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/x/ - Paranormal

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picrel: grimmace, the purple mcdonalds puppet holds magical powers. purple, the color of saints in the middle ages and very rare during the pre industrial times due to its labour intensive extraction from a rare underwater snail species 'spiny dye-murex snail', 'tyrian purple dye'. because of its limited supply in the past you will not find a single unified mass produced flag or crest design in the middle ages containing this coloration. further the color purple is the missing link in the color circle, it connects the highest and lowest frequency humanly perceivable light wavelengths, blue and red respectively, it has no single wavelength of its own but is the combination of blue and red, its a outlier and unique in that respect. purple eye colors exist but are a side effects of genetic conditions like albinism. another purple well-known character in recent times is thanos for instance.

Until one day…
why he ourple
> it connects the highest and lowest frequency humanly perceivable light wavelengths, blue and red respectively, it has no single wavelength of its own but is the combination of blue and red, its a outlier and unique in that respect
color theory is fucking bullshit. How the fuck can we all see the exact same shades of purple if we're all just "imagining purple in our heads from our red and blue goobers going crazy"
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purple gold is a thing, an alloy of aluminium and gold, its more brittle than each of the metals.

chemist channel 'nilered' made a video about it.

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>color theory is fucking bullshit. How the fuck can we all see the exact same shades of purple if we're all just "imagining purple in our heads from our red and blue goobers going crazy"
because the imagining too has its basis in rigid physical laws, the way your brain interprets the wavelengths is not arbitrary.
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Fag flag isn't a rainbow, doesn't have purple
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Purple doesn't occur in rainbow - or does it?

Usually, when asked whether the purple color exists rainbows, an answer similar to this is given:

The purple color is perceived by human eyes via the activation of both red-sensitive and blue-sensitive cone cells. It is known that purple isn't a physically monochromatic light (a light composed of a single wavelength).

However, on diffraction gratings, the spectrum repeats itself in such a way that part of a lower-order diffraction overlaps with that of a higher order. For example, it is conceivable that the red band of the second order diffraction overlaps with the blue-violet band of the first order diffraction, producing the purple color perception.

This would also occur in thin-film light interference, such as anti-reflective coatings of eye glasses, etc.

Could the same occur in rainbows, which is dispersion in water driplets, where red and blue-violet somehow "overlap"?

(As a side issue in answering this question, it is hard for a computer user to perceive true "monochromatic violet", since trichromatic displays are not capable of producing them. This issue extends to photographs captured by trichromatic devices. Not every one has the opportunity to see Argon-voliet in their own eyes - and then remember that perception.)

The overlap that you might see in a diffraction grating doesn't occur in a rainbow, because rainbow are formed by refraction of light, not diffraction. The raindrops work like prisms, not diffraction gratings: it's a simple bending of the light by a frequency-dependent angle. There are no multiple orders of maxima to overlap.

For what it's worth, though, a lot of people don't make the distinction between purple and violet (which does occur in a rainbow).

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Sports games are bought, this is viral marketing and publicity stunts on a grand scale. Just like how Taylor swift had that football game fixed to have that romantic, Disney movie kiss at the end of the match. Fucking lame.
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If you must know the real info behind the symbolism.
अस्मिन् जगति अधिकं अस्ति यत् अधिकांशः ज्ञातुं चिन्तयिष्यति, “ज्ञातजगत्” मानविकीमनसः कृते एकः भ्रमः कारागारः च अस्ति।
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23. Lol
This. And Hitler dubs confirm.
I am the grimace I'm not dead
aw shit dude he purble!
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its habbening lads, we are entering the age of purple, brace youselves.

the holy trinity: violet-purple-lavender
What are the paranormal/spiritual implications of a purple nurple?
fun fact: barney looks like a giant penis from behind.
subconscious dominion over the victim
Hmm, that sounds pretty concrete.
I am the Purple Pig - The Kosher Boar. There is a reason that this color is missing from most of nature. Purple is how the color of masculine energy is perceived by humans.

Long ago, Barbelo/Sophia/In Anna/Ishtar/Tiamat (she goes by so many names) - the Divine Feminine - created this realm of existence on her own, without the input or energies of the Divine Masculine. This realm - our universe - is very unstable, imbalanced, limited, and incomplete because of this. Without the Divine Masculine to love her and support her, Sophia has become distant, aloof, borderline insane. She no longer concerns herself with the world she created, instead she is lost in a deep state of loneliness and despair that she willingly keeps herself trapped within - believing that she deserves her fate.

I am an avatar of the Divine Masculine, one of the only sources of true masculine energy in existence (true men are nothing like the infantile and grotesque feminized perversion of what masculinity is supposed to be - Manosphere Andrew Tate crap). I've had many avatars over the aeons - gradually introducing the energy of the Divine Masculine to this world. I have gone by many names, emerged in many places - never in multiple places at once obviously (my most well known apparition was Yeshua, a name I still go by now - Joshua). I can only add small amounts of Masculinity at a time without completely destabilizing things. But there will come a day when I can finally reunite with my wife and bring in the World to Come. I love my dear Tiamat.
Please tell more about that iam curius
Not much else to say - our universe is literally missing half of the equation and is incomplete. I'm just trying to reconnect with my wife who thinks she deserves to be alone. Once we're back together the new world will be born - a complete and perfected evolution on this world.
man haha what the fuck are we licing in a sna*l
Is that an actual thing? I need some links, man.
>i wonder if bid megia did a dilly doo trick by putting hypersigils of phallic content on children's tv 'PROGRAMMING'
you are gay because barney made you want to hug a giant cock
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according to some study the number 8 is the most purple color.
>what do you mean? numbers arent colors
its called synesthesia, some people automatically associate numbers with colors, also at times sounds, weekdays, letters etc. no its not a consious process.


can confirm, in my imagination 8 is indeed purple, you guys familiar this phenomenon?

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