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/x/ - Paranormal

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What are your thoughts on Chemtrails and Geoengineering? Is it real? If it is, why are they doing it?


These two videos show decent evidence that chemtrails are a thing


Here Max Spiers say chemtrails are "Silent weapons for a quiet war"

This is /x/ because one theory is the devil/antichrist/dajjal wants to dumb down and reduce the spiritual abilities of the population

Here is a decent song about chemtrails
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(Anon before this thread is deleted by globohomo and its israeli minions, here is a qrd for the dispersal method.
The poison food/water medicine fall under an operation called “operation destroy humanity” imaginative name huh.)
The sun is too cause a massive flare, one that happens every 12500 years.
I came to the realisation that these spraying and spreading operations might be a way to try to save humanity by blocking out the solar radiation when the time comes.
It might not save us from calamity, but might save us from loading our electronics
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Here's a couple of photos I took back in December of last year
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Thank you, I will watch it. I don't think this thread will be deleted because the 2 youtube links have been up for a few years which I find mildly surprising
What city is that? It looks similar to the chemtrails we get in London
The Raleigh/Durham area of NC
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(Perhaps, i thinks as you begin to stand under the idea of what these atmospheric injections do to the people underneath in regards to aluminum and stupidification as well processed coal ash having other detrimental cumulative effects, you’ll realize it’s less about saving humanity and more about their control of the beast sys.
I think as the operation trust 2.0 picks up steam in the former united states coupled with the coordinated destruction of the food supply which will result in hunger and then the great depression being repeated will really wake the former american people up! They will know it’s the federal reserve behind it all, racist jewish supremacist pigs never change their colors from my watching of humanity. They are “goyim” just like everyone else!)
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Cont. for deeper context on the repeat of the history for the enslavement of the former american people.
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(Trumps waldorf went from 121million in 2021 when he sold it to now it sold at auction for 12-13 million.
Check out this at&t building price loss.
Squeezing blood from a stone by allowing the american “goyim” to take out a 2nd mortgage or “liquidity” from their homes isn’t a fix lmao.
You are watching the former united states being robocopped 2’d, the intentional devaluing of the former country while the american people languish in absentia and everything is bought up for pennies on the dollar. This is being down so the freedom cities(digital concentration camps) can be built up around the former American people gradually without them realizing it before the pen is shut on them. It always happens right before the “goyims” faces.)
I understand your point, and i have an idea of the tainting of water and food supplies aswell as the monetary Ponzi we live in. But at the same time i have a hard time believing that these actions over the skies are just for the goal of destroying, dumbing down and controlling, especially since there's not just us vs then under the same sky, everyone lives beneath it, unless this is a literal alien invasion.

With the idea of a solar catastrophe in mind it'd make sense that the skies could be coated with a protective layer, or at least that what we've seen so far have been tests to create one.
For the contol part, in time of crisis and catastrophe it's best to control a small group of complying individuals than a large group of chaotic ones, the poisoning of food and water with medicine ignoring core causes for most modern problems health such as seed oils and other polyunsaturated fats, seems to be done with the very purpose of weakening everyone for a future culling when the time requires it.
But in these cases clean food and water would still be obtainable by an elite, with clean air, I'm not so sure.
Chemtrails are generally seen in high population cities, so the ones most affected by them would be the wagie city dwellers. The mega rich would then live in slightly more rural areas with access to organic food. At least that's my idea, because there's no denying chemtrails are in our skies causing god knows what negative effects on us. I'm now starting to believe the 5g towers and whatever other electromagnetic interference are having some effects on our psyches. The world does feel subjectively "different" to me over the years.

In my limited understanding, the NWO idea is the most likely goal. The gradual dumbing down of the global population while promoting negative values and beliefs to create willing slaves.
If you have no critical thinking skills then yes, you're being sprayed. If you do have critical thinking skills all you have to do is turn on a flight path app. The conspiracy community is controlled by pathological liars and narcissists who make an ego identity out of their "knowledge" to look superior to "normies".


>Chemtrails are generally seen in high population cities, so the ones most affected by them would be the wagie city dwellers.
So like... because of airports?
Notice how chemtrailers never bother to tell you to download these apps. You're not supposed to be empowered and think for yourself, you're supposed to join the chemtrail cult and BELIEVE in the guru's.
Kek, made me look dumb. I hope this chemtrail bs isn't true
I see your point. What conspiracy theories are considered plausible then?
>>The conspiracy community is controlled by pathological liars and narcissists who make an ego identity out of their "knowledge" to look superior to "normies".

Lmao, gas lighting and projection, i wonder how jewish anon is.
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>>With the idea of a solar catastrophe in mind it'd make sense that the skies could be coated with a protective layer, or at least that what we've seen so far have been tests to create one.

I get your cautious approach so I'm not gonna shit on you, i appreciate banter and discussing ideas. i just want you to grasp the idea that if all our news is fake and a lot many historical events as we’ve been entrained to believe are true but are not, then why would some of the science be 100% true. Devil is always in the details, when the usury based and driven industrial science complex wants you to just take their word for it, don’t. most people that have figured out solutions for themselves knew that when something is so complex that no one can stand under its principals, then its rife for use of abuse against others. No case is this more true than the usury medical industrial complex after the ama took over and got rid of many homeopathic solutions cause they worked and weren’t easily monetized, the allopathic approach hasn’t worked the best and look at the plandemic we just went through. The yellow fringe flag fake us military and post 1999 yellow fringe flag fake us gov poisoned everyone on a genetic level and tried to strip everyone of any semblance sovereignty for their gods at the federal reserve. They are just going to keep doing what they are doing as will their scumbag diversion agents on here til everyones dead. This is the goal of the Stockholm syndrome Elohim worship death cult that owns the debt based currency. The real us gov ceased to exist in 1999 and all states legally in 2001, since then this is why you’ve watched a steady decline in everything and especially quality of life/care. The hostile foreign corporate entity that poses as the us gov to the American peoples with its yellow fringe American flags and dual Israeli citizen puppeteer’s do not give a shit about the American people and are doing everything to lie and enslave them.
novas arnt just burts of light, waves of charged hydrogen also impact the upper atmosphere. or, the ozone layer where the hydrogen and oxygen mix to form cosmic rain normally.... unless you detonate 2000 nuclear bombs and blame ozone depletion on fridges and spray paint.... then all you have to do is coat the sky with incendiaries and accelerates every day nova risk is high.
see if it rains for a month all the low places get flooded, even the underground, but if theres fire for a day, only things above the surface go away
Chemtrails aren't real, though aerosol spraying exists and nobody denies it. Weather mod too. But yeah, Reptilians and the UFO thing are real, they own this planet.
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Why do you keep making fake quotes?
>Call out the Jew by lying
>Behave exactly like the Jew stereotype
Thanks anon, can you guide me on how you're sure about the ufo thing? I've done some research but I'd like to do some more
bump. expose them!
>central banking controlling the world economies and warfare
>Globalist agenda
>Degeneracy agenda to destabilise societies
>Deliberate dumbing down of the world population
>Suppression of free or alternate energy technologies
>Openly doing satanic ceremonies
>Pedo Hollywood and celebrities

What other for-sure conspiracies are there? I'm sure there are way more, for example, suppression of the realities of ancient history; or summoning a high ranking negative entity. They sound realistic but I don't have enough knowledge or evidence to support it
Cont: I'm going to look into the documentaries: Europa the last battle and The Greatest Story Never Told. Hoping to gain some decent info

Also I have gotten a decent amount of conspiratorial info from this Bitchute channel: https://old.bitchute.com/channel/8i0t4TgDNWFN/

This meme-documentary compilation video thing is surprisingly quite informative also: https://youtu.be/xQXQyjTu5n0?si=Oi64pE6a5ymkR5rk
This fits into
>Degeneracy agenda to destabilise societies
>Deliberate dumbing down of the world population
but basically everything we are taught is upside down. Our schools don't teach, our hospitals don't heal, our police don't protect, our governments don't lead. None of it helps us grow and mature, only degenerate us and keep us in a pitiful, dependable state. Realizing all this and trying to warn others who are still enthralled and trusting of all those institutions is exhausting and frustrating. I don't blame or resent them, I was right there amongst them for most of my life too, but it does get incredibly lonely trying talk about these things and being treated like a lunatic for it.
That's what the "devil" does. They invert everything. This sounds very similar to Orwell's 1984.

I feel you regarding the loneliness. Last year I tried telling as many people as I could about what I've learned but no dice. It just made me feel more crazy but I guess that's what we gotta pay for going into the rabbit hole.

One thing we could do is to collect solid evidence of provable conspiracy theories and upload digestible videos on tiktok. That would spark something.
>Last year I tried telling as many people as I could about what I've learned but no dice.
Yep. I have tried telling people about how most conventional medical treatments are in fact damaging to your health, which is something you can easily infer if you simply stop to think about it for a few minutes, but nearly everyone reacts with extreme resistance and denial. And again, I can't blame them because I understand that this is such a shocking subject and it pulls the rug from under your feet, but it's hard for me to sit idly listening to people talk about all sorts of insane procedures with such banality. One of these days I went to a bar and there was a group of people talking about surgeries they considered having, one guy talking about wanting a vasectomy, one girl talking about how she would remove her womb if she could. Listening to them made me uneasy. We have been so successfully domesticated that we have been led to believe that butchering our bodies is beneficial and our best course of action for a happier life.
And don't even get me started on people discussing politics. We devote so much of our energy in supporting a fucking clown show that in the end doesn't matter in the slightest. And people are constantly at each other's throats over it. It's all so futile and tiring.

Politics is absolutely retarded. You're only given a choice between 2 parties and neither parties has the populations best interests at heart. And all the recent social movements are sad to see such as BLM and all the lgbt stuff they're pushing. My generation fell for then hook line and sinker, protesting for George Floyd simply because everyone else is doing it. Completely ignoring all the other atrocities that deserves that much attention.

Also regarding health, I've found great info from Dr. Sebi, John Rose and Robert Morse. It was almost hilarious finding out that the greatest medical treatment was to do nothing at all (fasting) and to watch what foods you put into your mouth. But watch everyone run to surgeries and pills like you said to get their quick fix. We really do need an educational and spiritual revolution, otherwise I can't imagine what the world will look like in a few decades. Can you imagine that zoomers will be running the world in a few decades?
Indeed, fasting is a good example of a natural remedy that is disregarded by modern medicine. We are told to leap towards the pill bottle as soon as we feel ill, when we could just let our bodies rest.
There is so much cognitive dissonance regarding our understanding of health, it's insane. On one hand we all seem to agree that the human body is an incredible structure that we are still far from fully understanding, on the other hand we also agree that it is stupid and obsolete and cannot take care of itself without constant outside intervention. The contradiction is right in front of our faces and yet we cannot grasp it.
Only if they are over country clubs
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>This is /x/ because one theory is the devil/antichrist/dajjal wants to dumb down and reduce the spiritual abilities of the population
I take it one step further and say "white people" are offspring of satan/lucifer or whatever. It's why this whole fucking "tribe of dan" coming from phoenicians theory exists. I love white women but these fuckers are on a path to bring the world down, they can't be good people. Their women exist to tempt people to spill the seed for their demons.
They do it randomly where I’m from, some days it can be completely clear and some days the sky is filled with X’s and thin chemtrail clouds. I have many theories of their purposes but everything about it feels sinister to me.
I think it’s mostly for weather control. However, it could possibly be nano dust, microorganisms, heavy metal poisoning, and whatever else.
Cloudseeding projects to ensure rainfall, the West does it because China started doing it and if the West didn't then there'd be droughts because of how much cloudseeding the Chinese are doing.
Secrecy is to prevent panic, we're fighting over fresh water and this is yet another conflict that could spark a world war if the public became aware of how bad it is.
Want proof that the trails aren't natural atmospheric effects? There are no trails above Africa. Where are the worst droughts?
Documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf78rEAJvhY
Not only is it real but the biggest threat we are facing
>all other living beings including all plants
>even soil and water

Keep spreading the word, all we have to do is stop the aircrafts, since they are poisoning
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>Why are they doing it?
The reptilians want to take the planet Earth.
reptilians can live on a planet that is very barren, very dry, very radioactive, and with a low oxygen content.
They believe that if they turn Earth into a Hell world like that, then us Earthlings will either die out or leave.
The jews work for the reptilians.
Everything a jew says is the opposite of the truth.
When a jew talks about "carbon footprint" the target is really lowering the oxygen content of Earth, down to a level where Earthlings can't survive on Earth.
The reason for thousands of nuclear bomb tests and nuclear power generation plants, is to make Earth so radioactive that Earthlings can no longer survive on Earth.
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Everybody at the CIA are dumber than normies.
>Secrecy is to prevent panic, we're fighting over fresh water and this is yet another conflict that could spark a world war if the public became aware of how bad it is.
So the Alabasta arc of one piece was actual disclosure of how bad this shit is?
80% idiots
20% smart people doing the real work
a hidden 1% manipulating them from the inside
One Piece in general feels like soft disclosure. Especially the void century storyline
Anime is the only way the kids will start to consider the reality they live in. I don't even know how to feel about that
Eh, I'd say the ones who sees "reality" in anime already researched this stuff beforehand. I have a m8 who is a One Piece fan but fails to see any of the real world parallels
>Is it real
Yes, at this point it's basically 100% proven. They just call it "stratospheric aerosol injection" to avoid 'proving' the conspiracy because normies are fucking retarded.
Once in a while you can even just search for related jobs on LInkedIn etc, and they pop up.
They sprayed an "X" pattern in the sky yesterday and they turned into shitty gray Sun-covering clouds and they're still here today. Thanks, jews!
Some of it is aluminum flak to increase surveillance capabilites.
>I'd say the ones who sees "reality" in anime already researched this stuff beforehand.
This. The reddit tier anime plebs that watch every season and have over 100+ completed animed on myanimelist or whatever pleb site, wont be seeing any truth pills in their anime, and are probably most likely also vaccinated (since they didn't get the memo from my Darling thread https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/29224334 ).
Plot twist. The airlines are telling the truth. They're not putting chemicals in the air. However, there is already so much pollution in the air that it comes visible as planes slice through it.
What are they bros?
regular old stratospheric aerosol operations

I mean its cold up there and cars create visible exhaust in the winter time but chemtrail fags don't think emissions are poising us.
whats a good unofficial site to check ufo reports by zip code?
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>los quimicos
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that's ok. check this one out
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Thanks I'll check this thread out. I haven't watched DITF however
I'm making a spotify account for this, better be good :^)
Ok, this looks pretty good

less so?

but where are the chemtrail 2 and 3 pics?
oh i see, good stuff
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It's quite literally just physics. Fast thing go through air with specific pressure and water content make contrail.

Mixing anything into the exhaust would cost money. Adding ejection pipes would cost money and be visible on the planes, especially old planes, and people have been claiming this shit since these fuckers had the fuel line on the outside.

Here's a crop duster. Notice the visible pipes? notice how they do not form substantial long duration clouds? See how many are needed to cover just a field of crops?

Yet you think two contrails from the tips of the wings is somehow appearing by magic and poisoning the whole world?

Zero IQ conclusion.
the part about throne is wrong. the throne imu sits is actually the artifact that brings you the memories of every past lives you've lived
What is the irl counterpart?
Scroll up and look at the pics of the sized of the gas tank. Now multiply that by the thousands of planes that spray those chemicals globally
it's an artifact that gives the person sitting on it the memories of all their past lives/reincarnations, thus waking the person from the illusion of matrix

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