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Dick Van Dyke died in his sleep in 2015, Ron Jeremy died of a heart attack on an airplane in 2018. Why can't we have meaningful celebrities like David Bowie or David Carradine back?
ron jeremy is currently on trial for sexual assault, what are you talking about?
op has obviously come from a different time line and he/she/it/they/them/tr00n was somehow brought into ours.
>source I made this up
dust in the wind now says
>all they are is dust in the wind
rather than
>all we are is dust in the wind

also in titanic it was
>never let go jack, never let go
now it's
>i'll never let go jack

the next words in dust in the wind are
>same old song
as if aliens are trying to mock us as they change the words

same with Star Wars
>No I am your father
The very next words are
>That's impossible!
As if to mock those who don't see such a change in
as metaphyiscally possible

Also the change in Star Wars is as if to place the ayy changing the words into the figure of a Father of man
Are you thinking of Dick Clark?
No, Dick Van Dyke 100%. Every news organization had a segment, TV Land ran a Dick Van Dyke show marathon and CBS ran a Diagnosis Murder marathon for a weekend.
these types of mandelas make me think time line shifts are real and something is fucking with us
My personal opinion on it is that someone is time traveling to change something and it's making small ancillary changes. Something akin to the quantum death theory, like in order to cope with the changes the respective timeline throws up "errors" and it autocorrects to a timeline with these changes.
that makes sense, like a error happens and the time lines glitch out. maybe every time is inter-dimensional beings exist, the traveling to and from other dimensions and interactions are causing this too
>No I am your father
I remember it being that the first time I saw it, but I saw a post Lucas edited version.
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I noticed this yesterday, anything off about picrel?
New people flood this timeline from the other closed timelines because they don't know they are dead.
based i believe you and only you. everyone else is wrong.
>t. every poster
>CBS ran a Diagnosis Murder marathon
I doubt they'd do that even when he dies for real. MeTV probably would though.
I thought about it more and didn't correct it. It was Halmark that ran the marathon.
This is just the current one everyone here happens to inhabit. Eventually we'll all quantum die and move to another. It's how the theory works.
It never ends and we can die a billion times but our lives are lived only once and that is the life we are given to live forever. YOLO is the echo of time.
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Because Satan knows they mean something to people like you.
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>David Carradine

Fucking LOL. RIP, but god damn the way he died was funny.
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Yes.... good.... join me....

Fuck Satan and his hosts.
Reminder that this method of death is carried out by Mossad for those who fly too close to the Sun
Nigga was jerking off while strangling himself. Not everything is Jews. I'm so fucking sick of this shit.
>t. Jew
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Ok Abdul.
shalom moshe.
That's a whole lot of anger coming out of one little Jew. Sad.
أكل ديك
sucks the holohoax wasn't real. wouldn't have to deal with kikes like you.
Post dusty flip flops.
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post hook nose.
I...I don't believe in the holocaust either, anon. You can't kill more Jews than the total population of Jews in Europe.
hmmmmmm maybe this kike is alright.
Yes. Deport anyone who isn't American right the fuck now. I agree. Jews, Arabs, Mexicans, fuck it. Send them all back.

And if you'd stop pussyfooting and suggest glassing anything East of Greece, i'd also agree.
nah i only want to see isnotreal nuked. problems will only be solved that way.
See? I'm more extreme than you. Pussy. Whay are you covering for goatfuckers and Bugmen?
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not my problem. only issue I got is jEWs and how they are fagging up my country and bringing in immigrants.
>Please! Fellow white man! We must glass everyone that isn't Israel!
>jews fag shit up
>muslims kill people
>Jews worse

I'm including Israel, anon.
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jEWs attacked the USS Liberty and did 9/11 retard. not muslims. typical lying kike.
Look bro, I'm "Pro-America" to the point that I wish we'd irradiate the middle east to make drilling for oil easy and on our terms. I wish we'd make Europe remember how much they need us by repeating Dresden, so maybe they'd quit being pansy faggots and pull their weight. And we should own Canada. Mexico too.
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typical jEW ignoring the facts pissrael is our biggest enemy.
>the guts are completely untouched
>We should blow up Israel, problem solved

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you have been brainwashed by kike media sadly. many such cases amongst my fellow Americans. thanks for kike jEWish media.
You are just as bad as leftist trash I have the misfortune of speaking to. I pray you are just making a big elaborate joke.
awwww the jEW has been exposed and is sad now.
What is this gay theater? If you hate Jews then you should focus on dismantling their power structures and calling out their puppets(Trump and Biden being the most prominent right now). Talking about nuking the entire middle east is a pointless fantasy.
I'm literally agreeing with you, and going a step further.
>Mark Pedowitz
Is this a real name? Wtf lmao.
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dont care you lying seething jEW. the real holocaust is coming. lebanon is ready. ;)
I don't actually hate anyone in particular. I'm just showing that no matter what, people who are fully on the Jew-bad train are fuckin' broken.

That being said, if anyone did fuck the middle east into the dirt, not the hearts and minds bullshit, I mean send them all back to the stone age, we probably would be better off for it but that's fishing with dynamite and would have its own consequences.
Literally all we have to do is dip into our oil reserves and stop funding Isreal cold Turkey for a few years.
Once they have to fight their own battles they'll realize that manipulating the opposition to sabotage peace talks and place a villainous terrorist organization in power, which Netanyahu did with Hamas, is a bad fucking move.
I want to cut them off forever. And i'm being serious. I want to cut everyone off forever. We can do trade, that's fine. Shit, we can even sell weapons. But god dammit they need to pay full price, directly to American companies and not the government who subsidizes it for them.

Like...we have to let our "allies" get fucked up. It's the only way. Either they learn or they don't.
>dust in the wind now says
>>all they are is dust in the wind
>rather than
>>all we are is dust in the wind
They say both, dumbass.

Davy jones aka david bowie is a pedo of the highest order bruh
Plus let's not forget:
>"if you build it, they will come"
Is now
>"if you build it, he will come."

I still remember the news talking about Angela Lansbury's death in the late 90s. Well she's still with us.
Mandela effect fags are the most insufferable bunch on /x/

Dear Sirs, a very important classified video will be leaked before Full Alien Disclosure Occurs in the Months July 2024 Official Global Arrival Date please review attached Transcripts
I'm Formerly employee in MJ12 DEEPSTATE Government Best Regards Goodluck.


Aliens UFO DID 911 TRUTH
When 9/11 happened, news in Australia initially reported that the US was attacked by aliens. There used to be videos of metal orbs flying right through the buildings coming from above instead of directly towards., RESEARCH THE FLAT EARTH.
Sorry dude this timeline Ron Jeremy has been in prison for being Me Too’ed for rape
Mandela effect is cope for low IQ people with the memory of a goldfish
Not that anon, but have you ever actually met in real life a straight dude, or any dude really, that's into strangling themselves while masterbating?
Before you say 'No one would admit to that', remember that this is the age of the internet. You can join a giantess furry futa vore discord right now if you wanted to.
Whose trading auto erotic asphyxiation techniques? They don't even have their own sub reddit. EVERYTHING has a fucking sub reddit.

Do I'm inclined to agree. It's a humiliation ritual. You've never heard of a regular chum dying that way.
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Does Curious George have a tail?
Before you call me a retard and tell me he's a chimp, recall the song for the tv show: 'Curious George, the curious little monkey'

Here's another fun Mandela from 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High'
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I find this one more impressive.
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That you have to steal content from r/eddit is so lame.
Said the browser of r/MandelaEffect.
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Wrong, I surf r/Mandela_Effect, the version without all the drama.
And here you are apparently aware of multiple sites on reddit, and knowing their temperament.
even tho the kike jannies hate him
so much

also OP, who th are these people? I know who Bowie is because Greg Dulli covered one of his songs

never heard of the others
Hitler was a rothschild

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