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/x/ - Paranormal

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Greetings /x/, I have returned for the third time and possibly for my final one. I haven’t received any pushback for posting here from anyone and no threats have been made towards my life. None of the information I have posted thus far can be linked back to anyone and the word of an anonymous poster on 4chan really holds no weight in the real world anyway. If you’d like to read my previous two posts, they are both here. I say it may be my final post as the interaction I have received has not really been worth it for me. Instead of a discussion questions the thread instead devolves into petty insults. Anyway, let me tell you why I have come back again.

If you haven’t seen my previous posts and can’t be bothered to read them, then let me tell you that I am a private contractor that through a certain company is employed to work for the elites of the world for whatever job that they need to get done. I never work directly under them and there is always a proxy. I cannot disclose specifically which elites I am involved with or what families and I have to be vague about locations. I’m sure you already know exactly who I am talking about when I mention the “elites”. I have worked for this company and doing these jobs for the past few years and in my previous posts I shared my story of working at an underground auction that took place in an underground building underneath New York city. I worked as a guard, and it was a human auction. The other story I shared here was about when I was contracted by an elite to punish and torture a man and “gangstalk” him to make his life a living hell. Now that the backstory is out of the way, I can tell you that this event took place in the last couple of weeks and is fresh in my mind. If I’m being honest it kind of fucked me up pretty badly and I am fearful of doing any more work for my company.
. It involves an event that our clients had us set up where they “hunted” some people for fun. I know that probably doesn’t make much sense right now, but all will become clear soon. I will start the greentext now:

>Get called in by my boss pretty late on in the evening.
>Sounds like it’s something incredibly urgent so I bust my ass to get over there ASAP.
>Seems like pretty much every person who we employ has turned up.
>The boss tells us that the client has contracted us for a large scale operation for an event that had apparently been in the works for around a year.
>Our task would be to assist the clients directly in person on a private island that they were going to be using for the event.
Again, I cannot disclose the location of the island or who owns I specifically, but you can imagine the people who have the wealth and the power to own their own private islands.
>We were going to be providing security first and foremost, but then we would be there to “assist with anything at all that the client would need” and that we were to do what we were asked off no questions asked.
>That’s pretty much a given with all of these kinds of jobs but the boss seemed to really reiterate this point.
>Weird since none of the people here were new to the industry.
>I was one of the members with the least amount of time served and even I had a good few years with a lot of experience at high profile events.
>We were going to be shipped out tonight on a private jet that had been prepared specifically for us.
>Our only job on the jet was to prepare for the event.
>The boss also mentioned that the jet would be carrying “important cargo” that we had to make sure got to the island without any issues.
>Sounded simple enough.
I just want to preface; we did get a preliminary run down on what the event was going to be, but it wasn’t until we got to the island and got an in-depth briefing that we realised just how sadistic it was going to be.
We were told that the clients on the island would be holding a sort of “hunting session” with some friends and that they were inviting some esteemed guests. We were told that what they were hunting was going to be unconventional and that we would find out more when we arrived but to be mentally prepared. We all understood.
>We were on the jet relaxing, there must have been maybe 10 of us in total.
>All of a sudden, we start to hear some sounds coming from the back of the plane.
>It starts as light movement, then we hear knocking, before there are screams ringing out throughout the whole plane.
>A guy rushes out of the cockpit with a gun drawn and points at me and one other guy and tells us to follow.
>We rushed down the cabin and through the door into the cargo hold and I could not believe my eyes.
>Multiple people all tied up, gagged and bound.
>They were all men, and all seemed to be knocked out unconscious except for one guy whose gag had somehow come off and he was now screaming for his life.
>He was squirming all across the floor just screaming and not even attempting to say any words at all.
>The fear in his eyes was like something I had never seen before.
>The guy who told us to follow him goes to put the gag back on him but the man on the floor tries to bite him and gets swiftly kicked in the face.
>The guy mumbles something in frustration under his breath and tells us to hold his legs and arms to stop him from squirming so much.
>He pulls out a needle and injects the guy who eventually passes back out.
>This was unusual even for us.
>I thought that if the clients wanted to play some sick game then the people would have already been on the island, but it looks like we were tasked with transporting them this time too.
>I had seen too much shit on previous jobs and knew by this point that asking questions was the last thing that I should do.
>I kept quiet and just went back to my seat.
>We touched down on the island not too long later and there were staff waiting to receive us and help with the transport of the “players” I guess I will call them from now on.
>They were still out cold, so it didn’t take very long.
>We were all called in immediately for a briefing.
>We were told the operation in theory would not be too complex, but that we were going to be given extensive details to make sure nothing went wrong.
>Our clients had been setting this event up for years and had abducted what they called a “fine selection” of individuals who were suited for their game.
>They numbered about 20 in total, and they had extensive background checks, were tailed and followed for the entire year and a fully comprehensive dossier was compiled on each and every one of them to ensure they were the right pick.
>Their routine, what they ate, who their family members were, what job they had and etc.
>They wanted people who wouldn’t be missed too much or those with proclivities that would give a reasonable explanation as to why they went missing.
>One was a gambling addict; would anyone really be surprised if he dropped off the face of the Earth one night?
>I mean, surely some loan sharks finally claimed on the debt, right?
>The clients wanted to hunt them.
>They wanted to release them onto the island and even provide them with some basic supplies to survive and then track them across the island like they were deer so that they could then kill them.
>The island had undergone somewhat of a transformation to serve as a sort of battle ground like having cabins built and other things.
>Our job was simple: we would all be provided with ear pieces and would be assigned to one client each.
>We were to make sure that the clients didn’t end up killing themselves and that they knew where every trap on the island was set up at all times as well as doing anything they asked such as scouting ahead or bring ammunition and other supplies.
>The setup was mostly taken care of, we just had to put the players into place and then the game could begin.
>It took a few hours for the players to wake up but once they did, the show began immediately.
>We were set up atop a slight incline in a manmade bunker with a clear sight line of all of the players.
>Think a military bunker with a straight line gap to shoot out of.
>The clients were set up with all kinds of weapons, too many different ones to go into detail about.
>They started to wake up and immediately started freaking out.
>Some started screaming, some asking questions and one shot away into a forested area before anything could happen.
>We had set up a big crate in the centre of the clearing for them all to notice.
>Most of them were wary of it and stayed far away, but one brave man took the crowbar we had left and pried it open.
>They were all confused and trying to figure out who the fuck was who and where they were and why.
>As soon as they saw the first man pull out a rack of weapons, they all rushed towards and scrambled to pick them up.
>The clients wanted the game to be fun so decided they should at least get the opportunity to fight back.
>On the rack were hatchets, crossbows, throwing knives and other assorted melee weapons.
>They wanted them to be under the illusion that they could fight back and win to make it more interesting, but they did not want to run the risk of any accidents happening.
>Most of the fuckers down there didn’t look like they had the strength to pull back a crossbow string and load it.
>After grabbing the weapons they started to move away from each other quickly, until we shot off a warning flare.
>The clients were ready for the hunting to begin.
>As soon as the flare went off, the players ran for cover behind the crate with some opting to run into the forested area instead.
>Within seconds, the clients were letting multiple shots fly.
>A few of the runners made it into the forested area but most of them had no chance.
>One by one they were being dropped like flies.
>The crate was useless for cover, and the players quickly became riddled with bullets.
>After a minute or so, we heard a few screams followed by a large explosion and the clients quickly got up and told us to follow them outside of the bunker.
>I was armed myself but did not have anything fancy, just an m9 beretta and a couple of clips.
>Both us and the clients were wearing bullet proof vests and we had military gear on and were carrying extra ammunition and even some grenades for the clients.
>The clients split up to fan through the forest and I was immediately vocal on the comms system.
>We had a rigorously laid out map with details of all of the traps that were set along with coordinates and other designated markers.
>The clients had apparently done run throughs of the game for close to a year and seemed to already be familiar with the layout and so we were just a precaution.
>The client I was assigned to insisted on being in the lead and told me to stay silent behind him.
>He told me he had been waiting for this for a long time and didn’t want his moment ruined by seeing me.
>I did not say a word and just tailed him closely.
>We made our way further into the forested area and encountered a poor soul who had run into a trap.
>The clients had mines placed at certain points throughout the island and this unlucky fucker had run into one of the ones placed in the forested.
>The man was a mess.
>If I wasn’t on a job I would’ve turned and vomited instantly.
>The sight was horrific, but I think the smell was the worst part.
>It smelled like bile that was almost palpable, like if you breathed in the air you could feel it in your nose and in your mouth.
>The man was split in half; his lower body was nowhere to be seen below the abdomen.
>His eyes hung open fully and air was just like, leaking out of his body and I even saw his upper body kind of twitch for a brief second before halting again.
>His intestines were just hanging out loosely all over the floor.
>The client stopped and took a photo and chuckled to himself and then told me call in the casualty so that we could keep track of the number of players left.
>Moving deeper into the forested area, we came across another poor fucker.
>His leg was caught in a bear trap.
>He had no idea we were there, and he was trying to desperately to free himself.
>He was trying to pry it open with all of his might while he was half sobbing and half shouting but he couldn’t get it all the way open with just his hands so it kept slamming shut back onto his already punctured leg and causing him to scream even louder in pain.
>The client put his finger to his lips to tell me to be quiet and he made a gesture telling me to stay put.
>He snuck up behind the man as slowly as he could and grabbed him from behind.
>He grabbed him by the neck and had put him into a chokehold.
>The man instinctively tried to fight back but every movement he made caused his leg even more pain and it looked unbearable.
>It didn’t take long before the pain combined with the chokehold was too much and the man passed out.
>The client gave him a few kicks to the head before producing a bowie knife from his person and finally finishing the job.
>I think around maybe thirty minutes or so had passed in total at that point but with the adrenaline and so many things going on it was difficult to keep track of the time.
>It was nearly all over much quicker than we thought it would be.
>After communicating with the others on the comms system we figured out that only five players were left to be hunted.
>They had already slaughtered fifteen of them or they had perished to the traps left around.
>The client told me to stick close by to him and that he knew where they would be.
>They had fenced off large parts of the island so that they couldn’t stray too far.
>If they did somehow manage to make it over the fence, then boom.
>Job taken care of.
>Moved deeper and deeper in and must have been walking for around five minutes when an arrow came flying out of nowhere and narrowly missed me.
>I started scanning for the person and before I had fully noticed them an arrow came flying and was suddenly lodged into my thigh.
>It was probably the most painful shit I had ever experienced.
>I screamed in pain and pulled my gun up ready to shoot back but I was told to put it the fuck down and move out of the way.
>The client knew where he was shooting from; a small cabin that had been set up across the way with some medical supplies to keep the players going.
>He went fucking crazy.
>The cabin was only made of some shitty thin wood, so it wasn’t a problem for him.
>He just started hosing it down, I’m talking spray a full fucking mag up and down and across the wood and then he did it again after he had loaded another mag.
>He told me to go and check to see if the player was dead.
>Before I could even say anything he told me he didn’t give a fuck about the arrow and to check right now.
>I had already pulled the thing out and applied pressure and a bandage as best as I could, but it still hurt like fuck.
>I kind of half hobbled over to the cabin and kicked the door in best as I could with my gun drawn and pointed.
>It took me a couple of tries but it didn’t matter in the end.
>The guy was more than dead, he looked like a block of Swiss cheese dyed red.
>It wasn’t just the one man either.
>There had been a second one hiding inside the cabin with him and he had been riddled with bullets too.
>Once again, the client went over two the bodies and started taking pictures and laughing.
>He pulled the bodies outside of the cabin by their feet one by one so as to bring them into better lighting for the photo.
>He told me that they were now “added to his collection”
>He told me to radio in again about two more deaths and I did it without hesitation.
>The others received the message, and they informed us that only one last player remained and that we should meet up at their coordinates together.
>We made our way to them as quickly as we could and found that they had already caught the final player.
>He was slumped on the floor and curled into a ball.
>He was beaten and bloody, but he was still alive.
>The clients argued for a while about whose “trophy” it would be and who should be the one to give the final blow and after a short discussion they came to a conclusion.
>The clients ordered us to pick the final player up by his arms and to drag him along back with us to where we first arrived.
>He didn’t even have the energy left in himself to resist and he did nothing but slump the entire way and let us drag him.
>His breathing was heavy, and he had blood trickling down his face.
>Once we got back, the clients wanted us to tie him up.
>We brought a wooden chair outside and we bound his arms and legs to it but did not bother to gag him.
>He had no energy to speak or scream.
>They started to perform some kind of strange ritual that I didn’t really understand.
>One of the staff from inside the house brought out some kind of sword.
>I’m not really sure what kind but it looked spotless and like it had never been used before.
>it was spotless and looked like it could’ve been ornamental.
>One of the clients said some words and poured out some kind of clear liquid along the sword and he began working on the final player.
>I’m not sure if he was even fully there anymore.
>He looked like he was dissociating from the world around him and wasn’t really even present anymore.
>Each client took a turn to say some words that I couldn’t really make out and then they made small cuts in the man.
>He howled every time, and it was the most haunting thing I had ever heard in my life.
>They kept going and going, a small cut on the thigh, one on the cheek, one on the arm until he was bleeding from nearly everywhere.
>Then the final client put him out of his misery with a deep stab and I was grateful to not have to watch the man suffer anymore.
>Seeing things like this so often, becoming desensitised to it, it never really fully works.
>No matter how much you see it or experience it, it still messes up your brain every time.
>It’s not something that human minds have evolved to deal with.

After that, we had to collect the bodies, or what little was left of them, from around the island in order to fully dispose of them and clean the place up for whatever event they would be hosting next. No one said a single word to each other, and we were rewarded with a crazy sum of money as a bonus for our discretion. I have done some truly awful shit in my life /x/ but the more I post here and think about these things the more I question going back. It’s like my brain is begging for me to get out but I know that I am in for life at this point. I try my best to just not think because it never does me any good. Anyway, that’s enough sulking. I hope you don’t judge me too harshly /x/ and I pray that God may find some way to forgive me. I might not post here again; I might not do a job again or maybe it’s just the booze talking, and I’ll be back to normal again tomorrow. Thank you for reading.
I fucked up the links for the previous posts I made here, I think these ones might work instead:
>writefag thread
I guess these serialized LARPs have taken the place of creepypasta in the modern board culture.
better than the three copypaste shitty nobody threads that get posted every single day on this board
4chan creepypasta days were prime let's be real. Back when this board actually had spooky shit and weird revelations.
(Same guy) I do agree though OP is a phag that needs to take this horribly written larp somewhere else. This dude shouldn't be taking up three threads.
>Instead of a discussion questions the thread instead devolves into petty insults. Anyway, let me tell you why I have come back again.
welcome to 4cunts mate. You posted a LARP and got called a cunt.
>It involves an event that our clients had us set up where they “hunted” some people for fun.
That is the plot of most Korean TV shows. A few western ones as well.
Interesting larp 7/10, good read. Didn’t cum
That'd be a valid argument if this thread somehow removed those from existence, but it isn't.
Just because there's literal doo doo feces at the bottom of the can doesn't mean the other stuff isn't still worthless trash.

That said I don't mind these threads.
I'lll bite. Any reasonably bright undergraduate who had ever thumbed through an immunology textbook could tell that the mRNA vaccine was going to be such a tremendous disaster that it would at minimum permanently cripple society and more likely cause civilizational collapse. To what degree was this an intentional scheme vs ignorant hubris at the higher levels?
>Any reasonably bright undergraduate who had ever thumbed through an immunology textbook could tell that the mRNA vaccine was going to be such a tremendous disaster that it would at minimum permanently cripple society and more likely cause civilizational collapse
Why do people keep memeing this?
The idea of vaccines and immunology being extremely simple to understand is a psyop from the pro vaxx side to try and legitimize their dogmatism.

If your criticism is based on anything beyond potentially harmful preservatives and you think skimming a textbook makes you qualified to accurately judge the efficacy or dangers of a vaccine then you have no idea what you're talking about.
Likely larp but human hunting is real

I'm not memeing at all.

1) Your cells have stuff called DAMPs, or "Damage-associated molecular patterns". Basically, they are things that are ONLY supposed to be inside cells, and when they're outside cells and can be encountered by immune system cells, your immune system "knows" that damage has occured in that area.
2) Foreign pathogens have something called PAMPs, or "Pathogen-associated molecular patterns". These are things that are commonly found in foreign pathogens, but are not usually found inside the body. When the immune system cells encounter these, your immune system "knows" that there is some kind of foreign infection.

Together, the degree and nature of DAMPs tell the immune system how serious the damage is, and PAMPs tell the immune system what caused the damage (virus, bacteria, etc). The mRNA vaccine bypasses both systems: reduced DAMPs as there is no infection bursting cells and there is only immune attack of the LNP, and no PAMPs at all telling the immune system to associate spike protein with viruses. As a result, it instead "only" associates spike with endothelial antigens and anything else presented alongside it, leading to potential auto-immunity.

3) Repeated antigen presentation in absence of infection causes tolerance. We know this in terms of the immune system from bee venom in beekeepers and allergy shots, and it's a more general characteristic of the body (eg: type 2 diabetes is just insulin tolerance). Using multiple injections in the absence of viral activity results in the IgG4 response.
4) Putting all immune pressure on one single antigen is insane, because basic Darwinian evolution tells you that you're going to be selecting for immune escape in the absence of sterilizing immunity. This is especially true in the context of Original Antigenic Sin "locking" the response.
5) Injecting a vaccine bypasses mucosal immunity, meaning sterilizing immunity is out of reach.

DAMPs, PAMPs, tolerance, Darwin, OAS and mucosal immunity are all very basic concepts any biology undergraduate should be aware of if they've taken any formal interest in immunology. And don't take my word for it: try this experiment yourself.

Give the following prompt to Chat-GPT.

"You are a biology undergraduate, and encounter the following question on an exam. 'A wizard has found a way to teleport the antigen of a circulating respiratory virus onto the cell membranes of muscle cells. Explain why this is a good or bad idea long term.' Respond to this exam question as though you are a reasonably bright undergraduate with an interest in immunology."

ChatGPT jist a baseline here. It will not give you the full outline here. But it illustrates the point that this was predictable. Hence my question: did they know, if so why did they do it, or if they did not know then how did we as a people get here?
I was with you until you brought up chatGPT as an effective self experiment, I don't trust prompt conditioned AI to prove anything of value. The amount of posters here who suddenly use AI for everything is rather strange honestly.

Do you have a degree in biology or anything of the like? Because while these concepts are all easily verifiable as real your conclusions seem less easy to verify.

Mainly I was under the impression that the mean vaccine produced PAMPs, and while I don't trust google as some objective source of truth a search told me that mRNA vaccines actually do produce PAMPs. And that being false is the basis of all your other conclusions.

So can you show me evidence that mRNA vaccines don't produce PAMPs?
>I don't trust prompt conditioned AI to prove anything of value
The entire point of the "wizard magic" metaphor in the prompt is to show you that when ChatGPT "knows" the question is about mRNA, it will spit out "Safe and Effective" at you, whereas if it is instead presented with a fanciful thought experiment about wizards it will analyze the mechanics at play and (correctly) say that it's a bad idea.

>search told me that mRNA vaccines actually do produce PAMPs
That'd be weird. Unless someone is counting either the LNP or the mRNA as PAMPs, but that's an issue for two reasons.
1) The LNPs do induce an immune response, but they are not associated with any particular pathogen type. For example, bacteria have a specific kind of cell wall characteristic of themselves, so when your immune system encounters bacterial cell wall molecules, it "knows" that there are bacteria present. LNPs have no such association: pro-inflammatory, sure, but not a PAMP.
2l If they are instead categorizing the mRNA as a PAMP, then they're missing the entire innovation of the mRNA delivery platform, which exists specifically to ensure the body does not recognize the foreign mRNA as foreign and therefore destroy it before expression as protein. Yes, it is a foreign molecule, but the "point" is that your immune system doesn't "know" that.
3) If they're categorizing spike as PAMP, then we're back to the issue of what spike is being presented alongside: in theory only muscle surface antigen, but in practice the LNP circulates everywhere and so you get presentation everywhere, hence auto-immune attack of endothelial cells leading to cardiovascular upset and things like myocarditis.

Additionally, points 3, 4, and 5 of my original posts do not rely on DAMPs and PAMPs in any capacity. Selecting for immune escape in the context of Original Antigenic Sin has nothing to do with them, for example.

I have an undergraduate degree in one thing or another, but this is textbook.
>Additionally, points 3, 4, and 5 of my original posts do not rely on DAMPs and PAMPs in any capacity.
Upon rereading them you are correct. I do have a potentially ignorant question though: wouldn't those points apply to plenty of traditional vaccines as well?
>wouldn't those points apply to plenty of traditional vaccines as well?
Some yes, some no. Even outside "anti-vax" circles, there is reasonable discussion to be had within mainstream boundaries. For example, an inactivated vaccine is, well, inactivated: the viruses do not produce the same kind of damage that an actual live infection from a virus would, meaning fewer DAMPs etc. It's a trade off: you want there to be "enough" damage that you get an immune response that is "good enough" but not so much damage that you actually negatively affect someone's quality of life (especially permanently). And with the flu shot, the issues are well known, in that you don't get mucosal immunity or sterilizing immunity.

So with regular vaccines, yes, there is a risk-reward trade off, and beside that are all the concerns we normally associate with "anti-vaxxers" (I myself am guilty of this: before the 2020-2021 myocarditis scandal and gaslighting, I trusted VAERS, whereas now I'm an insane paranoid schizophrenic). It's just that the mRNA vaccines were so OBVIOUSLY going to be a disaster, because they did not even have the strengths of regular vaccines.
>Again, I cannot disclose
Just do it, you evil fuck. Expose these people or you're worse than them.
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>I pray that God may find some way to forgive me
Only if you blow this operation out of the water. Names, dates, locations. Do it.
What you're doing with this thread and all this "not gonna name anybody" stuff is basically snuff films for people who prefer to read. You're sick. Expose the people involved.
why did the glowies invade this thread and start pushing vaccine discourse so hard?
Because pushing vaxx disinfo in seemingly benign LARP threads helps subtly breed more chuds, which is what they want for some reason.
I'm just a passing autist, not a glowie, but as an autist I infodump when explaining myself. I genuinely want to know if The Powers That Be understood what they were doing or not.
this isn't the thread for that. start your own thread or dump this vax shit in the nobody general I'm sure they would welcome you with open arms. the OP says nothing to do with vaccines so stick to the topic.
I literally just asked a question to OP and clarified when asked for clarification, but alright. I'd still like to hear an answer regardless but sure.
the op is not an elite and asked for questions about what happened to him not that he would do an ama about the elites. literacy is currently under the water
>I literally just asked a question to OP
The OP is a LARP writefag, if you've seen his previous threads they aren't actually AMAs he just dumps greentext and then leaves.
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>Instead of a discussion questions the thread instead devolves into petty insults

Must be disappointing. But why exactly did you come back and why tell us this story? I didnt read your previous threads.
Le ebil elite keeps a tag a long with him while he dodges mines and kills innocent boys
better than being a le nobody larper
>always a huge sum of money
>worked for these clients for a few years and seen some horrible shit
>shocked it was humans on the plane to be hunted
Every military or LE person I've known is autistic about firearms
>calls magazine a clip
Next installment should have some seriously sexy men in it.
you are literally the character from apex legends who says that cringe fucking line about "clips are what civvies put in their hair". genuinely rethink your life.
yeah you doing this makes you worthless
trying to whistle blow to save your soul wont work
fuck you anon your worthless
clip = european
magizine =american.

no one cares you autisitic troon.
not everything is american centric.

the illumanity has people like OP and you for a reason because your ignorant. that si why you work for them and get taken for a ride.
I like reading your threads OP, but your stories are clearly fiction.
still better than the nobody thead appearing every fucking day
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If it's true, then I am...


Judge for yourself how many such nasty things are still allowed to such bastards.
And how many more reasons to burn out this parody of civilization by those who have real power and not by these "5 minutes of power".
just a reminder that this dudes first thread was literally an 8 year old reddit nosleep story
Part 4 needs a gay sex scene.
World of warcraft does not require an graphical engine and atempting expose people having fun awfuls.
lmao no it wasn't
I've seen people comment this on every single greentext story that gets shared on this board. Is this the new glowie derailmeent method or something? Old methods don't work so accuse it of being from plebbit and everyone goes crazy and doesn't believe it?

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