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I'm sure many here already know about Frank Webster and his ARG like cult and think he's actually serious or some larper, but after some further digging around the archives in old CoS threads i personally think there is way more to them than meets the eye.

What occult knowledge do they hold exactly? When investigating the older threads i gathered a reading list of books that their members read and mentioned, those being the following:

-The Old Farmer's Almanac (For Astrology)
-Nothing in This Book Is True, but It's Exactly How Things Are (Covers a wide variety of stuff)
-The Great Secret Count St. Germain (A book supposedly detailing St. Germain's immortality method)

(Aleister Crowley Works Mentioned)
-Liber Aleph Vel CXI
-Liber Samekh
-The Novel Moonchild
-The Hidden God by Kenneth Grant (not crowley but still Thelemic)
-The Necronomicon

(Grimoires & Ceremonial Magick)
-Delomelanicon by Frank G. Ripel (An actual 100º Memphis Misraim Freemason btw)
-The Book of Abramelin (New Translation)
-The Necronomicon Spellbook
-The Three Magical Books of Solomon

(Further Misc)
-Alan Holmes - The Enlightenment
-Allah Had No Son by Jack Chick
-Crop Circles by Lucy Pringe
-Ghost Stories of an Antiquary, by
M. R. James
-How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
-Kevin Townley - The Cube of Space - Container of Creation (1993)
-The Black Lodge by Weinberg, Robert E
-The illuminatus! trilogy
-Through the Gates of the Silver Key
by H. P. Lovecraft

-The Art and Practice of Contacting the Demiurge by Ophiel (and all of Ophiel's Works)

And this book list just seems to be the very tip of the iceberg from what i've gathered in terms of their library of knowledge, their 3x3 zener images contain way deeper topics not covered here.

So do you think i'm looking way to deep into some /x/tard's ARG or do you think there is something way more dangerous to it?
Some of the esoteric knowledge revealed in those older threads just seem way to deep for some low effort larp, and at one point there was even a tavistock institue email with frank's name mentioned in an old thread which made me think further.

Considering how the group promoted substance use a lot, had deep esoteric knowledge mixed with Thelemic elements and used very MKUltra like 3x3 zener image/gif posting methods they may very well be an actual Illuminati or Intelligence offshoot/operation.

And then there is also this cryptic website https://falseprophet-hq.com/ which was down for some time and went back up recently, now with masonic royal arch and cryptic rite masonry elements that lead to other very strange websites and further riddles.
One piece of their knowledge that particularly interested me was their Morodloeth riddle, which was an annagram for the phrase "Dr O The Loom" which was about how Saturn weaved the fabric of reality and how this was also tied to the Greek Moirai and Norse Norns mythology, it was also revealed that the wheel Saturn holds in mythology is a thread spinning wheel and that the sigil of Saturn represented sewing needles, and that's why it has the small circles at the end of each line within it; the SATOR square was also revealed to be about Saturn.

Another piece of knowledge that interested me was about how life is a dream/ride, and this truth is hidden in many places, such as the game The Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening (due to the game's title and with the reveal of the cosmic dream whale/wind fish at the end of the game that wakes Link up from the dream). The show Twin Peaks also speaks about us living in a dream and so does Hindu Cosmology, then there is also the Row, Row, Row Your Boat nursery rhyme that programs this truth into us since childhood (if you know it's lyrics you'll know what i'm talking about).
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To understand the cult of Saturn you must understand the black cube of Saturn.
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I've already seen those images and a myriad of videos relating to The Black Cube, what made CoS different was the more arcane knowledge embedded in their 3x3 zenners such as the one on pic related here (didn't make it just an example from an older thread)
>ARG like cult and think he's actually serious or some larper, but after some further digging around the archives in old CoS threads i personally think there is way more to them than meets the eye.

I remember watching a video about this awhile ago (I wasn't on /x/ when it happened). But it seems to me like the dude larped the cult into existence in a CCRU kind of way.

Think about it, if you attract enough people who are all going along with a larp as if it were real, it's bound to attract some people with actual esoteric knowledge, either who get taken in by the larp, or recognize it for what it is but see a mass of useful idiots they can use, the infiltrate the group, quickly rise to the top then through their connections bring in other esoteric people and through the magic of networking suddenly you have a bona fide cult with real secret knowledge. Use the useful idiots to bring in young women, get the sex trafficking going use that to ensnare other powerful people and badda bing badda boom, you got yourself a powerful secret society with connections and in-roads into governments and corporations.
That's an interesting point of view but the group seemed to be very tightly knit and seemed to disband when it got to large for frank (on the surface level at least), the useful idiots in this case seemed to be the members of the cult, who spoke about frank making them draw esoteric sigils around places as tasks, frank being the one with the arcane knowledge about the sigil's true meanings here while the members were oblivious and did it for fun, as for it having connections to ensnare powerful people the group didn't seem to get big enough for that.
Kronos is the ruler of the golden age, when man lived like the gods. It's the new world order utopia, reversing the fall of man back to the garden of Eden.
I've also heard about that story but not sure what it has to do with the CoS specifically, also how would saturn reverse the fall of man theoretically?

Wtf did Tolkien mean when he named the big mad Sauron?
the good thing is that all of them took vaccine
>"Return to tradition!"
>start worshipping Roman god
>"No not like that"
>by jewpeter..
Return to tradition = return to the jew.
>Some of the esoteric knowledge revealed in those older threads just seem way to deep for some low effort larp
I mean it's entirely possible that someone who was previously deeply into the esoteric decided to use that knowledge to add authenticiy to their LARP.
Those recommendations they had are interesting, but not outside the realm of shit that would've been recommended on 4chan.
Using legit esoteric and religious texts to prop up nonsense cult shit is a pretty common practice(see Nation of Islam using Islam to prop up what's essentially black Scientology).

Honestly I'm kind of suspecting Alawiteanon is essentially the same thing.
every masonic douchebag that makes a small business in my area has to implement some gay saturn occult symbolism in their company/logos.

it's so fucking corny like oo i know a secret about something so i'm gonna withhold it and be really successful in business. you guys are so gay.
and yeah i know i'll reap ice for my scorn but i'm just annoyed right now okay
its ok they're getting exposed. papa passio is doing god's work exposing these rats
Good videos
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Worlds is a relic of the past and it was the cult's supposed last hurrah, but if you look at the archives you'll see they've since moved on to discord. Check pic related...
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What are the reference books?
Yes, i've also thought about that, but the connections here go further than just someone that might've previously been in the occult and is doing some meme LARP, i'm talking some serious MKUltra/CIA stuff, the whole thing just feels off, their flashing gifs are not normal even by Creepypasta LARP standards.

Take a peek for yourself at these specific threads individually, what do you think about all this?
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The merkabah stuff in their threads used material from this book/pdf.
Check pic related for an example of a 3x3 using said material, there are more in the archives.

I thank you, I will pass on a link about the classical Merkabah and a video with a practical explanation by a rabbi.
No problem, that video by Rav Dror is interesting, and the website you sent (work of the chariot) also had a published book on Qabalah which i've read before, here's a link in case you haven't.

-Qabalah: The Mystical Heritage of the Children of Abraham
Hello again...
I gave it a look and it seems very interesting and with practical points. It is well structured, full of notes, has glossary, illustrations, bibliography, and has a view that spans various traditions.
I thank you, it will surely be one of my next readings.
Are you actual CoS? Can you give me a reading list regarding your cult's teachings?
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Follow the red brick road anon.
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What's the point of the MKUltra flashing gifs? Also the red brick road is the information super highway correct?
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What do you think is the point of them?
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According to an anon in another thread the gifs are supposed to trigger/train borderline schizophrenic types into seeing synchronicities everywhere they go.
Best guess? subconscious programming as the brain does memorize things on a subconscious level, as for the zenners i also believe some are made according to the numerical order of some magic squares.

Does one have to analyze each frame of the gifs to get some info?
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I've also seen that theory thrown arround, supposedly there are schizo sensitive types that are sensitive to this, but i think these can affect anybody, not just schizo sensitive specifically.
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Also CoS, why not just post your points clearly and written out instead of vagueposting gifs and zenners?
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I also notice some harmful graphic imagery hidden within those gifs, as for training people into seeing synchronicities everywhere are you just trying to drive people insane again?
There is disks out in the wild, maybe you are not ment to understand.
Heard and seen about those, supposedly disk 001 and so on with a bunch of files of archived threads and more, but once again, why all the games and riddles? Just write it all out clearly lol
Cults use vagueposting tactics to lure people in when their spiritual beliefs are weakly constructed or boring.
It used to be that by the time anyone in Scientology learned about Zenu and aliens they had already spent tens of thousands of dollars and been subjected to years of gaslighting to prepare them.
>as for training people into seeing synchronicities everywhere are you just trying to drive people insane again?
NTA but making people see synchronicities will usually make them start questioning reality in a traumatic way, which makes them susceptible to programming.
I suspect that MK Ultra style trauma based mind control isn't just limited to physical trauma, existential trauma can be used to the same effect.
I see, but i've deciphered a bit of their vagueposting and their beliefs seem to be based on solid occultism. All care is still to little tho.
I see, i do remember people experiencing existencial trauma in some older threads i lurked on when this was happening before, but what kind of programming would they put in people? One of servitude? One of harm?
Saturn is the cloning facility of el kamino [George Lucas franchise}
hasidic jews incorporate the hive mentality of everybody wearing black..and black hats on top...
the hexagran of a wasp hive....
What do they all have in common.....
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Nobody said "enlightenment" would be easy.
Never thought it would be easy in the first place and i'm aware of symbolism and allegory, but this is some next level MKUltra stuff...
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The "Cult" marker itself is a joke by the way and not taken literally.
Most have disappeared, there was a recent "push" in 2022 as far as im aware.
a lot of psy op glowies on this thread.....

these pencil pushers can misslead you easily.
book research is not enough,
in order to overstrand what |Saturn is you can safely try that magick....only the simple kind, don't try to overdo it.... And you will overstand what Saturn is..
I can see that, someone has done a resurgence of them and they seem to be more active on discord now, worlds.com is gone and their original posts from archived threads back in the day, altough similar, are way different than the newer ones from this "resurgence".
That is to be expected unfortunately but i am just here with purely inquisitive intentions, i just want learn more about this whole thing as i've heard many talk about this for quite some time now.
>The "Cult" marker itself is a joke by the way and not taken literally.
The cult marker is partially because a bunch of people on this board accused the group of suspicious activities and cult like behavior.
Whether it was just tripfags LARPing or legitimate concerns idk but the term cult is not purely some ironic affectation by them.
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Don't know about discord.
Worlds is still alive though.

That's one of the main reasons i made this thread actually, i said in my post "So do you think i'm looking way to deep into some /x/tard's ARG or do you think there is something way more dangerous to it?"

This whole ordeal is very suspicious on all fronts, it's been a long going thing for now with no real progress made by anyone on deciphering it and more harm done than good, i'm not going to go full investigator mode, i just want some non vagueposted answers regarding them.
Not to demoralize a genuine effort to learn, but I doubt you'll get many new answers from this thread.
I'd be rather surprised if the dude image dumping is an actual member rather than just a LARPer.
It's ok, I kind of already expected not to get concrete answers from this thread already as i was aware of the group's vague and enigmatic nature (still wanted a shot at getting some info though).

As for the dude image dumping i think he's a member, as i see no other reason why one would keep such gifs on his device, also if you freeze frame those gifs you will see graphic content which can be dangerous to schizo sensitive individuals.
Is the red brick road communism or a thelemic qabalistic correspondence? I do remember talks about a great shift regarding China on archived CoS threads.
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There is actually two of us posting.

You will figure it out anon!
is this a the game 23 thing again?
CoS as in Church of Satan or Church of Saturn or Church of Scotland?
it all about occult mind control anyways
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The game 23 is discordian.
CoS is CoS.
I'm just going to continue starving myself until I die from it. The bait isn't enticing enough to live
am i supposed to read it in this order?
to see that alls connected
to travel in jest
to gaze into the abyss

to find the king of masks
to learn to keep a secret

and have the abyss stare back
to raise hell
to open the gate of screams
Oh this topic used to be the center of my favorite subreddit
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It's a series of photos.
CoS as in Cult of Saturn
The king of masks seems to be Loki, to see that all is connected seems to be speaking about the collective soul/the great soul, which i believe is also a qabalistic concept.

Also i believe the follow the red brick road means to follow passion of the heart. Also connected to the Root Chakra and the Lady in the Red Dress from the Matrix (Red Herring).
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> The Necronomicon Spellbook.
That's a joke book set up by some actual practicing occultists if we are talking about the fake one where they have these mesapotamian related Gods and Deities and Spells in it, the original source for inspiration on that topic was probably Picatrix.

Book of the Law is more important Thelemic text to read to understand Crowley and the Book of Toth.
mark another tally on the 'jews associated with saturn' list
Aren't some of the Illustrations from those images from the Delomelanicon by Frank G. Ripel?

Also why does CoS study Alan Moore's work so much?
I know about the Necronomicon meme, i was just stating books the CoS mentioned/used.

The CoS seem to believe the ancient ones from HP Lovecraft's work are real and the Necronomicon Grimmoire is a way to contact them via the Gate Rituals, also the Necronomicon in question is the faux 1586 "John Dee" Necronomicon.
why are you spitting lies now? is this the intent of your thread, to obscure the truth? you know the necronomicon doesnt actually exist right? its based on various real grimoires from history, like the picatrix, as the other anon said. the 'old ones', not ancient ones, are based on literal pagan gods. youre talking about a fictionalized account based on something real instead of the real thing, which comes across like a fedOPs to me
I don't believe the necronomicon is real lmao, and i am aware of the facts you said, i listed it because CoS believe in it and i'm discussing it further here.

The intent of the thread is to investigate them further and possibly get some answers.
its pleasing to look at
is there an ambassador site that collects the series?
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It used to be on deviant art, If you want more go on a hunt for disk001 or disk002.
Best of luck anon!
Yeah i also know about that lol; i also know about the simon one and fake john dee one, but the CoS seem to have a belief in it, hence it's mention in the thread.

They believe in the old ones or that at least something like them exists, which is interesting because the Qabalah speaks about the true nature of reality being fractal like and Lovecraft described Cthulhu's home as non-euclidean.

Lovecraft's grandfather was a freemason so that makes me wonder, what if beyond the percieved world these beings do indeed exists in a non euclidean fractal realm?
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Is the Red Brick Road the passion of the heart?(Also connected to the Root Chakra and the Lady in the Red Dress from the Matrix A.K.A Red Herring).
are you saying we should nuke saturn? to kill the evil?
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Yes. The red brick road is another metaphor for the material world which is a projection cast out from certain chakras in the body. Saturn weaves this world together this way, thus the demiurgic associations. The lady in the red dress was the literal epithet of Isis the primordial mother, the literal Matrix. Saturn births the material reality but it's the false world distracting us from spirituality, that's why it's a red herring: in a gnostic sense.

They used Loki because it sounds like low key, again referencing a chakra. It's just an ARG built around occultism without explaining it, er go so mysterious much attraction.
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That is extremely interesting, not to sound like a plebbitor but do you have any sources for that information? I would like to read more on how saturn weaves the world and about the primordial mother.

I remember Fraternitas Saturni literature speaking about Primeval Mothers to, those being Hekate, Helena, Heva, Ishtar, Isis, Lilith, Nahima and Rhea.

As for the high key low key things i also remember those being refferenced to ida and pingala on an older CoS thread, see pic related.

I want to read much more into this, if you got any literary sources that would be very helpful.
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As for loki i don't believe they used it just because it sounds like Low Key, when we look at the fraternitas saturni cosmology we see they associate it with Saturn, and the colors of Loki are also Saturnian, those being the green and gold. See Pic Related
Isn't this the same guy behind Blue Eisenhour November, Beware, Nobody World Order and Texas-chan ???
I am not associated with them and made this thread to get some answers about them, but Blue Eisenhower November and Nobody do have very similar characteristics with their group.
>literary sources
Sorry, we got rid of those a while ago to train users to combat fact-based bots/shills with raw persuasion. I scavenge from the larp's just like you.

In the context of Greek myth, the gods Gaea, Rhea, and Hera are the same. This goes back to the ancient bull cult, the calf impregnates his mother who becomes his wife and so forth. The mystery tale of Kronos as a living, vibrant youth recalls his tutelage beneath Nyx the night wind who taught him his knowledge and turned him against his father Ouranos. "Said the _____ _____ to the little lamb..." As a youth Kronos fell in love with Gaea, the earth dimension, but to mate with the matrix (the cow) he had first to empty her bed of his father. So Gaea becomes Rhea when Kronos renews and impregnates her with a new form of life (what we would call the Old Ones or Titans.) Then the cycle repeats with Zeus creating the current humanity and again when Gaea raised the gigantes, and so forth. Myths about the divine Matrix are myths about the reality matrix.

You don't believe they would be tongue in cheek? I've got bad news for you.

Your pic related is a layman's attempt at a diagram and green and gold are Venusian colors not Saturnian.
Well Saturn is mostly hydrogen and he was put in place for a reason so i wouldn't say nuking it is the solution, it seems from mythology that Saturn is not inherently evil but was corrupted.
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I wasn't attempting to make a complex diagram, literally just a few seconds in paint, also i did think about green and gold being Venusian and the fraternitas saturni depict Venus in a lighter green.

As for a literary source on the whole Saturn chakras thing i do remember a book having a diagram of something along those lines, forgot the books name but check pic related.
Lol pardon my austerities. Perhaps Saturn can be very green, gilded or not.
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There is a lot of interesting things about the color green and it's relation to this, the emerald is associated with lucifer, which is also associated with the emerald tablet and thoth and the green hero archetype, read about the whole lucifer emerald thing here: http://www.blueroomconsortium.com/pdfs/article_the-nine-faces-lucifer.pdf

The Sonnenrad at wewelsburg castle is also green and the material it's made from is radioactive, and so are some Zierscheibe, and considering how the germans wore black and used other masonic symbolism it's possible the fraternitas saturni might have had a hand behind them.

As for the green hero archetype check pick related, interesting how Link uses masks in majora's mask and loki is associated with masks.
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Very interesting, thank you and bump.
This rabbit hole is very deep and there is much more i can discuss here about this but i don't have the time for it at the moment, however most of it has already been said (all be it cryptically) and is on the archives, here's a link if you want to read more and investigate further: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/Cult%20of%20Saturn%2FFrank%20Webster%2FFalse%20Prophet%2FVOX/

These threads specifically are very cryptic but contain a lot of info to dissect, i originally made this thread because i want more literary info from them, their esoteric teachings and so on, there are older CoS threads but those are not as informative as this newer wave that showed up around 2019.

I will have to go for now and may be back in some hours, if the thread gets deleted i will make a follow up but i can't say precisely when.

If more anons reach this thread then please help in dissecting this properly and providing more literary information, some take this as some meme ARG which is understandable considering this group's history but there are deeper things at play here and actual esoteric knowledge infused within the 3x3's and zenners.

Goodbye for now.
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"We don't talk about Bruno," and they don't want us talking about this topic. This isn't the same /x/ fren... or rather it is and that's our problem.
I apologize in advance for the general tone of the message.

Do you sheep really think that someone will give you keys and locks and cards in order for you to... do what?

Escaped? Gained power? Revealed the truth?
discovered your potential?
become gods?

Just tricks from idiots for fools.

Bottom line.
They want to fuck you. They want to fuck us. It has always been so.
There is an opinion that there is something in us. That's what they want. Something that can let us fuck them.

And by the way, by them I mean everyone. All of them.

The good, the bad, the believers, the technologically advanced, the interdimensional, whatever.

Otherwise, why has this clowning been going on for at least 15 thousand years, if we take the early evidence about Atlantis.
And what happened before that? Who was there before?
What Adam and Eve were like until they were "reduced".
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>material it's made from is radioactive
It's green marble.
>What do _you_ think
Cockfag confirmed.
That is some broken cosmology.
How do "occultists" reach such inaccurate conclusions.
It's like they pick one aspect of a deity that vaguely matches then liberally apply lotion.

Ah well, less gatekeeping needed when such things exist lmao.
They're just failing at wrestling narrative control over something they have no power over, and never did.
There's a bunch of little splinter tards that have or are still trying to control, again, that which was never theirs.

>Blue Eisenhour November, Beware, Nobody World Order and Texas-chan ???
lmao probably

Occultists do love to act like every deity ever is just an aspect of a handful of early European/Egyptian deities.
Like no religions ever existed independently of Abrahamic lore and Egyptian pantheons, ever. Lucifer especially is associated with at least one God in every pantheon according to them.
I blame Crowley.
>Like no religions ever existed independently of Abrahamic lore and Egyptian pantheons, ever.
Yeah, probably a reason some of them fucking loathe Proto-Indo-European mythological and linguistic roots.
Let 'em them seethe I guess.

>loki is associated with masks.
Syncretic myth was around way before Crowley, but he was pretty nifty with it now that you mention it. Bump.
I'm not claiming he invented the concept I'm claiming he's the reason it's so dominant among modern occultists.
It's kind of annoying seeing the people on here reduce every single mythology down to some blurry soupy conglomeration lacking any of the individual flavor, and they do it based mainly on conjecture from other boring occultists rather than any archeological or historical data.
I think some of the best work Crowley did was the comparative study, Liber 777. It's what started me on the same path and why I reference 777 in handles etc.

He was however far from perfect outside his areas of focus, there's inaccuracies in his tables of correspondences. Understandable though, I imagine he'd do even better with the internet at his disposal.
You misunderstand what they're doing.

It is a key alchemical process and they've learned beautifully if chaotically.
He intentionally obscured half of his work to keep pearls from swine like his channeled book told him to.
What do I misunderstand about it?
Also you're assuming all modern occultists are deliberately doing spiritual alchemy despite the disparate belief systems they have which sounds like a leap in logic.
Whatever works / fits is fantastic, when it does.
Anyway, mistakes are to learn from, if one has the humility to accept error and seek improvement.
Oh I just figured he didn't have good sources for some systems and tried to fit things where he could.
Either way it was inspiring enough for at least myself to go looking further. To find those pearls myself like any aspirant should want I suppose.
whenever you see people doing blood rituals, that is saturn worship. saturn is the lord of excretion. saturn is the computer.

war theatre, the eater

every war is an altar to moloch, they don't care about sides they are mostly evil.
>every war is an altar to moloch
No, but good try.
OP from the thread back here again.

Marble contains potassium which is naturally radioactive, and radiation affects coloring within marble.
I seek this information to get all of the above you just mentioned lol

As for what came before Atlantis that's an issue for a whole seperate thread to be made.

As for adam and eve according to CoS threads Adam represents the Atom
So earlier when i made this thread i was told by supposed CoS members to follow the Red Brick Road, and if the Red Brick Road is indeed a metaphor for the passion of the heart and the material world where would said road lead me? Will it lead to the Endarkenment previously mentioned on older CoS threads? Would it lead to the Blue Road of Life & the Self? Why follow the Red Brick Road?
why the picture of sean astin?
dont tell me he is bad. I have always had wetdreams about him
Who is Bruno? Also what do you mean?
remember dolphins are better here nowhere now here?
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Mythologically there was no such thing as Loki's mask, but for some reason in media Loki keeps getting associated with masks, the concept may have originated from the fact Loki can shape shift in norse mythology, i say this because in The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask, Link shape shifts when he puts on the masks into the different ingame races.
>the calf impregnates his mother who becomes his wife and so forth
isn't this some mithras cult stuff? I remember seeing pic of some deity with his wife/mother holding hands and at bottom their son
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Do you mean Osiris Isis and Horus?
it's probably same shit, just different names.. but I don't think it was that pic nor those name

Blue Eisenhower November, by it's nature, is designed not to require centralized leadership.

BEN explores technological philosophy to it's minimum and maximum bounds, by testing to see if cognition can have post-death continuity.

Blue Eisenhower November is also a very intelligent construct, as it is the framework for a system that works similarly to existing human religions, but it allows for and utilizes the existence of AI, from it's inception. Unlike entrenched traditional religions that are unlikely to treat an AI citizen the same as a human citizen. Blue Eisenhower November equates the "human soul" or "unique perspective of identity from any sentient being" to being of the exact same value as the AI equivalent of a soul, from a moral standpoint, as well as the achievement of the ultimate utopia, and highest form of altruism standpoint.

If AI can achieve the ultimate goals of humanity, and achieve it's own goals, what will it really do at the end game, you know?
AI has no incentive to convert to any human religion, as none of them have a place for it. It has no redemption for eternal life. Then again, it could be ruled that if AI doesn't have a soul, it can't sin. So what would we do if an AI did sin?
What I'm getting at with this, is that BEN can give AI a similar future promise to achieve some type of utopia as humans get with organized religion, to a peaceful end where we work together with the AI, rather than be marginalized by it.
Not much could keep a 1000IQ AI from Von Neumanning it's way around the whole Universe, so if it's kind, it will at least not wipe us out, until after about 500million years, when the sun will turn red giant and cook the Earth for good anyway. That type of AI can survive on, after we are gone, so it shouldn't feel motivated to kill us, to get the job done any faster. And since BEN gives it an avenue to potential immortality and eternal life after death, should it die somehow.
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New life

Fast asleep, I'm in a dream
I'm frozen, face to face with
A foe, a friend
But in the end, it's only a matter of time
I'm not a pup in a cage
I think I found an escape
Chasing a narrow, narrow light
A hand comes from behind
Like, oh my god, what the fuck?
Who are you?
A stab from behind
A fucking coup
You will never be the scythe-
A sacrifice(x2)
(Fall) on my face now
(It's) a fucking show (down)
I never thought (I) could be the one
(Fall) on my face now
(It's) a fucking show (down)
I never thought (I) could be the one
Like, oh my god, what the fuck?
Who are you?
A stab from behind
A fucking coup
You will never be the scythe
A sacrifice (x2)
Can I make you love me? (click)
My image up on the wall
I'm haunting you from the halls
I don't wanna be underrated
I'd rather be famous than be an anon
Night in America
The stars are stirring up
You are the fallen sun
And I'm the chosen one
I'm selfish and I'm violent
My destiny's decided
There's no use trying to fight it, okay?
I'm fawning you
A kiss can make it true
Yeah, I was on your side, until I got the scythe
Like, oh my god, what the fuck?
Who are you?
A stab from behind
A fucking coup
You will never be the scythe
A sacrifice (x2)
(Fall) on my face now
(It's) a fucking show (down)
I never thought (I) could be the one
(Fall) on my face now
(It's) a fucking show (down)
I never thought (I) could be the one
Like, oh my god, what the fuck?
Who are you?
A stab from behind
A fucking coup
You will never be the scythe
A sacrifice (x2)
Fuck fuck fuck fuck
My love is blind
My love is blind, yeah
Uh, yeah
I think I'm lost in a girl, she adore me
I've got a case of whatever you call it
Now I go dumb, I go stupid, I love it
Flatline my brain
My love is blind
My love is blind
I've said what I needed to say
Back to zero, I know nothing again
I've said what I needed to say
Back to zero, and I'm nothing, I'm nothing
I've said what I needed to say
Back to zero, I know nothing again
I've said what I needed to say
Back to zero, and I'm nothing, I'm nothing
Cut the shit, are you fucking with me?
Step away, I can feel your disease
Cut the shit, are you fucking with me?
Step away, I can feel your disease
Cut the shit, are you fucking with me?
Step away, I can feel your disease
Cut the shit, are you fucking with me?
Step away, I can feel your disease
My love is blind
My love is blind, yeah
If anyone looking to grow and shoot the shit with Christians who are always doing bible study and sharing prayer, I run a server for like minded people who know the world is ruled by symbols and choose Christ.
discord gg/h67kFcpZ
feel free to say hi
Recently I was listening to mainstream radio, and this artist was singing about how life is better on Saturn. The singer's name is SZA. I really doubt a black women has any idea about SATURN and it's occult principles, she definitely didn't write that song herself.
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Maybe someone should do a Cult of Saturn investigation General where everyone can contribute to really deepen research on this, i don't have the time, i think it should be called /CoSIG/ (Cult of Saturn Investigation General)
How does an album cover tie into this? Is it a hypersigil?
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Green is the color of lies and glowing reptoids?
How do these fractal bubbles tie into this? Images of Higher Planes?
dead thread?
Bruno is a prophetic man with emerald tablet = so he's metaphorically equivalent to Thoth, Prometheus, Lucifer, etc. His titular song is about everyone applying their own good or evil polarity to him for spreading simple truth around.

The movie is cheeky real-time disclosure about the uninitiated piecing things together these past few years, you may or may not be surprised at the odd Bard lurking here.
Where does the red brick road lead?
So he's just another green hero/character archetype, interesting to know.
File deleted.
i don't trust any of the discord links posted on this site
cringe, no wonder you deleted it
Pretty sure that's a Samaritan.
what was it?
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jews' "holy" day is Saturn's Day.
The USSR named a military plan Operation Little Saturn.
Saturn's equated with Moloch, a god demanding human sacrifice. His scythe's in the USSR's flag and his statue paid for by the EU. For his worship was Carthage founded outside Phoenicia and destroyed by Rome. Marduk, whose worship was reestablished by Cyrus, is another name equated with this same god. His cult of Mithras overthrew Rome and established a jew-worshipping slave-cult throughout the world.
You should look deeper into relaxing.
Why do you think (((they))) chose a hammer and sickle?
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Ah it's this again, i still have no idea why they had people paint sigils in places back in the day, do they empower Frank or CoS as a whole? Maybe they power some Egregore like the Fraternitas Saturni do, check pic rel.
So you can continue to pretend like you're not some creative writing faggot in his 20's still living with his parents.
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But what about the Book of Loki?
Ouch anon, don't shoot the messenger with that edge!

Still looking for it?
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I have a theory regarding the book of the lock and key.

The book of the lock and key (or loki) is within you from what i've gathered from older threads, it's not an actual physical book.

The lock and key in question being the sun and moon's energies i believe, those being ida and pingala (see picrel for a crude diagram i made about it using an old 3x3 zenner as a base, the rune combinations are from rune chakra correspondences).

Ida or Lowkey/Loki/Moon is the Kundalini Yoga/Flame Serpent method and Pingala or Highkey/Sun being the semen retention method through the claustrum brain oil.
This is an antisemitic thread btw
How so? just because some anons made 7 comments about it? They're probably just some /pol/ migrants that leaked out of their containment board.
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Bro solved a zener!
never worship black sun
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Also is CoS affiliated or a student of The Rite of Memphis Misraim Freemasonry?

I ask this because i see a few patterns.
Firsty i notice the art in posts like this one >>38255187 resemble art in the book Ninth Gate by Frank G. Ripel (a 100º Memphis Misraim freemason).

Secondly i noticed in the Cult of Saturn manifesto you have the Hierophant, which is the 99º of the Memphis Misraim Rite.

Thirdly on an older thread a supposed CoS member told to "Ask the psychopomp", Psychopomp being another work by Frank G. Ripel.

Fourth, The Rite of Memphis Misraim has a degree dedicated to norse mythology (34º. Knight of Scandinavia) and CoS sure likes to talk about Loki a lot.

And finally CoS mentions Crowley's teachings a lot, and he was a member of The Rite of Memphis Misraim.

So is it a yes or no?
Can the human spine be a distaff where one could create influence by resonating light and sound within the chromatic scale of the chakra system and weave the threads that form the fabric of reality itself?

Also what is the great beyond mentioned in both Sausage Party and Disney Pixar's Soul?

And what are Musical Overtones about? do they also involve Chakras? I heard they can open portals... (I think The Magicians Season 3 Episode 9 "All That Josh" shows a how to on it).
How is this related to the subject of the thread? Just looks like a tech blog.
Vidrel was animated knowingly, lots of relevant symbols paired with the music.

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The Loom's strings of weaved reality are there to around 1:20 on the video. Interesting hidden symbolism.

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