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Anyone have or know someone who has had encounters with the Fae, Gnomes, Dwarfs or sasquatch etc?

tons of story's from the Nordic areas and North America. but it seems they are everywhere.

Through my own research and listening to 1000's of honest people's personal encounter, i believe they exist. would love to hear what Anons know about them.

French documentary about Iceland gnomes.
In denmark we traditionally put rice porridge on the roof floor for the nisser(gnomes). There’s also songs of elven folk like https://youtu.be/HjdTQZCv0tw?feature=shared
Have fun! I’ll try to remember more folktales in the meantime
Ok thanks appreciate it!

>Crow story of the little people.
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Fuck gnomes man. These little fuckers creepy me out. You can hear the uber manlets rustling, giggling and fighting all night long, doing shaddy deals with owls and what not. Cops won't do shit, we all know they are in their pockets. That grass is the shit in the woods. Don't mess with them, it's bad, bad joojoo.
dam kinda mean
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I thought your kinda couldn't use the internet
Fae=extra dimensional beings
Gnomes=elemental creatures who live between dimensions
Dwarves=one of many extinct humanoids

Sasquatch are a totally different category than the rest. After researching them for 10+ years I can confidentially say they are genetically engineered supersoldiers creating by a space-faring godrace to fight dinosaurs. They're all endowed with super strength, basic "magic", and a chill personality that makes them super fucking cool to be around. Secret sasquatch colonies exist all over the galaxy and are headed by the females. As a coming of age ceremony, all males must undertake a journey with "the star children." This is when they are taken up in UFOs and tasked as a space bodyguard for several years, until they can return to their planet and retire. The sasquatch life cycle is 30-40 years and they are very much so flesh and blood creatures. George Lucas got his inspiration from Native American myths. Chewbacca is a sasquatch on his coming of age journey with star children.
You seem very experienced in this topic about them. What about other races like Elves, Dryads, Orcs, Goblins, Centaurs, Mermaids, Selkies, etc? Also, what is a human's role among all these?
sasquatch are actually wildmen, it is what a human turns into if they go into the wilds and live like the beasts. much like how a pig turns into a boar if released into the wilds.
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You mean that if I go innawoods I will turn into a werewolf? How long does it takes, this sounds very cool.
i had an encounter with faeries and they taught me tongues
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underpants gnomes are real and don't fuck around when it comes to their income stream.
different types sorts levels of djinn
Some are horn dogs. https://youtu.be/xb9bcn0y-mg?si=CNqV7y8aHi8XoTdO
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Look, let me be real with you, speaking about stumbling across one of these is a smart way of saying that you stood a great mountain, been through a dense forest, took a walk through a garden or something similar. That's all! There really aren't any bearded midgets living on mountains or out in the back yard with the flowers. Some people really want to believe though! Now you can be in on it too.
Exactly. They're djinni, genii, daimones, angels, kami. All the same thing. Personifications of natural order.
The Irish "Tuatha De Danaan." They were a beautiful, fair skinned race that came from the far north. They've been heavily mythologisized and romanticized so its hard to say to what extent they were human beings or supernatural entities. I suspect they were related/synonymous to the Indo European Aryans who at one point in time migrated to Europe from the east. These Aryans (elves) replaced the indigenous black-haired Europeans who worshipped inbred astrologer god-kings and built megalithic structures like Stonehenge. All sorts of other ethnic groups came, went, and combined in Europe, but in Ireland the bloodlines of those original Indo European steppe-wandering, milk-drinking, meat-eating chads remained mostly untouched.

Eventually, they either bred themselves out of existence with other populations (like in the rest of Europe), or perhaps their numbers dwindled due to war with the "Fomorians," AKA "ORCS." In Irish mythology, the Fomorians are a powerful, evil race that are counterparts to the Tuatha de Danaan. They were most likely a real ethnic group too, though I don't discount the possibility that their bloodlines were mixed with giants or Annunaki-type beings. According to Irish mythology, Tuatha de Danaan eventually lost their physical forms, and today they persist as "fairy" or "fae"--extradinensional beings. This also is reminiscent of Annunaki/Nephilim myths, where the spirits of these beings are said to wander the earth bodiless after punishment from God.

Simply a corruption of "druid," the tree-worshipping priest-chiefs of ancient Ireland. Their culture is an amalgamation of all the many ethnic groups that came before them, including heavy influence from Tuatha De Daanan. At certain points they practiced child sacrifice, so people link the druids with Canaanites. in reality, both cultures come from the same early proto European source.

>dryads (cont.)
...Eventually 12 tribes in the general region of Canaan united and became Jews. Hence there is also a link between Jews and early Canaanite religions. And like everybody knows: Jewish practices heavily influence Freemason practices. Hence: why some people claim there is a link between freemasons and the druids. This link is really just a consequence of all of this knowledge coming from the same place. Go back before the freemasons, Jews, Canaanites, druids, Tuatha de Daanan, and proto Indo Europeans, and you will find it all comes from lost ancient civilizations like Atlantis and Lemuria.

So yeah, that's the deal with druids. But if you want an alternate explanation of "dryads," you could imagine them as the elemental spirit of wood, in the same way that gnomes are elemental spirits of earth.

I think they are often confused with gnomes, and are similar in many ways. They aren't elemental spirits, but they do hail from otherworlds/other dimensions. They are mischievous, chaotic entities and often seek to terrify or harm humans. Zimbabwe is currently being attacked by goblins. I'm serious. You can look it up.

symbol of the intelligence/agency of man combined with the strength and grace of a horse. Many women project their Animus/idealized man onto a horse (horse girls), so it is also a sex symbol.

Alternate explanation: Annunaki hybrid creature created as an experiment or forsaken prototype to humanity.

Personified fear of deep water and unknown places. Mythologically it is a horse demon that drags you underwater and kills you, but I don't think they actually existed. But if you want to believe they do, you could always say they were another alien hybrid creature or extradimensional beast.
I should first elaborate more on these "Annunaki" or godrace beings that I've been alluding to. Sumerians recorded them as ancient alien beings that either interbred with humanity (creating "Nephilim") or gifted them with extraordinary knowledge. Many indigenous tribes such as the Hopi, the Dogon and the Zulu also mention these beings that often come from the stars, or biblically speaking: "the waters above." But other cultures record these beings coming from underground, or from "the waters below."

Middle eastern traditions mention the "Apkalu," 7 sages who came from the ocean and possessed the features of both fish and man. The trope of 7 sages is reoccurring, and they are often associated with serpents or fish. Hindus mention "Naga," serpentine beings who come from the underground, and the aforementioned druids heavily utilized snake imagery... The idea is that not only was there an advanced spacefaring race that rapidly advanced humanity, there were actually multiple generations of advanced spacefaring godraces.

Millions of years ago, the same godrace that engineered the sasquatch (or perhaps an offshoot working outside of galactic authorities) came down to earth and among other things, combined their DNA with the dominant species of the time--dinoaaurs. This lead to a being possessing of the predatory aggressive instincts necessary to survive in prehistory, in addition to the god DNA of this progenitor race. I'm talking about reptilians, Naga, fish people, snake people, etc. Possibly even bird people. Eventually, their creators deemed the reptilian races too dangerous, and sent an asteroid to wipe them out.

According to the modern scientific narrative, this caused the dinosaurs to die out, and mammals to take the spot as dominant species of the earth. But the asteroid only destroyed reptilians on the surface. Advanced beings were able to persist deep underground (Naga) and deep underwater--mermaids.
not reading this troon larp

After mammals came to dominate earth, primates evolved and early hominids diversified into many distinct forms: neanderthals, denizovans, "dwarves" and tons of others that many might mistake for "sasquatch."

This was when the spacefaring godrace that created the reptilians (and probably the sasquatch) returned. And once again they sought to insert their god DNA into the dominant species of the time, which now was these early mammal hominids. Many races were created for various purposes. Perhaps the."Annunaki" sought to perfect themselves. Maybe they wanted to create a perfect slave race. Or maybe they were trying to create a vessel that could house a particular type of soul. Regardless of what happened, it would seem they added too much special sauce, and when this was discovered, it caused Enlil (the evil twin brother in many myths around the world) to become enraged at Enki (the good brother). In addition, it appeared that Naga/reptilian beings that had persisted through millennia were also interbreeding with hominids and experimenting on them since their genesis, creating monsters, maneating giants and all manners of abominations. To solve all of this, Enlil (evil brother) placed a spiritual limiter on all of what was consifered "humanity." This cut off our lifespan from ~900 years to 120 MAX. Then, he sent a flood to wipe out everything, including humanity, the reptilian failed experiment, and any Nephilim-type creatures created from their union.

So to be clear, US--homo sapiens sapiens were created in a laboratory that we culturally call "Eden." We existed alongside other hominids for a long time, many of which possessed God DNA from another source--the nagas/reptilians. It's worth mentioning that the Naga were quite resentful of their creators for abandoning them, so they frequently warred with them, which is the origin of the Hindu myths of Asuras vs Devas: two rival groups of gods.
(5/2) Final

>humans (cont.)
It is also the reason why reptilians take such glee in torturing humanity and consuming their loosh. What better way for a spurned child to get back at their father than to torment their favored child?

Anyways, the flood wiped most hominids out, but there are still giants out there with old world bloodlines, whose ancestors survived by hiding in mountains and caves. Of course, inner earth is still infested with reptilians and our creators have abandoned us, so in a way they've thrown us to the wolves. I suppose this is the particular predicament of humanity. Congratulations. now you know the true history.
saw two static blue holograms of leprechaun-like creatures, probably just a ufo projected hologram
Used to leave half of pecan shells around the yard with beer in exchange for a good harvest from the garden, every year I did it we got way more results than when I didn’t
Much of it isn't, they used a herring that's very easy to chisel away.
When I was at death's door, and alone in bed from an unknown sickness, I heard a stereotypical female fairy voice, it nonchalantly asked me if I wanted honey. I couldn't see anything actually speak.
it will take years at he very leas and you will have to eschew everything that makes you human, this means no tool, no cooked food, only shelter already found in nature (which means caves most likely). you will have to live the way beasts do and forget about the taste of bread. in turn you gain the right to use ancient star portals as you please, just remember that you aren't the only one and there are aliens who love to hunt bigfoot.
You have some bad karma coming your way, gnome killer.
Based beyond belief
dont fuck with gnomes, op. dont encourage them.
I made a webm a while back of a woman walking through the woods in Norway(?) and there's something spoopy hiding behind the tree. It's gnome country so you know that shit is real.
Can't find it though and I'm not sure if I can find the video it came from.
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This world is dead. It’s why you no longer see stuff like that anymore. Very rare to glimpse stuff like that!
If only you stood under the idea of what everyone is really standing on.
Where does the sandown clown fit in?
Encountered grey gnome.
>Encountered gay* gnome.
I’m Icelandic, anything specific you want to know?
Elves get mentioned casually in passing in the sagas, even though we were converted to Christianity we held onto our folk spiritualism, from continuing communication with the elves and some men practiced magic. Our witch trials were special from the rest, it was decided to allow white magic while black magic was banned, mostly men were put on trial and killed but not that many I think which also make them quite different from the common types of trial.
Amanita muscaria and liberty caps are very common fungi here, I think it’s fair to assume their effects were known by certain groups and people throughout time.
The main entities here are called huldufólk, the most accepted interpretation is that they exist parallel to us in a different dimension of sorts. They are human height but can be different in appearance, they can be very human like with some minor differences, semi fractal human like, or having skin of ash. But few ever see them so fully, rather they are seen as shadow people in nature, usually by hills, trees or rocks. These are probably the ones you think of as elves.
Then there are the álfar, which are the little people, the gnomes. Álfur is rather what would be translated as and elf but it’s not like these names are concrete. I suppose I can just call them the little huldufólk. We build houses for them in trees and on the grass, sometimes you can sense their cities in some small complex rock formations. They are very connected to the mushrooms too.
Tröll are also common in our myths, but only met in our dreams as far as I’m aware but there is a type of feeling, like a parallel memory when you look at certain mountains or vast open places. Óðinn with his brothers created this realm from the remains of a slain giant after all in the most common nordic cosmogony.
As for “aliens”, there are the “dwarfs”, these are quite dangerous and difficult to communicate with beings, they are good at crafting spiritual/consciousness technology but often have an uncomfortable hard to fathom ulterior motive with humans and want material things. They are good at making the small staffs that many greys are seen with if you are familiar with that.
Anyways there aren’t as many who know all these spirits exist anymore, maybe 10% being generous? Likely a significant amount compared to other European countries though. In a group of say 30 people 4-5 might be elf aware, 1-2 experienced with them.
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And of course this isn’t like the be end be all definition and interpretation of things but it is how I see it at least.
There are also lots of cryptic creatures of course but I find the regular entities far
more interesting.
English version:
Any other good fae documentaries? They seem hard to come by. Only good one I've seen is The Fairy Faith
It was very interesting
Nice schizo larp

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