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Are humans innately evil ? Are we the spawn of the devil

Just look at our media and games it's mostly violence and killing other people. Is that what we like ? Killing and pillaging as we please is that who we are deep down
No, we aren't all evil.
Tired of hearing this doomer bullshit. Some people do good, some do bad... Its complicated. Are YOU evil OP? and if the answer to that question is yes then spare us no more and just kill yourself please.

if not---then boom there's your answer: Humanity is capable of good. or atleast one of us.
If I was born in the right place and the right time, I'm sure I could be either Gandhi or Hitler
It's like the great stories, Mr. Frodo, the ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad has happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing this shadow, even darkness must pass. A new day will come, and when the sun shines, it'll shine out the clearer. I know now folks in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding on to something. That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for.”
-“But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer
Inherently we are. But fighting against that by created a society based on the opposite is what truly makes us human.

Death was an everyday occurrence for people over a 100 years ago etc. They would be completely desensitized & lacking in the enormous amount of empathy that we display today in our modern society. Imagine a world where 50% of children died in childhood? And of the 50% that survived 50 years old was the average age of death.
No, humans are innately good. The proof of this is how we fuck ourselves up intentionally or subconsciously whenever we're harboring evil intent, in an attempt to stop ourselves. Human evil is the result of trillions of years of unresolved trauma and brainwashing, plus misguided attempts to survive on the lower dynamics (self, partner/kids, groups) at the expense of the higher dynamics (humanity, biological life, physical world, spirits, infinity)
every living organism requires such a capacity for defending itself and securing resources, often through violent competition

at the same time, we have the capacity for transcending that paradigm, but it has not been realized at scale as of yet
Is it evil to do something you are born for and instinctively pushed to?

We are all violent. Some hold that urge more than others but there's a breaking point for everyone in which violence becomes indiscriminant violence.
Have u ever done something evil
Yes, humanity is pure, dense evil.
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no, life is constan struggle, its better for the good guys to be proficient in violence, in the end someones gonna dominate, better make sure its us over some brutes. there is no neutral stance in this world, neutrality is surrender. only the strong can afford to be merciful.
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oy vey, without the chosen ones 95% of all problems would disappear overnight. go write the book about the 'human condition' and how we are all incomplete complex beings that are essentially terrible conincidential arrangement of particles unable to do anything right to distract from the actual cause of the issue.
Even evil people sometimes got reasons to be evil
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Yes, but more precisely, we're all the spawn of other men.
OP. We're human. Fighting is what we do best as a species. Either hunting shit down or engaging in worldwide conflict, we're good at it. That is how we were created. That is what pushes us forward to do better. For every atrocity, there is a blessing. You just fixate on the bad, because yes..the bad is often more interesting and thought provoking. But again, we're human. And most humans see terrible things and think "Well I hope I never have to do that." Which is what counts. We don't WANT to do it. But yes, in the right situation virtually 99% of us will.
>but teh druggie dindu he dindu nuffin
Cringe >>>/out/
I was born extremely psychic and completely pure of heart but became corrupted through constant trauma. Speak for yourself, doomer dork.
Congratulations anon. You experienced life.
I'm a narcissistic dark triad psychopath who doesn't feel empathy and loves evil, but I wasn't born this way, I only became like this because of how I was mistreated, so if I'm a representative sample, we aren't inherently evil, but we live in an evil world.
Thanks Orion, couldn't have done it without your help!
I had this weird idea in my head for a while, don't think its original but here it goes.

I think we are in hell, maybe limbo, but its got to be ether of those two. Think of it as the we live inside of a simulation but instead, we're in hell, just don't know it. Maybe we are here with other shitty people and its our decicion if we want to become better this time. Where the devil is tired of the usual torture and suffering, and instead, makes us suffer how we might usually do in the world of the living.

Like I said, its weird but maybe its some food for though.
Pretty naive to assume this life is anything like the world of the living. But yes, you're right. Life is an infinite loop of reincarnation until you find a way to escape, usually by not participating in the evil acts that tie you here. That is just a description of hell for the vast majority of people. Certainly any humans.
You are 15.

Glad I could help! Don't kill yourself.
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I appreciate it, it would have been worse to have retained it and been the only one in my life like that; I'll be able to reclaim it when the time is right, I just know. Haha that doesn't work for me, I've tried (4 times) and found it only makes me dumber; I'd rather play Minecraft at this point anyways, if you know what I'm saying.
You are a fucking jew
Yes all humans and animals are born evil, and I dont care what Confucian philosophers have to say on the matter. The only reason you arent murdering, raping and cannibalizing is due to years of peer pressure by both Law and religion
This. Life just is.
Remember, it's survival of the fittest, not fattest.
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Hey man, what is better: to be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? I think that we as humans live within a world of grey, and if you asked any horny middle age woman in the 20teens they would tell you that there are at least 50 shades of the damn color. From the whitest grey to the darkest, we exist within that spectrum, capable of the most heinous crimes and heroic deeds. I think we have a penchant for greed, and from there stems a lot of problems, but straight evil? Not everyone, and honestly not even most. I know some truly spectacular humans who are beacons of light in this world. I know that i may not have been born good, i have always had terrible thoughts and i have done some horrific things, i hated the man i was and i wished to change. Now, many years later, i am better than i was. I try to help where i can, i try to be as kind as i can, i try to be as optimistic as i can. Am i good? No i dont think so, but i am much better than i was. Every day the darkness fades a little more.
The only evil is being weak. STRONG men would meant to conquer and enslave the weak men... read Nietzschee. All else is a corruption of the universe. Should a planet conquer a star, no why should it. Then why should a weak man take over a GREAT man.

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