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/x/ - Paranormal

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I know you guys see it. Bitches randomly having satanic tatoos, statues of satan in the background. Solomon's Seal on walls
What are they doing?? What are they priming our minds for?
so, so many reasons
>focusing a sigil
its quite literally means to look at it. When spells and rituals call to focus a sigil it does not mean to cast light on it, simply draw it, nor placing it as a centerpiece.
It literally means to focus eyes on it and by way of hypersigils placed in porn and tv media, they (as in the powers that be or jews et al depending on your opinion) are able to focus the most eyes upon the sigils for their rituals
There are nefarious things going on
you gotta pass the sniff test first.
present pit for me
I don't watch porn any more and when I did I usually didn't go for the bigger studio production type, but what you are saying is true. They're priming us for the normalization of debauchery. Well, more like "have primed" because look at the world.
On the part of the women themselves getting those shitty tats I think it's honestly less deliberate for 99% of them and it's just typical woman think kept in the superficial, they literally just "like the whole, like, goth aesthetic and stuff, plus it like just feels empowering to be able to do what I want and I heard that this is like symbolic of that" bullshit. You see the same thing echoing among women in general, that some of them end up in porn isn't surprising. I think most of those are just ignorant.
The producers and handlers on the other hand...
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They are using your orgasms while focusing on their sigils and patterns farm your life energy into their success.
I smell like a flower and I'm cute
Apparently most of the guys in porn are gay anyways and it comforts girls to know the guy isnt into them sexually
>The producers and handlers on the other hand...
thats the scary part
The truth is that no man wants to put in the effort to seduce a girl or boy. You will never authentically be touched like that
you can go pretend to get that intimacy if you want. Its not real. You'll probably end up being one of their furfaggots though
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>What are they priming our minds for?
I don't want an old man to touch me
I haven't watched any porn since 2015, but even then I only really watched hentai. It pleases me to know they're not controlling me, but it makes me fearful not knowing what the fuck is going on.
You are mindbroken enough. Watch more hypersigils
Tell me anon. I'm scared and worried they might be the bad guys... and that they are winning
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>haven't watched any porn since 2015
How did you manage to break free?
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when darkness turns to light
it ends tonight
>hentai is based
>You are still being controlled

>but it makes me fearful not knowing what the fuck is going on.
the amount on psycho mind fuckery to to program ideas into people is even worse. They are pushing blacks and old (reptilian looking)/ young extra hard on homepages to warp the public commons
This is why I stopped looking at most porn

Fuck giving my energy to some weird demonic fuckfaces

I domt Care how big your ass or totties are, keep that demonic shit to yourself
Like he said, hentai is the way to go. It worked for me anon and it can work for you.

Masturbation is cool fuck what any high-up-his-ass physically detached wannabe priest tells me.
The problem is of course kikes washing your brain, hence the simple boycotting of either doing it traditional style (using your imagination, usually pretty fucking easy) OR Hentai.
Even with Hentai though, don't be a retard. Do not look at stuff that turns you into a cuck or any of that shit. This is a spiritual war and you better keep your sexual instincts dominant/VRIL.
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>Fuck giving my energy to some weird demonic fuckfaces
your vril can go towards better causes yes-- especially should be used for causes related to you
however who says the porn industry are the bad guys and they are doing something bad with your vril?
they are using this power to control you
wake up anon
I got into a good relationship (it was when it started at least), I'd actually transitioned to just hentai for quite a while and that made me not really care about real porn. But in the relationship that started in 2015 we decided we were going to be porn free and we were at it every day so I just didn't need it. After we split up I didn't want to go back to porn, I just used my imagination, I have found that finishing to my own imagination seems to produce a much stronger orgasm than when I used to watch porn, so there hasn't been much incentive to go back. Just try transitioning to hentai and then go from there.
Thanks for keeping me in the loop. I remember hearing a lot of people complain about incest plots in porn before covid. I always wondered if they planted those seeds on purpose so that when degenerates were trapped with only their families they might partake in soul crushing behaviour due to the normalisation of the concept through porn.
Its actually wild to see how much propaganda is pushed via 'featured' content on porn homepages
You can have cookies and browsing shared and zero watch history of anything containing black men and still get half a page of blacked content
Additionally on reddit they are using bots and karma farm accounts to upvote propaganda porn to warp the public
I don't understand how the NPCs can be so oblivious to it... and when you call it out you get ostracized and called a bigot which is another trap to lure you into another NPC cult
It's because they're all addicted to it, and if you point out the problems with porn they know deep down that they should stop, but they can't, so they just go mental and treat anyone who disagrees with porn as a freak rather than face their own demons and the truth. It's depressing that this is the state of the world.
But do you have a vagina? I'm guessing no.
Most of the content here talked about is gay porn
I'd hazard most of /x/ here is gay too
Have you considered that the VAST majority of people calling you out are also bot accounts and they're using you as theater to influence the real people watching on the sidelines?
Most people are aware their addictions are bad, crackheads aren't usually proud about sucking dick for drugs.
Normies don't actually think their porn addictions are good, they've just been convinced it's normal because the alternative is too hard somehow.

I once told a dude I beat of using my imagination and he was like "How is that even possible?".
Don't believe the normies are the enemy, that's exactly what tptb want you to believe.
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that mindset distances you from society which is a damned existence
Join the hive or join the Freemasons
Its a binary world and choosing to be an outsider is death
I dunno, fetishization through porn affected more normal people than you'd think, they might not actually be gay.
I remember back in the day yuri and /ss/ was the main gateway fetish in hentai that got pushed on here but now almost all of it is incest it seems. They don't even need a gateway, 'normal' porn barely exists these days.
>Have you considered that the VAST majority of people calling you out are also bot accounts and they're using you as theater to influence the real people watching on the sidelines?
this is why upvotes are stupid
It is what enables the hivemind and empowers the pajeet and russian bots paid to take on an online persona and push propaganda
>this thread is meant to push the big gay on ungay anons
>this is why upvotes are stupid
Yup, and for some reason they've been a prevalent part of all social media since the early 2000s.
This very site was founded upon the idea that such systems are bad by an innocuous teenage weaboo, and what happened?

For some reason actual criminals decided to post incriminating content and straight up CP on here despite there already being established, less visible channels for it.
And because of this the government was able to basically take control of moderation of the site with full moral support from the owner and populace.
Strange isn't it?
>Don't believe the normies are the enemy, that's exactly what tptb want you to believe.

Not many truer words have been said. I don't by any means hate the normies, I just think it's sad where tptb have led us all. We are all worth so much more than this and I don't blame the normies for being the way they are, they try to make us all that way. We are the unfortunate yet lucky few who have slipped through the cracks and it's important that we all remember that.
>We are the unfortunate yet lucky few who have slipped through the cracks and it's important that we all remember that.
Exactly, we are people whose social instincts are weaker, and are therefore basically the defense mechanism against shit like this.
And because of this they want to manipulate us into hating the people we should be trying to save.

Tptb WANT us to be chuds. They WANT us to think the normies are literal soulless NPCs incapable of being saved.
They WANT us to "drink libtard tears", to condemn anyone who got vaccinated as evil, to shut ourselves away and give up on mainstream society.
Most of the people ITT probably don't frequently post the things I've listed, but I bet a lot of you witness arguments where the things I've listed get spammed. And I bet, at least subconsciously, you identified with them far more than whatever normie shit the person arguing against it said.
Both parties arguing were likely bots or disinformation, it is all theater made to create false dichotomies with which to divide you from anyone who doesn't think exactly like you.
Its how they rationalize the slave system
They absolve their individual by saying we choose this and we wouldnt be worshiping their hypersigils and letting it alter our minds if we didnt choose to allow it.
Commons that choose to not be part of it can barely get by in society because whother its one of them or an NPC noticing we go off script we get ousted
Fentanyl Floyd proved there was no way to stop these people from believing the slop
>a country wide disinformation campaign made to turn people against each other proves we should stay divided
Floyd proved nothing about anything. Both of the political pandering news media machines produced separate facts about the situation with which to deceive the public and make them angry at each other.
I don't know if you're a troll, disinformation or just misguided. Whatever it is please just try to take a step outside of yourself and reassess the situation.
It's so refreshing to see this take, I got attacked so hard in a thread the other day for saying similar things and now I'm wondering if that was just by design. I won't give up on the normies, and if you get them one on one irl they aren't even difficult to convince of the truth. We all know shit is fucked, but tptb want people like us isolated so we can't do anything. But even just starting to have these conversations here is a good thing, we may be at the bottom of the pile, but we can have positive influence if we don't back down.
faggots like you are exactly why I root for the jews.
It's hard, we all get ostracised, but like I said to the other anon, us having these conversations is a wonderful thing. It shows that tptb haven't won yet. Keep these talks going, don't give up, because our continued existence shows that the plan isn't fully working. We may be alone, but here we're together and from here we can make the difference.
Can you give examples of the hypersigils tattoos on actresses? I'm really curious and I'm not going to go back to watching porn to look for them myself. The only tattoos I know of are Riley Reid's Chinese letters and Lana Rhoades' kiss on the buttock, but I don't think those are satanic.
>I won't give up on the normies, and if you get them one on one irl they aren't even difficult to convince of the truth.
Ehhh results may vary on that one. Normies are far more willing to unmask one on one but the average anon on here might still have trouble getting them comfortable enough to listen to them.
The average dude on 4chan is(by design) a little too socially traumatized to be effective at taking the message to the normies, they should mostly focus on waiting for the normies to come to them and being friendly about it when they do.

But then maybe I'm wrong and I've just bought halfway into the demoralization.
Wait, why do have a screenshot of what appears to be gay porn?
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>And because of this they want to manipulate us into hating the people we should be trying to save.
This this THIS
We need to save the normies, not hate them! It’s what exactly what Jesus was trying to do in the NT and was trying to tell us all!!!
I'm still pretty social despite everything and I've been hard pressed to find people that don't think this way. But, the one thing on my side is my area was the last in Britain to fluoridate the water, we held out until last year when they made it a legal requirement, so I don't know if that has just made me more likely to meet like minded individuals. I also don't tend to travel far, so that may have something to do with it.
Jesus was able to use current to heal people and straight up do magic to prove that he was awakened and and told the people they could be too. None of us are doing that... maybe we are still normies
Apparently Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ 2 Resurrection part 1is going to have lots of schizo shit in it so Im psyched thinking itll wake some people up.
It doesnt matter what kind of pawn it is. What matters is subliminal messages many instances of porn are included and WHY. What do they do to us?
>lets say that there is a porn actress who has been in many movies. There will be astral larvae while will form around the group consciousness when people think of that particular actress...
So you are positing that larvae are sucking up peoples energy?
>It doesnt matter what kind of pawn it is.
I think it DOES matter that you’ve got hardcore gay porn on your phone.
nobody general anons doing it now too. Their ai bots are reading even these threads
Trips check out, but that image is scarring
>I have a sudden urge to deepthroat cock and get facefucked
the sigil is working
I think you may be onto something anon
>your vril can go towards better causes yes-- especially should be used for causes related to you
nta, but how do I get my energy going to better causes, those that support me? If this is loosh farm, does anything *really* benefit me, other than leaving this place?
If porn is good, why is it free and so widely available?
if you are going to masturbate and literally cum-tribute, you should use the energy positively by thinking about a person you know IRL that you want their life to improve
The Freemasons do not deserve your vril
Have other people masturbate thinking about you and your sigils (make some sigils)
Farm their energy
Maybe start a referral program where if they send you loosh you send them back some loosh by jerking off to porn with their sigil
>other than leaving this place?
you can die whenever you want. Don't let the archons fool you into reincarnating while you are in the bardo net. turn around or sit and do nothing
>beating off to your crush improves their luck
This actually kind of makes sense if you think about it.
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I dont coom to porn for more than 5 years already.
Feels so good to know porn addicts are going to be skull fucked by the jew.
I mean, it is so easy to get rid of porn, specially today when 90% of porn content involves black males fucking white females.
You must be extremely weak willed to not stop viewing it, and in this case, it is a good thing you going to be culled by the jew.
Nice divisive shillposting there m8.
Can barely even see your glow it's so subtle.
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>anons escaping the porn propaganda trauma loop
>no we need their attention to feed our hypersigils
>glownigger presents a honeypot counterculture
I'm not getting trapped into your counterculture
You can't force me to watch what I don't like, porn shill.
Yes I'm a porn shill for calling you out as blatant demoralization.
You're not even good at your job glowie, you didn't address the argument or seed good b8.
>the brigade came out
Thread must be on to something...
Did we say something that made the Freemasons mad?
Is this a new AI meme template or something? Why do you have one for every viewpoint presented ITT?
What demoralization? That it is damn easy to get rid of porn?
Give me a break, you are watching another guy fucking women. And most of the time, the guy is not even similar to yourself. You are being cucked right away.
Getting rid of porn is damn easy.
Probably earlier when we pointed out tptb want to play chuds against normies.
>call shill out for not doing something
>immediately does it to cover
Weak. Just give up, you shat the bed on this thread.
Either prune it or play a different angle.
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>new AI meme template or something?
someone made and OP on most boards to see what people make, Above is the one that got posted on /x/
>Tptb WANT us to be chuds. They WANT us to think the normies are literal soulless NPCs incapable of being saved.
>They WANT us to "drink libtard tears", to condemn anyone who got vaccinated as evil, to shut ourselves away and give up on mainstream society.

I don't see a problem with it. NPCs don't need to be saved. Just see what they did in the scamdemic.
Oh, now I notice why you are calling me a glowie. You think our mysanthropy means we are planted agents, because it would not be possible naturally.
Well, unfortunatelly for you, it is. Those who study too much occultism end breaking up with humanity.
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boys playing with toys assume the identity of the toy. This can be seen with legos or action figures where a male child will pretend to be batman
women will always turn the toy into themselves no matter what. A girl will take a batman or polly pocket figure and say 'this is me'
>Those who study too much occultism end breaking up with humanity.
At a certain point you realize you will die and not be a part of the suffering cycle anymore. Some people don't realize this until after they have had kids though and they are screwed
Yes, and most of the boys who consume porn are (at least historically) white males.
If you start to make only porn movies with black males, identifying with the new toy will be harder, as they are way too much different.
Batman is white, but see what happened with black Spiderman. Fans complained about it. And most of these fans were white.
I'm applying the same logic to porn. That's why it is easy to get rid of it. Unless, of course, you are a black boy. Then you will identify better with your toy.
>breaking the reply chain
>only directly replying to the comment that triggered you after I refused to indulge your weak b8 further
You might be a LARP troll rather than a glowie after all.
Either way, misanthropy can easily be natural, however yours is clearly artificial and designed to trigger a distinct reaction in others.
Again, weak b8.
What an idiotic take conflating upbringing with slavery. Perhaps ES is able to look back at his old writings, cringe an laugh about it?
Or if you are a liberal.
But then, liberals are not even human, so why are you carrying those bricks for anyway?
Let them be consumed by their disease.
Helping the npcs will only get you into trouble.
Trust me, I saw it during the scamdemic.
>Those who study too much occultism end breaking up with humanity.
Yes anyone who disagrees with your divisive takes is a fake occultist.
What clearly true and not at all manipulative association you slipped in there right at the end.

You have a textbook your getting this b8 from?
Any time you are seeing illuminati related tattoos on those whores they are collecting your loosh from masturbation being released, basic Sex Magick sigil charging shit.

Read about Sex Magick to understand their ideology, especially Crowley related since that's accessible knowledge and there's probably some better explained fuckery going on.
those NPC men lost their masculinity. Instead they took on the fem side and assume the women is them and they are getting fucked in the porn. That is where gays come from
What do you think the hyper-sigils are for?
society is slavery
you are a free range slave
Imagine having kids in a world like this one.
Timeline would need to change radically for me to even think about kids.
In fact, I would prefer to feed a doll like the ones from Rozen Maiden, than to have a kid who can easily be brainwashed at school.
just have kids
get over yourself, geez
The only fear I could have here is if these golens would be programmed to identify and kill us real humans. That's why keeping a low profile is so important.
You can homeschool them. Antinatalism is one thing, but the idea that you shouldn't have kids because of the political landscape in your country is a demoralization psyop.
>Sex Magick ... since that's accessible knowledge
where to after that? What about sex magic and the sigils is hidden?
I know there's a noise post on /x/ every day talking about dick enlargement but I know that there is more to these hypersigils, something nefarious going on with porn, and overall sex magic that is against the collective consciousness and the commons.
>illuminati related tattoos on those whores
those girls usually aren't even a part of the organization to benefit from the work they are doing. They get abused and hooked on drugs BY THEIR EMPLOYERS until they die of OD or suicide
you know that you can't ascend if you have kids right? You are saving your ancestors by not reproducing
If they kill you while in gnosis you win
Basically porn is a international egregore, of jewish origin. It is vampiric in essence, and drain your sexual magick. This without needing any sigils. It is like feeding a tulpa, with the difference the tulpa belongs to you, not to them.
With sigils, though, things can get darker. You could, for instance, program the unaware to do things, including murder and arson. Or the sigil could be designed to fuck their lives over. It all depends on the intent hidden there. So it is not simply feeding a egregore, but publishing a intent.
In the case of being a unconscious release, the Publisher is hidden as well, so the porn addict is not aware of the process and can't control how to close it. The sigil would probably have to include a instruction to self-close, or just leaving the door open, and who knows what could happen after that.
> Where to after that?
There's really nothing after that, the intention of the sigil itself is the will of the practitioner, either it goes to an Egregores (thought forms/idols/demons/gods etc, think of it as an empowered tulpa thingy) or towards their own determined goal.
>sexual magick
I meant sexual energy, not magick.
>stop asking the right questions
Not true, if you don't have a kid you will reincarnate, you miss the point if you fail to have a child
You will reincarnate both with or without a child, makes no difference.
Only initiation will give you the option to not reincarnate, as you will have access to causal memories through the 6th dimension.
I am going to not reincarnate and not initiate
glownigger putting in work to get anons to waste replies talking about dumbshit
What is a hypersigil and how is it different from a normal one
the hyper part of it means it is hidden or just not the central focus. Hyper sigils might appear in a movie or tv show (happens all the time in HxH) as obscure artwork on a wall or might be a part of someone's clothing. Sometimes in porn it will actually come up as a whole frame or a watermark logo for the studio interrupting the video but not enough that you stop watching. You end up unconsciously focusing on it
When people didn't take the inflammatory b8 they started using fake esoteric shit to distract them.
Ever notice how corporate logos are instantly recognizable? Hypersigils.
Companies invest significant effort and money to create positive emotional associations with their logos through commercials and ads. Neurologically, repeated exposure makes people comfortable with these symbols, even attracted to them.
think of the apple logo on laptops of the large chins of their desktops. It is places there so you constantly see and are affected by it.
Look around you rn. How many logos are you being attacked by right now? Are your clothes BRANDING you like a cattle? thats why its called a brand.
They do it in porn with more masonic/ esoteric sigils and place them in ways you unscrupulously focus on them while masturbating.
I don't know why they are doing it
Porn is Satanic. They put that Satanic shit in there to make your spirit weaker. This is not Santanic as in christian jesus god vs the devil: this is Satan as in the negative force that pushes the sheep further from enlightenment.

One exorcist said that porn videos are "blessed" by satanists in order to make them more successful.
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Aren't most porn companies owned by Jews? Mindgeek comes to mind. I wonder what denomination of rabbi are casting those 'blessings' on the pornographic content
Can someone make a list of porn studios that include hypersigils in videos, as logos, or props?
>if I don't like a post, then the post glows
>if it is not my /srg/ massive religious copium, then it is fake
Just stop consuming porn.
No need for lists.
I've come to realize normies aren't really that problematic in person, bar some occasional rudeness. Other than that, if you stay on your lane and know which fights to pick, you won't be bothered at all. Completely shutting yourself down and even being hostile to them not only makes you miss out many pleasant interactions, but it also lowers you as a person. With that said, the internet is a completely different story, and when considering someone's online presence, you might as well not be talking about a proper person to begin with. It's not just the bots and trolls, I'm specifically talking about people creating a persona where they elevate their opinions to the highest degree, both because the social norms are not as fancy as irl but also because it's a space where you're not talking to a face, you're talking to equally strong comments out there. Mix it up with social media and you have normies being extremely aggressive of their superego beliefs. I think any sane person should stay away from social media and internet discussions, bar some extremely small exceptions where that hostility is absent. But in real life, I've hardly come across normies being insufferable, although that could be because I myself have learned to pick on their bullshit and be better than falling for it.
The problem with "blessing" porn. Is that they know that it is evil and harms its users.

This. Porn industry shouldn't exist.
Are you a Jungist as well?
>With that said, the internet is a completely different story, and when considering someone's online presence, you might as well not be talking about a proper person to begin with.
I agree with your observations that follow this but I think the nature of the situation is less that they're a person stripped down to superego, and more that they're a person who hasn't developed maturity in the context of online discussion.

Most of the social skills and instincts people develop that let them act reasonable and open minded in person are developed subconsciously and dependent upon stimuli that come from physically being near someone or hearing their voice. When you take that away you take away their maturity and they need to learn to develop this from the ground up.

Ironically the best places to do that are places like 4chan and youtube comments where you can fuck around and find out. Act like an immature high schooler and get it out of your system, and realize that it's not a useful way to act.

I'm going on a tangent but this idea of maturity being dependent on context and emotional stimuli also goes beyond in person vs. online interactions.
It also applies to emotional states. Someone who grows up in a stressful situation may be very rational and level headed in extreme situations, but emotionally immature in casual ones and vice versa. Same for someone who grew up relatively happy and was put into more frustrating situations as an adult.
who got banned for what post here?
Not happening unless literally god wills it otherwise.
Sheep value conformity above all else and they re too stupid in first place.
It was just someone saying 'test' while linking the OP. They probably deleted it themselves, you can see it on 4plebs.
Jesus was a Shepard. Druids and Shamans for Native American and Aboriginal tribes fulfilled the same role. People who are awakened to notice this shit can and should use it to lead the sheep to better livelihood and gnosis for themselves. TPTB are not treating us right. We have unlimited resources and could live in a golden age of communication, transportation, and information.
>We have unlimited resources
That's not entirely true.
If we stripped away all the unnecessary technological nonsense we've inserted into every day life we probably have enough resources for the world population to live comfortably.

But because of the retardedly inefficient and resource consuming of the 'first world' standard of living they've manufactured it's not possible for most people to comprehend that.
We don't have enough resources for every human to have a car, their own apartment and an iPhone and still be able to eat properly, and people have been brainwashed to think we can't just throw the cars and iPhones out of the equation.
Haven't read much if any of him, I even had to search it up on wikipedia to see what he was about. I do know both his and Freud's works have been controversial in their field, but I never dove too deep into the reason for that. If you're referring to me using the term "superego", it's because I find it practical to describe the situation at hand. I guess you could also use the world "social norm" but it's pretty much implicit with normie.

I completely agree, it's another element of just how recent the internet and online interactions are, historically. We haven't had time to properly adapt it to our education systems (not just schools but even indoors), and it's changing at a rate faster than what's institutionally possible to keep up with. To add on what you said, perhaps the maturity necessary to engage in certain discussions face-to-face is a lot more demanding than online, as anyone can post whatever they want and most of the time they won't face the same social repercussion they would in person (in terms of having to debate or ponder, although sometimes what you say online can bite you back just as hard if you're not careful). I'm also on the education field and I can tell you the newer generations, which are already a significant portion of the internet and what we'd call "normies", are completely unprepared for the world they're entering. Their own parents are probably young and equally inexperienced because, once again, the entire internet is way too new for them to properly adapt. But the dangers are far more subtle than granny falling for some nigerian prince scam, people fall into traps waaay before realizing it. It's what applies to social media, to online discussions, among many others.

I also agree with 4chan being an ironic safe haven for this. Here you have freedom to learn by practice without exposing yourself to the dangers. As a bonus, most anons are also having these outbursts, or are trolling/unhinged. It's more genuine.
Jung and Freud split from each other because Freud placed a huge emphasis on childhood to point to suggest everything about a person psychologically can be traced back to a childhood incident
Jung's big things are the collective consciousness, archetypes which are essentially a pantheon of gods, and of the individual's consciousness: the shadow and personas. Then he used shadows and archetypes a lot in his psychoanalysis papers
Towards the end he became very schizophrenic (esoteric) about his form of psychoanalysis.
His stuff, like much else, is a rehash of esoteric teachings but because of how documented his work is you can follow it and maybe glean some forms of enlightenment.
Of that time, there was even several in the field who were attributing the world wars to a world wide mania that forced the collective consciousness to create wars.
It's no wonder both me and him came to some equal conclusions, the worlds of his and our own are uncannily similar. If anything, we are living on the accelerated results of what developed back then. I also find it fitting how most intellectuals of the time completely changed their minds towards their later years, as if realizing the institutions and ideologies at place where at the very least not enough, or even misguided. For an example I like to recall Durkheim, who lived at a time where materialism and positivism were rampant (he himself showed signs of this on his religion studies, as he grouped many of them as steps towards monotheism, as opposed to recognizing each as independently sustainable; asides from his views that leaned towards materialism, and their conflict with the knowledge he had gained that perhaps it wasn't that simple). Lo and behold, his own son was drafted and iirc died during WW1, which caused him immense pain. It's astonishing how even nowadays, the same ideologies that culminated on the two world wars are still rampant in terms of science as an ideology and the dismissal of wisdoms that do not conform to that norm. Makes you wonder what comes next for us. In fact, the attachment to technology and disdain towards the ancient knowledges is what brought humanity to the current accelerated, post-modern chaos.

As for the intellectuals of the time and Jung himself: were they even wrong? You can even remove the esoteric elements and they're still spot on, that's the sign of accuracy and practicality on what was told.
>As for the intellectuals of the time and Jung himself: were they even wrong?
That list includes people like William Reich (he called life energy/ ki/ vril 'orgone')
He was not crazy but he did try to convince the masses that by studying orgone energy further we could find cures to cancers. The US Govt ordered his research and half his published books to be burned...
Also Includes Linus Pauling whe rejected the first offer to lead the Manhattan Project and later pushed Vitamin C and had is reputation tarnished by tptb.
A similar story goes for Freud and Jung both who are misrepresented modern day-- especially Freud who was made a caricature.
The people who have ideas like this are not seen as compatible with control. They don't want us to really think about the collective consciousness and life energy.
>if you are going to masturbate and literally cum-tribute, you should use the energy positively by thinking about a person you know IRL that you want their life to improve
it becomes sex magick if I imagine trying to get a girl to like me while doing this? sort of manifestation?
>Don't let the archons fool you into reincarnating while you are in the bardo net. turn around or sit and do nothing
Can you elaborate? Do you have more on this?

also what is picrel?
suggugen poster?
what you'll do is more tantamount to giving her a charisma stat boost
Mind that you probably don't have any strong mystic influence on the world yourself so the stat boost would be negligible. In porn it works because its lots of eyes viewing it and they usually weaken their mindstates to immerse themselves in the pornographic content making the draining even stronger
No I'm trying to ask if I can use the coom as sex magick to manifest a specific person
>the guy isnt into them sexually
How exactly does that work at all?
>Not jerking to amateur revenge porn

Don't remember the last time I watched any big named porn studio
Sigil = satanic seal
Hypersigil = Google Play logo

One is the actual thing, the other is a disguised version of it, so normies don't get freaked out.
Look up (((who))) owns onlyfans and every other porn company
NTA. There is all sort of material about avoiding the light trap in the archives. The beings who will approach you after death are not who they say they are and will try to trick you into going into the light where you will reincarnate.
>also what is picrel?
Beware of Jason Louv. He is a 32nd degree Freemason. He teaches various magical systems and is friends with all sorts of LHP low lifes like Damien Echols. Louv works for the establishment and is some sort of limited hangout / gate keeper set up to target naive occultists who don't know better.
>There is all sort of material about avoiding the light trap in the archives.
can you link some threads? what keywords should I use for searching? also are they old threads or from past year?
go through these first
then just search light trap reincarnation in the archives
>liberals are not even human
And neither is majority of people.
Leftist is in essence a same shit as average normalfag.
spoonfeed me. Chatgpt wont answer because of childlock and I hate using google
Onlyfans takes a huge cut from subs
It used to be common for people to host their own site and upload their vids for a fee. The indie porn studio industry died because of Onlyfans
Its soulless now. not just that but soul sucking and filled with hypersigils
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you wonder at all who is placing hypersigils in media?
Not a single picrelated example in the thread
You guys are all schizo faggots who watch too much porn
Look a single pmv on reddit and youll find it
you are an extreme hylic if you aren't noticing
I was doing fine with 23 days porn free. Then had a random thought of Natalie Mars cross my mind and within a few hours I was gooning
NTA but the lack of any evidence ITT is pretty retarded regardless of how obvious it is.
I don't watch mainstream porn, so I've only seen something that could be a sigil maybe twice because of that.
If it's so easy to find then post an example dawg.
Telling me to go on Reddit and then accusing me of not noticing
>go back faggot
>glownigger brigadier's shift started
Very interesting, what book is this? I want to read it in full
What happens if I masturbate thinking about me?
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sole heir* not soul heir stopped reading right there
autism is hard to live with
why is anon asking this? I dont want to follow the thread
face the wall
>wwwhy do you want me to face the wall?
When it comes to gay porn I like seeing men like Koby Falks bottom.
I love gay porn
Glowing agencies hiring ESLs now?
Are there hypersigils placed in the ones you watch?
>Koby Falks
Anon, RawFuckClub and any of the TimSuck or other Tim studios are the worst ones about hypersigils. They are worse than Falcon and Men
whites and westoids are golems

this is their true form
We are not meant to be slaves
It isn't right to abuse occult knowledge to influence minds to maintain the slave system
Why do so many guys get sun tattoos on their bellies?
What is the significance of a sun sigil there where it is so prominent in every video to be focused on?
the world was your oyster and yet you collectively decided to become jewish slaves

whites are nothing more than cattle lol

my headcanon is that you are Canaanites. cursed to serve the jew for eternity.
>what if

>what if I put a sun tattoo on my solar plexus

>lol im so clever

pretty sure this is what happened
A giant fuckin thread about gay porn and most faggots in here talking about witchcraft or some shit.

Fucking men in missionary position is hot as fuck.
I'm literally native american
My ancestors were at peace with each other and nature and then Jewish controlled govts invaded in an endless tide of boats and weapons. Then they rewrote history to make us sound uncivilized and systematically used media control and fake statistics to change the perception of the masses into thinking we are all alcoholics and druggies.
This is a thread about the occult use of hypersigils in any kind of porn.
>anon can't think of anything but gay shit
That's just you making everything around you gay.
>all these people pretending to be gay ITT
We all know it's women on here watching these videos not faggots. Stop LARPing as the superior gender.
Why do women watch gay porn?
Maybe if you hadn't comitted genocide on your giant neighbors they would've helped you fight off the jewish invaders.
Why do men watch lesbian porn?
That is very disproportionate to the amount of women who watch gay porn
And men watch lesbian porn to reduce the amount of sin in the world. Everyone knows homosexuality is wrong-- except lesbians in the presence of a man.
What church did you say you belonged to again?
I have my own personal connection with god tyvm
Women watching gay porn would have psychological effects that make them undesirable to men
Imagine if you found out your woman was watching gay porn while you were in a relationship
This is what hypersigils of the porn industry are doing to us
I have hypersigils...
I have not been in porn though...
>my headcanon is that you are Canaanites
no whites are tribe of dan , they are servants of lucifer. their self-sabotage is paving the way for their lord
aren't giants part of the problem, since they too, like the jews and whites, come from nephilim?
>Women watching gay porn would have psychological effects that make them undesirable to men
This is unironically very true. Women whom enjoy yaoi and gay porn, develop weird autistic traits that usually ward off any sensible or healthy men away from them. Only beta simps will latch to such women. It's a pity because some of these women aren't even all that bad looking, it's just that their personality changes too much once they start consuming gay shit.
You can deadass just make a porn twitter and show off your sigils
'good' shit will come to you
it's that easy. The occult is powerful. Dont lose your purpose as you gain the means.
Pretty sure that's just ancient Jewish propaganda.
top or bottom? wanna collab?
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Why would it be propaganda? Pretty sure they aren't natives to the world, otherwise they would've reproduced more?

>they were hunted to extinction
nah that too is bs
Jews always claim bullshit when something is discovered or posited about the past
>ruins found
>>those were ours
>we think there was a human tribe from long ago that
>>that was us. we are their descendants
all they do is lie, steal, and remix
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>Pretty sure they aren't natives to the world, otherwise they would've reproduced more?
Not necessarily.
>>they were hunted to extinction
>nah that too is bs
It's most likely true in the Americas at least, probably not Europe or Asia though.
The native american tribes don't even deny it, they brag about how they killed the giant clan.
yes, as anons earlier pointed out about females getting stupid infinity sigils, butterflys, and other masonic/esoteric stuff printed on their body without realizing that they should be familiar with its power and how to use it before having it placed on them and then porn studios take advantage of those sigils in their content

what is the power behind the sigil of the sun there. why that spot? what does focusing that sigil do for an individual?
we do need to stop thinking of every tribe as one. The Navajews for example were the kind of savages who moved from place to place killing humans they saw, overhunting animals, and desecrating land.
There were tribes in the upstate new york and Minneashota area that were good and were connected to plants like the 3 sisters.
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women typically only watch gay porn when their cheating boyfriends tell them that they let some guys suck them off.

that was the first and last time i ever did it. and i stopped fucking faggots after that.

all trauma needs to be relived in order to be healed. its why "psychotherapist" literally broken apart is psycho the rapist.
I wish Henry Cavill would come out the closet already. I love seeing men like him bottom. Hottest shit.
There is a unifiying/unified consciousness or sensibility which cannot be gainsaid by any being, whether they are reckoned as sentient, sapient, or otherwise. If they are a being, they abide.

Because no other man suspects, to their own satisfaction, that you will or are selling you own life in exchange for listlessness (aka you've not found the man who is willing to do that to you and/or you are not that dumb).

This is from the gay porn outfit boyforsale (made by the same owners/company as familydick, mormonboys/missionaryboys(I bet the mormon church sued them and made them change the name) and probably other transgressive companies like fratx/sketchysex etc.
Porn is Jewish
>women typically only watch gay porn when their cheating boyfriends tell them that they let some guys suck them off.
Lol wtf, no.
Most women who watch gay porn are forever alone fujoshi who've never dated a man gay or straight.
Good job not dating fags though I guess.
>its quite literally means to look at it.
Which should be reckoned as separate from merely seeing it. It's not enough to just have you eyes open and look at it. You must do something akin to consider it, weighing the ways it's like "this" and like the opposite (that/not-this).

It calls to mind, for me, the idea of sense-restrain in buddhism. If one is restrained in the senses, I think they "see" without "looking" while someone who is otherwise might "see" more than "look" but nevertheless still "look" while others are half and half or are mostly "look"ing (like narcissist who jump at every perceived offense or put-down or whatever).
>They're priming us for the normalization of debauchery. Well, more like "have primed"
What you're noticing it actually a normal thing where evil people treat evil like it's normal, hypocritical people treat hypocrisy like it's normal, and good people treat good like it's normal.
>into their success
Is it success when what appears sweet doesn't lack bitter?
Thanks to >>38245762 I know that they changed their name to "masonicboys" (probably also due to mormon pressure since it was obvious that it was like "resemble but legally distinct" when it was "missionary")
Based porn
The problem with this is the symbol is variable and vacillates between visibility and invisibility. That's not very effect or stable. The best sigil is the sigil of truth.
>Fentanyl Floyd
Listen, right-y, a meme only works when the meaning and premise is mutually intelligible. Stop trying to make your myriad "Fetch"-like terms work. They don't because it's just you using and like the results of them
Ugh. I hate people who work at the bank. Shh I work at the bank, here is a dollar, do not tell anyone.
Satan isn't who and what you think he/it is.
It's a false flag.
You're supposed to wear your enemies uniform when you commit sin and crime.
Nothing is what it seems.
>all trauma needs to be relived in order to be healed.
>Framing the Devil.
Are you saying that the Devil being the ultimate deceiver is a perverse in-joke like Jesus Christ being a savior?
LeT mE RApE yOu AGAin
iT'S foR yOUr oWn GooD
The chief secret of the occult is that God is real and is evil, and that the roles of Lucifer and Christ are in reality reversed.
War is based on deception.
Evil is more powerful than good.
You wear your enemies uniform when you commit sin and crime.
The nightmare world we are entering is the millennial reign of Jesus Christ.
Remember you must do as Christ commands and not resist an evil person.
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yeah i definitely never "dated" a man. when i make love to a man theyre my husband for life on contact with my pussy.

only a eunuch can be forever alone. (or i suppose a woman who "dates" men also. a man should express marriage interest within the first five minutes of a conversation or youre an unmarryable whore for continuing even speaking to him let alone sleeping with)...

most american men think that eunuch means someone without a nutsack, so dont fret, eunuch, just go to america, if youre not already there. most of them are married for some odd reason.


any male that watches porn has an overabundance of microplastics in their system.

anyway, you shouldnt spill your seed as a man unless to feed or breed ur girl. only females are allowed to masturbate. porn is for women.
"and he will deceive many" the Bible

"It was the parties most essential command, to deny the reality of your own senses and your own thinking"
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it has to be with another person willing to reenact a milder version of the abuse with better aftercare or jerk off to porn alone, rapist. learn to read. baka.
He is probably and asexual dork who just happens to live in a hot body women want and has to dodge pussy everyday so he can keep shitposting on 4chan and playing warhammer
how can you tell when the guy you are dating is gay?
>selling you own life in exchange for listlessness
a lot of guys do want to turn their brains off completely during sex and be used. Have to never throatfucked one of these guys?
>reenact a milder version of the abuse with better aftercare
I dated a guy who wanted me to sometimes treat him like closeted guys he knew in highschool would treat him during sex. it messed me up more than it helped him to go back and forth between feeling like I was abusing him for my own pleasure and then not doing it when he didnt want it
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it has to be relived with a consensual either nonverbal or with loving verbiage added (because abusers usually are also verbally abusive as are all abusers theres always another type of abuse going on) reenactment with someone who creates a safer environment and adds aftercare. an attractive person comparatively in other words.

im simply explaining how with a sexual abuse, talk therapy will never do shit.

and its actually one of the easier forms of abuse to heal. with physical or emotional abuse its almost impossible to heal bc the trauma bond makes it hard to want to heal an emotional abuse so you end up going insane basically, and if you get traumatic brain injury you get a literal urge and need to physically attack someone else's head to get rid of it which creates a vicious cycle and often simply results in perma brain damage or getting punished when it was you who was hurt to begin with, sadly.
I like Aussie Beef
he appears in a few short random ones
no hypersigils in his content other than taking drink of beer after he makes a guy nut
To stay on topic I think you should discuss gay porn actors who do appear in content with subliminal messaging.
Austin Wolf (ugly face and honestly bad content) has the solar plexus sun tatoo and is extremely popular. It probably has more to do with occult contents in his videos rather than being attractive himself
Subs always seem self involved and inconsiderate like that.
What is that? What does it have to do with ghey prawn?
hidden symbolism in the form of patterns, behaviors/ rituals, and symbols
a high key example is the way porn is designed to warp viewers minds to think sex is about 1 sided pleasure and being greedy
The ritual they do is the abuse, showing one person being pleased and paying no mind to the other. this reinforces behavior in the viewer to want to do that to others and want it done to them

bottoms deserve to cum too. you can literally make a bottom fall in love with you if you give them a slight be of affection after you nut because they are not used to it at all and don't even know they crave it because of the psychological trauma society puts on them
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um if he doesnt lick pussy, makes u suck his dick unreciprocated, or denies any other sort of sexual or otherwise need of yours at all (within reason like normal stuff.)

yeah, dont date guys who date guys especially with trauma (which that is a guarantee according to logic and basic scientific understanding). or help them... bc they definitely have mental illness and probably mental disability. and ill explain why it harmed you and was not worth the effort. a woman has two x chromosomes and a man has an x and a y. one of a womans x's is inactive (for all of u who think women r retarded). anyway, a woman cannot do anything like a man, and a man can only understand a womans needs. because while he has the x, he doesnt have a vagina. so he only can comprehend her needs for example when a woman cries theres a chemical released from the female that will make him stop being sexually aroused. thats why gay men r literally degerenate and retarded. its the womans tight puss that makes her female. his pain and his ability to stretch it, not to hurt her or use her for healing shit (unless its a mommy trauma) is what makes his Y chromosome more dominant within him. and he isnt more than her, he simply has more responsibilities than she does. and it makes him feel fulfilled to do so.

ur ex fucked up because what he should have done was found a friendlier male he felt more attracted to to reenact the pain w. no woman can be like a man ever for any reason at all. and neither can a man because its merely to protect the women, he has no true femininity within him at all besides his bond with his mother. id think a male who was abandoned by his mom would probably be the gayest person alive but mentally disabled.

cause gay men are mentally retarded and absolutely nobody wants to lower their iq
You've been throughoutly brainwashed if you aren't aware the extend of genocide performed on natives, especially in americas (though they've always been exterminated everywhere in world, but it's most prominent in americas). There was that some south american tribe paintaing their bodies same way as some entities, and as result the spanish killed the entire tribe. The people with power really want these people dead and silent, because they know true history and they don't want plebians knowing the true history of the world
i meant to say her* pain
i don't know if this is a bot post, or if this one of those "room temperature" IQ posts. I swear I've been to sauna with higher temperature than your IQ
I assumed it was a LARP, but the mix of blatant jokes with potentially real opinions and actual insults so incongruously makes me think you might be right about it being a bot.
>cause gay men are mentally retarded and absolutely nobody wants to lower their iq
This is almost the final level of the fujoshi. She is traumatized by boogeyMEN, but still watches gay porn.
Soon she will only look at yaoi of men and will REEEE if sees an actual boy out in the wild
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oops i meant to put this photo lmao big tiddy witch is cute tho...
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are you another american eunuch? or their gay enormous dicked lover with many desperate american women? doesnt matter, mental disability cannot be transferred, no matter how hard you try.
The America's should have been left alone. If only Gene Roddenberry had created Star Trek to teach the commons about first contact protocols. Whatever, maybe next great reset
The nu brainwashing is that the natives basically asked for everything done to them all the way up to recent events like the boarding schools where the children were plucked from the res and forced into Christian homes to make sure religious brainwashing could make the cultures extinct.
>they don't want plebians knowing the true history of the world
does the true history even exist at this point? we don't even know about the druids
Who does something like that even affect? Something like subliminal advertising. Goodness, people are scared of some of the dumbest shit tbdesu.

I love bottoms. Fuck, I treat everyone with respect from the get-go. The kind of porn I watch has no bearing on how I treat people. I am kind and do/wish no harm to others.
I know this place has some retarded posts but it's this kind of posts that lower the quality of this board even further
>cause gay men are mentally retarded and absolutely nobody wants to lower their iq
Rich, coming from people unironically scared of fairy tale Boogeyman seriously being discussed in this thread. Talk about IQ.
>with physical or emotional abuse its almost impossible to heal bc the trauma bond makes it hard to want to heal an emotional abuse so you end up going insane basically, and if you get traumatic brain injury you get a literal urge and need to physically attack someone else's head to get rid of it which creates a vicious cycle and often simply results in perma brain damage or getting punished when it was you who was hurt to begin with, sadly.
some real venomous bs
im only speaking to those who have been raped, because on a "gay" post, theres going to be a lot of people who have been raped.

because *ALL* men that are gay were turned gay. ive never met an actually gay man. theyre all eunuchs (foreskinless) who want to marry but are consistently seeking females out of their reach and have become deranged and start self harming. the scriptures clearly say you are unfit for marriage.

just give up or find a woman who is actually lonely and do the normal process of breeding and loving her the best you can. she can work with your phantom foreskin and you can be happy together with effort. however she may cheat with a man with a foreskin periodically to get a proper stretch (idk i never been with a eunuch that wasnt gay but i like to think theres hope for the mutilated)

the pleasure in the mans ass is to protect him from rape, not a button you can spam press and be mentally normal afterward. women dont go out getting raped and continuing life as usual.

athiesm is not sexy. and definitely wont result in your foreskin growing back.
>Who does something like that even affect?
the masses
you are not immune to it either
Gay porn is real. Being gay is real. The topic at hand, though? Room temp IQ babble.
i agree, sorry, let me elaborate. im only stating cold hard facts. you can go pay a therapist 100 dollars a session to lie to you instead or better yet pop synthetic pills to cover up your pain. *shrug*

i think a good solution is always to reenact the pain with someone willing to give you aftercare. with all abuse. its just harder im saying because the unquenchable thirst of wanting to breed makes it easier to reenact the pain. trauma bonds keep you locked in crippling anxiety and you end up stuck. its not permanent if you put effort in.
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gay men are male rape victims coping HARD. lesbians are weirdos but i bet they all got a dildo lmao so i dont think lesbians exist. you can heal yourself with some effort anons. :)
STOP replying to the fujo
the fujoshit is glowing
THEY dont want us discussing the ways media is used to influence us
and by reenact the abuse i mean tap into the energy you felt during that moment and ask the person to do whatever it is you feel you need from them and make sure they have the time, willingness, and congizence to give you aftercare. and id go into this slowly like dont reenact the pain exactly, literally do whatever it is your body is saying. if its talking for hours, do that. for instance.
thank you for proving we live in simulation
They're just another narcissistic LARPer trolling people.
>the fujoshit is glowing
yep, something about that poster doesn't feel right
how did that prove it? nta and I would fuck the guy but I'd like to cum on his beard and see him smile
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suddenly thread started to glow real hard
>THEY dont want us discussing the ways media is used to influence us
Discuss away. Back in the day people used to fear the so called "25th frame" which was supposed to be subliminal messaging. Russians even used to sit a cup of water by their TV set back in the 90s to get it charged by a TV psychic. In time everyone wised up to that retardation and moved on to newer ones.
Watch porn
be exposed to hypersigils
be happy
Be on /x/. Soak up stupid shit from people who hate thinking.
>Russia bad
Contrary to what the quote-unquote elites want you to think, it IS possible to raise your IQ. Just read math books. It will help you from falling for every ol' retarded garbage going forward. Picrel is a good intro.
math will not solve some of the trajectory issues present with certain calibers
The problem is that gravity isn't real and you start to see that over long enough distances with bullets. It would be correct if you removed gravity and only factored in the relative density. Try it.
Russia is part of the cabal. They play their part when they are told to. Politics is one of the worst hypersigil traps. Its all NLP
I had enough fun in this retarded thread. Might come back later when some hot motherfuckers like Koby Falks appear. In the meantime you faggots be sure to read a math book.
>hot motherfuckers like Koby Falks
post pits
post pics
So why does OnlyFans look like a weird version of Facebook? It's basically a social media site. Looks like Facebook, Twitter, or any other site for video/images. You can have an OnlyFans and upload only stuff you want to upload.
To capitalize on the success of others. Facebook is familiar to people.
Once Uber became a success, there started appearing a lot businesses that liked calling themselves Uber of this and Uber of that.
not sure if this is the place but I dont want to make a whole ass thread
Its sex magic question about fate
How much of that was real? Nst the entire magic system and esoteric parts, specifically about being able to use sex to heal each other and restore life energy? Is that aspect stronger if both participants are trying to use magic and sigils during sex?
i've never used OF so i don't actually know that its a social media. i dont use any social medias so i dont even know what facebook or twitter look like. i understand that twitter is also a porn site now with its x rebrand and adding subscriptions to specific followers. is reddit still a free porn site?
All pornography is satanic.
its not just satanic as in an evil force. they are using it to charge something and power other rituals
yes. each subculture of the U.S. has social engineers assigned to it in order to weaken it as a threat and if able to use it as a tool for the ruling bankers and corpos.
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These are what made me stop watching porn and reset me to vanilla hentai. There's so much step/incest, blacked, cheating with best friend's, porn that pollute the pages that it just turned me off. Some videos are even reuploaded with an incest or interracial title when it didn't have that title previously.
We are under spiritual attack and we need to be vigilant. No fap if you have a gf because you should be having sex with her or just fap to hentai if
>tfw no gf
Stay safe niggas.
I don’t watch any porn. I’m a follower of Christ. I take my salvation seriously. I used to be like someone else here and watch hentai because I thought it was the most ethical.
Steinenberg isn’t coercing and exploiting a young vulnerable girl. Win win right?

Not really. It’s still sexually immoral. Any sex outside of marriage is illegal. It’s fornication. Even masturbation.

The closer you get to God the more you realize how much he loves you. He knows all porn leads you to want weirder and weirder stuff. It all corrupts slowly.
I don’t even want to repeat what hentai I would look at.

Im not going to lie and say it’s easy but I respect God and treat my body as a temple. I encourage you to pick up a Bible and do the same while you’re living.
Unironically yes
They outsource these types of jobs to Indians
the money echelon is equal to the religion echelon
bank/corpos - left hand path of that echelon
churches - rhp of that level
both are above the govt echelon
its all a farce. theres layers to the shit
You see lots of cross necklaces and cross tattoos on girls.

>happens all the time in HxH

Elaborate please.
Kek I know that studio. Masonic boys actually is a weird example but in most cases I don't think there's anything too sinister going on. Lot of overlap between the kind of person who is slutty enough to star in porn and the kind of person who is into weird art and the occult. And then you're going to have people who are in porn and trying to justify it to themselves so they might slap a bunch of edgy tattoos on their body even if they know nothing about the occult. There's some creepy shit out there and if you get occult imagery in the set design itself I would stop watching. But watching your average porn clip isn't going to make you charge a sigil.

Also not everything in the occult is satanic.
Years ago I noticed a TON of cam girls had prominent snake tattoos. I didn't think it was supernatural tho, I figured it was signifying membership into whatever pimp orgs they worked for.
dumb girls who thought it looked cool. they unknowingly placed those sigils on their bodies and made eyes focus on them.
There are many layers of ignorance to make sure the real people who are doing this to us are never seen
>the kind of person who is slutty enough to star in porn and the kind of person who is into weird art and the occult. And then you're going to have people who are in porn and trying to justify it to themselves so they might slap a bunch of edgy tattoos on their body even if they know nothing about the occult.
Those are not the people who are in-the-know about the occult (hidden) side of what they are doing
They are victims too
I am willing to bet you see every occultist as a victim unless they're part of some schrodinger's satanic elite who worship the devil. Not saying there isn't fucked up stuff happening in the occult world or that some of them couldn't be called satanists in a certain sense but if you see that as the core of what occultism is then it's just proof you are a fear-driven Abrahamic who sees boogeymen everywhere besides your religion and that you've never actually read up on the occult from primary sources.

And taking the vices of occult elites as proof that the entirety of occultism should be dismissed while having totally different standards when it comes to the vices of your own religion is dishonest. Clerical abuse was happening even in the middle ages for example and yet nobody besides hardcore Protestants thinks that totally discredits Catholicism.

Maybe I am totally misjudging you but it's the vibe I got. Go pick up an occult book and especially if it was written before the 19th century you're going to much more about praying to God and living a virtuous life than you are about summoning demons or being evil for the sake of it.
>I am willing to bet you see every occultist as a victim unless they're part of some
I stopped reading there. obvious bait or you are just transferring behaviors you've seen someone do in your own life to a random person on the internet
Except the evil people promoting evil are 100% doing it consciously to manipulate the masses. Don't be fooled into thinking they're just oblivious and morally disabled. They want your implicit consent for their upside-down satanic world, so they inkect psychopathic ideas into your head. Then, later on, when you wake up and call them out, they'll point at you and say, "You're evil, too." It's a very basic manipulation tactic, and it's very effective. I know this because I have both witnessed and used this manipulation tactic in my life.
god that genre of gay porn is so hot ....
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Yes thank you finally someone else is beginning to notice. This shit is everywhere now too. They even use satanic music binaural beats
What genre is it called?
Are they like hidden? Is there no way see them?
Don't a lot of e-girls use magick and sigils to indoctrinated people as slaves?
So this is why they ree when they don't have control over a person huh?
How do you help undo the effects of the negative force?
Read a book, faggots. Being scared of non-existent shit. Urgh.
All criminal orgs are satanic cults complete with initiation rituals, codes of silence, etc. When cops see underage girls with those tats or making certain handsigns, then the cops know the girls won't cooperate with any investigation into their traffickers.

This one doesn't have any sigils that I can see but listen to the audio. There's some shit imbedded in there. That site is full of crazy satanic bnwo porn shit
OP's example is legit. It's a gay porn studio called Masonic Boys where the whole theme is twinks getting gangbanged in an Eyes Wide Shut type situation
they are priming us to see that as normal.
expect some news to come out... they want us to see it in porn first to see if they can avoid a kevin spacey situation because someone is threatening to put something out about someone.
What if you don't coom to visual porn, but literary porn. What then?
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>non-Chad problems.
I’ll go fuck n dump my next bitch and avoid satanic imagery.
whats tptb?
"The Powers that be."

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