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thoughts on homeschoooling? no CIA allowed
You know colleges let you transfer to other well know colleges?
Did you know that you can get a GED and get into college?
You know you can take tests for college level courses?

I mean you learned to talk shit as a baby, walking too, all merely from watching others?

Did you forget how to learn?

I just think its about the hijack of attention spans

You know people used to be held back a grade for poor performance? It includes gym... which is dumb? Cuz like not all jobs need you to run 3 miles

Also gobble gobble
Im a turkey now
Except i dont drown when i look up
Do you really want your kids to be as dumb as you are?
i hate to say it but most of the homeschooled kids i have met were incredibly wierd and very socially retarded. school really wasnt that bad for me until highschool. But thats cause i was ugly.
i was homeschooled. this is what i know my father as.
Ok? I hate schizos so much.
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ok but in contrast heres the average normie fr. this is NOT GOOD
Says more about the social circle you gravitate towards
Theres homeschooling, regular schooling, public schooling, private schooling, catholic schools

2ds arguments are well 2d
Retards like me can still get a degree
Retards like you get a history degree from standford and marry similar socio ecomic female

Maybe she dated one black guy out of spite for her father
Maybe she wanted to prove she wasnt racist

Still stuck on the proving shit to others vs proving shit to one self

Now does the need to constantly prove ones motives to an external party found more in homeschoolers, private schoolers, catholic schoolers, or public schoolers? Or is that a college thing
Trying to prove one is progressive and hip with the new thang?

Idk man i think retard is as retard does

Now question is does constantly marrying the same level of social class a ticket to more retardness? It ends up being like extended inbreeding but thats just a homeschooled highschool drop out thoughts
>Says more about the social circle you gravitate towards
No it doesnt lol. i was a loser in school. I observed those kids from afar. They were definitley a little off. They tried but they never quite got it. I stayed away from them because i had enough issues and didnt want to be bullied more. I had enough self awareness to know i was wierd too.
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If y'all want to learn how to BULLSHIT like the champs whilst protecting yourselves from the MK.ULTRA fiends and them WITCHES...

>1001 Arabian Nights

Ya won't regret it.
Its still 2d cuz your argument equates
Homeschooling = lack of social skills
Which disregards the rest of the stuff
Like the persons personality, parents, likes and dislikes, learning style / ability, etc etc
Plus after the social b.s we get to a place were success is defined by an external force contrasting to a set standard for success
Which is weird

Like the lingo that gets dropped
Fr fr no cap

Now is that a public school or a homeschool thing? Does the lingo not affect your cognition of the events that shape your life? As in when you reference your own experience, are you remembering a lot or just foreign lingo you assimialted into your persona

Also im making no sense and thats okay

I wasnt homeschooled
But i did get told to keep my hand down alot so the other kids had a chance to answer questions they had no interests in answering
Which is sad cuz it slowed the pace of the class, not just for me, but the other kids too even someone who actually read the text books at home and just wasted their time at school because well idk

Plus doesnt that create a culture in which knowledge is just drip fed to ya? Maybe even to a point in which going beyond what your supposed to know is bad? Some many stories of people getting picked on for being too "smart" or advanced?

I mean its a fuck

I type to type btw
Dont read or oberthink what i write
In the end
Police state is good because we can put peoples laundry on blast while simultaneously lowering the viewership of the actual bad shit that should be put on blast

Ya know like genetic experiements on unwilling participants
Cancer caused by constant barrages of radio waves and all that jazzz
Nah fuck that
I learned and i learned that i learned so i dont need to learns no more cuz degree says im qualified to type away on me quickbooks, even though youtube has so much content i could look at but its free so my mind says its of no value unless im 100k in the hole cuz you know bootstraps
I was home schooled since the age of 3, I learned to read and spent that year reading the Disney Encyclopedias and a bunch of other things, by the age of 4 I entered elementary school, and first grade was so boring because I already knew all that and have to kept correcting my teachers that were in awe with my knowledge.
I basically was young Sheldon but without the asperger. I also became an ESL by teaching english to myself without classes, along with magic and manifestation, and have $6500 monthly income without having to work for it.
So... I think the best thing you can do to a child is teaching how to teach yourself because all the information you need is out there and you don't really need someone to teach it to you.
There are homeschooling groups if you can't manage it directly yourself. It's a much closer, communal form of schooling. Much more efficient and kind than a public school.
I've heard some argue that going to public schools prepares kids for life because it's unfair and life is unfair, but that's just a cope. Public schools just hurt kids and give nothing in return, other than a distrust of authority.
If your kid has a good social life outside of their learning environment and the parents have good academic background and have the money/time to invest into the kid's learning, who gives a shit where the child learns.

As long as the kid becomes sociable and he's a functional member of society that contributes to his community, home school is fine with me.

Now... If your only goal is to keep your kids home, with the only intent being to fight "le jew vaxxed lgbtq+ globohomo devil public school system", but you have no basis on how to educate a kid and you don't have the time or money to truly teach the child, you're just using your kids to fight a social battle you believe is right.

Using kids to fight your personal crusades is gay.

Therefore, you're no better than the celebrities that adopt africans to transition them into a different sex or the women that post tiktoks of their "gay 3 year old".
Just marry poor and bring em up
Like that model girl who got with some philipino dude, shes prob friends with that other girl who would never have looked at me unless i came barging in at her dads castle or something

Nyways i think humanity will pull through, God (w.e that means to you) made us and im sure theres some built in shit that will make things alright for ervone sometime in the future

Maybe next 30 to 40 years we mignt have a new matrix update....hopefully no brain chips though i think it could be done withouth going borg, uplifting humanity i mean, but w.e i get to post thoughts that may or maynot habe consequences

You know we quote things from people that died like hundreds of years ago? Probably couldnt even prove that person existed but we can quote em!

And by prove i mean like well some people just need to see the shit on their lawn to be like oh my god
Theres shit on my lawn

News flash, shits on erones lawn, its called fertilizer and its got what thw plants crave....which is to say...why would plants crave shit anyways? Did anyone ask the plants or did we just assume¿

I think we should start asking the plants, i mean people, what it really is thqt they crave

Might be surpriwing to find out thwir not necessarily fond of the shit
But when all you know is shit well
Shits a fuck
>As long as the kid becomes sociable and he's a functional member of society that contributes to his community
What? No way, I found that the way to win at life is to beat the system and become a leech, it's life on easy mode and I just keep seeing people in /x/ struggling with life because they never figured this out.
The least you give back the more toy can keep.
You could always sucker some fucks to give up their only limited resource (time being alive) in exchange for some paper stained ink and a promise youll send em some money later when their older (which you can totally not do later, hell yoi can even tank the company and sell the assets so those greedy leech workers dont get that hard earned money YOU made) meanwhile you can buy yourself a third house, even though you cant really be at three places at once, but hey its not like anyone else needs a home specially not the fucking leeches asking for handouts lmfao afterall where would those workers be working for a pettty wage if you didnt have the idea, investment, and leadership at the helm
Theyd be homeless! So good on you that your company can provide so much "good" specially since you deserve it since you habe to make all the "hard" decisions for them
Dont even get me started on those directors who turn books into movies, fucking authors expecting to make money, authors are the leechiests leeches around
Taking in "inspiration" from others "misery" or downright copying others work and publishing it first

No, your unique, one of a kind 4leaf clover, its not like people cant come to similar conclusions or arrive at similar ideas and sruff

Specailly the hard working decision makers in politics
Maybe if the donors werent such leeches the politicians wouldnt have to ask for money to do their job
the dude who wrote the graduate didn't believe in having money or whatever and wrote a sequel to the novel thirty years later that had nothing to do with the first book and was basically him airing his grievances against the government over his fight to homeschool his kids
Most parents have long since given up on educating their kids on anything of real world value.
With the right parents paired with rigorous socialization, home schooling can accelerate development and create actual human beings rather than members of the indoctrinated slave caste.
Most people shouldn't reproduce so homeschooling is generally bad because the parents are half-tards.
im a bigger fan of outdoor schools.
homeschooling is unbalaced too much to the parents side.
teachers are bitching about shit pay and unruly students.
the obvious answer is for teachers to be wandering scholars and tutors like we have travelling nurses these days.
pythogoras, socratese/plato, aristotle, kant, descartes all served as private tutors to homeschool aristocracy or they formed their own little indy school.
>193 pages
statistically speaking, lower chances of being caught in a school shooting thing or prescribed ritalin due to lack of "attention"
But now they are undersocialized or you end up picking their friends for them which is even wierder
How is this paranormal? My paranormal post about scapegoating was deleted yet this obviously off topic stays up?
I have family being homeschooled. Don't do it.

You're not smarter than 12 individuals being paid to teach a specific subject. Your days out with other homeschooled kids under eagle eyes monitoring isn't a replacement for healthy social development. Your well dones aren't a replacement for educational certificates that anything other than factory drone work demands.

Instead of homeschooling. Raise your kids with principles, in a house where those principles are followed by the parents. Challenge ideas they've learnt and show them how they're wrong. Show them how their teachers can be right about many things but wrong about some, this is teaching them about biases.

You are ruining your children's lives by homeschooling them. It is a 0 effort solution to real school indoctrination used by those without principles and care.
>erm that's weird that you pick their friends as a parent
Okay, would you rather they associate with brainrotten, 1 standard deviation below normal IQ, Gen Alpha kids at public school? So what if people consider that "weird"? A person's child deserves better than the public school chattel slave system.
If you are even 75th percentile or higher for IQ as a child, you will eclipse MOST teachers in public schools. The public school system is a bucket of crabs, constantly dragging down anyone who is not bottom 20th percentile IQ, and anyone of middling intelligence is socially encouraged to act stupider than they actually are. The best solution to real school indoctrination is to not expose them in the first place.
C I A doesn't work on its home turf.
My guy you sound more mentally ill than the average homeschooler. Who the fuck writes like that?
You sound childless
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i dropped out and did homeschool 75% through public. learned more in that small span of time than the previous 9. public was more for learning to be social and making frens
you see
back in the old times. if you didnt learn how to swim they just tossed you in and let you figure it out how to tread water.
homeschooling is sheltering your kids from the vox populi and their corruptive influence.
you can control them all you want but when they go to public school and see timmy with porn mags, or ben playing doom or mortal combat on his game gear you will have no defense against it and your sheltered kids will start to resent you becuase you wont give him cool thing that other kids have at school.
people believe that this is the reason why you are setting kids up for failure. becuase eventually they will leave the nest and you wont be able to protect them. and becuase you sheltered them for so long they will have no defenses against all the corruptive influences of the world. or the ones that he has are all based on book theory and dont really have any practical usefulness when your in the hotzone.
again homeschooling parents are too unbalanced, they should be looking to make teacher cooperatives.
if i had kids i would not homeschool them but i would review everything that was taught to them in school most likely. public schools are pretty bad but there is no substitute for socializing.
I'm smarter than my plumber but that doesn't mean I should redo my kitchen piping on my own

Teachers teach you how to be functional, not how to be smart.

>mortal combat
They need to take the internet away from boomers.
Yes you should homeschool: >>38264819
the school system we use was made by the 4 coal powers to create a compliant workforce that lost the ability to self sustain. You were kept in school all day as a kid to stop you from learning.
and this
its one (1) hour long and worth
Robert Maxwell, father of Ghislaine Maxwell, participant in the international sex-trafficking ring of fellow jew Jeffrey Epstein, owned Maxwell Publishing: the largest textbook publisher in the UK. In 1979 in merged with McDewitt, the USA's largest textbook publisher. Everyone ITT was indoctrinated by pedophiles in school.

Why would you abandon your role as a father, to raise your children in the knowledge of your ancestors, to betray your forebears, and your progeny, delivering them unto pedophiles for conditioning?
I didn't homeschool...technically, but my neighbors and good friends growing up did, and they were very smart and are doing well as far as I know. From what I remember they still had to follow the state educational curriculum, and another friend I know who home schooled was required to take certain classes as a group either with other home schoolers or kids in general, so that they were integrated. The first group had a stay at home parent, so I'm sure that helped. From what I remember at least one of them had advanced ahead by a year.

But at the same time there were children in my public school who were very smart, and I do feel like the teachers there were open to exploring alternative viewpoints and discussion (not so robotic as people say.)

So yes, if the parents have enough time and patience and dedication I see it as a fine way to educate your children. But IMO public school has merits, although honestly something like a combination might be good, independent studies are good too, and honestly it sort of depends on what the child gravitates to IMO..

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