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I can help you ascend. I can teach you how to train psychic abilities, your torus fields, your energy centers/chakras, your aura, your mind, your soul and your body.

I am well versed in spirituality, alchemy, magick, the occult, conspiracies, mental health, mental illnesses, health/wellness/food, the elites and the control systems.

If any need any help or advice with anything. I will do my best to help you. When asking for advice, please be as specific as possible and provide as much information as possible.

If you want to connect with me on discord, my discord is: quiet777333
Why not explain it here? If I meditate every day for a few months will something happen?
First prove your claims here. Then we’ll jump off the cliff with you. If you’re worthy.

There is so much information to give and I have given it here many times before.

If you meditate everyday for a few months, more than likely nothing will happen. Simple basic meditation is extremely beginner and does not do anything for the majority of people.

That isn't to say their is not some benefit, truth, higher realizations or ascension that you can have through meditating everyday. But chances are that you will not be able to get much out of standard conventional meditation practices.

The meditation practices that get you the furthest are practical meditations you do throughout your day while living your daily life. Meditation practices that you cannot do throughout your day practically are not great. An advanced meditation practice is one that you can perform while at work, school, in front of family, friends, while driving, playing games, working out, eating etc.

My advice is to put yourself into a state of waking practical meditation through self-programming, self-hypnosis, discipline, conscious awareness, mind training and thoughtfulness. The goal is to put yourself into an observational state where you can observe reality, others and yourself without any subjective interference.
This however is just the tip of the iceberg as you also want to be doing chakra work, reality experimentation, torus field work, compassion training, negative energy training. All these things synergize and go into one another if you do it correctly with the right intentions.

Then of course all of these also directly are related to what you put inside of your body. Food, water and sungazing. Water fasting, dry fasting and juice fasting.

Do you have something you need help with?
set up a trip ;3
what do you eat?
what dose one ideally eat?
>I can help you ascend
Help yourself before you try helping others.

I don't know how. I tried to look it up earlier today but I didn't find out how. Can you explain how?


Primarily whole foods plant based. No grains, no bread, no pasta, no rice, no oil, no dairy, no butter, no milk, no cheese, no meat. Mainly distilled water for drinking as much as possible.

If I had to eat meat I would eat as much as raw as possible. Organic grass fed. Eat organs. Hunt your own meat. But locally. Fish. Trap. Have chickens maybe for eggs.

But I do not eat meat or animal products generally.
I don't listen to music when I run or drive but my thoughts are still out of control. What exactly am I supposed to do to be aware in every day life? Also I fail to see how is this any different than normal meditation. I still won't get any breakthroughs or abilities.

You assume I haven't helped myself. I have helped myself for tens of thousands of hours. Helping others is something which is dear to my heart and a passion.
You are also making an assumption that helping others would not help me. Helping others helps me grow and learn how to help others better.
Alright, I'll bite. How can I develop conscious powers to make my will reality?

Desiring abilities or powers very rarely gets you them unless you are willing to sacrifice something.

It is much different from normal meditation. It is essentially being your own scientist of reality. Your own alchemist. You experiment with different sounds, different words, sentences, thoughts, feelings, social interactions, mental interactions, perceptions of reality, concepts, theories and much more. The more you experiment with reality from an observational point of view while testing various combinations of energy forms. The more you will evolve the more you continue to experiment with reality from and observational point of view. The more you will eventually start to have huge breakthroughs and eventually you will gain more abilities.

If you want the voices in your head to quiet. You need to pick apart every sound, word, sentence, concept, theory, positive/negative energy and fear in your head. Go and reexamine everything that can or will ever exist. Like I said do so I observationally and objective as possible. Try to see yourself from an outside point of view. It is hard to be objective and to observe reality non-subjectively. But if you do it enough with a lot of willpower and effort. Your powers and abilities to observe reality objectively will evolve.
I am aware of my own thoughts and I notice that I keep repeating the same trains of thought. How can I remove this blockage? It seems the only way to do it is through achieving certain things in the external world. Anything else just seems like I am running away from it. Meditation is just another form of coping and running away in this sense.

There is various methods. But typically you will lean one "side" or the other karmically and energetically speaking. Now what I have practiced extensively with much discipline is more described as a practice that is dualistic yet not dualistic, everything and nothing all at the same time.

That being said when you want the power to consciously make your will reality you generally will have to choice a "side" in order to maximize your efforts to make your will reality.

So for example. Say you want to live more negatively for your own selfish purposes and reasons. The way you would do this is through intellect, knowledge, growing your bloodline, reassuring your supremacy through establishing your families dominance in this reality, mastering killing, mastering torture, mastering negative arts. Being able to control and manipulate others. Master strength of will.. Survival. Wealth. Through that you will consciously make reality what you want from it and want it to be.

It really is what you want desire wise and how you want to consciously make reality through your will.

If you however want to forge reality into a more compassionate, loving, evolved or advanced reality. It will however take a lot of helping others, learning how to help others, growing spiritually etc.

Really though. It goes much deeper than all of that. Ask yourself and if you want to tell me go ahead. Ask yourself this- why do you want to consciously control reality with you will and how do you want to do that?

The other answer to this question is advanced energy work and cultivation practices.
dose distilling your water not remove the alkalinity along with the acids and toxins?
>I have helped myself for tens of thousands of hours.
You should probobly change your approach towards self-help then, and avoid leading others towards wasting thousands of hours following your instrucitons.

It's funny you say that and ironic to me. Because from my point of view and with my own personal experience. It is those that keep having the same trains if thoughts that generally run away to the external world for problems that are happening internally. Many run away from internal problems by looking externally to the world around them as an escape and coping mechanism.

Meditation is not a cope or running away unless you make it that way. Many monks, meditators and those who try to practice spirituality overall use meditation or spirituality as a cope or escape from the internal and or external world.

It really depends on the person. Some use the external world to escape the internal world. Some use the internal world to escape the external world. On either side of the coin there is those who would use either spirituality or materialism to escape some deeper thing through some form of coping mechanisms.

The layers of cope and denial go so deep in the average being that you are probably lying to yourself so deeply. Some do this to avoid the true reality of who they are, their pain and the fear of many different things.

Distilled water takes out the minerals and any toxins. It is the purest form of water.

The only water that is "better" for lack of a better word right now is distilled hydrogen water.

It depends on what you feel is a waste. The path I have taken is not for the majority of for everyone. With how much time I have devoted to this overall. I can save many from thousands of hours of that I personally had to go through to get where I am.

I have gotten a massive amount of such great things out of devoting tens of thousands of hours to this path. If I had to do it all over again- I would do it again the same.
My problems may be internal but they can't be changed without interaction with the external world acting as a catalyst for this Internal change. If your life sucks (relationships, social life, money, health problems etc.) You are not spiritual. Are you telling me I should ignore my problems instead of solving them because they are actually not real and it's all internal?

You are basically arguing semantics at this point.

Changing your internal world of course requires interaction with the external world. Your relationships, social life, health problems and money are all indictive of many different layers inside of yourself. They are also of course indicators of your spiritual progress.

That being said many people have great relationships with others, a great social life, lots of money and no health problems. Yet they have no spiritual greatness to them. Again, it depends on the individual.

You should solve your problems internally and externally. By interacting with the external world you can solve your internal problems if done right. This is not easy to correctly put oneself in however. It involves constantly adapting, evolving, experimenting and changing yourself completely in many different ways constantly.

You should not ignore your external problems. Fix them. But external things are relatively easy, straightforward and simple to fix.

You are making the assumption that you cannot fix your internal world and external world at the same time. Which is not the case- unless you make it so.
The thing is I am not sure what my problems are exactly and assuming I know I am not sure they can be changed. Some things you are just born with and you can't be something you are not. It's like you are swimming against the river.

That's probably a good start for you then. Learning and growing in order to learn what your problems are. Identifying what your problems are.

Why don't you ask others what problems they see in you if you don't have the ability to see them yourself?

Problems and who you are can definitely be changed. But if you do not believe it can be changed- it will not be so.

To a certain degree you are right however. Some really can't change or go against who they are. This is because many different variables like karma, bloodlines, how advanced your soul is and so on.

That all being said. It looks like you don't want to find out what your problems are and it looks like you don't want to change or fight who you are at all.
Distilled water rips minerals from your body, dont drink that shit

Misinformation and psyop.
More like basic chemistry

There is many lies and hidden information about chemistry.

Chemistry has been psyoped.
Why does it look like I don't want to change? It's all I think about. The thing is there doesn't seem to be any space for it. It's like I am stuck fighting against the wall. What if I am cursed by genetics, karma and bloodlines to go through this? There doesn't seem to be any escape.

I was cursed by genetics, karma and my bloodline. I pushed through all of those things and fought against all of it. It was insanely hard.
Great post namefag, meditation and chakra work made my spiritual awakening happen soon after starting the practices.
Better to dig a well than dozens of shallow holes, meditation plus a practice is the thing. Those who are willing to make progress only need couple months to reach the next level of a practice, so a year can contain a lot of different practices without multitasking.
So you only eat fruit? Is this not attachment to form?

I say it does not matter what you eat. All food is the same substance at its most essential form. I eat whatever God brings me or places in front of me. I have no attachment to my sustenance as the lord knows what I need.

On top of that there is not a single food stuff on earth that is fully healthy to eat. Except for one. Everything you can eat harms you in some way. Grains need no explanation. Fruit is mostly sugar, vegetables contain little to no nutrient and are mostly anti nutrients and meat is rotting and dying when it gets to you as well as containing the animals negative energy. Dairy is known to wreck havoc on your guts. Everything you eat has a cost. That is the nature of this world. The only free food is for man is human breast milk.

I say don’t worry, all food is technically harmful anyway. Let go of your attachments or your diet will be the source of your karmic tomb.
After fasting the systems clean you can live on pizza and pasta. The vessel will serve after being properly cleansed, assuming you trust it will. Talking from experience, I had no fucking clue what the body can do.
You are coping for you wasted time by trying to offer advice in return for confirmation that you didnt actually waste your time.

It's not an attachment. I eat vegetables, roots, greens, fruits, nuts, seeds, fermented products, corn. Many differeng things.

Anti-nutrients in vegetables is a big misinformation campaign, psyop and simply not true.

The sugar in fruit is different than regular table sugar. It processes differently in the body.

I am not attached to what I eat. But what you eat does change your body, mind and soul.

Eating meat has certain karmic attachments to it. But if you have to eat meat. You should eat it raw, fresh, local and preferably hunted by yourself.

You make a lot of assumptions. You assume I am attached to what I eat and food. You assume a lot of truths about food and myself.

You also have a lot of misinformation in general.

If you fast to make yourself clean. Pasta and pizza will make you dirty again.


Word salad
Clean body can process pizza and pasta. Average human body is extremely sick filled to the brim, that's why it can't process a good pasta but suffers.

That is one of the most retarded things I have ever heard. You are genuinely retarded for thinking this. You are coping super hard.

Go back to the books and learn some critical thinking.
This. OP still cucks to mind made limitations.
Appearing as a teacher while identifying with the body and 3D limitations. Has meditation now revealed to you how the so called reality works? Not even seeing the world as energy? Ouch.
Please look into what manifests your reality.
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>"This. OP still cucks to mind made limitations."
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Don't be healthy goyim! If you eat healthy or try to tell others about being healthy that means you are just a stupid GOY
Is this what your tens of thoudands of hours of work have gotten you?

I assume nothing, all food contain sustenance but no food is without harm. To eat is to continue samsara. Though you must eat so what is a person to do then?

You say that is bad and this is good. Who says it is so? You? Who are you to make such a claim? Your learned experiences? You are fooled by delusions. All food like all things are of one substance in different states of motion. To pass judgement on shadows will keep you here until you learn your lesson.
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Basic bitch manifestors and chi cultivators can live with a pure burger diet while maintaining a healthy body, not a yogic feat to do it.
You are not the body, the body can't decide how your reality appears.
attempting to mock true empowerment but forgot the merchant pic?

No I just can't believe what you said lol
Try enlightenment teachings, none of the masters would digests the turds you offer as truths or hard limitations.
>r9k Valhalla
lol lmao even
roflmao maybe
Drink distilled water, strip yourself of electrolytes, be more thirsty. Drink more, more thirst. Die.
Ripperoni, this nigga wasnt salty enough

Ok. Thank you for your wise words of advice.

Oh right. I never thought of that! How foolish of me. You are really smart. I guess I never considered what you were saying even though everyone else in the world says the same thing. I will have to reconsider my entire life and what I know to be true. Thank you for helping me.

this is me

this is not me

You present yourself as a teacher and had good intentions but are unwillingly to learn from others.
and when confronted with counters you argued and resorted to racism. Insisting you were right and your way was the only way. Did you want to teach or did you simply want an ego boost? Consider this as a lesson for you.

Good day sir or madam.

Your sarcasm is noted
Delete this shit it ruins your good posts.
>Good day sir or madam.
Gas your lower case self.

Thank you for protecting the chosen people.


It's ok
its just words on friendo, its not that serious

You are welcome. It seems you may need another 10,000 hours no?

Define "basic meditation" please

Sitting with your legs crossed. Trying to calm, focus and clear your mind. Trying balance yourself, concentrating and breathing.
meditation is about "losing time". it takes normies ages to achieve it. but a 4chan autist will do it multiple times a day just by their own nature of "disappearing into their heads" or "zoning out".

this "losing time" thing can literally happen for second, but you'll fell yourself "coming back" and that's when you can make requests or envision goals or look for signs etc.

like op says here:
you should be able to do it multiple times an hour or even minute if you get in the right headspace.

if you've ever read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books, one of them has the MC learn how to fly by "forgetting to land". It's a metaphor for what's described above I think. you can get into esoteric/magic/spiritual/astral/upper-dimensional headspace (the purpose of meditation) just by kinda getting so lost in your thoughts you forget to "ground" for a moment. and when you "come back" to reality it almost feels like you're waking up.

if you already have this type of mind, then you need to train yourself to recognize when you do it so you can check numbers and words etc, as that's when subconscious/sub-dimensional communications are most easy to recognize.

Look up Hypnagogia for more normie explanations about what the brain is doing in between full waking and full sleeping.

>Hypnagogia is the transitional state from wakefulness to sleep, also defined as the waning state of consciousness during the onset of sleep. Its opposite state is described as hypnopompia – the transitional state from sleep into wakefulness.

There's a name for the kind of brainwaves you exhibit in this state, and they match meditation apparently.
Autists/neuro-atypicals spend a lot of time in that zone I suspect. And esoterics chase it pretty hard.
As above/So below is about the meeting place of the conscious and unconscious minds.
The Bridge/The Beach etc etc etc etc.

You'll witness some pretty inexplicable stuff once you get the hang of it.
*forgot to add that the MC in HHGTTG who learns how to fly, a kinda beta male simp in the first book, now is able to achieve his wants and needs in regular civilian life. Gets the dream girl, job going well etc. Seemed to be reflecting the author's own developmental progress. By the last book the only thing the MC really cares about is making nice sandwiches for lunch and long baths (hot baths are another method of "zoning out" as described) and wrapping up this ongoing adventure/saga he's no longer really interested in.
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And you claim that this simple practice won't do anything if someone does it every day for some months? Why?

In my opinion if someone does it right by directing his awareness to his breath and deepening it while relaxing his body and ignoring his thoughts (while keeping a straight spine) then the person will start realizing that he is not his thoughts and that his most basic form is his awareness and that he has control over it (unlike the majority of humans who live on auto-pilot).

I agree with you on that someone can be meditative while doing any activity in his everyday life but it's hard to nearly impossible for the average person to get into deeper meditative states (which contain all the juicy stuff) with all the distractions around him. One needs to ground his awareness towards himself and with having a relaxed and deep breath then he will be able to enter those deep meditative states.

Someone can't get far into other practices like those you mentioned (chakra work, reality experimentation e.t.c.) if one is still a slave to his over thinking mind and if one hasn't mastered the basic meditative state.
Confess that Christ is Lord
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>I don't know how. I tried to look it up earlier today but I didn't find out how. Can you explain how?
where name is AFTER the name add a ' #' (space and hashtag) then a string of letters that will be like a passphrase

Originally, starting out- quieting the mind was a very potent practice. But the kind of energy work I practice and teach is about using the mind and thoughts to do energy cultivation.



You make it sound like its something hard to achieve when the basics for it can be taught by demonstrating it in action.
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can you provide a concrete tangible way to do the following things?

- achieve henosis
- become aware of the illusion of separation so it can be dissolved
- become truly aware of the eternal self
how about immortality on this material plane so we can try to learn all these things in this one life in lieu of resets over and over again and being a plaything for the 1%

There is many methods and ways to achieve oneness with the universe. To be honest taking a psychedelic like acid/LSD is babies first experience of that feeling.

To permanently achieve the state of oneness you have to dissolve and sacrifice your ego. You have to deconstruct and reconstruct your ego while sacrificing your ego hundreds and thousands of times.

The other thing is to open your third eye and meditate.

To become aware of the eternal self you should engage in high level advanced energy work such as chakra and torus field work.
How can I best protect myself from external negative energies? I saw a friend who recently came back from prison and a couple of days later I felt extreme terror/fear. I didn't connect the dots til several days later when I heard him complaining about life
What do think of androgyny in magical context?

Have you ever tried building up your courage and bravery energies inside of yourself? Have you ever confronted your fears deep down inside of yourself?


Androgyny can be for many different reasons. Genetics/bloodline/family, upbringing, social, mental, emotional, energetic. It could also be a masculine or feminine energy imbalance combined with the other reasons listed.
Anyone offering "help" to "ascend" is a bonafide charlatan. There is always some catch as to why they can't show you how they have, or something you need to do for them so they can show you how! (but somehow they are still right here with us in the physical realm, curious!) If you have something to share, then fucking share it. No one gives a fuck about your gay little ego, muddying-the-waters-ass. If you want people to ask you questions go work fast food.
>Can I get uhhhhh...
I am curious. What consists the practice you call torus field?
How do i stop beating myself down while working out. How do i stay out of a weak mindset. Example: Have thoughts, and i can barely do 8 reps>repeat 6 reps> talk even more shit and get insanely frustrated and enraged 15+ reps have to increase the weight now 15reps> go home in silence

Torus fields are energy fields that are in and around everything.

To move your torus fields you have to engage in high level advanced energy work. Cycling your chakras, experimenting with reality, observing reality observationally, training your positive and negative energies. Many things of this nature and more.

The picture in this post and the next one describe how to start engaging in torus field work. (1/2)


Physical fitness is the one area I am lacking in. Sorry I cant help. I can give you health advice in every other area though.
Any idea how to opened that 3rd eye to see auras?
Great, another discord groomer.
Interested by healing energy, any advice?
It's confusing I can enter in that state of oneness/nothingness without all of this steps, only with one energy.
But I can't control shit and receive a shower of lightning energy.
>There is so much information to give and I have given it here many times before.
Just puke it out. Threads like this die in 50 posts so cover it up with 250 of them.

that's neither practical nor tangible
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Can you shapeshift, transmute material and teleport? Also are you impervious (invincible + immortal?
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I remember I was messing with you the last time you did this thread, and I want to apologize; sorry Anon, I'm a real dick sometimes and you don't deserve that.
> To permanently achieve the state of oneness you have to dissolve and sacrifice your ego. You have to deconstruct and reconstruct your ego while sacrificing your ego hundreds and thousands of times.
I didn't know you could do it more than 2 times.
The issue with Ego shedding is that you can't be around family or society you need to have aesthetic life in a monastery or in a retreat in the wild.
Can you write up a fool proof method to practice "real meditation"?

You can do it thousands of times. Tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands even.


This is not true even in the slightest.


For me to go in depth on this particular topic would take a lot of time and effort. My books and writings are in complete. Unfortunately I do not have the time to write everything I want to about this subject at the moment.

I will give you the short version however that is incomplete.

The short answer is that you need to rewire your brain, your mind, your thoughts, your words, your sentences and even make vows with yourself inside of your heart in order to put yourself into a constant state of meditation. You basically have to reprogram your entire being to put yourself into an observational, objective and non-subjective state of being. Your goal should be to still live practically in reality and be able to put into a state in which you can observe reality objectively with no outside interference from yourself or others.

The basics of doing this involves using your willpower to make "contracts" with yourself in order to always observe reality observationally. On top of that, it also includes experimenting with reality observationally in many different ways of sounds, words, thoughts, energies, positivity, negativity and actions.

This ultimately means you are crossing the line between meditation and alchemy. If you do this right it essentially means you are putting yourself into a constant state of observational awareness that has no inside of outside influences while you test and experiment with reality.

If you ask more questions I may be able to help. I will admit I am getting a little burned out "helping" others at the moment because I am feeling a little under the weather.
I understand now I thought alchemy was to achieved Ego death and stay without Ego, but what are you saying is about to create a new Ego by rewriting the brain so you could enable special ability.
Each time you do an Ego death you print a new neuronal network and by repetition this network will stay mostly is like creating new Identity.
The day I achieved Ego death I couldn't sleep for 3 days straight due to hypersensitivity.
How do I buy a house, get a pretty gf and escape the black cube? In that order
OP, i have read your posts, and you are correct on most of the subjects, you do seem to have some degree of higher understanding, but you are still missing the bigger picture. the moment you are looking for others to teach, thats the moment you should know you are not there yet. i hope you will consider the words of someone who has walked a similar path to you.
How masculine and feminine energies imbalance can lead to androgyny if it's equal or close to it resemblance to both man and woman? Do you mean balance being something other than equality?
any tips on the concept of meditation walking , I think I can do it sometimes when I am really into my fiction and listening to music but I want to know if thier is a way I could do it on command.

I have a wierd contraction that needs me to do that.
Never had a gf. Never kissed a girl.
I noticed that if I expose myself to girls online (be that celebrities or egirls) and subconsciously feel like they are attractive universe tosses someone similar looking around me. Still I can never reach put and grab them.

I love helping others. It seems that you don't like helping others.
Ok, so basically i should dissociate to the degree of feeling that i'm looking to life through a window instead of my own eyes?

More so you should use your willpower to take your soul outside of your body and look at yourself, others and reality objectively
So... lets be clear, do you need to focus enough to disociate, but you also have to be totally awake and do your daily stuff? holyshit what the hell, how i'm supposed to do that?
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This faggot believes in chakras and magic numbers, just another "spiritually advanced" larper. Those things are for idiots.
Anyone really on the path would ultimately realize you SHOULDNT help anyone "spiritually" advance, especially with self help guru bullshit through discord. Lol

Just another "Jesus ego" larper
Fuck off Ivan. Go get drunk at your own expense.
He is a new soul. He has not got the wisdom of the spirit realm that he needs to help you ascend because he can but it will leave you stranded on the other side without a guide.

Once more, OP can help you ascend but he knows nothing of the other side or the spirit world.

Helping others is a good thing.

I think if you are dedicated to helping others and continue to try to help others daily as much as you can to the maximum that you are able to do so. I believe helping others gets you further than anything.

That being said helping others is also a skill that you have to constantly work at. If you look at helping others as a skill then you can analyze and critique your abilities in regards to helping others . You never know if you are helping as many people as you can unless you are constantly evaluating yourself on your ability to help others. Helping others should also be a skill that you are adapting and evolving with. Meaning that you can be trying out 10s of thousand of different ways how to help others and fail thousands of different ways. That is the progress and improvement of basically any skill. The difference is that many don't look at helping others as a skill that you get good at. Try to help more people and stretch the limit of who you are able to help but don't get discouraged if you fail. It also takes skill in order to identify who, when and where you will be able to help at the best of your ability. Push yourself to help others in the highest quality way possible but just realize that you need to evolve with helping others as if it is a skill.
You need to go to school so you can learn 3 principles of art. Color Theory, Typography and Presentation. Your content does not hit the mark at the 30 second screen play.

You don't like helping others?
I don't like it when I help others but they don't help their self.

That's not the case for everyone. Some people help their self a lot but still need help from others.
>Some people
Maybe it would help me if you could name a few.

Yeah, helping people is great and good work but "spiritually" helping someone is evil.
I could help you cross a street, build a house, fix your car. All good things.

But the moment you start filling someone head with bullshit magic numbers and Chakra jargon, it shows a complete imbecile preaching bullshit they learned on from some other idiot.

None of that spiritually helps anyone. It's placing a shitty temporary bandaid on someone else. Observance is the only way. And to observe you must be present. Not "sharing your knowledge" through discord. Watching a spider building a web in a thunderstorm can teach you more than that moron will babble about.
He's just trying to build a church, trying to find his calling.....because he's lost, he has no meaning, he has no purpose, he filled his head with bullshit and now he feels he has to spew it on some other person.

It's clearly evident. That person is on the ass end of the whole structure because they are reaching for something they don't have, a purpose.

A spiritual purpose is finding meaning in nothing, in being nothing and feeling the world move around you.

You will neither alter a river by throwing a stone or carve a mountain by whispering to the wind.

And all that number and Chakra crap that's lowest level. The hermetics laid that down to throw off simple minded ego driven morons. Who are content with the simplest "answers" as evident by this idiot trying to preach a church through his discord
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What does 999 mean? I have these numbers on my nav date

Thank you for opening my eyes

Honestly you are so wise. Can you tell me more? I feel so humbled by your words.
What more can you tell me?
Bump and checked
I am you and you are me. What I know, you will know without me showing you.

Burn eternally until you wither down to ash. Find your suffering and neither enjoy or embrace it but learn to understand it. Because it is your own suffering and no one else's. All else we share communal but that is yours to keep, find it special.

You're never where you want to be but should be. This time we enjoy has passed by millions of years ago already. It's also neither the present or the past.

Best advice I can give:

Tame your anger but never conquer it. It's key to a life. If you tame and cage a tiger, it's no longer a tiger.

Seek adrenaline. Be wild. Find an adventure.

Happiness is a modern term. Never has a person until the 1940s considered being happy. It's a fallacy to keep you dull. Happiness is a momentary emotion, be in awe of wondering instead and never seek an answer from another. That's how you observe.

Dont waste your time idolizing false idols. If you find someone of character, enjoy their presence but don't take their answers as your own.

Crystals and rocks are a waste of time and energy.
Minimalize your possessions. The more you are connected to the more disengaged you will be from yourself.

It's easy to kill and harder to forgive. Unconsciously we murder millions in our lifetime. Mostly small bugs through our daily routines. But if you ever find your self a moment of peace, and after you notice a small ant. Don't kill it.
You won't find purpose in your life unless you find purpose in their life.
(If they infest your home, kill them sure. Had they the opportunity they would kill you)
But if you see a single ant, lost or on his own journey, be kind.

The whole world is alive. Everything is conscious. Trees, plants and grass have a consciousness that surpasses any being on this planet.

And finally I'll leave you with my favorite quote

If you must live a life,
live a good life.

See ya later bud. Wish you well.
That's not entirely true. I would even say living in the modern age western world and still practicing ego dissection is even more potent if you manage to be successful.

Wow very profound. It moved me and changed me in ways that are unfathomable. I am a new man because of you. Thank you so much.
What are some signs a ordinary looking building is a government facility?
You just know everything, do you? Highly skeptical.
Your not a 999
Drop the act
Real 999 topics include
Ancient egypt
Mohammad pbuh
Help others only if u got ur connection to God//allah right

Otherwise that help is gonna be worthless.

Its gonna be darkclouds on top of dark clouds with abysswaves on top of that
Darkness upon darkness. And useless deeds.

Real 999 says, first connect to allah before doing anything. Especially listening to this number boi
Punkass mr 333 777

Judeo-christian disinfo boi pretend he is a 999r speaking for God
Many such cases
Also i in no way claim to be speaking for God cause God speaks for himself. I have nothing to add or take away

999 yall
are you the fatass greasy haired faggot who pretended he teleported his girlfriend to some strange dimension before? The rainbow body loser? Jesus christ dude you spend more time jerking off and talking about spiritual ascension than being outside. I'm going to order a full meat diet today and channel the negative ions from my soul into you so you become sick and ill, feel my semenergy loser
Hey dude, i only want to be able to live in my dreams (dreams are too short) do you know a way to make dream time longer? I want to be able to live through entire lives in my dreams, i dont know if its possible.

Sorry. I haven't experienced with dreams enough or put time into it. It never really interested me to master dreams at all.
Well, what kind of stuff can i expect from ascending? What are the benefits?
I added you discord: unordinarycarl
5-HTP, L-theanine, Kava, melatonin, nicotine patch

Extreme power and insight. On top of that you will have experiences that are otherworldly and meet being from many different realities.

But the real benefit is that you become a great person who can help others in an actual useful way.

You don't become ascended by being selfish. Some.may be able to do it that way. But helping others gets you further than anything else.


I messaged you a while ago and haven't heard anything back.

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