact nature by which this matches my dream except the animals have now been replaced by women. I guess until this moment it hadn't really occurred to me how powerful this connection is, to have basically the same exact vision presented to me in a dream that was given almost exactly to Paleolithic man. This has moved from a mere occult dream to something else entirely.
a little further down the page it says that;
>Though the stag-man is the most important of the horned figures...there exists many smaller drawings of masked and horned men...these figures are usually presented with the horns of a GOAT or chamois

To me this supports your idea of me as a high priest, while the Horned God has the antlers of a stag, could the smaller goat-horned figures be his earthly priests?
>To me this supports your idea of me as a high priest, while the Horned God has the antlers of a stag, could the smaller goat-horned figures be his earthly priests?
Sure that sounds entirely plausible.
OP instead of waiting for some of these books to arrive, why not start reading them the archive?
I had a dream where a black dog with some pale markings on his chest and stomach transformed into an upright figure that eventually obtained the goat head and dubbed himself as Baphomet. He spoke in a kind, friendly manner, reminiscing about how well I've managed to treat him and the many hours we talked. He stepped forward and I reciprocated, our bodies pressed together. We proceeded to have sex, with me as a penetrator in his goatman form(he "organically changed" his penis into vagina for that), and with me as the penetrated in his dog form.

Don't know if it could be claimed that it was actually Baphomet or not, but I do remember several times I had a dream about a completely black, featureless dogs in the past that were all rather kind and friendly.
>in bed about to jack off
>notice my dick is like a foot long
>wait a minute, that's not right
>realize I'm dreaming and become lucid
Lol, that was an amusing way to achieve lucidity.
I hade a dream the UFO’s invaded and then outside my house were little baby goats that were cute af, but I knew not to open the door, then it turned into a kitten, and I still didn’t open the door.
are you aware of goyas work? most of his most famous paitings were cut from the walls of his house when he began to go mad and become a shut in. they were name "the black paintings"
Why are random people bumping my thread?

>are you aware of goyas work?
Just the one I posted in my OP

>most of his most famous paitings were cut from the walls of his house when he began to go mad and become a shut in. they were name "the black paintings"
unfathomably based.
That's not a bad story. I don't believe it but I will remember it in case it turns out to be true. It makes a lot of sense. The Egyptians definitely experienced something like this. They killed a bunch of human-animal hybrids but it's unclear why or why they were there to begin with.
>Why are random people bumping my thread?
Cuz iz gud.
>Why are random people bumping my thread?
Because I want a thread to discuss dreams/lucid dreams.
Lustings cause mots. Never fineways. Always best friend private. Very tiny chance online. Abusive degeneracy pathing. Downfolding escalational intrest emotionism. Violent marous turning pointing. Alcohol crying and pimping. Somewhat unviolent suicide.
Retarded schizo word salad.
Ever since ive stopped smoking weed ive had extremely vivid dreams whereas before I didnt have any dreams at all

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