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/x/ - Paranormal

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Have had some very interesting/odd spiritual experiences in my life. Any explanation to them?
>visiting my parents home from the army
>no cigarettes, shit
>ask a lady waiting for the bus dragging on a cigarette if I could bum one
>she agrees
>immediately start smoking and happy at her kindness in my mind I tell myself
>"What a nice lady, if I had $100 I'd give it to her"
>90% finish the cigarette and dash into the bust but realize it's still lit
>open the bush with two hands and see a $100 bill alongside the lit cigarette
>immediately give it to her and get on the bus
What would've been the punishment from God if I hadn't done it? Was it God? I've never had something like that happen in my life where I manifested something and it came true and so quickly. It just doesn't make sense that's more than 1 in trillion chance for me to have that thought then actually find the exact dollar amount in a bush? It's always fucked with me. Had another experience that maybe some Christians could explain.
>Blaspheme against YHWH
>Explain to my friends that he was just a bully that was strong and beat other pagan Gods into submission
>had a pagan tattoo at the time, talking shit for a full hour
>finally get to the door of my friends house
>he starts speaking in scripture
>lose my hearing like someone shot a rifle right beside my ears
>lose my eyesight black tunnel vision
>fall to my knees and cannot breathe
>a sense of terror overwhelms me
>sprint home (just 100m away)
>feel a hand on my shoulder trying to hold me back
>get home and start to pray, put on a preacher on youtube
I've tried to think of a logical explanation, trying to remember if I smoked weed or not but even if I did I've never had an experience like that where I fell to my knees or lost my breath, lose my vision or hearing. After this I feel a deep sadness that I jerk off, swear, steal, lie, etc... God revealed himself to me and I still spurn him everyday. He gave me what I asked for, a sign he's real.
The demiurge only reveals himself to hurt people and that makes you want to worship it?
Notice your bias towards the negative. You only saw the glass that was half-empty and discarded the one that was half-full.
Don’t have much advice but have an experience I’ve been wanting to share

>be me
>work in the local mall
>employees at all the stores say mall is haunted
>see apparitions, coworkers see them too
>one chick who does shipment talks about seeing shadows and hearing growling
>stuff flies off shelves
>it’s just kind of normal, happens in the stores, overnight and shipment crew deal with the worst of it
>take job at another store in the same mall
>opening crew comes in before main doors open
>have to start taking security entrance which is long plywood hallways
>always feel like I'm being watched even with other people coming and going, often end up fast walking, a couple times when running.
>see shadows and start seeing a waist high shadow
>eventually point blank see the waist high shadow while coming into work one morning
>think it was a hellhound, actually know it was
>it has the body of a huge black dog with shaggy and dirty black fur, human hands as its front paws, and its fucking face is a human face with all the skin removed and a huge ass grin. It’s eyes are huge and yellow and going slightly different directions
> wtf
>start seeing the thing in my house, out and about, at work, everywhere
>eventually have to get a shaman to bless me and banish it. Haven’t seen it since.

I’ve been thinking about this thing lately, kind of want to paint it
How is it supposed to be for evil? The scripture is objectively morally good.
My thinking concerning the
>YHWH was a god that roflstomped the other Gods
Is that even if this is true, we are extremely lucky he did. The other "gods" seemed to have been genuine fuckheads who deserved to be beat into submission. Could you imagine having to spill your blood for some psychopathic deific shit head every time you want or need something, instead of just being able to pray?
so you're ok with blood sacrifices, then?
inb4 we only sacrifice animals these days
inb4 goy are animals
Yes. Moving on.
>ride a bus
>qt3.14 sits beside me
>should I talk to her or not
>pls give me a sign
>litteraly shaking as I can't talk to women or spaghetti falls out
>clouds take form of a pepe sad frog
>I didn't talk to her
>kind of want to paint it
Out of curiosity, what do you think the consequences would be if I did?
100% some curse, again demon sightings and worse, possible attachment, illness, mental and dream attacks later even physical attacks(scraches and shit).
Giving physical form to some horrorshit is a bad idea just saying.
>What would've been the punishment from God if I hadn't done it? Was it God?
That is called synchronicity.
>inb4 conformists are animals
Unfortunely this one is true, normalfags are not human.
Held in a new covenant, Jesus is the sacrifice the lamb of the world.
this seems like cope.
A small bearded spirit appeared on my bed when I was ten years old. We locked eyes for a good eight seconds, then he faded away.

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