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if viruses don’t exist, why are people contracting sicknesses from others? is it just that they believe it will make them sick so its a self fulfilling prophecy?
My view is that manifestation is more about the rules and not specific circumstances.
In other words I wouldn't say anyone manifests being sick or not sick, but rather their souls live in a place where "contracting sickness" is allowed as a part of the rules, while other souls are in a place where it's not possible.
viruses arnt the only potential form of ailment.
also you dramatically overlook well poisoning
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>I've been known to dip in the well as lcd soundsystem so nobly put
>what I nobly dip in the well that is your mom's ass
>is the gossamer feathered felt pen...
>that is my dick
>watch out for benedryl
>The GLVs responsible for the smell of freshly cut grass play a role in plant communication and plant defence against herbivory, functioning as a distress signal warning other plants of imminent danger and, in some instances, as a way to attract predators of grass-eating insects.

Disease is a reaction of the body against environmental stressors, the body attempts to clear out whatever toxin that was picked up. At the same time the body also releases exosomes to warn others around you of the stressor, which causes them to preemptively try to clear the stressor in the same way.
Normalfaggots call those exosomes viruses and think they're the cause of the disease and not just a messenger
thats why they call it communicable disease, which is the archaic definition of it
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No, you’re overthinking. It’s just demons and crustis kang etc
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It doesn't even matter if you get the vax or not. It sheds into everyone else & grows in new host

They're finding self replicating vax structures in unvaxxed blood



5 minutes into this Dr C vid they show a vial of vax clot calamari that shows they DO continue to grow, even after removed from body & put in preservative


Scientists find moving tech in vaxxed blood dead for 8 months

>32:00 mark





>antioxidants, alkaline diet, EDTA, high dose Vitamin C, Methylene Blue, Humic & Fulvic Acid, Malic Acid, NAC, DMG

Pyrantel pamoate once a week for 3 weeks, once a year, to clear intestine parasites

Use Zelenko protocol to clear vax

Pray for divine intervention

"Please God clean us all of hydrogel and nanotechnology blood poisons & instead transmute it to the good"

Pray for God to transmute the evil to good, which makes the magnitude of evil not so important. Pray that the more the beast wriggles the faster the divine plan comes to fruition. Pray any & all actions people take ultimately energize the divine plan & it doesn't matter if they have good or bad intentions. Pray to redirect all efforts everywhere & every-when into the divine goal.

youtu.be/D5WPfZrKiFM&list=PL-8ppf30fZw8Mhe8WEiPzwfH2cjYSB4Ke (New Discovery Shows How To Pray 10x More Effectively In Half The Time)

>viruses don’t exist
Are you utterly fucking retarded?
the thing about belief is that you can walk towards it but you can't exactly force it AFAIK
so its like you could WANT to not believe it, but part of you is still connected to that for some reason. you might just not be at that part of your journey yet. so you still become (potentially) subject to the virus, if that makes sense.
but theres a place that someone can be where they are beyond that stuff, yeah. once you cultivate your energy enough it won't phase you
so thats kinda what i mean. if your energy isnt doing so hot you probably wont be in a state of belief that it won't effect you
but if your energy is bumpin then you'll probably naturally be in a state of belief that it won't f with you
make sense?
>durr i trust authority unquestionably

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