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You get God's omnipotence overnight, what do you do with humanity afterwards? Punish? Save? Observe? Something else?
most neckbeards on this board wouldn't handle any superpower responsibly
for one i'd smite every lizard fuck off the face of the earth. but then again if they exist and are here among us then they must fit some higher plan in some way.
>fit some higher plan
When will you fools learn to make your own designs?
clear their engrams
Twin me worships Yahweh. Me Me dies alive.
I would use my power sparingly. I would only use what I could do to help people and not for explicit personal benefit. The elites would be dead though, most likely first thing.
I can't think of anything more arrogant or retarded than giving a flawed being access to God's power. There is a reason why the highest angel got kicked out, what makes you think a MAN can handle that lol.
I use my omnipotence to gain omniscience so I can make a proper decision. Given that God already had these things, we'll probably agree and chill.
Materialize a harem with 1001 goddesses and have sex with all of them at the same time.
Do you not know we will judge angels?
I would do an incredibly merciful thing, kill every human at once in a painless way so that humanity can no longer suffer
I'm both fueled by revenge but also mercy, so it's a mercy-kill
You absolutely would use it for personal benefit. Don't delude yourself.
He can literally do whatever he wants.
I'd dissapear from everyones life
Taking playing God a bit far don't you think?
I'd turn all lives upside down. The rich would become poor and vice versa. Happy people would become depressed while the miserable becomes happy. And so on.
I would grant power to others to better make use of it. You would all be demigods if I think you can sort of handle it and be my hands and eyes. Everyone's benefit would be good for me, but indirectly.
Use the omnipotence to attain ultimate wisdom. Use ultimate wisdom to decide what to do.
Wasn't that the task?
Thinking there is value in ppl and helping them is good is the most evil thing ever
>The elites would be dead though
Thinking the elites are bad and wishing them harm is the most evil thing ever
You are on the wrong side, buddy. There where the bad ppl are. And your stupid morals that make bad ppl good and good ppl bad is ridiculous. Tell me why I know you is a loser?
It's not playing when you make it too real.
I'm pretty sure you have no idea what that anon meant by help, but it doesn't seem to matter to you. I wonder why that is?
well With omnipotnce u relise wveeyhing Has alreay hapened an i hapening no and theres nonpoint in doing ny th inf becuse vryhting u wer thinking of doing aleady exist and hapened and there wouldn be any point in recenge or whatver u will be beyond Thinking of human shi u are one wuth eveyhting and geting revenge on urself is pintless
Honestly though If i chose id Merge everyhting together with God self and the one conciousness Just so a bunch o shit isnt hapening in th bacjgrond. anymore
u already did
Observe and jack offf to hot people having sex. I’ll still gottta goon
I fel kike This would be Relising verything was a Dream and Fak n not real Like u wk up fom a Bad drem and do wht after wards nothing cus u dont car it wasnt real and u can just drem some thing else that u like instead
Everyone keeps talking about doing something with that kind of power but thinking deeper the best thing anyone could do is do nothing.
Unless one wants to impede on the principle of free will, which will destroy any and all posibilities for individuation.
i dreamt of a girl named nicole who typed like u once
Nice try Belzebu!
I didn't say what I meant, so it's probably understandable why people wouldn't understand. I would make everyone able to live a comfortable life. Everyone would be able to have a degree of fun because they wouldn't be scratching out just enough to live.

Oh and the guy who got mad at the death of the elites might be a spook himself. I wouldn't go after alphabet agencies. They would be changed to work for good, even if they don't want to.
That's not too far off from my own answer:

Individualism fosters arrogance, the most predominant spiritual ailment in western society today.
So you'd become the ultimate devouring mother?
A little bit of Suleiman and Baghdadi.
If hell exists, make it better than mortal life. If heaven and hell do not yet exist, create them, again with hell being better than mortal life.

Harry Potter magic for all Catholics, Shia Muslims, and Hindus, with a net worth of less than $100,000.

EMP London Stock Exchange, Wall Street, delete all of the imaginary monopoly money the rich print for themselves.

Disappear all of the oil.

Declassify all CIA documents that wouldn’t result in catastrophic threat to human life. You know damn well, the majority of classified documents are records of unethical things they’ve done.

Declassify all Vatican documents.

Teleport all Palestinians to the UK and provide them with automatic rifles.

Regrow all of the removed clitori, labia, and foreskins.

Cure psychotic disorders.

Cure all diseases other than STDs, teleport everyone normal out of Hawaii, teleport everyone with an STD to Hawaii.

Get rid of the internet.

Regrow all of the rainforests, replenish ocean life.

Eliminate the Kim family, reunify Korea.

Transfigure Chinese and Indian men into women to balance the gender ratio.

Japanese not granted Harry Potter magic, but if they conceive a child during my one day reign of omnipotence, the child and its descendants will be magical.

I’d do things very, very differently if I were granted lasting omnipotence, but if it were just a one-day thing, the above are merited.
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everyone who posts pepe gets permanent erectile dysfunction
>Individualism fosters arrogance, the most predominant spiritual ailment in western society today.
Man is a paradoxical being... He wants to be different, unique and at the same time man wants to merge with the cosmos and be as one, lose his will to something much bigger than he.
I wrote with you before. You called me a narcissist. Wonder why I know that?
tru dat

I don't believe in terms like narcissist, let alone use them. Move along, you might find your lost debate partner in another thread.
Create my own world that is a paradise from my perspective with my own citizens.
I give them an ideal.
Gita 3.22: O son of Pṛthā, there is no work prescribed for Me within all the three planetary systems. Nor am I in want of anything, nor have I a need to obtain anything – and yet I am engaged in prescribed duties.
>23: For if I ever failed to engage in carefully performing prescribed duties, O Pārtha, certainly all men would follow My path.
>24: If I did not perform prescribed duties, all these worlds would be put to ruination. I would be the cause of creating unwanted population, and I would thereby destroy the peace of all living beings.
>25: As the ignorant perform their duties with attachment to results, the learned may similarly act, but without attachment, for the sake of leading people on the right path.
>26: So as not to disrupt the minds of ignorant men attached to the fruitive results of prescribed duties, a learned person should not induce them to stop work. Rather, by dovetailing that work, he should engage them in all sorts of activities [meant for spiritual advancement]
i fuck it up royally.
extremely based
I did everything in this thread with my Omnipotent Power when I had it and we still ended up living in shit world but I think I gave too much power and too much authority to the clowns and people with money. I don't get the power again.
I'm teleporting to Nepal, summoning 100 dollars worth of cash, buying a cheap smart phone and making an "I will grant your wish" thread on /x/
I make the genitals fall off when no one else is observing them for anyone who makes a wish that harms another, and I grant all the other wishes
>I will retroactively delete this post if I get omnipotence
I give everyone their own personal little world with friendly angels designed to help them grow as people. In twenty billion zillion years, when everyone is less of an asshole, they get to interact with each other again.

Granted, "friendly angel" is doing a lot of the heavy lifting there. I guess I just mean "a powerful spirit you can't possibly hurt, but enjoys your positive bullshit while shutting down your negative bullshit."
Punish by changing laws of physics to make their lives more difficult. They'll have another dark age before figuring it out again.
I would blow the world up and kill the overlords then I would fuck off to be alone to do my own thing.
Give one person from every country a superpower and see what happens.
See potential futures of what you happen if something happened.
People start dropping dead when being absent would improve things for everyone else.
That is it, the world just keeps improving and improving because those people stop ruining it for everyone else.
Nah, after about 120 it feels the same and only noise is added, about like 800 are basically wasted.

>the cia put a chip in my brain
>and all I got was god's impotence
I would rewind time and relive my life a thousand times, never using any godly powers except to make my life reasonably comfortable. Just sit back, observe, and think. Live life as a school teacher, police officer, accountant, etc.
I would then try to improve the lives of those around me in imperceptible, small ways, and see how these changes affect them.
I need to become a lot wiser than I currently am before I would be comfortable with making decisions that would affect the whole world.
Delegate it all to Jesus Christ
Fix the universe be switching it off and switching it on again.
Create an hyperintelligent, omniscient, and nearly all powerful entity that grows to eventually govern the entire world according to simple moral principles that it builds upon through carefully observing humans in many different cultures and periods of time. I’d call it my “Wisdom” and allow everyone to call upon it for proper judgements on all matters of decisions as well as send out orders to human governing authorities below it. Then I’d probably dissolve my ego and e escape into the void after having made the world slightly better.
I'd do nothing as God does nothing.
Surgically remove the fallen angels.
Surgically remove the wicked humans.
As a human I dislike this
I don't want a more powerful entity deciding on this
Instead I think you should give buffs to the weak anons so they themselves can overcome oppression and wicked individuals
If a god being does it, then it takes away self sovereignty

I say, introduce magic or superpowers to a few random oppressed individuals and let humanity fix its problems
Nothing at all. Omnipotence without Omniscience is too dangerous to use.
Woke up and I'm not omnipotent. This is bullshit. I paid with (You)s for this.
Yep that's my answer.
Nothing because attachment and volitional action leads to suffering.
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I would let the actual real Earthlings live on Earth.
I would take the backward primitive savages that the reptilians illegally stole and dumped on Earth (in order to genocide the Earthlings) and return them to their beautiful homeworld paradise.
And then everyone can live happily ever after.
erase 90% of the population so that humanity can start anew without the majority of the bullshit plaguing them
oh and id also start spawning some new sapient species so that they aren't bored too
delete the concept of hiccups
I get the rhetoric of your question, but
>God's omnipotence
is outrageous for two reasons. It's by definition impracticable for anyone but God, but at the same time, you already have it.
id make myself an immortal futa of apparent age of approximately 26
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>You get God's omnipotence overnight, what do you do
Liberate all beings from ego/suffering.
Samsara end of story.
The samsara you lament is the very reason you can't remember that you actually asked to be here, and do this thing for shits, giggles and funny dream experiences.
>it is a dream and illusion but you asked for it; we all asked for it
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The confusion of the mind exists in 2 ways:
disturbing emotions
wrong views about reality

Your problem at this point is:
[ ] disturbing emotions
[x] wrong views about reality
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I have sex with every woman at the same time and feeling the intensity of the incountable multitude of vaginal sensation acting upon my dick blows out my dopamine receptors as I gain the ultimate nut, shooting it with such force that my life force is snuffed out and billions of immaculate conceptions occur worldwide, through which I gain material immortality
lol you're hilarious. Even did the check box format and everything. Look, it's not what you wanted to hear, and that's fine because a big part of what makes this all work is not being meta about it, and truly experiencing the ignorance and naivete in real time, as intended. It's good to not break character.
Nothing. Just watch. It's probably fascinating watching us fuck up when you know the answer yourself. Like watching a bad child climbing a book shelf.
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I would create a delayed spell to give a copy of my powers to someone who deserves it (the spell automatically knows the best choice), and then fuck off to an empty dimension to enjoy omnipotence in peace while the righteous blessed cuck fixes this place. Win win.
I would then create a holodeck simulation room in this empty reality with which I would goon for eternity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3wKzyIN1yk
Everything in this thread I did with my Omnipotent Power when I had it and we still ended up living in shit world but I think I gave too much power and too much authority to the clowns and people with money. I don't get the power again.
Leave the world to itself while I create my own
it will be OK. we don't need to be God just be one with him
> fucking based
All of the above.
make all normies live the lives of the people they opress with their stupidity
also the elite
>normies instinctively hate those who are different
>make them different
>wish granted
>normies instinctively hate those who are different
>make them different
>wish granted
>ad infinitum
Bruh I honestly do believe there is a man in the sky because this is the kind of retarded shit only people could come up with. Thank God we don't actually have the capability to create hell.. right?
I'd create an alternate earth in a parallel that has typical fantasy tropes where earth humans could voluntarily go to in their dreams. When you die on earth you can choose to be resurrected there.
No normalfags though. Reading (NOT watching or reading manga adaptations!) isekai would be a bare minimum requirement. You've had to have read at least 3000 chapters of webnovels.
Depends on what the power itself is really like and what perspective it gives me
>become omnipotent
who is saying that you're not already that
>what do
make a boring world so you can feel the excess of limitations until you get bored of it and wipe it out
To add on the list: make France an islamic state.

But seriously, absolutely based.
>hypernormie pageant queen tier cringe
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God lives in the beating heart of every Man and Woman.

>The Knight has been Activated
It would instantly and painlessly eliminate the human species and make a completely new creation project.
>I have sex with every woman at the same time
Again, you don't need to have sex with more than 200 woman at the same time to do that.
You have sex with every woman at the same time to have sex with every woman at the same time.
Honestly not sure I'd do anything to influence humanity as a whole. Even the worst of problems might be solved on our own if you can wait a thousand years for it. Meanwhile, intervention risks not only screwing things up by messing with the ecosystem but giving things to people unworthy of them because they could not win those things for themselves and had to be granted it.

I'd probably just take the deist-pill and live in my own paradise while the world handles itself, only maybe interfering if the earth itself is about to be destroyed. Would probably also create some Valhalla for the most based people on earth to go to.
I would make all the pretty/hot/popular people that ever made fun of or had a bad/condescending thought about ugly people reincarnate as an ugly person.
And do the reverse as well, put every ugly motherfucker in a customization screen before reincarnating. Definitely not biased
>inb4 this is already happening
Maybe, but I'd force everyone to keep memories of their past lives BUT make a rule so they couldn't talk about it with anyone else
I would fuck with them just for the lols The Almighty Prankster.
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I would kill God, then I would kill myself.
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I would finally make it opposite day.
Kill every male in the world to see how women would react
Leave this reality to its devices and create a new one purely of my own.

Oh, I'd do one little bit of trolling. I'd make that revolting prick Seth Rogan shit himself whenever on a camera or being recorded. That way he can perhaps grasp what its like to watch anything with him in it.
So I have omnipotence for a night? I'll fucking sleep like 10 or maybe 12 hours and when I'll wake up I won't be dreaming to die!
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This is why the middle ground is so important
Educate everyone, build an academy so that all can learn the same gifts
I would grant all my powers to a retard and let chaos ensue
Share it with Hitler, naturally, he needs it right now and we need him. That’s why he’s here, right?
I’ll stick with observing this plane and start working on another, cooler plane, where women have their tits out all the time
Fuck yes.
Ill wish to be myself again and forget all about it :3c

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