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If reality is created by us, then ignoring what contradicts your worldview and only looking for evidence that supports it is the most intelligent thing you can do.
It's hilarious to see people who worry about the news and shit because they feel like they need to "informed". Kek. None of that shit happened until the moment you decided to pay attention to it.
Even in philosophy, the sophists were right. Knowledge is impossible. Jason jorjani talks about this, how Plato didn't believe anything he wrote, it was literally just to brainwash people into a productive mindset.
But if you're already poisoned by knowledge, all hope isn't lost. You just need to discard the ideas of "reality" and "truth" and start to use knowledge like a toolbox. I just felt compelled to post this because of how happy I am as a willfully ignorant tard. I have everything that I ever wanted and I only got it when I stopped trying to incessantly make my dreams a reality, and started to believe they already were
>I have everything that I ever wanted and I only got it when I stopped trying to incessantly make my dreams a reality, and started to believe they already were
praise neville
Most of the external information people present you with is specifically designed to guide or steer you towards some behavioral or ideological goal that benefits the presenter, often times just so they’d make money.

I’m not trying to change your mind I’m just letting you know that I’ve gone down a different life path than you and have come to basically the same conclusion. If anyone ever makes a declarative statement in your direction it’s ok to ask why, or how said narrative benefits them. Most of what people say to me can effectively be discarded. I basically only engage in banter and education at this point.

I don’t feel like I’m suffering, for what it’s worth.
I don't completely disagree - I absolutely believe this is the way you should structure your inner world and private life - but you'll also find this stops being true the moment your world view clashes with that of a violent stranger, employer, or authority figure. That's when the harshness of reality can be the most jarring, if not brutal.

Time and a place is all I'm saying.
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> the moment your world view clashes with that of a violent stranger, employer, or authority figure

My world view at this point is pretty much just that “this is probably real life” and “what is happening is probably actually happening”. I own guns.
It's this, everything has an agenda. But, there are some truths. Spiritual ones, and they are very zealously guarded.
Nah, when 'reality' comes up against your insane visions, thats when you really gotta triple down and become fully insane. The notion that anything otherwise can happen is the test.
I thought I was the only one who got rid of the armchair-scholar-enlightened-erudite. It is all a big ego larp.
Specially when you call yourself a "pagan" which is a label the christians created for those who don't follow Christ.
Too late. If you're infected by the "reality determines itself" meme there's no coming back from it.
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i dont know deets, i thin is marco and micro penis. thinking you want something makes something manifest in your reality, and if it needs to happen in marco sense, you need stronk will and excess karma points to spend, quantitatively.

the elite manipulate big marco reality by getting ignorant people to power their hyper sigils, be it media or whatever. and of course just the idea that people are worried and obssessed about money (which is also hyper sigil) gives them power to manipulate macro reality at greater lengths than normal psychics or normies.

mark passion can prolly cover it bedd than me so i lev it to my guru
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High iq thread
>poisoned by knowledge
how can i reverse this? after 10+ years of diligently studying the classics, the greats, "the truth", everything under the sun that "points the way", I'm more miserable than ever. the golden times of my life were in my 20s when I was a complete dumbass and just happily lived my life and pursued only my hobbies, not """knowledge"""
god rewards the most evil, abusive, lying people

he hates people who are good, truthful, kind
What have you learned?
>when did you realize ignorant retards had it right?
Probably...6 or 7 years ago.
How to reverse it? In some ways, you can't. I've had limited success in basically just trying to force it. It's not perfect but it's a step in the right direction. In essence: pretend that you are stupid and brutish. Do as you please.
that i know nothing. and that everything is mental. letting go is the way to bring it to you.

everything is like a cat. if you directly pursue it, it evades you. if you force it, it might even hurt (scratch) you. but if you sit back and chill, it will come and purr and sit in your lap."wanting without needing".

I'm an old fag, 38. this concept has been proven repeatedly with everything 10000x over, from my career, women, to my music (pianist since 7). if i chase the job, the girl, "needing" to play the music perfectly, it's a dumpster fire. if i give zero fucks and just show up as an ignorant retard, smiling like a dumbfuck, money is thrown at me, the girl goes ape shit to please me, and the song is performed by something other than me and I'm watching my hands play like they're someone elses

the more i "know", the more i think, the worse everything gets. some days i want to burn my entire bookshelf.
Yeah lol you can believe youre god all you want till you get bopped in the face
Thats just because you were young and you had more dopamine+seratonin
>pretend that you are stupid and brutish. Do as you please
I think this is basically operating from intuition. like i said above ^ when you shut off the "thinking" brain and just use the "doing" brain, you enter the flow state.
I have never met anyone as arrogant and wrong as me.
the solution is to escape this reality. no ayys are going to save us, those are all "copes" to keep new agers and "high vibe" people (wine sniffers/people enjoying smelling their own farts) trapped in this soul matrix
>mark passio
Kek, kmao even
I’ve been reading this thread realizing that doing what op and others suggest is what I’ve been striving for. Being involved in what I’m doing and essentially just tune everything else out. I do agree you have to step out of the bubble sometimes to ensure your connections to the shared primary reality are working well enough to keep you fed and employed. But, even then you can adopt a structured persona to interact with most of society so it doesn’t burden your soul too much. Almost glad to be autistic and figuring this out as I already got pretty good at making to work or socialize.

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