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What do you believe in? What do you practice?
i lost six years of my life to darkness.
through a miracle, i was given back my life. the life i wished i could go back to.

ever since then i believe in being grateful, being good even when no one is watching.

striving to be better everyday, but never allowing ego to take over.

Praise the Lord.
I'm trying to find something to believe in. A lot of this shit seems cool but the more I delve into a specific ideology the more it seems manipulative and fake.
I believe in Anarchy and I practice mystical anarchism.
yet you currently live in society and follow rules of society, how odd!
You don't know he lives in a society.
He could be living in a van raping people in a desert right now for all you know.
he has an internet connection therefore he pays into the system and taxes and believes in societal contracts, he also pays for his electrical bills and water bills.

>he has an internet connection therefore he pays into the system and taxes and believes in societal contracts, he also pays for his electrical bills and water bills.
He could've stolen solar panels or a generator to get the power, same with the internet connection.
He could be washing his doo doo feces off his butt in a river right now rather than pay for a shower.
ah, I see, average Indian spiritualist.
I believe this is a data mining glowie thread
I believe you need to take your meds
How can the meds be real if my mouth isn't real?
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This is what I know for a fact: The Gods exist, they heard my prayers and answered them, without a shadow of a doubt. I called out to Her, and She listened.

The Goddess, Pallas Athena, Daughter of Zeus, Grey-Eyed Maid of Wisdom and War.
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Kindness. I believe that most people do not get enough kindness in their lives and in turn it creates a more negative world.
I also believe that after life is a real, self created reality, either consciously or unconsciously created at the time of material death. Therefore i practice mediation, awareness, and lucid dreaming. If i can control the little death, i may be able to control what happens to me during the big one.
Armanism. Glory to the hidden path as shown to me by the All-Father.
I believe in the supreme spirit. I worship that spirit through all my spiritual practices such as prayer and meditation.
>What do you believe in? What do you practice?
Fucking around and finding out.
the mystery of the triple-faced god, who is the sky, the earth, and the sea. he is the sun, lightning, and fire. he is the temple, the priest, and the libation-drinker. he is three but one. (not some wicca shit)
>What do you believe in?
I believe there is only one being in all creation, and that being is playing the part of each and every one of us, without any of us truly knowing who we are. That's the point - a source of infinite possibilities within each of us. We're all physical experiences for Creator. We balance out the duality of Spirituality and Physicality. There has to be at least two sides to everything, right? We are infinite, IMO
I believe that I am no more my thoughts and emotions than I am what I smell, taste, hear, see, and feel. I believe that most people are unlucky enough to never realise this, so I practice compassion.

I'm getting ready to leave the Realms and Earth in 50-60 years after this flesh passes away. Religion in a failed Totality is unfeasible.

It is hogwash that Jupiter Helel Zeus spearheaded a feeble attempt to just cut to the chase and force his ambition of forming Christendom as a Mystery Religion during the Councils that coalesced Depraved Pagan Greco-Romans, Degenerate Gnostics, and Corrupted Doctors of the Church.

The Facade was necessary to create the illusion of power. Sadly it worked due to the peasantry being deprived access to the actual Bible until Lutheranism changed everything forcing the Vatican to accept the Freemasons (remnants of the Enlightened Artisans and Scientists, Occultist Nobles, Catharr Gnostics, and Templars) to use the Freemason and Secret Societies to control the peasants so that they'd not discover the farce that is the Gnosis contained in the New Testament.

Because they've already allowed Occult and New Age elements into all traditional religions all over the world, their goal is already set in motion. Meanwhile, the SEVENTY YEARS of Tribulation begins next year.

As far as the copious amounts of Sefirot, Chakra, and Kundalini materials...Divine Spark is just an alluring equivalent of such concepts and notions...Archangels, Angels, and Human Souls have a different threshold to their limitations when they incarnate.

Most incarnates plateau and their levels of power vary.

I would never support any kind of raw or foundational Gnosis because it was developed for a specific purpose. If Gnoisis, spearheaded by Jupiter Zeus, and others (Powers of the Heavens) showed signs of being a help rather than a detriment, then I'd support it.

I find it stupid to support Gnosis when it is glaringly obvious that the Hierarchies have thrashed billions of years of evolution on the planet to monetize systems to heal it when it is too late for a positive change.

Grand Tribunal will see to it that none of you Gnostic fools ascend to Ophanim.
I don’t know anymore. I gave up Christianity after doing EMDR therapy. Essentially I was groomed, molested, raped; and it was all covered up by the church I attended. That’s bedside the point however. I dabble in paganism and meditate through active imagination. I don’t pray but do believe in something up there. However, I also believe in things like spirits, demons, angels, etc. While also believing in ayylm(f)aos. There’s a lot of weird shit out there, not all of it disproven but not all of it confirmed either.
everything that matters
it could be a form of animism
i was told of it by her
i drank from the fountain and have found purpose and calling
we will all be together as we once were
in paradise reclaimed
>Chakra, and Kundalini
Reminds me of that guy that wanted to shove stuff up his ass to awaken the Kundalini or chakra.
Whenever I see those 2 words I think about that guy and his spiritual teachings.
It eventually escalated to animals and I think he got perma banned for showing a pic of a rodent sticking out of his ass, like he shoved it in head first.
Given a chance, a liar Will eat your soul for christ, the jew demon
Nothing and nothing, unless you consider agnosticism some sort of religion or some sort of belief
Soft agnosticism is an admission of simply not knowing.
Hard agnosticism is a belief that the topic is incapable of being known.
I lean more towards soft agnosticism, didn't know that was a thing but to say that something is incapable of being known is kind of arrogant, not because that couldn't be true, but because some things need time to be known, although there are some mysteries that most likely won't ever be known at all.
Like any agnostic, I NEED PROOF
>to say that something is incapable of being known is kind of arrogant
Opposite. It is a humble admission that some things will simply never be known. We will never eventually figure it out. No matter how hard we work at it or how long we think about it.
What is arrogant is to imagine there is nothing that cannot be known. That we have the capability to know EVERYTHING.
I think we both made valid points and i agree with your explanation of what you have posted.
I guess i would lean either way but lean more towards soft agnosticism.
Are there some things that we can not understand? Yes, because we are limited by our human understanding of things, but for the things that can be understood, we need time to understand them, some things may never be understood, it is like the different waves of light that we can't see with the naked eye, it is there, but for whatever reason we simply can't see it, let alone be able to one day be able to understand them.
>it is like the different waves of light that we can't see with the naked eye
But we DO know about these, and understand them rather well.
I would offer the analogy of infinites.
If our ability to know is infinite, then it is first order infinite, aleph null.
The totality of existence, heck just this universe, has infinite things to know for every single point in our infinite ability to understand.
Reality is aleph one or two or three.
Or like how the chart of the equation x^2 is geometric and goes to infinite, but the chart of the graph x^x curves upward much sharper, and arrives at infinite "sooner".

Philosophically, consider the question "Have we discovered the ultimate reality?" There is no way to ever know this. We can know as far as our senses allow, and as far as what we can build will reveal, but how can we know our senses are revealing everything? How can we KNOW, beyond any questioning, that there is not some unknown reality above or below or outside or inside or however you want to describe it's otherness?
We can ALWAYS question if there is more, and in that way one could declare the question of ultimate reality to be hard agnostic.
>We will never eventually figure it out. No matter how hard we work at it or how long we think about it.
Isn't that also a defeatist thing? What good is a thought like that? It won't stop a true heart from researching or spending time at the frontier of knowledge. They won't know everything, but they can contribute to the collective knowledge available to all people. You don't need knowledge of all things concentrated in a place and time to break a status quo or invent something. I also don't feel it has much to do with being humble to acknowledge that. Every student of an art knows the depth of their field and needs to make peace with that and introduce focus in their expertise and be selective with what they study.
>What is arrogant is to imagine there is nothing that cannot be known.
Not really? From the imagination stems the action. To imagine that something intangible can be known is to keep the will and hope alive. It's a first step to true understanding of an unknown.
>That we have the capability to know EVERYTHING.
Has nothing to do with the above. You can imagine that given enough time and focus all things can become known, while acknowledging that you alone or a group of people don't have the capability to know everything. That's a very elementary deduction from the finiteness of your time and cognitive limits.
>Isn't that also a defeatist thing?
No. What you suggest is a Sunk Cost Fallacy.
>What good is a thought like that?
It saves wasted time trying to the impossible. Again, consider the example of trying to find or claim an ultimate reality. There is no endpoint, no final answer to that question. Asking it is a waste of time. Arguing - which is what people do over such a question - is a waste of time.
What is NOT a waste is looking and observing where we can, and knowing what we can.
Agnosticism is a way to see what things are worth pursuing.
> researching or spending time at the frontier of knowledge.
But it WILL stop them from beating themselves to death against an unanswerable question.
>Not really?
Yes really. You say imagination stems action, but imagination is highly dependent on the past and so very very limited.
You confuse the desire to know more with the belief that we can know everything.
>You can imagine that given enough time and focus all things can become known
And you are wrong.
I never said one person can know everything. I said we, I said it is arrogant to think that even the whole of humanity and sentience can know EVERYTHING.
>That's a very elementary deduction
But it is one you explicitly deny at the beginning of your sentence.
If you acknowledge that all things cant be known by a group, then what group eventually knows all things given enough time and research?
>No. What you suggest is a Sunk Cost Fallacy.
How? Sunk cost fallacy is investing further into a course or road that is costing you more than you get out of it. So long as curiosity leads to a satisfying quality of life or it brings a good living or inner satisfaction to truly understand and master areas in life, I don't see why you would bring this up here.
>It saves wasted time trying to the impossible.
No it does not? Every single major advancement was us looking at what we imagined to be "impossible" and figuring/manifesting a way to do it.
>There is no endpoint, no final answer to that question.
This is your imagination. You can't project that onto other people because it's none of your business. It's a philosophy, not a rule of life.
>Arguing - which is what people do over such a question - is a waste of time.
Yes, but not because it's an unimportant question or because of the reasons you've stated. The answer to that question requires stepping stones in understanding the rules of reality before the real question can even be formulated and an answer be found, because we are limited in our perception by the very imagination. You cannot introduce semiconductor fabrication techniques to someone who has no grasp of electricity. In practice people rarely busy themselves with the question of ultimate reality, because there's no point. The scope is too big to fit into one research question.
>Agnosticism is a way to see what things are worth pursuing.
Agnosticism is a good mindset to deal with higher deities. They have the capacity to manifest in this time and space clearly and without doubt. People should expect that more. Agnosticism is more a mindset or stance in life where higher beings should show their merit.
> I said it is arrogant
please re-read what I said. Given time and focus all things can become known implies there is a scope (limit). Your claim is extravagant: you can't extrapolate what 10000 minds into the future can conjure.
>If you acknowledge that all things cant be known by a group, then what group eventually knows all things given enough time and research?
People are selective in what they need and select from the problems in their environment and the knowledge at hand the best areas to investigate. What I'm trying to argue is that from the selection of all knowledge, you are not blocked from selecting anything in particular, but the number of selections is definitely finite. Bringing an obscured bit of knowledge into reality can be a very arduous and long process, sometimes even taking multiple lifetimes (see e.g. problems in abstract mathematics).
Just because something seems unsolvable by 20 minds in 1234 BC doesn't stop some bright mind from ignoring the "woah impossibru" attitude and breaking the mould, even if that takes 7 lifetimes.
>Sunk cost fallacy is investing further into a course or road that is costing you more than you get out of it.
And attempting to find answers to thinks that are inherently unanswerable is exactly this.
>So long as curiosity leads to a satisfying quality of life or it brings a good living or inner satisfaction to truly understand and master areas in life, I don't see why you would bring this up here.
As I said You confuse the desire to know more with the belief that we can know everything.
>Every single major advancement was us looking at what we imagined to be "impossible"
No it wasnt. flight was very much obviously possible. As was going to the moon. You again confuse HARD with impossible. The fact that people exaggerate hard into impossible is irrelevant. That is why hard agnosticism is useful - it can discriminate between hard and impossible.
>This is your imagination. You can't project that onto other people because it's none of your business. It's a philosophy, not a rule of life.
This is an admission that there is no answer, only speculation and personal fantasy.
And I agree. Which is why it is useless to argue over it, and yet think of all the hours that people do argue over this.
Hell, people have lost their lives over this.
>because we are limited in our perception by the very imagination
We are limited, and we always will be. Thus, there are things that will always be out of our reach.
It is irrational belief to think the limited at some point in the future becomes unlimited. You cannot add your way to infinity.
>You cannot introduce semiconductor fabrication techniques to someone who has no grasp of electricity.
Again you confuse hard with impossible. If you look into agnosticism, you would be better at determining which is which.

>you can't extrapolate what 10000 minds into the future can conjure
I can know that no matter how much greater than what we have now, there will be limits, and it will not know everything.
What is arrogant is to claim that just by time, the limited becomes unlimited. That at some point - with no reason and no precedence - we will lose our limitations.
>What I'm trying to argue is that from the selection of all knowledge, you are not blocked from selecting anything in particular, but the number of selections is definitely finite.
And my point is you can collate every selection possible and it will not be everything.
For every selection, there are infinite unchosen selections. Look up the infinite hotel.
You dont seem to understand the orders of magnitude difference. And that even assuming we have some infinite ability in infinite time, which we dont.
Just because we can increase does not mean we will ever get to all knowing.
I'm a maltheist.
nothing lol this shits stupid
Then why are you here?
fallen deep into the alawiteanon rabbit hole and now i cant stop

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