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Conan the Barbarian is the most /x/ movie there is.
Based and Crom pilled.
I would recommend reading the original stories at some point as well. They're like an extended meditation on the nature of humanity, wearing the mask of a pulpy male adventure fantasy. Also I feel like the idea that complex civilization has emerged and been completely wiped out several times since humans first emerged is probably legit
Then there is Kull. The Kull stories are the prequels to the Conan stories, set before the fall of Atlantis whereas Conan is set after. In the Kull story The Shadow Kingdom, you have the followers of Set, who are reptilian shapeshifters under the influence of hidden powers. Does that sound familiar?
I feel like the movie is actually an improvement on the original stories, with the addition of some vaguely Nietzschian elements about suffering and overcoming, I think it makes the story a lot better. There is so much libertarian cowboy stuff that it kind of becomes insufferable to read at times. They are very fun stories overall and I really enjoy them. Easily my favorite fantasy series.
>There is so much libertarian cowboy stuff that it kind of becomes insufferable to read at times.
I primarily read the comic adaptations, so maybe I'm wrong but I only really got that vibe superficially most of the time.
I've never read the comics. But in the stories it can be pretty heavy handed, the comic structure may remove some of that exposition, which would be an improvement. Sometimes I feel like it's
>and conan won because he's a badass man who don't need no society
It's got a bit of a marty-stew thing. But given how much and how quickly he was writing them I forgive it. They are still good stories
It is best in life
I forgive the Mary Sue aspects of Conan because it seems like the story is less about showing off how badass Conan is and more about using Conan as a tool within the story to reveal and expand upon the nature of things around him. Using a hypothetically perfect self sufficient man almost the same way someone uses demons in a thought experiment.

My favorite stories tend to focus more on how the characters around him act than Conan himself, The Devourers for example(might have been exclusively a comic story not sure).
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Yeeesss Boy
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Conan is a history lesson and a disclosure.
I actually haven't seen the movie (maybe I'll watch it this week, finally). The stories definitely had variable quality: some were clearly just Howard churning out content in order to get paid, and the fact that Howard himself seemed fairly far removed from the world/characters he was describing probably affected it in a negative way at times. But once in a while it feels like his own personality & mundane needs dissolve away, and he becomes this pure channel for some kind of true mythical vision of the pre-ancient past.
That's an interesting way of looking at it. While the Conan stories certainly make you think at times in terms of philosophy, the Kull story The Shadow Kingdom was some surprising disclosure. Furthermore, Tower of the Elephant with the idea of an ancient member of an Elder Race who had once been worshipped as a god and now dealing with an existential crisis was interesting. Just a fun fact: Howard was a good friend and pen-pal of H.P. Lovecraft and it is heavily implied that the gods and monsters Conan faced were part of the Cthulhu Mythos.
Because its real
what's crom? isn't that just kkk in picrel?
Crom is Conan the Barbarian's god. He's like Odin, but more fierce.
The way they described him in the Marvel comics was "we pray and offer to him that he leaves us alone, we do not seek blessings or audience from him".
The What If? Issue where Conan meets Thor was pretty interesting with it.
I love this movie, watch it every week or so. Great comfy adventure movie
>the idea that complex civilization has emerged and been completely wiped out several times since humans first emerged is probably legit
Emphasis on probably
I take it you dont read ancient scriptures
the local jew without mask?
the sequel was very disappoint compared
Because there was no John Milius.
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No, the guys in the pic are the antagonists from the movie (some weird serpent-worshipping cult). Crom is the god of Conan's people but he is harsh and uncaring with a shitty afterlife.
He is loosely based on Odin and Crom Cruach, the Celtic god of war.
>Their chief is Crom. He dwells on a great mountain. What use to call on him? Little he cares if men live or die. Better to be silent than to call his attention to you; he will send you dooms, not fortune! He is grim and loveless, but at birth he breathes power to strive and slay into a man's soul. What else shall men ask of the gods
Sad fact: The author of Conan spent most of his life taking care of his sick mother and after she entered a come she wouldn't wake up from, he shot himself in his car, he was also best friends with Lovecraft
it definitely lacked weight
> he was also best friends with Lovecraft
Fun fact: The Hyborian Age and Cthulhu Mythos take place in a shared universe.
For example, Valusia from the Kull tales is referenced in Mountains of Madness and A Shadow out of Time (which also mentions Cimmeria and Crom).
It literally gives you gives backstop you fucking mongoloid until the new SW were ray is just better than everyone because.
Lmao have you ever actually watched or read any conan materials because it doesn't sound like it
Alterwelt is the ancient scripture you should be studying
>…He was convinced that, you know, the town wanted to exterminate him, this kind of thing, and he’d go home and board up his windows and load rifles — complete nut! But the best part, is he’s alone one night, and he feels a shadow overtake him from behind, and he knows that Conan is standing behind him with a large axe. And Conan tells him, “Just stay there and write, and if you don’t do exactly what I’m gonna tell you, I’m gonna cleave you down the middle.” And so, he’s so terrified, because Conan just exudes such power and fear, and he could just see the axe glinting in his peripheral vision, you know, that he just writes all night! And of course with the coming of dawn, he turns around finally and Conan is gone. So he falls upon the floor completely spent, and he realises “I only have to sleep for a few hours, because then I must fortify myself – for when darkness comes again, so will Conan.” And of course, Conan did, and he would, almost all these stories, in a very short period of time because Conan was standing over him with an axe – and I’ve always felt that way myself!”
— John Milius

pretty /x/ even if it's probably made up
This. Conan was just that fucking good. Simple as
literally everyone knows this shit, stop acting smug about being a huge basic bitch
Newfag here to the fact the Cthulhu Mythos and Hyboria shared the same universe, only ever watched CtB, CtD, Red Sonja, but very much enjoyed these in younger years.

I enjoy Lovecraft's work and influence very much, should probably start reading the Conan series.

> Suggestions? Must reads, any ones to avoid?

Real shame Conan hasn't received a proper film revival yet, turned off that Jason Momoa abomination after 10 minutes.

Still waiting on Guillermo Del Toro to make good on that Mountains of Madness adaptation. Here's hoping.
The thing that bothers me the most about alterwelt is that "alter welt" is grammatically incorrect and it should be "alte welt" and a german should know this so if the guy who wrote that is already lying about being german then I have a harder time believing his more fantastical claims.
I didn't know so shut the fuck up
what's backstop?
Any recommendations on which stories to read?
I literally just watched this for the first time last night. Y'all stay telepathic.
> Suggestions? Must reads, any ones to avoid?

I remember "Beyond the Black River" being a standout when I read all the Howard stories a few years ago. It's closer to novella length, with more emphasis placed on the world building and the supporting characters than just on Conan being badass (although there is still plenty of that). There's a few others like that but I can't remember the names off hand
Im not lying because nobody can prove my identity. Goth gurlz are hot and im constantly browsing pornography when geting home before playing computer games.
Who are you talking to man?
No, Flash Gordon is. There is barely another movie being so massively filled with symbolism as Flash Gordon is.
Perhaps the ayys know the answer to the Riddle of Steel
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>thulsa doom is roman emperor caesar
>conquers the world by sword
>not good enough
>founds religion, like roman emperor constantine
>can shapeshift into a serpent :^)
>human sacrfices, rituals, orgies, occult stuff
>religion or cult (2 headed snake etc) spreads everywhere
>conan(jesus/antichrist/lucifer/2ndComing/whatever appears, barbarian, savage
>seeks revenge,crom, his god like odin?
>kills thulsa doom
>ends cult/religion and roman empire
>rules as king
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>They're like an extended meditation on the nature of humanity, wearing the mask of a pulpy male adventure fantasy.
It's just a racist manlet power fantasy ffs. There is nothing esoteric, the man just wanted to punch blacks and asians.
I have read almost every Conan comic, everything from the first run of Marvel stories and most of the Dark Horse run. You should read the original prose. Outside of the captions that are directly lifted from the original source material, the narrative captions never have the same intense power. They are occasionally clunky (and probably more outwardly racist) but never more clunky than the comics. And I like a lot of those comics. Red Nails, Tower of the Elephant, and People of the Black Circle are my favorites.

t. millennial whose boomer dad had tons of Conan paperbacks and comics
Weak bait from a weak soul.
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For full ancient antediluvian lore hidden in pulp stories I have to shill Karl Edward Wagner's Kane series.
Read it after Howard's Conan cycle, as a dark reflection of the themes and protagonist.
Unfortunately it never got a film adaptation in the 80/90's and now it's probably for the best that it doesn't get it
That's where the Molly Hatchet album cover came from?
Never heard of them, but you seem to be right, at least for some editions.
Would be a funny story, since I recall Wagner attributing most of the sales of his book to Frazetta's cover art, which funded Dark Crusade publication - this piece comes from it. Pop art comes full circle huh
Frazetta art is just marketing gold for fantasy fans I guess.
the movie is awesome, its more of a conan/kull hybrid but it definitely its much more conan, lots of story differences but thematically its amazing, great sets, great action setpieces, all around amazing
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It's not antediluvian although it does take place in an alternate version of Earth but I feel like Elric of Melnibone also definitely has some esoteric themes to it.
Elric is the eternal champion and has to balance his universe between Order and Chaos.
The author Moorcock also seems to have invented the eight-pointed star which was adopted by both occultists and anarchists later on.
Also, I mention him because he was supposed to be a kind of anti-conan.
Whereas Conan is a strong barbarian warrior coming from a people of noble savages, Elric is an originally physically weak wizard from a decadent civilization.
>The author Moorcock also seems to have invented the eight-pointed star which was adopted by both occultists and anarchists later on.
He did invent it(along with most of the Chaos vs Order God stuff within western fantasy) and gave DnD permission to use it in their original games which is how it became so culturally prominent.

Elric has some pretty solid comics too, P Craig Russel art that slaps pretty hard as well. Maybe I'll storytime them here sometime.
i thought that would be i pet goat 2
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Yeah, these two are best examples of 70's anti-heroic fantasy pulps. Curiously both authors at least dabbled in hard drugs, Wagner died with liver cirrhosis.
You can definitely see the influence of acidheads culture in Sailor on the Seas of Fate.
Also props posting Amano's art
he's in for a real treat. i first saw it at about age 12 or something so i cant really imagine not knowing whats going to happen. close the curtains, up teh volume, have drinks on hand, ensure no interruptions and enjoy!
>and gave DnD permission to use it in their original games which is how it became so culturally prominent.
Yeah, Old School DnD was generally far more influenced by pulp and especially Conan, Elric, Dying Earth, Lovecraft, and such.
Of course, it was also influenced by Tolkien and back to the topic at hand, Tolkien's mythos also takes place in a mythical prehistoric Europe with Tolkien in-universe being a guy who found old tomes in the Oxford library basement about the ancient past.
>Also props posting Amano's art
It's weird how influential Moorcock was in Japan yet no one over there has actually tried to adapt his work.
A 90s Hawkmoon or Corum anime would've slapped, even just an Erekose OVA would be cool.
Even just a manga.
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>sweet throne room picrel

conan the barbarian comes out in 1982,

then comes return of the jedi in 1983
compare first picrel to this picrel

IMHO Conan did it better
This lack of adaptations seems to be just a thing over there, extends even to pretty popular local novels. From Amano's catalogue, Vampire Hunter D had to be top seller for years before it got one OVA, the second movie doesn't really count since it was financed by US company.
>It's just a racist manlet power fantasy ffs.

Robert E. Howard was 6'2" and a boxer.

REH was unusual for the time with regard to the fact that many of his stories had fleshed-out black heroes and deuteragonists, both African and African-American.
poor anon got so angry he had a stroke
>The Savage Sword of Conan is a black-and-white magazine-format comic book series published beginning in 1974 by Curtis Magazines, an imprint of American company Marvel Comics, and then later by Marvel itself.[1] Savage Sword of Conan starred Robert E. Howard's most famous creation, Conan the Barbarian, and has the distinction of being the longest-surviving title of the short-lived Curtis imprint.
>a "magazine", Savage Sword of Conan did not have to conform to the Comics Code Authority, making it a publication of choice for many illustrators. It soon became one of the most popular comic series of the 1970s and is now considered a cult classic. Roy Thomas was the editor and primary writer for the series' first few years (until issue 60), which featured art by illustrators such as Neal Adams, Dick Giordano, Barry Windsor-Smith, John Buscema, Alfredo Alcala, Jim Starlin, Al Milgrom, Pablo Marcos, and Walter Simonson. Painted covers were provided by such artists as Earl Norem, Bob Larkin, Joe Jusko, and Boris Vallejo.
dont reply, thats a bot
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The Molly Hatchet cover is The Death Dealer by Frank Frazetta.
They used different Frank Frazetta art on multiple albums, one of them was the Kane image the previous anon posted.
Lol. I have seen your threads on /tv/ recently. You really digs Arnie.
Flesh is weak,
Steel is strong,
But Will is strongest.
>comic suggestions
Savage Sword of Conan is a must read, there's different Conan magazines/comics. Savage Sword was done in magazine to avoid the CCA and is more risque, it's also in black & white which honestly works to John Buscema's amazing art. Barry Windsor Smith and John Buscema are considered two of the best artists for Conan. John Buscema in particular does some very inspired artwork. The Conan the Barbarian comic is done in color and it's okay but it's nowhere near as good as savage sword. Titan has the publishing rights to Conan now and they're making omnibuses that are coming out later this year as well as relaunching conan in a b&w magazine. Stay away from marvel reprints of conan because they censor.
Thank you for your considerate reply.
Pretty much this. Kull was the Atlantean civilization (antediluvian world). Conan was the period between the flood and Babel (destruction of that civilization)
So what is the riddle of steel
contemplate it on the Tree Of Woe
How Hyperborean are you?

It's the true story of the underground cult that really runs everything.
>a shitskin brings his contribution to the thread
once you see all the human corpses hung up in preparation for soup you its the real deal.
>But given how much and how quickly he was writing them
In one of his letters to Lovecraft, he writes how the Conan stories were the easiest thing he had ever written. "It was like the stories wrote themselves".
I Like to convince myself that the stories were based on reality and he channeled that into his stories.
I also looked into Dino De Laurentis and why the choice was made to make the gladiator pit have polygonal masonry, but couldn't find anything about that.
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It's weird that there are individuals who do not know.
you sound like a reddittor unable to suspend their disbelief and enjoy a kino larp. I think theres a lot of truth in there, along with some obvious bs and misdirection. A lot of that larp rings true to me and its way more believable than our official history
based and ancient civilization pilled
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Thank you for the suggestions!

Have a great weekend! =)
Fun Fact: Robert E Howard, the creator of Conan, claimed that he was having writer's block one night, and was near despair, when a vision appeared to him of a powerful and dour warrior who commanded him to write as he dictated or else he would kill him. The figure claimed that the story he dictated was the history of the time before the oceans drank Atlantis. Howard was so frightened that he did as commanded and wrote in an almost automatic fashion until past dawn. When he came to, the warrior figure was gone and he had on his desk the story of Conan.
Where did you hear that?
The story is recounted by John Milius, the director of the film Conan the Barbarian, in the making-of material for the film.
Here is the making-of documentary:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WztJ5AhB_nM&ab_channel=DVDXtras
>Psych, heil Hitler!
Kek I was told the exact same story. I believe it's oral lore.
I've heard it before as well, but I've never heard anyone give a source for it. I think that it's more likely a reverse engineered story to make Howard's suicide make more sense. It's a nice story. A writer having a mental break and writing a collection of heroic tales of high adventure, before ending his own life. Whereas the reality of he was a great writer with talent, but ultimately decided to take his own life due to normal depression related issues and perhaps the death of his mother is much less fun and digestible story.
I'm pretty sure he openly stated his suicide was because of his mother's death prior to.
You may be right, I can't exactly remember now, but either way, my point stands. The story doesn't even make sense if you look at Howards writing. He tried several times to make a successful fantasy universe and failed, learning from his mistakes and trying to correct them. You can see a clear progression as he writes and you can hear a lot of consistency in Howard's beliefs and story telling style across all of his work. But then suddenly when he is successful it's because he starts having visions of a ghost who relays these stories to him? Which happen to be a reasonable continuation of his existing work? It reeks of being a bullshit story that people want to believe over the truth. In part, I think because of the myths of modern society are that being naturally talented at something and making a living on it is deeply fulfilling and gratifying, "never work a day in your life" thing, and Howard's story flies in the face of that, so they made up one that's more aligned to societies expectations.
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I've been on this site a decade and if I've learned anything it's that someone with your intelligence shouldn't exhibit that much conformity mindset. That plus your sudden paragraphs to rationalize an /x/ bottlerocket that would legitimize Conan akin to Tolkien's own claims of true history, makes you kinda sorta pretty fucking sus my guy.
He's not denying prehistorical claims he's denying a very specific claim about the origin of prehistorical media. Conan not literally appearing as a ghost to Robert E Howard doesn't mean it's not still prehistory. If Robert E Howard said that shit then it's one thing, but no one posted a source for the story.

And instead of confronting any of his points you're just calling him a glowie in a fanciful way.
>ummmmmmmmm source?
>sorry was there a source posted?
>I'm gonna have to taste that source
>sir have you been sourcing tonight?

I think you're just mad two random anons corroborated the same /x/ lore on a board patrolled by shutitdowners. I'm just surprised that's the one that did it in not the glimmering.
Nevermind, you're clearly just a troll.
No I'm just preserving, like I said, this thread's access to the memetic fuel that is contemplating Conan and related titles could be actual antediluvian knowledge.
>No I'm just preserving
But if you thought we were legit glowies and you baited us like this it would only increase the chances of us deleting the thread and eliminating said knowledge. If you actually wanted to counteract the best move would either be to ignore the suspected glowies(maybe even just wait a couple hours and start a new thread) or to pretend to agree with them until they left the thread.

Have you ever seriously thought about how a real confrontation with glowies here would play out outside of jokes and memes?
We basically found the textbook glories use when they shitpost on here and rather than base their understanding of disinformation on it most anons just perpetuate the same memes about glowies.
Who's us? I'm talking to ye who showed up to rationalize a small bit of /x/ lore that didn't need two paragraphs of random out of the blue explanation from a third-wheel.

You should have already deleted the thread. Too many anons casually acknowledge the established consensus of occult disclosure in fictional media, including reptilian existence and pre-flood civilizations, and unfortunately the approach of ignorance and ten foot poles has let it fester.
Okay again you didn't address any of the actual points I made. So here's another (you), decent troll.
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I want to add two things:

1. In the essay about the world of Conan, the author of the stories give us a hit about some outlandish species of reptiles. A non-human civilization, living side by side with humans. As far as I can understand, the most /x/ aspect of the entire frenchise.

2. The Conan-stories were ofter accused to transport a socialdarwinistic worldview. I don't think so.
"Von der Flora und Fauna der alten Welt, nebst botanischen Erörterungen über heimische Nutz- und Zierpflanzen, geschrieben von einem Professor zu Nürnberg anno domini 1645..."
"alten Welt" is correct if the article "der" is before it.
Alter Welt is still incorrect.
>alter welt" is grammatically incorrect
If he meant to say “old world”, yes. However I notice that he spells it Alterwelt, all in one word. That can be a play of words on Schelling’s book Weltalter (Ages of the World). By inverting the order, Weltalter becomes Alterwelt. Alterwelt can also be a pun, with alter having the double meaning of “old” (even if grammatically wrong) and short for “alternative”, which is kind of cool.
I don't think he directly stated that, he didn't even live to see her actually die. He learned from a nurse that she entered a coma she wouldn't wake up from, went to his car and shot himself. His mother died the day after
Imo was the last straw, the guy's life was in a downfall before that
Wow that was a nice watch anons, good use of time.
are you this >>38241626 anon?
True, I haven't thought of that and perhaps it could be.
It's interesting and I think we all can agree, just wish some astral projectors or remote viewers could verify anything he says.
remote viewers couldn't confirm their own ass while sat on it.
German myself.

One problem is that the term "die alte Welt" or "the old world" in English can be understood as an allusion to a prehistoric world or a state of the world a long time ago.
But usually when someone uses the term, we're not thinking about ancient times, we're thinking about geography.
"Die Alte Welt" is the part of the globe know to the antics and not discouvered by the Christian sea ships. You can say: Die Alte Welt = Afro-Eurasia
Die neue Welt = all the new pieces of the world, found by Europeans during the age of discoveries. Like New Zealand, America etc.

Recently, the term comes out of fashion. You sound incredible oldfashion, even archaic, if you referend to America as "the new world".
But the point is, nearly no one would associate the "alte Welt" with, lets say, the antice egyptians.
> However I notice that he spells it Alterwelt, all in one word. That can be a play of words on Schelling’s book Weltalter (Ages of the World).

German here again:
Makes no sense, sorry.
By hearing the word "Alterwelt", my first impression is not the German word "alter" like age but "alternative" as in the Latin.
The word is still outlandish and unusual but I would imagine the contest of a role play or a alternative history book or something.
Conan and Kull were based. Bran Mak Morn was a fucking blithering imbecile. Howard's writing process for Conan was imagining Conan telling him of his adventures, but several authors and other creative types have claimed to have ran into their characters and it is common knowledge that characters can "Take lives of their own" so I wouldn't put them manifesting in someway too far out of the realm of possibility. Nor would I consider writers having schizo fits and a personality they constructed piece by piece appearing to them in their mind's eye
i did not know this, perhaps less time aggression is less than necessary

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