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Was Jesus a Hindu Avatar?
He can be seen that way.
Sakti-avesh avatara.
The full, omnipotent power of God imbued onto a limited soul like you or I.
Fully man and fully God.
If you are well read, could you please show me the similarities between Jesus and Shiva? I know that Shiva was more of a playful person, and he was chad with dames, while Jesus was more of an ascetic type. But one does not exclude the other in Hindu, he was just another avatar

When I started reading about Hindu religion, it suddenly made sense why hebrews would want to crucify Jesus
sorry, not Shiva, but Krishna. Rookie mistake. I'm still learning
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There are a lot more similarities between Shiva and Jesus than with Krishna.
The only real similarity Jesus and Krishna have are that devotion and calling on their name can grant salvation.
Krishna did not lead the life of a saint, was only a spiritual teacher to two people (Arjuna and Uddhava) during His time on Earth, regularly defied and encouraged others to defy societal duty to instead serve Him, and had many wives and children.
Their main link is that they both offered bhakti yoga. But where Jesus said bhakti is for the Father, Krishna said bhakti is for Me.
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Read Jesus lived in India by Holger Kersten, or if it's been found, "The life and times of the prophet Issa, the best of the sons of men"
so, let me rephrase the question - how can I learn about Shiva-Jesus relation. it's nice that even if I was wrong, I still subconsciously asked the right question
On topic. Apparently Jesus was also in Japan. Any more info about that?
Thank you, I wish there pdf to find, but I'll get it, one way or another
Read things like the Shiva Purana.
And not relation, parallels in position and lifestyle.
Dont think of it like "Jesus is Shiva".
Of course, they're different, we are all unique, despite the similarities. I don't expect them to be 1:1. The fact that I see similarities in philosophies is a miracle in itself. I wish more people were aware of that
Dont forget to consider critiques as well. I did not find the Issa claims strong enough to be proof of Jesus in India. Nor do I think He would need to to have a proper understanding of bhakti yoga.
Jesus was initiated into the Jewish parampara by John the Baptist.
That begs a question about John. Anyway, I do believe that Jesus had some basic training by a guru and wanted to spread it in then Israel. The history is complicated, because there are myths, but hardly any facts. But don't worry, I only seek the truth, without any sectarian bullshit
>That begs a question about John.
What and why?
>Jesus had some basic training by a guru
Why? You think the Son of God needed training? The Bible already accounts Jesus' astonishing knowledge and ability as a child.
The accounts matching him to Issa were in my conclusion much much later additions, if not outright forgeries.
But please go look at what info there is on them.
Uploaded Jesus lived in India for anyone who cares
Oh, it's you.
Goggle Roza Bal shrine in Srinagar, Kashmir,
While it's believe to be a tomb of Jesus, it was a shrine where he was praying and learning
What Jesus did between the age of 12 and 30? Anything canonical? Why such a huge gap in biography?
Have you ever seen a video of like a genius 10 year old in college or whatever? They have this aura of calmness and serenity about their own capabilities from a very young age. It’s very likely Jesus was not unlike Samuel, and was leading from a very young age.
Went to Japan and/or India suppposedly
how about both?
I said and/or :)
he was both
I doubt that whoever you are thinking of is me. I am hardly the only person to doubt the claim that Jesus lived in India.
I googled it
>The shrine was relatively unknown until the founder of the Ahmadiyya movement, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, claimed in 1899 that it is actually the tomb of Jesus.[2][3] This view is maintained by Ahmadis today,[1][2][3] though it is rejected by the local caretakers of the shrine, one of whom said "the theory that Jesus is buried anywhere on the face of the earth is blasphemous to Islam."
>Academic reception of Hassnain's works has been highly critical - academics dismissing these claims includes Günter Grönbold, Wilhelm Schneemelcher, Norbert Klatt, Per Beskow, and Gerald O'Collins.
I have heard of multipole shrines around the world that claim Jesus is there. This might the one in India I have heard, there is another in Japan as an anon alluded to.
I've mostly engaged with the book about and the origins of St Issa, and as I said my opinion is that it isnt legit.
>What Jesus did between the age of 12 and 30?
I dont know. But I have not seen anything to convince me he went to India.
I dont think this was an impossible thing, plenty of communication between India and the ME and the Mediterranean. I just have not been convinced by anything presented as proof.
>Why such a huge gap in biography?
Most famous people in history, especially from that far back, have many years' gaps in their bios.
If he went and trained in India - why would that be left out?
You're telling me all His disciples never bothered to mention this?
That Lord Jesus never once acknowledged his guru?
you will never find any, therefore it's convenient for you to not believe it either
>why would that be left out?
maybe it wasn't left out, maybe it was lost to sands? scholars consider judas testimony to be apocryphal. it's very convenient to decide which texts are sacred, and which aren't
Okay. Others want to claim it, and present what they consider proof. It dopes not convince me.
It makes no difference to me if the Son of God took a trip or not, and I think you have extremely weak faith if it is in any way important to you.
>it's very convenient to decide which texts are sacred, and which aren't
Which text mentions his guru, other than John the Baptist?
>important to you.
it's important, because I want to understand the root of humankind's problem. If India-Jesus relationship was true, then we should be more unified in our beliefs, because they all come from one source. There is no superior belief, but a belief that makes sense to oneself. And as such, if one follows a belief that has a source in truth, the denomination is only a method, but at the core is good. There are good beliefs, and bad beliefs, and we should sort it out once and for all.

>Which text mentions his guru, other than John the Baptist?
it is mentioned in Judas testimony, alas, his testimony (which itself is incomplete) is considered apocrypha. Who the fuck was John the Baptist, is an interesting question, and I wish there more to read about him. He's a hero on his own.
Found this interesting.
>Ghulam Ahmad's theory that Jesus died in India is distinct from the 1894 suggestion of Nicolas Notovitch that Jesus travelled to India in his earlier years (before the start of his ministry) during the unknown years of Jesus and Ghulam Ahmad specifically disagreed with Notovitch.
Notovitch and his claims are the ones I am more familiar with.
>I want to understand the root of humankind's problem.
Jesus' teachings, nor the teachings of the Vedas, do not require a person to travel to India to understand this issue.
>If India-Jesus relationship was true, then we should be more unified in our beliefs, because they all come from one source.
This shows serious lack of understanding of humans. Just look at splits where we know with 100% fact that they came from the same source. There is no more unity from this fact. The Sunni hate the Shia more than they hate any Hindu. All the types of Catholics versus all the types of Protestants versus Mormons versus Jehovah's witnesses. There are many MANY sects and traditions under the umbrella of Hinduism with many directly contradicting each other and have been competing and disagreeing for thousands of years.
All the same source - and growing more divided with every year.
Knowing things come from the same source does not in any way engender unity.
>There are good beliefs, and bad beliefs, and we should sort it out once and for all.
And "Did Jesus go to India" is completely irrelevant and useless for this. Whether he did or didnt should not have any affect on what you consider good or bad beliefs.
>it is mentioned in Judas testimony
Quote it, please. Who was his guru and what was his parampara?
It's not about India, I never been in India, and here I am, arguing with you about India.

>Just look at splits where we know with 100% fact that they came from the same source.
I want to weed out the satanic influence, but before I do, I need to understand the tactics better.
I believe we should form Christian Illuminati. Something like Illuminati, only Christian. Just sayin' don't laugh
>It's not about India
In regards to spiritual teachings and matters, I find whether Jesus travelled to India completely irrelevant and a waste of time.
In regards to the history and accuracy to actual events, I hhave not been convinced by the data presented by those claiming he went to India.
>I want to weed out the satanic influence
The very concept of Satan is part of that split. Hinduism doesnt have a Satan. The closest is the demon Kali and Kali is considered a rather weak demon.

And I am still requesting a quote from the Gospel of Judas that mentions a guru of Jesus that was not John the Baptist.
>India completely irrelevant and a waste of time.
It's not a waste of time, because it connects two continents into one and begs a question about the influences.

Hinduism has demons, and the Kali you mentioned murdered them, brutally even. There is this famous painting of Kali in ecstasy, when she murders demons who tortured humankind and treated them like a cattle.

About Judas, there is no quote, and you misread my post. Judas gospel is incomplete, and is considered acrophyta
>because it connects two continents into one
India and Ancient Greece have well known connections, long before Jesus was around. Him traveling there is not needed for any connection between the continents.
>Hinduism has demons
Demon is an attitude in Hinduism. A way of seeing the world. It isnt a class of being. Those are deaityas, danavas, asuras - all of which can be demonic or divine. Some of the greatest devotees of God in Hindu legend are born into families of asuras and danavas.
>the Kali you mentioned murdered them, brutally even
You are thinking of Kaali, the goddess. That is not Kali, the demon of ignorance and quarrel.
>About Judas, there is no quote
This is the quote chain:
>maybe it was lost to sands? scholars consider judas testimony to be apocryphal. it's very convenient to decide which texts are sacred, and which aren't
>Which text mentions his guru, other than John the Baptist?
>it is mentioned in Judas testimony
>Quote it, please.
>About Judas, there is no quote
So - however you think I misread - at the end you cannot give any quote from the Gospel of Judas that shows Jesus had a guru.
We can imagine all sorts of things that are missing.
Maybe Jesus fought a Transformer, and it's lost to time.
I am simply not convinced by saying "It's in here, but it's not because it's lost to everyone"
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>Some of the greatest devotees of God in Hindu legend are born into families of asuras and danavas.
I like how you pawn your own point. You want to argue semantics, or the principles, but you fail to see the bigger picture. The bigger picture is the point.

About the judas testimony, I meant something else, sorry, I didn't think then about gurus, I was thinking about John the Baptist
How does this pawn my points?
>In regards to spiritual teachings and matters, I find whether Jesus travelled to India completely irrelevant and a waste of time.
>In regards to the history and accuracy to actual events, I hhave not been convinced by the data presented by those claiming he went to India.
I'm sincere. Explain what you mean, because I dont see how saying "devotees can be born in asura families" contends with either.
It's not irrelevant, because Jesus was crucified for blasphemy by orthodox jews. How did Jesus find the influence for his beliefs? What made a hebrew to teach stuff that is more aligned with hinduism, and trying to mix it with old school abrahamic beliefs? You try to shut it down by calling it irrelevant. All you care about to discuss are semantics. I might not be as good as you are, or eloquent, but I seek the kingdom of God, no matter where it is.
jesus didn't exist or he was some schizo desert preacher
jesus existed and his teachings were unpopular among jews
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>Jesus was crucified for blasphemy by orthodox jews
And they declared such because they were corrupt and had lost their spirituality. No international travel needed whatsoever.
>What made a hebrew to teach stuff that is more aligned with hinduism
WHICH Hinduism? I already pointed out that "Hinduism" has many many traditions and philosophies and beliefs and many of them disagree and explicitly contradict and deny the others.
You know there is an atheist religion within Hinduism, yes?
Is Jesus aligned with the Hindus that say there is no Father, no God, no Brahman?
>You try to shut it down by calling it irrelevant.
I call the question of whether He went to India irrelevant.
Nothing about His teachings or ideas were. They do not require any trip to be valid, and it is a wastre of time to try and find validity or any importance in it.
>I seek the kingdom of God
But you dont. You seek to accept a fringe historical idea.
What about the teachings of JEsus changes if he did or did not travel to that spot on Earth?
His teachings are still the same.
>No international travel needed whatsoever.
maybe it was needed if it required moving to india to find spirituality?
>You know there is an atheist religion within Hinduism, yes?
Yes I am aware of that, don't scream at me anon, I am just not satisfied with this world and the answers I receive. It's not your fault. I have nothing against Jesus or Catholicism, but I want to look at the root of the situation. I want to thank you for not making poo in the loo jokes - I really appreciate that. I don't think we speak on the same wavelength. I am digging for treasures, you defend your position. I don't want you to defend your position, it's okay, if you have no info I can use, you can skip this thread, I am not one of the people who are part of the satanic agenda against Christ. I just want to dig for the Kingdom of God. Now, excuse me, I keep digging
>to find spirituality?
So you are now claiming the Son of God that is well accounted as having incredible knowledge and performed miracles even as a child - needed to go to India to find spirituality?
>I am just not satisfied with this world and the answers I receive.
And yet here you are caring SO MUCH about the world travels of a single person when nothing that person taught or instructed had anything to do with physical locations.
> if you have no info I can use, you can skip this thread
You have been talking with me this entire thread. I was the first response.
You seem to have it in your head somehow that I am against Hinduism.
I am a Vaishnava. I see Lord Jesus as an avatar of Krishna.
A sakti-avesh avatar, to be precise.
I have nothing against Lord Jesus nor the bhakti traditions his teachings would be a part of.
My points have been very clear, and consistent.
>In regards to spiritual teachings and matters, I find whether Jesus travelled to India completely irrelevant and a waste of time.
>In regards to the history and accuracy to actual events, I hhave not been convinced by the data presented by those claiming he went to India.
Just consider how time you have wasted on this silly question, instead of actually talking about what Jesus thought was important: love of God.
Here's the thing, I am not claiming anything, it's your own insecurities. What I want, is to find the truth. God is God, I have no power over him, and God is God no matter who I am
>I am a Vaishnava. I see Lord Jesus as an avatar of Krishna.
Chill out dude, you're taking it way too personal. Nobody questions that. People just want to know where it all started. It's a natural question, no need to get uppity about that
>I am so angry about you
>I'm about to unleash 69th dimension of my powerblade 90000 of my second shakrama indilligicus power upon you
>you are so FUCKED, you don't even know it, you think it's a joke bitch? my third chakrama says it isn't so
Some faggot christcuck went to Japan and started claiming Jesus visited there.
and they have a song that proves that
>Who the fuck was John the Baptist, is an interesting question, and I wish there more to read about him. He's a hero on his own.
found these
Shiva is more like zeus than anything. Dude straight up goes into fits of rage and destroys cities . The ganesh myth also has straight parallel with the kid that zeuss wife made put of herself that zeus slay. Here shiva brings ganesh under his own dominion .
Shiva also defied by destroying the yajna of daksha,the one guy who had the responsibility to run the world through vedic sacrifices.
Jesus wasn't even close to anything god like. Krishna even from an young age was dealing with adversaries left and right. His high point wasn't some parlor trick or some fringe social movement but actual political and social change coupled with divine knowledge.
Fully god kek. More like wannabe crybaby
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Close. Very close. Other Indian deity, the one that killed all those many-armed hekatonchires. The life of Jesus Christ was that of an avatar of Dionysus.

>Captcha: R2PWR
Yes, he will return to power, very soon.
>Dubs of luck
This has been happening ODDLY frequently.
>I am not claiming anything
Good. I have looked over the claims of people that say he went to India, and I am not convinced.
For something you are desperate to have people think you dont claim, you tried to defend the idea for hours.
>Shiva is more like zeus than anything.
Indra is a MUCH closer parallel to Zeus than Shiva.
>Indra is a MUCH closer parallel to Zeus than Shiva
Don't some versions even transpose the Arrow for a Thunderbolt? The effects are definitely similar
What arrow? Far as I know, both Zeus and Indra use the thunderbolt/vajra. Zeus got it from Hephaestus, Indra got the vajra from the donated bones of the sage Marici (might have that name wrong).
>>38251664 Jesus (Isa) is the Atonement. It's another path to the same goal of Self-Realization.
>Indra is a MUCH closer parallel to Zeus than Shiva.
You wish. Indra does things far beyond what any other storm Gods do. But the actions of shiva closely match th of zeus. Shiva became a part of the pantheon largely when the interaction of Greeks and indians took place. Both hold the trident and rule over other gods. I know it is blow at your weird indo european fetish but that's the reality.
Indra didn't get his vajra. The Sage DADHICHI hid the weapons of the gods in his body for certain reasons and when they finally wanted those back he let a cow Lick his body till the flesh went away and the bones remained.

Shiva is still the god that matches zeus in the Hindu pantheon. The proto shiva cults absorved the god of the Gāndhara (the place where the Yavana-s primarily interacted with Bharatiya-s). Shiva's abode became home to many gods and companions,his head had Ganga and his wife birthed ganesh. Kartikeya his son became the god of war.
>Indra does things far beyond what any other storm Gods do.
And Shiva is orders of magnitude beyond the ability of Shiva. So even LESS like Zeus. You even admit the much closer parallel of both being storm gods.
>Both hold the trident and rule over other gods.
Neither Zeus nor Indra are known for wielding a trident.
Shiva is NOT and never has been declared as "ruler of the gods". That is VERY much the position of Indra.
Both Indra and Zeus are well known for lust and pursuing women who are not their wives, often with negative results.
Thank you for correcting the name, but I think we are talking about two different tellings of the story.
What are you sourcing for your telling?
>beyond the ability of Indra*

>What are you sourcing
Here is my source for Indra getting the vajra.
Bhagavat Purana, Canto 6 Ch. 9;
>51: O Maghavan [Indra], all good fortune unto you. I advise you to approach the exalted saint Dadhyañca [Dadhīci]. He has become very accomplished in knowledge, vows and austerities, and his body is very strong. Go ask him for his body without delay.
>52: That saintly Dadhyañca, who is also known as Dadhīci, personally assimilated the spiritual science and then delivered it to the Aśvinī-kumāras. It is said that Dadhyañca gave them mantras through the head of a horse. Therefore the mantras are called Aśvaśira. After obtaining the mantras of spiritual science from Dadhīci, the Aśvinī-kumāras became jīvan-mukta, liberated even in this life.
>53: Dadhyañca’s invincible protective covering known as the Nārāyaṇa-kavaca was given to Tvaṣṭā, who delivered it to his son Viśvarūpa, from whom you have received it. Because of this Nārāyaṇa-kavaca, Dadhīci’s body is now very strong. You should therefore beg him for his body.
>54: When the Aśvinī-kumāras beg for Dadhyañca’s body on your behalf, he will surely give it because of affection. Do not doubt this, for Dadhyañca is very experienced in religious understanding. When Dadhyañca awards you his body, Viśvakarmā will prepare a thunderbolt from his bones. This thunderbolt will certainly kill Vṛtrāsura because it will be invested with My power.
Ch. 10
>11: Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: Dadhīci Muni, the son of Atharvā, thus resolved to give his body to the service of the demigods. He placed himself, the spirit soul, at the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and in this way gave up his gross material body made of five elements.
>12: Dadhīci Muni controlled his senses, life force, mind and intelligence and became absorbed in trance. Thus he cut all his material bonds. He could not perceive how his material body became separated from his self.
>13-14: Thereafter, King Indra very firmly took up the thunderbolt manufactured by Viśvakarmā from the bones of Dadhīci. Charged with the exalted power of Dadhīci Muni and enlightened by the power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Indra rode on the back of his carrier, Airāvata, surrounded by all the demigods, while all the great sages offered him praise. Thus he shone very beautifully, pleasing the three worlds as he rode off to kill Vṛtrāsura.
Shiva is the Hebrew word for seven
The holy of holies and Golgotha is your skull
The Hebrew temple is your body with 7 lampstands fed by oil
The vedic temple is your body, with 7 chakras fed by semen
The Hebrew word for oil is semen SMN.

The only Salvation given to man is Yehova's Salvation; anointing- Jesus Christ

Share plz
Indra is not a storm god. It like describing electricity as light bulb glower. Causing storms is an expression of his ability or powers.

But shiva is known for wielding the vajra

>Sāmba-śiva Dhyānam ||
śāntaṃ padmāsanasthaṃ śaśidhara-mukuṭaṃ pañca-vaktraṃ tri-netraṃ
śūlaṃ vajraṃ ca khaḍgaṃ paraśum abhayadaṃ savyabhāge vahantam |
nāgaṃ pāśaṃ ca ghaṇṭāṃ praḷayahuta-vahaṃ cāṅkuśaṃ vāma-bhāge
nānālaṅkāra-yuktaṃ sphaṭika-maṇinibhaṃ pārvatīśaṃ namāmi ||
I meditate upon the Lord of Parvati, peaceful, seated in the lotus-posture, with the Moon as the crest-jewel upon his head, five-faced, three-eyed, holding the trident, (VAJRA) thunderbolt, sword, axe, and the gesture of fearlessness on the right side, and the snake, noose, bell, the fire of universal destruction, and the elephant-goad on the left side. Decorated variously, being the colour of crystal.
Shiva is described as the most powerful amongst the Gods and fits closer to the way Zeus and other Greek deities perform. (Since most of your material is puranic.)
Indra is well known for his deeds in the vedas that include making the infertile land(ahalyā) fertile. That's not what Zeus did. But surely later mythology talks a lot about all such things. Shiva also changed forms to rape another sages wife iirc.
My source is the book on Indian weapons . I don't remember its name. Maybe later.
The story was probably adapted from mahabharata iirc.
But the vajra was first made by tvashtar as written in the vedas. Not out of bones but out of agni.

>Rigved 1.32.1says:
>1 I WILL declare the manly deeds of Indra, the first that he achieved, the Thunder-wielder. He slew the Dragon, then disclosed the waters, and cleft the channels of the mountain torrents. 2 He slew the Dragon lying on the mountain:his heavenly bolt of thunder Tvaṣṭar fashioned.Like lowing kine in rapid flow descending the waters glided downward to the ocean.
The dadhichi myth is described differently in earlier books . The Bones of dadhichi are translated as the bricks of the yajña vedi
>Taittiriya Samhita 5.6.6 as प्रजापतिर्वा अथर्वाऽग्निरेव दध्यङ्ङाथर्वणस्तस्येष्टका अस्थान्येतं ह वाव तदृषिरभ्यनूवाचेन्द्रो दधीचो अस्थभिरिति यदिष्टकाभिरग्निं चिनोति सात्मानमेवाग्निं चिनुते सात्माऽमुष्मिँल्लोके भवति य एवं वेद शरीरं वा एतदग्नेर्यच्चित्यं आत्मा वैश्वानरो यच्चिते वैश्वानरं जुहोति …..
The fire was always the source of weapons . The fire hid it when the gods were tired in the later myth then the fire revealed the weapons when required once again.

But one can also argue that
> “Indrawas born the destroyer of cities, ever young, ever wise, of unbounded strength, the sustainer of all pious acts, the wielder of the thunderbolt, the many-praised
Again from the rig veda might hint that Indra possesses the vajra from birth.
>on the weapons,army organization and political maxims of the Ancient Hindus by gustav oppert p 23-24/35 -36
The fuck are you on about?
>Indra is the king of the devas and Svarga in Hinduism. He is associated with the sky, lightning, weather, thunder, storms, rains, river flows, and war.
>Indra (इन्द्र) iconography is described in the Viṣṇudharmottarapurāṇa, an ancient Sanskrit text which deals with a variety of cultural topics such as arts, architecture, music, grammar and astronomy. According to the Viṣṇudharmottarapurāṇa, the image of Indra should be golden in complexion and should wear blue garments. The statue of Indra should be placed on an elephant which has four tusks. The eyes of the image of Indra should be made to show the eyes placed crookedly towards the forehead. The idol of Indra should have four hands holding a lotus and an elephant goad in right hands and the vajra in the left hand.
Many deities hold vajra in their many-armed forms. It is what they wield in two and four arms that are their icons.
It is silly to think the vajra is more an icon of Shiva than of Indra.
>Shiva is described as the most powerful amongst the Gods
Shiva is above the Gods and if you look for a Greek parallel would be closer to Cronus.
Indra is literally a title that means "King of the Devas".
> It is said that Indra is not one person, but rather the generic name of the king of heaven. Upon performing certain sacrifices or penances, a mortal can ascend to heaven and attain the position of the king of heaven. His reign shall last till another person becomes eligible for this position.
>In the Rig Veda, Indra is depicted as the most powerful god. However, in latter texts, his importance has been considerably diminished. He is no longer all-powerful, instead he is subject to the overlordship of the supreme trinity of Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma.
The entire reason Indra disrupts sacrifices like King Prithu's ius because he becomes jealous of others trying to take away his position as king of devas.
>Indra is well known for his deeds in the vedas that include making the infertile land(ahalyā) fertile.
He did so by releasing waters held captive by a demon. Because he is the god of rains and storms.
But sure - the sky-god king of the devas that tries to sleep around is nothing like Zeus at all.
>He slew the Dragon
That is Vritrasura, and "dragon is the absolute worst translation. Stop reading Mueller and Indologists.
Vritrasura is described as having a beard, shoulders, arms, and wielding weapons.
Englishman decided he was a dragon because one of his names is a word for snake.
It is also a word for river, and Vritrasura was holding the river waters hostage.

But you have confirmed what I thought - simply a different telling of the story. It is still describing how Indra received his weapon, and slew the demon.
idk buddhists talk about these figures coming up throughout eras
hindus talk about it too
but then its like history stops referencing the buddhist or hindu component and these figures sort of become their own thing
but yeah pretty much i mean "died for your sins" to me sounds like "balanced humanities collective karmic scale through sacrifice"
Doesn't interest me.
I don't believe in all the indra is a position nonsense. That's not the vedic position.

The very idea that indra would become jealous is idiotic.
And the reason I say indra is not the king of Gods but shiva in later part of this religion is what you've quoted.
If I am subject to your control I am no longer the sovereign but you. So how is indra the king? Shiva becomes the ultimate sovereign in later texts as in he does whatever pleases him,out of love or anger in contrast to vishnu who usually considers a lot of things before doing stuff.
Yeah,no. He is the god of will and strength and self exertion. Releasing waters,causing rains is an action not the potential. He doesn't strike the minds of the kavi-s who praise him. He brings out the creativity in them. Neither is his rule restricted by some sky. Indra becomes vishnu as the sun travels the 3 worlds and expands.

You can say all shit you want about indologists but not before reading stuff yourself. I know words too. Read the veda and understand the myths within.
Don't reduce indra to some gardener of earth like zeus.
Or sure do what you people do and pretend to be half blind.
>That's not the vedic position
Vedic position doesn't have Shiva at all, so to try and pick this version is Indra and that version of Shiva and mush them together is stupid.
You are making shit up to suit your whims.
>So how is indra the king?
The king of England is still subject to gravity.
Indra is king of the devas. He is not Supreme.
His is a material, temporary position, not eternal.

You can pretend to only read this or that and take the worst most biased takes out there all you like. It very clearly shows what sort of idiocy it leads to.
Hindu religion doesn't have zeus. So I guess we can't argue can we?
We're discussing comparative religion. So we can only go by Comparison and not absolutes.
Indra is a form of God. So if we go with oldest concepts of indra (where he actually is the king of gods) he is not a storm god. If you go by the later ideas(when indra is not king of god in a true sense) then sure indra is a storm god but not a king but a figure head.

and your argument is a strawman. If We're going by gravity then we can discuss relative gravkties of celestial bodies.

Your retarded ass thinks that indra is a position which is a totally Puranic concept and we know what kind of idiocy that had led this religion to.

You're the one mixing Puranic concepts and vedic concepts. Indra is a storm god in purana but has little to no control over the gods and the earthling stark contrast to Zeus.
Whereas in the veda he is the absolute sovereign but not a storm god but a force of power and strength and will and action.
I know you're retarded and will keep dancing around this coz you suffser from cognitive dissonance . Live on in confusion.
fagget >:(

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