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/x/ - Paranormal

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It's weird how our ego's are reptilians (yes really), but it evolves over time. Evolution of the ego would be a myth if the ego (demon) was only bad, because you (your personality which is not really you) would never sit down in meditation.

Before lengthy meditation: The ego is a trickster puppeteering you here and there, you believe every thought in your head, and think you are very special (narcissism). Pure animal instinct is the reptilian brain and the reptilian ego-entity too. Lust, conquest, achievement, EGO, like the Romans. This isn't a bad thing in itself but it lacks spiritual governing.

After lengthy meditation (years): Totally different perception of the world. The filters that make you misperceive reality keep getting shattered. The ego experiences what your body and mind experience, so if you experience a spiritual experience, the ego can change.
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>I'm not allowed to say /x/ shit on /x/.
I've never (fully) meditated and I've tried. I'm ruled by those animalistic and narcissistic instincts and my life is not bad right now.
Why do you think I am a demon, and I should spend my valuable time on this plane sitting down with my eyes closed spitting mantras?
Those animal instincts are good, non of us can transcend them fully.
>Be you
>Walking on a trail
>A dog see's you from a distance, you meet eyes
>The dogs eyes are black (the ego, animal instincts, nurture and survival)
Then when the dog notices you it starts wagging its tale and the eyes turn bright (consciousness).

Humans are different, we're ALWAYS in a state of black eyes, feeling like shit, unconscious, deep in our thoughts.
Can you tell me more OP? Like, how should one meditate? Should the thoughts which pop up be ignored during meditation or should they be focused upon but from a neutral point of view?

I personally sit in the dark with a straight spine and I just focus on my body, everytime a thought pops up I just refocus on my body being here in the room. After lots of focusing it relaxes a lot and I stay in silence with very few thoughts, if I stay more then various strange feelings may happen like I'm being showered by light or my body feels like becoming huge.

What is your practice if you may share it OP?
I was walking today, ignoring the mind, and eventually a peace will come to you. So I stare at this flower after about 30 minutes of walking, and there is a butterfly on it. They butterfly gets scared and flaps away, so I focus on it, but I expanded my consciousness. It went around the bush to land on a flower. In this same thought-free state, I got my face close to it and it was noticing how I noticed. Pure CONSCIOUSNESS. The blackness in my eyes wasn't there.

3 days ago a similar thing happened. There were these 2 dragon fly's that had it's abdomens connected, their butts were connected and they were flying. I was in a state of meditation and peace, so I kept looking at them. They were scared of me, but I kept focus. They landed on a bush and I just looked at them without thinking. They wanted to present themselves to me -the demon in my eyes was not there.

Every experience like this shatters the narcissism of the ego, and finally the ego itself becomes pure.
Yes that is good, so already you have experienced something spiritual. The difficulty with spirituality is that one day your own ego will turn on you and try to destroy your body, similar to the Buddha who almost died of starvation.

You have already crossed the line. Remember that the first domino is welded, chained, glued, and protect be the demons which are in YOU. Remember the 1st domino. Many people don't even know that this domino exists.
I'm the other guy. It sounds like you're full of shit right now.
You're probably gonna respond that those are my demons talking or something to that effect and go kumbaya on me.

How do I flip that domino you speak of? That sounds made up
I'm not full of shit I promise. But it's like, now that you said I'm full of shit, that's it. What can I do?
Like... we can do the slow-burn version of this thread if you want. Just ask your doubts. Everyone thinks everyone is a liar these days because everyone is a liar. LARPING on the internet.
What am I supposed to see or feel during meditation?
My body usually starts itching then it stops, then my eyelids start blinking rapidly (involuntary), then nothing happens. And I sleep.
What am I supposed to get out of this?
It's good that you started. Let's start from the beginning, that you actually started. Do you know how difficult that is, to start? My mom and dad will die, never doing this. I'm a middle-aged man btw.
Wow, the thread dies because I called out the ego as the reptilian in us. The aniti-christ. The thing that can change when the 1st domino is challenged.
Continued. That doesn't mean you have to live a prude lifestyle. That's one of the lies of the 1st domino, that you have to become a prude.

Why call it reptilian? There likely are different factions of ayys fighting over control of earth, just because some part of brain is called "reptilian brain" doesn't mean it's good word to use in general. It becomes more complicated when you factor the "tribe of dan" or other blood lineages, soul groups (reptilian vs starseed from other world). Just calling something like ego straight out reptilian just because of some leftover brainpart is called that is bad

You're thinking of the id, not the ego.
>the thread dies because I called out the ego as the reptilian in us
it's true in sense that there may indeed be something foreign in us. but what I take contention is the use of "reptilian". what if it's not reptilian at all, but something else? I don't want to be associated with what's known to be shit, unless there's 100% positive confirmation. Otherwise it ammount to gaslighting (victim blaming).
I will use a worse term, that the anti-christ is in us. This reptilian in us is our ego, that is the truth.

This is why the liberal vs. conservative bullshit exists, because that domino that is so hard undone, makes men and women perceive the world in likes and dislikes. Think tkkok, 4chan (you's), twitter (x). You feel it as extreme negativity when the 1st domino gets disturbed.
idk mang this sounds like druggie tier talk im no engage further have a day
Continued. I love to leave a song that is extremely liberal or extremely conservative, this one is extremely liberal.

You sleep? How? Is your back supported? Then remove the support and try to have an erect posture without struggling.

I'd suggest that you go into meditation without expectations, don't sit thinking "why am I doing this? What am I supposed to see/feel?" for these are just thoughts, thoughts are just to be seen as thoughts and then ignored. You sit to focus your awareness on yourself in the here and now (not on the thought or the "here and now") and with time your mind will produce less and less thoughts. Don't beat yourself up because you got caught up in a thought, become aware of what happened and return to yourself.

Doub is just another thought/obstacle.
I see it more like this:
- The "ego/reptilian/whatever" is the constant motion of things and the narrative which plays along
- The meditative state is the silent stillness which doesn't take part in all of this but just watches it
Muhh evolution muhh shapeshifting monkeys
Ego is that part of pure Consciousness that is trapped in identification with thought and beliefs.
It doesn't take years to get rid of most of it. You need one good meditation session. Deep enough to enter the emptyness, where no thought is, no body sensations, nothing.
And you need the balls to stay there for some seconds or even minutes without quitting.

Whoever it is doing the poop mind control like black magick sacrifice and shadow work for the devil going around torturing people I've got nothing but disregard for you!
stop posting this garbage pepe it's disgusting

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