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Is Alawiteanon a psyop?
That shit is cool
They pre-date Islam. It's an ethnoreligious Arab group, similar to how Jews are
Everything that's too syncretic
probably is
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Look at these folk. Ancient and sophisticated.
Not to be a eugenic crazy person about it, but the 3 gentlemen on the left are highly intellectual and spiritual people. Proud and noble. Respect.
it was made by a fantastic person on the server
He's either 100% real(as in telling the truth not that his cosmology is completely accurate) or a psyop.
I doubt a troll or LARP would have as much nuance as his shit has had.

That said there are a few things that make me suspicious, if he posted his texts to an archive or something outside that discord server like he originally said he would I'd be more trusting.
Yes, painfully obvious psyop
Unironically this shit has freemason shill written all over it
>le spooky demiurge can be contacted through sigils and gates
>le special herbs and astral travel
>le "assembly" meetings where you are blindfolded and led around the room
The entirety of the faith revolves around becoming a star in the throne room of the grand architect
You ought to see their women. bodacious AF
I also think it's a psyop, but having esoteric similarities to freemasonry isn't really proof of anything. It's an organization that deliberately synchronized as many different hidden traditions as possible, any non-mainstream abrahamic cosmology will usually have similarities.
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Yes and no
He is a pretty normal guy, but the essence of his threads and everything that happened since he posted seems unnatural, maybe he's being guided by something bigger than him. He has quite the interesting collection of people on his server.
Just read a couple books abour invention of tradition in europe. Enlightening
What is this about them doing black magic?
Which ones?
>He is a pretty normal guy
Acting humble and relatable is pretty common for cult figures in the early days of their movements. The fact that people sucking his dick always lead with "he's a very down to earth guy" honestly makes me more suspicious. An offputting schizo is more honest about his beliefs and therefore more trustworthy than a subtle and charismatic one.
>but the essence of his threads and everything that happened since he posted seems unnatural, maybe he's being guided by something bigger than him.
Him migrating the threads to Discord was suspicious as hell. It's an app known for bullshit drama and occasional fed honeypots, and from what I hear the vibe in it is a mix of both.
>He has quite the interesting collection of people on his server.
I keep hearing that there's legit occult freemasons who openly post there, is it true?
Nope, he's very human and alone, gives me the impression of a lonely schizo with charisma.
I thought he was married.
>I keep hearing that there's legit occult freemasons who openly post there, is it true?
>Acting humble and relatable is pretty common for cult figures in the early days of their movements. The fact that people sucking his dick always lead with "he's a very down to earth guy" honestly makes me more suspicious. An offputting schizo is more honest about his beliefs and therefore more trustworthy than a subtle and charismatic one.
He is unironically just a normal douchebag with nothing to prove, the reason people like him is because is chill. Definitely not a cult leader.
>Him migrating the threads to Discord was suspicious as hell. It's an app known for bullshit drama and occasional fed honeypots, and from what I hear the vibe in it is a mix of both.
This actually did feel suspicious to me at first. I will admit.
He is.

What would be the point?
You mean the anti-yaoim stuff?
i have a love hate relationship with the guy
>He is unironically just a normal douchebag with nothing to prove, the reason people like him is because is chill. Definitely not a cult leader.
I don't get how you can say that with such certainty about someone you only know through chatrooms.
How do you know shit isn't just a front?
If this is a psyop then it's in the VERY early stages, the bad shit won't start becoming obvious until way way later on if so.

Ignoring the mostly circumstantial red flags about how targeted the ideology seems to gnostics on /x/, there's other things I find suspicious.

He made it seem like some ultra secret order that couldn't be exposed, and then goes on a podcast and talks about the initiation rites(something that's supposed to always be a secret from people who haven't joined).
And then suddenly despite him not even being in Syria, all these other Syrians come out of the woodwork and claim to also be 4th initiates and that it's actually not a huge deal or anything.

So either he was lying, or he was massively exaggerating the nature of his order from the start.
And either way that makes me heavily doubt his claims about all the historically significant texts he claimed to have.
He's posted notable Arabic writers but none of the Lost History shit he claimed to have afaik.

He claimed to have Sumerian texts, shit from the library of Alexandria and at one point evidence of Pheonician colonies in the Americas.
It seems like he was either just full of shit, or was deliberately casting a wide net to draw interest from as many anons as possible.
What podcast
He made a 3-4 hour podcast with the white rabbit people, i am still trying to wrap my head around some of the concepts he spoke about there.
Some lurkers who have a podcast talked about him and then the server brought it up so he went on their podcast.
You have absolutely no idea how misguided you are, everything you are doubting has been either explained or shown on the server.
I do understand you because he came out of nowhere..
Was there anything notable mentioned that wasn't in the AMAs?
if its related to that complicated garbage picture , then yes
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>isn't really proof of anything
Apparently jesus was a murderer sicarius, god is a brat, the upper god is abstract chaos, there is a pillar of black light, djinn are very real, gates on earth that fast forward you to the astral world
and last but not least he claimed the knight templars lurked their caves and learned from them
>everything you are doubting has been either explained or shown on the server.
In what way? The lost history texts, or the inconsistencies in his description of secrecy?
If it's the former which texts? Were the texts translated and posted anywhere besides the servers? Because he said he would post them on an archive outside the server.
If the only way to see them is joining a server with a bunch of freemasons then I'm gonna say no, that's suspicious bullshit.
so wait, i see alchemy elements, are they alchemists or?
That was all mentioned in the AMAs from what I remember.
I remember one dude was really hung up on the Sicarii Jesus thing.
the lost history texts are posted in the books channel, the secrecy things he explained that there are oaths taken and that he cannot go in full detail about the initiation, when I asked him about how freely he explained it on the book of clouds he answered that "the book of clouds is a pamplet a flyer, it is just an intro to"
>If it's the former which texts? Were the texts translated and posted anywhere besides the servers? Because he said he would post them on an archive outside the server.
The books of ukud, usus, yunan, mawarid, destoor and plenty others have been posted translated and explained. All of which are extremely esoteric no-no books in syria.
The server is the archive at this point.
>If the only way to see them is joining a server with a bunch of Freemasons then I'm gonna say no, that's suspicious bullshit.
There are 4 Freemasons, and almost 130 users.
I understand your points, I really do, but the guy is just a derp with arabic books and a server.
The podcast was enjoyable
>The books of ukud, usus, yunan, mawarid, destoor and plenty others have been posted translated and explained.
None of those are the texts I was referring to though.
>All of which are extremely esoteric no-no books in syria.
What source do you have on them being no-no books other than supposed Syrians in the server claiming it to be so?
>the secrecy things he explained that there are oaths taken and that he cannot go in full detail about the initiation
He gave plenty of details on the initiations in the AMAs and some on the podcast though. The arbitrary distinction on what details are important and what aren't sounds like bullshit to me.
this is the 12th thread about this shit, what am i missing?
the search bar in the archive
Trudeau back to cosplaying I see.
>None of those are the texts I was referring to though.
these are the books that speak of the lost worlds and the cosmology
>What source do you have on them being no-no books other than supposed Syrians in the server claiming it to be so?
The fact that I tossed them to other /lit/ related servers and users who are arabs and who follow all sorts of islamic texts and they were impressed
>He gave plenty of details on the initiations in the AMAs and some on the podcast though. The arbitrary distinction on what details are important and what aren't sounds like bullshit to me.
He claims that everything he talked about is just a fraction of the actual initiations.

I say claims, because I spoke to other Alawites who confirmed 1st and 2nd are identical to his information, they could not comment on 3rd and 4th. Majority of Alawites according to them are 2nd.
Is it really worth the read?
Hey alawite if you read this, thank you for everything, ignore the haters.
I've never read all of it, nor do I astral project, so I can't tell you. If that's something you're interested in, I say go for it.
>these are the books that speak of the lost worlds and the cosmology
Again, those are not the texts I was referring to. Please reread my original post, he claimed to have several historically significant texts that weren't esoteric in nature that he never substantiated.
>The fact that I tossed them to other /lit/ related servers and users who are arabs and who follow all sorts of islamic texts and they were impressed
Maybe legit then, but that only proves part of what he claimed.
That said would you be kind enough to post said texts in a drive or anything accessible without having to join the discord server? I would greatly appreciate it.
Posters like you are what make people think he's a cult leader.
>hat said would you be kind enough to post said texts in a drive or anything accessible without having to join the discord server? I would greatly appreciate it.
Happy to, will post it here for you
>he claimed to have several historically significant texts that weren't esoteric in nature that he never substantiated.
The only missing book is Dalam's, I have confirmed its existence elsewhere, though it is doubtful that he has it due to how rare it is.
Are the black and white spheres representations of rough and perfect ashlars or?
>Happy to, will post it here for you
Thank you genuinely kind anon.
>The only missing book is Dalam's, I have confirmed its existence elsewhere, though it is doubtful that he has it due to how rare it is.
Again I'm not talking about the religious books, he mentioned having shit from Alexandria and Phoenician colonies in the Americas.
That said I though Dalam was one of the first books he posted, it's not up yet? It sounded like the most interesting one imo.
Where did you confirm it's existence elsewhere?
/lit/ server. there are guys there interested in the alawiteanon library who are on both servers. we are closely monitoring this because some of the books he casually tossed are incredibly rare and forbidden in the middle east. So what I can confirm is that the guy has at least some connection to the actual alawites.
>So what I can confirm is that the guy has at least some connection to the actual alawites.
Wouldn't be unheard of for a glowie psyop to use actual restricted material they had to lure people in.
Lure them in for what?
This. Once he kept it walled behind a discord I became suspicious.
Alawites are responsible for mass genocides in Syria, just thought you should know what kind of people you are following.
Either a false flag cult to be used as a political pawn, some kind of larger MK Ultra honeypot, or some monitored chatroom used to try and identify/groom potential radicals.
I would think most people on /x/ were familiar with these concepts.
what is the name of this artstyle?
No, not a psyop. The 'Khasa' or private alawiyyah of Syria are very real.

>Alawites and their beliefs have been described as "secretive"[101][36][102][27] (Yaron Friedman, for example, in his scholarly work on the sect, has written that the Alawi religious material quoted in his book came only from "public libraries and printed books" since the "sacred writings" of the Alawi "are kept secret"[e][f]); some tenets of the faith are kept secret from most Alawi and known only to a select few,[103] they have therefore been described as a mystical sect.[105]

From Wikipedia

The guy talks about heavy metal music and jokes about Mr bean I seriously doubt anything sinister is going on here.
>Nusayri creed views Ali as "the supreme eternal God" and consists of various gnostic beliefs. Nusayrite doctrine regards the souls of Alawites as re-incarnations of "lights that rebelled against God."[108]

>Their beliefs have never been confirmed by their modern religious authorities.[109] As a highly secretive and esoteric sect,[110][111] Nusayri religious priests tend to conceal their core doctrines, which are only introduced to a chosen minority of the sect's adherents.[112] Alawites have also adopted the practice of taqiya to avoid victimization.[36][113

Essentially they believe they are fallen angels
Once again, him being "a totally normal down to earth dude" isn't convincing or proof of anything, and I don't get why everyone keeps spamming it like it's a good argument.
Most cult leaders act like normal charismatic people until their organization gets big and organized enough to start pulling shit.
Charles Manson was a notoriously grounded and chill dude when he was originally just hanging out with the Beach Boys.

A dude who acts normal while saying schizo shit about cosmology is inherently less trustworthy than an offputting schizo who says the same thing.
He is based though.
Well that's different then sign me up.
Can you tell me why you are so obsessed with this asshole?
You're right. Asahara Sonshi was a chill dude who liked baseball after all. Also looked like Jesus in the anime. Was a bit of bishounen too. Stupid Shoko-chan.
I guess cause I like talking occult shop. Yeah I'm a sick freak.
/x/ is full of paranoids and this thread is proof of that. If you don’t trust him then find your own way. It’s as simple as that.
If the people defending him were more subtle, or just didn't try to blatantly shut down discussion it probably would've blown over by now.
His fanbase is one of the main reasons everyone is getting cult vibes from it.
Long ago when the Alawi of Syria were presenting themselves as crypto Christians to western missionaries they claimed to have secret books about Jesus that the Christians had lost. Since coming to power in Syria an already secret tradition then also became an incredibly sensitive subject.

I read some time ago that the Alawi "secret books" were now being printed in Arabic in Lebanon.
There’s like 50 other bozos on this board doing or trying to do the same thing. I think the best form to combat a conversation from being hijacked or getting a namefag mentioned on all the threads is to ignore it.
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In addition to ancient roots to the Alawite traditions there is also the possibility that dualist heretics fleeing the inquisition may have ended up the Islamic Ghulat
Is astral projection dangerous? I would guess it would be like setting up a beacon to get glownigs on your back irl. Or atleast the doxxcord could be used for honeypotting particularly talented anons.

Other than shitting on Christianity what is the concern?
All of it is true
He said Freemasons copied them, but yeah they do want to escape clown world and escape the reincarnation loop.
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The main problem I found in his discourses is how seemingly all major religious traditions,practices are part of their religion. That type of shit is what gives me cia psyop vibes. From the heaven gates to the levels of gods
All religions are derivatives of an ancient old religion though. This is a fact.
Probably. Not sure if its a coincidence because of the other stressors in my life, but reading his threads gave me my first panic attack in nearly 10 years. I'm extremely uneasy about his view of life. It is essentially the worst possible metaphysical possibility for man and erases all potential for beauty in life.

I can nitpick the small inconsistencies here and there but I don't care to at this point. The reason I think its a psyop is because it is the ugliest, most barren, most hopeless and grotesque philosophy of life I've ever come across.
Working on your self to surpass the god himself and become a universe shaping being of pure light depresses you?
Platonism on Atlantis steroids and sigils with practical kabbalah undertones? Naah no way it's a psyop..
That isn't what he advocates, don't pretend that it is.
It is exactly what he advocates and what their entire faith is about, maybe you did not understand the teachings?

The idea is to surpass the planet, god and to reach higher states of existence while staying aware post death. It is literally a religion of transcendence.
those amas are the best thing that happened to /x/ in the last 6 months, alongside sarah the reptilian
>read the threads
>get excited for book
>join server
>he writes one paragraph a month
>lost interest

what now alawite?
I don't like him, but the people shitting on him because his views are depressing are just schizos who aren't adding to the discourse.
His view is not by any means the most depressing view of reality, it's basically on the same level as buddhism or gnosticism if you actually delve into them. God being the bad guy isn't a new concept.

I read every AMA and this is a misrepresentation. "Surpassing the planets and god" is not how he describes it at all, that is you glorifying the phenomena as something it isn't.

His teachings are about ESCAPING the planets and God. If you can escape them post death then yes, you get to chill in higher realms and maybe rejoing the I AM.
You do not surpass Yaoim or become a God or some shit like that though.

His ideology isn't some doomsday shit, but it isn't some Disneyfied "everyone goes to heaven" shit either.
Sure as fuck beats every other ideology out there, I would rather become a highier realm entity than go through samsara and reincarnation.
Every ideology involving Samsara and reincarnation has the main goal as escaping them, and according to Alawiteanon if you don't get gud at cloudwork you in fact just reincarnate when you die anyway.
So the argument isn't higher entity versus reincarnation, it's higher entity vs nirvana(in the case of buddhism at least).

And also his description of existence as a higher entity was not some anime tier God bullshit, you're literally just a cloud floating around with other clouds.
You can even get eaten by other clouds if you fuck up according to him.
So the reports of 80+ pages of fully translated text is bullshit from discord shills then?
Because if so that makes it more likely to be a psyop, trying to lure people away from a skeptical environment into a notorious gaslight chamber before giving them any of the promised info is a pretty bad look.
Samsara ideology in both hinduism and Buddhism and even Jainism have higher planes and incarnations. You have better bodies,better lives or worse,well different better or worse Will be relative . But you're still a mortal there so the ultimate aim is to escape the cycle .

Oh and btw this world(karmabhoomi) especially human birth is the only one where you gain karma other worlds are places where you face the consequences,(bhoga bhoomi) good or bad
But his views sound too new age-y hotchpotch of all . Also how can a religion that worships or has ideas older than islam seemingly follow it?
He probably has things to contribute and perspectives to offer but they don't seem that different from white gals practicing buddhism
Well you don't escape Samsara strictly speaking. You escape the cycle or realise you're not part of it.
You always are part of samsara. Well not You as in your ego but the part that is actually part of the divine.
So is samsara a term for the entire cosmology as a whole rather than specifically the cycle of reincarnation?
>Also how can a religion that worships or has ideas older than islam seemingly follow it?
I don't believe him for other reasons, but that's just how syncretic religions work, there's a few groups that started pretending to be Christians once they took over their native area.
The muslim version of their religion is supposedly a shell they use to protect themselves from the other muslims.
>you're literally just a cloud floating around with other clouds.
In deeper conversations with him about what he calls "Cloud work" he discusses being one with major principalities, essentially joining the gnostic pleroma.

>You can even get eaten by other clouds if you fuck up according to him.
This is a metaphor for being obsessive about other thoughts, everything about the cloud cosmology is allegory, you will not be literally eaten by anything, it is just what you are mentally obsessing over that will "eat you", you have missed a lot of discord discussions regarding their faith.

>So the reports of 80+ pages of fully translated text is bullshit from discord shills then?
The book of clouds are those translations.
Alawiteanon is a femboy
>This is a metaphor for being obsessive about other thoughts, everything about the cloud cosmology is allegor
In the AMAs he described in detail what happened if another cloud consumed you and how it did involve literally being consumed by said cloud.
If he's in the discord saying that literally everything was a metaphor despite describing it literally in all the AMAs then that just sounds like more evidence he's deliberately misleading people.

Also one if the anons previously said they would post a non discord link to some of these texts, any progress on that?
he is either a very, very well educated individual who decided to fuck with /x/ or the real deal, the only issue is actual najmiyyoun or private alawiyya do not answer questions easy and the ones i asked on facebook have venerated the name "iskandar ali deeb" he gave beyond belief claiming he is some fucking chosen super guard of a temple and i am not even sure if it is the same guy, regardless he is sometimes interesting and at others shady as fuck i have no idea what to make of him atm this very well might be a psyop of a very high level, or just some fucking syrian fucking with us all. i dont know

it is possible he is just a troll with a lot of time on his hands or an actual insider and the only way to confirm either way is to get one other najmiyyoun to talk about their faith
>everything about the cloud cosmology is allegory
He talked multiple times about how you literally see everything as clouds when you astral project and that the physical anatomy of a soul is a cloud-like object, how the fuck is that an allegory?
I've been to the discord and spoken to him, the pneuma means consciousness or thought, clouds are ideas, the adversary is the unconscious mind, they are just ancient jungian pre-islamic sun worshippers, don't read too much into it.
everything in their cosmology is an allegory. the cloud nexus is consciousness and the thoughts, the yaqin is certainty of self existence, the I AM is you. they are just masonry with another name. Everything in the cosmology is you. You are the I AM. see what I wrote >>38253837 The sultans are self control faculties.
They are an allegorical religion that uses symbols, sound familiar?
Which is exactly why I am skeptical, and why OP thinks its a psyop. Schizos aren't usually that organized or coherent.
Anybody actually from the discord in here? Can you tell us what kind of shit the guy spews on the daily there? is this some kind of guru? is he teaching you how to suck his dick? what's it like? screenshots maybe?
Kind of. Shristi is more apt for that exact definition but Samsara is everything that souls go through,including inanimate objects if we are to go by stories and myths. Its not just the cycle but the destinations,spokes everything.

What I was getting at more is that even after enlightenment it isn't as if you just leave Samsara and fade away somewhere but you may take births as required and mandated by divinity.
So he was being melodramatic to make his boring religion sound cooler than it is?
i suppose, he's still plenty cute tho, shame he banned all girls from his server
This directly contradicts things he said in the AMAs, so if you're not also just LARPing(which wouldn't surprise me) this kinda proves he's full of shit.
I bet your pussy glows.
he might be full of shit, but its the alawites you have a problem with since he is mostly just translating their work

my pussy is too good for that discord i am glad he banned me
>but its the alawites you have a problem with since he is mostly just translating their work
Well no, because he's misrepresented his beliefs in the AMA vs the discord if what you're saying is true.
So either you're lying/misinterpreting something, or he's telling two different stories between the AMAs and the discord. Which is dishonest.
maybe so, but it all makes sense as allegory
>my pussy is too good for that discord
Prove it.
>but it all makes sense as allegory
Yeah but that's missing the point of what I'm saying. He presented it as a literal thing, so if he's saying it's an allegory(rather than just you interpreting it as one) then he's lying on one or both instances.
Also almost any cosmology can make sense as an allegory, allegories are bullshit.
Yeah figured that out from a couple amas. He would overhype stuff and then down the explanations they'd all be something rather unimpressive or another old stuff we all know
Yeah, between that and >>38249347
It seems like he's just promoting Arab gnosticism with overhyped claims about ancient lineage and shit.
The only thing that doesn't make sense is the weird gaslighting his supporters do in these threads.

For example, what's with all these arabs coming out of the woodwork claiming he's of some ultra important lineage after he swore up and down he was a normie?
he is a normie everyone who does that is trolling
To me it's the opposite of boring. It's a treasure trove of material to work with. Even the Arabic words used by the Alawiyya are worth notice. They have something brilliant and decoding it would be the pinnacle of /x/.
>To me it's the opposite of boring
"Everything is an allegory" is an extremely boring psuedo-secular take no matter how many layers of encryption and symbolism it has.
And that's ignoring the dishonesty of him portraying it as literal in all of the AMAs.
Not all the stuff Alawiteanon talked about was allegory. You have to understand Sufi thought to get much of it. Even the vibrating of the Arabic letters is an important element. There's a lot to the Sufi influence in Alawiyya.
who the fuck says its allegorical, I asked him today if there is allegory and he said minimal, so whoever said that was full of shit, alawiteanon said that there are some allegories but the faith was presented as is from the books, he knows about this thread and his response was "4chan gonna 4chan, still love em"
this must be what thots feel like when they have a following on tiktok
I don't know about him being a psyop, but whoever made that picture is talented.
Okay so the people claiming it's allegorical are trolls then.
The amount of people pretending to defend him while trolling makes this issue really annoying to discuss on here, but I'm still not down to join a discord just to see how legit he is.
is kat still here?

There are exactly 0 fucks given about you not joining.
I'll answer all your questions through email if you send me one. My email is negispringfieldof4ch@gmail.com and you can also ask me stuff on Youtube @NegiSenseiYT.
Okay dawg.
Could you please post his translated texts on archive.org or a google drive or something outside the discord? People keep promising to do it and then don't follow through.
Yeah, sure if I can find them. Which ones do you want? If you email me then I'll just send you PDF versions of them.
The book of Clouds, and anything he's translated of the 5 core books he mentioned in the AMA would be greatly appreciated.
Here's the Book of Clouds in Google Drive.
Thank you so much man. Like seriously I've been waiting for this to get posted in one of these threads since the AMAs ended.
Btw is alawiteanon himself the author of this one?
Yes, he is the author. He's also writing it as a ongoing project. I can't wait to see what he adds because what I've seen so far is pretty cool. This is a huge part of why I have a lot of respect for Alawiteanon.
Holy fucking shit this is insane thank you for posting it here
You're welcome.
What's his discord account name?
@alawiteanon but you can also message me at @negispringfieldof4ch and I'll add you to the server.
forced meme faggotry. Thread of samefags
I'm gonna guess the OP image was drawn by one of the Masons in the server.
Because that shit looks Masonic as fuck.
>spooky demiurge can be contacted through sigils and gates
How? I want to kick this fucker in the balls so bad.
What is masonic about it?
So conclusively it's not a psyop but another gimmicky shit
From what I can tell it's 80% legit 20% him exaggerating to sound cool(which apparently alawites and other syncretic religions have a history of). The belief system is likely real and they probably have access to a decent amount of otherwise lost texts, but their claims of Sumerian origin are possibly exaggerated.

Also there's definitely a group of people who deliberately troll threads that talk about him and make wild claims like him being from some super special lineage.
the guy is absolutely based though
If he had access to actual hidden texts that prove wild stuff like the Phoenicians colonizing the British Isles then the last thing he would do is post it on 4chan. He'd just sell the documents to some museum and then never work again.

Now instead of posting scans of ancient texts he's decided to write a book based on his own AMAs like anyone outside of /x/ would give a second thought to wildly unverifiable claims. This just proves that he either has nothing worth uploading or he doesn't want to upload.

So either he is lying about having ancient texts, or hiding them, both scenarios make him dishonest.
They don't. The alawite nigger is a massive fag and a liar too.
>He claimed to have Sumerian texts, shit from the library of Alexandria and at one point evidence of Pheonician colonies in the Americas.
It seems like he was either just full of shit, or was deliberately casting a wide net to draw interest from as many anons as possible.
This was the biggest giveaway for me that he was a liar. Alawism was literally founded in the 9th century by a muzzie. They literally follow the quran. Big bulk of their mythology comes from islam. They're entirely dependent on it. But this guy claimed that they actually go back to the Sumerians because he hates how tied his faith is to Abrahamism and was trying to distance himself from them. Sandnigger was lying through his teeth.
I don't see how you are hung up on this. The claim is that they are hiding behind Islam normalniggers so they don't get killed. I believe he said the refer to themselves as other names too.

He's trying lure anons into becoming astral travelers. The psyop if probably around that if there is one.
NTA but the psyop could also just be a mundane one like trying to create an American psuedo-branch of their religion that would use political influence to support their interests, or simply starting a cult.
I am loving how he makes glowies seethe and squirm. Please don't stop alawi
>>38259885 this is such nonsense. If that argument actually had merit then their religious terminology won't match Islam's but be something far different.
I don't believe the dude is real but the argument isn't nonsense.
While not Islamic in origin it's still Arabic, and most Islamic terms are just from older Arabic religions so it makes sense they would share terminology.
I am loving all these doubtful posts made by the one butthurt banned faggot.
I wasn't banned from anything but I have a lot of questions. One thing I don't like at all are all of his students or fans swarming these threads and shutting them down.

We have the right to question him, we aren't in his personality cult.
Yeah but you aren't questioning him, you are making cringe accusations about something you haven't really looked into. He is as legit as they come, the cosmology is solid, the books are on the server and the guy is awesome. You really are missing out here unironically.
alawite thank you for making the AMA threads!!!!!!
What does he look like?
it's like looking at the ghosts of the people who built babylon and egypt and now are cooking their friends with rpg backblast and fucking their cousin-sister
He's a femboy afaik

Definitely not a femboy, lurk the VC channel some moar.
This. He's a cult leader lol

oh he is DEFINITELY a femboy on HRT
He is not.
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what the FUCK is alawite?

why is not ONE of you talking about or referring to the original content and post? what is this about
tl;dr a few months ago a member of the private sub-sect of the Alawites of Syria came to /x/ and made 7 AMA threads revealing a deeply guarded faith, neoplatonism and kabbalah on steroids with a central theme of astral projection to transcend god, some people loved it, others hated it, he now has a mini fanbase on his discord server where they suck his dick and talk about their dreams, Freemasons are involved there as well. The server is still up despite this wave passing. He is supposedly writing a book in English to preserve this knowledge with the blessing of his people.
business as usual have fun gents
I keep seeing the word Freemasons tossed around, what exactly do you mean by that? Is the server affiliated to freemasonry in any way other than a few members are freemasons? Because by that logic /x/ is masonic.
Thank you for the wealth of information alawiteanzon
Your cloud is retarded anon.
The godhood of Ali is one of the many things they throw in to slop pot for lower tier initiated to eat from.

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