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Holy fucking shit
It really is Reptillians, isn't it?
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They live in the inner earth and when you die you get reincarnated as one of them. With every death, you evolve to a higher life form.
They are described as being leaders above the greys in UFO abduction reports.
its ALL larping by Djinn.
Unfortunately I'm pretty sure it's true
They want the planet back.
Why? Who the fuck knows.
I literally didn't think it was until this thread. Thanks for awakening me to this truth!
>I literally didn't think it was until this thread. Thanks for awakening me to this truth!
Yah, once you know they can fuck with you.
I’m unironically pro repto. All of the shit the New Age and Truther movements say about them is malign misinformation. They’re based.
The "god" and "goddesses" who created us are bipedal reptilians, why is why serpent symbolism can be found all over the world.
They view us with disdain btw.


Have you heard of the three great sovereigns? Basically three snakes with human heads, maybe torsos, that ruled over china a while back
Oh please. They're not real human.

I mean anon.
Same with the Reman empire
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>bipedal reptilians
still waiting for any other explanation of why our ruling class wants to eat bugs
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>really is the reptilians
Always was.
The reptilians are total space invaders, they are not even from this galaxy.
They came here with the intention of conquering the entire Milky Way Galaxy.
They decided that Humans would be the biggest resistance to their invasion, so they first tried to get a planet of Humans to join them; when the Humans turned down their offer of an alliance, the reptilians attacked them. That was a MILLION years ago, and they really haven't made much progress since then.
The Humans they attacked formed a mutual defense alliance with any race that would join.
This has all been going on for a million years, and now finally the Galactic Federation (or whatever we decide to call it in English) is powerful enough to kick their scaley stinking ass, up down and sideways.
The reptilians just decided to fuck around and find out, by launching the biggest multi planet invasion they ever attempted.
One of the new members of the Galactic Federation eats reptilians. So when they went into battle against a reptilian army on one of the planets the reptilians had just invaded, they did not capture them, or force them into a surrender; they just grabbed them and ate them.
The reptilians are probably the only race in this galaxy that doesn't see the humor in that.
The reptilian eaters look a bit like Pic related, are about twice as big as the reptilians, and always hungry.
They don't want to eat bugs, they want to eat our Human Children.
They want us to eat bugs, because eating bugs is unhealthy for Humans, and they want all us Earthlings dead.
If every Earthling is dead, then they can legally take planet Earth for themselves.
As long as Earthlings still exist, then planet Earth legally belongs to us.
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Do they fuck human men?
Nope. Our Gods are Annu-Seraphim from Archon/Nibiru and Venus. They’re “mixed” on some level but they should not be conflated with groups like the Nahashim and Dracos, who are based.
>As long as Earthlings still exist, then planet Earth legally belongs to us.
Lol. Lmao even.

Mass replying faggot fucking kill yourself
>eating bugs is unhealthy for Humans
No it absolutely isn’t
It's the reptoids, it's true
Lol bump. Just say Jupiter.
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Get some pussy
What do you know about reptilians?
Denver International Airport is an asshole. If they wanna keep thouse secrets that's fine, but don't make fun of us for knowing they're hiding a small city/ slave dungeon underneath the airport.
What? How can you prove this? What's inner earth?
It's not their planet, they're aliens. They keep saying they were here first becuse it helps them justify invading us.
My wife is a draconian, so yes. You better have a high degree of self-control or they'll easily control you with their telepathy though. They're like humans in that there is a wide spectrum of worldviews and philosophies among them - although humans certainly are unique in just how wildly varied our ideas are. Some of them are very kind and compassionate, others are fucking pricks. There are multiple competing factions collaborating with multiple competing human factions.

We're all being manipulated and controlled by higher forces though - but they are using our combined powers against us. The reptilians/draconians are actually humanity's greatest ally, and we are their greatest ally - but we have been pitted against each other by TPTB. My wife and I want to fix that and were making great progress, but I died along the way and it took me a very, very long time to be reincarnated. I'm still trying to find my footing unfortunately, it'll be a bit before I'm fully operational again. :(
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Reptiles eat bugs. It won't seem so fucked up, disgusting, and foreign to you if they train you to do it before they get here. You'll be able to go for dinner at your Drac overlord's house and not puke all over the dinner table if you're already used to it.

Kind of a joke, kind of not.
Bullshit. Use your head anons
They don’t want to eat bug. They want US to eat bugs.
Huge distinction.
First day, huh?
Not exactly but it'd like to know more.
Nope. Just demons.

Demons alllll the way down.

Life is more boring than you think and you should thank God/Jesus for it.
>The "god" and "goddesses" who created us are bipedal reptilians
This is the psyop they will be pushing so the populace accepts reptilians as overlords.
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Birds, Mantids, and Reptiles are all cannibals.
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The reason they want you to be illuminated is because they love heat lamps
The reason they want you to eat the bugs, is because that's what the lizard people eat.
The reason it's all a hologram is because they see holograms in their enclosures.
Really? I thought they point to silurians for that. Unless the silurian stuff isnt true.
Earth is terra, because it’s a terrarium.
always has been
Icke has always been right about (((them))). He's just choosing not to name them because he knows the time is not right yet.
Every animal is capable of cannibalism.
Rodents, small mammals, monkeys, bears, wolves each other and their babies regularly.
Humans eat each other.
Don't eat Human brain, that's where the soul is stored and that curses you and kills you.
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There is a hydra in the blood lol
not exactly, your lower brain areas are where your basic instincts are processed, that cortex gets activated in moments of danger for instance, all higher functions are suspended in order to ensure bare survival, one might have decreased pain perception and a hightened fitness in order to outrun a potential predator or sexual matters in order to procrete and secure continued existance of ones tribe into the future, thats the reptile brain, higher functions are processed in the upper echelons like the frontal cortex, where social interactions are managed. the brain has sectors like Maslow's hierarchy of needs. animalistic, crude, reckless and violent people are primitive in that sense, they care about satisfying their fundamental needs and dont know or dont want to know anything about ascention to lofty planes of existance thus they do appear like lower lifeforms such as reptiles. the brain itself has chacras so to speak, on gets to higher levels and unlocks different and new perceptions of reality, some remain in constant bottom feeders, for better or for worse.
anther related factoid is that one cannot domesticate crocodiles, they are just to simplistic in their neural makeup, too dumb to even perceive the needs of some potential master figure, it might be seen as an advantage, since more complex lifeforms like humans that do have social understanding can become victims of such enslavement attempts. in komodo dragons, another reptile species, it was observed that the young as soon as they were hatched had to climb onto trees in order not to be eaten by their parents, thats the reptile way of life and humans too can be pushed to such extremes where they psychologically and mentally cannibalize their young.
in picrel we see a character in mad max with a painted forehead, in times of naked survival one switches off ones higher functions in order to survive a hostile environment, like one paints over ones third eye just to master the material struggle.
earth is such an insulting name welcome to planet dirt come meet the dirtlings
Justin Timberlake's mugshot. Slited up.
It's humans. Those who believe in their own innate superiority over others. They vilify, subjugate, enslave & murder those they believe should serve & remain beneath them. All on some arbitrary scale of "nobility", "spirituality", "intelligence" etc. Things Human thought long should've overcome.

This one fact is why NHI will never interact with us. Unless we develop technology that threatens them due to our barbaric nature & lack of hesitation to use them.

The Reptilians Are Five Dimensional Servants Of God Watch The Little Lizards And You Will Know What They Are Up To As Below So Above
We are all dirt. In both science & religion our material form comes from the dirt. This framing of dirt being negative is based on your human biases.
Many reptilians? Best avoidance. Later sends okay fine and never watch again.

Dirt Is Asherah The Holy Wife Of God
There's an inner earth but it's not filled with reptoids, there are beautiful giants who we devolved from. That's where Eden is and where we were cast out from.
more like the 4th Dimension and the complete opposite of servants Of God
It's The Gods of Old Norse Fiction
Hmm, perhaps. I don't know. I know for sure that reptoids aren't from inner-earth, they're from another planet but they do have installations underground though. As for who's native to inner-earth I don't know. We need to explore what's underneath our feet more.
Lizard people are not superior to humanity you cuck
REMINDER to all lovely humans that the only reason reptilians can control is not their technology but because we exist in the vibration of FEAR. Fear is literally what they feed off of and it is sometimes called "loosh". Earth being a prison planet and loosh far is only true from the lower-dimensional perspective, from the higher-dimensional perspective Earth is a school to teach powerful spiritual beings (us) to raise above fear and learn the vibration of love. Very soon we will ascend and Reps will literally not be able to exist on this planet anymore, our collective consciousness will be more love than fear.

You see they don't get their energy from Source/God and mother Earth like we do. They get their energy from the negative emotions of other beings. Without that energy, their technology will start to malfunction, their cloaking devices will fail and then we start to see Reptilians unmasked on Live TV. They try constantly to lower the vibration of the Earth by things like having millions of Reps in caves underneath us so we cannot connect to the Earth, and of course much of politics and war is about this as well. However there are always beings of light who are defending us (although they stay hidden from the public for many reasons) and raising the vibration of the Earth.

how do i raise my vibrations? if i ascend, will i be able to get my gf/crush to fall for me?
You make a good point but actually this is why we are an "energetic match" to these darker beings. We do not respect ourselves let alone our planet and each other, and they are similar to us in that way, so they are energetically able to be in our reality.
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Synagogue of Satan, or Jews who say they are Jews but are not (as mentioned in Revelations) are pawns of the Reptilians and Luciferic entites. They infiltrate religions and spiritual organizations in order to brainwash and control the energy of these movements. They look for psychics on the astral level and sometimes kidnap them or harass them. Many religions, especially mesopotamian or middle eastern ones are manipulated by them.

They serve Lucifer and Angra Mainyu/Ahriman. There are some benevolent reptilians but they are a minority and most serve the Alpha Draconian empire which is run by the Ciakar reps who are the most ancient species of rep in this universe, brought to this universe because they were easily manipulated by Lucifer but also seen as more perfect lifeforms.

Positive relationships will come more and more naturally as you raise vibration. To raise vibration is two-pronged: you can just focus positively on something, especially what you consider sacred, loving, happy, light, and so on. However all humans currently have traumas either consciously or especially unconsciously, thus you should also heal your lower-vibrations. That is the difficult part as it requires going into the shadow self and healing it, shining the light of love on it. You can think of a lower bound and upper bound to your consciousness and your energy vibrates between these bounds, so you should do both of these things. Both focus positively and heal the negativity.
I don't know about Silurians but I know this is our planet and we were here first. Then they came and some of us began worshipping them as Gods.
idk mang... this whole high wibe and lovey lovey stuff sounds like cope to distract new age people or something. they're putting more chips and plans for iob for upcoming plandemics and vaccines, and it's bad that more people will keep dying from effects of even the current vaccine
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Fuck reptilians
Make yourself tastier food for them, raise ur vibration bro
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Shut your mouth no one wants to hear you effeminate voice sissy
You sound like you're on HRT, or at the very least are very high in estrogen.
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Is there a connection between reptilians and Satan being depicted as a reptile in the Bible? “The devil that old serpent” or whatever
That's patently untrue - the Reptilians themselves are slaves to a higher order. They were once our sister species on this planet. In a previous life I married a Draconian woman - the Reptilians have been in a long-standing civil war. My wife still remembers me and telepathically communicates with me. We will meet again.

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