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>too detached from the world to be a normalfag
>not detached enough to be a monk
So what then?
you are The Fool lmao
Both are lacking, both are not something you want to aspire to be. You are just a level headed person. Modernity is so debased that most actual well adjusted people seem monastic at times due to the very rational desire to insulate from clown world.

The only fools are people who follow centuries long traditions of doing nothing, accomplishing nothing and have next to nothing to show for it. Most monastic routes are just pipelines to pacify otherwise dangerous or dissatisfied people into inaction and what is effectively mental and spiritual masturbation.

Most strains of buddhism especially are just death cults but replace the bang with a whimper. It's already been almost a century since glowies weaponised the new age movement to sell old world ideas to gullible westerns who weren't immunized to their flaws.
We're all the Fool at some point
I can appreciate that viewpoint, but I disagree about Buddhism. Either way, I'm not a materialist, I know there must be more than this, but I don't have the spiritual discipline to devote myself to asceticism or any of that.
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Most people are completely misinformed about acetic practices and their purpose. Unless you subscribe to the specific beliefs of those orders then you will get nothing out of them or feel fulfilled. They are very narrow in scope because their goals are singular. There's a reason they've always been the minority and it isn't because they're inherently correct.

You can find spiritual fulfilment without succumbing to either extreme. The entire reason your conception of spiritual fulfilment or development is seen as supposed to be acetic is due to extremely hard-core and centuries long propaganda that builds upon older forms of control. Most modern spiritual beliefs have been weaponized and 90% of what you read here will be garbage to make you unproductive or not a threat to those who control narratives.

Just focus on doing what you like to do and always be present in mind and not out to lunch. Remember that there is truth and learning to be had in everything that you do.
>focus on doing what you like to do
But how is that different from just being a normalfag? For years I've been just learning about things but I feel like I'm not acting on anything.
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This, you can walk both paths. Lol
Normalfags are purley autonomic in 90% of their behaviors, lack any self awareness or introspection. What they consider to be "things they like", mostlt were just presented it and often self destructive. They are incapable of exercising their will or thought clearly. Like I said, be present in mind and the rest will follow.

When was the last time you saw a normalfag sincerely dedicate themselves to any pursuit in earnest(let alone one that isnt self destructive). Or to seek out deeper understanding?
There's nuance to it, not every single normalfag out there is an unthinking fluoridated golem, some of them are decent people, just anesthetized by all the psyops. But yeah I get your point. I have too much doubt though, I feel like everything is fake, I've always perceived the world like this, like some kind of inconsequential illusion or something. I don't even feel like I'm really living, just preparing for death.
join them together and you will become the fool.
You call me a fool one more time and I’ll track you down irl and destroy your anus.
dis u anon ?
Feels like it.
Figure out what emotions and thoughts are not making you feel whole/complete. Fulfill those those desires and learn from them.

When you fulfill desires it should lead you back to the idea you've been complete this whole time, nothing you need to do.
>what emotions and thoughts are not making you feel whole/complete
I haven't the slightest idea, though I've been asking myself this my whole life. It's like this existence as a whole just doesn't fulfill me.
yeah, and for OP the moment is now.

I am not making a judgment of value, just stating what I believe I am seeing.
>yeah, and for OP the moment is now.
Yeah but how to go to the next step?
Dunno, livin n learnin I guess.
As far as I've noticed, live is impermanent, which is to say change is always happening all the time, whether we like it or not, and therefore we shouldn't force change for the sake of change. The ideologies who desire revolution and movement for the sake of revolution and movement tend to be retarded and inneficient, similarly to someone being opposed to change at all costs even when it makes sense.
In the Tao Te Ching it is written that honor and calamity are the same kind of manifestation and pattern recognition has lead me to believing that desiring/expecting something always diminishes its impact. Therefore OP should enjoy what is now and its upsides, as grim as it may seem and let change come naturally, which is either by actual necessity, I think, or involuntarily. Doing
Zazen or something similar to it, noticing what comes and goes in you without trying to forcefully change it's tragectory, would be a great idea, I think. Doing ordinary things with this mentality just made them so much more enjoyable, joyfully challenging and easier. It's hard to put it into words properly, but it's wonderful.
I reccomend reading Tao Te Ching and Zhuangzi, looking up some zen Buddhist practices and beliefs, reading Alfred Adler or works directly inspired by him and maybe trying to understand praxeology and see things praxeologically sometimes. My words are not as meaningful, impactful and/or eloquent as what inspired them. I consider myself as a fool and find it enjoyable. If you see meaning and purpose in things and take a different path from mine, that's fine. Most important of all, even though I believe adherence to tradition and respect for the experienced is crucial, is to believe in your own conviction. That, I believe, goes before everything, even if whatever results come out of it would utterly displease me.
Read Gurdjieff.
>It's called the middle way for a reason ya dolt
Retard take. It was called the middle way back then because it was neither self-torture like the ascetics practiced, nor sensual indulgence like the laypeople practiced. And yet, a layperson from ancient India lived an infinitely more austere, "monk-like" life than the average layperson from today. The standards aren't the same, the people who take Buddhism's middle way to mean epicureanism are fucking stupid
Zhuangzi is based
Good! You would hope life would be getting more complex. I want more inputs not less.

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