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This is for anons to discuss

>Qi Gong
>Nei Gong
>Nei Dan
The best way to get a thread going is to post some information yourself that others can respond to. Maybe a question or a personal anecdote.
>He doesn't know
I would like to add Qui Gong to my martial training, how would I go about this?
Do your martial arts training before Qi Gong
Qi gong/nei gong aren't a fan of big muscles, it depends on which martial art you're talking about, but if you bulk up and train your muscles for it just focus on basic qi gong exercises, basic postures to derive some general health and mental benefits from them, start with the wuji posture, it's like the cornerstone.
both external and internal arts exist to support the mind in long term meditation. this simple point is where ten thousand will fail.>>38256376
What's an example of internal and external?
I get qigong is just energy work exercise and neigong is the complete system of qigong exercises that is supposed to make you a master. But what's the difference between neigong and neidan?
Neidan is the esoteric framework, energy work and meditation mainly to achieve certain alchemical processes such as the famous pill, while neigong is more focused on the physical side, health, vitality, martial prowess. Neigong also has some forms of meditation, but it's not the same framework.
Just call it what it is, demonic energy.
What's the difference between nei dong and chi gong?
This is why people want a whole contention board for your kind, next to mlp/
How do you know if you are properly doing Wuji stance? Is there a sensation you are supposed to feel? How good should you be at Wuji before moving onto horse stance?
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>Qi Gong
Wasn't he a Jedi?
Don't know if it is wuji but the standing exercise that Bruce Frantzis describes in his book (zhan zhuang I think) is something I tried to do for 20-30 minutes a few times. My knees started to hurt after a while and after the exercise so I stoped doing it out of fearing of doing it wrong and fucking myself up.
Follow Damo Mitchell for the wuji posture, knee pain is the most common issue with this posture and he addresses it extensively with how to avoid it using correct posture, there's a chapter dedicated to the wuji posture in his "comprehensive guide to daoist nei gong".

It's all about weight distribution and he's very meticulous with how to achieve the correct weight distribution, i didn't learn the wuji posture from him but he helped me fix it, now i can stay in wuji for an hour and there is no pain or discomfort.
external is muscle
internal is chi, more or less
this is correct
>How do you know if you are properly doing Wuji stance?
the way I was taught had a very key component of learning how to stand straight up but at the same time have your psoas muscle completely relaxed. teacher had to stand behind us and put her fingers on this part of our hip at the front where there's this little bulge when the psoas muscle is flexed. we basically had to adjust our posture around until we figured it out and she could feel the proas muscle relax and she'd say "there, you've got it!"
>and put her fingers on this part of our hip at the front where there's this little bulge when the psoas muscle is flexed
to add,
this is one of those reasons to get in person teaching
you need someone else to help with doing this
you cant do it by yourself because the moment you're off the vertical center, your psoas muscle must flex to help you stand up.
move your arms, psoas flexes
when particular angles are satisfied, it becomes possible
but it will be exceedingly difficult for one to figure this out on his own, even after being told how to do it
Dynamo Jack was or maybe still is a real life Ryu
Kick rocks
Punch trees
You'll learn about the transfer of energy on your own
Vril ok? How about different Native American life energies and magics?
We should all study the similarities between these all to actually understand and be able to do them
I train Japanese Jujitsu, the stile itself has a greater focus on agility and endurance but weight training certainly helps. Your advice is certainly helpful.
Based and Mas Oyama pilled.
>Muh Nazi larp
Vril was around before the Volk
Volk are not nazis
Hitler was a Rothschild
The war and his takeover of germany was orchestrated
The only thing I know about "Qi" is that it is a valid Scrabble word. Also Piccolo is based as fuck, and to me he disproves the whole cringe concept of representation in media. The idea you can't look up to characters who don't look like you is absolutely BTFO'd by the fact that millions of 7 year olds across the globe looked at a green alien with a turban and said "he's the fucking guy"
>you can't look up to characters who don't look like you is absolutely BTFO'd by the fact that millions of 7 year olds across the globe looked at a green alien with a turban and said "he's the fucking guy"
is he was brown or black that wouldnt have happened
I couldn't disagree more, he was a stoic badass that is considered cool by most people who watched that shit. Blacks on Twitter have been trying to claim Piccolo as 'the black guy' in the cast, which strengthens my claim that people relate to cool characters regardless of what they look like
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Mentions the satanic race, and look at those digits.
Thank you Anon, yes "Hitler" is a meme, and the jewish actor who played "Hitler" was a trained actor. It was totally obvious he was acting, because jews really don't make good actors.
Now please, somebody tell me where to start ENERGY WORK.
thats what it feels like
Trips of truth
Damo Mitchel
Can anyone recommend good applied-qigong books? Cultivating is great, but I'd really like to start doing things with the qi instead of just feeling and moving it.
How does your qi feel?
try moving it around to stimulate parts of your brain that correlate to body changes. try to kick start a second puberty in your pituitary glan
The Way of Energy by chuen
I already play with it sometimes trying to see what it can do. It seems like it'd be easier to get explanations on how to do stuff from people who have already done all the experimenting.
How do use the smadi fire to shoot fireballs?
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Long term memories go here
tonight Im going to move 'it' to this area of the brain with an empty mind before sleep. I'm hoping to dream and either relive a good memory or remember something I have long forgotten how to access
start with something like dick biomancy (change how you think of and see your dick and tell your body to match it) or teleportation (change where you think you are and put yourself there)
fireballs can come later
>be white guy
>Try horse stance for a few days
>Legs shaking and whole body sweating
>Only last 50 seconds

I am giving up bros
Take a hike, pal.
Do your balls hang low? Do squats.
get a staff to balance yourself better with a grip on something for strengthening the posture. Its a hard stance to do a long work in without prior training.
Same but I got 1 minute and 10 seconds or so. I trained for like a month or two and only got to 1 minute and 30-40 seconds. I think we are doing it wrong because I heard that adults have fucked up anatomy that makes us use a lot more effort trying to hold this position. There are people who can hold it for 30 minutes and masters could apparently hold it for hours.
Do you mean naturally or during horse stance?

Just hold a staff in front of me for balance? That sounds like a good idea but the problem is I'm weak. I can't even do a few minutes.
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Example, you get there in time, do five sets every other day for 1 minute each at least so you get stronger with it, endurance work requires planned volume with rest periods.
How to start qigong?
read New Energy Ways by Robert Bruce.
focus on your nasal breathing and quiet your mind, sit in seiza posture on soft surface first, learn to feel your breath.
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I read a good book on this subject called Magus of Java: Authentic Teaching of a True Taoist Immortal by my Kosta Danaos.
Based, I'll look into it.
>Now please, somebody tell me where to start ENERGY WORK.
you start with breathwork and achieving superlative stillness
but 99% dont want to hear that because
>its le boring
>try moving it around to stimulate parts of your brain
this is explicitly contraindicated by many a master
reminder if you do random shit like this, youre gonna have a bad time
keep and conserve
it reinforces health
>but I want more
then you should go to plebbit for entertaining solutions to the problem you're inventing for yourself
or go train in person with real masters if akshually serious
taught properly you stand straight up first
then a 45
at 90 it becomes more a breathing exercise than anything else
keep the sacrum perpendicular to the ground
dont let the toes past the knees
>get a staff to balance yourself better
this is retarded and goes against the whole point of the practice
if one is having a hard time, switch to 45 degrees at the knees
correct the posture, refine the breath, settle and relax
>I read a good book on this subject called
it should be called a tale or a novel
there is nothing at all whatsoever to practice from in there
Then what are we supposed to practice?
I believe it's real but the knowledge might be lost, mudras are cool
given how things are today,
its best to master anapanasati on your own
but really take it to its deep progression
eventually it becomes more sati than anapana
as anapana is programmed into the medulla
achieving this helps ensure you can handle whatever you go find for further development, if one even needs it beyond taking the foundational work that deeply

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