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/x/ - Paranormal

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My foot is bleeding yellow water instead of blood. Is this an alchemical transmutation? Am I ascending?
you have diabetes
It means you probably have eczema or some other skin condition.
>yellow water
It's pus
Gout or whatever its called
Like that thing terry crews had in everybody hates chris cause he ate a shitton of very salted fried chicken
This is a symptom of late stage heart disease, poor circulation leads to fluid buildup in extremities due to increase in pressure as blood vessels diminish. Typically patients presents with diabetes, obesity. Prognosis is not good if you are not already in treatment and if you are, you should have your medicine adjusted asap.
It's over, anon
Happened to me when I had staph, skip the regular doctor and go to a dermatologist. That’s who helped me
Yea I ate like 10 Vienna sausages cans before the swelling staryed a day or so. That was two weeks ago tho
I'm not fat. My legs are swollen.
I thought I had cellulitis because a spider bit me. A nurse and a doctor said that it was some weird allergy.
Now another doctor said it might be nephrotic syndrome.
I'm still waiting for the blood and pee test I had today.
Anyways death doesn't scare me or anything.
You need to have a doctor check that out anon. It's more like an infection or something. Does that foot normally look that swollen?
That's good, at least somebody has eyes on it. Hope you're alright anon.
You have diabetes you fat fuck
Does you skin make any sound when you press down on it, necrotizing fasciitis often produces gas as the bacteria digest, which creates little bubbles you can hear if you press. A spider bite can be a very serious thing, look up "jeff hanneman spider bite"
I'm fuckin skinny. I'm 6'00" and weight 165 pounds. And I don't like sweets. I'm into salty food
If It's gotten worse, even since you saw the doctor today, you need to go back in. Like you had that spot on your shin, but your foot wasn't swollen when the nurse and doctor saw you. Infections and the like progressing quickly is very bad. You could be on your death bed by tomorrow. I know you're not afraid of that, but I say save it for something more glorious and exciting than dying of a systemic infection.
You need to get to the hospital. A GP isn't equipped or trained for this. Systemic infections can progress in hours. And stop getting medical advice on 4chan.
just go to the hospital. That shit is pus and it's infected
its puss and your skin is bad.
wash your self you dirty shit and go to the doctore for some anti swelling drugs.
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Jesus bled water, too, when he was dying.
I hope you don't die, anon, but if you do, I will consider you a martyr. At the very least.
fake and gay
thats called edema, get a compression sock and elevate your foot
Go see a doc, retard.
Also this.
oh no, it's the reverse jesus, the antichrist, who can turn blood into white wine
>doesn't know what pus is
Idk when i was a kid i started sweating blood a number of times. From what i gather it's a response to terror.
Your cells are bursting under pressure because you're so fucking fat.
nigga you're dying
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How fat?
I think I'm already dead.
This unironically looks like AIDS or some shit. How did you let your body get into this state? I drink a litre of vodka a day and have nothing like this.
are you larping like you don't care or are you just a lazy bum? Go to a doctor you dumbo
Dude. You’re not normal. You should’ve got all that shit checked out immediately. It looks like the flesh of a month old corpse. Take yourself to an emergency room immediately. If you don’t, it’s gonna need to be amputated in the near future.
I really don't give a shit. I already went to urgent care. I'm waiting for my test results.
Something’s very wrong with your lymphatic system and nothing to do with alchemy you retard, go to a doctor ASAP.
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I see it as art performance. I'm transitioning into the state of undead.
you’re going to lose your foot retard
god damn brother 4chan memes aside this seems kinda bad
Dude go to a doctor, please, whatever your depressed about it's not worth sweating yellow oil. You must have a thyroid problem or something.
I am truly worried, anon. Just go to a doctor.
I think I have cocaine legs from standing too much after binging on good ol crack. I'm depressed that I'm running out of it.
I'll be fine in a few days when I crash in all seriousness.
either that or your liver is fucked
this thread is not paranormal at all and should be deleted post hate.
>I ate like 10 Vienna sausages cans
As part of a suicide attempt?
>gets a foot infection
>starts leaking pus
>Is this a paranormal event?
The absolute state of /x/
but it sure ain't normal
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>10 cans of Vienna sausage
You probably have an electrolyte imbalance. The kidneys are used to control your electrolytes and they cannot release the excess sodium build up without potassium. Drink low sodium V8 juice and or bananas and with some time your kidneys will be able to release the build up of sodium in your body. You've got major fluid retention that drinking water alone cannot get rid of.
You've probably got a vitamin deficiency of some sort. Wouldn't be surprised if you've got an iron, B vitamin, Vitamin D, or multiple vitamin deficiencies. Might need a vitamin panel done what with your autistic diet you're probably on.
Nigga your shit is INFECTED. Take your ass to the ER right now!

Or don’t….who gives a shit
You are ascending, into the afterlife.
Holy shit dude that's disgusting. This is /x/ not /medicaladvice/. Take a shower.
Actually red is the final phase of alchemy so a bright crimson to my limited understand would be the sign of a healthy circulation. Yellow would imply a lack of oxygen in your blood as well as possible blood cell congestion, have you been eating foods with a lot of carbs?
>he doesn't know about the four humors
your hand is fat and that is all the mcdonalds juices coming out like liquid fries
I really hope this is all an elaborate joke, but I did watch a guy set himself on fire on /b/ one day. So uh good luck I guess. I wish a had a little of your fearlessness. There's never a time I dont have anxiety over some health concern. All of my fears always turn out to be over nothing, but I live in constant dread.
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Ah so in going through fire alchemically speaking..
The irony being that you will live for a long time, but never enjoy any of it due to the worry. I fear this is how I go out too.
Prob just serum and purulent drainage
>i dont understand what pus is
its plasma you fucking dunce. pus is a collection of dead white blood cells and skin cells and some water. blood plasma is a clear-yellowish white liquid.
>whats that greenish liquid coming from my cars radiator?
car you say? must be oil.
Pedal edema. Congestive heart failure or kidney failure. You say you eat a lot of salt - that’s going to make this worse.

Squeeze the skin on the top of your foot and take a picture. If you leave a divot and it doesn’t immediately snap back, that is clearly pitting edema and you need to go to an ER if this just started happening. They’re going to give you furosemide and need to run labs and do a cardiac workup.

Don’t wait, go now.
You don't have to do anything about it, you can ignore it if you choose to do so, but that will lead to amputation.
It's not water, but it may be plasma (blood). You need to get a doctor's opinion!
Yea I think I have nephrotic syndrome. I'm just waiting for the doctor to confirm it.
Creatinine, Serum
Low 0.66

BUN/Creatinine Ratio
High 22

Specific Gravity
Normal range: 1.005 - 1.030

Normal value: Negative/Trace

Normal value: Negative
View trends
Normal value: None seen /lpf

Value PresentAbnormal
Cast Type

Normal value: N/A

Hyaline casts
Mucus Threads
View trends
Normal value: Not Estab.
what vitamin deficiencies does eating straight fast food and air fryer frozen food exclusively usually give you? not him but posts like this >>38243079
are giving me a fuckin panic attack, my shits aren't exactly THAT bad but it's trending. i have a crazy aversion to talking to strangers getting close to them and especially being touched so lol
Taste the foot juices
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why is it that on every picture you post theres something wrong with your skin?
i wouldnt be surprised if the next pic from you is just straight up necrosis kek
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It's demonic attack. Try this prayer bro
I did. It tastes like watery blood. >>38250196
It might. Too bad I ran out of crack cut with levamisol

The rock demon. I'm doing the dark night of the soul Hunter Biden mode. I'll stay clean for like 10 days. And see what happens. Fuckin shit makes you powerful. Next time I'll be rich.
Death isn't scary
But falling ill is
If you truly wanted to die you wouldn't have accepted illness as your end.
In other words
Illness is scary because you were either forced, fooled or manipulated into it.
It wouldn't be your own decision
Of course you'll be afraid. Ruin brought by outside forces in the ultimate reality check of how little you control your life.
And that will scare you
This, enjoy the foley and Lasix.
should a gofundme be set up for OP just to be punctual
Never said I wanted to die. I'm just cool with if I don't make it out of this.
Whether you die or not your skin's going to melt and fall off pretty soon and the sores aren't fun. If you're not trolling go to the fucking hospital for tests.
Nope. Just a brown recluse bite.
rub salt on it to sanitize it.

if you dont have any salt its probably ok to use onions sauce but just make sure its not low sodium so it has alot of salt still obviously.
I already went to urgent care. >>38249907 <those are my abnormal results from a blood and pee test. Everything else was fine.
i meant onions sauce sorry, onion sauce would have been dumb lol
Your body is giving up. You treat it like shit, eating extremely unhealthy shit like canned Vienna sausages. It looks just like your diet.
Now you will set your skeleton free.
ITT: anon documents his own death
You should probably go to the ER
Onions sauce, I know it's banned. >>38251441
I usually just have Huel drink replacement meals and red meat every other day. Im just going through a hedonistic phase.
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Guys he’s ascending into being a Jesus and secreting holy oil. /ng/ you should post in the nobody threads
Early onset of "MAH LAYGS"
just the regular kind

This. Op need spider bites to live
More exercise/waling and less sitting.
You are a black man.
Nigga is melting and be like
>nah must be paranormal shit
Go to the vet, you animal
Accept Jesus and say your prayers.
This is not looking favorable towards your health.

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