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Ask a mystic anything. I abide by the bronze age mindset. (Not the one from the book with that name). Hinduism probably first originated in the bronze age. But I'm not a Hindu. I believe in a spiritual force inside the spiritual body. That force can be perfected and that is enlightenment. Some call it Kundalini, some qi some the divine spark. It is all the same thing, the divine energy within man that guides him towards immortality.
Hinduism comes from space. "Ancient" sanskrit is still the main spoken and written language in Sirius B.
Nope that is not true. Earth is flat though.
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Since a fellow mystic Hesiod described a lot of men from the bronze age becoming daimones let's talk about them here. What do you think they are? Could you manage to give me a definition and a description of what a daimon is? A true mystic should be able to find it within themselves to answer these questions.
>mentions Bronze Age for no reason
>mentions a book about Bronze Age mindset for no reason
>mentions Hinduism for no reason
low tier shit LARP.
Which sect of buddhism is more right, rinzai zen shu or jodo shin shu? Why?
No idea.
I have no idea what jodo shin shu or ritual zen shu is. You can explain those and then I can answer.
Both are Japanese version of Buddhism that stray from the original Buddhist core teachings.
You can tell him neither are better.
Jodo shu is a sect that believes we live in a dark age where Buddhist monks were corrupted, and that the only way to reach enlightenment now is to recitate the nembutsu in the hopes of being reincarnated into the clear land, where the efforts towards enlightenment would actually be worth a damn. The difference between jodo shu and shin shu is just autism regarding how the nembutsu should be recited, but they really like each other. jodo shu and jodo shin shu had a great appeal to peasants throughout japanese history.
Rinzai zen is a school of zen Buddhism focused on sudden enlightenment via just sitting meditation and koans (contradictory sounding questions, like the sound of one hand clapping) and a close relationship with martial arts and warriors.
oh look, another chud/spiritual fraud
Both are good for different kinds of people.
original buddhist core teachings are full of shit and isnt useful. whatever it is that the tokugawa shogunate did worked ultra well and deserves to be understood and praised. confucianism is obvious, but religion was very important as well, with monks being the highest class below royalty, above even samurai.
>muh theravada
>brain destroyed by memes, ask me anything
how mad are you at ELITES and THE GAY AGENDA? are you ready for THE SPIRITUAL WAR? what are your thoughts on WOMEN and VEGETARIANS?
did you avoid THE MARK OF THE BEAST and stay PURE?

Physical removal is the only solution.
Women must be property and vegetarians should gatekeep their hobby harder. Not op, just a faggot.
The elites are the five thousand year old force that seeks to enslave humanity. I am mostly ambivalent toward the material world but I think they should be stopped. Gay agenda I accept homosexuals but it shouldn't be pushed onto other people against their will to accept gays. Women are supposed to be housekeepers in organized civilization. the Greek oracle temple or something in Delphi there were statues or like rules and one of them was rule over your wife. Only a failure of a man doesn't rule his wife. I am a vegetarian and try to be vegan.
wow based you are a spiritual aristocracy
I got vaccinated because I was afraid of the COVID virus.
His heart is in the right place. Happy Saturday, friend.
Thanks friend.
It gets better <3
How many bronze-age languages are you fluent in writing & speaking?
any neat sub-dialects?
I know this might sound strange but I have acquired the knowledge of a forgotten language possibly thousands of years old. I speak it with myself sometimes. It sounds like pashto a bit. But I'm not south Asian or afghan. Sadly I don't understand most of this language.

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