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/x/ - Paranormal

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They are only a few dozen tribes what could go wrong:
Oh shit they have nukes edition:

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Listen humans. We have sent you messages, movies, prophecies and still you deny the existence that this world is 5 billion years old, that reality is maintained with a matrix, and you think the universe was made with an explosion...

Are you all retards?!

Khan gi el is not fiction.

The nukes put a hole in the dimensions of this planet when you detonated 2,000 nuclear bombs between 1945-2017.

Do you think you can conquer the galaxy? The universe? The world even?

We had this discussion 76,000 years ago when you promised to bury the nuclear material and just live your lives when we sent a wandering star through your solar system.


We have sent you some asteroids. One is passing by right at this moment.


To be precise, “72% chance of Earth impact on 12 July 2038 (14.25 years warning time).” However, this preliminary observation is not sufficient to precisely determine the asteroid's size, composition, and long-term trajectory, added NASA.

Before is was 1 in 500 chance of an asteroid. Now it's 1 in 2.

I said in high school which my country calls secondary school to my fellow classmates, the end of the world will be an asteroid that hits earth and causes a tsunami that ends the world.

The American student that asked me laughed, but everyone else had a look of "Oh shit yeah".

We are all going to die soon.
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So then. Now you have knowledge.

You're all barbarian terrorists with nukes that are about to be exterminated.

You had a chance to disarm the nukes but instead chose to chase each other with nuclear submarines and promote NATO, and war criminals like Zelensky.

So now you know.

You're being executed one by one. And the only winning move is to disassemble the nuclear bombs.
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Are ya Scared?
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Not really. I've been to he'll before, twice. Just visiting.

Died a few times this life too.
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You posted that image in the previous timeloop too. Everything you've done up to now has been a scripted recreation. Everything you've typed is from previous timeloops and the world is about to end, and you haven't changed one part of your life from the previous timeloop.
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You have all jeopardised the mission by attempting to pretend to be species that you are not.

This world isn't called earth, you can't pretend to be human because you aren't.

And the truth is you're all xenomorphs. You cannot randomise your genetics you cannot breed with other species.

Basically Zanza. You're out of options.
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You are all going to die and your all marching towards your own deaths gladly and gladfully.

Human DNA is 50% fungus related and you all smell like corpses.
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73% water based nymph zombie!!! Mushroom penis spastic one word fungus fuck!!!

We are the flood anon. Humans are the flood. We are water based weapons of war that hijacked and killed the humans here on this planet.

Now it's time for our curtain call.

Mission accomplished. All Zanza Zenezans of this sector have been neutralised.

Commander grave mind over and out!!! :)

Rawr the xenomorphs are your bones!!! They were dinosaurs and shit!!!

Fucking carnivor bone tuckers.

Tldr : dinosaurs were xenomorphs.

Your dog is an alien.
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Till next time anons.

Oh and BTW.

Where's your tail?...

Up your ass!!! Why? Because you're fucking assholes!!! Faggots? You are home sapiens. Homosexuals? Most of you support it.
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And just to think about it. All of this could have been avoided if NATO didn't expand.

Not a single Empirical life lost. Surrounded by asteroids too.
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But what would I know... I'm schizophrenic and was sent to a mental hospital multiple times without even breaking the laws they claimed I was breaking.

Cya survivors in the next timeloop!!!
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You’re not the Kangbody
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why did we allegedly kill humans on this planet anon?
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I've lived a million lifetimes in this prison.

You broke the rules when you tried to murder me. Multiple times. Including when I was Ceaser.
with so many nobody-type figures it feels that everybody on this board is a nobody..meh
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Because they were synthetic bio weapons made of plastic that developed into bugs from hell divers.

The oil contains microscopic nids that become bugs. It's not a resource. It's a bioweapon.
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The nids develope into humans made of oil and plastic carbons. Like the synthetic from hell raiser.

The oil is the flood from the bible and doctor who and halo.


You all smell like corpses but cannot smell it anymore because of the flood.

It was originally designed to be something to help the matrix, by being microscopic holographic nanobots.

But they become infected because of organic rotting when they assimilate.
shouldnt have fucked with us by keeping us folks in the matrix , fuck around and find out
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There you go again. Blaming everyone but yourself.

You're the reason you're in hell anon. It's not because of anyone else.

You did it to yourself.
cool story bro , you keep fucking w us we fuck yall in the ass and the cycle goes on and on a little game we all play...lets be honest your peeps don't wanna get bored,also if we are such a problem then let me end humanity don't try to play safe cunt
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Bro. There aren't any players. Your brain became reacted to hunting down a mystical yeshua because you put electricity through a golden wire and you're hardwired to kill the species of this planet.

But mission accomplished retard. You got weaponised because of a satellite with golden wires.

Fucking jackass.

You're half zombie. Your surrounded by signals from space. You're trying to hunt yeshua. But yeshua is already dead.

Yeshua has been extinct for 45million years anon.
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I tried to war you can't. You're a script kiddie retard.

Now go and play with the other people instead of being a self hating wallowing retard.
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Oh and for your information which might be flawed and not accurate, so here's the truth.

I discovered the revolut audit. And I'm not English.

I'm not coming after your business, England is. I'm not English.

I fought against England in WW1.

You'll understand when you're not insane.
heres a secret : You arent special, go outside and touch grass.You know how many others are like you on this board? every god damn tom dick and harry wants to play the main character , face it reality is boring thats why you all are here trying to make something with your life...no an asteroid wont kill humans , their wont be a virus that makes all humans into zombies....the truth is...it is what it is.

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Do the research kid. Human DNA is 50% fungus related. Fungus is a zombie pathogen. You're made of water.

Your species has nuclear bombs. Everyone has space ships.

The is a paranormal board. Aliens are real. And you're retarded.

I've been abducted by aliens twice.

There are 230 trillion galaxies. 200 million solar systems in this galaxy. You have nukes. Everyone else has space ships.

You're in denial.
There isn't a main character. There never was. You're made of carbon and water. And now you have a nuclear bomb.

I'm telling you the truth. 9 billion people are going to die. There isn't a future for anyone on this planet.

Game over.
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So don't tell me it is what it is like you're going to come and kill me.

I never owed money, I don't have money. I don't have savings. I don't have a house. And I've been in mental institutions my entire life trying to warn you of this.


I'm not your enemy. But we are all going to die here.
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The truth is you could never read. You only pretended to be able to.

Use Google translate instead of pretending you can read.

I had no part in any of this
I was just forced to grind
Try to take away our nukes lmao...fuck of alien shill , you are a slave. We have nukes and we arent scared to blow this place up...you are , what is the best course of action when fighting a rabid dog? you run away like a little bitch before it destroys you
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Won't be the first time I've died.

I'm just trying to tell you about aliens.

I never came after your business. England did.

I'm not English. I don't work for England. I don't work for the CIA nor the FBI nor mi5.

I've been trying to warn you. They have trackers in the electricity wires now.
What's even funnier is the fact that I would have agreed with you word for word if it wasn't for the simple fact that you want nukes gone... talk about destroying a good pitch.
>I never came after your business. England did.
I don't even know if I can blame England as a country or govt
East India and religious groups brought them here. They knew we were here and conquerable.
The commons are just mislead and don't notice. It feels impossible to help them without controlling them and to keep control you have to use the occult. I guess that's the duality :(
What do I do to remember this? I feel like nothing can be done and everything is a trick so I don't trust anyone and then feel isolated. I think I keep falling into that trap by trying to avoid traps. I don't know what to do differently but I know I don't want the same thing again
>We have sent you some asteroids. One is passing by right at this moment.
Is this one the red or bleu kachina star?
>9 billion people are going to die.
I dont want to wait til the pop gets that high
that could be 10 years from now
>The nids develope into humans made of oil and plastic carbons. Like the synthetic from hell raiser.
>The oil is the flood from the bible and doctor who and halo.
>You all smell like corpses but cannot smell it anymore because of the flood.
>It was originally designed to be something to help the matrix, by being microscopic holographic nanobots.
>But they become infected because of organic rotting when they assimilate.
this is very confusing. can you rephrase it
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eles estão usando rastreadores no fio elétrico
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Zombies caused by nanobots from oil and gasoline.
I gotta admit, I love transformers
Was it the avatarfagging that got the posts itt removed?
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