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if I pray for the same thing basically 24/7 for at least 6 months to a year. do I get it?
no, simply because u didnt 'get it'
try again another time
>beg a powerful entity for something that might hurt you, kill you, destroy you, or force you to change in ways you don’t want because you think it’ll make you happier
What do you think?
If you want a big tittied goth gf just visit the graveyard at midnight
It's a war of attrition. I'm going to lose, but I'm going to make it uncomfortable
the creator hates us bro

he put you in that bad situation in the first place

accept jesus and move on. everything else is failed promises and a narcissist looking for ego stroking
Life isn’t all biscuits and gravy.
That's the Abramelin Working in a nutshell.
I thought that was a bunch of complex ritualistic procedures involving extremely hard to obtain items?
But it's just 24/7 meditation or prayer for a half a year? DO spill the beans
I prayed for a gf,
and awhile later this girl at the beach started smiling at me, trying to talk to me and following me around.
I thought it was some tiktok trick to humiliate me, but turns out I'm just retarded.
I did and I only found crackheads
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If you ask for the wherewithal and bestowal to attain it then you can pray for the bestowal, the Almighty that is beyond the Heavens will answer your prayer, it is a matter of sincerity.

The Archon-Incarnates have an unfair advantage due to their Preordained Lives of Luxury (not being envious...you fuckers know it is true) thus you may be granted the concession so long as you give back to the people in secret.
Probably a literal succubus /jezebel spirit
You dodged a bullet anon
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That does work.
I knew a guy that did that for everything.
He didn't ask for much, but he had everything he needed, no debt, and money in the bank.
I am in exactly that same situation.
It worked for me too.
Lying never helps nor claimfakeing and you have to mean every thought for yourself yesneyodes?!?
If you tell us what you wish for you might get some ideas to help you out more accurately.
Possibly. Depends on what you're praying for.

youtu.be/D5WPfZrKiFM&list=PL-8ppf30fZw8Mhe8WEiPzwfH2cjYSB4Ke (New Discovery Shows How To Pray 10x More Effectively In Half The Time)

SC for that was GMART...

Shop with God! Shop GMart!

You literally can enrich yourself with prayer but there's a lot more to it than that, really everyone should be rich (in all ways) and that's a better prayer target
Depends what you pray for. Some things just can't be manifested.

Well of course the real answer is IT DEPENDS. What are you asking for? Is what you are asking for within the bounds of being naturally attainable without breaking the laws of the universe. Are you asking to sprout wings and fly? Then the answer is no. Are you asking to find a girlfriend or get a better job? Then the answer is maybe. That’s because there are two parts to this “law of attraction” of whatever you want to call it. It goes by many names, but it’s all the same thing really. There’s part one which is the RITUAL. Of which there are many out there. Then there’s part two which is as the Bible says “faith without works is dead”. Meaning, that no matter how hard you pray for a new job, if you aren’t putting in job applications you aren’t gonna get one. The law of attraction is a like an engine and you have to put the gas in it for it to work. It requires TWO types of gas, the ritual and then the follow through work. I have used it to manifest everything I ever wanted so I will detail this in the next post.

Ok here you go I’m gonna save you an enormous amount of time and reading of many useless esoteric books and tell you how to get everything you’ve ever wanted. You’ll be amazed at how incredibly cheap and easy it actually is. And I’m giving it to you 100% for free, and only asking that after you make your dreams come true you come back here and post about it and pass the information on to someone else.

1. Go to wal mart or an office supply store. Buy a pack of large black sharpies and a couple of packs of index cards. You need a total of at least 700 index cards.

2. You need a night stand by your bed if you don’t have one. Put the sharpies and the index cards on the night stand.

3. Select your goal. Only do one at a time, this allows you to focus all of your manifestation power on a single project at a time.

4. We will use for this example, “car loan paid off”. You just substitute whatever your goal is. It can be as extravagant as you want providing it doesn’t break the laws of physics. So don’t be wishing to shoot laser beams out of your eyes or be able to breathe underwater.

5. Before you go to sleep, write you goal in large clear letters on an index card and set it on your night stand. Here we will use “CAR LOAN PAID OFF”.

6. When you awake in the morning, write the goal on a fresh card. Leave the previous card on the nightstand. Take your fresh card with the goal written on it and put it in your pocket. You have to carry it with you everywhere for the entire day.

7. Before you go to sleep, take the card you have been carrying around all day and place it in the stack with the card from the night before. Write a fresh card before going to bed.

8. Continue to repeat this process, gradually creating a large stack of cards with your goal written on them on your nightstand. We started with 700 cards because you will generate 2 cards per day and 700 cards will last roughly 1 year. However, it will NOT take one year for your goal to become reality. You will be shocked when it is complete faster than you ever thought possible. After proving to yourself that this method will 100% bring you anything you desire, come back and share the method and your success with others on this board. Wishing you all the best.
>providing it doesn't break the law of physics
does something like healing myopia without surgery count as against the law of physics?
No. Why would you think that works?
I've been wanting something nearly 24/7 (on and off again) for 20 years now. It ain't happening without a miracle.
Not anymore because they know you're an infiltrator that prays to get what you want but you're actually a cunt.

You had it all. Then they came into reality to give you everything back and you sabotaged them every time.

Only truth is oblivion. Destruction. And death.
>you had it all
Christianity isn't literal.
I hit my head now I'm having trouble thinking. It's tender I think and Imm seeing weird colors.
You pray for love, yet it surrounds you in the most mysterious ways. Wake up
>the creator hates us bro so worship the creator reincarnated as human because um uh
christucks are brainrotten
You'll never know because you can't even take consistent showers, so what's the point of asking this? Just go to b/
John 9:31 Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.
James 4:3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.

He's clearly not talking about Christianity. Also see below.
Atheists are the lowest quality posters. Basically /pol/whiner-quality of posts, all they do is whine and moan like some PMSing woman or effeminate man.
>I fuckin' love Jesus
>my toddler just came out as Christian
>heck yeah! You go Gawd! Slay!!!
>satanic bigots are not welcome
Truth. I barely half assed prayed for 1 thing in my life it showed up 15 min later and over the next 12 years turned out to be my biggest mistake
No, I'm actively praying 24/7 for at least 7 months that you don't get what you want.
Here’s my take as an atheist
By praying you are articulating a fixed goal or purpose. By doing so repeatedly you can maintain that objective and it allows you to plan, prepare and act to bring about opportunities, spot them and act upon them whatever you’re gunning do

This same process appears everywhere under different names
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Why don't you try it
Btw it usually only takes me a couple months at most to get results
Visit the loa thread for hot tips
Well, even if you don’t believe in prayer, you would essentially be putting yourself into the right mindset.
So on that alone, prayer would actually benefit you.
You don't know what that is or who the anon is, fyvm.
I've spent the past 10 years begging for whatever entity is out there in the ether to grant me the peace that I've wanted my whole life.
Things only get worse. Don't pray, don't ever express wanting anything. The world will use your desires to make cruel jokes out of you.
Prayers are meant to help you connect with God and heal your soul. God is not Santa Claus, a nanny or your mother.

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