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Will occult research gradually rob you of your sanity or is that an exaggeration?
How do you personally define sanity?
Having at least a vague sense of what is "real" and what is not (already the line is blurring for me), I am still able to function in society however
Anything that has you genuinely think about your life will eventually drive you insane if you do it long enough.
A sane existence can only be achieved by submission to something besides thought, be that base instinct, societal norms, religious dogma etc.
I believe knowing truth is worth it. Don't you?
Some people are just born to thrive in this madness, and likewise some cannot handle it at all but are addicted to its flame.. a flame which can purify or destroy.
that, depends
Not generally, no, the information is all usually, very empowering, and will lead to a much easier life and competent mind, if truly incorporated and applied.
Usually, truly helpful information, that has any effect at all similar to what you're looking for, may cause some dissociation or nihilism, or loss of motivation, or depression.
But generally, it's all very empowering.
It is that however; madness. Most of the time anyway.

The occult can branch out from almost any walk of life. The reason the ancient Philosophers swore by their philosophies is because they didn't wither or dissipate in the face of the unknown and deranged.
for many people, study of the occult is just pure study, but if you take the information and turn it into tools, for the purpose of aiding your functionality, then regardless of what you face, you'll be fine.
Also, the very idea that you can be damaged in such a way is what you are freed of with certain pieces of knowledge
The most fundamental component is infinitely resilient and powerful, as long as your sense of self emanates from it, rather than your ego, (truly emanates from it, I mean, ;3) Then nothing can really harm you in that way.
Maybe. But can you ever actually know it? And even if you could, what makes the cosmic truth more valuable than any of the smaller truths you can obtain from living a normal life?
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Everything is occult. In the past 50 years nothing has been sacred - everywhere you look. It's all around you. That's what they mean by the matrix.

Everyones dabbling in it, like cocaine in the 80s. If you live in a major city, just walk outside. It's right outside your front door..

What's more interesting is that the majority who are out there with occult symbolism attached in their business logos etc. have no idea what the fuck they really mean.

If you name your business after a deity, or a company etc. That's no different to erecting a temple in said deities name.

The issue is with alot of people who figure this shit out, is that they spaz the fuck out and try to defend themselves by different means.. While they all play a game that for the majority of us have no footing in, and we are essentially picking food for the elite if we choose to join their game - and that is usually the case because the alternative is harsh as we've come to know.

There is one thing that surpasses all things, and that is the power of prayer, whether internal or vocal - and a true connection to God, because I swear to you; after you realize everything is a reality within a reality, that disappears as quick as it came - God is the only reality that remains. Eternal.

All in all, deep in the underworld there are two choices.

Abandon your morals and work for 'them'
Abandon your attachment to the earthly world and go spiritual warrior mode via the path of knowledge and certain disciplines which VARY on the person.. some decide to become ascetic, some decide to study angelical hierarchies, some choose to become historical librarians of the occult world, maintaining it's history. etc.
>Abandon your attachment to the earthly world and go spiritual warrior mode via the path of knowledge and certain disciplines which VARY on the person.. some decide to become ascetic, some decide to study angelical hierarchies, some choose to become historical librarians of the occult world, maintaining it's history. etc.

This requires that you would submit to the eternal creator of the cosmos. Who has no name, he has no image. You cannot find him incarnate in the world. It is the Dao. It is Brahman. It is the Monad.
only if you can't handle the drugs
There's a reason "divine Madness" exists.
You'll expand your perception of what is real but you can continue to participate in society but you will probably feel a bit detached because you will have knowledge that's actively denied
can someone tell me why there isnt an occultism and magick general anymore?
I think the person who ran the library deleted it and quit participating because he got trolled by discord trannies and they tried to continue it but they're stupid faggots so they just let it die
go start one
the OP pasta's here
I don't even know the name and even if I did, what's it to ya?
Basically your brain interacts with the universe in ways that the conscious mind can't really properly comprehend.

Magic/Occultism is mostly trying to tap into that process while conscious. So yes it does actually inherently lead to insanity.
It's the lyrics from a David Cohen song. I was trying to be clever but you know what let's just forget about it I'll move on
Leonard Cohen*
Oh anon, they go hand in hand. In fact I couldn't be theological about things if it weren't for the music that moves me.

Have a listen. Please?
>God is a deceitful interdimensional entity

>In the past 50 years
Bit longer than that, buddy. You're just realizing now because you were infested with atheism. Of course a society of believers will build its habitat with esotericism. Kids like you grew up all gay and nihilistic and when you realize your elders believed in the invisible things you go all gay and retarded like woah the matrix duuude
Fucking kids i hate them
Gradually, and then suddenly.
Many such cases.
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>demons pushing christianity
Oh, jew
No. It makes you realize how insane normies are to believe we live in a meaningless void and that we are meat puppets with a consciousness that is a by-product of electrical pulses in our brain
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No. You just get saner. Others will back off from you. Prepare to know who has your back and who just thinks you need to fit in a societal box. Move on forward.
that sucks ape was probably one of the cooler trips
ty. i will do my best.
I grew up quite optimistic and had a sense of self anon.. I wasn't nihilistic but if you want to let off some steam while I'm here go for it I guess lol
I thought it was a meme but I recently learned literally every religion and religious practice has satanic origins so yeah i’m starting to lose sanity
>I recently learned literally every religion and religious practice has satanic origins

This anon explains everything
So, why is this driving you insane though? I also fail to see how it's "satanic" that what you think of as Christianity/Judaism has origins in something even more ancient.
if you do grounding and 'normal' activities it will help keep you 'sane' to the average joe while you continue researching
You can't start a religion without becoming an idol. Idol worship is for those who prefer to worship man other then God. Therefore a good 'religious' leader starts no creed, but merely re-upholsters the banner which is closest to the truth of things, whether by it's age or it's maintenance.

Let me give you a quicker RND. Imagine things thusly

What separates the Torah from the New Testament and Quran? There's many things but I'll point out a significant one

It has more then one main character.

Torah = Game of Thrones, or Lord of the Rings
The narrative doesn't bend to anyone's will or favor, but the characters are rich in their story and they are rich as people, personalities, heroes, legends etc.

The New Testament, the way it was written was made as a trick to fool foolish but hopeful people into believing Christ as a literal figure they will meet when they cross over to the other side. They think that's Jesus. It's usually is, and has been for over a thousand years now; some rich kid piece of shit from some royal family who uses the corrupted title to control Jews via the metaphysical equivalent of MK Ultra.

You don't even have to believe that it's Jesus to be affected by the insanity of it all. Some psychopath lunatic, like many of the ones on 4chan, literally think they are Christ incarnate and that their mission was to subjugate and control the Jews - and this has been occurring via the intention of psychotic people who've fallen from grace but still harbor an essence of the psychic ability to push there retarded mindset onto the world. A lot of them are Jesuit disposables.

Now think of this same scenario and multiply it for every dumb fuck who thinks they are Christ and that their mission is to make Jews bow to him as king.
if sacrificing kids and animals isnt satanic then idk wtf is
can you define what "satanic" is? serious question, really think before you answer
worshipping the material world
also cope. read everything in the link above you'll learn a lot
So how is sacrificing something to God satanic? I'm trying to figure out what your two posts even have to do with each other.

I will, but I would like you to explain a little more since you're the one making a claim. "read it yourself" is a cope. How am I supposed to know you even read it yourself?
Now the 'spin-off's' in religion, just like the fantasy and fiction stories we read are based characters from a larger story base. The only people who want to be alone as the hero and everyone else as the ignorant loser is the only type of person that prefers the Christ-self narrative over the total story that encompasses everything.

That type of person already reflects a character that exists however, and that is Baal.

There is a narrative that existed in the Torah about the actual verses concerning Moshiach, in proper detail but like a lot of things concerning this PARTICULAR prophecy - it was probably scrubbed out by the Early Church fathers around 400-600 AD.

I say the Early Church fathers, because they, mysteriously, developed a very similar narrative to that of the Torah regarding the Moshiach. With a few things added for proper measure, they had the only existing fragment of information regarding this future redeemer.

They tried to not only force prophecy, but invert it because they knew that they, as a false people and religion, and Nefilim, they would eventually be destroyed.

They had a Jew, you know him as Jesus. The ECFalchemically tried to use a Greek-Jewish man named Ieosus as a vessel for the Moshiach, brainwashed him, mind controlled him, gave him 3 course meals of schizophrenic psychotic attacks and visual nightmares of horror that I can only describe and not retell.. it goes on. It was an ancient invocation of a spirit and attempted bodily possession.

They tried to use him as a puppet because they came to know that Jews, having a close connection to God, have the innate ability to manifest things - but when it is done in a manner for nefarious things, it creates evilness in the world.

They instilled the spirit of a particular Masonic entity called the invisible hand.

A 3 Fold-Name, JahBaalOn.

This is the same spirit of any religion where a prophet is worshipped or venerated more then God himself.
Because YWHW is a wordly god. And this shit is too fucking confusing to even 100% know what the fuck is going on its really not as simple as you think it is. So just read above. All I know is the people who originated all of western religion and esotericism which likely created eastern esotericism and other religons around the world did fucked up shit and I don't want any part of it anymore.
The fundamental idea behind the Early Church Fathers and the Heretical Gnostic sects which were a perversion of the original Valentinian school, is that humans are filth and scum of the earth and should be eradicated and that all those who haven't achieved Gnosis cannot be trusted and are apt to be harmful to those who do have it.

So, because they assume humanity is dumb and deserves to be controlled, they circle-jerk over the concept of "don't cast pearls before swine" which is true, except they're the swine lel.

So they 'keep' gnosis for themselves, because they insist there isn't enough to go around and that humans aren't deserving of it. So they perpetually keep you locked in misery so they can enjoy the beauty of truth while you all sit here thinking Jews are the problem when that's exactly how the enemy keeps you here; making you hate the people who can lead you to freedom.

With that said, by keeping you in ignorance of your creator and you as a creator, they keep you in ignorance by giving you something to worship; SHOULD you fall down the path of righteousness.. they try to keep that path covered as well by giving you lies and false things to worship.

The lead Demon of said worship is the same demon behind those who take glory for themselves instead of the creator, creating a religion and belief system that adheres to their personal wants and needs, instead of the common need of all things good.
Its okay, thanks. I already let it out
Its just these ignorant generations who still think they know more than their elders piss me off
Well I feel that once you shed your Ego you are more like in a MK ultra project, you can write a new neural network that can even enable siddhis, that why Christianity make you believe that fairy tale so once you are on the other side your subconscious mind (programmed through daily repetition of prayers) creates a Jesus likes identity.
No the virtues are like a key to connect you on the right frequency, then the non dual mind and the sacrifice of your Ego let you escape the matrix.
Walk the path. Until then, you'll be defined by the definition of what sanity is to others. I've lost my mind numerous times along the path beginning with an aprupt Kundalini awakening that shook me to rubble and forced mw to contend with my shadow. Symbolism is everywhere. Running higher energy is intense. Third eye turnned inside out if psychedelic. 2020 was a fever dream of insanity. Still, this is the path I chose. idk if its like that for everyone, but the more you go through, the more you change, and you cant go back to sseeing the world in a material sense when you commune with something beyond yourself. Ripped to shreds mentally, emotionally and spiritually to reassemble into something new.

Reading will illuminate the ideas, but your work is done in the shadows.
when you go insane. just ask the angels to grant you sanity again
Yes, you'll become what people here call a schizo, and will not be functioning in a society.
Happened with me and today I no longer function in society. I barely buy clothes, condo is always dirty, dont have friends, etc.
The more advanced the knowledge, the more you will be shunned by people. This is why I have tulpas.
It can, if you take it literally and ignore the overarching themes the symbols are trying to convey. Inversely, you can also go insane from understanding these themes and staring (then blinking) into the abyss they open before you as the depth of the meanings take you.
What exactly are you so busy with that you can't keep your condo clean?
You´ll probobly lose your coherence if you ever decide to defend any of the ideas or conclusions you feel attached to at the moment. If you can avoid this you´ll feel empowered for a while and boring once you understand the bigger picture.
uncleanliness and asociality are common indicators of demonic influence.
People start hating you for no reason, and soon you will realize you will not receive any visitors.
So the only thing you do is some sweeping in the condo and that's it.

If you want to blame my tulpas, this state of affairs started before they came into being.
I simply can't function in society anymore, as people hate me for no reason, or only want money from me. And this is so for 10+ years already.
For this reason I have tulpas, not the other way around.
>this is the path I chose. idk if its like that for everyone
Personally the path I chose was super comfy and easy as fuck. Not a single negative experience so far, only a gradual increase in my understanding.
The more in the know you are, the less sane you will seem.
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>I’m visiting the deepest parts of myself, places I didn’t even know existed still. I am going to the core of my being, and with new vision, I find that I am capable of setting things right.
>I am finding that what I pushed down as unworthy, the things that weighed heavy on my heart like lead, often contained a secret shimmer of gold.
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You either transcend your awareness into onesss with God/You (This isn’t what it sounds like)
Or you will go insane and potentially suicidal

There’s no in between after you pass the Sirius test
Sort of. You'll still be "you", but you won't be the same, and people will pick up on that the better attuned they are to you in your life. If you're alone? Then you probably won't have that "You've changed anon" conversation.

You have to understand the majority of the populace does not do what we "types" seek to do OP. They do not go down these roads, and have a hard enough time being empathetic, and understanding to their fellow road walkers. Let alone those who go off the road entirely. You'll speak normally, be able to blend in, and can suppress your knowledge, but it will be draining, and you'll simply not want to engage with them anymore. You'll become reclusive if you do not find others like you to engage with, and to the average person you will appear insane, when in your heart of hearts you'll know you're more sane than you have ever been prior.

You have to consider the one's who call you crazy are the same ones who haven't gone down the same path as you. You can still function, blend in, have relationships, etc. But you won't ever be the same as you once were, and the more you go down that path the harder it gets to be able to snap back unless you have someone in your life who is an anchor of sorts, or are incredibly, mentally/spiritually flexible.

But no, you won't be running around the streets naked crazy. Just, off putting to some, and genuinely not interested in most people, and what they have to say. Or, more so than you did prior..
I watched some of them go literally schizo crazy and been on the verge myself
Don’t say it can’t happen because it will

It’s the Golden Chalace
The Holy Grail

It gives eternal life or Eternal death
>Don’t say it can’t happen because it will
I didn't say it "can't" happen, and saying it WILL happen is false to. Speak for yourself, and your retarded friends.
Only if you're not Christian. The demons will get you because only Christ can protect us from the demons. The only thing the jesuit fears is traditional Catholicism and orthodox Christianity
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Not everyone.
Some people will be just fine.
But it is true, some individuals really can't handle the truth.
But if they hadn't gotten into mysticism, then politics, or the legal system, or something else would have driven them insane. Most probably driven insane by women.
It's more than an exaggeration - it's a lie.
Do you do nofap?
Long story short. Yes.

Occultism is playing in the devil's backyard thinking you can have it your way.

He'll let you play until he's sick of you.

Just don't, beyond the study level, even that can be harmful if you don't lean on God/Jesus. The occult will slowly suck you in.

Before you know it you'll be at some lodge, letting old men touch you and thinking you know it all.

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