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Welcome to Divination General!
Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
https://pastebin.com/2Wp1Q074 (embed)
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
https://i.imgur.com/mxpu4MF.png (embed)
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:
•Hijinks' revised divination guide:
https://pastebin.com/Gv10KZUA (embed)
•A compiled Rider Waite card explanation

>Useful tips before posting:
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped. We do our best to maintain chill and good vibes.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.

Previous: >>38230247

Is she going out with t(m) tonight?
This one just sounds creepy anon.
It is my girlfriend who I suspect might be going out with another guy tonight

Are there any girls thinking about me?
Is there a discord for div or should I even bother?
One card?
There is a /div/ discord one called /div/sels which
I don't have invite capability for.
Q? Mine >>38234339
There is a /div/ discord.
There is a /div/ discord.

What was the dream I had about or why did I have it? My last one. It felt like a nightmare and lasted hours, was it a spiritual or psychic attack? Starting
Two of swords
Ace of wands
King of wands

Your subconscious communicating to you that you may be putting something off or lying to yourself
Not a spiritual attack but you are clearly weighing heavily about something
Perhaps not as deep as you’d think but there is some action or path you’re neglecting and your sub conscious is pretty unhappy about it.
You may be dealing with some type of massive insecurity or doubt and part of this is due to your inability to take action toward things you want or obligations you have.
IE you need to take more control of your choices and your decisions
There is more for you, you may be scared to move forward and take action
But you need to stop thinking negative and get up and change things
4 of pent tower ace of cups 8 of swords rx
She has strict boundaries and keeps to herself and loves you and just is a charismatic individual, nothing to worry about

Did A think we would talk any time soon?
This made me feel better thank you
Think you'd be willing to trade?
Hey anon you willing to trade? Have a q that's been bugging me
Query? Mine is what will the rest of this year be like for me or any advice I should know the most right now?
I wish for friends.
Mine is what does this tower that I keep drawing for my relationship with this girl means gonna happen? And is it avoidable?

Q? Mine is what would be a better outcome for me this year, getting a lawyer and appealing the case or getting a job?
9 of pent star 6 of swords rx death rx
4 of pent rx emperor rx

Singleness, distance, isolation, things not progressing and things not evolving or changing. The 9 of pent and star both are people on their own, one far away in space, working on individual pursuits, both working on individual pursuits. Communication ceasing or progress ceasing and maybe things that need to die and evolve don’t, or maybe they do only internally. These cards say it’s not avoidable, but of course can be if you try to will it and manifest it to change, problem being emperor reversed, loss of finances maybe, loss of personal power and control and disorganization. You gotta foster more inner authority in yourself and your life and take more control over investments and finances. Maybe things might go south because someone neglects their finances and their life and needs to then rebuild on their own
Do I have a chance with the radiant HB?
Why wasn't he able to finish with me?
Was it me?
>Moon, magician, ace of wands

Sometimes you don't need to know all the pieces of the puzzle before getting out and doing what you want or need. You might often over analyze situations that prevent you from any action being taken which keeps you stagnant and stuck in the long run. Sometimes it's best to take the dive with blind faith and know everything will be ok in the long run.

Just gave some general advice from the cards
I want to not be afraid of my own power and being powerful and have the discernment to use it correctly and effectively and righteously, thank you.
Nigga chill out
Any advice for my life.
Good evening, Oracle.
Aw thanks man. I keep shooting myself in the foot from fear, I have ptsd, to the point my subconscious is attacking me knowing damn well I am capable of a lot of great things and the clock is ticking and I’ve already been through the worse
Thanks anon, so just a gradual fade away from being stagnat?

Will A come around to me, or should I look elsewhere in love? Much gratitude!
Three of swords, chariot reversed, justice
It seems like you are bottling up your emotions and trying hard to push ahead with your life. This is hindering you. You need to spend time grieving the bad things and give yourself a break so you can collect yourself. Take time to reevaluate your goals and heal. Then you can move forward quicker on a more suitable path.
Yea of course man, sorry to hear that. Glad my read could give some insight.

Any advice on what i should do?
Hey oracle do you trade by any Chance?
shame, possible girlfriend
How's my money outlook for the rest of this year?
Thank you

I’m wondering about my near future with my current company. Should I go back to my old one? Also, is there any foresight on a near future relationship?
Should I report him for dealing drugs?
what kind of drugs?
What was the meaning of the dream I had? it felt important

I've been going through a lot of personal changes and growth the past couple weeks and I've been making a lot of radical changes in my life as a result. I would like a read about my short term future.
>8 of pents, 3 of cups, ten of cups
wrow, it looks good to me! i get the impression that you ought to stay the course in working hard, maybe find similar minded people to contunue alongside or help you along if it's say, a gym regimen, and you'll continue or begin to feel very good about it all. the work you're doing is beneficial and can only be better with more :) hope that resonates, it sounds promising
>t. noob reader
Should I give up?
>wrow, it looks good to me! i get the impression that you ought to stay the course in working hard
Thanks! It is not a gym-routine, but I will eventually get around to that. I've been doing a lot of spiritual and mental work and it's lead to me realizing that I've been in a prison of my own design. I feel alive again as I break with my old life and start making changes.

>maybe find similar minded people to continue alongside or help you along
I desperately need community, you are right about that. I just don't know how/where. But I will find a way.
just due to the cups in the draw, i think finding community is going to be imperative for you in terms of continued growth and happiness gained from your endeavours. best of luck, anon!
Why am I breaking out so bad?
What did he think about that night ?
>out so BAD
Why have I been feeling so good today? Is it an omen of better things to come or just a good time, however short it might be? pls no occult demonic shit and no entities
Hello, I’ll do about three readings. Please provide relevant genders for the query. As “payment,” please tell me what you would like to see in a divination-related youtube or social media account that would make you subscribe.

I’m working off a few years of rust on readings, and I might be a bit picky with queries. Please be patient, I have trouble with the captchas on this site.
thanks anon. I will work on it and I appreciate the read!
Will he do one of the things I asked him to?
I would like to see sexy ladies or something that has not been done yet
Anonette who wnated to ask about abstention are you still here?
Sorry i had things to take care of
Male asking about a female.
There is this beautiful and funny classmate. We don't talk much, she's random, quirky, and genuine. I don't know how to approach her...any advice?
I would like simple explanations about every card and their relationship in two or three-card spreads—Newbie stuff. Post your channel.
Thank you anon,
I'm M, person I'm asking about is F

What are the prospects of her un-torching this bridge? Yeah she broke my heart and I'm not throwing her a bone by even attempting to crawl back, she has to do some work, but I do miss her sometimes.
Oops, dropped my channel thoights

Honestly refraining from having music playing while sharing your info if you choose to do a voiceover is #1 for me. The cleaner you can share, the better.
Air Query

How do I deal with the loneliness on my own?
Girls sense it a mile away which sends them running.
What can I do to make G move on and not so focused on Ts life for the sake of our relationship?

Will post
You / Her / Union: KnP / 2W rev / 4W
In Favor / Against: Justice rev / PoC
Required of each: PoP / Magician rev
Potential Outcomes: 3P rev / 10 S rev

I audibly said “the fuck?” when I pulled the 4W, but I think I understand this. I can see that both of you have a potential serious union, but there are some things in the way. You seem to have good financial prospects in the future (to be clear, they are in progress, and they can take some time), and that can be appealing to her if she sees it. However, she is wishy-washy and does not seem to have clear plans for the future. She might talk about things he’d like to do, but she does not seem to have any clear plans for execution. More than just her lack of commitment to any clear goals, she seems prone to be drawn away by exciting things. Yeah, I’m getting the feeling she is the type of person who can get very excited about something and say she’s all about it, but then make no moves and quickly get excited by something else. In this particular spread, it seems straightforward that she will be drawn by some outside exciting thing (Magician rev) that will take away her attention.

As far as what to do? Well, you would need to endear her and get her emotionally interested (PoC), but this will reasonably feel like you’re putting up with something unfair (Justice rev), and you would need to take it. Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to have a good outcome either way. If you support her in her new exciting interest, she will go off and dedicate herself to that thing, and you will become something of a sideline observer. If you don’t act, it seems like you’ll continue to hold on hope way past where you reasonably should. It’s a bizarre spread, because it basically says that, if your circumstances were different, you’d have potential. But circumstances are what they are, unfortunately.

>Post your channel.
I haven’t made one yet, doing some research for a future channel.
Lol sexy ladies is the cheat code for making money with anything, and divination is no exception. I’m honestly not feeling the query, so I’ll pass. Good luck to you.

I read for money for several years, but I stopped when I got a job that gave me plenty of overtime. I honestly don’t enjoy doing readings, but it’s a profitable trade of time vs money, so I’m looking to get back into it. That’s why I’m working off my rust for now.

>Just market your work to the dumb and desperate.
The average client is a single and lonely woman in her 30s/40s who is asking about some dude she met, or else wants to know when she’ll meet her “soulmate.” It’s very depressing and tricky to figure out gentle ways to tell them that their life choices are the reason they’re alone, and that they’re exceedingly delusional. Honestly, it’s like therapy + cards. Like I said, it’s unpleasant. But it can pay a few bills.
Will I see j again?
Im female j is male
I like youtube readings that are straight to the point
what impression am i making to the higher ups at my job?
i’m an intern, and a (f)

i’d rly like it if readers inputted more allegorical, religious, and historical context to reading the symbolism of the cards. having a concept such as a “page” is pretty foreign to the avg divtard, so itd be cool if u could add some more context like that
Anon! Thank you for your detailed reading, it's a lot more than I was hoping for.
I don't know her very much but I feel that you described her perfectly in the first paragraph.
In the second one, you described one of my core traits: Holding to hope for a long time.
It seems that we don't have a future, but we nearly know each other...maybe things will change. Will see.
Thank you for your time and reading, I wish you grow on your channel!
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You / Her / Union: Emperor / 7W rev / 8P rev
Required / Likely: 2C rev / 9S
Outcome: 2W

Anon, I know you think she’s really special, but she’s not. This seems like standard tired advice any older man would give you, and this is kind of that too, but with cards. You are in the position of relative power: Emperor. I’m not going to do a separate spread to confirm it, but it seems to suggest that you’re actually stronger and more capable and in a better position overall without her. You are set to do cool things now. She is ostensibly doing well, but she’s not doing as well as she seems. She actually seems like she is having a hard time managing her responsibilities and obligations. The 8P rev shows that neither of you are putting forth any effort for each other now. Good. What would be required for her to “untorch” is for her to lose the other male attention she’s getting. Interestingly, it seems she will either suffer a bad relationship or else get dumped but be too stubborn/proud to hit you up. Good, you don’t need that in your life.

I pulled an extra card for you in the end, because it felt incomplete. 2W is a phenomenal outcome card for you, but it needs to be understood in context. In a relationship reading, it’s tempting to see this as you coming up with some brilliant idea that will help you get her back. But, we have to balance this against 8P for union and Emperor for your significator. Remember how I said that you are in a better position without her? This confirms it, because you will use this time of solitude to focus on your own goals. It will be good for you to have her toxic presence out of your life.

Oh right, there is a slight chance she might try to reach out to you in the near future. Whatever you do, don’t fall for it. Trust me, don’t fall for it.
I'm male. Should I send that e-mail that I'm contemplating? And, if you have time, a second question; will I move the house?
I’m female and looking for a general reading. For posting your readings, I feel like Tiktok would be a good place. You get views real quick.
Fuuug... Deep down I know you're right, the stress immediately evaporated from my life after she threw a fit and told me to fuck off instead of talking like an adult, but damn if it doesn't still hurt sometimes. Okay, I'll keep busy and ignore any bullshit. Thanks a mill, anon! It all landed very well to boot, down to how she found a boyfriend after blowing it all up. Crazy shit
Does J still think of me?
Should I give up on d?
You / Them: 9P / 7W
Initial / Considered Opinion: PoS / World Rev
Future: 5W

First of all, it seems like you are actually doing a decent job and doing what you’re supposed to. You have a decent head on your shoulders and a good sense of responsibility. Honestly, you seem like a good employee. They initially see you as clever and full of ideas. They may have been impressed either by your educational background, or else by a specific project you did. It has the sort of resonance of a good paper or project you participated in. Either that or you were part of some activity that made you stand out. Overall, you just seem like a clever and ambitious young lady with potential.

That’s great, but it’s not what they’re looking for right now. They may be making an effort to hide it, but it seems like the company has some troubles. In particular, it seems like they’re having trouble meeting financial obligations, or else their numbers just aren’t performing at where they need them to perform. So they see you as a potentially great addition to the team, but you are currently on a team that can’t feasibly handle more additions that aren’t truly game-changers. Right now, they’re looking for a game-changer, not just a good employee. So if you notice them being a bit awkward in how they interact with you, that’s probably why. They like you, but they know you won’t do for them what they need. That’s the World rev: you are not a game-changer. In a sense, they might have some glimmer of hope that you might, but it seems that they’ll abandon this idea. I drew the 5W rev after, and it felt a bit odd. But I think it’s more like overkill than anything else.

>having a concept such as a “page” is pretty foreign to the avg divtard
The court cards were actually challenging for everyone I’ve taught or mentored in tarot, but I figured out that it makes more sense to connect it to tangible things than to get esoteric about it. If there’s interest, I can type out my explanation.
I seek a mentor for guidance on the mysteries. Where will I find them?
I want to trade about my mental health
I saw earphones falling in a room that was not well lit but not too dark. It happened while i was already looking away. But i somehow imagined a roach looking at me and jumping down instead of the earphone bud... I know it may be my head filling up teh next scene with imagination since i was already looking away. But
Am i going crazy?
I already keep hearing roach this roach that in my sleep. So there's thst too.
If you want to take this up, send your Q
I’m not fond of yes/no, and the deck I calibrated for it hasn’t been used in years, so I’ll pass. Best of luck to you.

It’s a weird one, like it’s a good match, but things aren’t lined up. You’ll find situations like this in your life. Several years ago, I didn’t pull the trigger on a very high-quality woman and couldn’t understand why I didn’t. With present knowledge, I see that it would have never worked out. My intuition apparently saved me a lot of time and money. Careful not to get attached to dead ends.

Thank you for confirming that she got a boyfriend after. I wanted to state a breakup directly from the 2C rev (literally direct interpretation), but I backed down a bit and called it male attention. I had this issue during my first year or two of readings, lacking that conviction of intuition. Again, thanks for the feedback.


All done for today, good luck to you.
Who is D?
Love interest
How does he feel about our seperation?
wtf is this thread name
*Chef's kiss*
Why are you wanting to give up on them?
I don't think they will date me
have you tried asking them out?
Are you a guy or a girl?
We had a fling and it ended awkwardly

9 of pentacles - three of cups - princess of swords

Keep your options open, stud. Keep talking to D though. Takes some time for love to grow

is there interest in me from her?
Thanks bro
Do you think she'll come back on her own or will I have to persuade her?
Is my intuition broken?
Just don't be creepy about it
Thirst traps won't work?
Is it really over?
Is K(male) a pedo?
It's joever
Who's joe
Joe mama
Will g come back?

Is S a virgin?
So I'm sick rn and am not sure how accurate this is but I saw someone on their back with their head tilted back slight off to the side and mouth slightly open. Seemed like extascy to me.
Will we get sexy again?
Why did that guy ask me out then change his mind?
the person you saw, were they male or female?
Seemed feminine

How is as feeling about the way things are now?
what will happen after i did
Are you schizo?
Skin and hair color? Physique?
My scrying is not that detailed. I scry on the back of my eyelid.
>doesn't yet know how to superimpose the image on top of their vision
How do you people even live?
Can I ask you a query?
In faith anon I am a heathen.
Sure but no promises I am very sick and just took nighttime cold meds.
Should I say something?
I meant filth.
Only reason I asked is because the person I was thinking of is a guy with long hair but was curious if you were connecting with someone else I know unintentionally.
What kind of thoughts does he has about me?
Pisces female asking about libra man
Will I be with g again?
G is a man my ex im a woman
Ah, it was long hair. I see in glows buy I feel the hair was black.
I see a one at first but then a gallow and then going down a tunnel that Is like a mine tunnel with wooden supports.
What's a gallow?
I should add I felt fear with the tunnel. It is not a pleasant tunnel. But it started out with curiousity.
Was he the one?
The one became the gallow.
That's not good :(
Thanks for the reading
Ahh that's so creepy
Nobody I know has black hair, maybe dark brown?
Air query
Is Ashanty going to talk to me in a romantic way again?
I'll give you feedback:)
Will the homie try to come back?
>Is Ashanty going to talk to me in a romantic way again?

The King brings order to the realm. Others feel safe and calm in his presence.
The King of Cups symbolizes the bestowing of blessings that serve like a refuge for your heart -- a lap of stability and support. A powerful, quiet presence brings a reassuring sense of order and peace to the situation.

The King energy makes it easier to feel optimistic, to have faith in reliable support and to express your feelings with confidence. The King of Cups is the archetype of the strong, kind, and loving father figure. This is a powerful energy that you can call up from within yourself and depend on.

Your situation is changing. The future seems uncertain. Take heart, practice at being patient, and wait out the process.
The immediate future seems uncertain, so who can fault you for feeling a bit overwhelmed or confused. Do not take it personally -- a force may be present that is beyond your power to manipulate. Think of this energy as the great washing machine of life. If you put up with the churning, the rinse cycle and the final tumble, then everything will be resolved when it's over.

Still, it is a challenge to keep your composure. The part of you that prefers control feels helpless. What an uncomfortable feeling, not knowing when or where the wheel is going to stop. Wait and watch, and as you do, try to absorb and understand the process

With the Five of Cups maximize what is left after loss. The receiver of this card received copious potential in the five cups shown, but three of them have been upended and their contents spilled into the earth. Whether it was carelessness or destiny that spilled these cups isn't ultimately important.

What matters now is that the two full cups be tended and utilized as intelligently as possible. You have this opportunity to make the best of what is left to you after a tumultuous upset. If you sink into depression about what is lost, you are going to get nowhere.

Was H punishing me today?
Define heathen.
Will josee message me again?
Ah yes chat gpt reading
The Empress
On this day you will not achieve success from technology. Don't get involved with people or projects that are emotionally cold and distant. Look for those that are open and warm. The Empress rules her domain to advance her own wealth and only cares about what she can get from you.
From the booklet. Don't be ungrateful.
Just black?
Hi guys, can anyone give me a reading? Super simple I promise.
Will he at least get a trim?
thank you. interesting read. Had a lot of technology hangups today and I felt like I kept forgetting things or getting redirected.
is it even ethical to do reads here when anons post sexual and racial slurs?
Of course, glad I could help you.
You have to poor clean water to wipe up the muck, no?
Anyone want to read for me?
Will we be a couple?
Me please.

Does he want B to get a new car?
Me please
What's next for d and myself?
Did he get the hint I dropped recently?
Okay starting
What are some tarot decks that don't rely on christian/jewish symbolism?
The moon
5 of wands
The sun
8 of swords
Back of the deck 5 of swords

Yes he got the hint but what you're trying to accomplish is going to take a lot of work on your part. Make sure it's what you really want and it's not just something ego based.
Seven of Swords, Seven of Cups, King of Wands

Seven of Swords: You're a disciplined winner, and you've prepared for this. You may not view yourself as a winner or even really disciplined, but you most assumingly are.

With this being said, the next card is the Seven of Cups, be sensible. You have to know yourself well enough to be able to determine which of all the delights spread before you is truly for you and you alone. Take care not to be greedy in this situation. Sharpen your powers of discrimination, use your intuition, and follow your heart.

King of Wands, if you see the need for a new way of doing things, then you will have to inspire others in that direction without setting off their anti-authority alarms. It's less important, however, to care about image than to get the job done.

Remained calm and it should be good. It seems like the cards are telling you that you're in for a lot of self reflection and work, and once you get to that point you will lead D to something greater.
Thank you
Is he mad?
What's your query?
how will i do on my interview tmrw?
Okay, mine is if g will do what I asked or something else of equal value.
Do you have more than 1 interview coming up?
7 of cups , 9 of swords, strength
I'm seeing that you will get the job but make sure it's not going to be hindering your health you have more options than you think
the queen of coins, ten of couns, three of wands
Yes. You will be able to receive what you want or what is of equal value. This person seems conservative somehow, so when they extend themselves, you will benefit from tactfully/intuitively making the most out of the opportunities of them doing this for you.
do any of them still think of me?
are you willing to trade again? i am interested in what comes up for other options.
Have a good night and good luck
July gen for me.
What does E think of me?
the magician eight of swords four of wands
It looks like you have a lot of responsibilities from people in your life this month. They are going to demand a lot of you. There is a fine line between the intensive demands that you are required to undergo, and the peace of your personal wellbeing and boundaries. You need to draw this line while also essentially pulling all of this energy for them out of thin air (which you can do)
You’re basically carrying a heavy load for people/someone, but you have to protect your peace at the same time.
Who's this queen of wands ill be speaking with in July?
Maybe romance maybe not idk
Will J come on Friday to meet me?
>page of swords
>3 of pentacles rev
>9 of cups
Seems they think you like to talk, you're open about your opinions and don't mind sharing your mind, even when silence is preferable. This makes you difficult to get along with in Es eyes, maybe you don't mind openly disagreeing with E or others. It's like you enjoy arguing or smth. They think you don't mind that tho, you're satisfied by being true to yourself and while they see the drawbacks of such behaviour I think E has some respect for you due to this.
Advice about how to handle things with G?
two of swords king of swords the hanged man
this doesnt look super romantic to me. it looks like you are essentially held in a stalemate in some respect by this person. This person is in some kind of authority position, and you should avoid making any reactive decisions or moves in regards to them until you get to know them better.
Be courageous and don't let your own illusions play with you. Know what you want with them and how best to aproach them. If this is romance then be open about your feelings and desires, do not hold back. Don't let your inner doubts drag you away, they seem inclined to reciprocate whatever it is you wish out of them so be sure to let them know

Male. Wondering if I blew it with the new girl at work already.
What will the next 6 months be like for me? Or will the court believe that the car hitting me gave me a TBI this year? you?
will the universe help me achieve my goal with her? starting on confirm
knight of wands rx sun ace of pent knight of cups rx

The opportunity will be given for you and success can be achieved but you will have to do the heavy lifting in the diplomacy/emotions/romance/establishing comfortable emotional environment/being optimistic/whimsical/enforcing positive feelings and communication ect ect ect.... also you need to slow down your actions...this needs to take time, the universe will help with time.
>will the court believe that the car hitting me gave me a TBI this year?
4 of cups
4 of swords
the evidence is just not enough or not presented. You'll have to make another claim and look if you can provide the necessary documents to prove it gave you TBI. It'll be a lengthy process.

I don't have much time
wanna trade again?

How do I find the path that I am supposed to follow?
what would be a better outcome, appealing the case or moving on? you?
Should I exercise while I am fasting?
4 of pent rx, sun rx, 7 of wands 9 of cups rx

resist doing so, physical loss, and running on empty, going to stress your body out too much, results will not be satisfying
crown, summer R, sword R
>moving on
winter, lion, cup R
It seems like appealing it will be best for you however I would make sure im able to keep my cool and not flip shit or make yourself appear batshit insane in front of a judge. you can tell you're a woman too by the looks of things
so either come across completely insane, or be normal? thanks, its true im woman
yeah you'll lose your shit in court and trying to explain things to officials. like you'll see whoever you're against and start berating them. ignoring and moving on will keep you in a butthurt phase.

if you do move on just let the universe do its thing. karma works you know.
i hate the legal system so much. thank you
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Am I on the right path to achieve the goals/dreams I have been focusing on and affirming in my mind?
what will the next 5 months / rest of this year going to be like for me ? any events stand out ? You ?
what type of men do I attract? you?
would I be able to fast for 40 days if I tried it, assuming Im also drinking water with salt and minerals?
10 of cups rx judgement rx 7 wands rx

Nah, you'd give up and decide you've made a mistake and it is not worth it lol
My love life is about to go crazy and I need advice! Halp
universe, sword R, cottage
men from your past, old flames or people you once knew. also liars, people who are dishonest, and people who like to chill and lay back, under achievers
they say you attract what you are so fix that if you want to attract other ppl
how horrible, I wish they would disappear from existence. ive been struggling with guys from the past hurting me and coming back over and over and over with different numbers no matter how much I block them or go to the police about it. thank you for this insight
How can I turn my life around or any relevant advice on that? You?
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Why do I feel such a connection to Joe? He was an online friend that dumped me unprompted yet I’ve attempted to get in touch with him multiple times as opposed to everyone else.
Will I get to meet him in person on Friday?
Next month general.

What kind of advice
Queen of Pents, Queen of Wands RX, King Of Swords
Although I can’t make any promises that it won’t be stressful, This next month certainly looks like it’s going to be productive. There might be some necessary things to get done to help “get your life in order“. But again, no promises about stress level in fact it looks uite the opposite. Youll need to rely on detaching from your emotions, keeping logic at front and center, and just plain old common sense.
Ace of Pentacles, 5 of Swords Rx, King of Cups Rx, Death Rx, 10 of Swords, King of Wands.

As it's very clear and you know it, Joe left a mark on your and you refuse to accept the end of things. I don't know if that comes out of low self esteem or what, but you believed that being around Joe was a great thing and he had a lot to offer/ exchange with you.
You know that he has dumped you, but you still believe that deep down he wold be down to talk to you again or that you could somehow salvage things should he give you a shot to do so. Something about the end of things make you refuse to accept the end of things and the current dynamics of the situation. You feel bad about things but you still see Joe as a big brother or someone you would like to have near you and that's making you deny things a bit.
Just drop that pre-made image that you have of Joe and how great things could have been.
Thank you, Anon. This definitely resonates.
AQ what is R scared of?
u here? my main questions are what is his purpose for coming and what should I do?
do u have a Q?
I am this >>38237728
will you trade with me? what is your q?
How do I get G to back off from T and respect my boundaries.

will I have to work this saturday?
starting once you confirm
Confirming. I will post after you though fyi
nvm, I dont tradecuck but Im also not going to cuck myself
>5 of wands, 3 of cups, the fool. Since you don't wanna post first here's you're spread. Do your own interpretation.

It's funny how quick people refuse to post first and expect to always go last.
Yes I will you still there?>>38237825
This is mine
alright fair enough ill do the same then
sword + universe both reversed
July romance gen?
This is mine. Will post after you just a heads up
Its this one. No one's read for it so far for whatever reason. I'll post after you after I do a prayer since this is occult
>ace of cups
>5 of wands
>7 of wands rev, clarified by 5 of wands rev
Well you kinda know what you need to do. Though the deck is legit stacked against you. You will likely confront G about them pushing your boundries, this is likely to lead to a confrontation, a rivalry at best and a fight at worst. This isn't a fight you can win judging by these cards. G could even have others turned against you, overwhelming you in the process. Again, not a fight you can win, not out in the open anyway. You might have to beat them to the chase or use underhanded methods as the 5 of wands reversed as the clarification for 7 of wands rev appeared, meaning the best way to win is not by direct confrontation, cards legit say to not stir shit with G.
Ehhh, well this fucking sucks. Idk who G is and what your deal with T is either, if this is some love triangle, a deal gone wrong or smth but you would be wise to evade this G person altogether, to cut them off ASAP as they seem dangerous and unpredictable. Stay we'll away from them.
Posted your read here >>38238019
Awaiting a response to my Q here>>38237926
>Queen of wands, fool, queen of cups, 4 of cups.

Eh I don't think it has the want to make you sterile, if anything it would use you for other reasons but you will get what you want out of the relationship, maybe not as soon as you would like but the blessing will come your way. Id say work with them but take your precautions that come with working around dark powers and forces and you will be be ok.

Yep sounds about right, it kinda is a love triangle and he is an ex that refuses to move on and exercises control over her life and puts pressure on all of her other relationships kinda is a dick and doesn't respect boundaries. I could beat him in a physical fight but he has a larger friend group and more control over her social life then me.

I also always get tower in the outcome with her even though we have a history. I think he's gonna be the cause of whatever the tower is.
Wait what was your q again?
Sterile? What? I wanted a July love gen?
Yea that was for other anon sorry. Didn't know you were still here. Starting yours
hmm. taken together, it seems they've got the feeling that they need to avoid anything that could result in hardship. perhaps they're going through a rough patch and their gut is saying to avoid anything that could exacerbate it or add on more bs, or they've had poor experiences similar to this before
and intuition is pinging whatever this situation is as something to walk away from. hope that's something, anon
>t. noob reader
oh whoops, neglected to actually add the cards lol
>five of wands rev., the high priestess, wheel of fortune rev.
>2 of wands, devil, king of pentacles

Well you are definitely trying and looking. I do have a feeling you're likely to find a fling and at least someone who is impressed by your status and what you have going on for yourself. It will likely be a very casual relationship though based around physical needs and sex. Friends with benefits.

Think you can give me some clarification on that tower? I get it Everytime I end up asking about T
Sure, I'll clarify.
Can I ask who this girl is? Appearance/how I know her etc?
Hi friendly reader. May I trouble you for a question please?
I'd just like to know what's on it's way towards me soon... My life is dull
I'll see what I can do.

Post a picture of a penguin and I'll read for u
>Death rev, Page of swords
>king of cups, Judgement
>7 of wands, chariot rev
Huh, one messege I'm seeing is your aproach on the matter I think. Again cards reinforce my previous read that winning against G and his friend group over T is not something that can be done directly, too many wands would come your way. This guy is clearly refusing to move on and will continue to pester both you and T. It's like his thoughts are entirely occupied on his desire to refuse to move on and he dedicates a great deal of energy to prevent this outcome. You're the king of cups in this spread and have the unique position of being the voice of reason. I think the tower is very much this confrontation and how awry it'll go for you. Yet if you keep emotions at bay and use your wisdom and better judgement you could make T somehow remove G from their circle or withstand Gs constant barrages and turn her more towards doing the right thing here, for both your sakes.
How will they meet her?

>10 of pents, 5 of swords, emperor, magician

Well id say it probably somebody you've met or known when you were younger that you moved away from as you got older. They're likely to come into your life through means of work or their own will. Connecting it to the other read I wouldn't be surprised if they see you on social media or something and reach out to you being friendly (even though they just wanna fuck)

I can't really interpret what they'd look like.
>2 of cups rev., the world rev., page of swords
uh oh! seems kind of rough, but with a silver lining. seems to me that you're going to stay stagnant in some ways despite your wanting for something exciting to happen. put in the work, man. put yourself out there, prop yourself up, and try whatever idea/thought/project you might be sitting on but waiting for some external go ahead to proceed with. it's a bit of a "you gotta make your own fun or you'll stay unhappy and lonesome" read to me. hopefully i'm off though, i know it's a bad place to be in, but the upside is it's always beneficial to move along, even if it's hard.
Yea I get judgement alot as well in this spread. Also this is the 3rd time someone drew me as king of cups pertaining to where i fit in this. Also 7 of wands and 5 of wands are a constant theme I. This relationship problem along with death rx as well. It's just hard to navigate and I'm not sure what to do to make it work with me and her.

So basically just be patient and not let my emotions get the best of me?
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music shufflemancy
no queries
day 3 of asking for intuition reader to please come back
I'm male
lay it on me
Female :)
Yes, stay patient and keep a steady heart beat. I'm not saying not to do anything, just don't be brash. I understand the frustration but you can do a he'll of a lot more if you provide guidance for T than by fighting G I think. You have emotional power here that could alow you to take a preferable course for you even if it takes longer.

As to my read, I have some suspicions as to who this could be but I'd be willing to trade you more if u wish
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Maaaan life is always doing this to me :) I am used to my boring life... It sucks but eh. Thank you for my read!
I also hope this doesn't mean I will fall out with someone with that 2 of cups reversed x_x
For sure man, yea I can trade again.

How should I act when he is brought up and how to I navigate what I should do for this too work?

Meee please
I didn't read for you but thanks for the penguin. I'll give you a gen later
Is this person A, S, I, or somebody else?
i chose to interpret it as self-sabotage rather than a full-on loss. i don't know your situation, but with the world rev., it feels like a self-fulfilling prophecy in not exactly having harmonious relationships or excitement socially if you aren't moving forward yourself if that makes any sense? reach out, talk to people, don't wait for life to happen to you. you gotta get out there, you know? it very well could be something that dramatic but i try to avoid being fatalistic, especially since you do have agency
This was for you anon. I tagged the wrong person
>queen of wands, Ace of cupe
>temperence, wheel
>9 of wands, high preistess
I like this spread. Again this speaks of keeping a cool interior and biding your time. Your focus in the case G is brought up is T. T will need your support, be brave in front of her, make her feel loved and adored by you, make her feel special and make sure she is able to stay strong and confident beside you when dealing with G. Be her emotional bedrock as she will need you here.

Biding your time and being patient will offer a good outcome for you, something will change in your favour as time goes on and you likely will not even know what and why, your input here isn't required nor will it be something you have control over but fate is on your side provided you do the sensible thing.

The last two cards speak of outlasting the storm, build strong defense against G for you and T. Think of it as waiting in a trench during an artillery barrage. Eventually your opponent will run out of shells to hurl at you, it is then, when they have ran out of ammunition and are rather defenseless that you can emerge from hiding and make your moves
>7 of cups
Someone else?
>Queen of cups

Well I think is A is the person who the hook up read was taking about but later on in life after this hookup falls through you'll find someone who you actually have feelings for and a connection to start building a life with.

Well yea those cards look like they're in my favor. Just be patient and and supportive and it'll be good huh? I'll do my best.

The cards seem to insinuate that'll work in my favor whatever i do.

Thanks anon hopefully my reads helped as well
Are you the same anon?
Thank you fren. Penguins are awesome
I wasn't the one who read for you. I was gonna do a draw after u posted the penguin but someone else got to you before u posted the pic
no, that isn't me
How did F felt after seeing me after all this year's?

I'm a male and 26
Ok let’s go
AQ I guess. I was on my way to work and found a Joker playing card in the grass and took it. Does this mean anything besides someone can't keep a hold of their playing cards lol
How do I find an Eva Green jew gf?
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for you it’s an omen
go somewhere new after work today
Uh oh. Should I just stop somewhere for dinner instead of cooking and then go home? :(
Alright, cool, can do. Thanks man
no extra info like genders needed today
querent's time stamp included







fuck you
>fuck you
That's just rude
Cute, thanks for the song
I just dont understand, are you Jewish or is this a fetish?
That wasn't me. Don't get why bro went so hard lol
Odds and I will cum in her pussy
you're welcome anon

what is your ethnicity?
damn, harsh but it is relevant to oast events. thanks man
Will I get a green card marriage, preferrable a gay chubby Australian gf?
Who is S? An alien?
Martin or something idk
Who is Martin ?
I'm pretty fucking white. A little bit from all over Europe.
How do I better protect myself from spiritual parasites?
what aspects of Judaism do you appreciate?
Would she enjoy wild sex with me?
I can't speak to that. There's just a very specific type of jew girl that gives me a funny feeling in my chest every time I see one. The way they look, the way they carry themselves, the way they dress, the lives they seem to lead(at least from my outside perspective), the way I've seen some of them interact with their kids. They're nearly all I could ask for in a woman.
Odds and she will suck off my penis
Odds and I will fill her up like a jelly donut
Odds and I will put her in a pretzel
Odds and you'll all go fuck yourselves
Got you? Sorry
Good Prince song and the lyrics are sexual. But I’m not a sexual person? Lol. Can you explain your intuition behind this?
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when they take from you take from them
AQ, are my creative endeavours going to go anywhere or should i leave it on the shelf for a while longer? it's not work related, just online autist stuff
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how can they go anywhere on the shelf
don’t bind yourself up
let your creativity flow
see the ace of cups
i had a shit experience and i don't want to try just to get torn up again when i can leave it until i'm more resilient, but i see your point. ty, coffin
Why can I never get a real read about this?
Cruel bastards lol
I'm self bumping!
Hi, what does she think of me?
q? mine is why is he coming & what should i do?
bro what does my mom think of me? shes looking at me crazy
male 22
Will I get in the PhD program at my local university this year and will I get a scolarship?
What does she think of me? Starting
I go out, but not exactly in social environments. And yes, I take care of myself.
I apologize. you explained this very genuinely.

sorry, I put the time stamp wrong, your lyrics would be
>But it was Saturday night, I guess that makes it all right. And you say, "What have I got to lose?"
if that reminds you of anything
randomized shuffle decides not me lol
Oh, I am too nice
thank you
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Moon, III of Wands, II of Cups

He is coming because he likes you and feels some connection with you. He would like to work together with you and make things work. Besides, he suffers from mental stress and likely has mental healths issues and delusions. What you can do? Approach him and have a constructive talk or show him his boundaries and flip him off.
The cards dont say anything about flipping him off you fucking scumbag
Aw that sounds like me thanks
Where’s my read?

Is H trying to get B to get a new car?
Where’s my read?
Hey coffin head. I have a very confusing read from you I still can't make sense from. Is there any chance you could elaborate on it? I could trade.
let's hear it
ahh Sorry I got a work call >-<

six of cups, king of wands rx, knight of pentacles -

you make him feel nostalgic, maybe remind him of his childhood. You may be a bit too bossy and controling for him tho! You definetly are the steady choice for him. he knows you are the stady choice.

Bottom of the deck Ace of wands - new passions, bew beginings
what is it you want to know
I was asking about a woman though?
The question had been who had cast a spell on me and for what reason but I don't understand your response that is in that image.
Ah sorry I assumed but nothing in the reading is gender specific I just wrote it so
by that I mean my reading whould be
you make her feel nostalgic, maybe remind her of your childhood. You may be a bit too bossy and controling for her tho! You definetly are the steady choice for her. she knows you are the stady choice.

Bottom of the deck Ace of wands - new passions, bew beginings
Air Query

Will I have kids?
Thank you.
did my mom lose her job

What will the outcome be between me and N?
Well, I hope my gf would be happy regardless of her being a lesbian. At last...
yes i remember
he did for control
I have a q if you got the time:

How may I resolve my current situation? Why have I been punished and what is the key that will help me thrive again?
new thread when
When you stop touching yourself at night
Thank you. Where there any clues on who he is?
hey guys got a kind of lengthy query for
Paleo-user response.
Will he cut his hair?
I touch myself at day too
Trading no occult
What did he think about the road head?
What's my archetype if our society were some old medieval type or hunter gatherer type

Was it a mistake to give up that apartment
Fuckin' gotem
He nailed his hand like Jesus christ.
Air query
Will Karla talk to me again?
AQ M28

I feel my focus shifting. Am i on the right path?
Career/finance general?
How can I make him mine?
Sure,love gen for the rest of the year?
Why do I bother trying to cheer people up still?
God I wish that were me
Because it's the right thing to do
Be strong, friend <3
Don't unless you feel like it
Make sure you take care of yourself first
nothing occult
sorry about earlier I had to leave
Sometimes it be like that, sometimes it don't.
I'll take a "don't" even. It's been a rough ten years.
>king pents reversed,ace swords reversed,strength,7 pents reversed,8 cups reversed
Everything in the spread is pointing to you half-assing your career and financial decidions and that i'ts just going to have less and less of a payout,you are waiting for a great opportunity to come out of mid air so you can grab it and tear it a new one,but to get to it,it's going to bee a long line of picking the less shitty ones,strength is a good card here so i think you can deliver once you get yourself to a good spot,but a lot of your additude and habbits need to change or you will be stuck in a limbo of slight comfort and discomfort with 0 satisfaction,if there are any decidions regarding switching jobs or getting credit leases and such,they need to be made and not put off as long as possible if you want things to change
actually same anon as before,Q?
You don't want a don't.
what good things await me in the next 20 days? yours?
air query*~
(can’t trade right now but would much appreciate a read)
what kind of work would it serve me best to seek right now?
Any port in a storm, friend.
>sirens port
Sirens are scary, but if that's what it be that's what it be
I keep dreaming of bears at the family cabin. Black bears, sometimes polar bears. I have to run and lock the doors and windows, but if I think about it they are not aggressive or hunting.
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This one since i got cucked,starting yours.
It's been a long 10 years, pal
>only 10 years
Will we fuck again?
10 years since last internet fling
13 since last IRL thing, and even then I stopped it at making out
Is the moon on my side tonight?
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ehat message does my melody want to tell me
> Queen wands,empress reversed,8 cups reversed,9 wands,magician,sun
Whatever you want you can get as long as you go for it,you seem to be in a disturbance with what you want and are kind of tired with self-reflection,something threw you off and made you enter a negative headspace your that you can't seem to shake off until a new good thing enters your life,and looks like theese 20 days seem to be the time to get them,magician + sun are a pretty good combo for making dreams and wishes a reality

Five of Wands Queen of Swords Rev Ace of Coins Rev Three of Cups
There won't be anything until the latter part of the year, like the late fall winter. Until then there will be conflict but there will be love amongst the drinks and party somehow and you'll find what you're looking for l.
Polar bear will go right through the wall senpai.

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