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Why do I get strong Luciferian vibes from this show? Unlike other sci-fi (star treks) or soft-disclosure shows (babylon 5, stargate), something about Andromeda glows. They're mixing some parts of "truth" with big ton of luciferian message. That's the gist I get from this show.
The Magog
The Nietzcheans
…or is it because the whole IP was (((Gene Roddenberry’s))) narrative to put around one of his wife swapping orgy fantasies?
Andromeda is the chick who gets chained to the rock when the kraken attacks in Clash of the Titans/Greek Myth bc one of the Olympian Goddesses is envious of her beauty.

Does the plot reflect this in any noticeable way? ie: Aliens jelly of Earthlings for some reason? May be expressed as them possessing a divine spark the aliens desire/hate.

The logo in the bg is interesting. Anti-clockwise moon-cycle dealie.
The crescent moon is often symbolically likened to a boat, a funeral barque, piloted by Isis.
"Night" symbolism.

Meaning, esoterically, an absence/reduction of upper-consciousness (the sun has cycled into the underworld, and the unconscious rules the night/human mind - as sleep/dream - during this period).
Think of it taking place in a less "rational" space, but a more "intuitive" one.
>narrative to put around one of his wife swapping orgy fantasies?
the what? qrd?
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(Lol if you want to know the actual classified truth.
The show was subtle predictive programming for what took place in 2017 when the canadian commonwealth ended after the former nations gold was sold in 2016 to pay off the constitutional debt as all constitutions are debt contracts that operate on 70 year international bankruptcy cycles. It basically made way for the plandemic and everything you are seeing now in former Canada. It was covered up because the bad factions in Canada wanted to enslave the canadian people but the good factions have been fighting them ever since 2017 after prince Phillip ceased to hold the continuance of the evidence of debt contract to start the canadian corporation. If you want to know more, other common wealths are experiencing this same thing although the people haven’t been told either cause usurers can be dicks.)
What the fuck ?
Tell me more please, who are the "good factions" and the "bad factions" of Canada ?
How does Québec fit into that ?
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Basically the show is about rebuilding a fallen federation and Hercules uses his intuition rather than a purely rational approach to keep everybody together.
Purely rational amoralists get easily corrupted to join evil in the show.
I think I totally believe this.

What's the dirt on Australia?
Shghss €%!* Fo8
it's funny how chuds deeply believe their republics created by the oligarchy somehow was pure and good back then but now it's evil
back then it had less j** influence
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They have an episode where they casually show you how reality works, how deja vu is just you reliving your life again to see how different actions would have led to different outcomes and how the entire thing looks like a tree.
It's clear the writers have seen it from the outside as many have done, reincarnation only happens when you stop this and move on with your existence.
>reincarnation only happens when you stop this and move on with your existence
how do i do that
>back then it had less j** influence
Haha what a retard. Jews started the whole thing so they could tax and usury the shit out of every citizen.
>how the entire thing looks like a tree
this was revealed to me in a dream
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(Ok, here is what i know that is the current situation in the former common wealth of Australia.
The hostile foreign corporation that poses as the legit Australian government is run from po boxes off the coast on norfolk island. Customs of the former country have no real oaths of office or credentials. The entire fiction corporate paradigm is predicated against the former Australian people with something called fraudulent syntax grammar. Literally all oaths of office, charters, contracts for all agencies and gov offices are written in this legal fraud. When i say a hostile foreign corporation, i mean it’s a hostile corporate entity hell bent on the death of all australians. Learn to syntax and throw these bums out on their ass, take your country back from the smelly cunts! They’re cunts cause they will use “cooling the mark” tactics against you while you think your fake gov is working for you but tisn’t.)
nta, but what can you tell about US? Did US get bought fairly recently in history?
How is Babylon 5 soft disclosure? Am I going to get to colonise Mimbar with my BWC like John "I'll fuckin do it again" Sheridan?

Also Sorbo was a massive christian and outright changed the show to be a Bible allegory when he became EP.
>How is Babylon 5 soft disclosure?
It depends whether there is indeed a war between ayys of Sirius B and Orion.. because if that's true, then the Worlons and Shadows could be seen to represent them

There's a schizo youtuber who goes to describe his past live memories serving Orion or something, and he's described those from Orion to be "mantids". That description could easily be applied to Shadows from Babylon 5. The description of "Archons" or "false light" could be applied to Worlons.
It sits quite nicely with what Brett Stuart described in "Project Red Dog" I believe it was? How they got result with RV that we may live in a simulation that is trying to determine, which ideology stands "correct", so a war of ideologies so to speak.. between Service to self and service to others ? The shadows could be seen as egotistical, service to self satanists, while the service to others could be seen slightly less so (even if it's done for selfish reasons), being more Luciferian I guess?

Where it gets muddy is that there's a group/"secret society" of people whom practice these both, and I don't know the details but it seems they like to play sides? I know not much but some walk "middle path", while most others dedicate either to left hand path or right hand path respectively. You can see their symbolism in all of modern movies so you can probably guess which I'm referring to, I'm not gonna name them for bot algo though. fm
Exactly, maybe rub those two brain cells together. The whole problem is usury. Why do you think nations kick them out? People smarter than you figure out what usury actually is and nip it in the bud before it becomes unmanageable. It quite literally takes a single video from a youtube armchair economist about how interest and credit cards work to understand that the system only works when no one actually knows how it works. If you're genuinely curious watch "A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind by Stephen Goodson" and "All Wars Are Banker Wars"
while it's true they play role, it becomes more complicated if there's ayys involved.. and different soul groups and what not
is the name of the spaceship, but also of the (female) AI that controls it. She's a core crew member. At the beginning of the show, she has been "chained" to the powered-down spaceship for hundreds of years.
>Divine spark
At some point in the later seasons it's revealed that everyone (or maybe just some people?) are living stars.
>Moon-cycle logo
Likely referring to death/rebirth cycle, as the whole show is about the captain trying to re-establish the fallen federation.
The Nietzschean from the Andromeda franchise are nothing else than the augments of Star Trek. With a extra-layeer of simplifed philosophy over it.
The only differences comes from the way the writer deals with them.

In Star Trek, the "advanced human" are criminals and something that ought not to be, just by merely existing. The federation baned every genetical technology for some reason.

In the fictional universe of Andromeda, the Nietzscheaner are just there. Some other kind of people who has to be tolerated like any other alien race.
Even if they are technical of human origine and have a ideology which makes them strangers into the commenwealth.

The magog are neither amoralists nor rationalist. They are more like animals.They need human flesh, otherwise they would not even care.
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[Now who would be able to buy the former united states, Canada, uk, Australia? And does anyone actually have the rights to buy it, is it even for sale….
Not casting aspersion's here, but have you noticed the devaluing of the former united states lately with the robocop2 plan.
I suggest everyone watch robocop 2 again not because it’s funny but because what did the massive corporation do to Detroit to get it on the cheap. Subtle predictive programming.]
amoralists are the nietzscheans and tyr, magog are made by an evil deity
nta but thx for reminding, i forgot the story cause it's been so long since i watched it
First, remember you are not you, you are playing as a character in a game, like when you play Zelda and become Link, Link would think he's Link and know nothing about you or your world, except when the game is over he remembers he was just all the time.
Second, any decision that you make currently will be done as this character you're playing as, if you decide to stop the whole process, you may wake up on the upper layer and look at the state of the tree, and see you may be close to being done with whatever you were doing, so you may decide to continue, overriding your current decision.
Because sheridan tells the lords of order (his guys) and the lords of chaos to fuck off no trillion year old race should tell us wtf to do, we can determine the course of our own lives. Also correct that alien sluts love BWC. John Sheridan also refuses to apologize for all those minbari he blew up, when those alien fags get in his face he has to stop himself from smiling thinking about blowing them fags up. He’s my captain for damn sure.
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>you play Zelda and become Link
what the fuck was this some kind of psyop all along? why would I be playing zelda with link as character? I know i know, but that thought process alone sounds so weird
>As the show opens, we find our main characters dead
yeah this show fucking glows holy shit. I know stargate has disclosure shit, but it doesn't glow quite as bad like andromeda does
In this case, you're right.

The Nietzscheans are a simplicistic image of the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche.
To be honest, the implizit critique isn't even false with most of the Nietzsche-fans and hit him somehow.

The case of amoralism is more difficult.

It's hard to write a amoralistic fiction since mostly fiction are based on some moral.

Babylon 5 is special because it was made by some single write. Most shows are the product of a collective of different writers with a lot of influence from the producer and even the actors.

But the moral of Babylon 5 is more convetional than in most other shows. JMS plead for some kind of global gouverment, for "mixing" (apperently a important topic, more than one episode about it!) and the manifestation of Europeans (the Centauri republic) are portrayed as the evil guys, while the new America (the Earth alliance) are out of the game because they doesn't want to take a side.
The message is basicly against isolationism and for the establishment of a global gouverment.

As JMS said himself, he was inspired by radio shows from the 40s or 50s. He apperently failed to reflect the change which has happend if he used the same, naive moral of this days.
Our problem today are the problem with institutions like the EU, the WTO and so on...
got more takes on Babylon 5 and JMS? I liked Babylon 5 a lot overall, and it's miles ahead of most sci-fi stuff today.
What do you want to know?
What do you aim to speak about?
I want to know how much of his show was true, what was the good what was the bad, and more about the guy in general.
this might also be good opportunity to raise awareness of jms and the show in general. people here seem to praise stargate, and maybe even deep space 9 gets praise here and then, but absolutely nobody has even mentioned babylon 5? such a criminally underrated show !
>Because government grifters wanted to debtslave the people
So like a Thursday in really any part of the world I see
You wrote this OP and yet didn't even bother to explain how the show is "Luciferian". What an extraordinarily shitty thread.
it means it glows. mixing truths with falsehoods. usually done in subtle way. it's worse than "leftism" show like star trek voyager does. judging from the tone you probably already know this stuff
Like how? Another anon asked for specific examples and you still haven't given any.
Babylon 5 is obivious fiction. As far as I see, its not some hidde discloser or whatever you have in mind.

But sure, it's a political analogy. Isn't it?
The conflict between the Vorlons and Shadows somehow represents the Cold War. I'm unsure, but if we assume that the Shadows are a allusion to the powers of unregulated capitalism, it means that JMS was initially more sympathic to socialistic ideas, "order".
Or maybe he just thought that order, aka socialism, looked better at first glance, but after a while showed its ugly side.

I would suggest the follwing:
Centauri Republic = Nations of old Europe
Minibari = the very old cultures of east Asia, eg. Japan or China
Narn = Depends who just ask. Either 3-world or old socialism. The later because they were ruled by something called "inner circle" and their society seems to be orginally orginised in cyrcles.
Earth = The newcommer into the political balance of power. Tends to isolationism, more about economy. It is implied that only humans have the potential to socialise with others regardless of race or ideology.
This is clearly an analogy to the young USA, which is also relatively new in world history. At least from a US-American perspective.

The many small alien races who support Babylon 5 after they rebell against the regime on Earth are a wink to something like the movemt of the non-block states. Back in the Cold War, there were countries like India which doesn't want to pick a side, neither America nor sowjet-Russia.
I want to add some, in my opinion, important points:
- The humans of Earth appeared in the show as to some degree isolationistic. That mean, they doesn't want to interfere with the politics of the other major powers. Eg. they want to be neutral at the conflict between Narn and Centauri.
After the Earth becomes liberated from their bad gouverment, the new voted, democratic gouverment, they want to be out of the galactic politic, too.
What was the solution the heros choice? They just force the Earth with manipulation into the new formed, galatic alliance.
- The minibari tends to be isolationistic and all, too. But it was showed as a symptom of dekadenz. Youngh, vitial peoples have to be involved in big empires and stuff in the B5-Universe.
- The main hero, Sheridian uses tricks, lies and manipulation in order to reach his political goals. One of the goals is the form a alliance between all galatic races...

From this points, we may conclueded that the moral of Babylon 5 is, in modern terms, a apply to form a global gouverment.
The dangers of a galatic wide, united gouverments were never thematised!
When groups rebell against the order, they are merely either bad guys or some oppressed miniorty. (And their oppression is 100% irrational and arbitrary and could be easily end!)

I don't say Babylon 5 preaches a bad moral or whatever. But it's important to remember what the show doesn't thematised and how they portrayed conflicts against the gouverment.

In contrast, Andromeda is more critical against the Commenwealth of stars.
The Commenwealth is okay to sacrefies part of their own people in the fight against the magog. And this people, the Nietzscheans, take their revanche after they feel the Commenwealth will lose... Andromeda has no clear moral message but ranther a equivocal situation...
A last piece:
JMS has wrote that he was influenced by the old radio plays back from the 40s and 50s. He mentioned this in the Lurkers Files!
And I guess part of the naivite toward a global gouverment and all comes from this time frame.
The USA at this time has had a great an isolationist tendency. The member of this tendency share the view that America should not interfere with the conflicts of European nations. This thoughts goes back to the Monroe doctrine.

Thats was part of the reason the senate refused the ratification of a pact that would make the USA a part of the Leage of Nations. (Another reason was the fear that this international organisation would toke the right to decide about war and peace from the congress to the their own Committees. A fear that comes true with the Korean war. A "war" that was started as a police action from the UNO, without consent of the congress. The further development with a sowjet-Russia who want to veto everything makes this historical tendency irrelevant...)

Some of the writer of the radio shows at this time, I don't remember the name (Could be the nomitee of the Democratic Party?), wants to change this mentalities. Something with "Norman".
The goal was to persuade the US peoples that they need to meddle with the affairs of the world. For many reasons so, its a moralic duty to stopp the German empire at this time, a power which controll Eurasia would take world dominance as a next step and every single human being ought to live in democracy, peace and with certaine rights.

During the foundation of the United Nations, many intellectuals shared the hope of a new eare of humanity. Without power plays or "Realpolitik". A ago of reason which accapt the universal human rights and solve their problem with diplomaty and law instead of weapons.
This hope got frustrated with the Cold War.
The politics of power...
great analysis and good stuff anon, thanks for sharing!

I don't know if it's the result of being a single writer, or if JMS was just "good writer" (I'd argue he could compete with gene roddenbery), but for some reason B5 has stood "test of time" for me, as a good sci-fi series. It's like "real" space opera, unlike modern star wars or other modern sci-fi stuff. That's got to be quite accomplishment from a guy who isn't roddenberry himself
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...The politics of power is coming back, and even within the U.S., universally conceived human rights must be forcefully implemented. For example, Johnson and the equal rights of the African-American people in the South.

The view on politics portrayed in the show Babylon 5 is a savage mix of Machiavellism and humanitarianism.
Sheridian lies, sacrefies soldiers, manipulated to reach his goals. On the other hand, they seems not really care much about the humans with telepathic abilites in the show. They are obiviously a danger for other humans since they have the possiblity to read thoughts, manipulate people and so on. But the means use to reduce this danger are clearly a kind of discrimination for people who are born with telepathy by chance. (And when I wrote "by chance", I mean it. In the show, they established the fact that telepahy doesn't follow the usually rules of herability... Why? Never tought the question.)

I end this too long blogpost.

P.S.: For contest, I'm a guy in Germany and toke my knowleade from reading.
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Lol What jew anon is referring to is the fact that Benjamin franklin was triple agent as well as a cryptographer. He was an agent of america, France and secretly for the crown. “It’s a fine young republic if you can keep it” he knew that there was going to be no one around that knew that the constitution was a debt contract that operated on 70yr international bankruptcy which would take the former nation to the year 1999. After that the country was going to be surrendered back to the crown as the crown provided the surety for the original loan to start Philadelphia post office and gov. Luckily it didn’t happen but it’s why the former states can’t enforce their borders anymore cause they no longer exist legally to other nations because they refuse to stop and correct and stop harvesting the former American people.
Many figures throughout the former united states history were crypto jews, lincoln was a jew, hamilton was a jew, roosevelt was a jew, johnson was a half jew. I think its time folks see some of this stuff cause of what danger the federal reserve and its hostile foreign corporate entity posing as the us gov are putting the former American people in. The civil war was to lay zee ground work for the 3rd central bank(fed) to finally enslave and destroy American's forever, look at what they are doing and about to do(bail ins).
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in the original plot, Trance's people are literally called "Lightbringers" and the series antagonist, the "Spirit of the Abyss" is a suffocating evil god:


The Lucifers caused everything to explode. Energy. Life. Excitement. The end to boredom. As the Lucifers blasted the
universe into existence, we gathered matter and energy around ourselves. And we burned. Oh, how we burned.

Trance looks out at the stars. Revealing her tattoo. A sun with a face.

And we’re still burning. Today.


Suns. Lucifers. Devils. (a beat) But Love didn’t die in the War. Love still existed. And Love wanted to restore Heaven. By collapsing existence back into itself.

You’re saying the Spirit of the Abyss... is... God?

No. Harper, if there’s a God, It’s greater than you or me or the Abyss. It’s beyond all meaning. All understanding. The Abyss is just the other side of the coin. The Lucifers want energy, chaos, expansion. The Abyss wants harmony, order, singularity.

So on one side... Love. On the other...

Blowing Things Up.
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“You know a corporation is dead by its very nature, it’s in its name, And something not filled with life or Gods spark can be occupied by evil! Humanity must remember this. Adam abdicating his dominion is the load bearing stone of the beast system, at least that’s what some people have said over the years.”
JMS has written for "The real Ghostbusters" and some mystery shows, too.
Currently, he wrote for DC or Marvel. Not movies but comics, of course.

IMHO, he _is_ a really good writer or at least he mastered his craftwork.
He studied psychology and could be criticized for his use of melodramatic effects but he is still somebody who could reach the level of a good storyteller.

Babylon 5 is often and even too much treaten as a hidden gem. In fact, the show is underrated but by no means hidden.
The prisoner/Number 6 with McGoohan would fit the definition of a hidden gem more if you ask me. And the show contains more /x/-stuff. I mean, just how on the references to freemonary and all...
But is the show really hidden? Maybe, we have to confess that something like a hidden gem doesn't exist in the realm of television.
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(Trances people are suns but in physical form which is an interesting occult principal. The marrying of space travel with the law of the sea and ai is very very subtly predictably programmable ly sneaky!)
I loved this show as a child. Kevin Sorbo was the last strong masculine sci-fi character on tv.
It was Kevin Sorbo, Joe Flanagan, and Richard Dean Anderson who were the big 3 hero’s for kids in my generation.
Except for Space Cases but no one remembers that show.
you don't think babylon 5 could try disclose the sirius vs orion war ? >>38255712
Ahahaha bump. There's the analysis we were all waiting for.
It's not exactly a war, and woe to us all when the Seelie and Unseelie join hands. Orion + Sirius = Horus.
it may not look like it, but apparently there's a war
This was basically hercules in space
It's more of a family feud.
there may be more to it than that, they're keeping tight lips about what's going on "up there"
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dude I remember Space Cases. that's where my crush on Jewel Staite began.
not quite

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>except the rock
the rock is in need of recalibration
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>luciferian message...
Don't tell Sorbo cause I'm sure he'll be pretty bummed about that
>Why do I get strong Luciferian vibes from this show?
Its because you're stupid and God hates you.
Only possible reason
Can we please circle back around to the spiky frosted hair? I wanna get those baggy pants and bring back that post-Matrix aesthetic.
the guy's probably mason
Roddenberry was a Satanist and Kevin Sorbo is too, he has his own lowkey, budget, NXIVM thing going on too.
usually these "smile boys" or whatever they're called are part of the system. it'd be very odd for them not to be. same goes the Richard Dean Anderson the other anon mentioned above
>But sure, it's a political analogy. Isn't it?
My take is that the Shadows and Vorlons are more of a spiritualist theme: and kind of nonsensical at that.
As political allegory, the show has some good points but mostly its liberal democratic (in the correct and 90's sense of the word) propaganda. The heroes are all cool, rational, non-judgmental, peace-loving good guys who always have the moral high ground.
Some of the factions and their themes are 2020's tier on the nose when you think about it, like the Narn and Centauri.
I definitely agree.

They run this satanic thing in a very decentralized fashion. People like Raniere and Sorbo can become disenchanted with their place in the system and run off and start their own thing.

As long as they don't break any of the very few rules of the group (the only rules I know for sure are no talking about "the group" and no getting caught with kids) they pretty much go on.

It's not that simple because you also need to avoid pissing any relevant people off.

You see that's because "the group" controls a kind of parallel public infrastructure that allows them to get away with what they're doing.

Judges, cops, all manner of bureaucrats that make sure that no one starts asking the questions that would lead to revelations of the group, or if someone does then they make sure they stop them at any cost.

Raniere pissed some relevant people off, so they engineered his arrest.
Detroit here. Matty Maroon, the Illych family and others were literally doing that the whole time. I grew up with middle class people who had no idea what was really happening and just blamed it on niggers. When I came out age and started exploring the real city (Oakland county cucks never crossed 8 mile except for sports ball) I found out what was really happening.
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(Crazy huh, you ever wonder what the correlation between george floyd, 60’s riots in detroit and the federal reserve debt note are?
Fiction banking and pleonexia are a deadly combination for a city or nation-corporation. The rumor mill is awash with speculations of speculations and intrigue upon intrigue!)
Me too

Of course I did fall asleep with the scifi channel on that day.

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